
Defines functions patch_logger_appender no_colorout omnipath_msg omnipath_set_logfile_loglevel omnipath_set_console_loglevel omnipath_set_loglevel omnipath_log omnipath_logfile omnipath_console_loglevel ensure_loglevel

Documented in omnipath_log omnipath_logfile omnipath_msg omnipath_set_console_loglevel omnipath_set_logfile_loglevel omnipath_set_loglevel

#!/usr/bin/env Rscript

#  This file is part of the `OmnipathR` R package
#  Copyright
#  2018-2024
#  Saez Lab, Uniklinik RWTH Aachen, Heidelberg University
#  File author(s): Alberto Valdeolivas
#                  Dénes Türei (turei.denes@gmail.com)
#                  Attila Gábor
#  Distributed under the MIT (Expat) License.
#  See accompanying file `LICENSE` or find a copy at
#      https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:Expat
#  Website: https://r.omnipathdb.org/
#  Git repo: https://github.com/saezlab/OmnipathR

#' Ensures that `level` is a `loglevel` class object, converts if necessary
#' @noRd
ensure_loglevel <- function(level){

        'loglevel' %in% class(level),
        get(toupper(level), envir = getNamespace('logger'))


#' Returns the log level threshold for console messages, according to the
#' current settings
#' @noRd
omnipath_console_loglevel <- function(){



#' Path to the current OmnipathR log file
#' @return Character: path to the current logfile, or \code{NULL} if no
#'     logfile is available.
#' @examples
#' omnipath_logfile()
#' # [1] "/home/denes/omnipathr/omnipathr-log/omnipathr-20210309-1642.log"
#' @export
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @seealso \code{\link{omnipath_log}}
omnipath_logfile <- function(){

    # NSE vs. R CMD check workaround
    get_logger_definitions <- NULL

    if(!omnipath_has_logfile()) return()

        namespace = 'OmnipathR'
    )[[2]]$appender %>%
    environment() %>%
    `$`('file') %>%


#' Browse the current OmnipathR log file
#' @return Returns `NULL`.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' omnipath_log()
#' # then you can browse the log file, and exit with `q`
#' }
#' @export
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @seealso \code{\link{omnipath_logfile}}
omnipath_log <- function(){

    if(!omnipath_has_logfile()) return()

    omnipath_logfile() %>%
    file.show(title = 'OmnipathR log')


#' Sets the log level for the package logger
#' @param level Character or class `loglevel`. The desired log level.
#' @param target Character, either 'logfile' or 'console'
#' @return Returns `NULL`.
#' @examples
#' omnipath_set_loglevel(logger::FATAL, target = 'console')
#' @export
#' @importFrom magrittr %<>% %>% equals
omnipath_set_loglevel <- function(level, target = 'logfile'){

    # NSE vs. R CMD check workaround
    namespaces <- NULL

    level %<>% ensure_loglevel
    i_logger <- target %>% equals(c('console', 'logfile')) %>% which

    omnipathr_loggers <- (logger%:::%namespaces)$OmnipathR
    omnipathr_loggers[[i_logger]]$threshold <- level

        envir = logger%:::%namespaces



#' Sets the log level for the console
#' Use this method to change during a session which messages you want to be
#' printed on the console. Before loading the package, you can set it also by
#' the config file, with the omnipath.console_loglevel key.
#' @param level Character or class `loglevel`. The desired log level.
#' @return Returns `NULL`.
#' @examples
#' omnipath_set_console_loglevel('warn')
#' # or:
#' omnipath_set_console_loglevel(logger::WARN)
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{omnipath_set_logfile_loglevel}}
omnipath_set_console_loglevel <- function(level){

    omnipath_set_loglevel(level = level, target = 'console')


#' Sets the log level for the logfile
#' Use this method to change during a session which messages you want to be
#' written into the logfile. Before loading the package, you can set it also
#' by the config file, with the omnipath.loglevel key.
#' @param level Character or class `loglevel`. The desired log level.
#' @return Returns `NULL`.
#' @examples
#' omnipath_set_logfile_loglevel('info')
#' # or:
#' omnipath_set_logfile_loglevel(logger::INFO)
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{omnipath_set_console_loglevel}}
omnipath_set_logfile_loglevel <- function(level){

    omnipath_set_loglevel(level = level, target = 'logfile')


#' Dispatch a message to the OmnipathR logger
#' Any package or script can easily send log messages and establish a logging
#' facility with the fantastic `logger` package. This function serves the
#' only purpose if you want to inject messages into the logger of OmnipathR.
#' Otherwise we recommend to use the `logger` package directly.
#' @param level Character, numeric or class loglevel. A log level, if
#'     character one of the followings: "fatal", "error", "warn", "success",
#'     "info", "trace".
#' @param ... Arguments for string formatting, passed \code{sprintf} or
#'     \code{str_glue}.
#' @return Returns `NULL`.
#' @examples
#' omnipath_msg(
#'     level = 'success',
#'     'Talking to you in the name of OmnipathR, my favourite number is %d',
#'     round(runif(1, 1, 10))
#' )
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom logger log_level
#' @export
omnipath_msg <- function(level, ...){

    level %>%
    ensure_loglevel %>%


#' Evaluates an expression with colorout off
#' @param ex An expression.
#' @return The value from the evaluated expression.
#' @importFrom utils flush.console
#' @noRd
no_colorout <- function(ex){

    # to satisfy R CMD check:
    isColorOut <- noColorOut <- ColorOut <- NULL

    colorout_active <- 'colorout' %in% .packages() && isColorOut()

    if(colorout_active) noColorOut()
    result <- eval(ex)
    if(colorout_active) ColorOut()



#' Patches logger::appender_console to not to interfere with colorout
#' @importFrom crayon num_colors
#' @importFrom magrittr %<>%
#' @importFrom logger appender_console
#' @noRd
patch_logger_appender <- function(){

    ns <- loadNamespace('logger')

    original_appender_console <- logger::appender_console

    appender_patched <- function(lines){

        if(crayon::num_colors() > 1L){
            lines[1] %<>% {paste0('\033[0m', .)}



    patch_ns('appender_console', appender_patched, ns)
    patch_ns('appender_stderr', appender_patched, ns)


#' Parches logger::deparse_to_one_line
#' @noRd
patch_logger_metavar <- function(){

    ns <- loadNamespace('logger')

    deparse_to_one_line <- function(x){


#         gsub(
#             '\\s+',
#             ' ',
#             paste(deparse(x), collapse = ' '),
#             perl = TRUE
#         )


    patch_ns('deparse_to_one_line', deparse_to_one_line, ns)


#' Unlocks a binding in a namespace, changes its value and locks the
#' binding again
#' @noRd
patch_ns <- function(name, patched, ns){

    ulb <- get('unlockBinding')
    lb <- get('lockBinding')

    if(name %in% names(ns)){
        ulb(name, as.environment(ns))
        assign(name, patched, ns)
        lb(name, as.environment(ns))


#' Is the logfile enabled?
#' @importFrom magrittr %>% equals not
#' @importFrom stringr str_to_lower
#' @importFrom rlang %||%
#' @noRd
omnipath_has_logfile <- function(){

    getOption('omnipath.logfile') %||% '' %>%
    str_to_lower %>%
    equals('none') %>%


#' Shortcut for lowest log level (useful for development)
#' @noRd
.optrace <- function() {


saezlab/OmnipathR documentation built on July 13, 2024, 6:18 p.m.