if (getRversion() >= "2.15.1") utils::globalVariables(c(".")) ## Disables notes about '.' due to magrittr
#' Collect poseidon janno data from an eager TSV and its corresponding general stats table.
#' @param eager_tsv_fn character. Path to the TSV file used as input for the eager run.
#' @param general_stats_fn character. Path to the MultiQC general stats table.
#' Can be found in multiqc/multiqc_data/multiqc_general_stats.txt within the specified eager output directory (`--outdir`).
#' @param keep_only character. Can be set to "none", "single", or "double".
#' If set to 'single; or 'double', will keep only information for libraries with the specified strandedness.
#' If 'none', all information is retained.
#' @param snp_cutoff integer. The minimum number of SNPs used for nuclear contamination results, for the results to be
#' considered trustworthy. Any values from libraries with fewer than this number of SNPs are ignored.
#' @return A tibble containing the poseidon janno fields of Nr_Libraries, Capture_Type, UDG, Library_Built, Damage, Nr_SNPs, Endogenous, Contamination,
#' Contamination_Err, Contamination_Meas, and Contamination_Note
#' @export
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"
import_eager_results <- function(eager_tsv_fn, general_stats_fn, keep_only, snp_cutoff) {
## Parse TSV
tsv_data <- read_eager_tsv(eager_tsv_fn, keep_only)
write("Parsing of eager input TSV completed.", file = stderr())
## Parse general stats table
eager_data <- read_eager_stats_table(general_stats_fn, tsv_data, snp_cutoff)
write("Parsing of eager general stats table completed.", file = stderr())
## Collate data
result <- tsv_data %>%
dplyr::group_by(.data$Sample_Name) %>%
# ## Keep the library IDs as they appear in the tsv, to filter for relevant lines from the general stats table
# Libraries_Included=paste(Library_ID,collapse=";"),
Nr_Libraries = dplyr::n(),
Capture_Type = paste(.data$Seq_Type, collapse = ";"),
## UDG gets formatted here to account for 'mixed' UDG treatment when multiple libs of the same strandedness have different UDG treatment.
UDG = paste(.data$UDG_Treatment, collapse = ";") %>% collapse_for_poseidon(., "UDG"),
Library_Built = paste(.data$Strandedness, collapse = ";") %>% collapse_for_poseidon(., "Library_Built")
) %>%
dplyr::full_join(eager_data, by = c("Sample_Name" = "Sample"))
#' Read content of an eager TSV and convert information to poseidon janno columns
#' @inheritParams import_eager_results
#' @return A tibble with columns for information for janno columns Sample_Name, Nr_Libraries, Capture_Type, UDG,
#' and Library_Built, and an additional column with the IDs of the libraries included for each sample. The latter
#' is used to pull only relevant information from the eager results tables.
#' @export
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"
read_eager_tsv <- function(eager_tsv_fn, keep_only = "none") {
## End execution if TSV file is not found
if (!file.exists(eager_tsv_fn)) {
stop(paste0("File '", eager_tsv_fn, "' not found."))
if (!keep_only %in% c("none", "single", "double")) {
stop(paste0("Invalid library strandedness preference: '", keep_only, "'"))
tsv_data <- readr::read_tsv(eager_tsv_fn, col_types = "cciiccccccc") %>%
dplyr::select(.data$Sample_Name, .data$Library_ID, .data$Strandedness, .data$UDG_Treatment, .data$R1, .data$R2, .data$BAM)
## Filter for preferred library strandedness
if (keep_only != "none") {
tsv_data <- dplyr::filter(tsv_data, .data$Strandedness == keep_only)
## Separate the Library ID to pandora Library ID and Sequencing ID if the latter was used
tsv_data <- tsv_data %>%
Library = substr(.data$Library_ID, 1, nchar(.data$Library_ID)-4),
Seq_Type = dplyr::case_when(
## First try to infer from Lib_ID
substr(.data$Library_ID, nchar(.data$Library_ID)-2, nchar(.data$Library_ID)-1) != "" ~ substr(.data$Library_ID, nchar(.data$Library_ID)-2, nchar(.data$Library_ID)-1) %>% format_for_poseidon(., "Capture_Type"),
## Then check R1, if provided. Assumes R1 file name starts with pandora full sequencing ID
!is.na(.data$R1) ~ basename(.data$R1) %>%
substr(., 14, 15) %>%
format_for_poseidon(., "Capture_Type"),
## Else, check the BAM input (must be there if no R1 is provided)
!is.na(.data$BAM) ~ basename(.data$BAM) %>%
substr(., 14, 15) %>%
format_for_poseidon(., "Capture_Type"),
## Finally, a catch-all, just in case we have unexpected behaviours
TRUE ~ NA_character_
Strandedness = format_for_poseidon(.data$Strandedness, "Library_Built"),
UDG_Treatment = format_for_poseidon(.data$UDG_Treatment, "UDG")
) %>%
dplyr::select(-c(.data$R1, .data$R2, .data$BAM)) %>%
#' Internal function to convert information from eager lingo to poseidon accepted strings
#' @param x character. A string to format from eager language to poseidon language.
#' @param field character. The field to format for. One of 'UDG', 'Library_Built', or 'Capture_Type'.
#' @return character. A valid Poseidon Capture_Type, Library_Built, or UDG value.
format_for_poseidon <- function(x, field) {
if (!field %in% c("Library_Built", "UDG", "Capture_Type")) {
stop(paste0(field, " is not an acceptable field for format_for_poseidon()."))
if (field == "Capture_Type") {
result <- dplyr::case_when(
x == "SG" ~ "Shotgun",
x == "TF" ~ "1240K",
TRUE ~ "OtherCapture"
if (field == "Library_Built") {
result <- dplyr::case_when(
x == "single" ~ "ss",
x == "double" ~ "ds",
TRUE ~ "other"
if (field == "UDG") {
result <- dplyr::case_when(
x == "none" ~ "minus",
x == "half" ~ "half",
x == "full" ~ "plus",
TRUE ~ "mixed"
#' Collapse value for poseidon janno
#' Takes a comples ';' separated value of UDG or Library_Built and returns the appropriate j
#' anno value to summarise that dataset in the provided field.
#' @param x character. A collapsed, poseidon-formatted string of Library builds or UDG treatments.
#' @param field character. The field to format for. One of 'UDG', 'Library_Built'
#' @return character. Either the unique repeated element in the collapsed string, or 'mixed'.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' collapse_for_poseidon("ds;ds;ds", "Library_Built") ## Unique repeated library build
#' collapse_for_poseidon("ds;ss;ds", "Library_Built") ## Non-unique library builds
#' collapse_for_poseidon("minus;minus;minus", "UDG") ## Unique repeated UDG treatment
#' collapse_for_poseidon("minus;half;plus", "UDG") ## Non-unique UDG treatment
collapse_for_poseidon <- function(x, field) {
if (!field %in% c("Library_Built", "UDG")) {
stop(paste0(field, " is not an acceptable field for collapse_for_poseidon()."))
if (field == "Library_Built") {
uniques <- strsplit(x, ";") %>%
unlist() %>%
result <- dplyr::case_when(
## Need to select the first unique to avoid errors when there are multiple.
grepl(";", x) ~ dplyr::if_else(length(uniques) > 1, "mixed", uniques[1]),
TRUE ~ x
if (field == "UDG") {
uniques <- strsplit(x, ";") %>%
unlist() %>%
result <- dplyr::case_when(
## Need to select the first unique to avoid errors when there are multiple.
grepl(";", x) ~ dplyr::if_else(length(uniques) > 1, "mixed", uniques[1]),
TRUE ~ x
#' Extract poseidon information from the general stats table of a run
#' @inheritParams import_eager_results
#' @param tsv_data A tibble containing information from the eager TSV. Created with \link[eager2poseidon:read_eager_tsv]{read_eager_tsv}
#' @return A tibble containing the poseidon janno fields of Damage, Nr_SNPs, Endogenous, Contamination,
#' Contamination_Err, Contamination_Meas, and Contamination_Note
#' @export
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"
read_eager_stats_table <- function(general_stats_fn, tsv_data, snp_cutoff = 50) {
## Check the file exists
if (!file.exists(general_stats_fn)) {
stop(paste0("File '", general_stats_fn, "' not found."))
## Create a character vector of the sample and library IDs to filter out information from the general stats table
pull_samples <- c(unique(tsv_data$Sample_Name), tsv_data$Library_ID) %>% sort()
## Load stats table and keep relevant columns and lines.
general_stats <- readr::read_tsv(general_stats_fn, na = c("", "N/A", "NA"), show_col_types = F) %>%
dplyr::filter(.data$Sample %in% pull_samples) %>%
sexdet_err_x = .data$`SexDetErrmine_mqc-generalstats-sexdeterrmine-RateErrX`,
sexdet_err_y = .data$`SexDetErrmine_mqc-generalstats-sexdeterrmine-RateErrY`,
sexdet_rate_x = .data$`SexDetErrmine_mqc-generalstats-sexdeterrmine-RateX`,
sexdet_rate_y = .data$`SexDetErrmine_mqc-generalstats-sexdeterrmine-RateY`,
endogenous_dna = .data$`endorSpy_mqc-generalstats-endorspy-endogenous_dna`,
covered_snps = .data$`snp_coverage_mqc-generalstats-snp_coverage-Covered_Snps`,
total_snps = .data$`snp_coverage_mqc-generalstats-snp_coverage-Total_Snps`,
damage_5p1 = .data$`DamageProfiler_mqc-generalstats-damageprofiler-5_Prime1`,
x_contamination_snps = .data$`nuclear_contamination_mqc-generalstats-nuclear_contamination-Num_SNPs`,
x_contamination = .data$`nuclear_contamination_mqc-generalstats-nuclear_contamination-Method1_ML_estimate`,
x_contamination_error = .data$`nuclear_contamination_mqc-generalstats-nuclear_contamination-Method1_ML_SE`,
duplication_rate = .data$`Picard_mqc-generalstats-picard-PERCENT_DUPLICATION`,
filtered_mapped_reads = .data$`Samtools Flagstat (post-samtools filter)_mqc-generalstats-samtools_flagstat_post_samtools_filter-mapped_passed`
) %>%
## Type all columns but Sample as doubles. Avoids type "lgl" when all entries in a column are NA.
dplyr::across(!.data$Sample, as.double)
## For endogenous, only look at Shotgun libraries. If none exist return "n/a"s
if (nrow(tsv_data %>% dplyr::filter(.data$Seq_Type == "Shotgun")) == 0) {
samples <- unique(tsv_data$Sample_Name)
endogenous <- rep(NA_real_, length(samples))
endogenous_per_sample <- tibble::tibble(Sample = samples, Endogenous = endogenous)
} else {
endogenous_per_sample <- dplyr::right_join(general_stats, tsv_data %>% dplyr::filter(.data$Seq_Type == "Shotgun"), by = c("Sample" = "Library_ID")) %>%
tidyr::separate(.data$Sample, sep = "\\.", into = c("Sample", "Library"), fill = "right", extra = "merge") %>%
dplyr::group_by(.data$Sample_Name) %>%
Endogenous = max(.data$endogenous_dna)
) %>%
## Library info for library based fields
contamination_per_sample <- general_stats %>%
## Join to eager tsv data to keep track of sample names in cases where '_' are used in sample names.
dplyr::right_join(., tsv_data, by = c("Sample" = "Library_ID")) %>%
dplyr::mutate("tsv_Library"=.data$Library, .keep="unused") %>%
tidyr::separate(.data$Sample, sep = "\\.", into = c("Sample", "Library"), fill = "right", extra = "merge") %>%
dplyr::filter(!is.na(.data$Library)) %>%
x_contamination = dplyr::case_when(
.data$x_contamination_snps < snp_cutoff ~ NA_real_,
TRUE ~ .data$x_contamination
# TRUE ~ format(.data$x_contamination, nsmall = 3, digits = 0, trim = T)
x_contamination_error = dplyr::case_when(
.data$x_contamination_snps < snp_cutoff ~ NA_real_,
TRUE ~ .data$x_contamination_error
# TRUE ~ format(.data$x_contamination_error, nsmall = 3, digits = 0, trim = T)
) %>%
## Keep only Library Entries
dplyr::group_by(.data$Sample_Name) %>%
## Take weighted mean of contamination and error (technically it doesnt make sense for the error, but that's what we have.)
contamination_weighted_mean = stats::weighted.mean(.data$x_contamination, .data$filtered_mapped_reads, na.rm = T),
contamination_weigthed_mean_err = stats::weighted.mean(.data$x_contamination_error, .data$filtered_mapped_reads, na.rm = T),
Contamination = dplyr::if_else(is.nan(.data$contamination_weighted_mean), NA_character_, .data$contamination_weighted_mean %>%
sprintf("%.3f", .)), ## Change to type 'char' and format to three decimals
Contamination_Err = dplyr::if_else(is.nan(.data$contamination_weigthed_mean_err), NA_character_, .data$contamination_weigthed_mean_err %>%
sprintf("%.3f", .)), ## Change to type 'char' and format to three decimals
Contamination_Meas = dplyr::if_else(is.na(.data$Contamination), NA_character_, paste("ANGSD")),
Contamination_Note = dplyr::if_else(is.na(.data$Contamination), NA_character_, paste0("Nr Snps (per library): ", paste(.data$x_contamination_snps, collapse = ";"), ". Estimate and error are weighted means of values per library. Libraries with fewer than ", snp_cutoff, " were excluded."))
) %>%
dplyr::select(-.data$contamination_weighted_mean, -.data$contamination_weigthed_mean_err) %>%
## For the rest use everything
sample_stats <- general_stats %>%
## Join to eager tsv data to keep track of sample names in cases where '_' are used in sample names.
dplyr::full_join(., tsv_data, by = c("Sample" = "Library_ID")) %>%
## Rename TSV library name column to keep both just in case.
dplyr::rename("tsv_Library"=.data$Library) %>%
## When the Sample is already a Sample_Name, and not Library_ID, fill that in
is.na(.data$Sample_Name) ~ .data$Sample,
TRUE ~ .data$Sample_Name
) %>%
tidyr::separate(.data$Sample, sep = "\\.", into = c("Sample", "Library"), fill = "right", extra = "merge") %>%
dplyr::mutate(filtered_mapped_reads = dplyr::na_if(.data$filtered_mapped_reads, 0)) %>%
dplyr::group_by(.data$Sample_Name) %>%
## Sexdet stats are tricky cause they can be at sample or library level. Using `first` should always prefer sample level if mor than one exists.
x_rate = dplyr::first(stats::na.omit(.data$sexdet_rate_x)),
y_rate = dplyr::first(stats::na.omit(.data$sexdet_rate_y)),
x_err = dplyr::first(stats::na.omit(.data$sexdet_err_x)),
y_err = dplyr::first(stats::na.omit(.data$sexdet_err_y)),
Damage = stats::weighted.mean(stats::na.omit(.data$damage_5p1), stats::na.omit(.data$filtered_mapped_reads)),
Nr_SNPs = max(.data$covered_snps, na.rm = T),
Genetic_Sex = infer_genetic_sex(.data$x_rate, .data$y_rate)
) %>%
Sex_Determination_Note = paste0("x-rate: ",
sprintf("%.3f", .data$x_rate),
" +- ",
sprintf("%.3f", .data$x_err),
", y-rate: ",
sprintf("%.3f", .data$y_rate),
" +- ",
sprintf("%.3f", .data$y_err)
) %>%
) %>%
## Join it all together
result <- dplyr::full_join(sample_stats, endogenous_per_sample, by = "Sample") %>%
dplyr::full_join(contamination_per_sample, by = "Sample")
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