## ccGeneList-Methods
# define all of the methods that will act on our ccGeneList object.
# the formal use of an object is really just to make it easier to verify that everything
# that is in our data is actually in a format that is useful, and we do this when the object is created so that the user
# does not get frustrated when the actual software does not run because the data is not in the correct format.
# this helps us to call a function to make sure that our object is created properly. Remember, it is simply a list of lists
setMethod("initialize", "ccGeneList",
function(.Object, ...){
.Object <- callNextMethod()
.makeValidccLists <- function(object){
reqFields <- c(genes="character",universe="character",annotation="character")
nReq <- length(reqFields)
supFields <- list(data=list(class="data.frame",pos=c("ID","ENTREZ")))
allowedTypes <- c("BP","MF","CC","KEGG","SPIA") # not using SPIA yet, but will
# check and set up the ccGeneList object so that it is useable by later functions
# want to check that the minimum required fields are there (genes, gUniverse, annotation), and check that any other
# pieces are also the right type and have the required bits of information. ## Note this will probably evolve over time.
ccTypes <- object@ccType
nLists <- length(object)
currNames <- names(object) # these will always be character, it is how "names" returns them.
if (nLists == 0){
stop("Empty ccGeneList. Please supply new-lists.", call.=FALSE)
# check that the names are not just numbers, these will not work well
numNames <- as.numeric(currNames)
if (sum(is.na(numNames)) == 0){
warning('Numeric names detected, adding "V" to all object names!', call.=FALSE)
currNames <- paste('V', currNames, sep="")
names(object) <- currNames
# also check if the names begin with numbers
numNames <- grep('^[[:digit:]]',currNames)
if (length(numNames) > 0){
stop('List names are not allowed to start with numbers. Please rename the lists!', call.=FALSE)
# run a check on each of the lists to make sure the required fields are there
reqNames <- names(reqFields)
reqClass <- unlist(reqFields)
# check everything out, and stop if there is an error.
sapply(object, function(x){
subNames <- names(x)
misNames <- reqNames[!(reqNames %in% subNames)]
# check the sub-lists that are required
if (length(misNames) > 0){
stopStr <- paste('Missing required entry ', misNames, sep="", collapse="\n")
stop(stopStr, call.=FALSE)
matchReq <- match(reqNames,subNames, nomatch=0)
nChar <- sum(match(reqClass,(sapply(x[matchReq],"class")), nomatch=0) != 0)
if (nReq != nChar){
stop('Data type mismatch. Please review the documentation.', call.=FALSE)
# and now check for optional "data" that will be kept.
isSup <- match(names(supFields),subNames, nomatch=0)
isSup <- isSup[!(isSup == 0)]
nSup <- length(isSup)
if (nSup > 0){
for (iSup in 1:nSup){
# check the class
if (class(x[[isSup[iSup]]]) != supFields[[iSup]]$class){
stop('Data type mismatch.', call.=FALSE)
if (supFields[[iSup]]$class == "data.frame"){
objNames <- names(x[[isSup[iSup]]])
posNames <- supFields[[iSup]]$pos
if (sum(tolower(objNames) %in% tolower(posNames)) == 0){
stop(paste('Required information missing from the extra entry ', names(supFields)[iSup], collapse=""))
isAllowed <- ccTypes %in% allowedTypes
nNot <- sum(!isAllowed)
if (nNot > 0){
notAllowed <- ccTypes[!isAllowed]
notAllowed <- paste(notAllowed, collapse="; ")
warnStr <- paste("The following ccTypes are not recognized, and will be excluded: ", notAllowed, sep="")
object@ccType <- ccTypes[isAllowed]
setMethod("makeValidccLists", "ccGeneList", .makeValidccLists)
## merge data in a ccGeneList object
# isGene is used to tell us that yes, we should have the symbol, and name. If it is FALSE, then we won't bother
# trying to future proof to be able to use things like metabolites
.mergeLists <- function(ccGeneList,ccOptions,isGene=TRUE){
reqID <- c("entrez","symbol","name") # these are required in the final output for genes
names(reqID) <- c("ENTREZID","SYMBOL","GENENAME")
optID <- "id" # if this is there, great, but doesn't have to be -> if it is there and the others aren't then we need to use it to get the others'
geneListNames <- names(ccGeneList)
nList <- length(ccGeneList)
ccComps <- compareNames(ccOptions)
listAnn <- (sapply(ccGeneList,function(x) x$annotation))
difAnn <- FALSE
if (length(unique(listAnn)) > 1){
difAnn <- TRUE
allDat <- data.frame(ZZ=0)
geneLists <- vector('list', nList)
names(geneLists) <- geneListNames
allDatUseID <- vector('character', nList) # which have the IDs from the genelists?
for (iList in 1:nList){
geneLists[[iList]] <- ccGeneList[[iList]]$genes
# check if our primary IDs will be Entrez IDs or probe IDs
isEntrez <- length(grep("org",ccGeneList[[iList]]$annotation)) > 0
if (isEntrez && !isGene){
warning("Assuming Entrez IDs based on annotation, but 'isGene' supplied as FALSE. Changing to TRUE.\n
Change the annotation or 'isGene' to suppress this warning.")
isGene <- TRUE
tmpID <- ccGeneList[[iList]]$genes
if ("data" %in% names(ccGeneList[[iList]])){
# figure out what column matches our geneList
tmpDat <- ccGeneList[[iList]]$data
colClass <- sapply(tmpDat, function(x) class(x))
potCol <- names(colClass[colClass %in% "character"])
matchCol <- vector("integer",length(potCol))
names(matchCol) <- potCol
for (iCol in 1:length(potCol)){
matchCol[iCol] <- sum(tmpID %in% tmpDat[[potCol[iCol]]])
matchCol <- matchCol[matchCol > 0]
if (unique(matchCol) == 0){
stop("None of the data columns match the gene list identifiers!", call.=FALSE)
useCol <- names(matchCol)[which.max(matchCol)]
# check if any of our identifiers are not in the data table, and add them if necessary
misID <- tmpID[!(tmpID %in% tmpDat[,useCol])]
if (length(misID) > 0){
emptyDat <- tmpDat[0,]
emptyDat[1:length(misID),] <- NA
emptyDat[,useCol] <- tmpDat[,useCol]
tmpDat <- rbind(tmpDat,emptyDat)
} else {
if (isEntrez){
tmpDat <- data.frame(Entrez=tmpID,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
} else {
tmpDat <- data.frame(ID=tmpID,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
# check whether we have the Entrez, Symbol, and Name in our data table, but only if we know that these are genes
if (isGene){
misReq <- reqID[!(tolower(reqID) %in% tolower(names(tmpDat)))]
if (isEntrez){
useID <- names(tmpDat)[tolower(names(tmpDat)) %in% "entrez"]
} else {
useID <- names(tmpDat)[tolower(names(tmpDat)) %in% "id"]
tmpDat[,'entrez'] <- getAnnotation(tmpDat[,useID],listAnn[iList],"ENTREZID")
for (iMis in 1:length(misReq)){
tmpDat[,misReq[iMis]] <- getAnnotation(tmpDat[,useID],listAnn[iList],names(misReq)[iMis])
} else {
useID <- names(tmpDat)[tolower(names(tmpDat)) %in% "id"]
allDatUseID[iList] <- useID
# now merge the tables together into a single object that can be used by the user, or also used by RCytoscape to output which genes and their expression are tied to which annotation
if (difAnn){
names(tmpDat) <- paste(geneListNames[iList],names(tmpDat),sep=".")
} else{
keepName <- tolower(names(tmpDat)) %in% tolower(c(reqID,optID))
names(tmpDat)[!keepName] <- paste(geneListNames[iList],names(tmpDat)[!keepName],sep=".")
tmpDat[,paste("is",geneListNames[iList],sep=".")] <- TRUE
allDat <- merge(allDat,tmpDat,all=TRUE)
allDat$ZZ <- NULL
# now get which list and combination of lists each ID belongs to
# compNames <- compareNames(ccOptions)
# geneCompVec <- .compMem(geneLists,ccOptions)
# geneCompName <- sapply(geneCompVec,function(x) compNames[x])
allDat <- new("mergedData", allDat, useIDName=allDatUseID)
setMethod("mergeLists", signature=list(ccGeneList="ccGeneList",ccOptions="ccOptions"), function(ccGeneList,ccOptions,isGene) .mergeLists(ccGeneList,ccOptions,isGene))
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