Man pages for rlebron-bioinfo/gnlearn
Genetic Network Learning

add.edgesAdd Edges To A Graph
add.genesAdd Genes To A Graph
aracneARACNE Algorithm
argesAdaptively Restricted Greedy Equivalence Search Algorithm...
as.adjacencyConvert Graph To Adjacency Matrix
as.bnlearnConvert Graph To bnlearn Format
as.edgesConvert Graph To Edge List
as.graphConvert Graph To graph Format
as.igraphConvert Graph To igraph Format
average.graphCalculate The Average Graph
boot.aracneARACNE Algorithm With Bootstrapping
boot.argesAdaptively Restricted Greedy Equivalence Search Algorithm...
boot.chowliuChow-Liu Algorithm With Bootstrapping
boot.fciFast Causal Inference Algorithm (FCI) With Bootstrapping
boot.gclmGraphical Continuous Lyapunov Models (GCLM) With...
boot.genie3GEne Network Inference with Ensemble of trees (GENIE3) with...
boot.gesGreedy Equivalence Search Algorithm (GES) With Bootstrapping
boot.glassoGraphical Lasso (GLASSO) With Bootstrapping
boot.gsGrow-Shrink Algorithm (GS) With Bootstrapping
boot.hcHill-Climbing Algorithm (HC) With Bootstrapping
boot.iambIncremental Association Algorithm (IAMB) With Bootstrapping
boot.lingamRestricted Structural Equation Models (LINGAM) With...
boot.nodagNODAG Algorithm With Bootstrapping
boot.notearsLinear NO-TEARS Algorithm (Reimplemented) With Bootstrapping
boot.parents.childrenParents & Children Algorithm With Bootstrapping
boot.pcPeter & Clark Algorithm (PC) With Bootstrapping
boot.rsmax2General 2-Phase Restricted Maximization Algorithm (rsmax2)...
boot.skeletonPeter & Clark Skeleton Algorithm With Bootstrapping
boot.tabuTabu Search Algorithm (TABU) With Bootstrapping
chowliuChow-Liu Algorithm
compare.graphsGraph Comparison
convert.formatGraph Format Conversion
dataset.splitSplit A Dataset Into Training And Test Datasets
delete.edgesDelete Edges To A Graph
delete.genesDelete Genes From A Graph
delete.isolatedDelete Isolated Nodes
detect.formatGraph Format Detection
directed.edgesReturn Directed Edges
download.datasetDownload A Dataset Via RESTful API
download.genesetDownload A Geneset Via RESTful API
download.graphDownload A Graph Via RESTful API
drop.all.zerosDrop rows and/or columns with all zeros
drugs.plotDrug-Gene Interactions Plotting
export.datasetExport A Dataset To A File
export.genesetExport A Geneset To A File
export.graphExport A Graph To A File
fciFast Causal Inference Algorithm (FCI)
feature.degreeFeature Degree Per Gene
feature.plotFeature Graph Plotting
filter.datasetSelect (automatically) the most appropriate gene columns and...
fit.coefficientsEstimate The Coefficients Of An Adjacency Matrix
gclmGraphical Continuous Lyapunov Models (GCLM)
gene.clusteringGene Clustering
gene.correlationPlot expression correlation of genes in your dataset.
gene.degreeDegree Per Gene
gene.histogramPlot expression histograms of genes in your dataset.
genie3GEne Network Inference with Ensemble of trees (GENIE3)
gesGreedy Equivalence Search Algorithm (GES) With Bootstrapping
glassoGraphical Lasso (GLASSO)
graph.communitiesGraph Communities
graph.plotGraph Plotting
ground.truthCreate a Ground Truth Graph
gsGrow-Shrink Algorithm (GS)
hcHill-Climbing Algorithm (HC)
huge.graphLearn Huge Graph (With Random Gene Selection + Cells...
iambIncremental Association Algorithm (IAMB)
import.datasetImport A Local Dataset
import.genesetImport A Local Geneset
import.graphImport A Local Graph
lingamRestricted Structural Equation Models (LINGAM)
list.datasetsList Datasets Available Via RESTful API
list.genesetsList Genesets Available Via RESTful API
list.graphsList Graphs Available Via RESTful API
make.edgelistMake an edgelist from some genes to anothers.
nodagNODAG Algorithm
notearsLinear NO-TEARS Algorithm (Reimplemented)
ortholog.graphOrtholog Genes Graph
parents.childrenParents & Children Algorithm
pcPeter & Clark Algorithm (PC)
random.graphGenerate A Random Graph/DAG
rename.genesRename Genes To A Graph
rsmax2General 2-Phase Restricted Maximization Algorithm (rsmax2)
score.graphCompute The Score Of A Graph
select.cellsSelect (automatically) the most appropriate cell rows of your...
select.genesSelect (automatically) the most appropriate gene columns of...
skeletonPeter & Clark Skeleton Algorithm
tabuTabu Search Algorithm (TABU)
undirected.edgesReturn Undirected Edges
rlebron-bioinfo/gnlearn documentation built on July 25, 2020, 12:38 p.m.