
Defines functions SpatialPCA_Multiple_Sample

Documented in SpatialPCA_Multiple_Sample

# Package: SpatialPCA
# Version: 1.2.0
# Date   : 2022-8-12
# Title : Spatially Aware Dimension Reduction for Spatial Transcriptomics
# Authors: L. Shang and X. Zhou
# Contacts: shanglu@umich.edu
#          University of Michigan, Department of Biostatistics

#' Multiple sample SpatialPCA. 
#' In this extension, we construct the covariance matrix for the latent factors in the form of a block diagonal matrix: 
#' it consists of the kernel matrices constructed using the spatial location information within each dataset, with zero correlation for pairs of locations across datasets. 
#' This way, the latent factors within each dataset are correlated a priori across spatial locations, while the latent factors across datasets are not correlated a priori. 
#' Certainly, if one wants to model the a priori correlation between latent factors across datasets, due to, for example, their similarity in the features extracted from histology images, then one can also modify the kernel matrices by constructing them using features other than spatial location information.
#' @param count_list A list of g by n count matrix, g is gene number, n is location number. 
#' @param location_list A list of n by d location matrix, n is location number, d is location dimension. The rownames of each location matrix should match with the colnames of its corresponding count matrix.
#' @return Returns SpatialPCA object with estimated Spatial PCs on locations.
#' @export

SpatialPCA_Multiple_Sample = function(count_list,location_list,gene.type="spatial",sparkversion="spark",numCores_spark=5,gene.number=3000, customGenelist=NULL,min.loctions = 20, min.features=20,bandwidth_common=0.1){

    if(length(count_list) != length(location_list)) {
            stop("The number of count matrix should match with the number of location matrix. ")
    }# end fi

    # create seurat object for each dataset
    seurat_list = list()
    for(count in 1:length(count_list)){
        colnames(count_list[[count]]) = paste0("Sample",count,"_",colnames(count_list[[count]]))
        rownames(location_list[[count]]) = colnames(count_list[[count]])
        seurat_list[[count]] <- CreateSeuratObject(counts = count_list[[count]], project = "multiple")

    # normalize and identify variable features for each dataset independently
    seurat_list <- lapply(X = seurat_list, FUN = function(x) {
        print(paste0("Normalizing dataset"))
        x <- NormalizeData(x)
        x <- FindVariableFeatures(x, selection.method = "vst", nfeatures = 10000)

    # select features that are repeatedly variable across datasets for integration
    features <- Seurat::SelectIntegrationFeatures(object.list = seurat_list,nfeatures = 10000)
    # integration, find anchors
    MultipleSample.anchors <- Seurat::FindIntegrationAnchors(object.list = seurat_list, anchor.features = features)
    # this command creates an 'integrated' data assay
    MultipleSample.combined <- Seurat::IntegrateData(anchorset = MultipleSample.anchors)
    DefaultAssay(MultipleSample.combined) <- "integrated"
    # Run the standard workflow for visualization and clustering
    MultipleSample.combined <- Seurat::ScaleData(MultipleSample.combined, verbose = FALSE)
    # obtain integrated and normalized data
    integrated_data = MultipleSample.combined@assays$integrated@scale.data

    # create each SpatialPCA object, this step is essentially for spatial gene selection
    spatialpca_list = list()
    for(count in 1:length(seurat_list)){
        print(paste0("Creating SpatialPCA object for dataset ",count))
        spatialpca_list[[count]] <- CreateSpatialPCAObject(counts=count_list[[count]], location=location_list[[count]], project = "SpatialPCA",gene.type=gene.type,sparkversion=sparkversion,numCores_spark=numCores_spark,gene.number=gene.number, customGenelist=customGenelist,min.loctions = min.loctions, min.features=min.features)

    matched_data = list()
    matched_location = list()
    Kernal_mat = list()
    for(count in 1:length(count_list)){
        print(paste0("Creating SpatialPCA kernel for dataset ",count))
        match_gene = na.omit(match(rownames( spatialpca_list[[count]]@normalized_expr), rownames(integrated_data)))
        match_spot = grep(paste0("1_",count),colnames(integrated_data))
        matched_data[[count]] = integrated_data[match_gene,match_spot]
        matched_location[[count]] = spatialpca_list[[count]]@location
        spatialpca_list[[count]]@normalized_expr = t(scale(t(matched_data[[count]])))
        spatialpca_list[[count]]@location = scale(matched_location[[count]])
        spatialpca_list[[count]] = SpatialPCA_buildKernel(spatialpca_list[[count]], kerneltype="gaussian", bandwidth.set.by.user=bandwidth_common)
        Kernal_mat[[count]] = spatialpca_list[[count]]@kernelmat

    common_genes = unique(unlist(lapply(matched_data, function(x){ row.names(x)})))
    MultipleSample_merge = spatialpca_list[[1]] # initialize using the first data, will replace with integrated data later
    MultipleSample_merge@normalized_expr = t(scale(t(integrated_data[match(common_genes, rownames(integrated_data)),])))
    MultipleSample_merge@kernelmat = Matrix::bdiag(Kernal_mat)
    MultipleSample_merge@kernelmat = as.matrix(MultipleSample_merge@kernelmat)
    # MultipleSample_merge@kernelmat = as(MultipleSample_merge@kernelmat, "sparseMatrix")
    # MultipleSample_merge@sparseKernel = TRUE
    MultipleSample_merge@params$expr = MultipleSample_merge@normalized_expr
    MultipleSample_merge@location = do.call("rbind",lapply(spatialpca_list, function(x){ x@location}))

    # perform SpatialPCA on integrated expression and integrated block diagonal kernel
    MultipleSample_merge = SpatialPCA_EstimateLoading(MultipleSample_merge,fast=TRUE,SpatialPCnum=20)
    MultipleSample_merge = SpatialPCA_SpatialPCs(MultipleSample_merge, fast=TRUE)
    colnames(MultipleSample_merge@SpatialPCs) = rownames(MultipleSample_merge@location)
    id_list = list()
    SpatialPC_list = list()
    Location_spatialpc_list = list()
    for(sample in 1:length(count_list)){
	    id_list[[sample]] = grep(paste0("Sample",sample), colnames(MultipleSample_merge@SpatialPCs))
	    SpatialPC_list[[sample]] = MultipleSample_merge@SpatialPCs[,id_list[[sample]]]
            Location_spatialpc_list[[sample]] = spatialpca_list[[sample]]@location

    names(SpatialPC_list) = paste0("Sample",1:length(SpatialPC_list))
    names(Location_spatialpc_list) = paste0("Sample",1:length(Location_spatialpc_list))
		"SpatialPC_list" = SpatialPC_list, 
shangll123/SpatialPCA documentation built on April 17, 2024, 3:15 a.m.