
Defines functions uni_fun lambda_sequence ridge_weights soft shim_once convert convert2 xtilde xtilde_mod Q_theta repcol mysd check_col_0 nonzero standardize cv_lspath cvcompute getmin_type lambda.interp update_weights isEmpty checkargs.xy checkargs.misc tabular error.bars createfolds

Documented in checkargs.misc checkargs.xy check_col_0 convert convert2 createfolds cvcompute cv_lspath error.bars getmin_type isEmpty lambda.interp lambda_sequence mysd nonzero Q_theta repcol ridge_weights shim_once soft standardize tabular uni_fun update_weights xtilde xtilde_mod

#' Univariate regressions
#' @description Function used to create initial estimates in fitting algorithm
#'   of the strong heredity interaction model implemented in the
#'   \code{\link{shim}} function
#' @param x Design matrix of dimension \code{n x q}, where \code{n} is the
#'   number of subjects and q is the total number of variables; each row is an
#'   observation vector. This must include all main effects and interactions as
#'   well, with column names corresponding to the names of the main effects
#'   (e.g. \code{x1, x2, E}) and their interactions (e.g. \code{x1:E, x2:E}).
#'   All columns should be scaled to have mean 0 and variance 1; this is done
#'   internally by the \code{\link{shim}} function.
#' @param y response variable (matrix form) of dimension \code{n x 1}
#' @param type The procedure used to estimate the regression coefficients. If
#'   \code{"univariate"} then a series of univariate regressions is performed
#'   with the response variable \code{y}. If \code{"ridge"} then ridge
#'   regression is performed using the \code{\link[glmnet]{cv.glmnet}} function
#'   and the tuning parameter is chosen using 10 fold cross validation. The
#'   default is \code{"ridge"}.
#' @param variables character vector of variable names for which you want the
#'   univariate regression estimate. Must be contained in the column names of
#'   \code{x}. This only applies if \code{type="univariate"}.
#' @param include.intercept Should intercept be fitted (default is
#'   \code{FALSE}). Should be set to \code{TRUE} if \code{y} is not centered
#' @return Regression coefficients as a \code{q x 1 data.frame}
#' @note \code{p} is defined as the number of main effects. I have introduced
#'   \code{q} as being the total number of variables (e.g. the number of columns
#'   in the design matrix).
#' @author
#' Sahir Bhatnagar
#' Maintainer: Sahir Bhatnagar \email{sahir.bhatnagar@@mail.mcgill.ca}
#' @seealso \code{\link{shim}}, \code{\link[glmnet]{cv.glmnet}}
#' @examples
#' # number of observations
#' n <- 100
#' # number of predictors
#' p <- 5
#' # environment variable
#' e <- sample(c(0,1), n, replace = T)
#' # main effects
#' x <- cbind(matrix(rnorm(n*p), ncol = p), e)
#' # need to label columns
#' dimnames(x)[[2]] <- c(paste0("x",1:p), "e")
#' # design matrix without intercept
#' X <- model.matrix(~(x1+x2+x3+x4+x5)*e-1, data = as.data.frame(x))
#' # response
#' Y <- X %*% rbinom(ncol(X), 1, 0.2) + 3*rnorm(n)
#' uni_fun(X, Y)
#' @export

uni_fun <- function(x, y, type = c("ridge", "univariate"),
                    variables, include.intercept = FALSE) {
  type <- match.arg(type)
  res <- switch(type,
                univariate = {
                  plyr::ldply(variables, function(i) {
                    if (include.intercept) {
                      fit <- lm.fit(x = cbind2(rep(1, nrow(x)),x[,i, drop = F]), y = y )
                    } else {
                      fit <- lm.fit(x = x[,i, drop = F], y = y)
                  }) %>%
                    magrittr::set_rownames(variables) %>%
                    magrittr::set_colnames("univariate_beta") %>%
                ridge = {
                  # fit the ridge to get betas and alphas
                  glmnet::cv.glmnet(x = x, y = y, alpha = 0,
                                    standardize = F,
                                    intercept = include.intercept) %>%
                    # remove intercept (even if include.intercept is FALSE,
                    # coef.glmnet returns
                    # an intercept set to 0)
                    coef(., s = "lambda.min") %>%
                    as.matrix() %>%
                    magrittr::extract(-1, ,drop = F)


#' Calculate Sequence of Tuning Parameters
#' @description Function to calculate the sequence of tuning parameters based on
#'   the design matrix \code{x} and the response variable {y}. This is used in
#'   the \code{\link{shim_once}} function to calculate the tuning parameters
#'   applied to the main effects
#' @inheritParams uni_fun
#' @param weights Separate penalty factors can be applied to each coefficient.
#'   This is a number that multiplies lambda to allow differential shrinkage,
#'   and can be used to apply adaptive LASSO. Can be 0 for some variables, which
#'   implies no shrinkage, and that variable is always included in the model.
#'   Default is 1 for all variables (and implicitly infinity for variables
#'   listed in exclude). Note: the penalty factors are internally rescaled to
#'   sum to nvars, and the lambda sequence will reflect this change.
#' @param lambda.factor The factor for getting the minimal lambda in lambda
#'   sequence, where \code{min(lambda) = lambda.factor * max(lambda).
#'   max(lambda)} is the smallest value of lambda for which all coefficients are
#'   zero. The default depends on the relationship between \code{N} (the number
#'   of rows in the matrix of predictors) and \code{p} (the number of
#'   predictors). If \code{N > p}, the default is \code{1e-6}, close to zero. If
#'   \code{N < p}, the default is \code{0.01}. A very small value of
#'   lambda.factor will lead to a saturated fit.
#' @param nlambda the number of lambda values - default is 100.
#' @param scale_x should the columns of x be scaled - default is FALSE
#' @param center_y should y be mean centered - default is FALSE
#' @return numeric vector of length \code{q}
#' @details The maximum lambda is calculated using the following inequality:
#'   \deqn{(N*w_j)^-1 | \sum x_ij y_i | \le \lambda_max}
#'   The minimum lambda is given by lambda.factor*lambda_max. The sequence of
#'   nlambda values are decreasing from lambda_max to lambda_min on the log
#'   scale.
#'   The penalty factors are internally rescaled to sum to the number of
#'   predictor variables in glmnet. Therefore, to get the correct sequence of
#'   lambdas when there are weights, this function first rescales the weights
#'   and then calclated the sequence of lambdas.
#'   This formula is taken from section 2.5 of the \code{glmnet} paper in the
#'   Journal of Statistical Software (see references for details)
#' @author
#' Sahir Bhatnagar
#' Maintainer: Sahir Bhatnagar \email{sahir.bhatnagar@@mail.mcgill.ca}
#' @references Friedman, J., Hastie, T. and Tibshirani, R. (2008)
#'   \emph{Regularization Paths for Generalized Linear Models via Coordinate
#'   Descent}, \url{http://www.stanford.edu/~hastie/Papers/glmnet.pdf}
#'   \emph{Journal of Statistical Software, Vol. 33(1), 1-22 Feb 2010}
#'   \url{http://www.jstatsoft.org/v33/i01/}
#'   Yang, Y., & Zou, H. (2015). A fast unified algorithm for solving
#'   group-lasso penalize learning problems. \emph{Statistics and Computing},
#'   25(6), 1129-1141.
#'   \url{http://www.math.mcgill.ca/yyang/resources/papers/gglasso.pdf}
#' @examples
#' # number of observations
#' n <- 100
#' # number of predictors
#' p <- 5
#' # environment variable
#' e <- sample(c(0,1), n, replace = T)
#' # main effects
#' x <- cbind(matrix(rnorm(n*p), ncol = p), e)
#' # need to label columns
#' dimnames(x)[[2]] <- c(paste0("x",1:p), "e")
#' # design matrix without intercept
#' X <- model.matrix(~(x1+x2+x3+x4+x5)*e-1, data = as.data.frame(x))
#' # response
#' Y <- X %*% rbinom(ncol(X), 1, 0.2) + 3*rnorm(n)
#' lambda_sequence(X,Y)
#' @export

lambda_sequence <- function(x, y, weights = NULL,
                            lambda.factor = ifelse(nobs < nvars, 0.01, 1e-06),
                            nlambda = 100, scale_x = F, center_y = F) {

  # when scaling, first you center then you standardize
  if (any(as.vector(weights) < 0)) stop("Weights must be positive")
  np <- dim(x)
  nobs <- as.integer(np[1])
  nvars <- as.integer(np[2])

  if (!is.null(weights) & length(as.vector(weights)) < nvars)
    stop("You must provide weights for every column of x")

  # scale the weights to sum to nvars
  w <- if (is.null(weights)) rep(1, nvars) else as.vector(weights) / sum(as.vector(weights)) * nvars

  sx <- if (scale_x) apply(x,2, function(i) scale(i, center = TRUE, scale = mysd(i))) else x
  sy <- if (center_y) as.vector(scale(y, center = T, scale = F)) else as.vector(y)
  lambda.max <- max(abs(colSums(sy * sx) / w)) / nrow(sx)

  rev(exp(seq(log(lambda.factor * lambda.max), log(lambda.max), length.out = nlambda)))

#' Calculate Adaptive Weights based on Ridge Regression
#' @description uses ridge regression from \code{glmnet} package to calculate
#'   the adaptive weights used in the fitting algorithm implemented in the
#'   \code{shim} function.
#' @param x Design matrix of dimension \code{n x q}, where \code{n} is the
#'   number of subjects and q is the total number of variables; each row is an
#'   observation vector. This must include all main effects and interactions as
#'   well, with column names corresponding to the names of the main effects
#'   (e.g. \code{x1, x2, E}) and their interactions (e.g. \code{x1:E, x2:E}).
#'   All columns should be scaled to have mean 0 and variance 1; this is done
#'   internally by the \code{\link{shim}} function.
#' @param y response variable (matrix form) of dimension \code{n x 1}
#' @param main.effect.names character vector of main effects names
#' @param interaction.names character vector of interaction names. MUST be
#'   separated by a colon (e.g. \code{x1:e, x2:e})
#' @param include.intercept logical if intercept should be fitted. Default is
#'   \code{FALSE}. Should be set to \code{TRUE} if \code{y} is not centered
#' @return \code{q x 1} matrix of weights for the main effects and interaction
#'   terms
#' @details Ridge regression is performed using the
#'   \code{\link[glmnet]{cv.glmnet}} function and the tuning parameter is chosen
#'   using 10 fold cross validation
#' @examples
#' # number of observations
#' n <- 100
#' # number of predictors
#' p <- 5
#' # environment variable
#' e <- sample(c(0,1), n, replace = T)
#' # main effects
#' x <- cbind(matrix(rnorm(n*p), ncol = p), e)
#' # need to label columns
#' main_effect_names <- c(paste0("x",1:p), "e")
#' interaction_names <- paste0("x",1:p, ":e")
#' dimnames(x)[[2]] <- main_effect_names
#' # design matrix without intercept
#' X <- model.matrix(~(x1+x2+x3+x4+x5)*e-1, data = as.data.frame(x))
#' # response
#' Y <- X %*% rbinom(ncol(X), 1, 0.2) + 3*rnorm(n)
#' # standardize data
#' data_std <- standardize(X,Y)
#' ridge_weights(x = data_std$x, y = data_std$y,
#'               main.effect.names = main_effect_names,
#'               interaction.names = interaction_names)
#' @author Sahir Bhatnagar
#'   Maintainer: Sahir Bhatnagar \email{sahir.bhatnagar@@mail.mcgill.ca}
#' @references Friedman, J., Hastie, T. and Tibshirani, R. (2008)
#'   \emph{Regularization Paths for Generalized Linear Models via Coordinate
#'   Descent}, \url{http://www.stanford.edu/~hastie/Papers/glmnet.pdf}
#'   \emph{Journal of Statistical Software, Vol. 33(1), 1-22 Feb 2010}
#'   \url{http://www.jstatsoft.org/v33/i01/}
#' @export

ridge_weights <- function(x, y, main.effect.names, interaction.names,
                          include.intercept = F) {

  # fit the ridge to get betas and alphas
  fit <- glmnet::cv.glmnet(x = x, y = y, alpha = 0,
                           standardize = F,
                           intercept = include.intercept)

  # remove intercept (even if include.intercept is FALSE, coef.glmnet returns
  # an intercept set to 0)
  betas.and.alphas <- as.matrix(coef(fit, s = "lambda.1se")) %>%
    magrittr::extract(-1, , drop = F)

  # create output matrix
  weights <- matrix(nrow = nrow(betas.and.alphas)) %>%

  # main effects weights
  for (j in main.effect.names) {
    weights[j,] <- abs(1/betas.and.alphas[j,])

  for (k in interaction.names) {

    # get names of main effects corresponding to interaction
    main <- strsplit(rownames(betas.and.alphas[k, , drop = F]),":")[[1]]

    weights[k,] <- abs(prod(betas.and.alphas[main,])/betas.and.alphas[k,])


#' Soft Thresholding Function
#' @inheritParams uni_fun
#' @param beta vector of regression coefficients to be thresholded
#' @param lambda tuning parameters
#' @param weight vector of weights for each beta
#' @return matrix of thresholded regression coefficients
#' @note user must supply \code{x} AND \code{y}, or \code{beta}, but not both. I
#'   set it up this way because to get the sequence of lambdas, I use the
#'   \code{beta} argument so that I only compute this once. I use the \code{x,
#'   y} argument for the CV folds. \code{lambda} can be a vector and this
#'   functions will return each thresholded beta for each lambda
#' @examples
#'  soft(beta = 0.5, lambda = seq(0.001,0.65,length.out = 10), weight = 1)
#' @author
#' Sahir Bhatnagar
#' Maintainer: Sahir Bhatnagar \email{sahir.bhatnagar@@mail.mcgill.ca}
#' @export

soft <- function(x, y, beta, lambda, weight) {

  if (missing(x) & missing(y) & missing(beta)) stop("user must supply x AND y, or beta but not both")
  if (missing(x) & missing(y)) return(list("beta" = sign(beta) * pmax(0, abs(beta) - lambda * weight)))
  if (missing(beta)) {
    beta <- coef(lm.fit(x = x[, 1, drop = F], y = y))[1]

    b_lasso <- sign(beta)* pmax(0, abs(beta) - lambda*weight)

    # need to return a matrix, because this is used in the step to
    # calculate y_tilde in the shim function
    return(matrix(b_lasso, ncol = 1))


#' Fit Strong Heredity model with one iteration
#' @inheritParams ridge_weights
#' @inheritParams lambda_sequence
#' @param nlambda.gamma number of tuning parameters for gamma
#' @param nlambda.beta number of tuning parameters for beta
#' @param initialization.type The procedure used to estimate the regression
#'   coefficients and used in the \code{\link{uni_fun}} function. If
#'   \code{"univariate"} then a series of univariate regressions is performed
#'   with the response variable \code{y}. If \code{"ridge"} then ridge
#'   regression is performed using the \code{\link[glmnet]{cv.glmnet}} function
#'   and the tuning parameter is chosen using 10 fold cross validation. The
#'   default is \code{"ridge"}.
#' @description This function runs the first iteration of the fitting algorithm
#'   just to get the sequence of \code{lambda_gamma} and \code{lambda_beta}
#' @seealso \code{\link{shim}}
#' @return list of length 2, first element is \code{lambda_gamma} and second
#'   element is \code{lambda_beta}
#' @details A unique sequence of tuning parameters for the main effects
#'   (lambda.beta) is calculated for each tuning parameter for the interaction
#'   terms (lambda.gamma)
#' @examples
#' # number of observations
#' n <- 100
#' # number of predictors
#' p <- 5
#' # environment variable
#' e <- sample(c(0,1), n, replace = T)
#' # main effects
#' x <- cbind(matrix(rnorm(n*p), ncol = p), e)
#' # need to label columns
#' dimnames(x)[[2]] <- c("x1","x2","x3","x4","x5","e")
#' # design matrix without intercept (can be user defined interactions)
#' X <- model.matrix(~(x1+x2+x3)*e+x1*x4+x3*x5-1, data = as.data.frame(x))
#' # names must appear in the same order as X matrix
#' interaction_names <- grep(":", colnames(X), value = T)
#' main_effect_names <- setdiff(colnames(X), interaction_names)
#' # response
#' Y <- X %*% rbinom(ncol(X), 1, 0.6) + 3*rnorm(n)
#' # standardize data
#' data_std <- standardize(X,Y)
#' shim_once(x = data_std$x, y = data_std$y,
#'           main.effect.names = main_effect_names,
#'           interaction.names = interaction_names,
#'           nlambda.gamma = 5, nlambda.beta = 5)
#' @author
#' Sahir Bhatnagar
#' Maintainer: Sahir Bhatnagar \email{sahir.bhatnagar@@mail.mcgill.ca}
#' @export

shim_once <- function(x, y, main.effect.names, interaction.names,
                      initialization.type = c("ridge", "univariate"),
                      nlambda.gamma = 20,
                      nlambda.beta = 20,
                      lambda.factor = ifelse(nobs < nvars, 0.01, 1e-6)) {

  initialization.type <- match.arg(initialization.type)
  np <- dim(x)
  nobs <- np[1]
  nvars <- np[2]

  # total number of tuning parameters
  nlambda <- nlambda.gamma * nlambda.beta

  adaptive.weights <- ridge_weights(x = x, y = y,
                                    main.effect.names = main.effect.names,
                                    interaction.names = interaction.names)

  # initialization
  betas_and_alphas <- uni_fun(variables = colnames(x), x = x, y = y,
                              include.intercept = F,
                              type = initialization.type)

  # this converts the alphas to gammas
  uni_start <- convert(betas_and_alphas, main.effect.names = main.effect.names,
                       interaction.names = interaction.names)

  beta_hat_previous <- uni_start[main.effect.names, , drop = F]
  gamma_hat_previous <- uni_start[interaction.names, , drop = F]

  # get tuning parameters for gamma

  # this is a nsubjects x lambda matrix for each tuning parameter stored in a list
  # each element of the list corresponds to a tuning parameter
  y_tilde <- y - x[,main.effect.names,drop = F] %*% beta_hat_previous

  # calculate x_tilde for each beta vector corresponding to a diffent tuning parameter
  x_tilde <- xtilde(interaction.names = interaction.names,
                    data.main.effects = x[,main.effect.names, drop = F],
                    beta.main.effects = beta_hat_previous)

  # get the sequence of lambda_gammas using the first iteration of
  # x_tilde and y_tilde
  # x_tilde only has the interaction columns, therefore, penalty.factor
  # must also only include the weights for the interaction terms

  lambda_gamma <- lambda_sequence(x = x_tilde,
                                  y = y_tilde,
                                  weights = adaptive.weights[colnames(x_tilde), ],
                                  nlambda = nlambda.gamma,
                                  scale_x = F, center_y = F)

  # dont use GLMNET to get lambda sequence because it truncates the sequence,
  # so you may end up with a sequence that is less than nlambda.gamma
  # pass lambda_gamma to glmnet to get coefficients
  fit_gamma_hat_glmnet <- glmnet::glmnet(x = x_tilde,
                                         y = y_tilde,
                                         lambda = lambda_gamma,
                                         nlambda = nlambda.gamma,
                                         penalty.factor = adaptive.weights[colnames(x_tilde), ],
                                         standardize = F, intercept = F,
                                         lambda.min.ratio = lambda.factor)

  # use lambda gammas produced by lambda_sequence function
  lambda_gamma_glmnet <- lambda_gamma

  # get gamma coefficients and remove intercept
  # this results in a matrix of size p*(p-1)/2 x nlambda_gamma i.e.
  # the number of interaction variables by the number of lambda_gammas
  gamma_hat_next <- as.matrix(coef(fit_gamma_hat_glmnet))[-1, , drop = F]

  # get tuning parameters for beta

  beta_hat_next <- beta_hat_previous

  # for the lambda_beta sequence, calculate the sequences for each
  # beta, and then take the sequence that contains the maximum
  # this will ensure that all betas will be 0 under the maximum lambda

  # this is to store the lambda_beta sequences for each main.effect.names
  # then we will determine the maximum and minimum lambda_beta across
  # all main effects, for each of the nlambda.beta*nlambda.gamma combinations
  lambda_beta_temp <- vector("list", length(main.effect.names))
  names(lambda_beta_temp) <- main.effect.names

  # for each main effect, and for each nlambda_gamma,
  # we get a sequence of nlambda_beta tuning parameters
  # only store the max and min for each main effect for each lambda_gamma
  lambda_beta_seq_for_every_lambda_gamma <-
              matrix(nrow = 2,
                     ncol = length(main.effect.names),
                     dimnames = list(paste0("lambda_",c("min","max")),
              simplify = "array")

  # index data.frame to figure out which j < j'
  index <- data.frame(main.effect.names, seq_along(main.effect.names),
                      stringsAsFactors = F)
  colnames(index) <- c("main.effect.names","index")

  for (k in seq_len(ncol(gamma_hat_next))) {

    for (j in main.effect.names) {

      # determine the main effects not in j
      j_prime_not_in_j <- setdiff(main.effect.names,j)

      y_tilde_2 <- y -
        x[,j_prime_not_in_j, drop = F] %*% beta_hat_next[j_prime_not_in_j, , drop = F] -
        as.matrix(rowSums(xtilde_mod(beta.main.effects = beta_hat_next[j_prime_not_in_j, , drop = F],
                                     gamma.interaction.effects = gamma_hat_next[,k,drop = F],
                                     interaction.names = interaction.names[-grep(paste0("\\b",j,"\\b"), interaction.names)],
                                     data.main.effects = x[,j_prime_not_in_j, drop = F])), ncol = 1)

      # j' less than j (main effects)
      j.prime.less <- index[which(index[,"index"] < index[which(index$main.effect.names == j),2]),

      # need to make sure paste(j.prime.less,j,sep=":") are variables in x matrix
      # this is to get around situations where there is only interactions with the E variable
      j.prime.less.interaction <- intersect(paste(j.prime.less,j, sep = ":"), colnames(x))

      # need to get the main effects that are in j.prime.greater.interaction
      j.prime.less <- gsub("\\:(.*)", "", j.prime.less.interaction)

      # the if conditions in term1 and term2 are to check if there are
      # any variables greater or less than j
      # lapply is faster than mclapply here
      term_1 <- if (length(j.prime.less.interaction) != 0 ) {
        x[,j.prime.less.interaction] %*%
          (gamma_hat_next[j.prime.less.interaction,k, drop = F] *
             beta_hat_next[j.prime.less,,drop = F])} else matrix(rep(0,nrow(x)), ncol = 1)

      # j' greater than j
      j.prime.greater <- index[which(index[,"index"] > index[which(index$main.effect.names == j),2]),

      # need to make sure j.prime.greater is a variable in x matrix
      # this is to get around situations where there is only interactions with the E variable
      j.prime.greater.interaction <- intersect(paste(j,j.prime.greater,sep = ":"), colnames(x))

      # need to get the main effects that are in j.prime.greater.interaction
      j.prime.greater <- if (all(gsub("\\:(.*)", "", j.prime.greater.interaction) == j))
        gsub("(.*)\\:", "", j.prime.greater.interaction) else gsub("\\:(.*)", "", j.prime.greater.interaction)

      term_2 <- if (length(j.prime.greater.interaction) != 0) {
        x[,j.prime.greater.interaction] %*%
          (gamma_hat_next[j.prime.greater.interaction,k, drop = F] *
             beta_hat_next[j.prime.greater,,drop = F])
      } else matrix(rep(0,nrow(x)), ncol = 1)

      x_tilde_2 <- x[,j, drop = F] + term_1 + term_2

      lambda_beta_seq <- lambda_sequence(x_tilde_2,
                                         weights = adaptive.weights[colnames(x_tilde_2),],
                                         nlambda = nlambda.beta)

      # the seqeunce of lambda_betas for variable j
      lambda_beta_seq_for_every_lambda_gamma[ , j ,k] <- c(min(lambda_beta_seq), max(lambda_beta_seq))

  # it is possible that the sequence of lambdas
  return(list(lambda_gamma = lambda_gamma_glmnet,
              lambda_beta = lapply(seq_len(length(lambda_gamma_glmnet)), function(i)
                rev(exp(seq(log(min(lambda_beta_seq_for_every_lambda_gamma[ , ,i])),
                            log(max(lambda_beta_seq_for_every_lambda_gamma[ , ,i])),
                            length.out = nlambda.beta))))))

#' Convert alphas to gammas
#' @description function that takes a vector of betas (which are the main
#'   effects) and alphas (which are the interaction effects) and converts the
#'   alphas to gammas.
#' @param betas.and.alphas q x 1 data.frame or matrix of main effects and
#'   interaction estimates. For example the output from the \code{uni_fun}
#'   function. The rownames must be appropriately labelled because these labels
#'   will be used in other functions
#' @param main.effect.names character vector of main effects names. MUST be
#'   ordered in the same way as the column names of \code{x}. e.g. if the column
#'   names of \code{x} are \code{\"x1\",\"x2\"} then \code{main.effect.names =
#'   c("x1","x2")}
#' @param interaction.names character vector of interaction names. MUST be
#'   separated by a colon (e.g. x1:x2), AND MUST be
#'   ordered in the same way as the column names of \code{x}
#' @param epsilon threshold to avoid division by a very small beta e.g. if any
#'   of the main effects are less than epsilon, set gamma to zero. This should
#'   not really be an important parameter because this function is only used in
#'   the initialization step, where the intial estimates are from OLS or ridge
#'   regression and therefor should not be very close to 0
#' @details note that \deqn{y = \beta_0 + \beta_1 x_1 + ... + \beta_p x_p +
#'   \alpha_{12} x_1 x_2 + ... + \alpha_{p-1,p} x_p x_{p-1} } and
#'   \deqn{\alpha_{ij} = \gamma_{ij} * \beta_i*\beta_j , i < j}
#'   This function is used because the fitting algorithm estimates the gammas,
#'   and furthermore, the L1 penalty is placed on the gammas. It is used only in
#'   the initialization step in the \code{\link{shim}} function
#' @seealso \code{\link{shim}}, \code{\link{Q_theta}}
#' @return a labelled q x 1 data.frame of betas and gammas

convert <- function(betas.and.alphas, main.effect.names, interaction.names,
                    epsilon = 1e-5) {

  betas_and_gammas <- matrix(nrow = nrow(betas.and.alphas)) %>%

  for (k in interaction.names) {

    # get names of main effects corresponding to interaction
    main <- strsplit(rownames(betas.and.alphas[k, , drop = F]),":")[[1]]

    # convert alpha to gamma BUT NEED TO CHECK IF BETAS ARE 0
    betas_and_gammas[k,] <- if (any(abs(betas.and.alphas[main,]) < epsilon )) 0 else

  # add back the main effects which dont need to be transformed
  for (j in main.effect.names) {
    betas_and_gammas[j,] <- betas.and.alphas[j,]


#' Convert gammas to alphas
#' @description function that takes a vector of betas (which are the main
#'   effects) and gammas and converts the alphas to gammas. This function is
#'   used to calculate the linear predictor of the likelihood function (the Q
#'   function in the fitting algorithm)
#' @param betas.and.gammas q x 1 data.frame or matrix of betas and gamma
#'   estimates. For example the output from the \code{convert} function. The
#'   rownames must be appropriately labelled because these labels will be used
#'   in other functions
#' @inheritParams convert
#' @return a labelled q x 1 data.frame of betas and alphas

convert2 <- function(beta, gamma, main.effect.names, interaction.names,
                     intercept = NULL) {

  betas.and.gammas <- rbind2(beta,gamma)

  # create output matrix
  betas.and.alphas <- matrix(nrow = nrow(betas.and.gammas)) %>%

  for (k in interaction.names) {

    # get names of main effects corresponding to interaction
    main <- strsplit(rownames(betas.and.gammas[k, , drop = F]), ":")[[1]]

    # convert gamma to alpha
    betas.and.alphas[k,] <- betas.and.gammas[k,]*prod(betas.and.gammas[main,])

  # add back the main effects which dont need to be transformed
  for (j in main.effect.names) {
    betas.and.alphas[j,] <- betas.and.gammas[j,]

  # add back intercept if it is non-NULL
  if (!is.null(intercept)) betas.and.alphas["(Intercept)",] <- intercept



#' Calculate working X's to update Gammas.
#' @description function used to calculate working X's (xtilde) in step 3 of
#'   algorithm
#' @param interaction.names character vector of interaction names. must be
#'   separated by a ':' (e.g. x1:x2)
#' @param data.main.effects data frame or matrix containing the main effects
#'   data
#' @param beta.main.effects data frame or matrix containing the coefficients of
#'   main effects
#' @param nlambda number of tuning parameters
#' @return matrix of working X's (xtilde)

xtilde <- function(interaction.names, data.main.effects, beta.main.effects){

  # create output matrix
  xtildas <- matrix(ncol = length(interaction.names),
                    nrow = nrow(data.main.effects))
  colnames(xtildas) <- interaction.names

  for (k in interaction.names) {

    # get names of main effects corresponding to interaction
    main <- strsplit(k,":")[[1]]

    # step 3 to calculate x tilda
    xtildas[,k] <- prod(beta.main.effects[main,]) *
      data.main.effects[,main[1],drop = F] *
      data.main.effects[,main[2],drop = F]


#' Calculate working X's to update Betas
#' @description function used to calculate working X's (xtilde) in step 4 of
#'   algorithm
#' @param interaction.names character vector of interaction names. must be
#'   separated by a ':' (e.g. x1:x2)
#' @param data.main.effects data frame or matrix containing the main effects
#'   data
#' @param beta.main.effects data frame or matrix containing the coefficients of
#'   main effects
#' @param gamma.interaction.effects data frame or matrix containing the gamma
#'   parameters
#' @return matrix of working X's (xtilde) of dimension n x (p*(p-1)/2)
#' @note this function is a modified x_tilde for step 4 because we thought maybe
#'   there was a typo. Math and results suggests that there is a typo in the
#'   original paper.

xtilde_mod <- function(interaction.names, data.main.effects, beta.main.effects,

  # create output matrix. no pipe is faster
  xtildas <- matrix(ncol = length(interaction.names),
                    nrow = nrow(data.main.effects))
  colnames(xtildas) <- interaction.names

  for (k in interaction.names) {

    # get names of main effects corresponding to interaction
    main <- strsplit(k, ":")[[1]]

    # step 4 to calculate x tilda
    xtildas[,k] <- prod(beta.main.effects[main,]) * gamma.interaction.effects[k,] *
      data.main.effects[,main[1],drop = F] *
      data.main.effects[,main[2],drop = F]


# j = "x10"
# j_prime_not_in_j <- setdiff(main.effect.names,j)
# interaction.names = interaction_names
# Rprof(tmp <- tempfile())
# (beta.main.effects = beta_hat_next[j_prime_not_in_j, , drop = F]);
# (gamma.interaction.effects = gamma_hat_next);
# (interaction.names = interaction_names[-grep(paste0("\\b",j,"\\b"), interaction_names)]);
# (data.main.effects = x[,j_prime_not_in_j, drop = F])
# # create output matrix. no pipe is faster
# xtildas <- matrix(ncol = length(interaction.names),
#                   nrow = nrow(data.main.effects))
# colnames(xtildas) <- interaction.names
# dim(xtildas)
# for (k in interaction.names) {
#   k = "x1:e"
#   # get names of main effects corresponding to interaction
#   main <- unlist(stringr::str_split(k, ":"))
# main <- c("x1","x4")
#   strsplit(k, ":")[[1]]
#   # step 4 to calculate x tilda
#   xtildas[,k] <- prod(beta.main.effects[main,]) * gamma.interaction.effects[k,] *
#     data.main.effects[,main[1],drop = F] *
#     data.main.effects[,main[2],drop = F]
# }
# gamma.interaction.effects[1,1] <- 1
# v1 <- prod(beta.main.effects[main,],gamma.interaction.effects[1,1]) *
#   data.main.effects[,main[1],drop = F] *
#   data.main.effects[,main[2],drop = F]
# v2 <- prod(beta.main.effects[main,],gamma.interaction.effects[1,1])*apply(data.main.effects[,main], 1, prod)
# xtildas[,k] <- prod(beta.main.effects[main,],gamma.interaction.effects[1,1])*apply(data.main.effects[,main], 1, prod)
# xtildas[,k] <- prod(beta.main.effects[main,]) * gamma.interaction.effects[1,1] *
#   data.main.effects[,main[1],drop = F] *
#   data.main.effects[,main[2],drop = F]
# str(v1)
# all.equal(as.numeric(v1),as.numeric(v2))
# compare <- microbenchmark("v1" = {
#   xtildas[,3] <- prod(beta.main.effects[main,],gamma.interaction.effects[1,1]) *
#     data.main.effects[,main[1],drop = F] *
#     data.main.effects[,main[2],drop = F]
# },
# "v3" = {
#   xtildas[,1] <- prod(beta.main.effects[main,])*gamma.interaction.effects[1,1]*
#     data.main.effects[,main[1],drop = F] *
#     data.main.effects[,main[2],drop = F]
# } ,times = 2000)
# autoplot(compare)
# library(microbenchmark)
# library(ggplot2)
# compare <- microbenchmark("v1" = { y_tilde_2 <- y -
#   x[,j_prime_not_in_j, drop = F] %*%
#   beta_hat_next[j_prime_not_in_j, , drop = F] -
#   rowSums(
#     xtilde_mod(beta.main.effects = beta_hat_next[j_prime_not_in_j, , drop = F],
#                gamma.interaction.effects = gamma_hat_next,
#                interaction.names = interaction.names[-grep(paste0("\\b",j,"\\b"), interaction.names)],
#                data.main.effects = x[,j_prime_not_in_j, drop = F]))},
#   "v2" = { y_tilde_v2 <- y -
#     x[,j_prime_not_in_j, drop = F] %*%
#     beta_hat_next[j_prime_not_in_j, , drop = F] -
#     myrowSums(
#       xtilde_mod(beta.main.effects = beta_hat_next[j_prime_not_in_j, , drop = F],
#                  gamma.interaction.effects = gamma_hat_next,
#                  interaction.names = interaction.names[-grep(paste0("\\b",j,"\\b"), interaction.names)],
#                  data.main.effects = x[,j_prime_not_in_j, drop = F]))}, times = 1000L)
# autoplot(compare)
# all.equal(y_tilde_2,y_tilde_v2)
# Rprof()
# summaryRprof(tmp)

# myrowSums <- function (x, na.rm = FALSE, dims = 1L) {
#   dn <- dim(x)
#   p <- prod(dn[-(id <- seq_len(dims))])
#   dn <- dn[id]
#   z <- .Internal(rowSums(x, prod(dn), p, na.rm))
#   if (length(dn) > 1L) {
#     dim(z) <- dn
#     dimnames(z) <- dimnames(x)[id]
#   }
#   else names(z) <- dimnames(x)[[1L]]
#   z
# }

#' Likelihood function
#' @description calculates likelihood function. Used to assess convergence of
#'   fitting algorithm. This corresponds to the Q(theta) function in the paper
#' @inheritParams uni_fun
#' @param beta p x 1 matrix of main effect estimates
#' @param gamma p*(p-1)/2 x 1 matrix of gamma estimates
#' @param weights adaptive weights calculated by \code{ridge_weights} function
#'   with rownames corresponding to column names of x
#' @param lambda.beta a single tuning parameter for main effects
#' @param lambda.gamma a single tuning parameter for gammas
#' @param main.effect.names character vector of main effects names
#' @param interaction.names character vector of interaction names. must be
#'   separated by a colon (e.g. \code{x1:E})
#' @return value of likelihood function
#' @note you dont use the intercept in the calculation of the Q function
#' because its not being penalized

Q_theta <- function(x, y, beta, gamma, weights,
                    lambda.beta, lambda.gamma, main.effect.names,

  # first convert gammas to alphas which will be used to calculate
  # the linear predictor
  betas.and.alphas <- convert2(beta = beta,
                               gamma = gamma,
                               main.effect.names = main.effect.names,
                               interaction.names = interaction.names)

  crossprod(y - x %*% betas.and.alphas) +
    lambda.beta * (crossprod(weights[main.effect.names,], abs(beta))) +
    lambda.gamma * (crossprod(weights[interaction.names,], abs(gamma)))

#' Internal eclust functions
#' @description Internal eclust helper functions
#' @details These functions are not intended for use by users.
#' @author Sahir Bhatnagar
#'   Maintainer: Sahir Bhatnagar \email{sahir.bhatnagar@@mail.mcgill.ca}
#' @name eclust-internal

#' @description \code{repcol} is to return a matrix with \code{x} being repeated
#'   into \code{n} columns
#' @param x is numeric vector to be repeated
#' @param n how many times \code{x} needs to be repeated
#' @rdname eclust-internal

repcol <- function(x, n) {
  s <- NCOL(x)
  matrix(x[, rep(1:s, each = n)], nrow = NROW(x), ncol = NCOL(x) * n)

#' @description \code{mysd} is to calculate standard deviation but with divisor of n
#'   and not n-1
#' @param i a vector of numerics
#' @rdname eclust-internal

mysd <- function(i) sqrt(crossprod(i - mean(i)) / length(i))

#' @description \code{check_col_0} is to check how many columns are 0
#' @param M is a matrix
#' @rdname eclust-internal

check_col_0 <- function(M) {
  M[, colSums(abs(M)) != 0, drop = F]

#' @description \code{nonzero} is to determine which coefficients are non-zero
#' @param beta vector or 1 column matrix of regression coefficients
#' @rdname eclust-internal
#' @export
nonzero <- function(beta, bystep = FALSE) {
  beta <- as.matrix(beta)
  nr = nrow(beta)
  if (nr == 1) {
    if (bystep)
      apply(beta, 2, function(x) if (abs(x) > 0)
        else NULL)
    else {
      if (any(abs(beta) > 0))
      else NULL
  else {
    beta = abs(beta) > 0
    which = seq(nr)
    ones = rep(1, ncol(beta))
    nz = as.vector((beta %*% ones) > 0)
    which = which[nz]
    if (bystep) {
      if (length(which) > 0) {
        beta = as.matrix(beta[which, , drop = FALSE])
        nzel = function(x, which) if (any(x))
        else NULL
        which = apply(beta, 2, nzel, which)
        if (!is.list(which))
          which = data.frame(which)
      else {
        dn = dimnames(beta)[[2]]
        which = vector("list", length(dn))
        names(which) = dn
    else which

#' Standardize Data
#' @description Function that standardizes the data before running the fitting
#'   algorithm. This is necessary in all penalization methods so that the effect
#'   of a given penalty is the same for each predictor. This is used in the
#'   \code{\link{shim}} function
#' @inheritParams uni_fun
#' @param intercept Should \code{x} and \code{y} be centered. Default is
#'   \code{TRUE}
#' @param normalize Should \code{x} be scaled to have unit variance. Default is
#'   \code{TRUE}
#' @return list of length 5:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{x}{centered and normalized \code{x} matrix}
#'   \item{y}{centered \code{y} numeric vector}
#'   \item{bx}{numeric vector of column means of \code{x} matrix}
#'   \item{by}{mean of \code{y}}
#'   \item{sx}{standard deviations (using a divisor of \code{n}
#'   observations) of columns of \code{x} matrix}
#' }
#' @author
#' Sahir Bhatnagar
#' Maintainer: Sahir Bhatnagar \email{sahir.bhatnagar@@mail.mcgill.ca}
#' @export

standardize <- function(x, y, center = TRUE, normalize = TRUE) {
  x <- as.matrix(x)
  y <- as.numeric(y)
  n <- nrow(x)
  p <- ncol(x)

  if (center) {
    bx <- colMeans(x)
    by <- mean(y)
    x <- scale(x,bx,FALSE)
    y <- y - mean(y)
  } else {
    bx <- rep(0,p)
    by <- 0
  if (normalize) {
    sx <- sqrt(colSums(x ^ 2) / n)
    x <- scale(x,FALSE,sx)
  } else {
    sx <- rep(1,p)

  return(list(x = x, y = y, bx = bx, by = by, sx = sx))

#' @description \code{\%ni\%} is the opposite of \code{\%in\%}
#' @rdname eclust-internal
"%ni%" <- Negate("%in%")

#' Compute cross validation error
#' @description functions used to calculate cross validation error and used by
#'   the \code{\link{cv.shim}} function
#' @param outlist list of cross validated fitted models. List is of length equal
#'   to \code{nfolds} argument in \code{\link{cv.shim}} function
#' @param foldid numeric vector indicating which fold each observation belongs
#'   to
#' @param nlambda.beta number of tuning paramters for the main effect
#' @param nlambda.gamma number of tuning parameters for the interaction effects
#' @param nlambda total number of tuning parameter pairs. This includes those
#'   pairs of tuning parameters that didn't converge in the CV folds.
#' @param outlist list containing results from cv.shim function. each element of
#'   the list is a run of shim_multiple_faster for each CV fold
#' @inheritParams uni_fun
#' @seealso \code{\link{cv.shim}}
#' @details The output of the \code{cv_lspath} function only returns values for those tuning
#'   paramters that DID converge

cv_lspath <- function(outlist, x, y, foldid,
                      nlambda, nlambda.beta, nlambda.gamma) {

  y <- as.double(y)
  nfolds <- max(foldid)
  predmat <- matrix(NA, length(y), nlambda)
  nlams <- double(nfolds)
  converged <- matrix(nrow = nfolds, ncol = nlambda)
  for (i in seq(nfolds)) {

    which <- foldid == i

    # this gives be the fitted object for each CV fold
    fitobj <- outlist[[i]]

    # this gives the predicted responses for the subjects in the held-out fold
    # for each lambda so if each fold has 20 subjects, and there are 100
    # lambdas, then this will return a 20 x 100 matrix
    preds <- predict(fitobj, newx = x[which, ,drop = F], type = "link")

    nlami <- fitobj$nlambda
    predmat[which, seq(nlami)] <- preds
    nlams[i] <- nlami
    converged[i,] <- fitobj$converged

  conv <- colSums(converged)
  cvraw <- (y - predmat) ^ 2
  cvob <- eclust::cvcompute(cvraw, foldid, nlams)
  cvraw <- cvob$cvraw
  N <- cvob$N
  cvm <- apply(cvraw, 2, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
  cvm_mat_all <- matrix(cvm, ncol = nlambda.gamma, nrow = nlambda.beta, byrow = T)

  cvsd <- sqrt(apply(scale(cvraw, cvm, FALSE) ^ 2, 2, mean, na.rm = TRUE)/(N - 1))
  list(cvm = cvm, cvsd = cvsd, name = "MSE", converged = conv,
       cvm.mat.all = cvm_mat_all)

#' @describeIn cv_lspath Computations for crossvalidation error
#' @export
cvcompute <- function(mat, foldid, nlams) {
  nfolds <- max(foldid)
  outmat <- matrix(NA, nfolds, ncol(mat))
  good <- matrix(0, nfolds, ncol(mat))
  mat[is.infinite(mat)] <- NA
  for (i in seq(nfolds)) {
    mati <- mat[foldid == i, ]
    outmat[i, ] <- apply(mati, 2, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
    good[i, seq(nlams[i])] <- 1
  N <- apply(good, 2, sum)
  list(cvraw = outmat, N = N)

#' @describeIn cv_lspath Function that returns the tuning paramter corresponding
#'   to the minimum cross validated error and cross validated error within 1
#'   standard error of the minimum
#' @param type should be one of "beta" or "gamma"
getmin_type <- function(lambda, cvm, cvsd, type) {

  cvmin <- min(cvm, na.rm = TRUE)
  idmin <- cvm <= cvmin
  lambda.min <- lambda[idmin][which.max(lambda[idmin])]
  idmin <- match(lambda.min, lambda)
  semin <- (cvm + cvsd)[idmin]
  idmin <- cvm <= semin
  lambda.1se <- lambda[idmin][which.max(lambda[idmin])]

  # this is to get the index of the tuning parameter pair which is labelled by "s"
  # e.g. "s25" corresponds to the 25th pair of tuning parameters
  lambda.min.name <- gsub("\\.(.*)", "",names(lambda.min))
  lambda.1se.name <- gsub("\\.(.*)", "",names(lambda.1se))
  res <- list(lambda.min = lambda.min, lambda.min.name,
              lambda.1se = lambda.1se, lambda.1se.name )
  names(res) <- c(paste0("lambda.min.",type),"lambda.min.name",

#' @describeIn cv_lspath Interpolation function. Currently not implemented.
lambda.interp <- function(lambda, s) {
  if (length(lambda) == 1) {
    nums = length(s)
    left = rep(1, nums)
    right = left
    sfrac = rep(1, nums)
  else {
    s[s > max(lambda)] = max(lambda)
    s[s < min(lambda)] = min(lambda)
    k = length(lambda)
    sfrac <- (lambda[1] - s)/(lambda[1] - lambda[k])
    lambda <- (lambda[1] - lambda)/(lambda[1] - lambda[k])
    coord <- approx(lambda, seq(lambda), sfrac)$y
    left <- floor(coord)
    right <- ceiling(coord)
    sfrac = (sfrac - lambda[right])/(lambda[left] - lambda[right])
    sfrac[left == right] = 1
  list(left = left, right = right, frac = sfrac)

#' Update Weights based on betas and gammas.
#' @description uses betas and gammas to update weights. this is used to update
#'   the weights at each iteration of the fitting algorithm in the \code{shim}
#'   function
#' @param betas.and.gammas q x 1 data.frame or matrix of betas and gamma
#'   estimates. The rownames must be appropriately labelled because these labels
#'   are be used in this function and must match those in the arguments
#'   \code{main.effect.names} and \code{interaction.names}
#' @param main.effect.names character vector of main effects names
#' @param interaction.names character vector of interaction names. must be
#'   separated by a colon (e.g. x1:x2)
#' @return q x 1 matrix of weights

update_weights <- function(betas,
                           epsilon = 1e-5) {

  betas.and.gammas <- rbind(betas, gammas)

  # create output matrix
  weights <- matrix(nrow = nrow(betas.and.gammas)) %>%

  # main effects weights
  for (j in main.effect.names) {

    weights[j,] <- if (betas.and.gammas[j,] < epsilon) 1e7  else

  for (k in interaction.names) {

    weights[k,] <- if (betas.and.gammas[k,]<epsilon) 1e7 else


#' @rdname eclust-internal
isEmpty <- function(x) {
  return(length(x) == 0)

#' @description \code{checkargs.xy} function to check inputs of shim function
#' @rdname eclust-internal
checkargs.xy <- function(x, y) {
  if (missing(x)) stop("x is missing")
  if (is.null(x) || !is.matrix(x)) stop("x must be a matrix")
  if (missing(y)) stop("y is missing")
  if (is.null(y) || !is.numeric(y)) stop("y must be numeric")
  if (ncol(x) == 0) stop("There must be at least one predictor
                         [must have ncol(x) > 0]")
  if (checkcols(x)) stop("x cannot have duplicate columns")
  if (length(y) == 0) stop("There must be at least one data point
                           [must have length(y) > 0]")
  if (length(y) != nrow(x)) stop("Dimensions don't match
                                 [length(y) != nrow(x)]")

#' @rdname eclust-internal
checkargs.misc <- function(sigma=NULL, alpha=NULL, k=NULL,
                           gridrange=NULL, gridpts=NULL, griddepth=NULL,
                           mult=NULL, ntimes=NULL,
                           beta=NULL, lambda=NULL, tol.beta=NULL, tol.kkt=NULL,
                           bh.q=NULL) {

  if (!is.null(sigma) && sigma <= 0) stop("sigma must be > 0")
  if (!is.null(lambda) && lambda < 0) stop("lambda must be >= 0")
  if (!is.null(alpha) && (alpha <= 0 || alpha >= 1)) stop("alpha must be
                                                          between 0 and 1")
  if (!is.null(k) && length(k) != 1) stop("k must be a single number")
  if (!is.null(k) && (k < 1 || k != floor(k))) stop("k must be an integer >= 1")
  if (!is.null(gridrange) && (length(gridrange) != 2 ||
                              gridrange[1] > gridrange[2]))
    stop("gridrange must be an interval of the form c(a,b) with a <= b")
  if (!is.null(gridpts) && (gridpts < 20 || gridpts != round(gridpts)))
    stop("gridpts must be an integer >= 20")
  if (!is.null(griddepth) && (griddepth > 10 || griddepth != round(griddepth)))
    stop("griddepth must be an integer <= 10")
  if (!is.null(mult) && mult < 0) stop("mult must be >= 0")
  if (!is.null(ntimes) && (ntimes <= 0 || ntimes != round(ntimes)))
    stop("ntimes must be an integer > 0")
  if (!is.null(beta) && sum(beta != 0) == 0) stop("Value of lambda too large,
                                                  beta is zero")
  if (!is.null(lambda) && length(lambda) != 1) stop("lambda must be a single
  if (!is.null(lambda) && lambda < 0) stop("lambda must be >=0")
  if (!is.null(tol.beta) && tol.beta <= 0) stop("tol.beta must be > 0")
  if (!is.null(tol.kkt) && tol.kkt <= 0) stop("tol.kkt must be > 0")

#' @rdname eclust-internal
tabular <- function(df, ...) {

  align <- function(x) if (is.numeric(x)) "r" else "l"
  col_align <- vapply(df, align, character(1))

  cols <- lapply(df, format, ...)
  contents <- do.call("paste",
                      c(cols, list(sep = " \\tab ", collapse = "\\cr\n  ")))

  paste("\\tabular{", paste(col_align, collapse = ""), "}{\n  ",
        contents, "\n}\n", sep = "")

#' @rdname eclust-internal
error.bars <- function(x, upper, lower, width = 0.02, ...) {
  xlim <- range(x)
  barw <- diff(xlim) * width
  segments(x, upper, x, lower, ...)
  segments(x - barw, upper, x + barw, upper, ...)
  segments(x - barw, lower, x + barw, lower, ...)
  range(upper, lower)

#' Create CV Folds
#' @description \code{createfolds} splits the data into \code{k} groups. Taken
#'   from the \code{caret} package (see references for details)
#' @param y vector of response
#' @param an integer for the number of folds.
#' @return A vector of CV fold ID's for each observation in \code{y}
#' @details For numeric y, the sample is split into groups sections based on
#'   percentiles and sampling is done within these subgroups
#' @references \url{http://topepo.github.io/caret/splitting.html}

createfolds <- function(y, k = 10, list = FALSE, returnTrain = FALSE) {
  if (class(y)[1] == "Surv")
    y <- y[, "time"]
  if (is.numeric(y)) {
    cuts <- floor(length(y)/k)
    if (cuts < 2)
      cuts <- 2
    if (cuts > 5)
      cuts <- 5
    breaks <- unique(quantile(y, probs = seq(0, 1, length = cuts)))
    y <- cut(y, breaks, include.lowest = TRUE)
  if (k < length(y)) {
    y <- factor(as.character(y))
    numInClass <- table(y)
    foldVector <- vector(mode = "integer", length(y))
    for (i in 1:length(numInClass)) {
      min_reps <- numInClass[i]%/%k
      if (min_reps > 0) {
        spares <- numInClass[i]%%k
        seqVector <- rep(1:k, min_reps)
        if (spares > 0)
          seqVector <- c(seqVector, sample(1:k, spares))
        foldVector[which(y == names(numInClass)[i])] <- sample(seqVector)
      else {
        foldVector[which(y == names(numInClass)[i])] <- sample(1:k,
                                                               size = numInClass[i])
  else foldVector <- seq(along = y)
  if (list) {
    out <- split(seq(along = y), foldVector)
    names(out) <- paste("Fold", gsub(" ", "0", format(seq(along = out))),
                        sep = "")
    if (returnTrain)
      out <- lapply(out, function(data, y) y[-data], y = seq(along = y))
  else out <- foldVector
sahirbhatnagar/shim documentation built on May 29, 2019, 12:59 p.m.