
Defines functions saveDiagnosticsCplex getSolutionMatrixCplex solveWithCplex

solveWithCplex <- function(carnivalOptions) {
  #create cplex command file
  cplexCommandFilename <- carnivalOptions$filenames$cplexCommandFile
  cplexLog <- carnivalOptions$filenames$cplexLog
  if (Sys.info()[1] == "Windows") {
    # TODO: implement logging on Win machine. 
    #TODO why copying exe and not directly executing it? 
    file.copy(from = carnivalOptions$solverPath, to = getwd())
    system(paste0("cplex.exe -f ", cplexCommandFilename))
  } else {
    system(paste0(carnivalOptions$solverPath, " -f ", cplexCommandFilename,
                  " | tee ", cplexLog)) # send output to logfile and stdout
  ## Write result files in the results folder
  message("Saving results...") 
  solutionFileName <- carnivalOptions$filenames$resultFile
      stop("CPLEX solution file is not found. CPLEX was likely interrupted (exceeding memory limit is the usual cause).
           Try to increase the available resources (memory) or reducing the PKN. ")
  solution <- read.delim(file = solutionFileName)

getSolutionMatrixCplex <- function(solution) {
  solution[, 1] <- as.character(solution[, 1])
  idxVarStart <- which(grepl(pattern = "<variables>", x = solution[, 1]))[-1]
  idxVarEnd <- which(grepl(pattern = "</variables>", x = solution[, 1]))[-1]
  solMatrix <- matrix(data = , nrow = idxVarEnd[1]-idxVarStart[1]-1, 
                      ncol = length(idxVarStart))
  colnames(solMatrix) <- paste0("Solution-", seq_len(ncol(solMatrix)))
  ss1 <- sapply(strsplit(solution[seq(from = idxVarStart[1]+1, 
                                      to = idxVarEnd[1]-1, by = 1), 1], 
                         split = " "), "[", 5)
  rownames(solMatrix) <- sapply((strsplit(ss1, split = "=")), "[", 2)
  for(ii in seq_len(ncol(solMatrix))){
    ss1 <- 
      sapply(strsplit(solution[seq(from = idxVarStart[ii]+1, 
                                   to = idxVarEnd[ii]-1, by = 1), 1], 
                      split = " "), "[", 7)
    solMatrix[, ii] <- 
      gsub(pattern = "/>", replacement = "", 
           x = sapply(strsplit(ss1, split = "="), "[", 2))

saveDiagnosticsCplex <- function(result, carnivalOptions){
  cplexLog <- carnivalOptions$filenames$cplexLog
  # add log to results
  if(!is.null(result) && file.exists(cplexLog)){
    cplex_out <- parseCplexLog(cplexLog)
    result$diagnostics <- cplex_out
  } else {
    result$diagnostics <- list()
saezlab/CARNIVAL documentation built on Jan. 17, 2024, 5:10 p.m.