#' Simulate full data set
#' Simulates a full data set for a given set of parameters etc.
#' @param par_tab the full parameter table controlling parameter ranges and values
#' @param group which group index to give this simulated data
#' @param n_indiv number of individuals to simulate
#' @param antigenic_map (optional) A data frame of antigenic x and y coordinates. Must have column names: x_coord; y_coord; inf_times. See \code{\link{example_antigenic_map}}.
#' @param possible_exposure_times (optional) If no antigenic map is specified, this argument gives the vector of times at which individuals can be infected
#' @param measured_biomarker_ids vector of biomarker IDs that have titres measured matching entries in possible_exposure_times
#' @param sampling_times possible sampling times for the individuals, matching entries in possible_exposure_times
#' @param nsamps the number of samples each individual has (eg. nsamps=2 gives each individual 2 random sampling times from sampling_times)
#' @param missing_data numeric between 0 and 1, used to censor a proportion of titre observations at random (MAR)
#' @param age_min simulated age minimum
#' @param age_max simulated age maximum
#' @param attack_rates a vector of attack_rates for each entry in possible_exposure_times to be used in the simulation (between 0 and 1)
#' @param repeats number of repeat observations for each year
#' @param measurement_indices default NULL, optional vector giving the index of `measurement_bias` that each antigen/biomarker ID uses the measurement shift from from. eg. if there's 6 circulation years and 3 strain clusters, then this might be c(1,1,2,2,3,3)
#' @param data_type if not NULL, then a vector of data types to use for each biomarker_group
#' @param demographics if not NULL, then a tibble for each individual (1:n_indiv) giving demographic variable entries. Most importantly must include "birth" as the birth time. This is used if, for example, you have a stratification grouping in `par_tab`
#' @param verbose if TRUE, prints additional messages
#' @return a list with: 1) the data frame of antibody data as returned by \code{\link{simulate_group}}; 2) a matrix of infection histories as returned by \code{\link{simulate_infection_histories}}; 3) a vector of ages
#' @family simulation_functions
#' @examples
#' data(example_par_tab)
#' data(example_antigenic_map)
#' ## Times at which individuals can be infected
#' possible_exposure_times <- example_antigenic_map$inf_times
#' ## Simulate some random attack rates between 0 and 0.2
#' attack_rates <- runif(length(possible_exposure_times), 0, 0.2)
#' ## Vector giving the circulation times of measured antigens
#' sampled_antigens <- seq(min(possible_exposure_times), max(possible_exposure_times), by=2)
#' all_simulated_data <- simulate_data(par_tab=example_par_tab, group=1, n_indiv=50,
#' possible_exposure_times=possible_exposure_times,
#' measured_biomarker_ids=sampled_antigens,
#' sampling_times=2010:2015, nsamps=2, antigenic_map=example_antigenic_map,
#' age_min=10,age_max=75,
#' attack_rates=attack_rates, repeats=2)
#' antibody_data <- all_simulated_data$data
#' antibody_data <- merge(antibody_data, all_simulated_data$ages)
#' @export
simulate_data <- function(par_tab,
group = 1,
n_indiv = 100,
antigenic_map = NULL,
possible_exposure_times = NULL,
measured_biomarker_ids = NULL,
nsamps = 2,
missing_data = 0,
age_min = 5, age_max = 80,
age_group_bounds = NULL,
repeats = 1,
measurement_bias = NULL,
data_type = NULL,
verbose=FALSE) {
if (!("biomarker_group" %in% colnames(par_tab))) {
if(verbose) message(cat("Note: no biomarker_group detection in par_tab Assuming all biomarker_group as 1. If this was deliberate, you can ignore this message.\n"))
par_tab$biomarker_group <- 1
## Get unique observation types
unique_biomarker_groups <- unique(par_tab$biomarker_group)
n_biomarker_groups <- length(unique_biomarker_groups)
antigenic_map_tmp <- setup_antigenic_map(antigenic_map, possible_exposure_times,
antigenic_map <- antigenic_map_tmp$antigenic_map
possible_exposure_times <- antigenic_map_tmp$possible_exposure_times
infection_history_mat_indices <- antigenic_map_tmp$infection_history_mat_indices
## Which biomarkers were measured
if (is.null(measured_biomarker_ids)) {
measured_biomarker_ids <- possible_exposure_times
## Create sampling times and birth dates
## If no demographics provided, simulate random birth times
demographics <- tibble(individual=1:n_indiv,
birth=max(sampling_times) - floor(runif(n_indiv, age_min,age_max + 1)))
## If we've specified age_group_bounds, then we want to have timevarying age groups
if("time" %in% colnames(demographics)){
timevarying_demographics <- demographics
} else {
if(!is.null(age_group_bounds) ){
timevarying_demographics <- demographics %>% expand_grid(time=possible_exposure_times)
timevarying_demographics$age <- timevarying_demographics$time - timevarying_demographics$birth
timevarying_demographics$age_group <- as.numeric(cut(timevarying_demographics$age, breaks=c(0, age_group_bounds)))
timevarying_demographics$age_group <- as.numeric(as.factor(timevarying_demographics$age_group))
} else {
timevarying_demographics <- NULL
## Simulate sampling times after birth for each individual
sampling_times_data <- expand_grid(individual=1:n_indiv,sample_time=sampling_times) %>%
left_join(demographics %>% select(individual, birth) %>% distinct(),by="individual") %>%
## Ensure only sampling after birth
filter(sample_time >= birth) %>%
group_by(individual) %>%
## Ensure not sampling more than there are time periods to sample from
## Find the last sample time for each individual -- this will be used to censor infection history simulations
final_sample_times <- sampling_times_data %>%
group_by(individual) %>%
filter(sample_time == max(sample_time)) %>%
select(individual,sample_time) %>%
distinct() %>%
rename(last_sample = sample_time)
## Expand out with measured biomarkers and repeats
antibody_data <- expand_grid(sampling_times_data,repeat_number=1:repeats,
biomarker_id = measured_biomarker_ids,
antibody_data <- as.data.frame(antibody_data)
if(!(4 %in% unique(par_tab$par_type))){
par_tab <- add_scale_pars(par_tab,antibody_data, timevarying_demographics)
par_tab <- check_par_tab(par_tab)
## Find unique demographic and population groups
tmp <- add_stratifying_variables(antibody_data, timevarying_demographics, par_tab)
## Unique population groups key
population_groups <- tmp$population_groups
## Unique demographics group key
demographic_groups <- get_demographic_groups(par_tab, antibody_data, timevarying_demographics)$demographic_groups %>%
mutate(demographic_group = 1:n())
message("Simulating data\n")
if (!is.null(measurement_bias)) {
message(cat("Measurement bias\n"))
## Simulate infection histories
## If timevarying demographics, then use this. Otherwise, use the fixed demographics
use_demo <- timevarying_demographics
} else {
use_demo <- demographics
## Merge with final sample time and any relevant population group keys
use_demo <- use_demo %>% left_join(final_sample_times,by="individual")
use_demo$population_group <- 1
} else {
use_demo <- suppressMessages(use_demo %>% left_join(population_groups))
## Get simulated infection histories and attack rates
tmp <- simulate_infection_histories(
attack_rates, possible_exposure_times,use_demo
infection_history <- tmp[[1]]
ARs <- tmp[[2]]
## Check - can't be exposed or infected after the last sampling time
DOBs <- antibody_data %>% dplyr::select(individual,birth) %>% distinct() %>% pull(birth)
age_mask <- create_age_mask(DOBs, possible_exposure_times)
sample_mask <- create_sample_mask(antibody_data, possible_exposure_times)
for (i in 1:nrow(infection_history)) {
tmp_inf_hist <- infection_history[i,]
if(age_mask[i] > 1 & any(tmp_inf_hist[1:(age_mask[i]-1)]) >0) print("Error - infection before birth")
if(sample_mask[i] < ncol(infection_history) & any(tmp_inf_hist[(sample_mask[i]+1):ncol(infection_history)]) >0) print("Error - infection after last sample")
## Create model solving function
## Check that antibody data is formatted correctly
## Correct arrangement
antibody_data <- antibody_data %>%
arrange(individual, biomarker_group, sample_time, biomarker_id, repeat_number)
## Simulate data!
f <- create_posterior_func(par_tab,antibody_data,antigenic_map,function_type=3,
possible_exposure_times = possible_exposure_times,
antibody_data$measurement <- f(par_tab$values, infection_history)
## Add noise, but need to be specific to the data type
for(i in seq_along(unique_biomarker_groups)){
## Find indices for each unique biomarker group
tmp_indices <- which(antibody_data$biomarker_group == unique_biomarker_groups[i])
## Get model parameters for this biomarker group
tmp_par_tab <- par_tab[par_tab$biomarker_group == unique_biomarker_groups[i],]
tmp_pars <- tmp_par_tab$values
names(tmp_pars) <- tmp_par_tab$names
## Add noise, specific to the biomarker group's data type
antibody_data$measurement[tmp_indices] <- add_noise(antibody_data$measurement[tmp_indices],tmp_pars,NULL,NULL,data_type=data_type[i])
## Randomly censor titre values
antibody_data <- antibody_data %>% mutate(measurement=if_else(runif(n())<missing_data,NA,measurement))
antibody_data = antibody_data, infection_histories = infection_history,
attack_rates = ARs, phis = attack_rates,par_tab=par_tab,
#' Add noise
#' Adds truncated noise to antibody data
#' @param y the titre
#' @param theta a vector with max_measurement and error parameters
#' @param data_type integer, currently accepting 1 or 2. Set to 1 for discretized, bounded data, or 2 for continuous, bounded data. Note that with 2, min_measurement must be set.
#' @return a noisy titre
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## ... example in simulate_individual
#' pars <- c("obs_sd"=1)
#' y <- runif(100)
#' noisy_y <- add_noise(y, pars)
#' }
add_noise <- function(y, theta, measurement_bias = NULL, indices = NULL,data_type=1) {
if(data_type ==2){
if (!is.null(measurement_bias)) {
noise_y <- rnorm(length(y), mean = y + measurement_bias[indices], sd = theta["obs_sd"])
} else {
noise_y <- rnorm(length(y), mean = y, sd = theta["obs_sd"])
## If outside of bounds, truncate
noise_y[noise_y < theta["min_measurement"]] <- theta["min_measurement"]
noise_y[noise_y > theta["max_measurement"]] <- theta["max_measurement"]
} else {
## Draw from normal
if (!is.null(measurement_bias)) {
noise_y <- floor(rnorm(length(y), mean = y + measurement_bias[indices], sd = theta["obs_sd"]))
} else {
noise_y <- floor(rnorm(length(y), mean = y, sd = theta["obs_sd"]))
## If outside of bounds, truncate
noise_y[noise_y < theta["min_measurement"]] <- theta["min_measurement"]
noise_y[noise_y > theta["max_measurement"]] <- theta["max_measurement"]
#' Simulate attack rates
#' Given a number of possible infection years, simulates attack rates from a log normal distribution with specified mean and standard deviation.
#' @param infection_years the number of infection years
#' @param mean_par the mean of the log normal
#' @param sd_par the sd of the log normal
#' @param large_first_year simulate an extra large attach rate in the first year?
#' @param big_year_mean if large first year, what mean to use?
#' @param n_groups defaults to 1, otherwise gives an attack rate vector for each group
#' @return a matrix of attack rates for each group
#' @family simulation_functions
#' @export
simulate_attack_rates <- function(infection_years, mean_par = 0.15, sd_par = 0.5,
large_first_year = FALSE, big_year_mean = 0.5,n_groups=1) {
ars <- matrix(0, nrow=n_groups,ncol=length(infection_years))
if(length(mean_par) != n_groups){
mean_par <- rep(mean_par[1], n_groups)
if(length(sd_par) != n_groups){
sd_par <- rep(sd_par[1], n_groups)
if(length(large_first_year) != n_groups){
large_first_year <- rep(large_first_year[1], n_groups)
if(length(big_year_mean) != n_groups){
big_year_mean <- rep(big_year_mean[1], n_groups)
for(g in 1:n_groups){
ars[g,] <- rlnorm(infection_years, meanlog = log(mean_par[g]) - sd_par[g]^2 / 2, sdlog = sd_par[g])
if (large_first_year[g]) ars[g,1] <- rlnorm(1, meanlog = log(big_year_mean[g]) - (sd_par[g] / 2)^2 / 2, sdlog = sd_par[g] / 2)
ars <- as.data.frame(ars)
ars$population_group <- 1:n_groups
ars <- ars %>% pivot_longer(-population_group) %>% rename(time=name, prob_infection=value)
ars$time <- as.numeric(as.factor(ars$time))
ars$time <- infection_years[ars$time]
#' Simulate infection histories
#' Given a vector of infection probabilities and potential infection times, simulates infections for each element of ages (ie. each element is an individual age. Only adds infections for alive individuals)
#' @param p_inf a vector of attack rates (infection probabilities) for each year
#' @param possible_exposure_times the vector of possible infection times
#' @param demographics data frame giving the population group, birth and last_sample time for each individual. Optionally can set these values for all "time"
#' @return a list with a matrix of infection histories for each individual in ages and the true attack rate for each epoch
#' @family simulation_functions
#' @examples
#' possible_exposure_times <- seq_len(25)
#' p_inf <- simulate_attack_rates(possible_exposure_times,n_groups=2)
#' n_indiv <- 100
#' demographics <- data.frame(individual = 1:n_indiv,birth=sample(1:5,n_indiv,replace=TRUE),population_group=c(rep(1,n_indiv/2),rep(2,n_indiv/2)))
#' inf_hist <- simulate_infection_histories(p_inf, possible_exposure_times, demographics)
#' @export
simulate_infection_histories <- function(p_inf, possible_exposure_times=1:ncol(p_inf), demographics) {
## If not timevarying demographics, then assume same groups for all time
if(!("time" %in% colnames(demographics))){
demographics <- demographics %>% expand_grid(time = possible_exposure_times)
## If no last sample time provided, then set to last possible exposure time
if(!("last_sample" %in% colnames(demographics))) demographics$last_sample <- max(possible_exposure_times)
## If p_inf is stratified by group but demographics is not, set demographics population group to minimum group
if("population_group" %in% colnames(p_inf) & !("population_group" %in% colnames(demographics))){
demographics$population_group <- min(p_inf$population_group)
if(!("population_group" %in% colnames(p_inf))){
p_inf$population_group <- 1
## If we don't have enough population_group entries in p_inf for the demographics, then need to enumerate
if(length(unique(p_inf$population_group)) < length(unique(demographics$population_group))){
p_inf <- p_inf %>% filter(population_group == min(population_group)) %>% select(-population_group)
p_inf <- expand_grid(p_inf, population_group = unique(demographics$population_group))
demographics <- demographics %>% mutate(alive = time >= birth & time <= last_sample)
demographics <- demographics %>% left_join(p_inf,by=c("population_group","time"))
demographics <- demographics %>% mutate(infected = rbinom(n(), 1, prob_infection*as.numeric(alive)))
## Get infection history matrix
infection_history <- demographics %>%
dplyr::select(individual, time, infected) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from=time,values_from=infected,values_fill=0) %>%
dplyr::select(-individual) %>% as.matrix()
## Get empirical ARs
ARs <- demographics %>%
group_by(population_group,time) %>%
dplyr::summarize(n_alive = sum(alive),n_infected=sum(infected)) %>%
mutate(AR = n_infected/n_alive) %>% left_join(p_inf,by=c("population_group","time"))
#return(list(infection_histories, ARs))
#' Simulate the antibody model
#' Simulates the trajectory of the serosolver antibody model using specified parameters and optionally a specified antigenic map and infection history.
#' @param pars the vector of named model parameters, including `boost_long`, `boost_short`,`boost_delay`,`wane_long`,`wane_short`,`cr_long`, and `cr_short`.
#' @param times the vector of times to solve the model over. A continuous vector of discrete timepoints. Can be left to NULL if this information is included in the `antigenic_map` argument.
#' @param infection_history the vector of times matching entries in `times` to simulate infections in.
#' @param antigenic_map the antigenic map to solve the model with. Can be left to NULL to ssume all biomarker IDs have the same antigenic coordinates.
#' @return a data frame with variables `sample_times`, `biomarker_id` and `antibody_level`
#' @examples
#' simulate_antibody_model(c("boost_long"=2,"boost_short"=3,"boost_delay"=1,"wane_short"=0.2,"wane_long"=0.01, "antigenic_seniority"=0,"cr_long"=0.1,"cr_short"=0.03), times=seq(1,25,by=1),infection_history=NULL,antigenic_map=example_antigenic_map)
#' @export
simulate_antibody_model <- function(pars,
if(is.null(times) & is.null(antigenic_map)){
stop("Must provide one of times or antigenic_map to give the possible infection times and biomarker IDs over which to solve the model.")
## If no vector of times provided, take from the antigenic map
if(is.null(times) & !is.null(antigenic_map)){
times <- antigenic_map$inf_times
## If no antigenic map is provided, create a dummy antigenic map where each element has the same antigenic coordinate
antigenic_map <- data.frame(x_coord=1,y_coord=1,inf_times=times)
biomarker_ids <- 0
} else {
biomarker_ids <- match(antigenic_map$inf_times[seq_along(times)], antigenic_map$inf_times[seq_along(times)]) -1
## Setup antigenic map
use_antigenic_map <- melt_antigenic_coords(antigenic_map[seq_along(times),c("x_coord","y_coord")])
antigenic_map_long <- matrix(create_cross_reactivity_vector(use_antigenic_map, pars["cr_long"]),ncol=1)
antigenic_map_short <- matrix(create_cross_reactivity_vector(use_antigenic_map, pars["cr_short"]),ncol=1)
## If no infection history was provided, setup a dummy infection history vector with only the first entry as an infection
infection_history <- 1
infection_indices <- infection_history-1
sample_times <- seq(1, max(times),by=1)
start_levels <- rep(0,length(biomarker_ids))
y <- antibody_model_individual_wrapper(pars["boost_long"],pars["boost_short"],pars["boost_delay"],
data.frame(sample_times = rep(sample_times,each=length(biomarker_ids)),biomarker_ids = rep(biomarker_ids,length(sample_times)),antibody_level=y)
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