add.edges | Add Edges To A Graph |
add.genes | Add Genes To A Graph |
aracne | ARACNE Algorithm |
arges | Adaptively Restricted Greedy Equivalence Search Algorithm... |
as.adjacency | Convert Graph To Adjacency Matrix |
as.bnlearn | Convert Graph To bnlearn Format |
as.edges | Convert Graph To Edge List |
as.graph | Convert Graph To graph Format |
as.igraph | Convert Graph To igraph Format |
average.graph | Calculate The Average Graph |
boot.aracne | ARACNE Algorithm With Bootstrapping |
boot.arges | Adaptively Restricted Greedy Equivalence Search Algorithm... |
boot.chowliu | Chow-Liu Algorithm With Bootstrapping |
boot.fci | Fast Causal Inference Algorithm (FCI) With Bootstrapping |
boot.gclm | Graphical Continuous Lyapunov Models (GCLM) With... |
boot.genie3 | GEne Network Inference with Ensemble of trees (GENIE3) with... |
boot.ges | Greedy Equivalence Search Algorithm (GES) With Bootstrapping |
boot.glasso | Graphical Lasso (GLASSO) With Bootstrapping | | Grow-Shrink Algorithm (GS) With Bootstrapping |
boot.hc | Hill-Climbing Algorithm (HC) With Bootstrapping |
boot.iamb | Incremental Association Algorithm (IAMB) With Bootstrapping |
boot.lingam | Restricted Structural Equation Models (LINGAM) With... |
boot.nodag | NODAG Algorithm With Bootstrapping |
boot.notears | Linear NO-TEARS Algorithm (Reimplemented) With Bootstrapping |
boot.parents.children | Parents & Children Algorithm With Bootstrapping |
boot.pc | Peter & Clark Algorithm (PC) With Bootstrapping |
boot.rsmax2 | General 2-Phase Restricted Maximization Algorithm (rsmax2)... |
boot.skeleton | Peter & Clark Skeleton Algorithm With Bootstrapping |
boot.tabu | Tabu Search Algorithm (TABU) With Bootstrapping |
chowliu | Chow-Liu Algorithm |
compare.graphs | Graph Comparison |
convert.format | Graph Format Conversion |
dataset.split | Split A Dataset Into Training And Test Datasets |
delete.edges | Delete Edges To A Graph |
delete.genes | Delete Genes From A Graph |
delete.isolated | Delete Isolated Nodes |
detect.format | Graph Format Detection |
directed.edges | Return Directed Edges |
download.dataset | Download A Dataset Via RESTful API |
download.geneset | Download A Geneset Via RESTful API |
download.graph | Download A Graph Via RESTful API |
drop.all.zeros | Drop rows and/or columns with all zeros |
drugs.plot | Drug-Gene Interactions Plotting |
export.dataset | Export A Dataset To A File |
export.geneset | Export A Geneset To A File |
export.graph | Export A Graph To A File |
fci | Fast Causal Inference Algorithm (FCI) | | Feature Degree Per Gene |
feature.plot | Feature Graph Plotting |
filter.dataset | Select (automatically) the most appropriate gene columns and... |
fit.coefficients | Estimate The Coefficients Of An Adjacency Matrix |
gclm | Graphical Continuous Lyapunov Models (GCLM) |
gene.clustering | Gene Clustering |
gene.correlation | Plot expression correlation of genes in your dataset. | | Degree Per Gene |
gene.histogram | Plot expression histograms of genes in your dataset. |
genie3 | GEne Network Inference with Ensemble of trees (GENIE3) |
ges | Greedy Equivalence Search Algorithm (GES) With Bootstrapping |
glasso | Graphical Lasso (GLASSO) |
graph.communities | Graph Communities |
graph.plot | Graph Plotting |
ground.truth | Create a Ground Truth Graph |
gs | Grow-Shrink Algorithm (GS) |
hc | Hill-Climbing Algorithm (HC) |
huge.graph | Learn Huge Graph (With Random Gene Selection + Cells... |
iamb | Incremental Association Algorithm (IAMB) |
import.dataset | Import A Local Dataset |
import.geneset | Import A Local Geneset |
import.graph | Import A Local Graph |
lingam | Restricted Structural Equation Models (LINGAM) |
list.datasets | List Datasets Available Via RESTful API |
list.genesets | List Genesets Available Via RESTful API |
list.graphs | List Graphs Available Via RESTful API |
make.edgelist | Make an edgelist from some genes to anothers. |
nodag | NODAG Algorithm |
notears | Linear NO-TEARS Algorithm (Reimplemented) |
ortholog.graph | Ortholog Genes Graph |
parents.children | Parents & Children Algorithm |
pc | Peter & Clark Algorithm (PC) |
random.graph | Generate A Random Graph/DAG |
rename.genes | Rename Genes To A Graph |
rsmax2 | General 2-Phase Restricted Maximization Algorithm (rsmax2) |
score.graph | Compute The Score Of A Graph |
select.cells | Select (automatically) the most appropriate cell rows of your... |
select.genes | Select (automatically) the most appropriate gene columns of... |
skeleton | Peter & Clark Skeleton Algorithm |
tabu | Tabu Search Algorithm (TABU) |
undirected.edges | Return Undirected Edges |
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