
Defines functions HiCcomparator

Documented in HiCcomparator

#' An S3 class to represent object for Hi-C maps comparisons.
#' HiC comparator object stores Hi-C contact maps from 2 experiments and (optionally) TADs
#' and allows for convenient access to contact matrices, A/B compartments or TADs. HiCcomparator
#' is constructed from npz files containing Hi-C maps in python dict with numpy matrices.
#' Additionally TAD set may be given to HiCcomparator (as list of data frames, where data frames
#' names match those of Hi-C matrices names). One can also choose to determine TADs based on
#' given Hi-C contact maps - only first, only second or determine both and take intersecting
#' intervals between them.
#' @param path1 character - path to npz file containing first set of Hi-C maps
#' @param path2 character - path to npz file containing second set of Hi-C maps
#' @param tads list (optional), set of TADs as named list of data frames, each with at least start, end columns
#' @param mtx.names character vector with subset of Hi-C maps names to be selected for analysis, by default all matrices are used
#' @param which.tads numeric indicating what to do if no TADs are specified: 1 - determine TADs from first set of Hi-C maps, 2 - determine TADs from second set of Hi-C maps, 3 - determine from both sets and then take their intersection, 4 - do not determine TADs
#' @param do.pca logical whether to perform PCA for given maps and determine A/B compartments
#' @param agg.diags logical whether to perform diagonal pooling (see details), true by default
#' @param which.test character either energy statistic based test (default) or KS, which test to perform during diagonals pooling (see details)
#' @param exclude.outliers logical see \code{\link{aggregate_diagonals}} for details
#' @return S3 object of class HiCcomparator
#' @details If \code{agg.diags} is true then an attempt to pull in diagonals with similar X, Y distribution will be made. The reason for this is to increase the number of observations for model fitting and increase the potential range of diagonals where a model can be fit. The procedure proceeds as follows:
#' \enumerate{
#'   \item set \code{k} to \code{1} and take diagonal \code{k}
#'   \item set \code{l} to \code{k + 1} an take diagonal \code{l}
#'   \item test null hypothesis that points X,Y (where coordinate X - number of contacts in cell i,j in contact map 1 and Y - number of contacts in cell i,j in contact map 2) of diagonal \code{l} were sampled from distribution X,Y of diagonal \code{k}
#'   \itemize{
#'     \item if rejected, i.e. alternative is true: the distribution X,Y of diagonal \code{k} and \code{l} are different then pool in diagonals (\code{k}, ..., \code{l-1}), fix \code{k} = \code{l} and go to step 2
#'     \item otherwise fix \code{l} = \code{l + 1} and perform step 3
#'   }
#'   \item repeat steps 2-3 until all diagonals are examined
#' }
#' To test the hypothesis of equality between distributions X,Y of diagonals \code{k} and \code{l} energy statistic based test (from package energy) is used. Alternatively a very crude, approximate solution to speed up diagonal aggregation is to calculate the product of X and Y and compare the univariate distributions of products using Kolmogorov Smirnoff test instead using bivariate X,Y distributions. This option is available through setting \code{which.test} parameter to "KS".
#' @seealso \code{\link{read_npz}} for reading npz files, \code{\link{do_pca}} on how A/B compartments are determined, \code{\link{map2tads}} how TADs are determined, \code{\link[energy]{eqdist.etest}} for energy statistic based test
#' @examples
#' # get path of first sample maps
#' mtx1.fname <- system.file("extdata", "IMR90-MboI-1_40kb-raw.npz", package = "DIADEM", mustWork = TRUE)
#' # get path of second sample maps
#' mtx2.fname <- system.file("extdata", "MSC-HindIII-1_40kb-raw.npz", package = "DIADEM", mustWork = TRUE)
#' # get sample TADs
#' tads <- DIADEM::sample_tads[c("IMR90-MboI-1_40kb-raw", "MSC-HindIII-1_40kb-raw")]
#' # construct HiCcomparator object for chromosomes 18 and 19
#' hic.comparator <- HiCcomparator(mtx1.fname, mtx2.fname, tads, mtx.names = c("18","19"))
#' # plot A/B compartments for first and second map in chromosome 19
#' plot_pc_vector(hic.comparator$pc1.maps1[["19"]]) # first map
#' plot_pc_vector(hic.comparator$pc1.maps2[["19"]]) # second map
#' @export
HiCcomparator <- function(path1, path2, tads = NULL, mtx.names = "all", which.tads = 4,
                          do.pca = FALSE, agg.diags = TRUE, which.test = c("energy","KS")[1],
                          exclude.outliers = FALSE){
  # read HiC contact maps
  maps1 <- read_npz(path1, mtx.names = mtx.names)
  maps2 <- read_npz(path2, mtx.names = mtx.names)
  if(any(sapply(maps1, function(df){ any(df$val %% 1 != 0) }))){
    warning(paste0("HiC map specified as ", path1, " have non integer elements! This may influence comparative analysis!"))
  if(any(sapply(maps2, function(df){ any(df$val %% 1 != 0) }))){
    warning(paste0("HiC map specified as ", path2, " have non integer elements! This may influence comparative analysis!"))
  # calculate number of interactions per diagonal in map 1
  N1 <- lapply(names(maps1), function(x){
    sapply(split(maps1[[x]], maps1[[x]]$diagonal), function(df) sum(df$val))
  }) %>% magrittr::set_names(names(maps1))
  # calculate number of interactions per diagonal in map 2
  N2 <- lapply(names(maps2), function(x){
    sapply(split(maps2[[x]], maps2[[x]]$diagonal), function(df) sum(df$val))
  }) %>% magrittr::set_names(names(maps2))
  # aggregate diagonals
  nms <- intersect(names(maps1), names(maps2))
  dpool <- lapply(nms, function(n){
    aggregate_diagonals(maps1[[n]], maps2[[n]], agg.diags = agg.diags,
                        which.test = which.test, exclude.outliers = exclude.outliers)
  }) %>% magrittr::set_names(nms)
  # get datasets names
  data.names <- c(sub('\\..*$','', basename(path1)), sub('\\..*$','', basename(path2)))
  # get sizes of each chromosome
  sizes1 <- read_size(path1, mtx.names = mtx.names) %>% split(rownames(.))
  sizes2 <- read_size(path2, mtx.names = mtx.names) %>% split(rownames(.))
  names.sizes <- intersect(names(sizes1), names(sizes2))
  sizes <- lapply(names.sizes, function(x){
      sizes1 %>% magrittr::extract2(x) %>% magrittr::set_rownames(data.names[1]),
      sizes2 %>% magrittr::extract2(x) %>% magrittr::set_rownames(data.names[2])
  }) %>% magrittr::set_names(names.sizes)
  # do PCA and get first principal component to annotate cells with A/B compartments
    names(maps1) %>%
        sparse2dense(maps1[[x]], N = sizes[[x]][data.names[1], "n.rows"]) %>%
          do_pca() %>% magrittr::use_series("x") %>% magrittr::extract(,"PC1")
      }) %>% magrittr::set_names(names(maps1)) -> maps1.pc1
    names(maps2) %>%
        sparse2dense(maps2[[x]], N = sizes[[x]][data.names[2], "n.rows"]) %>%
          do_pca() %>% magrittr::use_series("x") %>% magrittr::extract(,"PC1")
      }) %>% magrittr::set_names(names(maps2)) -> maps2.pc1
  } else {
    maps1.pc1 <- NULL
    maps2.pc1 <- NULL
  # get TADs
    if(which.tads == 1){
      domains <- lapply(names(maps1), function(x){
        sparse2dense(maps1[[x]], N = sizes[[x]][data.names[1], "n.rows"]) %>%
    } else if(which.tads == 2){
      domains <- lapply(names(maps2), function(x){
        sparse2dense(maps2[[x]], N = sizes[[x]][data.names[2], "n.rows"]) %>%
    } else if(which.tads == 3){
      # get intersection and then
      domains <- lapply(intersect(names(maps1), names(maps2)), function(x){
        sparse2dense(maps1[[x]], N = sizes[[x]][data.names[1], "n.rows"]) %>%
          map2tads() -> t1
        sparse2dense(maps2[[x]], N = sizes[[x]][data.names[2], "n.rows"]) %>%
          map2tads() -> t2
        intersect_tads(t1, t2)
    } else {
      domains <- NULL
  } else {
    if(all(mtx.names == "all")){
      domains <- tads
    } else {
      domains <- tads[mtx.names]

    list(maps1, maps2, maps1.pc1, maps2.pc1, domains, data.names, sizes, N1, N2, dpool) %>%
      magrittr::set_names(c("maps1", "maps2", "pc1.maps1", "pc1.maps2", "tads", "data.names", "maps.dims", "N1", "N2", "diags.pool")),
    class = "HiCcomparator"

#' @export
merge <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("merge", x)

#' Finds regions, which interacts in both experiments (maps).
#' Merges Hi-C contact maps data frames 1 and 2 of HiCcomparator object by i, j, diagonal, name columns.
#' @param x HiCcomparator object
#' @param include.zero.cells logical, whether to include cells, which have non zero number of contacts in one map, but not the other, not recommended
#' @return list of data frames with merged contact maps data in sparse format
#' @seealso \code{\link{HiCcomparator}} on how to construct HiCcomparator object
#' @examples
#' # first create HiCcomparator object - see ?HiCcomparator for examples
#' merged <- merge(hic.comparator)
#' @export
merge.HiCcomparator <- function(x, include.zero.cells = FALSE){
  maps.names <- intersect(names(x$maps1), names(x$maps2))
  lapply(maps.names, function(y){
    map1 <- x$maps1[[y]]
    map2 <- x$maps2[[y]]
      merged <- base::merge(map1, map2, by = c("i","j","diagonal","name"), all = TRUE)
      merged[is.na(merged$val.x), "val.x"] <- 0
      merged[is.na(merged$val.y), "val.y"] <- 0
    } else {
      merged <- base::merge(map1, map2, by = c("i","j","diagonal","name"))
    if(is.null(x$pc1.maps1) | is.null(x$pc1.maps2)){
    cn <- c("compartment.i","compartment.j","compartment")
      pc2mtx(x$pc1.maps1[[y]], merged) %>%
        magrittr::extract(cn) %>% magrittr::set_colnames(paste(cn,"x",sep = ".")),
      pc2mtx(x$pc1.maps2[[y]], merged) %>%
        magrittr::extract(cn) %>% magrittr::set_colnames(paste(cn,"y",sep = "."))
    ) %>% magrittr::inset(c("one.compartment.x", "one.compartment.y"), value = "+") -> merged
    merged[merged$compartment.x == "AB", "one.compartment.x"] <- "-"
    merged[merged$compartment.y == "AB", "one.compartment.y"] <- "-"
  }) %>% magrittr::set_names(maps.names)

#' @export
dominating_signal <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("dominating_signal", x)

#' Calculates coverage or decay of Hi-C maps.
#' Computes coverages or decays of every Hi-C maps in both data sets of given HiCcomparator object. Coverage is defined as sum of contacts on given bin. Decay is sum or mean of contacts for every diagonal.
#' @param hic.comparator object of type HiCcomparator
#' @param which.signal character either coverage or decay, which signal to calculate
#' @return dataframe with following columns: (i, sum.contacts, mean.contacts, sd.contacts, name, dataset), which can be used to conveniently visualise coverages or decays (see examples)
#' @seealso \code{\link{HiCcomparator}} on how to construct HiCcomparator object
#' @examples
#' # first create HiCcomparator object - see ?HiCcomparator for examples
#' coverage <- dominating_signal(hic.comparator)
#' # visualise results
#' library("ggplot2")
#' ggplot(coverage, aes(x = i, y = sum.contacts, color = dataset)) +
#' geom_point(size = 0.5) +
#'  geom_smooth(alpha = 0.5) +
#'  facet_wrap(~ name, ncol = 1, scales = "free") +
#'  theme(legend.position = "bottom")
#' # get decay
#' decay <- dominating_signal(hic.comparator, which.signal = "decay")
#' ggplot(decay[decay$diagonal != 0,], aes(x = diagonal, y = mean.contacts, color = dataset)) +
#' geom_point(size = 0.5) +
#'  scale_x_log10() +
#'  scale_y_log10() +
#'  facet_wrap(~ name, ncol = 1, scales = "free") +
#'  theme(legend.position = "bottom")
#' @export
dominating_signal.HiCcomparator <- function(hic.comparator, which.signal = c("coverage","decay")[1]){
  stopifnot(which.signal %in% c("coverage","decay"))
  data.names <- hic.comparator$data.names
  variable <- if(which.signal == "coverage") "i" else "diagonal"
  f <- formula(paste0(". ~ ",variable))
  lapply(names(hic.comparator$maps1), function(n){
    agg <- aggregate(f, data = hic.comparator$maps1[[n]][c(variable,"val")], FUN = function(x){ c(sum.contacts = sum(x), mean.contacts = mean(x), sd.contacts = sd(x)) }) %>%
      magrittr::inset("name", value = n)
  }) %>% do.call("rbind",.) %>% magrittr::inset("dataset", value = data.names[1]) -> signal1
  lapply(names(hic.comparator$maps2), function(n){
    agg <- aggregate(f, data = hic.comparator$maps2[[n]][c(variable,"val")], FUN = function(x){ c(sum.contacts = sum(x), mean.contacts = mean(x), sd.contacts = sd(x)) }) %>%
      magrittr::inset("name", value = n)
  }) %>% do.call("rbind",.) %>% magrittr::inset("dataset", value = data.names[2]) -> signal2
  signal <- rbind(signal1, signal2)
  cbind(signal[,-2], signal[,2])

#' @export
decay_correlation <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("decay_correlation", x)

#' Calculates correlations between diagonals.
#' Computes correlations (Pearson, Spearman, Kendall) and significances of corresponding diagonals between 2 Hi-C maps of HiCcomparator object.
#' @param hic.comparator object of type HiCcomparator
#' @param which.cors character indicating which correlation measures to calculate, available choices are: pearson, spearman and kendall
#' @param pooled logical if true then calculates correlations over pools of diagonals, otherwise uses single diagonals
#' @return dataframe with following columns: diagonal, pcc, pearson.pval, rho, spearman.pval, tau, kendall.pval, name which can be used to conveniently visualise dependancy between 2 Hi-C maps being compared (see examples)
#' @seealso \code{\link{HiCcomparator}} on how to construct HiCcomparator object
#' @examples
#' first create HiCcomparator object - see ?HiCcomparator for examples
#' library("ggplot2")
#' library("reshape2")
#' decay.cors <- decay_correlation(hic.comparator)
#' # wide to long
#' decay.cors.long <- reshape2::melt(decay.cors[c("name","diagonal","pcc","rho","tau")], id.vars = c("name","diagonal"), variable.name = "correlation", value.name = "coefficient")
#' # remove 0 diagonal (as it is non informative anyways) and illustrate results
#' ggplot(decay.cors.long[decay.cors.long$diagonal != 0,],
#'   aes(x = diagonal, y = coefficient, color = correlation)) +
#'  geom_point(size = 0.3) +
#'  facet_wrap(~ name, ncol = 1, scales = "free") +
#'  theme(legend.position = "bottom")
#' @export
decay_correlation.HiCcomparator <- function(hic.comparator,
                                            which.cors = c("pearson","spearman","kendall")[1:2],
                                            pooled = TRUE){
  stopifnot(all(which.cors %in% c("pearson","spearman","kendall")))
  l <- magrittr::set_names(c("pcc","rho","tau"), c("pearson","spearman","kendall"))
  cn <- rep(NA, 2 * length(which.cors))
  cn[seq(1, length(cn),2)] <- l[which.cors]
  cn[seq(2, length(cn),2)] <- paste(which.cors, "pval", sep = ".")
  merged <- merge(hic.comparator)
  lapply(names(merged), function(n){
    merged.n <- base::merge(merged[[n]], hic.comparator$diags.pool[[n]], by = c("diagonal"))
      merged.n.by.diagonal <- split(merged.n, merged.n$dpool)
      merged.n.by.diagonal <- split(merged.n, merged.n$diagonal)
    sapply(names(merged.n.by.diagonal), function(d){
      df <- merged.n.by.diagonal[[d]]
      sapply(which.cors, function(x){
        coefficient <- ifelse(nrow(df) < 5, NA, cor(df$val.x, df$val.y, method = x))
        pval <- ifelse(nrow(df) < 5, NA, cor.test(df$val.x, df$val.y,
                                                  method = x, alternative = "two.sided")$p.value)
        c(coefficient, pval)
      }) %>% c(as.numeric(d), .)
    }) %>% t() %>% as.data.frame() %>%
      magrittr::set_colnames(c("diagonal",cn)) %>%
      magrittr::inset("name", value = n)
  }) %>% do.call("rbind",.)

#' An S3 object to represent differential GLM Hi-C model.
#' Models diagonal-wise dependencies between Hi-C data sets with GLM. Model is constructed as follows:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item{}{merge maps1 with maps2}
#'   \item{}{for each diagonal in diagonal pools}
#'   \itemize{
#'     \item{}{take all points from this diagonal, such that they are non zero in map1 (X) and non zero in map2 (Y)}
#'     \item{}{remove outliers using robust regression (only performed when \code{robust.nb} is false)}
#'     \item{}{model response (Y = f(X) or X = f(Y)) using (robust) Negative Binomial distribution}
#'   }
#' }
#' Before fitting the model it's recommended to first inspect correlations between analyzed Hi-C maps before fixing this variable. As the ratio of noise / signal in Hi-C data increases rapidly with decay it's unadvised to use all diagonals for modelling. The number of diagonals to be used will depend on chromosome length, resolution and data quality. One can retain uncorrelated diagonals (pools) by increasing significance threshold (\code{alpha}) for PCC significance.
#' @param hic.comparator object of type HiCcomparator
#' @param diag.frac fraction of diagonals to use to fit models, by default fraction of chromsome length is used to indicate number of diagonals.
#' @param alpha significance (p-value) threshold to discard diagonals with insignificant Pearson correlation coefficient between X (contacts from contact map 1) and Y (corresponding contacts from contact map 2).
#' @param robust.nb logical whether to use robust Negative Binomial regression as main model (see details), true by default
#' @param remove.outliers logical only relevant if \code{robust.nb} is set to false - if true try to remove outliers (potential Differential Interactions) before model fitting (NB regression) using robust regression (IRLS) with bisquare weight function
#' @param outlier.weight numeric weight threshold to remove outliers, 0 by default
#' @param ncores numeric number of cores for parallel processing to speed up computations
#' @param max.nobs numeric maximum number of observations to be used for robust NB regression model estimation (see \code{\link{constructGLM}})
#' @param nrep number of repetitions to average parameter estimates during robust NB regression model estimation on large sample sizes (see \code{\link{constructGLM}})
#' @return S3 object of class HiCglm
#' @details When \code{robust.nb} is true, the model  is fitted using robust procedure developed and published by \insertCite{aeberhard2014robust}{DIADEM} - see \code{\link{constructGLM}} function for details.
#' The main assumption behind \code{HiCglm} is that given 2 Hi-C datasets (even very different cell lines) their diagonal-wise interaction profiles will be correlated, which should manifest in X,Y plots having funnel like shape (see \code{simulate_null} function). In this setting it is further assumed (based on observed X,Y dependencies) that potential Differential Interactions will behave like outliers thereby disobeying the funnel-like pattern. The use of robust Negative Binomial regression  diminishes the influence of outliers on model fitting and allows to capture “uncontaminated” (with no DIs) null model.
#' @seealso \code{\link{HiCcomparator}} on how to construct HiCcomparator object and \code{\link{constructGLM}}, \code{\link[robustbase]{lmrob}} on how eventual outlier removal procedure.
#' @examples
#' # first create hiccomp (i.e. HiCcomparator object), then
#' hicglm <- HiCglm(hiccomp)
#' @references{
#'   \insertRef{aeberhard2014robust}{DIADEM}
#' }
#' @importFrom Rdpack reprompt
#' @export
HiCglm <- function(hic.comparator, diag.frac = 0.5, alpha = 0.05, robust.nb = TRUE,
                   remove.outliers = TRUE, outlier.weight = 0, ncores = 1, max.nobs = 10000,
                   nrep = 10){
  dc <- decay_correlation(hic.comparator, which.cors = "pearson")
  merged <- merge(hic.comparator, include.zero.cells = FALSE)
  nm <- names(merged)
  lapply(nm, function(n){
    # limit number of diagonals to fraction of first diagonals
    nd <- hic.comparator$maps.dims[[n]][1,1]
    dp <- hic.comparator$diags.pool[[n]]
    aggregate(diagonal ~ dpool, data = dp, function(x) max(x) / nd) %>%
      magrittr::extract(magrittr::use_series(.,"diagonal") <= diag.frac,) %>%
      magrittr::use_series("dpool") %>% max() -> dp.thr
    merged.n <- base::merge(merged[[n]], dp[dp$dpool <= dp.thr,], by = c("diagonal"))
    # split by diagonal pools
    md <- split(merged.n, merged.n$dpool)
    # select only this pools of diagonals, which exhibit significant correlation
    sig.dpool <- dc[(dc$name == n) & (dc$pearson.pval <= alpha), "diagonal"]
    dpools <- names(md)
    dpools <- dpools[dpools %in% as.character(sig.dpool)]
    # build models
    parallel::mclapply(md[dpools], function(df, ro, rnb, ow, mno){
      # remove outliers if required
      df$outlier <- "no"
      if(ro & !rnb){
          #fit <- robustreg::robustRegBS(val.y ~ val.x, data = df)
          #df[which(fit$weights <= ow), "outlier"] <- "yes"
          fit <- robustbase::lmrob(val.y ~ val.x, df, setting = "KS2014")
          fit.summary <- summary(fit)
          thr <- fit.summary$control$eps.outlier
          df[fit.summary$rweights <= thr, "outlier"] <- "yes"
        }, error = function(e){
          warning(paste0("Failed to perform IRLS for diagonal ", df[1,"dpool"]))
      # build model for enrichment in Y
      df$val.transformed.x <- log(df$val.x) # transform predictor
      model.x <- constructGLM(data.frame(predictor = df$val.transformed.x, response = df$val.y, outlier = df$outlier),
                              robust.nb = robust.nb, max.nobs = mno, nrep = nrep)
      # build model for enrichment in X
      df$val.transformed.y <- log(df$val.y) # transform predictor
      model.y <- constructGLM(data.frame(predictor = df$val.transformed.y, response = df$val.x, outlier = df$outlier),
                              robust.nb = robust.nb, max.nobs = mno, nrep = nrep)
      model.dpool <- magrittr::set_rownames(rbind(model.x, model.y), c("Y | X", "X | Y"))
      # results
      magrittr::set_names(list(df, model.dpool), c("data","model"))
    }, remove.outliers, robust.nb, outlier.weight, max.nobs, mc.cores = ncores) %>% magrittr::set_names(dpools)
  }) %>% magrittr::set_names(nm) -> model
  # return result
  structure(list(hic.comparator$data.names, hic.comparator$maps.dims, model) %>%
              magrittr::set_names(c("data.names", "maps.dims", "model")),
            class = "HiCglm")

#' @export
hicdiff <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("hicdiff", x)

#' Computes differential (p-value/q-value) map.
#' Given HiCglm object calculates enrichment p-values of Y | X or X | Y w.r.t. background models (separate for every diagonal (pool), see \code{\link{HiCglm} for details}).
#' @param hic.glm object of class HiCglm
#' @return list of data frames corresponding to Hi-C contact maps; each data frame contain columns: i, j, name, val.x, val.y, pvalue.x, qvalue.x, pvalue.y, qvalue.y where suffix indicates predictor variable, i.e. pvalue.x indicates E[Y | X] model, so resulting significance means enrichment of Y w.r.t. X
#' @seealso \code{\link{HiCglm}} on how to construct HiCglm, \code{\link{significance}} on how p-values are calculated
#' @examples
#' @export
hicdiff.HiCglm <- function(hic.glm){
  model <- hic.glm$model
  lapply(names(model), function(n){
    model.n <- model[[n]]
    # compute p values for every diagonal pool in model
    lapply(names(model.n), function(k){
      l <- model.n[[k]]
      dataset <- l$data
      model.x <- l$model["Y | X",]
      model.y <- l$model["X | Y",]
      # enrichment for: Y | X
      px <- significance(data.frame(predictor = dataset$val.x, response = dataset$val.y),
      # enrichment for: X | Y
      py <- significance(data.frame(predictor = dataset$val.y, response = dataset$val.x),
      magrittr::inset(dataset, c("pvalue.x", "qvalue.x", "pvalue.y", "qvalue.y"),
                      value = cbind(px, p.adjust(px, method = "BH"), py, p.adjust(py, method = "BH")))
    }) %>% do.call("rbind",.)
  }) %>% magrittr::set_names(names(model))

#' Converts significance maps to dense matrices.
#' Given list of significance maps in sparse format produced by \code{\link{hicdiff}} function converts them to dense matrix format.
#' @param hicdiff.list list of data frames, output from \code{\link{hicdiff}} function
#' @param maps.dims list of data frames, usually an attribute of HiCglm object that was used to produce hicdiff.list
#' @param val.column character indicating which column of sparse significance map to use as cell value for dense matrix (either pvalue or qvalue)
#' @param neg.log logical wheter to apply -log transformation to val.column
#' @param which.enrichment character indicating whether to calculate Y enrichment (i.e. E[Y | X] model) - choose y, X enrichment (i.e. E[X | Y] model) - choose x or both
#' @return list with dense matrices containing significance in each cell; when which.enrichment is fixed to both upper triangular map will contain significances of E[Y | X] model and lower triangular will contain significances of E[X | Y]
#' @seealso \code{\link{hicdiff}} for generation of hicdiff.list
#' @examples
#' @export
hicdiff2mtx <- function(hicdiff.list, maps.dims, val.column = c("qvalue","pvalue")[1],
                        neg.log = TRUE, which.enrichment = c("both", "x", "y")[1]){
  stopifnot(val.column %in% c("qvalue","pvalue"))
  stopifnot(which.enrichment %in% c("x", "y", "both"))
  names(hicdiff.list) %>%
      df <- hicdiff.list[[n]]
      md <- maps.dims[[n]]
      subdf <- df[c("i", "j")]
      vx <- df[,paste0(val.column, ".x")]
      vy <- df[,paste0(val.column, ".y")]
        vx <- -log(vx)
        vy <- -log(vy)
      if(which.enrichment == "y"){
        sparse2dense(magrittr::inset(subdf, "significance", value = vx), N = md[1,"n.rows"])
      } else if(which.enrichment == "x"){
        sparse2dense(magrittr::inset(subdf, "significance", value = vy), N = md[1,"n.rows"])
      } else {
        mtx.x <- sparse2dense(magrittr::inset(subdf, "significance", value = vx), N = md[1,"n.rows"])
        mtx.y <- sparse2dense(magrittr::inset(subdf, "significance", value = vy), N = md[1,"n.rows"])
        mtx <- matrix(0, nrow = md[1,"n.rows"], ncol = md[1,"n.cols"])
        mtx[upper.tri(mtx.x)] <- mtx.x[upper.tri(mtx.x)]
        mtx[lower.tri(mtx.y)] <- mtx.y[lower.tri(mtx.y)]
    }) %>% magrittr::set_names(names(hicdiff.list))

#' @export
simulate_null <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("simulate_null", x)

#' Samples interactions based on background model.
#' Based on this method output one may plot expected vs observed plot of interactions for each diagonal pool (see examples).
#' @param hic.glm HiCglm object
#' @param dpools character or vector, if character "all" then use all pooled diagonals in background model, otherwise use specified subset
#' @param N integer number of samples for every predictor value
#' @return list of list of data frames with expected interactions, first list enumerates different maps (usually chromosomes), second list contains 2 elements refering to Y | X and X | Y models. Finally the last 2 lists contain data frames with simulated interactions.
#' @examples
#' # first prepare HiCglm object
#' expected <- simulate_null(hicglm, dpools = 1:10)
#' observed <- lapply(hicglm$model[["18"]][as.character(1:10)], function(x) x$data)
#' observed <- do.call("rbind", observed)[c("val.x", "val.y", "dpool")]
#' # plot results: expected vs observed
#' ggplot(all.data, aes(x = val.x, y = val.y, color = type)) +
#'   geom_point(size = 0.3, alpha = 0.7) +
#'   facet_wrap(~ dpool, scales = "free", ncol = 3)
#' @export
simulate_null.HiCglm <- function(hic.glm, dpools = "all", N = 10){
  lapply(names(hic.glm$model), function(n){
    model <- hic.glm$model[[n]]
    if(dpools[1] == "all"){
      dpools <- names(model)
    lapply(c("Y | X","X | Y"), function(which.model){
      lapply(as.character(dpools), function(k){
        l <- model[[k]]
        dataset <- l[["data"]]
        dispersion <- l[["model"]][which.model, "dispersion"]
        intercept <- l[["model"]][which.model, "intercept"]
        beta <- l[["model"]][which.model, "beta"]
        # response | predictor: Y | X or X | Y
        lp <- paste0("val.", tolower(unlist(strsplit(which.model, " "))[3]))
        lr <- paste0("val.", tolower(unlist(strsplit(which.model, " "))[1]))
        sim.contacts <- simulate_contacts(dataset[,lp], l[["model"]][which.model,], N = N)
        names(sim.contacts) <- c(lp, lr)
        magrittr::inset(sim.contacts[c("val.x", "val.y")], "dpool", value = k)
      }) %>% do.call("rbind", .)
    }) %>% magrittr::set_names(c("Y | X","X | Y"))
  }) %>% magrittr::set_names(names(hic.glm$model))

#' @export
simulate_map <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("simulate_map", x)

#' Simulates maps based on background model.
#' This function can be used to prepare artificial replicate maps (with no differential interactions) from any 2 Hi-C contact maps. To do so one must first prepare HiCglm object from any pair of contact maps (can be technical or biological replicates) and then feed it into this function. Resulting maps can be used to benchmark DI detection methods (for example by adding some artificial DI and then testing it). This approach has an advantage of producing artificial maps resembling real Hi-C data, because it keeps decay, compartment and TADs unaffected (at least to some extent).
#' @param hic.glm HiCglm object
#' @param dpools character or vector, if character "all" then use all pooled diagonals in background model, otherwise use specified subset
#' @param remove.na.contacts logical if true remove NAs
#' @return list of list of data frames with expected interactions, first list enumerates different maps (usually chromosomes), second list contains 2 elements refering to Y (simulate Y condition from X) and X (simulate X condition from Y) contact maps in sparse format.
#' @examples
#' @export
simulate_map.HiCglm <- function(hic.glm, dpools = "all", remove.na.contacts = TRUE){
  lapply(names(hic.glm$model), function(n){
    model <- hic.glm$model[[n]]
    if(dpools[1] == "all"){
      dpools <- names(model)
    lapply(c("Y | X","X | Y"), function(which.model){
      lapply(as.character(dpools), function(k){
        l <- model[[k]]
        dataset <- l[["data"]]
        # response | predictor: Y | X or X | Y
        lp <- paste0("val.", tolower(unlist(strsplit(which.model, " "))[3]))
        sim.contacts <- simulate_contacts(dataset[,lp], l[["model"]][which.model,], N = 1)
        # match response val (number of contacts) with coordinates (i and j)
        s1 <- split(dataset, dataset[,lp])
        s2 <- split(sim.contacts, sim.contacts$predictor)
        lapply(intersect(names(s1), names(s2)), function(x){
          cbind(s1[[x]][c("i","j")], base::sample(s2[[x]]$response, nrow(s2[[x]])))
        }) %>% do.call("rbind",.) %>%
          magrittr::set_colnames(c("i", "j", "val")) -> sc
      }) %>% do.call("rbind", .)
    }) %>% magrittr::set_names(c("Y","X"))
  }) %>% magrittr::set_names(names(hic.glm$model))

#' @export
differential_interactions <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("differential_interactions", x)

#' Finds significantly interacting rectangle-like regions.
#' This function works in 3 steps:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item{}{first it calculates differential map,}
#'  \item{}{then it takes negative log significance (qvalue) vector of cells, sorts it and fits bilinear model}
#'  \item{}{finally it retains only those cells that are to the right of intersection point of bilinear model in significance vector (i.e. the most significant cells) and searches for connected components}
#' }
#' Fitting bilinear model is performed using \code{\link{best_fit_bilinear}} function, while for connected components search \code{\link{raster}} package is used. After detection of significantly interacting regions (connected components) one may further filter list to only retain those with number of non zero cells (n.cells column in interacting.regions data frame) larger than some threshold. There are 3 possible ways of selecting significant interactions (cells):
#' \itemize{
#'  \item{}{bilinear model is used to determine significance threshold and then this threshold is compared with \code{pval} parameter - if threshold is less significant than \code{pval} then threshold is substituted with \code{pval} - this is the default behaviour,}
#'  \item{}{only \code{pval} is used as a significance threshold, i.e. hard thresholding,}
#'  \item{}{only bilinear model is used to determine significance threshold (unrecomended, as it may yield non significant interactions).}
#' }
#' When using option 1 and 3 its recommended to plot the fit (enabled by default). An indication of properly determined significance threshold would be when red vertical line (the significance threshold) is located to the right side of grey vertical line.
#' @param hic.glm object of class HiCglm
#' @param plot.models logical if true then plot bilinear model fit for every matrix in hic.glm object; it will plot bilinear fit for E[Y | X] and E[X | Y] models; if you want to save this results to file open device before calling this function (see for instance \code{\link{pdf}}) and close device after function call (see \code{\link{dev.off}})
#' @param pval numeric, pvalue (or qvalue) cutoff to qualify interaction as significant
#' @param sig.thr.selection numeric, if 3 then only use bilinear model fit to establish p-value cutoff for significant interactions, if 2 then select significant interactions using only \code{pval} parameter, if 1 (default) use bilinear model, but if p-value threshold is larger than \code{pval}, use \code{pval} instead
#' @param which.significance character either "qvalue" or "pvalue" indicating, which of the 2 should be used as a measure of interaction significance
#' @param cc.direction specifies criterium for two cells to be considered as neighbors during connected components search, for details see \code{directions} parameter of \code{\link{raster::clump}} function
#' @return list with number of entries equal to hic.glm$names; each entry is a list with 2 elements: interacting.regions - data frame containing rows with rectangle like regions of significant interactions with coordinates n.cells (number of non zero cells inside rectangle), start.x, end.x, start.y, end.y, effect; connected.components list with cells comprising given connected component; connected components list is named list where each entry name is unique id, which can be mapped to row in interacting.regions (its row names); effect column is indicating if interaction refers to Y enrichment (i.e. E[Y | X] model) or X enrichment (i.e. E[X | Y] model)
#' @seealso \code{\link{best_fit_bilinear}} for fitting bilinear model, \code{\link[raster]{raster}} and \code{\link[raster]{clump}} for connected components search
#' @examples
#' @export
differential_interactions.HiCglm <- function(hic.glm, sig.map = NULL, plot.models = TRUE, pval = 0.05, sig.thr.selection = c(1,2,3)[1], which.significance = c("qvalue","pvalue")[1], cc.direction = c(4,8)[1]){
    maps.difference <- hicdiff(hic.glm)
  } else {
    maps.difference <- sig.map
  lapply(names(maps.difference), function(n){
    df <- rbind(
      magrittr::inset(maps.difference[[n]][c("i","j",paste0(which.significance, ".x"))],
                      "effect", value = "Y enrichment") %>% magrittr::set_colnames(c("i","j","significance","effect")),
      magrittr::inset(maps.difference[[n]][c("i","j",paste0(which.significance, ".y"))],
                      "effect", value = "X enrichment") %>% magrittr::set_colnames(c("i","j","significance","effect"))
    df$significance <- -log10(df$significance)
    sig.thr <- -log10(pval)
    # group significantly depleted and enriched cells
    by(df, df$effect, function(df.effect){
      # get appropriate data frame
      dfe <- cbind(df.effect[order(df.effect$significance),], X = seq(1, nrow(df.effect)))
      # find parameter pval based threshold
      x <- dfe[dfe$significance >= sig.thr, "X"][1]
      if(sig.thr.selection != 2){
        # fit bilinear model
        bf <- best_fit_bilinear(dfe$X, dfe$significance)
        x.bm <- bf[["intersection.x"]]["both"]
        if(x.bm < x){
          # bilinear model determined p-value lower than 0.05
          if(sig.thr.selection == 1){
            warning("Bilinear model determined less significant threshold than pval! Switching to pval!")
            x.bm <- x
          } else {
            warning("Bilinear model determined less significant threshold than pval, but sig.thr.selection is set to 3! THIS WILL YIELD NON SIGNIFICANT INTERACTIONS, i.e. p-value > pval!")
          plot(dfe$X, dfe$significance, cex = 0.1, xlab = "X", ylab = latex2exp::TeX("-log_{10}(significance)"))
          title(paste0(hic.glm$data.names[1]," vs ",hic.glm$data.names[2],", ",n,", ",dfe[1,"effect"]), cex.main = 1)
          abline(a = bf[["coefficients"]]["left","intercept"], b = bf[["coefficients"]]["left","slope"], col = "green")
          abline(a = bf[["coefficients"]]["right","intercept"], b = bf[["coefficients"]]["right","slope"], col = "blue")
          legend.labels = c("bilinear model fit 1","bilinear model fit 2")
          colors.labels <- c("green","blue")
          pval.bm <- formatC(10^(-dfe[dfe$X >= bf[["intersection.x"]]["both"],"significance"][1]), format = "e", digits = 2)
          if(x != bf[["intersection.x"]]["both"]){
            legend.labels <- c(legend.labels, paste0("p-value threshold = ",formatC(pval, format = "e", digits = 2)), paste0("intersection fit 1 vs 2, p-value = ", pval.bm))
            colors.labels <- c(colors.labels, "red","gray")
            if(sig.thr.selection == 3 | x < bf[["intersection.x"]]["both"]){
              abline(v = x, col = "gray")
              abline(v = bf[["intersection.x"]]["both"], col = "red")
              legend.labels[3:4] <- legend.labels[4:3]
            } else {
              abline(v = x, col = "red")
              abline(v = bf[["intersection.x"]]["both"], col = "gray")
          } else {
            abline(v = x, col = "red")
            legend.labels <- c(legend.labels, paste0("intersection fit 1 vs 2, p-value = ", pval.bm))
            colors.labels <- c(colors.labels, "red")
          legend("topleft", legend = legend.labels, col = colors.labels, lty = rep(1, length(legend.labels)), bty = "n")
        x <- x.bm
      most.significant <- dfe[dfe$X >= x,]
      # connected components determination
      adjacency <- sparse2dense(most.significant[c("i","j","significance")],
                                N = hic.glm$maps.dims[[n]][1,1])
      # convert negative or positive matrix of negative log p-values into adjacency matrix
      adjacency[adjacency != 0] <- 1
      # take only upper triangular part as the matrix is symmetric
      adjacency[lower.tri(adjacency)] <- 0
      rmat <- raster::raster(adjacency)
      clumps <- matrix(raster::clump(rmat, directions = cc.direction),
                       nrow = nrow(adjacency), ncol = ncol(adjacency), byrow = TRUE)
      # get connected components as list
      lapply(seq(1, max(clumps, na.rm = TRUE)), function(m){
        which(clumps == m, arr.ind = TRUE)
    }, simplify = FALSE) -> l

    ids <- seq(1, length(l[[1]]) + length(l[[2]]))
    ids.neg <- ids[1:length(l[[1]])]
    ids.pos <- ids[(length(l[[1]]) + 1):length(ids)]
    # get data frame where each row is interaction with n.cells, start.x, end.x, start.y, end.y, effect and id as row name
    yenr <- sapply(l[[1]], function(cc){
      c(nrow(cc), min(cc[,"col"]), max(cc[,"col"]), min(cc[,"row"]), max(cc[,"row"]))
    }) %>% t() %>% as.data.frame() %>%
      magrittr::set_colnames(c("n.cells","start.x","end.x","start.y","end.y")) %>%
      magrittr::inset("effect", value = "Y enrichment") %>% magrittr::set_rownames(ids.neg)
    xenr <- sapply(l[[2]], function(cc){
      c(nrow(cc), min(cc[,"col"]), max(cc[,"col"]), min(cc[,"row"]), max(cc[,"row"]))
    }) %>% t() %>% as.data.frame() %>%
      magrittr::set_colnames(c("n.cells","start.x","end.x","start.y","end.y")) %>%
      magrittr::inset("effect", value = "X enrichment") %>% magrittr::set_rownames(ids.pos)
    xenr[c("start.x","end.x","start.y","end.y")] <- xenr[c("start.y","end.y","start.x","end.x")]
    # get list with connected components
    res.cc <- c(magrittr::set_names(l[[1]], ids.neg), magrittr::set_names(l[[2]], ids.pos))
    list(rbind(yenr, xenr), res.cc) %>%
      magrittr::set_names(c("interacting.regions", "connected.components"))
  }) %>% magrittr::set_names(names(maps.difference))
rz6/CopulaHiC documentation built on Dec. 31, 2019, 9:19 a.m.