#' sparcc network
#' @param dat data.frame or matrix, row is sample ID
#' @param cutoff numberic, the sparcc coefficient of species-species indicate
#' the cutoff of eage
#' @param main character, the network title
#' @param count logistic, indicated the microbiota data is count of relative abundance
#' @param layout character, the paremeter from the igraph indicated the network layout
#' @param ...
#' @return figure
#' @export
#' @usage sparccNet(dat = microbiota, cutoff = 0.3, main = "test", count = F)
#' @examples
#' library(dplyr)
#' data("physeq_data")
#' physeq <- physeq_data
#' microbitota <- otu_table(phyloseq)
#' microbitoFilter <- filterPer(microbiota, 2, 0.5)
#' sparccNet(dat = microbiotaFilter, cutoff = 0.3, main = "test", count = "F)
sparccNet <- function(dat, cutoff, main, count ,layout = "layout.circle",...){
# library(igraph)
# library(Matrix)
# library(SpiecEasi)
renorm <- function(dat){
# normlization function
trans <- function(x){
y <- x/(sum(x))
# tran the dataframe
dat2 <- t(dat)
dat3 <- t(apply(dat2, 2, trans))
# the function is count data or relative abundan
datRenorm <- dat
datRenorm <- round(renorm(dat)*10^7)
basesparcc <- SpiecEasi::sparcc(datRenorm)
graph <- basesparcc$Cor
num.row <- nrow(graph)
# tran the corelation to adj matrox
for(i in 1:num.row){
for(j in 1:num.row){
a <- graph[i, j]
graph[i,j] <- ifelse(abs(a) >= cutoff, a, 0)
diag(graph) <- 0
igraph <- SpiecEasi::adj2igraph(Matrix::Matrix(graph, sparse=TRUE))
# set edge color,postive correlation
# postive correlation is red, negative correlation is blue
igraph.weight = E(igraph)$weight
E.color = igraph.weight
E.color = ifelse(E.color>0, "#fc9272", ifelse(E.color<0, "#31a354","grey"))
E(igraph)$color = as.character(E.color)
# add the edge width
E(igraph)$width = abs(igraph.weight)*4
# add the node color
V(igraph)$color <- "#636363"
main = main ,...)
#' pairNet
#' Pair Networt for a specific species on 2 time point
#' @param microbiota a data.frame object, species profile, row is sample
#' @param metadata a data.frame object, metadata table, row is sample
#' @param cutoff numberic, the sparcc coefficient of species-species indicate
#' the cutoff of eage
#' @param species charater, species names, eg "Vibrio_harveyi"
#' @param name charater, provida a name for the specific species of treatment
#' @return matrix
#' @export
#' @examples
pairNet <- function(microbiota, metadata, cutoff, species, name, ...){
# to compute the sparcc
matchname <- names(table(metadata[, pairID_varname]))[table(metadata[, pairID_varname]) == 2]
outconfig <- metadata[!is.na(match(metadata[, pairID_varname], matchname)), ]
matchdat <- metadata[order(metadata[, pairID_varname]), ]
matchdat <- matchdat[order(matchdat[, time_varname]), ]
number <- length(matchname)
# to make sure the microbiota's sample ID is row
matchmicrobiota <- microbiota[rownames(matchdat), ]
matchmicrobiota <- rmeta::filterPer(matchmicrobiota, row = 2, ...) # note the rmeta from my package
g1microbiota <- round(matchmicrobiota[1:number, ]*10^7)
g2microbiota <- round(matchmicrobiota[(number+1):(2*number), ]*10^7)
Cor1 <- sparcc(g1microbiota)$Cor
Cor2 <- sparcc(g2microbiota)$Cor
colnames(Cor1) <- rownames(Cor1) <- rownames(Cor2) <- colnames(Cor2) <- colnames(microbiota)
# generate adj matrix on species
bacindex <- which(rownames(Cor1) == species)
retainbac <- names(Cor1[,bacindex][abs(Cor1[,bacindex])>=cutoff])
retainnet <- Cor1[retainbac, retainbac]
which(retainbac== species) -> speindex
retainnet[-speindex, -speindex] <- 0
retainnet[speindex, speindex] <- 0
bacindex2 <- which(rownames(Cor2) == species)
retainbac2 <- names(Cor2[,bacindex][abs(Cor2[,bacindex])>=cutoff])
retainnet2 <- Cor2[retainbac2, retainbac2]
which(retainbac2 == species) -> speindex2
retainnet2[-speindex2, -speindex2] <- 0
retainnet2[speindex2, speindex2] <- 0
rownames(retainnet2)[speindex2] <- colnames(retainnet2)[speindex2] <- paste0(species,"_C2")
retainbac2[speindex2] <- paste0(species, name)
# combine the two network
comBac <- unique(c(retainbac, retainbac2))
out <- matrix(0, nrow=length(comBac), ncol=length(comBac))
rownames(out) <- colnames(out) <- comBac
# input the corresponde value
pmatch(retainbac, comBac) -> netindex1
netindex1[speindex] -> netspindex1
out[netindex1, netspindex1] <- retainnet[, speindex]
out[netspindex1, netindex1] <- retainnet[speindex, ]
pmatch(retainbac2, comBac) -> netindex2
netindex2[speindex2] -> netspindex2
out[netindex2, netspindex2] <- retainnet2[, speindex2]
out[netspindex2, netindex2] <- retainnet2[speindex2, ]
#' simpleNet
#' @param adjmatrix the pairNet result
#' @param main the network title
#' @return figure
#' @export
#' @examples
simplenet <- function(adjmatrix, main,...){
graph <- adjmatrix
num.row <- nrow(graph)
igraph <- adj2igraph(Matrix(graph, sparse=TRUE))
# set edge color
igraph.weight = E(igraph)$weight
E.color = igraph.weight
E.color = ifelse(E.color>0, "#fc9272",ifelse(E.color<0, "#31a354","grey"))
E(igraph)$color = as.character(E.color)
# set node size
index <- grep(main, colnames(adjmatrix))
nodesize <- rep(7, num.row)
nodesize[index] <- 15
V(igraph)$size <- nodesize
# add the edge width
E(igraph)$width = abs(igraph.weight)*4
# add the node color
#V(igraph)$color <- "#636363"
vertex.label.cex = .6,
vertex.label.color = "black",
main = main ,...)
#' repeatNetwork
#' to restruct the robust network using the resample method
#' @param dat
#' @param repeatN
#' @param sampleN
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
repeatNetwork <- function(dat, repeatN , sampleN){
# sample the data
out <- matrix(0, nrow = ncol(dat), ncol = ncol(dat))
for(i in 1:repeatN){
index <- sample(c(1:nrow(dat)), sampleN, replace = T)
dat2 <- dat[index, ]
out <- out+sparcc(dat2)$Cor
out2 <- out/repeatN
#' sparCCnetwork
#' @param microdata
#' @param rank
#' @param phemeta
#' @param group
#' @param group_var
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
sparCCnetwork <- function(microdata , rank, phemeta, group, group_var){
# generate the result
# library(phyloseq)
# library(SpiecEasi)
# library(rmeta)
phe.cln <- sample_data(phemeta[phemeta[, group_var]==group, ])
otu.cln <- microdata[,rownames(phe.cln)]
# simulate the count data
otuN <- t(round(renorm(t(otu.cln))*10^5))
otuN <- otu_table(otuN, taxa_are_rows = T)
pylores <- phyloseq(phe.cln, otu.cln, rank)
# repeat sparCC
sparccres <- simulateNetwork(dat = t(otuN), repeatN = 20, sampleN = 30)
sparcc.graph <- abs(sparccres) >= 0.3
diag(sparcc.graph) <- 0
sparcc.graph2 <- Matrix(sparcc.graph, sparse=TRUE)
ig.sparcc <- adj2igraph(sparcc.graph2, vertex.attr=list(name=taxa_names(pylores)))
# plot
fig <- plot_network(ig.sparcc, pylores, type='taxa', color="ta2")
return(list(fig, sparcc.graph))
#' Network toplogy
#' @param cor_matrix
#' @param cutoff
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
network_sta <- function(cor_matrix, cutoff = 0.3){
#cutoff <- 0.3
diag(cor_matrix) <- 0
g0_trans <- ifelse(cor_matrix < -cutoff & cor_matrix < 0 , -1,
ifelse(cor_matrix > cutoff & cor_matrix > 0, 1, 0))
#g0_net <- graph_from_incidence_matrix(g0_trans)
g0_net <- adj2igraph(Matrix(g0_trans, sparse=TRUE))
# output
range_g0 <- quantile(cor_matrix[lower.tri(cor_matrix)])
edge_g0 <- c(sum(g0_trans[lower.tri(g0_trans)]==1), sum(g0_trans[lower.tri(g0_trans)]==-1))
names(edge_g0) <- c("pos", "neg")
degree_g0 <- degree(g0_net)
betwenness_g0 <- betweenness(g0_net)
closeness_g0 <- closeness(g0_net)
out <- list(edge_g0, range_g0, degree_g0, betwenness_g0, closeness_g0)
names(out) <- c("edge", "range", "degree", "betwenness", "closeness")
#' Network_tran
#' Transform the matrix to ggraph structure
#' @param adj
#' @param abun
#' @param rankinf
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
network_tran <- function(adj, abun, rankinf){
### edge inf
n <- ncol(adj)
node <- colnames(adj)
from <- c()
to <- c()
edge.width <- edge.colour <- c()
for(i in 1:n){
for(j in 2:n){
from <- c(from, node[i])
to <- c(to, node[j])
edge.width <- c(edge.width, adj[i,j])
edge.colour <- c(edge.colour, adj[i,j])
edge_inf <- data.frame(from, to, edge.width, edge.colour)
### node inf
node_inf <- as.data.frame(apply(abun, 2, mean))
colnames(node_inf) <- "node.size"
node_inf$node <- rownames(node_inf)
node_inf$colour <- rankinf[rownames(node_inf),]
out <- list(edge_inf, node_inf)
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