
#' Default Zika parameters for sims
#' A function that gives a list of parameters for running a zika simulation.
#' Defaults to parameters for Zika with no introductions.
#' @param r_not value specifying outbreak R0, which automatically modulates transmission rate
#' @param infBoxes Integer specifying number of infectious class boxes
#' @param incBoxes Integer specifying number of incubation class boxes
#' @param recov_p Daily probability of recovery for each infectious box
#' @param incub_rate Daily probability of transitioning for each incubation box
#' @param prop_p Daily Poisson rate of transmission for each infectious individual
#' @param e_thresh Maximum number of cumulative infections before sim ends
#' @param prob_symp Probability that cases are symptomatic (haven't tested anything <1)
#' @param dis_prob_symp Probability of discovery for symptomatic individuals
#' @param dis_prob_asymp Probability of discovery for asymptomatic individuals
#' @param intro_rate Daily rate of new introductions according to poisson distribution
#' @return A list of length num_reps, where each component is a single call to run_zika_sim.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' zika_def_parms()
#' zika_def_parms(r_not=1.6, intro_rate=0.1)
zika_def_parms <- function(r_not = 1.1,
                              infBoxes = 3,
                              incBoxes = 6,
                              recov_p = 0.3040571/(3/infBoxes),
                              incub_rate = 0.583917,
                              prop_p =  r_not*recov_p/infBoxes,
                              e_thresh = 100,
                              prob_symp = 1,
                              dis_prob_symp = .01,
                              dis_prob_asymp = 0.00 ,
                              intro_rate = 0.01){

#' Get County-specific parameters
#' A function that finds the correct parameters for a specified county to be used for zika outbreak simulations
#' @param county Integer or character string identifying either the county id number or the county name#' @param ... Function can take any other arguments to zika_def_parms
#' @param rnot_bound string specifying which Rnot is desired ("lower", "median", or "upper")
#' @inheritParams zika_def_parms
#' @return A list of length num_reps, where each component is a single call to run_zika_sim.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' get_county_parms("travis")
#' get_county_parms(15)
#' get_county_parms("travis", e_thresh=1000)
get_county_parms <- function(county, rnot_bound = "median", ... ){
    if(county>254 | county<1) stop("County index is out of bounds")
    county_ind <- match(county, table = county_risk_data$id)

    # If no match, throw an error
      stop("Couldn't find a match for that number, sorry! - Maybe it wasn't a rounded number?")
  } else if(is.character(county)) {

    # send everything tolower, for easer matching
    county_ind <- grep(tolower(county), tolower(county_risk_data$county))

    # If no matches or more than one, then throw an error
    if(length(county_ind) == 0){
      stop("Couldn't find a match for that county, sorry!")
    } else if(length(county_ind) > 1){
      stop("Found too many matches for that county, try being more specific!")
  } else{
    stop("invalid county type")

  # r_not <- county_risk_data$rnott.expected.round[county_ind]
  import_rate <- county_risk_data$importation.projected[county_ind]

  r_not <- switch(rnot_bound,
               lower = county_risk_data$low[county_ind],
               median = county_risk_data$median[county_ind],
               high = county_risk_data$high[county_ind],
               stop("rnot_bound not specified properly"))
  if("r_not" %in% names(list(...)) & "intro_rate" %in% names(list(...))){
    warning("You are defining r_not and intro_rate explicitly, which will override both county-specific values.")
  } else if("r_not" %in% names(list(...))){
    warning("You are defining r_not explicitly, which will override the county-specific value.")
    zika_def_parms(intro_rate=import_rate, ...)
  }else if("intro_rate" %in% names(list(...))){
    warning("You are defining intro_rate explicitly, which will override the county-specific value.")
    zika_def_parms(r_not=r_not, ...)
  } else{
    zika_def_parms(intro_rate=import_rate, r_not=r_not, ...)

#' Run multiple zika simulations
#' A function to run multiple zika simulations with the same parameters
#' @param num_reps An integer.
#' @param ... A list of parameters to call run_zika_sim.
#' @return A list of length num_reps, where each component is a single call to run_zika_sim.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' run_n_zika_sims(1, zika_def_parms())
run_n_zika_sims <- function(num_reps, ...) {
  plyr::rlply(.n = num_reps, .expr = run_zika_sim(...) )

#' Update state movement
#' A function that calculates how many individuals transition out of a state
#' @param n An integer number of draws.
#' @param prob A probability of transitioning.
#' @return Number of individuals leaving state.
#' @examples
#' update_state(100, 0.3)
update_state <- function(n, prob){
  ## Draws n uniform random numbers
  ## Returns a sum of all numbers less than the probability
  sum(runif(n = n) < prob)

#' Update multiple state's movement
#' A vectorized function of update_state()
#' @param n An integer vector for the number of draws for each state.
#' @param prob A probability of transitioning.
#' @return Number of individuals leaving each state.
#' @examples
#' update_states(c(50,100,20,30), 0.3)
update_states <- Vectorize(update_state, vectorize.args = c("n"))

#' Track movement through infectious classes
#' A function that tracks movement between undetected and detected classes of individuals.
#' Progresses individuals according to one step (day), and accounts for the fact that individuals
#' can recover and be reported in the same time period
#' @param UI Integer vector length=number of boxes
#' @param recov_prob Probability of recovery
#' @param disc_prob Probability of being reported
#' @return Outputs a list UI recovering, UI reporting, and amount to add to each DI box
#' @examples
#' track_infectious(c(10,50,20), 0.3, 0.5)
track_infectious <- function(UI, recov_prob, disc_prob){
  UI_progressing = vector("numeric", length(UI))  ## The number of UI moving to next UI box
  UI_detecting = vector("numeric", length(UI))    ## The number of UI that were detected
  DI_adding = vector("numeric", length(UI)+1)     ## The number of UI that are detected by stage of recovery

  for(box in 1:length(UI)){
    UI_recovery_draws = runif(UI[box])
    UI_detected_draws = runif(UI[box])

    ## Get the total numbers recovering, detected, and (detected and recovered)
    UI_recovering = sum(UI_recovery_draws < recov_prob)
    UI_detected = sum(UI_detected_draws < disc_prob)
    UI_detected_and_recovered = sum( (UI_detected_draws < disc_prob) & (UI_recovery_draws < recov_prob) )

    ## Keep track of total leaving the current UI box into another UI box
    UI_progressing[box] = UI_recovering - UI_detected_and_recovered

    ## Neeed to keep track of those leaving due to detection
    UI_detecting[box] = UI_detected

    ## Now update those entering the DI class
    ## Those that didn't recover, but were detected, are added to current DI box
    DI_adding[box] = DI_adding[box] + UI_detected - UI_detected_and_recovered

    ## Those that recovered and detected are added to next DI class
    DI_adding[box+1] = DI_adding[box+1] + UI_detected_and_recovered

  return(list(UI_progressing=UI_progressing, UI_detecting=UI_detecting, DI_adding=DI_adding))

#' Runs a single zika simulation
#' Runs a single stochastic branching process zika simulation according to the model description
#' in "Real-time Zika Risk assessment in the United States."
#' @param params List of named parameters for simulation, starred parameters must be present, but suggested to call zika_def_parms() and alter parms according to specific run (See examples).
#' @param infBoxes* Integer specifying number of infectious class boxes
#' @param incBoxes* Integer specifying number of incubation class boxes
#' @param recov_p* Daily probability of recovery for each infectious box
#' @param incub_rate* Daily probability of transitioning for each incubation box
#' @param prop_p* Daily Poisson rate of transmission for each infectious individual
#' @param e_thresh* Maximum number of cumulative infections before sim ends
#' @param prob_symp* Probability that cases are symptomatic (haven't tested anything <1)
#' @param dis_prob_symp* Probability of discovery for symptomatic individuals
#' @param dis_prob_asymp* Probability of discovery for asymptomatic individuals
#' @param intro_rate* Daily rate of new introductions according to poisson distribution
#' @return Returns a dataframe that contains the daily evolution of the model compartments
#' @export
#' @examples
#' run_zika_sim(zika_def_parms())
#' run_zika_sim(zika_def_parms(r_not=0.8, intro_rate=0.1))
run_zika_sim <- function(params) {
    ## The 4 infected classes all have that number of boxes
    UI_Symp = vector("numeric", length=infBoxes)
    UI_Asymp = vector("numeric", length=infBoxes)
    DI_Symp = vector("numeric", length=infBoxes)
    DI_Asymp = vector("numeric", length=infBoxes)

    ## Classes for storing the introduced infectious
    UI_Intro_Symp = vector("numeric", length=infBoxes)
    UI_Intro_Asymp = vector("numeric", length=infBoxes)
    DI_Intro_Symp = vector("numeric", length=infBoxes)
    DI_Intro_Asymp = vector("numeric", length=infBoxes)

    ## Initialize the epidemic with one undetected infectious
    UI_Intro_Symp[1] = 1

    ## UI and DI keep track of the total number of undetected and detected
    ## cases at any given time
    UI = sum(UI_Symp, UI_Asymp, UI_Intro_Symp, UI_Intro_Asymp)
    DI = sum(DI_Symp, DI_Asymp, DI_Intro_Symp, DI_Intro_Asymp)

    ## Only those that are introduced
    UI_Intro = sum(UI_Intro_Symp, UI_Intro_Asymp)
    DI_Intro = sum(DI_Intro_Symp, DI_Intro_Asymp)

    ## I keeps track of total infectious
    I = UI + DI

    ## Only introduced ones
    I_Intro = UI_Intro + DI_Intro

    cumD = 0  ## Cum detected
    cumD_Intro = 0  ## Cum detected of introduced

    ## Keeps track of all exposed classes
    incubationInfecteds = vector("numeric", length = incBoxes)

    ## Cumulative incidence
    cumI = I
    cumI_Intro = I_Intro

    ## Data.frame for holding time series
    time_record = data.frame(matrix(data = 0, ncol = 11))
    colnames(time_record) = c("New_Exposed", "New_Infection", "Total_Infections", "Cumulative_Infections",
                              "New_Intro", "Total_Intro_Infections", "Cumulative_Intro_Infections",
                              "New_Detections", "Cum_Detections", "New_Intro_Detections", "Cum_Intro_Detections")

    ## Initialize appropriately
    time_record$New_Infection = time_record$Total_Infections = time_record$Cumulative_Infections = I

    while  (( (cumI-cumI_Intro) < e_thresh) & ((I+sum(incubationInfecteds)) > 0)) {
      #while Number of infected is below epidemic threshold and more than 0 infected
      # or while number of infecteds is above 0 and the number of detected is below threshold

      ########################### First Introduction Rate
      ## intro_rate is rate of introductions, drawn from poisson distribution daily
      intro_count = rpois(n = 1, lambda = intro_rate)

      ## get total introductions that are symptomatic
      intro_symp = update_state(n=intro_count, prob = prob_symp)
      intro_asymp = intro_count-intro_symp

      ############################## INCUBATION
      ## Keep track of transitions out of each incubation box
      leavingInc = update_states(n = incubationInfecteds, prob = incub_rate)

      ## DETERMING ASYMP/SYMP of those leaving last incubation box (becoming infectious)
      newUI_Symp = update_state(n = leavingInc[incBoxes], prob = prob_symp)
      newUI_Asymp = leavingInc[incBoxes] - newUI_Symp

      ############################## INFECTION
      #Calculate the number of new exposed from all infectious
      ## Add in second line if decide that symp/asymp should have different transmission rates
      ## potentially detected/undetected as well.
      newExposed = sum(rpois(n = I, lambda = prop_p))

      ############################## INFECTIOUS CLASSES MOVEMENT
      # Infectious classes movement Undetected infectious
      ## Can progress in UI boxes, or get transferred
      ## to DI boxes
      infectious_update_Symp = track_infectious(UI = UI_Symp, recov_prob = recov_p, disc_prob = dis_prob_symp)
      infectious_update_Asymp = track_infectious(UI = UI_Asymp, recov_prob = recov_p, disc_prob = dis_prob_asymp)

      ## Update introduction infectious classes
      infectious_intro_update_Symp = track_infectious(UI = UI_Intro_Symp, recov_prob = recov_p, disc_prob = dis_prob_symp)
      infectious_intro_update_Asymp = track_infectious(UI = UI_Intro_Asymp, recov_prob = recov_p, disc_prob = dis_prob_asymp)

      ## DI movement (can only progress towards recovery)
      DI_symp_leaving <- update_states(n=DI_Symp, prob=recov_p)
      DI_asymp_leaving <- update_states(n=DI_Asymp, prob=recov_p)

      DI_intro_symp_leaving <- update_states(n=DI_Intro_Symp, prob=recov_p)
      DI_intro_asymp_leaving <- update_states(n=DI_Intro_Asymp, prob=recov_p)

      # UPDATING
      # Incubation classes
      for(i in 1:incBoxes){
          incubationInfecteds[i] = incubationInfecteds[i] + newExposed - leavingInc[i]
        } else {
          incubationInfecteds[i] = incubationInfecteds[i] + leavingInc[i-1] - leavingInc[i]

      # UI_leaving=UI_leaving, DI_adding=DI_adding
      # Infectious classes updating
      for(i in 1:infBoxes){
          ## Update the UI first box
          UI_Symp[i] = UI_Symp[i] +  newUI_Symp - infectious_update_Symp$UI_progressing[i] -  infectious_update_Symp$UI_detecting[i]
          UI_Asymp[i] = UI_Asymp[i] + newUI_Asymp - infectious_update_Asymp$UI_progressing[i] -  infectious_update_Asymp$UI_detecting[i]

        } else {
          ## Update the other UI boxes
          UI_Symp[i] = UI_Symp[i] + infectious_update_Symp$UI_progressing[i-1] - infectious_update_Symp$UI_progressing[i] -  infectious_update_Symp$UI_detecting[i]
          UI_Asymp[i] = UI_Asymp[i] + infectious_update_Asymp$UI_progressing[i-1] - infectious_update_Asymp$UI_progressing[i]-  infectious_update_Asymp$UI_detecting[i]


        ## Update the DI boxes (all the same process, so not in conditionals)
        DI_Symp[i] = DI_Symp[i] + infectious_update_Symp$DI_adding[i] - DI_symp_leaving[i]
        DI_Asymp[i] = DI_Asymp[i] + infectious_update_Asymp$DI_adding[i] - DI_asymp_leaving[i]

      for(i in 1:infBoxes){
          ## Update the UI first box
          UI_Intro_Symp[i] = UI_Intro_Symp[i] + intro_symp - infectious_intro_update_Symp$UI_progressing[i] -  infectious_intro_update_Symp$UI_detecting[i]
          UI_Intro_Asymp[i] = UI_Intro_Asymp[i] + intro_asymp +  infectious_intro_update_Asymp$UI_progressing[i] -  infectious_intro_update_Asymp$UI_detecting[i]

        } else {
          ## Update the other UI boxes
          UI_Intro_Symp[i] = UI_Intro_Symp[i] + infectious_intro_update_Symp$UI_progressing[i-1] - infectious_intro_update_Symp$UI_progressing[i] -  infectious_intro_update_Symp$UI_detecting[i]
          UI_Intro_Asymp[i] = UI_Intro_Asymp[i] + infectious_intro_update_Asymp$UI_progressing[i-1] - infectious_intro_update_Asymp$UI_progressing[i]-  infectious_intro_update_Asymp$UI_detecting[i]


        ## Update the DI boxes (all the same process, so not in conditionals)
        DI_Intro_Symp[i] = DI_Intro_Symp[i] + infectious_intro_update_Symp$DI_adding[i] - DI_intro_symp_leaving[i]
        DI_Intro_Asymp[i] = DI_Intro_Asymp[i] + infectious_intro_update_Asymp$DI_adding[i] - DI_intro_asymp_leaving[i]

      # Newly Infectious
      newInf = leavingInc[incBoxes] + intro_symp + intro_asymp
      newInf_Intro = intro_symp + intro_asymp

      # Update cumulative infectious
      cumI = cumI + newInf
      cumI_Intro = cumI_Intro + newInf_Intro

      # Newly Detected = symptomatic and asymptomatic cases discovered
      newlyDisc = sum(infectious_update_Symp$DI_adding, infectious_update_Asymp$DI_adding, infectious_intro_update_Symp$DI_adding, infectious_intro_update_Asymp$DI_adding)
      newlyDisc_Intro = sum(infectious_intro_update_Symp$DI_adding, infectious_intro_update_Asymp$DI_adding)

      #Cumulatve Detected = those already detected + newly detected
      cumD = cumD + newlyDisc
      cumD_Intro = cumD_Intro + newlyDisc_Intro

      UI = sum(UI_Symp, UI_Asymp, UI_Intro_Symp, UI_Intro_Asymp)
      DI = sum(DI_Symp, DI_Asymp, DI_Intro_Symp, DI_Intro_Asymp)

      ## Only those that are introduced
      UI_Intro = sum(UI_Intro_Symp, UI_Intro_Asymp)
      DI_Intro = sum(DI_Intro_Symp, DI_Intro_Asymp)

      #Detected = Detected + Recovered Individuals + Newly Detected - Previously UI that have been detected and Recovered
      I = UI + DI #Undiscovered and Discovered Infected
      I_Intro = UI_Intro + DI_Intro

      #adding time step data
      time_record <- rbind(time_record, c(newExposed, newInf, I, cumI, newInf_Intro, I_Intro, cumI_Intro, newlyDisc, cumD, newlyDisc_Intro, cumD_Intro))
    time <- data.frame(time=seq(1:nrow(time_record)))
    time_record <- cbind(time, time_record)

sjfox/rtZIKVrisk documentation built on May 30, 2019, 12:04 a.m.