
Defines functions syncScreeningSetObjects mergeScreeningSetInfos

#' @include main.R
#' @include feature_groups-set.R
#' @include feature_groups-screening.R

# merges screening info from screenInfo slots
mergeScreeningSetInfos <- function(setObjects, sInfos = lapply(setObjects, screenInfo), rmSetCols = TRUE)
    rmCols <- c("mz", "fragments_mz")
    unCols <- c("rt", "formula", "SMILES", "InChI", "InChIKey", "neutralMass", "d_rt", "d_mz", "RF_SMILES",
    renameDupCols <- function(si, suf, all)
        except <- c("name", "group")
        if (!all)
            except <- c(except, unCols)
        cols <- setdiff(names(si), except)
        if (length(cols) > 0)
            si <- copy(si)
            setnames(si, cols, paste0(cols, suf))
    if (length(setObjects) > 1)
        sets <- names(setObjects)
        getAllCols <- function(cols)
            cols <- unlist(lapply(cols, paste0, "-", sets))
            return(cols[sapply(cols, function(x) !is.null(scrInfo[[x]]))])
        scrInfo <- ReduceWithArgs(x = sInfos, names(setObjects), f = function(l, r, sl, sr)
            # suffix non-unique columns columns
            l <- copy(l); r <- copy(r)
            ssl <- paste0("-", sl); ssr <- paste0("-", sr)
            if (sr == names(setObjects)[2])
                l <- renameDupCols(l, ssl, TRUE) # rename left only once (ie when right is the second set)
            merge(l, renameDupCols(r, ssr, TRUE), suffixes = c(ssl, ssr), by = c("name", "group"), all = TRUE)
        for (col in unCols)
            allCols <- getAllCols(col)
            if (length(allCols) > 0)
                # take first non NA value
                scrInfo[, (col) := {
                    ret <- .SD[[1]] # set to first by default: in case all are NA and to ensure correct type
                    if (nrow(scrInfo) > 0)
                        for (v in .SD)
                            if (!is.na(v))
                                ret <- v
                }, by = seq_len(nrow(scrInfo)), .SDcols = allCols]
                scrInfo[, (allCols) := NULL]
        if (rmSetCols)
            rmc <- getAllCols(rmCols)
            if (length(rmc) > 0)
                scrInfo[, (rmc) := NULL]
    else if (length(sInfos) == 1)
        scrInfo <- copy(sInfos[[1]])
        scrInfo <- renameDupCols(scrInfo, paste0("-", names(setObjects)[1]), FALSE)
        if (rmSetCols)
            rmc <- intersect(rmCols, names(scrInfo))
            if (length(rmc) > 0)
                scrInfo[, (rmc) := NULL]
        scrInfo <- data.table()
    if (nrow(scrInfo) > 0)
        # add set presence
        scrInfo[, sets := mapply(name, group, FUN = function(n, g) {
            ret <- names(setObjects)
            return(paste0(ret[sapply(sInfos, function(si) si[name == n & group == g, .N] > 0)],
                          collapse = ","))
        scrInfo[, sets := character()]

syncScreeningSetObjects <- function(obj)
    # BUG? can't call "[" directly here to subset??
    # obj@setObjects <- lapply(obj@setObjects, "[", i = analyses(obj), j = groupNames(obj))
    obj@setObjects <- lapply(obj@setObjects, function(x) x[analyses(obj), groupNames(obj)])
    newsi <- mergeScreeningSetInfos(obj@setObjects)

    # retain sets form/comp ranks and estIDLevel    
    oldsi <- screenInfo(obj)
    for (col in c("formRank", "compRank", "estIDLevel"))
        if (!is.null(oldsi[[col]]))
            newsi[oldsi, (col) := get(paste0("i.", col)), on = c("group", "name")]

    obj@screenInfo <- newsi[]

#' @param set \setsWF The name of the set.
#' @param sets \setsWF A \code{character} with name(s) of the sets to keep (or remove if \code{negate=TRUE}).
#' @section Sets workflows: \setsWFClass{featureGroupsScreeningSet}{featureGroupsScreening}
#'   \setsWFNewMethodsSO{featureGroupsScreeningUnset}{Only the screening results present in the specified set are kept.}
#'   \setsWFChangedMethods{
#'   \item \code{annotateSuspects} Suspect annotation is performed per set. Thus, formula/compound ranks, estimated
#'   identification levels etc are calculated for each set. Subsequently, these results are merged in the final
#'   \code{screenInfo}. In addition, an overall \code{formRank} and \code{compRank} column is created based on the
#'   rankings of the suspect candidate in the set consensus data. Furthermore, an overall \code{estIDLevel} is generated
#'   that is based on the 'best' estimated identification level among the sets data (\emph{i.e.} the lowest). In case
#'   there is a tie between sub-levels (\emph{e.g.} \samp{3a} and \samp{3b}), then the sub-level is stripped
#'   (\emph{e.g.} \samp{3}).
#'   \item \code{filter} All filters related to estimated identification levels and formula/compound rankings  are
#'   applied to the overall set data (see above). All others are applied to set specific data: in this case candidates
#'   are only removed if none of the set data confirms to the filter.
#'   }
#'   This class derives also from \code{\link{featureGroupsSet}}. Please see its documentation for more relevant details
#'   with sets workflows.
#'   Note that the \code{formRank} and \code{compRank} columns are \emph{not} updated when the data is subset.
#' @rdname featureGroupsScreening-class
#' @export
featureGroupsScreeningSet <- setClass("featureGroupsScreeningSet",
                                      slots = c(screenInfo = "data.table"),
                                      contains = c("featureGroupsSet", "workflowStepSet"))

setMethod("initialize", "featureGroupsScreeningSet",
          function(.Object, ...) callNextMethod(.Object, algorithm = "screening-set", ...))

#' @rdname featureGroupsScreening-class
#' @export
setMethod("screenInfo", "featureGroupsScreeningSet", function(obj) obj@screenInfo)

setMethod("mergedConsensusNames", "featureGroupsScreeningSet", function(obj) sets(obj))

#' @rdname featureGroupsScreening-class
#' @export
setMethod("show", "featureGroupsScreeningSet", function(object)

#' @rdname featureGroupsScreening-class
#' @export
setMethod("[", c("featureGroupsScreeningSet", "ANY", "ANY", "missing"), function(x, i, j, ..., rGroups,
                                                                                 suspects = NULL, sets = NULL,
                                                                                 drop = TRUE)
    checkmate::assertCharacter(suspects, null.ok = TRUE)
    assertSets(x, sets, TRUE)
    x <- callNextMethod(x, i, j, ..., rGroups = rGroups, sets = sets, drop = drop)
    if (!is.null(suspects))
        x@setObjects <- lapply(x@setObjects, "[", suspects = suspects)
        # --> groups may have been removed
        x <- x[, unique(unlist(lapply(x@setObjects, groupNames)))]

    if (!is.null(sets))
        x@setObjects <- x@setObjects[sets]
        x <- syncScreeningSetObjects(x)

#' @rdname featureGroupsScreening-class
#' @export
setMethod("delete", "featureGroupsScreeningSet", function(obj, i = NULL, j = NULL, ...)
    oldn <- length(obj)
    obj <- callNextMethod()
    if (length(obj) != oldn)
        obj <- syncScreeningSetObjects(obj)

# UNDONE: document that collapseSuspect!=NULL && features==TRUE will give lots of rows (per feature and per suspect)
#' @rdname featureGroupsScreening-class
#' @export
setMethod("as.data.table", "featureGroupsScreeningSet", doFGScrAsDataTable)

#' @rdname featureGroupsScreening-class
#' @export
setMethod("annotateSuspects", "featureGroupsScreeningSet", function(fGroups, MSPeakLists, formulas, compounds,
                                                                    absMzDev = 0.005,
                                                                    specSimParams = getDefSpecSimParams(removePrecursor = TRUE),
                                                                    checkFragments = c("mz", "formula", "compound"),
                                                                    formulasNormalizeScores = "max",
                                                                    compoundsNormalizeScores = "max",
                                                                    IDFile = system.file("misc", "IDLevelRules.yml",
                                                                                         package = "patRoon"),
                                                                    logPath = file.path("log", "ident"))
    ac <- checkmate::makeAssertCollection()
    aapply(checkmate::assertClass, . ~ MSPeakLists + formulas + compounds,
           c("MSPeakListsSet", "formulasSet", "compoundsSet"), null.ok = TRUE, fixed = list(add = ac))
    unsetMSPeakLists <- checkAndUnSetOther(sets(fGroups), MSPeakLists, "MSPeakLists", TRUE)
    unsetFormulas <- checkAndUnSetOther(sets(fGroups), formulas, "formulas", TRUE)
    unsetCompounds <- checkAndUnSetOther(sets(fGroups), compounds, "compounds", TRUE)
    logPath <- if (is.null(logPath)) rep(list(NULL), length(sets(fGroups))) else file.path(logPath, sets(fGroups))
    fGroups@setObjects <- Map(setObjects(fGroups), unsetMSPeakLists, unsetFormulas, unsetCompounds, logPath = logPath,
                              f = annotateSuspects, MoreArgs = list(absMzDev = absMzDev,
                                                                    specSimParams = specSimParams,
                                                                    checkFragments = checkFragments,
                                                                    formulasNormalizeScores = formulasNormalizeScores,
                                                                    compoundsNormalizeScores = compoundsNormalizeScores,
                                                                    IDFile = IDFile))
    # clear old set cols if present
    cols <- c("formRank", "compRank", "estIDLevel")
    if (any(cols %in% names(screenInfo(fGroups))))
        fGroups@screenInfo <- copy(fGroups@screenInfo)
        fGroups@screenInfo[, intersect(cols, names(screenInfo(fGroups))) := NULL]
    fGroups <- syncScreeningSetObjects(fGroups)
    # add non set specific columns

    cols <- getAllSuspCols("formRank", names(screenInfo(fGroups)), mergedConsensusNames(fGroups))
    if (length(cols) > 0)
        fGroups@screenInfo[, formRank := {
            if (is.na(formula) || !group %in% groupNames(formulas) || all(is.na(unlist(mget(cols)))))
                r <- which(formula == formulas[[group]]$neutral_formula)
                if (length(r) > 0)
        }, by = seq_len(nrow(fGroups@screenInfo))][]

    cols <- getAllSuspCols("compRank", names(screenInfo(fGroups)), mergedConsensusNames(fGroups))
    if (length(cols) > 0)
        fGroups@screenInfo[, compRank := {
            if (is.na(InChIKey) || !group %in% groupNames(compounds) || all(is.na(unlist(mget(cols)))))
                r <- which(getIKBlock1(InChIKey) == compounds[[group]]$InChIKey1)
                if (length(r) > 0)
        }, by = seq_len(nrow(fGroups@screenInfo))][]
    # add best ID Levels
    cols <- getAllSuspCols("estIDLevel", names(screenInfo(fGroups)), mergedConsensusNames(fGroups))
    if (length(cols) > 0)
        fGroups@screenInfo[, estIDLevel := {
            allIDs <- unlist(mget(cols))
            allIDs <- allIDs[!is.na(allIDs)]
            if (length(allIDs) == 0)
                numIDs <- numericIDLevel(allIDs)
                whMin <- which(numIDs == min(numIDs))
                if (!allSame(allIDs[whMin]))
                    as.character(numIDs[whMin[1]]) # strip sublevel if not all the same
        }, by = seq_len(nrow(fGroups@screenInfo))][]


#' @rdname featureGroupsScreening-class
#' @export
setMethod("filter", "featureGroupsScreeningSet", function(obj, ..., onlyHits = NULL,
                                                          selectHitsBy = NULL, selectBestFGroups = FALSE,
                                                          maxLevel = NULL, maxFormRank = NULL, maxCompRank = NULL,
                                                          minAnnSimForm = NULL, minAnnSimComp = NULL, minAnnSimBoth = NULL,
                                                          absMinFragMatches = NULL, relMinFragMatches = NULL,
                                                          minRF = NULL, maxLC50 = NULL, negate = FALSE)
    ac <- checkmate::makeAssertCollection()
    aapply(checkmate::assertFlag, . ~ onlyHits + selectBestFGroups + negate, null.ok = c(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), fixed = list(add = ac))
    checkmate::assertChoice(selectHitsBy, choices = c("intensity", "level"), null.ok = TRUE, add = ac)
    aapply(checkmate::assertCount, . ~ maxLevel + maxFormRank + maxCompRank + absMinFragMatches + relMinFragMatches,
           null.ok = TRUE, fixed = list(add = ac))
    aapply(checkmate::assertNumber, . ~ minAnnSimForm + minAnnSimComp + minAnnSimBoth + minRF + maxLC50, null.ok = TRUE,
           fixed = list(add = ac))
    oldsi <- screenInfo(obj)
    # NOTE: we do onlyHits later, as otherwise doSuspectFilter() might cause set synchronization (via delete()) whereas
    # the setObjects are not updated yet
    obj <- doSuspectFilter(obj, onlyHits = NULL, selectHitsBy, selectBestFGroups, maxLevel, maxFormRank, maxCompRank,
                           minAnnSimForm, minAnnSimComp, minAnnSimBoth, absMinFragMatches, relMinFragMatches, minRF,
                           maxLC50, negate)
    newsi <- screenInfo(obj)
    suspFiltered <- !isTRUE(all.equal(oldsi, screenInfo(obj)))
    if (suspFiltered)
        # update setObjects
        obj@setObjects <- lapply(obj@setObjects, function(so)
            sosi <- copy(screenInfo(so))
            sosi[, keep := FALSE]
            sosi[newsi, keep := TRUE, on = c("group", "name")] # mark overlap
            so@screenInfo <- sosi[keep == TRUE, -"keep"]
    if (!is.null(onlyHits))
        obj <- doSuspectFilter(obj, onlyHits = onlyHits, selectHitsBy = NULL, selectBestFGroups = FALSE, maxLevel = NULL,
                               maxFormRank = NULL, maxCompRank = NULL, minAnnSimForm = NULL, minAnnSimComp = NULL,
                               minAnnSimBoth = NULL, absMinFragMatches = NULL, relMinFragMatches = NULL, minRF = NULL,
                               maxLC50 = NULL, negate = negate)
    # filter functionality from fGroupsSet
    if (...length() > 0)
        obj <- callNextMethod(obj, ..., negate = negate)
    if (...length() > 0 || suspFiltered || !is.null(onlyHits))
        obj <- syncScreeningSetObjects(obj)


#' @rdname pred-quant
#' @export
setMethod("predictRespFactors", "featureGroupsScreeningSet", function(obj, calibrants, ...)
    if (length(obj) == 0)
    checkmate::assertList(calibrants, types = "data.frame", any.missing = FALSE, len = length(sets(obj)))
    obj@setObjects <- Map(setObjects(obj), calibrants, f = predictRespFactors, MoreArgs = list(...))
    obj <- syncScreeningSetObjects(obj)

#' @rdname pred-tox
#' @export
setMethod("predictTox", "featureGroupsScreeningSet", function(obj, ...)
    obj@setObjects <- lapply(setObjects(obj), predictTox, ...)
    obj <- syncScreeningSetObjects(obj)

#' @rdname pred-quant
#' @export
setMethod("calculateConcs", "featureGroupsScreeningSet", function(fGroups, featureAnn = NULL, areas = FALSE)
    # dummy method so that featureAnn can default to NULL
    callNextMethod(fGroups, featureAnn, areas)

#' @rdname pred-tox
#' @export
setMethod("calculateTox", "featureGroupsScreeningSet", function(fGroups, featureAnn = NULL)
    # dummy method so that featureAnn can default to NULL
    callNextMethod(fGroups, featureAnn)

#' @rdname suspect-screening
#' @export
setMethod("screenSuspects", "featureGroupsSet", function(fGroups, suspects, rtWindow, mzWindow,
                                                         adduct, skipInvalid, prefCalcChemProps, neutralChemProps,
    suspects <- assertAndPrepareSuspectsSets(suspects, sets(fGroups), skipInvalid)

    unsetFGroupsList <- sapply(sets(fGroups), unset, obj = fGroups, simplify = FALSE)
    setObjects <- Map(unsetFGroupsList, suspects,
                      f = function(fg, s) screenSuspects(fg, s, rtWindow = rtWindow, mzWindow = mzWindow,
                                                         adduct = NULL, skipInvalid = skipInvalid,
                                                         prefCalcChemProps = prefCalcChemProps,
                                                         neutralChemProps = neutralChemProps, onlyHits = onlyHits))
    scr <- mergeScreeningSetInfos(setObjects)
    if (onlyHits)
        fGroups <- fGroups[, scr$group]
    return(featureGroupsScreeningSet(screenInfo = scr, setObjects = setObjects,
                                     groupAlgo = fGroups@groupAlgo, groupArgs = fGroups@groupArgs,
                                     groupVerbose = fGroups@groupVerbose, groups = copy(groupTable(fGroups)),
                                     analysisInfo = analysisInfo(fGroups), groupInfo = groupInfo(fGroups),
                                     features = getFeatures(fGroups), ftindex = copy(groupFeatIndex(fGroups)),
                                     groupQualities = copy(groupQualities(fGroups)),
                                     groupScores = copy(groupScores(fGroups)), ISTDs = copy(internalStandards(fGroups)),
                                     ISTDAssignments = internalStandardAssignments(fGroups),
                                     annotations = copy(annotations(fGroups)),
                                     concentrations = copy(concentrations(fGroups)),
                                     toxicities = copy(toxicities(fGroups))))

#' @rdname suspect-screening
#' @export
setMethod("screenSuspects", "featureGroupsScreeningSet", function(fGroups, suspects, rtWindow, mzWindow,
                                                                  adduct, skipInvalid, prefCalcChemProps,
                                                                  neutralChemProps, onlyHits, amend = FALSE)
    aapply(checkmate::assertFlag, . ~ onlyHits + amend)
    fGroupsScreened <- callNextMethod(fGroups, suspects, rtWindow, mzWindow, adduct, skipInvalid, prefCalcChemProps,
                                      neutralChemProps, onlyHits)
    if (!amend)
    # amend screening results
    fGroups@setObjects <- Map(fGroups@setObjects, fGroupsScreened@setObjects, f = function(so, sos)
        so@screenInfo <- rbind(so@screenInfo, sos@screenInfo, fill = TRUE)
        so@screenInfo <- unique(so@screenInfo, by = c("name", "group"))
    fGroups <- syncScreeningSetObjects(fGroups)
    if (onlyHits)
        fGroups <- fGroups[, fGroups@screenInfo$group]

#' @rdname featureGroupsScreening-class
#' @export
featureGroupsSetScreeningUnset <- setClass("featureGroupsSetScreeningUnset",
                                           contains = "featureGroupsScreening")

#' @rdname featureGroupsScreening-class
#' @export
setMethod("unset", "featureGroupsScreeningSet", function(obj, set)
    assertSets(obj, set, FALSE)
    uobj <- callNextMethod()
    obj <- obj[, sets = set]
    sInfo <- mergeScreeningSetInfos(setObjects(obj), rmSetCols = FALSE)
    if (length(sInfo) > 0)
        sInfo[, sets := NULL]
        # restore set specific columns
        setnames(sInfo, sub(paste0("\\-", set, "$"), "", names(sInfo)))
    ret <- featureGroupsSetScreeningUnset(screenInfo = sInfo, groups = groupTable(uobj),
                                          groupInfo = groupInfo(uobj), analysisInfo = analysisInfo(uobj),
                                          features = getFeatures(uobj), ftindex = groupFeatIndex(uobj),
                                          annotations = annotations(uobj), groupQualities = groupQualities(uobj),
                                          groupScores = groupScores(uobj), ISTDs = internalStandards(uobj),
                                          ISTDAssignments = internalStandardAssignments(uobj),
                                          concentrations = concentrations(uobj), toxicities = toxicities(uobj))
    # override after constructing: parent constructor already sets algorithm,
    # which results in error about double assignment
    ret@algorithm <- paste0(algorithm(obj), "_unset")
rickhelmus/patRoon documentation built on April 25, 2024, 8:15 a.m.