
Defines functions colorBar mmeStat inferenceIndex maxima cluster

Documented in cluster colorBar inferenceIndex maxima mmeStat

#' A vectorized version of papx_edgeworth
#' @useDynLib pbj, .registration=TRUE
#' @param stat Vector of test statistics
#' @param mu3 The third moment of the test statistics
#' @param mu4 The fourth moment of the test statistics
#' @importFrom PDQutils papx_edgeworth
#' @importFrom PDQutils moment2cumulant
vpapx_edgeworth = Vectorize(function (stat, mu3, mu4) PDQutils::papx_edgeworth(stat, raw.cumulants=PDQutils::moment2cumulant(c(0,1, mu3, mu4) ) ))

#' Computes contiguous clusters from a statistical image given a threshold
#' @param stat A statistical Nifti image as an RNifti image object.
#' @param mask A statistical Nifti image mask used in the analysis or a character path to one.
#' @param cft A vector of cluster forming thresholds (on the scale of the test statistic
#' image, which is usually chi-squared for pbj) for the test statistic image. Will compute cluster sizes or masses for each threshold.
#' @param method character string 'extent' or 'mass' indicating whether the cluster extent or cluster mass statistic should be used.
#' @param kernel The kernel type to compute connected components.
#' @param rois If TRUE, return image with voxel values having the indices of the clusters returned if rois=FALSE.
#' @return Returns list of tables of sizes of the connected components above cft.
#' @export
#' @importFrom mmand shapeKernel
cluster = function(stat, mask, cft, method=c('extent', 'mass'), kernel='box', rois=FALSE){
  method = tolower(method[1])
  if(is.character(mask)) mask = readNifti(mask)
  ndims = length(dim(mask))
  tmp = mask
  k = mmand::shapeKernel(3, ndims, type=kernel)
  tmp = lapply(cft, function(th){ tmp[ mask!=0] = (stat[mask!=0]>th); tmp})
    ccomps = lapply(tmp, function(tm){cc = mmand::components(tm, k); mask[mask!=0]=0; mask[!is.na(cc)] = cc[!is.na(cc)]; mask} )
  } else {
    ccomps = switch(method,
                      lapply(tmp, function(tm) c(0, table(c(mmand::components(tm, k))) ) )
                      lapply(tmp, function(tm) c(0, by(c(stat), c(mmand::components(tm, k)), sum) ))
    # modifies ccomps attribute in cluster function
    ccomps = lapply(1:length(cft), function(ind){ attributes(ccomps[[ind]]) <- list('cft'=cft[ind]); ccomps[[ind]]})

    names(ccomps) = paste('CEI', 1:length(ccomps))
    names(ccomps) = paste('CMI', 1:length(ccomps))

#' Computes local maxima from an nifti image
#' @param stat A statistical Nifti image as an RNifti image object.
#' @param kernel Type of kernel to use for max/dilation filter
#' @param width Width of kernel (assumes isotropic). If zero, then returns global maximum.
#' @param rois If TRUE, return image with voxel values having the indices of the local maxima.
#' @param roisWidth Width of kernel for computing local maxima used for table output later. Only used if width is zero
#' @return Default returns vector of local maxima in the image.
#' @export
#' @importFrom mmand shapeKernel
maxima = function(stat, kernel='box', width=0, rois=FALSE, roisWidth=15){
  if(width==0 & !rois){
  } else {
    if(width==0){width = roisWidth}
    ndims = length(dim(stat))
    dil = dilate(stat, shapeKernel(width, ndims, type=kernel))
    stat[which(stat<dil)] = 0
    imginds = which(stat!=0)
      stat[imginds] = 1:length(imginds)
    } else {
      list(maxima=stat[ imginds])

#' Computes empirical weighted cdf. Modified from ecdf
#' @param x vector of values
#' @param w vector with length(w)=length(x) of weights
#' @return Returns list of tables of sizes of the connected components above thr.
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats approxfun
wecdf = function (x, w=rep(1, length(x)))
  o = order(x)
  x <- x[o]
  w <- w[o]
  n <- length(x)
  sw <- sum(w)
  if (n < 1)
    stop("'x' must have 1 or more non-missing values")
  vals <- unique(x)
  # by command sorts x values (again)
  rval <- approxfun(vals, cumsum(c(by(w, x, sum) ))/sw,
                    method = "constant", yleft = 0, yright = 1-1/n, f = 0, ties = "ordered")
  class(rval) <- c("ecdf", "stepfun", class(rval))
  assign("nobs", n, envir = environment(rval))
  attr(rval, "call") <- sys.call()

#' Gets numeric index of observed stat corresponding to the method and CFT
#' @param obsStat Field in statMap$pbj$obsStat
#' @param method What statistic to provide summary for? must have run that
#' analysis using the pbjInference and mmeStat functions.
#' @param cft cluster forming threshold to display. If NULL, just display the first.
#' @return Returns an index that corresponds to the method and CFT.
#' @seealso [mmeStat], [cluster], [maxima], [pbjInference]
#' @export
inferenceIndex = function(obsStat, method, cft=NULL){
  ind = grep(method, tolower(names(obsStat)))
    stop('Method ', method, ' was not run on this statMap.')
  # get indices corresponding to this method
  cfts = sapply(obsStat[ind], attr, which='cft')
  # maxima don't have cft attribute
  if(!is.null(cft) & method!='maxima'){
    ind = ind[which(cfts==cft)]
      stop('Specified cft is ', cft, '. Existing cfts are ', paste(cfts, collapse=', '))

#' Compute maxima, CMI, or CEI inference statistics
#' @param stat statistical image
#' @param rois passed to maxima and cluster functions. Returns image with ROI indices.
#' @param mask Mask image.
#' @param maxima Compute local maxima?
#' @param CMI Compute cluster masses?
#' @param CEI Compute cluster extents?
#' @param cft A single threshold on the scale of the statistical image (chi-squared) for CEI or CMI.
#' @return Returns a list with the maxima and CEI for the given image.
#' This function is used  as the default `statistic` argument in [pbjInference()].
#' @export
mmeStat = function(stat, rois=FALSE, mask, cft, maxima=FALSE, CMI=FALSE,
  res = c()
    res = maxima(stat, rois=rois)
  if(CMI) {
    res = c(res, cluster(stat, mask=mask, cft=cft, rois=rois, method='mass'))
    res = c(res, cluster(stat, mask=mask, cft=cft, rois=rois,

# color bar function
colorBar <- function(lut, min, max=-min, nticks=11, ticks=seq(min, max, len=nticks), title='') {
  scale = (length(lut)-1)/(max-min)
  plot(c(0,10), c(min,max), type='n', bty='n', xaxt='n', xlab='', yaxt='n', ylab='', main=title)
  axis(2, round(ticks, 2), las=1, cex.axis=cex*0.7, font=2)
  for (i in 1:(length(lut)-1)) {
    y = (i-1)/scale + min
    rect(0,y,10,y+1/scale, col=lut[i], border=NA)
simonvandekar/pbj documentation built on Nov. 3, 2023, 9:33 a.m.