#' Compress Network by Merging Nodes with Identical Children
#' This function compresses a network by merging nodes that have the same children.
#' The input network is represented as a data frame with three columns: source, target, and sign of interaction.
#' The function returns a list containing the compressed network, node signatures, and duplicated signatures.
#' @param df A data frame representing the network with three columns: source, target, and sign of interaction.
#' @param sig_input A list of input node signatures to be considered for the merging process.
#' @param metab_input A list of input metabolic signatures to be considered for the merging process.
#' @return A list containing the following elements:
#' \item{compressed_network}{A data frame representing the compressed network.}
#' \item{node_signatures}{A list of signatures of nodes in the network after the merging process.}
#' \item{duplicated_signatures}{A list of duplicated signatures in the network after the merging process.}
#' @examples
#' # Create a sample network
#' df <- data.frame(source = c("A", "A", "B", "B"),
#' target = c("C", "D", "C", "D"),
#' sign_of_interaction = c(1, 1, 1, 1))
#' # Define input node and metabolic signatures
#' sig_input <- list()
#' metab_input <- list()
#' # Compress the network
#' result <- compress_same_children(df, sig_input, metab_input)
#' compressed_network <- result$compressed_network
#' @export
compress_same_children <- function(df, sig_input, metab_input)
nodes <- unique(c(df$source,df$target))
parents <- nodes[which(nodes %in% df$source)]
df_signature <- df
df_signature[,2] <- paste(df_signature[,2],df_signature[,3],sep = "")
node_signatures <- sapply(parents, function(parent,df_signature){
return(paste("parent_of_",paste0(unlist(df_signature[which(df_signature[,1] == parent),2]), collapse = "_____"), sep = ""))
},df_signature = df_signature, USE.NAMES = T, simplify = F)
dubs <- node_signatures[duplicated(node_signatures) &
!(names(node_signatures) %in% names(metab_input) |
names(node_signatures) %in% names(sig_input))]
duplicated_parents <- unlist(node_signatures[which(node_signatures %in% dubs)])
df[,1] <- sapply(df[,1], function(node,duplicated_parents){
if(node %in% names(duplicated_parents))
node <- duplicated_parents[node]
},duplicated_parents = duplicated_parents, simplify = T)
df[,2] <- sapply(df[,2], function(node,duplicated_parents){
if(node %in% names(duplicated_parents))
node <- duplicated_parents[node]
},duplicated_parents = duplicated_parents, simplify = T)
df <- unique(df)
return(list("compressed_network" = df, "node_signatures" = node_signatures, "duplicated_signatures" = duplicated_parents))
#' Decompress Solution Network
#' This function decompresses a solution network by mapping node signatures back to their original identifiers.
#' The input is a formatted solution network, a meta network, node signatures, and duplicated parents.
#' The function returns a list containing the decompressed solution network and attribute table.
#' @param formatted_res A list containing the solution network and attribute table.
#' @param meta_network A data frame representing the meta network.
#' @param node_signatures A list of node signatures.
#' @param duplicated_parents A list of duplicated parents from the compression process.
#' @return A list containing the following elements:
#' \item{SIF}{A data frame representing the decompressed solution network.}
#' \item{ATT}{A data frame containing the attributes of the decompressed solution network.}
#' @examples
#' # Create a sample formatted_res
#' formatted_res <- list(
#' SIF = data.frame(source = c("parent_of_D1", "D"),
#' target = c("D", "F"),
#' interaction = c(1, 1),
#' Weight = c(1, 1)),
#' ATT = data.frame(Nodes = c("parent_of_D1", "D", "F"),
#' NodeType = c("","",""),
#' ZeroAct = c(0,0,0),
#' UpAct = c(1,1,1),
#' DownAct = c(0,0,0),
#' AvgAct = c(1,1,1),
#' measured = c(0,0,0),
#' Activity = c(1,1,1))
#' )
#' # Create a sample meta_network
#' meta_network <- data.frame(source = c("A", "B", "D"),
#' target = c("D", "D", "F"),
#' interaction_type = c(1, 1, 1))
#' # Define node_signatures and duplicated_parents
#' node_signatures <- list("A" = "parent_of_D1","B" = "parent_of_D1","D" = "parent_F1")
#' duplicated_parents <- c("A" = "parent_of_D1","B" = "parent_of_D1")
#' # Decompress the solution network
#' result <- decompress_solution_network(formatted_res, meta_network, node_signatures, duplicated_parents)
#' decompressed_network <- result[[1]]
#' attribute_table <- result[[2]]
#' @export
decompress_solution_network <- function(formatted_res, meta_network, node_signatures, duplicated_parents)
SIF <- formatted_res[[1]]
ATT <- formatted_res[[2]]
duplicated_parents_df <- data.frame(duplicated_parents)
duplicated_parents_df$source_original <- row.names(duplicated_parents_df)
names(duplicated_parents_df)[1] <- "Nodes"
addons <- data.frame(names(node_signatures)[-which(names(node_signatures) %in% duplicated_parents_df$source_original)])
names(addons)[1] <- "Nodes"
addons$source_original <- addons$Nodes
mapping_table <- as.data.frame(rbind(duplicated_parents_df,addons))
mapping_table[, 1] <- sapply(mapping_table[, 1], function(x, HMDB_mapper_vec) {
x <- gsub("Metab__", "", x)
x <- gsub("^Gene", "Enzyme", x)
suffixe <- stringr::str_extract(x, "_[a-z]$")
x <- gsub("_[a-z]$", "", x)
if (x %in% names(HMDB_mapper_vec)) {
x <- HMDB_mapper_vec[x]
x <- paste("Metab__", x, sep = "")
if (!is.na(suffixe)) {
x <- paste(x, suffixe, sep = "")
}, HMDB_mapper_vec = HMDB_mapper_vec)
mapping_table[, 2] <- sapply(mapping_table[, 2], function(x, HMDB_mapper_vec) {
x <- gsub("Metab__", "", x)
x <- gsub("^Gene", "Enzyme", x)
suffixe <- stringr::str_extract(x, "_[a-z]$")
x <- gsub("_[a-z]$", "", x)
if (x %in% names(HMDB_mapper_vec)) {
x <- HMDB_mapper_vec[x]
x <- paste("Metab__", x, sep = "")
if (!is.na(suffixe)) {
x <- paste(x, suffixe, sep = "")
}, HMDB_mapper_vec = HMDB_mapper_vec)
# View(ATT[!(ATT$Nodes %in% mapping_table$Nodes),])
ATT <- merge(ATT, mapping_table, by = "Nodes")
ATT <- ATT[,c(9,2:8)]
names(ATT)[1] <- "Nodes"
SIF <- meta_network
SIF[, 1] <- sapply(SIF[, 1], function(x, HMDB_mapper_vec) {
x <- gsub("Metab__", "", x)
x <- gsub("^Gene", "Enzyme", x)
suffixe <- stringr::str_extract(x, "_[a-z]$")
x <- gsub("_[a-z]$", "", x)
if (x %in% names(HMDB_mapper_vec)) {
x <- HMDB_mapper_vec[x]
x <- paste("Metab__", x, sep = "")
if (!is.na(suffixe)) {
x <- paste(x, suffixe, sep = "")
}, HMDB_mapper_vec = HMDB_mapper_vec)
SIF[, 2] <- sapply(SIF[, 2], function(x, HMDB_mapper_vec) {
x <- gsub("Metab__", "", x)
x <- gsub("^Gene", "Enzyme", x)
suffixe <- stringr::str_extract(x, "_[a-z]$")
x <- gsub("_[a-z]$", "", x)
if (x %in% names(HMDB_mapper_vec)) {
x <- HMDB_mapper_vec[x]
x <- paste("Metab__", x, sep = "")
if (!is.na(suffixe)) {
x <- paste(x, suffixe, sep = "")
}, HMDB_mapper_vec = HMDB_mapper_vec)
SIF <- SIF[SIF$source %in% ATT$Nodes &
SIF$target %in% ATT$Nodes,]
SIF$Weight <- apply(SIF, 1, function(x, ATT){
source_act <- ATT[ATT$Nodes == x[1],"Activity"]
target_act <- ATT[ATT$Nodes == x[2],"Activity"]
coherence <- source_act * target_act
weight <- ifelse(sign(coherence) == sign(as.numeric(x[3])), min(abs(c(source_act, target_act))), 0)
}, ATT = ATT)
SIF <- SIF[which(SIF$Weight != 0),]
ATT <- ATT[ATT$AvgAct != 0,]
seeds <- SIF[!(SIF[,1] %in% SIF[,2]),1]
bad_seeds <- seeds[!(seeds %in% ATT[ATT$NodeType == "P","Nodes"])]
if(length(bad_seeds) > 0)
ATT <- ATT[!(ATT$Nodes %in% bad_seeds),]
SIF <- SIF[SIF$source %in% ATT$Nodes &
SIF$target %in% ATT$Nodes,]
formatted_res <- list(SIF,ATT)
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