
Defines functions setup_antibody_data_for_posterior_func row.match pad_infection_model_prior_parameters logit_transform logistic_transform describe_priors fromUnitScale toUnitScale protect_posterior protect to.svg to.png to.pdf get_index_pars get_best_pars expand_summary_inf_chain create_sample_mask create_age_mask create_prior_lookup_groups create_prior_lookup get_n_alive_group get_DOBs get_n_alive

Documented in create_age_mask create_sample_mask describe_priors expand_summary_inf_chain fromUnitScale get_best_pars get_DOBs get_index_pars get_n_alive get_n_alive_group pad_infection_model_prior_parameters protect protect_posterior setup_antibody_data_for_posterior_func to.pdf to.png to.svg toUnitScale

#' Get number alive
#' Given the antibody_data data frame, calculates the number that are alive (alive to be infected, that is) for each time in times
#' @param antibody_data the data frame of titre data. See \code{\link{example_antibody_data}}
#' @param times the vector of times to calculate number alive for
#' @return a vector giving the number alive in each time point
#' @family get_summary
#' @examples
#' data(example_antibody_data)
#' data(example_antigenic_map)
#' times <- unique(example_antigenic_map$inf_times)
#' get_n_alive(example_antibody_data, times)
#' @export
get_n_alive <- function(antibody_data, times) {
  DOBs <- unique(antibody_data[, c("individual", "birth")])[, 2]
  age_mask <- create_age_mask(DOBs, times)
  sample_mask <- create_sample_mask(antibody_data, times)
  masks <- data.frame(cbind(age_mask, sample_mask))
  n_alive <- sapply(seq(1, length(times)), function(x)
    nrow(masks[masks$age_mask <= x & masks$sample_mask >= x, ]))

#' Get DOBs
#' Gets the dates of birth for each individual in antibody_data
#' @param antibody_data the data frame of antibody data. See \code{\link{example_antibody_data}}
#' @return a data frame with individual and birth
#' @family get_summary
#' @examples
#' data(example_antibody_data)
#' get_DOBs(antibody_data)
#' @export
get_DOBs <- function(antibody_data){
    DOBs <- unique(antibody_data[,c("individual","birth")])

#' Get number alive by location
#' Given the antibody_data data frame with entries for location, calculates the number that are alive (alive to be infected, that is) for each time in times by location
#' @param antibody_data the data frame of antibody data. See \code{\link{example_antibody_data}}
#' @param times the vector of times to calculate number alive for
#' @param melt_data if TRUE, returns a melted data frame. Returns a wide matrix otherwise.
#' @return a matrix giving the number alive in each time point in each location
#' @family get_summary
#' @examples
#' data(example_antibody_data)
#' data(example_antigenic_map)
#' times <- unique(example_antigenic_map$inf_times)
#' get_n_alive_group(example_antibody_data, times)
#' @export
get_n_alive_group <- function(antibody_data, times, demographics=NULL, melt_data = FALSE) {
  DOBs <- unique(antibody_data[, c("individual", "population_group", "birth")])
  DOBs_unique <- unique(antibody_data[, c("individual", "birth")])
  age_mask <- times[create_age_mask(DOBs_unique[, "birth"], times)]
  sample_mask <- times[create_sample_mask(antibody_data, times)]
  masks <- data.frame(cbind(age_mask, sample_mask))
  DOBs <- cbind(DOBs_unique, masks)
    DOBs <- unique(antibody_data[, c("individual", "birth")])
    age_mask <- times[create_age_mask(DOBs[, "birth"], times)]
    sample_mask <- times[create_sample_mask(antibody_data, times)]
    masks <- data.frame(cbind(age_mask, sample_mask))
    DOBs <- cbind(DOBs, masks)
    n_alive <- demographics %>% 
      dplyr::select(individual,population_group,time) %>%
      left_join(DOBs,by=c("individual")) %>% 
      filter(time >= age_mask & time <= sample_mask) %>% 
      group_by(population_group,time) %>% 
      tally() %>% 
      complete(time=times,fill=list(n=0)) %>%
      pivot_wider(id_cols=population_group,names_from=time,values_from=n,values_fill=0) %>% 
  } else {
    DOBs <- unique(antibody_data[, c("individual", "population_group", "birth")])
    age_mask <- times[create_age_mask(DOBs[, "birth"], times)]
    sample_mask <- times[create_sample_mask(antibody_data, times)]

    masks <- data.frame(cbind(age_mask, sample_mask))
    DOBs <- cbind(DOBs, masks)
    n_alive <- plyr::ddply(DOBs, ~population_group, function(y) sapply(times, function(x)
        nrow(y[y$age_mask <= x & y$sample_mask >= x, ])))
    n_alive <- as.matrix(n_alive[, 2:ncol(n_alive)])
    colnames(n_alive) <- times
  if (melt_data) {
      n_alive <- data.frame(n_alive)
      n_alive$population_group <- 1:nrow(n_alive)
      n_alive <- reshape2::melt(n_alive, id.vars = c("population_group"))
      colnames(n_alive)[2] <- "j"
      n_alive$j <- times[n_alive$j]
      colnames(n_alive)[3] <- "n_alive"

#' @export
create_prior_lookup <- function(antibody_data, possible_exposure_times, infection_model_prior_shape1, beta1, n_alive=NULL){
        n_alive <- get_n_alive(antibody_data, possible_exposure_times)
    lookup_tab <- matrix(nrow=max(n_alive)+1,ncol=length(possible_exposure_times))
    max_alive <- max(n_alive)
    for(i in seq_along(possible_exposure_times)){
        results <- rep(-100000, max_alive+1)
        m <- seq_len(n_alive[i]+1)-1
        results[1:(n_alive[i]+1)] <- lbeta(infection_model_prior_shape1 + m, n_alive[i] - m + beta1) + lbeta(infection_model_prior_shape1, beta1)
        lookup_tab[,i] <- results        
    lookup_tab[!is.finite(lookup_tab)] <- -100000
    lookup_tab[is.nan(lookup_tab)] <- -100000

#' @export
create_prior_lookup_groups <- function(antibody_data, demographics=NULL, possible_exposure_times, infection_model_prior_shape1, beta1, n_alive=NULL){
        n_alive <- get_n_alive_group(antibody_data, demographics, possible_exposure_times)
    lookup_tab <- array(-100000, dim=c(max(n_alive)+1,length(possible_exposure_times),nrow(n_alive)))
    max_alive <- max(n_alive)
    for(g in 1:nrow(n_alive)){
        for(i in seq_along(possible_exposure_times)){
            results <- rep(-100000, max_alive+1)
            m <- seq_len(n_alive[g,i]+1)-1
            results[1:(n_alive[g,i]+1)] <- lbeta(infection_model_prior_shape1 + m, n_alive[g,i] - m + beta1) + lbeta(infection_model_prior_shape1, beta1)
            lookup_tab[,i,g] <- results        
    lookup_tab[!is.finite(lookup_tab)] <- -100000
    lookup_tab[is.nan(lookup_tab)] <- -100000

#' Create age mask
#' Converts a data frame of individual ages to give the index of the first infection that individual could have had
#' @param DOBs the vector of dates of birth, same time units as possible_exposure_times
#' @param possible_exposure_times the vector of times that individuals can be infected
#' @return a vector giving the first index of possible_exposure_times that an individual can be infected
#' @family create_masks
#' @examples
#' data(example_antibody_data)
#' data(example_antigenic_map)
#' times <- example_antigenic_map$inf_times
#' DOBs <- unique(example_antibody_data[,c("individual","birth")])
#' age_mask <- create_age_mask(DOBs$birth, times)
#' @export
create_age_mask <- function(DOBs, possible_exposure_times) {
  age_mask <- sapply(DOBs, function(x) {
    if (is.na(x)) {
    } else {
      which(as.numeric(x <= possible_exposure_times) > 0)[1]
#' Create sample mask
#' Converts a data frame of individual sampling times to give the index of the last infection that individual could have had (as we can't observe anything after the last observation)
#' @param antibody_data the data frame of antibody data. See \code{\link{example_antibody_data}}
#' @param possible_exposure_times the vector of times that individuals can be infected
#' @return a vector giving the last index of possible_exposure_times that an individual can be infected
#' @family create_masks
#' data(example_antibody_data)
#' data(example_antigenic_map)
#' times <- example_antigenic_map$inf_times
#' sample_mask <- create_sample_mask(example_antibody_data, times)
#' @export
create_sample_mask <- function(antibody_data, possible_exposure_times) {
  ids <- unique(antibody_data$individual)
  sample_mask <- sapply(ids, function(x) {
    sample_times <- antibody_data$sample_time[antibody_data$individual == x]
    max(which(max(sample_times) >= possible_exposure_times))

#' Expands default MCMC saved inf_chain
#' The MCMC function saves sparse matrix summaries of the infection history chain to
#' save space and run time. This function returns the expanded infection history chain,
#' as in the original version of the code. Returned value is a data table with leftmost columns
#' giving sample number and individual, with columns expanded to the right for each infection
#' period.
#' @param inf_chain a data table with the MCMC saved infection history chain
#' @return the MCMC saved infection history expanded with infection times as columns
#' @export
expand_summary_inf_chain <- function(inf_chain) {
  full_inf_chain <- data.table::CJ(i = 1:max(inf_chain$i), j = 1:max(inf_chain$j), samp_no = min(inf_chain$samp_no):max(inf_chain$samp_no))
  inf_chain <- data.table::data.table(apply(inf_chain, 2, as.numeric))
  summary_with_non_infections <- merge(inf_chain, full_inf_chain, by = c("samp_no", "j", "i"), all = TRUE)
  summary_with_non_infections[is.na(summary_with_non_infections$x), "x"] <- 0
  colnames(summary_with_non_infections) <- c("samp_no", "j", "individual", "x")
  expanded_chain <- data.table::dcast(summary_with_non_infections, samp_no + individual ~ j, value.var = "x")

#' Best pars
#' Given an MCMC chain, returns the set of best fitting parameters (MLE)
#' @param chain the MCMC chain
#' @return a name vector of the best parameters
#' @family mcmc_diagnostics
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' mcmc_chains <- load_theta_chains()
#' best_pars <- get_best_pars(mcmc_chains$chain)
#' }
#' @export
#' @useDynLib serosolver
get_best_pars <- function(chain) {
  tmp_names <- colnames(chain)
  tmp_names <- tmp_names[!(tmp_names) %in% c("samp_no","chain_no","likelihood","posterior_prob","prior_prob")]
  best_pars <- as.numeric(as.data.frame(chain)[which.max(as.data.frame(chain)[, "posterior_prob"]), tmp_names])
  names(best_pars) <- tmp_names

#' Index pars
#' Given an MCMC chain, returns the parameters at the specified index
#' @param chain the MCMC chain
#' @param samp_no the sample number
#' @param index if not using `samp_no`, `index returns the desired row number`
#' @param chain_no the chain number to subset
#' @return a named vector of the best parameters
#' @family mcmc_diagnostics
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' mcmc_chains <- load_theta_chains()
#' pars <- get_index_pars(mcmc_chains$chain, index=100)
#' }
#' @export
get_index_pars <- function(chain, samp_no=NULL,index=NULL,chain_no=NULL) {
  tmp_names <- colnames(chain)
  tmp_names <- tmp_names[!(tmp_names) %in% c("samp_no","chain_no","likelihood","posterior_prob","prior_prob")]

  if(is.null(samp_no) & is.null(index)){
    stop("Error in get_index_pars - must specify one of samp_no or index")
    pars <- as.numeric(chain[index, tmp_names])
  } else if(!is.null(chain_no) & "chain_no" %in% colnames(chain)) {
    pars <- as.numeric(chain[chain$samp_no == samp_no & chain$chain_no==chain_no, tmp_names])
  } else {
    pars <- as.numeric(chain[chain$samp_no == samp_no, tmp_names])
  names(pars) <- tmp_names

#' PDF - Rich's function to print to device without potential for bad errors
#' Prints to pdf, but turns dev off if fails
#' @param expr expression to give plot
#' @param filename filename to print to
#' @family safe_plot_saving
#' @export
to.pdf <- function(expr, filename, ..., verbose = TRUE) {
  if (verbose) {
    cat(sprintf("Creating %s\n", filename))
  pdf(filename, ...)

#' PNG - Rich's function to print to device without potential for bad errors
#' Prints to png, but turns dev off if fails
#' @param expr expression to give plot
#' @param filename filename to print to
#' @family safe_plot_saving
#' @export
to.png <- function(expr, filename, ..., verbose = TRUE) {
  if (verbose) {
    cat(sprintf("Creating %s\n", filename))
  png(filename, ...)

#' SVG - Rich's function to print to device without potential for bad errors
#' Prints to SVG, but turns dev off if fails
#' @param expr expression to give plot
#' @param filename filename to print to
#' @family safe_plot_saving
#' @export
to.svg <- function(expr, filename, ..., verbose = TRUE) {
  if (verbose) {
    cat(sprintf("Creating %s\n", filename))
  svg(filename, ...)

#' Protect function
#' Wrapper function to protect calls to a function. If the function does not compute correctly, returns -100000.
#' @param f the function to be protected
#' @return the protected function
#' @export
#' @useDynLib serosolver
protect <- function(f) {
  function(...) {
    tryCatch(f(...), error = function(e) {
      message("caught error: ", e$message)

#' Protect function (posterior function)
#' Wrapper function to protect calls to the posterior function. If posterior does not compute correctly, returns -100000.
#' @param f the function to be protected
#' @return the protected function
#' @export
#' @useDynLib serosolver
protect_posterior <- function(f) {
  function(...) {
    tryCatch(f(...), error = function(e) {
      message("Error thrown in posterior solving function: ", e$message)
      message("If this error seems fairly cryptic (e.g., subscript out of bounds), the error likely comes from the C++ code, indicating an error with the antibody model function. You may have misspecified some parameters in par_tab, or there may be a misalignment between par_tab, antibody_data and antigenic_map.")

#' Convert to unit scale
toUnitScale <- function(x, min, max) {
  return((x - min) / (max - min))

#' Convert from unit scale to original scale
fromUnitScale <- function(x, min, max) {
  return(min + (max - min) * x)

#' Describe infection history priors
#' @export
describe_priors <- function() {
  message("Which version to use in serosolver? The following text describes the proposal step for updating infection histories.")
  message("Version 1: Beta prior on per time attack rates. Explicit FOI on each epoch using probability of infection term. Proposal performs N `flip` proposals at random locations in an individual's infection history, switching 1->0 or 0->1. Otherwise, swaps the contents of two random locations")
  message("Version 2: Beta prior on per time attack rates. Gibbs sampling of infection histories as in Indian Buffet Process papers, integrating out each probability of infection term.")
  message("Version 3: Beta prior on probability of infection for an individual, assuming independence between individuals. Samples from a beta binomial with shape1 and shape2 specified by the par_tab input. Proposes nInfs moves at a time for add/remove, or when swapping, swaps locations up to moveSize time steps away")
  message("Version 4: Beta prior on probability of any infection. Gibbs sampling of infection histories using total number of infections across all times and all individuals as the prior")

#' @export
logistic_transform <- function(x, maxX) {
  return(maxX / (1 + exp(-x)))
#' @export
logit_transform <- function(p, maxX) {
  return(log(p / (maxX - p)))

#' Pad par_tab with Beta distribution shape parameters
#' Pads par_tab with a new row for each infection epoch, such that each epoch has its own shape1 and shape2
#' @param par_tab as per usual
#' @param n_times the number of additional rows to add for each alpha and beta
#' @examples
#' n_times <- 40
#' data(example_par_tab)
#' new_par_tab <- pad_infection_model_prior_parameters(example_par_tab, n_times)
#' @export
pad_infection_model_prior_parameters <- function(par_tab, n_times) {
  shape1_row <- par_tab[par_tab$names == "infection_model_prior_shape1", ]
  shape2_row <- par_tab[par_tab$names == "infection_model_prior_shape2", ]

  for (i in 1:(n_times - 1)) {
    par_tab <- rbind(par_tab, shape1_row, shape2_row)

## From prodlim package - finds matching rows between two data frames. "Thus the function returns a vector with the row numbers of (first) matches of its first argument in its second.", https://www.rdocumentation.org/packages/prodlim/versions/2018.04.18/topics/row.match
#' @export
row.match <- function(x, table, nomatch = NA) {
  if (class(table) == "matrix") {
    table <- as.data.frame(table)
  if (is.null(dim(x))) {
    x <- as.data.frame(matrix(x, nrow = 1))
  cx <- do.call("paste", c(x[, , drop = FALSE], sep = "\r"))
  ct <- do.call("paste", c(table[, , drop = FALSE], sep = "\r"))
  match(cx, ct, nomatch = nomatch)

#' Setup antibody data indices
#' Sets up a large list of pre-indexing and pre-processing to speed up the model solving during MCMC fitting.
#' Note that this should be `antibody_data` after subsetting to only `run==1`, as we will figure out elsewhere which solves to use as repeats
#' @inheritParams create_posterior_func
#' @param verbose if TRUE, brings warning messages
#' @param use_demographic_groups vector of variable names in `antibody_data` which should form the stratification for the antibody kinetics model
#' @param timevarying_demographics if not NULL, then calculates an individual's demographic group over the entire time period of the simulation rather than assuming fixed demographics
#' @return a very long list. See source code directly.
#' @seealso \code{\link{create_posterior_func}}
#' @export
setup_antibody_data_for_posterior_func <- function(
    par_tab,antibody_data, antigenic_map=NULL, possible_exposure_times=NULL,
                                              age_mask = NULL, n_alive = NULL,verbose=FALSE,
    use_demographic_groups=NULL,timevarying_demographics=NULL) {
  essential_colnames <- c("individual", "sample_time", "measurement", "biomarker_id", "biomarker_group","population_group")
  ## How many observation types are there?
  n_indiv <- length(unique(antibody_data$individual))
  unique_biomarker_groups <- unique(antibody_data$biomarker_group)
  n_biomarker_groups <- length(unique_biomarker_groups)
  antigenic_map_tmp <- setup_antigenic_map(antigenic_map, possible_exposure_times, n_biomarker_groups,unique_biomarker_groups,verbose)
  antigenic_map <- antigenic_map_tmp$antigenic_map
  possible_exposure_times <- antigenic_map_tmp$possible_exposure_times
  infection_history_mat_indices <- antigenic_map_tmp$infection_history_mat_indices
  possible_biomarker_ids <- unique(antigenic_map$inf_times)
  ## Create a melted antigenic map for each observation type
  antigenic_maps_melted <- lapply(unique_biomarker_groups, function(b){
      tmp <- antigenic_map[antigenic_map$biomarker_group == b,]
  biomarker_id_indices <- match(antibody_data$biomarker_id, possible_biomarker_ids) - 1 ## For each biomarker_id tested, what is its index in the antigenic map?
  exposure_id_indices <- match(possible_exposure_times, possible_exposure_times) - 1 ## For each biomarker_id that circulated, what is its index in the possible exposure times vector?

  ## Get unique measurement sets for each individual at
  ## each sampling time, for each observation type, for each repeat
  ## ie. each row of this is a unique blood sample and observation type taken
  sample_data <- unique(antibody_data[, c("individual", "sample_time", "biomarker_group")])
  sample_data_start <- cumsum(c(0,plyr::ddply(sample_data, .(individual, biomarker_group), nrow)$V1))
  sample_times <- sample_data$sample_time ## What were the times that these samples were taken?
  type_data <- unique(antibody_data[,c("individual","biomarker_group")])
  type_data_start <- cumsum(c(0, plyr::ddply(type_data, .(individual), nrow)$V1))
  biomarker_groups <- type_data$biomarker_group
  ## How many rows in the antibody data correspond to each unique individual, sample, observation type?
  ## ie. each element of this vector corresponds to one set of antibodies that need to be predicted
  nrows_per_sample <- plyr::ddply(antibody_data, .(individual,biomarker_group, sample_time), nrow)$V1
  antibody_data_start <- cumsum(c(0,nrows_per_sample))
  tmp <- add_stratifying_variables(antibody_data, timevarying_demographics, par_tab, use_demographic_groups)
  timevarying_demographics <- tmp$timevarying_demographics
  antibody_data <- tmp$antibody_data
  antibody_data_demo_group_index <- antibody_data$demographic_group
  demographics <- tmp$demographics
  population_group_strats <- tmp$population_group_strats
  indiv_group_indices <- tmp$indiv_group_indices
  indiv_pop_group_indices <- tmp$indiv_pop_group_indices
  n_demographic_groups <- length(unique(indiv_group_indices))

  if (!is.null(antibody_data$birth)) {
    DOBs <- unique(antibody_data[, c("individual", "birth")])[, 2]
  } else {
    DOBs <- rep(min(possible_exposure_times), n_indiv)
    antibody_data$DOB <- min(possible_exposure_times)
  age_mask <- create_age_mask(DOBs, possible_exposure_times[infection_history_mat_indices+1])
  sample_mask <- create_sample_mask(antibody_data, possible_exposure_times[infection_history_mat_indices+1])
  masks <- data.frame(cbind(age_mask, sample_mask))
  if (is.null(n_alive)) {
    n_alive <- get_n_alive_group(antibody_data, possible_exposure_times[infection_history_mat_indices+1],timevarying_demographics)

    "antigenic_map_melted" = antigenic_maps_melted,
    "possible_exposure_times" = possible_exposure_times,
    "exposure_id_indices" = exposure_id_indices,
    "infection_history_mat_indices" = infection_history_mat_indices,
    "sample_times" = sample_times,
    "indiv_group_indices" = indiv_group_indices,
    ## This one I need to figure out -- does it need to have a different set of indices for each observation type? Probably not
    "biomarker_id_indices" = biomarker_id_indices,
    "possible_biomarker_ids" = possible_biomarker_ids,
    "n_indiv" = n_indiv,
    "age_mask" = age_mask,
    "sample_mask" = sample_mask,
    "n_alive" = n_alive,
    "DOBs" = DOBs

get_demographic_groups <- function(par_tab, antibody_data, demographics,demographic_groups=NULL){
  ## Setup data vectors and extract
    demographics <- demographics %>% arrange(individual, time)
    demographics <- as.data.frame(demographics)
    timevarying_demographics <- TRUE
      demographic_groups <- create_demographic_table(demographics,par_tab)
  } else {
    timevarying_demographics <- FALSE
      demographic_groups <- create_demographic_table(antibody_data,par_tab)
  use_demographic_groups <- colnames(demographic_groups)
  if(length(use_demographic_groups) == 1 && use_demographic_groups == "all") use_demographic_groups <- NULL
  demographic_groups <- demographic_groups %>% arrange(across(everything()))
  return(list(use_demographic_groups=use_demographic_groups, demographic_groups=demographic_groups,timevarying_demographics=timevarying_demographics))

align_antibody_demographic_dat <- function(antibody_data, demographics){
  if("time" %in% colnames(demographics)){
    antibody_data <- suppressMessages(antibody_data %>% left_join(demographics %>% rename(sample_time = time)))
  } else {
    antibody_data <- suppressMessages(antibody_data %>% left_join(demographics))

add_stratifying_variables <- function(antibody_data, timevarying_demographics=NULL, par_tab, use_demographic_groups=NULL){
    # Any stratification of population attack rates?
  ## Pull out any parameters related to attack rates
  population_group_strats <- par_tab %>% filter(names %like% "infection_model_prior" | names == "phi") %>% 
    pull(stratification) %>% unique()
  if(length(population_group_strats) > 1){
    stop("Error - trying to stratify infection model parameters by different variables")
    antibody_data <- align_antibody_demographic_dat(antibody_data, timevarying_demographics)
  ## Get unique demographic groups -- these correspond to different groupings for the antibody kinetics model and can be different to the population group
  ## If no demographic groups requested, and no labeling is included in antibody data, assume all individuals in the same grouping
  ## If not demographic groups supplied, set all to 1
  if(is.null(use_demographic_groups) & !("demographic_group" %in% colnames(antibody_data))){
    antibody_data$demographic_group <- 1
      timevarying_demographics$demographic_group <- 1
    demographics <- NULL
  } else {
    ## Otherwise, check if timevarying demographics used and update
    ## If timevarying demography is used, then set the demographic groups for each time
      ## Get unique demographic group combinations
        demographics <- timevarying_demographics %>% 
          dplyr::select(all_of(use_demographic_groups)) %>% 
          distinct() %>% 
          arrange(across(everything())) %>%
          dplyr::mutate(demographic_group = 1:n())
        ## Assign to timevarying demographics
        timevarying_demographics <- timevarying_demographics  %>% left_join(demographics,by=use_demographic_groups)
    } else {
      ## Otherwise, set demographic_group just based on antibody_data
      demographics <- antibody_data %>% dplyr::select(all_of(use_demographic_groups)) %>% distinct() %>% dplyr::mutate(demographic_group = 1:n())
    ## Merge into antibody data to get correct demographic groups at sample times
    antibody_data <- antibody_data %>% left_join(demographics,by=use_demographic_groups)
  ## Now check for population group (attack rate stratifying variable)
  ## If nothing specified, set all to 1
  if(is.na(population_group_strats) & !("population_group" %in% colnames(antibody_data))){
    antibody_data$population_group <- 1
    population_groups <- NULL
      timevarying_demographics$population_group <- 1
  } else {
    ## Otherwise, check it it's timevarying
      ## It it is, assign unique combinations a unique population_group ID
      population_groups <- timevarying_demographics %>% 
        distinct() %>% 
        arrange(across(everything())) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(population_group = 1:n()) %>%
      ## Merge into timevarying_demographics
      timevarying_demographics <- timevarying_demographics  %>% left_join(population_groups,by=population_group_strats)
    } else {
      ## If not timevarying, then unique combinations are just based on antibody_data
      population_groups <- antibody_data %>% 
        distinct() %>% 
        dplyr::mutate(population_group = 1:n()) %>%
    antibody_data <- antibody_data %>% left_join(population_groups,by=population_group_strats)
    indiv_group_indices <- timevarying_demographics %>% select(individual, time, demographic_group) %>% distinct() %>% pull(demographic_group)
    indiv_pop_group_indices <- timevarying_demographics %>% select(individual, time, population_group) %>% distinct() %>% pull(population_group)
    ## Get demographic group at birth. If isn't there, get the demographic group at the earliest time
    ## Demographic group at earliest time
    demographics_start <- timevarying_demographics %>% group_by(individual) %>% filter(time == min(time)) %>% pull(demographic_group)
    ## See if birth demographic groups available
    birth_demographics <- timevarying_demographics %>% group_by(individual) %>% 
      select(individual, time, birth, demographic_group) %>% 
      filter(time == birth) %>% 
      select(individual,demographic_group) %>%
    demographics_start[birth_demographics$individual] <- birth_demographics$demographic_group
    indiv_group_indices <- c(rbind(demographics_start, matrix(indiv_group_indices, ncol = length(unique(antibody_data$individual)))))
  } else {
    indiv_group_indices <- antibody_data %>% select(individual, demographic_group) %>% distinct() %>% pull(demographic_group)
    indiv_pop_group_indices <- antibody_data %>% select(individual, population_group) %>% distinct() %>% pull(population_group)
  indiv_group_indices <- indiv_group_indices - 1
  indiv_pop_group_indices <- indiv_pop_group_indices - 1
#' @export
euc_distance <- function(i1, i2, fit_data) {
  return(sqrt((fit_data[i1, "x_coord"] - fit_data[i2, "x_coord"])^2 + (fit_data[i1, "y_coord"] - fit_data[i2, "y_coord"])^2))

#' Create useable antigenic map
#' Creates an antigenic map from an input data frame that can be used to calculate cross reactivity. This will end up being an NxN matrix, where there are N strains circulating.
#' @param anti.map.in can either be a 1D antigenic line to calculate distance from, or a two dimensional matrix with x and y coordinates on an antigenic map
#' @return the euclidean antigenic distance between each pair of viruses in anti.map.in
#' @export
melt_antigenic_coords <- function(anti.map.in) { # anti.map.in can be vector or matrix - rows give inf_times, columns give location
  # Calculate antigenic distances
  if (is.null(dim(anti.map.in))) { # check if input map is one or 2 dimensions
    # If 1D antigenic 'line' defined, calculate distances directory from input
    (dmatrix <- sapply(anti.map.in, function(x) {
      y <- abs(anti.map.in - x)
  } else { # If 2D antigenic map defined, calculate distances directory from input
    (dmatrix <- apply(
      anti.map.in, 1,
      function(x) {
        y <- sqrt(colSums(apply(anti.map.in, 1, function(y) {
          (y - x)^2

#' Generate antigenic map, flexible
#' Fits a smoothing spline through a set of antigenic coordinates, and uses this to predict antigenic coordinates for all potential infection time points. This version is more flexible than \code{\link{generate_antigenic_map}}, and allows the user to specify "clusters" to assume that strains circulating in a given period are all identical, rather than on a continuous path through space as a function of time.
#' @param antigenic_distances a data frame of antigenic coordinates, with columns labelled X, Y and Strain for x coord, y coord and Strain label respectively. "Strain" should be a single number giving the year of circulation of that strain. See \code{\link{example_antigenic_map}}
#' @param buckets = 1 the number of epochs per year. 1 means that each year has 1 strain; 12 means that each year has 12 strains (monthly resolution)
#' @param clusters = NULL a data frame of cluster labels, indicating which cluster each circulation year belongs to. Note that each row (year) gets repeated by the number of buckets. Column names "year" and "cluster_used"
#' @param use_clusters = FALSE if TRUE, uses the clusters data frame above, otherwise just returns as normal
#' @param spar = 0.3 to be passed to smooth.spline
#' @param year_min = 1968 first year in the antigenic map (usually 1968)
#' @param year_max = 2016 last year in the antigenic map
#' @return a fitted antigenic map
#' @family antigenic_maps
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' antigenic_coords_path <- system.file("extdata", "fonville_map_approx.csv", package = "serosolver")
#' antigenic_coords <- read.csv(antigenic_coords_path, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
#' antigenic_coords$Strain <- c(68,72,75,77,79,87,89,92,95,97,102,104,105,106) + 1900
#' antigenic_map <- generate_antigenic_map_flexible(antigenic_coords, buckets=1, year_min=1968, year_max=2015,spar=0.3)
#' times <- 1968:2010
#' n_times <- length(times)
#' clusters <- rep(1:5, each=10)
#' clusters <- clusters[1:n_times]
#' clusters <- data.frame(year=times, cluster_used=clusters)
#' antigenic_map <- generate_antigenic_map_flexible(antigenic_coords, buckets=1, 
#'                                                 clusters=clusters,use_clusters=TRUE,
#'                                                 year_min=1968, year_max=2010,spar=0.5)
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{generate_antigenic_map}}
#' @export
generate_antigenic_map_flexible <- function(antigenic_distances, buckets = 1, clusters = NULL,
                                            use_clusters = FALSE, spar = 0.3, year_min = 1968, year_max = 2016) {
  ## Convert strains to correct time dimensions
  antigenic_distances$Strain <- antigenic_distances$Strain * buckets
  ## Fit spline through antigenic coordinates
  fit <- smooth.spline(antigenic_distances$X, antigenic_distances$Y, spar = spar)

  ## Work out relationship between strain circulation time and x coordinate
  x_line <- lm(data = antigenic_distances, X ~ Strain)

  ## Enumerate all strains that could circulate
  Strain <- seq(year_min * buckets, year_max * buckets - 1, by = 1)

  ## Predict x and y coordinates for each possible strain from this spline
  x_predict <- predict(x_line, data.frame(Strain))
  y_predict <- predict(fit, x = x_predict)

  fit_data <- data.frame(x = y_predict$x, y = y_predict$y)
  fit_data$strain <- Strain
  colnames(fit_data) <- c("x_coord", "y_coord", "inf_times")

  ## If using clusters
  if (use_clusters) {
    ## Repeat each row by the number of buckets per year
    clusters <- clusters[rep(seq_len(nrow(clusters)), each = buckets), ]

    ## Enumerate out such that each row has a unique time
    clusters$year <- seq(year_min * buckets, length.out = nrow(clusters))

    ## Which time point does each cluster start?
    cluster_starts <- plyr::ddply(clusters, ~cluster_used, function(x) x$year[1])
    colnames(cluster_starts)[2] <- "first_cluster_year"
    clusters1 <- merge(clusters, cluster_starts, by = c("cluster_used"))
    clusters1 <- clusters1[, c("cluster_used", "first_cluster_year", "year")]
    colnames(fit_data)[3] <- "first_cluster_year"

    ## Merge on "inf_times" with first_cluster_year, such that all viruses
    ## in a cluster have the same location as the first virus in that cluster
    fit_data <- fit_data[fit_data$first_cluster_year %in% clusters1$first_cluster_year, ]
    fit_data <- merge(clusters1, fit_data, by = "first_cluster_year")
    fit_data <- fit_data[, c("x_coord", "y_coord", "year")]
    colnames(fit_data)[3] <- "inf_times"
    fit_data <- fit_data[order(fit_data$inf_times), ]


#' Pad infection history chain
#' Given that the MCMC sampler only stores present infections (ie. there are no entries for 0s from the infection history matrix), for some summaries we need to add these 0s back in to avoid bias.
#' @param inf_chain the data table with infection history samples from \code{\link{serosolver}}
#' @return the same inf_chain that was passed in, but with 0s for missing i/j/samp_no combinations
#' @export
pad_inf_chain <- function(inf_chain, pad_by_group=FALSE) {
  if (is.null(inf_chain$chain_no)) {
    inf_chain$chain_no <- 1
  if (pad_by_group & is.null(inf_chain$population_group)) {
    inf_chain$population_group <- 1
  is <- unique(inf_chain$i)
  js <- unique(inf_chain$j)
  samp_nos <- unique(inf_chain$samp_no)
  chain_nos <- unique(inf_chain$chain_no)
    groups <- unique(inf_chain$population_group)
    expanded_values <- data.table::CJ(
      i = is,
      j = js,
      samp_no = samp_nos,
      chain_no = chain_nos
    diff_infs <- fsetdiff(expanded_values, inf_chain[, c("i", "j", "samp_no", "chain_no", "population_group")])
  } else {
    expanded_values <- data.table::CJ(
      i = is,
      j = js,
      samp_no = samp_nos,
      chain_no = chain_nos
    diff_infs <- fsetdiff(expanded_values, inf_chain[, c("i", "j", "samp_no", "chain_no")])

  diff_infs$x <- 0
  inf_chain <- rbind(inf_chain, diff_infs)

#' Unregister parallel backgrounds forcefully
#' When the serosolver function uses a parallel backend but is not closed correctly, this can confuse `dopar` if the function is called again. This function tidies the parallel backend and corrects the error.
#' @return NULL
#' @export
unregister_dopar <- function() {
  env <- foreach:::.foreachGlobals
  rm(list=ls(name=env), pos=env)

#' Generate starting antibody levels
#' Generates either random or data-driven starting antibody levels for each measured biomarker group/id combination per individual. This is mostly used elsewhere in the serosolver model
#' @param antibody_data the antibody data, see \code{\link{example_antibody_data}}
#' @param start_level_summary string telling the function how to use the `antibody_data` object to create starting values. One of: min, max, mean, median, full_random.
#' @param randomize if TRUE and data is discretized, then sets the starting level to a random value between floor(x) and floor(x)+1
#' @return a list with two objects: 1) a tibble giving the starting antibody level for each individual, biomarker group and biomarker_id combinations; 2) a list of indices (starting at 0) of length matching `nrow(antibody_data)` giving the index of the antibody starting level to use for each measurement
#' @family antigenic_maps
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' create_start_level_data(example_antibody_data,"min",FALSE)
#' create_start_level_data(example_antibody_data,"min",TRUE)
#' create_start_level_data(example_antibody_data,"max",FALSE)
#' create_start_level_data(example_antibody_data,"max",TRUE)
#' create_start_level_data(example_antibody_data,"mean",FALSE)
#' create_start_level_data(example_antibody_data,"mean",TRUE)
#' create_start_level_data(example_antibody_data,"median",FALSE)
#' create_start_level_data(example_antibody_data,"median",TRUE)
#' create_start_level_data(example_antibody_data,"other",FALSE)
#' create_start_level_data(example_antibody_data,"other",TRUE)
#' create_start_level_data(example_antibody_data,"full_random",FALSE)
#' create_start_level_data(example_antibody_data,"full_random",TRUE)
#' }
#' @export
create_start_level_data <- function(antibody_data, start_level_summary = "min", randomize=FALSE){
  ## Get earliest measurement per biomarker ID as starting level. Need to decide if using min, max, mean or median.
  starting_levels <- antibody_data %>% 
    dplyr::select(individual,biomarker_id,biomarker_group, measurement,sample_time) %>% 
    dplyr::group_by(individual, biomarker_id, biomarker_group) %>% 
    dplyr::filter(sample_time == min(sample_time)) %>% 
    dplyr::group_by(individual,biomarker_id, biomarker_group)
  ## Bounds of data and whether it's continuous or discrete
  data_controls <- antibody_data %>% 
    dplyr::mutate(diff_from_self = measurement - floor(measurement)) %>% 
    dplyr::group_by(biomarker_group) %>% 
    dplyr::summarize(min_measurement=min(measurement,na.rm=TRUE),max_measurement=max(measurement,na.rm=TRUE),type=if_else(any(diff_from_self != 0),"continuous","discrete")) 
  if(start_level_summary == "min"){
    starting_levels <- starting_levels %>% dplyr::summarize(starting_level = min(measurement,na.rm=TRUE)) 
  }else if(start_level_summary == "max"){
    starting_levels <- starting_levels %>% dplyr::summarize(starting_level = max(measurement,na.rm=TRUE)) 
  }else if(start_level_summary == "mean"){
    starting_levels <- starting_levels %>% dplyr::summarize(starting_level = mean(measurement,na.rm=TRUE)) 
  }else if(start_level_summary == "median"){
    starting_levels <- starting_levels %>% dplyr::summarize(starting_level = median(measurement,na.rm=TRUE)) 
  } else if(start_level_summary == "full_random"){
    starting_levels <- starting_levels %>% dplyr::select(individual, biomarker_group, biomarker_id) %>% dplyr::distinct() %>% 
      dplyr::left_join(data_controls,by="biomarker_group") %>% dplyr::ungroup() %>% dplyr::mutate(starting_level = runif(n(), min_measurement,max_measurement))
  } else {
    starting_levels <- starting_levels %>% dplyr::select(individual, biomarker_group, biomarker_id) %>% dplyr::distinct() %>% dplyr::mutate(starting_level = 0)
  starting_levels <- starting_levels %>% dplyr::select(individual, biomarker_id, biomarker_group, starting_level)
  starting_levels <- starting_levels %>% dplyr::arrange(individual, biomarker_group, biomarker_id) %>% dplyr::ungroup() %>% dplyr::mutate(start_index = 1:n())
    starting_levels <- starting_levels %>% dplyr::left_join(data_controls,by="biomarker_group") %>% ungroup() %>% dplyr::mutate(starting_level = if_else(type=="discrete",runif(n(),floor(starting_level), floor(starting_level) + 1),starting_level))
  start_indices <- left_join(antibody_data, starting_levels, by=c("individual", "biomarker_id", "biomarker_group"))

setup_antigenic_map <- function(antigenic_map=NULL, possible_exposure_times=NULL, n_biomarker_groups=1,unique_biomarker_groups=c(1), verbose=TRUE){
  ## Check if an antigenic map is provided. If not, then create a dummy map where all pathogens have the same position on the map
  if (!is.null(antigenic_map)) {
    possible_exposure_times_tmp <- unique(antigenic_map$inf_times) # How many strains are we testing against and what time did they circulate
    if(!is.null(possible_exposure_times) & !identical(possible_exposure_times, possible_exposure_times_tmp)){
      if(verbose) message(cat("Warning: provided possible_exposure_times argument does not match entries in the antigenic map. Please make sure that there is an entry in the antigenic map for each possible circulation time. Using the antigenic map times.\n"))
    ## If possible exposure times was not specified, use antigenic map times instead
    if(is.null(possible_exposure_times)) {
      infection_history_mat_indices <- match(possible_exposure_times_tmp, possible_exposure_times_tmp)-1
    } else {
      infection_history_mat_indices <- match(possible_exposure_times, possible_exposure_times_tmp)-1
    possible_exposure_times <- possible_exposure_times_tmp
    ## If no observation types assumed, set all to 1.
    if (!("biomarker_group" %in% colnames(antigenic_map))) {
      if(verbose) message(cat("Note: no biomarker_group detection in antigenic_map. Aligning antigenic map with par_tab.\n"))
      antigenic_map_tmp <- replicate(n_biomarker_groups,antigenic_map,simplify=FALSE)
      for(biomarker_group in unique_biomarker_groups){
        antigenic_map_tmp[[biomarker_group]]$biomarker_group <- biomarker_group
      antigenic_map <- do.call(rbind,antigenic_map_tmp)
  } else {
    ## Create a dummy map with entries for each observation type
    antigenic_map <- data.frame("x_coord"=1,"y_coord"=1,
                                "inf_times"=rep(possible_exposure_times, n_biomarker_groups), 
    infection_history_mat_indices <- match(possible_exposure_times, possible_exposure_times)-1
  return(list(antigenic_map=antigenic_map, possible_exposure_times=possible_exposure_times, infection_history_mat_indices=infection_history_mat_indices))

create_demographic_table <- function(antibody_data, par_tab){
  strsplit1 <- function(x){
      return(strsplit(x,", "))
    } else {
  ## Skip any infection history prior parameters
  skip_pars <- c("infection_model_prior_shape1","infection_model_prior_shape2")
  ## Creates an estimated parameter entry for each 
  stratifications <- unique(unlist(sapply(par_tab[!(par_tab$names %in% skip_pars),"stratification"],function(x) strsplit1(x))))
  stratifications <- stratifications[!is.na(stratifications)]
  if(length(stratifications) == 0){
    demographics <- data.frame(all=1)
  } else {
    demographics <- antibody_data %>% select(all_of(stratifications)) %>% distinct()
    if(any(apply(demographics, 2, function(x) length(unique(x))) < 2)){
      message("Error - trying to stratify by variable in par_tab, but <2 levels for this variable in antibody_data")

  demographics <- demographics %>% arrange(across(everything()))

setup_stratification_table <- function(par_tab, demographics){
  demographics <- as.data.frame(demographics)
  use_par_tab <- par_tab[par_tab$par_type %in% c(1,3),]
  n_pars <- nrow(use_par_tab)
  ## Creates an estimated parameter entry for each 
  strsplit1 <- function(x){
      return(strsplit(x,", "))
    } else {
  ## Skip any infection history prior parameters
  skip_pars <- c("infection_model_prior_shape1","infection_model_prior_shape2")
  ## Creates an estimated parameter entry for each 
  stratifications <- unique(unlist(sapply(par_tab[!(par_tab$names %in% skip_pars),"stratification"],function(x) strsplit1(x))))
  stratifications <- stratifications[!is.na(stratifications)]
  scale_table <- vector(mode="list",length=length(stratifications))
  ## If no stratifications, create dummy table
  if(nrow(demographics) == 1){
    scale_table[[1]] <- matrix(1, nrow=1,ncol=n_pars)
    scale_pars <- NULL
  } else {
    for(i in seq_along(stratifications)){
      stratification <- stratifications[i]
      scale_table[[i]] <- matrix(1, nrow=length(unique(demographics[,stratification])),ncol=n_pars)
    names(scale_table) <- stratifications
    ## First row is base case
    ## Subsequent rows, check if they are estimated. If so, flag as estimated. Otherwise, is fixed
    index <- 2
    strat_par_names <- NULL
    ## Skip any infection history prior parameters
    skip_pars <- c("infection_model_prior_shape1","infection_model_prior_shape2")
    for(j in 1:nrow(use_par_tab)){
      stratification_par <- use_par_tab$stratification[j]
      if(!is.na(stratification_par) & !(use_par_tab$names[j] %in% skip_pars)){
        strats <- strsplit(stratification_par,", ")[[1]]
        for(strat in strats){
          unique_demo_strats <- unique(demographics[,strat])
          n_groups <- length(unique_demo_strats[!is.na(unique_demo_strats)])
          for(x in 2:n_groups){
            scale_table[[strat]][x,j] <- index
            strat_par_names[[index]] <- paste0(use_par_tab$names[j],"_biomarker_",use_par_tab$biomarker_group[j],"_coef_",strat,"_",x)
            index <- index + 1
    scale_pars <- c(rnorm(index-2,0,0.1))
    names(scale_pars) <- unlist(strat_par_names)

  return(list(scale_table, scale_pars))

transform_parameters <- function(pars, scale_table, theta_indices,scale_par_indices,demographics){
  scale_pars <- c(0,pars[scale_par_indices])
  theta_pars <- pars[theta_indices]
  n_demographic_groups <- nrow(demographics)
  n_strats <- ncol(demographics)
  theta <- matrix(0, nrow=n_demographic_groups,ncol=length(theta_pars))
  ## For each parameter
  for(i in seq_along(theta_pars)){
    ## Need to calculate the value for each demographic group
    for(j in 1:n_demographic_groups){
      ## Each demographic group has its own values for each stratification -- sum contribution of all of these
      scales <- 0
      ## For each stratification
      for(x in 1:n_strats){
        ## Get value of variable for this stratification
        tmp_strat <- demographics[j,x]
        ## Get index in scale_table for this stratification level for this parameter
        par_index <- scale_table[[x]][tmp_strat,i]
        scales <- scales + scale_pars[par_index]
      theta[j,i] <- exp(log(theta_pars[i]) + scales)
  colnames(theta) <- names(pars[theta_indices])

#' @export
add_scale_pars <- function(par_tab, antibody_data, timevarying_demographics=NULL, scale_par_lower=-25,scale_par_upper=25){
    timevarying_demographics <- timevarying_demographics %>% arrange(individual, time)
    timevarying_demographics <- as.data.frame(timevarying_demographics)
    demographics <- create_demographic_table(timevarying_demographics,par_tab)
    stratification_pars <- setup_stratification_table(par_tab, demographics)
  } else {
    demographics <- create_demographic_table(antibody_data,par_tab)
    stratification_pars <- setup_stratification_table(par_tab, demographics)
  scale_table <- stratification_pars[[1]]
  scale_pars <- stratification_pars[[2]]
  ## If stratifying by anything
  if(length(scale_pars) > 0){
    ## Creates an estimated parameter entry for each 
    strsplit1 <- function(x){
      } else {
    names_split <- lapply(names(scale_pars), function(x) strsplit1(x))
    biomarker_groups <- unlist(lapply(names_split, function(x) as.numeric(x[[1]][which(x[[1]] == "biomarker") + 1])))
    tmp_par_tab <- data.frame(names=names(scale_pars), values=rnorm(length(scale_pars),0,0.1),fixed=0,
    par_tab <- bind_rows(par_tab, tmp_par_tab)
seroanalytics/serosolver documentation built on July 11, 2024, 4:41 p.m.