
Defines functions update_phylota summary_phylota is_txid_in_clstr is_txid_in_sq mk_txid_in_sq_mtrx plot_phylota_treemap plot_phylota_pa write_sqs read_phylota

Documented in is_txid_in_clstr is_txid_in_sq mk_txid_in_sq_mtrx plot_phylota_pa plot_phylota_treemap read_phylota summary_phylota update_phylota write_sqs

#' @name read_phylota
#' @title Generate a Phylota object in R
#' @description Creates a Phylota object containing information on
#' clusters, sequences and taxonomy from the working directory of a
#' completed pipeline.
#' @param wd Working directory
#' @return Phylota
#' @example examples/read_phylota.R
#' @export
#' @family tools-public
read_phylota <- function(wd) {
  if (!file.exists(file.path(wd, "cache", "clstrs_sqs.RData"))) {
    msg <- paste0(
      "Data file not found in [", wd,
      "].\nAre you sure pipeline has completed?"
  clstrs_sqs <- obj_load(wd, nm = "clstrs_sqs")
  clstrs <- clstrs_sqs[["clstrs"]]
  sqs <- clstrs_sqs[["sqs"]]
  # TODO: how does this occur?
  # prevent dups
  non_dups <- which(!duplicated(sqs@ids))
  sqs <- seqarc_gen(sqs@sqs[non_dups])
  txids <- sort(unique(sqs@txids))
  sids <- sort(unique(sqs@ids))
  cids <- clstrs@ids
  txdct <- obj_load(wd, nm = "txdct")
  prnt_id <- txdct@prnt
  prnt_nm <- txdct@recs[[prnt_id]]@scnm
  phylota <- new("Phylota",
    sqs = sqs, clstrs = clstrs, txids = txids,
    sids = sids, cids = cids, txdct = txdct, prnt_id = prnt_id,
    prnt_nm = prnt_nm

#' @name write_sqs
#' @title Write out sequences
#' @description Write out sequences, as .fasta, for a given vector of IDs.
#' @param phylota Phylota
#' @param outfile Output file
#' @param sid Sequence ID(s)
#' @param sq_nm Sequence name(s)
#' @param width Maximum number of characters in a line, integer
#' @details
#' The user can control the output definition lines of the sequences using the
#' sq_nm. By default sequences IDs are used. Note, ensure the sq_nm are in the
#' same order as sid.
#' @return NULL
#' @example examples/write_sqs.R
#' @export
#' @family tools-public
write_sqs <- function(phylota, outfile, sid, sq_nm = sid, width = 80) {
  get <- function(i) {
    rec <- phylota@sqs[[sid[i]]]
    sq <- rawToChar(rec@sq)
    n <- nchar(sq)
    if (n > width) {
      slices <- c(seq(from = 1, to = nchar(sq), by = width), nchar(sq) + 1)
      sq <- vapply(X = 2:length(slices), function(x) {
        substr(x = sq, start = slices[x - 1], stop = slices[x] - 1)
      }, character(1))
      sq <- paste0(sq, collapse = "\n")
    paste0(">", sq_nm[i], "\n", sq, "\n\n")
  nms_check <- vapply(X = sq_nm, FUN = function(x) nchar(x) > width, logical(1))
  if (any(nms_check)) {
    warning("One or more `sq_nm` have more characters than `width`")
  fasta <- vapply(seq_along(sid), get, character(1))
  fasta <- paste0(fasta, collapse = "")
  write(x = fasta, file = outfile)

#' @name plot_phylota_pa
#' @title Plot presence/absence matrix
#' @description Plot presence/absence of taxa by each
#' cluster in phylota object.
#' @param phylota Phylota object
#' @param cids Vector of cluster IDs
#' @param txids Vector of taxonomic IDs
#' @param cnms Cluster names
#' @param txnms Taxonomic names
#' @details Cluster names and taxonomic names can be given to the function, by
#' default IDs are used.
#' @return geom_object
#' @example examples/plot_phylota_pa.R
#' @export
#' @family tools-public
plot_phylota_pa <- function(phylota, cids, txids, cnms = cids, txnms = txids) {
  mkdata <- function(cid) {
    clstr <- phylota@clstrs@clstrs[[which(cid == phylota@cids)]]
    value <- apply(X = tis_mtrx[, clstr@sids], 1, any)
    value <- as.numeric(value)
    data.frame(txid = as.character(txids), cid = cid, value = value)
  if ("" %in% txids) {
    stop("One or missing IDs in `txids`")
  value <- NULL
  # gen p_data
  tis_mtrx <- mk_txid_in_sq_mtrx(phylota = phylota, txids = txids)
  p_data <- lapply(cids, mkdata)
  p_data <- do.call("rbind", p_data)
  p_data[["cnm"]] <- cnms[match(p_data[["cid"]], cids)]
  p_data[["txnm"]] <- txnms[match(p_data[["txid"]], txids)]
  # reorder
  p_data[["cnm"]] <- factor(p_data[["cnm"]], levels = cnms, ordered = TRUE)
  p_data[["txnm"]] <- factor(p_data[["txnm"]], levels = txnms, ordered = TRUE)
  # plot
  # https://tinyurl.com/y8jblekm
  cnm <- txnm <- NULL
  ggplot2::ggplot(p_data, ggplot2::aes(cnm, txnm)) +
    ggplot2::geom_tile(ggplot2::aes(fill = value)) +
    ggplot2::xlab("") +
    ggplot2::ylab("") +
    ggplot2::scale_fill_gradient(low = "#e0e0e0", high = "#303030") +
    ggplot2::theme_bw() +
    ggplot2::theme(legend.position = "none")

#' @name plot_phylota_treemap
#' @title Plot treemap of Phylota object
#' @description Treemaps show relative size with boxes. The user can
#' explore which taxa or clusters are most represented either by
#' sequence or cluster number. If cluster IDs are provided, the plot
#' is made for clusters. If taxonomic IDs are provided, the plot is
#' made for taxa.
#' @param phylota Phylota object
#' @param cids Cluster IDs
#' @param txids Taxonomic IDs
#' @param cnms Cluster names
#' @param txnms Taxonomic names
#' @param with_labels Show names per box?
#' @param area What determines the size per box?
#' @param fill What determines the coloured fill per box?
#' @details The function can take a long time to run for large Phylota
#' objects over many taxonomic IDs because searches are made across
#' lineages. The idea of the function is to assess the data dominance
#' of specific clusters and taxa.
#' @return geom_object
#' @example examples/plot_phylota_treemap.R
#' @export
#' @family tools-public
plot_phylota_treemap <- function(phylota, cids = NULL, txids = NULL,
                                 cnms = cids, txnms = txids, with_labels = TRUE,
                                 area = c("ntx", "nsq", "ncl"),
                                 fill = c("NULL", "typ", "ntx", "nsq", "ncl")) {
  mkcldata <- function(i) {
    clstr <- phylota@clstrs@clstrs[[which(cids[i] == phylota@cids)]]
      id = cids[i], label = cnms[i], nsq = clstr@nsqs, ntx = clstr@ntx,
      typ = clstr@typ
  getcltxids <- function(i) {
    clstr <- phylota@clstrs@clstrs[[i]]
    res <- clstr@txids
    names(res) <- NULL
  mktxdata <- function(i) {
    anycltxids <- function(ids) {
      any(ids %in% all_ids)
    ads <- descendants_get(id = txids[i], txdct = phylota@txdct, direct = FALSE)
    all_ids <- c(ads, txids[i])
    nsq <- sum(sids_txids %in% all_ids)
    nclstr <- sum(vapply(cids_txids, anycltxids, logical(1)))
    data.frame(id = txids[i], label = txnms[i], nsq = nsq, ncl = nclstr)
  area <- match.arg(area)
  fill <- match.arg(fill)
  if ("" %in% txids) {
    stop("One or missing IDs in `txids`")
  if (!is.null(cids)) {
    if (area == "ncl") {
      stop("area=`ncl` per cluster doesn't make sense!")
    if (fill == "ncl") {
      stop("fill=`ncl` per cluster doesn't make sense!")
    p_data <- lapply(seq_along(cids), mkcldata)
  } else if (!is.null(txids)) {
    if (area == "ntx") {
      stop("area=`ntx` per taxon doesn't make sense!")
    if (fill == "ntx") {
      stop("fill=`ntx` per taxon doesn't make sense!")
    if (fill == "typ") {
      stop("fill=`typ` per taxon doesn't make sense!")
    sids_txids <- get_sq_slot(phylota, sid = phylota@sids, slt_nm = "txid")
    cids_txids <- lapply(seq_along(phylota@cids), getcltxids)
    p_data <- lapply(seq_along(txids), mktxdata)
  } else {
    stop("Either cids or txids not provided.")
  p_data <- do.call("rbind", p_data)
  p <- ggplot2::ggplot(p_data, ggplot2::aes_string(
    area = area, fill = fill,
    subgroup = "label",
    label = "label"
  )) +
  if (with_labels) {
    p <- p + treemapify::geom_treemap_subgroup_text()

#' @name mk_txid_in_sq_mtrx
#' @title Return matrix of txid in sequence
#' @description Searches through lineages of sequences' source organisms to
#' determine whether each txid is represented by the sequence.
#' @param phylota Phylota
#' @param txids Taxonomic IDs
#' @param sids Sequence IDs
#' @return matrix
#' @family tools-private
mk_txid_in_sq_mtrx <- function(phylota, txids, sids = phylota@sids) {
  is_txid_in_sqs <- function(txid) {
    ads <- descendants_get(
      id = txid, txdct = phylota@txdct,
      direct = FALSE
    all_ids <- c(ads, txid)
    sids_txids %in% all_ids
  sids_txids <- get_sq_slot(phylota, sid = sids, slt_nm = "txid")
  tis_mtrx <- do.call("rbind", lapply(txids, is_txid_in_sqs))
  colnames(tis_mtrx) <- sids
  rownames(tis_mtrx) <- txids

#' @name is_txid_in_sq
#' @title Is txid in sequence?
#' @description Checks if given txid is represented by sequence by
#' looking at sequence source organism's lineage.
#' @param phylota Phylota
#' @param txid Taxonomic ID
#' @param sid Sequence ID
#' @return boolean
#' @example examples/is_txid_in_sq.R
#' @export
#' @family tools-public
is_txid_in_sq <- function(phylota, txid, sid) {
  sq <- phylota@sqs@sqs[[which(sid == phylota@sids)]]
  sq_tx <- phylota@txdct@recs[[sq@txid]]
  txid %in% sq_tx@lng[["ids"]]

#' @name is_txid_in_clstr
#' @title Is txid in cluster?
#' @description Checks if given txid is represented by any of the
#' sequences of a cluster by searching through all the sequence search
#' organism lineages.
#' @param phylota Phylota
#' @param txid Taxonomic ID
#' @param cid Cluster ID
#' @return boolean
#' @example examples/is_txid_in_clstr.R
#' @export
#' @family tools-public
is_txid_in_clstr <- function(phylota, txid, cid) {
  clstr <- phylota@clstrs@clstrs[[which(cid == phylota@cids)]]
  bool <- vapply(clstr@sids, is_txid_in_sq, logical(1),
    txid = txid, phylota = phylota

#' @name summary_phylota
#' @title Summarise clusters in Phylota Table
#' @description Generates a summary data.frame from all clusters in
#' Phylota object.
#' @param phylota Phylota object
#' @family tools-private
summary_phylota <- function(phylota) {
  print_frq_wrds <- function(wrd_prps, max_n = 2) {
    if (length(wrd_prps) == 0) {
    n <- ifelse(length(wrd_prps) > max_n, max_n, length(wrd_prps))
    wrd_prps <- wrd_prps[1:n]
    wrd_prps <- signif(wrd_prps, digits = 1)
    res <- paste0(names(wrd_prps), " (", wrd_prps, ")")
    paste0(res, collapse = ", ")
  get_row <- function(cid) {
    clstr <- phylota@clstrs[[cid]]
    mad_scr <- calc_mad(phylota = phylota, cid = cid)
    sqlngth <- median(get_sq_slot(
      phylota = phylota, cid = cid,
      slt_nm = "nncltds"
    dflns <- calc_wrdfrq(
      phylota = phylota, cid = cid, type = "dfln",
      min_frq = 0
    dflns <- print_frq_wrds(dflns)
    ftr_nms <- calc_wrdfrq(
      phylota = phylota, cid = cid, type = "nm",
      min_frq = 0
    ftr_nms <- print_frq_wrds(ftr_nms)
    res <- c(
      clstr@id, clstr@typ, clstr@seed, clstr@prnt,
      length(unique(clstr@txids)), length(clstr@sids), sqlngth, mad_scr,
      dflns, ftr_nms
  res <- lapply(phylota@cids, get_row)
  res <- matrix(unlist(res), nrow = length(phylota@cids), byrow = TRUE)
  colnames(res) <- c(
    "ID", "Type", "Seed", "Parent", "N_taxa", "N_seqs",
    "Med_sql", "MAD", "Definition", "Feature"
  res <- data.frame(res, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  res[["N_taxa"]] <- as.integer(res[["N_taxa"]])
  res[["N_seqs"]] <- as.integer(res[["N_seqs"]])
  res[["Med_sql"]] <- as.numeric(res[["Med_sql"]])
  res[["MAD"]] <- as.numeric(res[["MAD"]])

#' @name update_phylota
#' @title Update slots
#' @description After change, run to update slots.
#' @param phylota Phylota
#' @family tools-private
#' @return Phylota
update_phylota <- function(phylota) {
  get_sids <- function(i) {
    clstr <- clstrs@clstrs[[i]]
  get_seeds <- function(i) {
    clstr <- clstrs@clstrs[[i]]
  clstrs <- phylota@clstrs # clstrs informs all other slots
  all_sids <- lapply(seq_along(clstrs@ids), get_sids)
  all_seeds <- vapply(seq_along(clstrs@ids), get_seeds, "")
  all_sids <- unique(c(unlist(all_sids), all_seeds))
  sqs <- phylota@sqs
  sqs <- sqs[all_sids]
  phylota@txids <- unique(sqs@txids)
  phylota@sids <- sqs@ids
  phylota@sqs <- sqs
  phylota@cids <- clstrs@ids
ropensci/phylotaR documentation built on July 9, 2023, 3:17 p.m.