#' @title Constructing Differential Networks for Microbiome Data
#' @description Constructs a differential network for objects of class
#' \code{microNet}. Three methods for identifying differentially associated
#' taxa are provided: Fisher's z-test, permutation test, discordant method.
#' @details \strong{Permutation procedure:}\cr
#' The null hypothesis of these tests is defined as
#' \deqn{H_0: a1_ij - a2_ij = 0,} where \eqn{a1_ij} and \eqn{a2_ij} denote the
#' association between taxon i and j in group 1 and 2, respectively.\cr
#' To generate a sampling distribution of the differences under \eqn{H_0},
#' the group labels are randomly reassigned to the samples while the group
#' sizes are kept. The associations are then re-estimated for each permuted
#' data set. The p-values are calculated as the proportion of
#' "permutation-differences" being larger than the observed difference. A
#' pseudo-count is added to the numerator and denominator in order to avoid
#' zero p-values. The p-values should be adjusted for multiple testing.
#' @param x an object of class \code{microNet} (returned by
#' \code{\link{netConstruct}}).
#' @param diffMethod character string indicating the method used for determining
#' differential associations. Possible values are \code{"permute"} (default)
#' for performing permutation tests according to \cite{Gill et al. (2010)},
#' \code{"discordant"}, which calls \code{\link[discordant]{discordantRun}}
#' \cite{(Siska and Kechris, 2016)}, and \code{"fisherTest"} for Fisher's
#' z-test \cite{(Fisher , 1992)}.
#' @param discordThresh numeric value in [0,1].
#' Only used for the discordant method. Specifies
#' a threshold for the posterior probability that a pair of
#' taxa is differentially correlated between the groups. Taxa pairs with a
#' posterior above this threshold are connected in the network. Defaults to
#' 0.8.
#' @param n1,n2 integer giving the sample sizes of the two data sets used for
#' network construction. Needed for Fisher's z-test if association matrices
#' instead of count matrices were used for network construction.
#' @param fisherTrans logical. If \code{TRUE} (default), Fisher-transformed
#' correlations are used for permutation tests.
#' @param nPerm integer giving the number of permutations for the permutation
#' tests. Defaults to 1000L.
#' @param permPvalsMethod character indicating the method used for determining
#' p-values for permutation tests. Currently, "pseudo" is the only available
#' option (see details).
#' @param cores integer indicating the number of CPU cores used for
#' permutation tests. If cores > 1, the tests are performed parallel.
#' Is limited to the number of available CPU cores determined by
#' \code{\link[parallel]{detectCores}}. Defaults to 1L (no parallelization).
#' @param verbose logical. If \code{TRUE} (default), progress messages are shown.
#' @param logFile a character string defining the name of a log file, which is
#' created when permutation tests are conducted (therein the current iteration
#' numbers are stored). Defaults to \code{NULL} so that no file is created.
#' @param seed integer giving a seed for reproducibility of the results.
#' @param alpha numeric value between 0 and 1 giving the significance level.
#' Significantly different correlations are connected in the network. Defaults
#' to 0.05.
#' @param adjust character indicating the method used for multiple testing
#' adjustment for the tests for differentially correlated pairs of taxa.
#' Possible values are "lfdr" (default) for local
#' false discovery rate correction (via \code{\link[fdrtool]{fdrtool}}),
#' "adaptBH" for the adaptive Benjamini-Hochberg method \cite{(Benjamini and
#' Hochberg, 2000)}, or one of the methods provided by
#' \code{\link[stats]{p.adjust}}.
#' @param lfdrThresh defines a threshold for the local fdr if "lfdr" is chosen
#' as method for multiple testing correction. Defaults to 0.2 meaning
#' that correlations with a corresponding local fdr less than or equal to 0.2
#' are identified as significant.
#' @param trueNullMethod character indicating the method used for estimating the
#' proportion of true null hypotheses from a vector of p-values. Used for the
#' adaptive Benjamini-Hochberg method for multiple testing adjustment (chosen
#' by \code{adjust = "adaptBH"}). Accepts the provided options of the
#' \code{method} argument of \code{\link[limma]{propTrueNull}}: "convest"
#' (default), "lfdr", "mean", and "hist". Can alternatively be "farco" for
#' the "iterative plug-in method" proposed by \cite{Farcomeni (2007)}.
#' @param pvalsVec vector with p-values used for permutation tests. Can be used
#' for performing another method for multiple testing adjustment without
#' executing the complete permutation process again. See the example.
#' @param fileLoadAssoPerm character giving the name (without extension)
#' or path of the file storing the "permuted" association/dissimilarity
#' matrices that have been exported by setting \code{storeAssoPerm} to
#' \code{TRUE}. Only used for permutation tests. Set to \code{NULL} if no
#' existing associations should be used.
#' @param fileLoadCountsPerm character giving the name (without extension)
#' or path of the file storing the "permuted" count matrices that have been
#' exported by setting \code{storeCountsPerm} to \code{TRUE}.
#' Only used for permutation tests, and if \code{fileLoadAssoPerm = NULL}.
#' Set to \code{NULL} if no existing count matrices should be used.
#' @param storeAssoPerm logical indicating whether the association (or
#' dissimilarity) matrices for the permuted data should be stored in a file.
#' The filename is given via \code{fileStoreAssoPerm}. If \code{TRUE},
#' the computed "permutation" association/dissimilarity matrices can be reused
#' via \code{fileLoadAssoPerm} to save runtime. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param fileStoreAssoPerm character giving the file name to store a matrix
#' containing a matrix with associations/dissimilarities for the permuted
#' data. Can also be a path.
#' @param storeCountsPerm logical indicating whether the permuted count matrices
#' should be stored in an external file. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param fileStoreCountsPerm character vector with two elements giving the
#' names of two files storing the permuted count matrices belonging to the
#' two groups.
#' @param assoPerm only needed for output generated with NetCoMi v1.0.1! A
#' list with two elements used for the permutation procedure.
#' Each entry must contain association matrices for \code{"nPerm"}
#' permutations. This can be either the \code{"assoPerm"} value as part of the
#' output returned by \code{diffnet} or \code{\link{netCompare}}. See
#' the example.
#' @return The function returns an object of class \code{diffnet}. Depending on
#' the performed test method, the output contains the following
#' elements:\cr\cr
#' \strong{Permutation tests:}
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' \code{diffMat}\tab matrix with absolute differences of associations that are
#' significantly different from zero; optional adjacency matrix\cr
#' \code{diffAdjustMat}\tab matrix with absolute differences of associations
#' that are significantly different from zero (after multiple testing
#' correction); optional adjacency matrix\cr
#' \code{pvalsVec}\tab vector with p-values\cr
#' \code{pAdjustVec}\tab vector with adjusted p-values\cr
#' \code{pvalsMat}\tab matrix with p-values\cr
#' \code{pAdjustMat}\tab matrix with adjusted p-values\cr
#' \code{testStatData}\tab vector with test statistics (absolute differences
#' of associations) for the original data\cr
#' \code{testStatPerm}\tab matrix with test statistics (absolute differences
#' of associations) for the permuted data\cr
#' \code{assoMat1,assoMat2}\tab matrices with estimated associations (of the
#' original data)}
#' \strong{Discordant:}
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' \code{assoMat1,assoMat2}\tab matrices with estimated correlations\cr
#' \code{diffMat}\tab adjacency matrix (absolute difference of correlations)\cr
#' \code{classMat}\tab matrix with classes assigned to a taxa pair\cr
#' \code{diffProbs}\tab matrix with posterior probabilities that a taxa pair
#' is differentially correlated between the groups}
#' \strong{Fisher's z-test:}
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' \code{diffMat}\tab matrix with absolute differences of associations that are
#' significantly different from zero; optional adjacency matrix\cr
#' \code{diffAdjustMat}\tab matrix with absolute differences of associations
#' that are significantly different from zero (after multiple testing
#' correction); optional adjacency matrix\cr
#' \code{pvalsVec}\tab vector with p-values\cr
#' \code{pAdjustVec}\tab vector with adjusted p-values\cr
#' \code{pvalsMat}\tab matrix with p-values\cr
#' \code{pAdjustMat}\tab matrix with adjusted p-values\cr
#' \code{assoMat1,assoMat2}\tab matrices with estimated associations (of the
#' original data)}
#' @examples
#' # Load data sets from American Gut Project (from SpiecEasi package)
#' data("amgut1.filt")
#' # Generate a random group vector
#' set.seed(123456)
#' group <- sample(1:2, nrow(amgut1.filt), replace = TRUE)
#' # Network construction:
#' amgut_net <- netConstruct(amgut1.filt, group = group,
#' measure = "pearson",
#' filtTax = "highestVar",
#' filtTaxPar = list(highestVar = 30),
#' zeroMethod = "pseudoZO", normMethod = "clr")
#' #---------------------
#' # Differential network
#' # Fisher's z-test
#' amgut_diff1 <- diffnet(amgut_net, diffMethod = "fisherTest")
#' # Network contains no differentially correlated taxa:
#' \dontrun{
#' plot(amgut_diff1)
#' }
#' # Without multiple testing correction (statistically not correct!)
#' amgut_diff2 <- diffnet(amgut_net, diffMethod = "fisherTest", adjust = "none")
#' plot(amgut_diff2)
#' \dontrun{
#' # Permutation test (permutation matrices are stored)
#' amgut_diff3 <- diffnet(amgut_net, diffMethod = "permute", nPerm = 1000L,
#' cores = 4L, adjust = "lfdr",
#' storeCountsPerm = TRUE,
#' fileStoreCountsPerm = c("countsPerm1", "countsPerm2"),
#' storeAssoPerm = TRUE,
#' fileStoreAssoPerm = "assoPerm",
#' seed = 123456)
#' # Use the p-values again (different adjustment method possible), but without
#' # re-estimating the associations
#' amgut_diff4 <- diffnet(amgut_net, diffMethod = "permute", nPerm = 1000L,
#' adjust = "none", pvalsVec = amgut_diff3$pvalsVec)
#' x11()
#' plot(amgut_diff4)
#' # Use the permutation associations again (same result as amgut_diff4)
#' amgut_diff5 <- diffnet(amgut_net, diffMethod = "permute", nPerm = 1000L,
#' adjust = "none",
#' fileLoadAssoPerm = "assoPerm")
#' x11()
#' plot(amgut_diff5)
#' # Use the permuted count matrices again (same result as amgut_diff4)
#' amgut_diff6 <- diffnet(amgut_net, diffMethod = "permute", nPerm = 1000L,
#' adjust = "none",
#' fileLoadCountsPerm = c("countsPerm1", "countsPerm2"),
#' seed = 123456)
#' x11()
#' plot(amgut_diff6)
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{plot.diffnet}}
#' @references
#' \insertRef{benjamini2000adaptive}{NetCoMi} \cr\cr
#' \insertRef{discordant2016}{NetCoMi} \cr\cr
#' \insertRef{farcomeni2007some}{NetCoMi} \cr\cr
#' \insertRef{fisher1992statistical}{NetCoMi} \cr\cr
#' \insertRef{gill2010statistical}{NetCoMi}
#' @importFrom Biobase ExpressionSet
#' @importFrom Rdpack reprompt
#' @importFrom stats p.adjust.methods
#' @importFrom stats pnorm
#' @export
diffnet <- function(x,
diffMethod = "permute",
discordThresh = 0.8,
n1 = NULL,
n2 = NULL,
fisherTrans = TRUE,
nPerm = 1000L,
permPvalsMethod = "pseudo",
cores = 1L,
verbose = TRUE,
logFile = NULL,
seed = NULL,
alpha = 0.05,
adjust = "lfdr",
lfdrThresh = 0.2,
trueNullMethod = "convest",
pvalsVec = NULL,
fileLoadAssoPerm = NULL,
fileLoadCountsPerm = NULL,
storeAssoPerm = FALSE,
fileStoreAssoPerm = "assoPerm",
storeCountsPerm = FALSE,
fileStoreCountsPerm = c("countsPerm1", "countsPerm2"),
assoPerm = NULL) {
# Check input arguments
argsIn <- as.list(environment())
if (verbose) message("Checking input arguments ... \n", appendLF = FALSE)
argsOut <- .checkArgsDiffnet(argsIn)
for (i in 1:length(argsOut)) {
assign(names(argsOut)[i], argsOut[[i]])
if (verbose) message("Done.")
countMat1 <- x$countMat1
countMat2 <- x$countMat2
countsJoint <- x$countsJoint
normCounts1 <- x$normCounts1
normCounts2 <- x$normCounts2
assoMat1 <- x$assoEst1
assoMat2 <- x$assoEst2
if (is.null(n1)) {
n1 <- nrow(x$normCounts1)
n2 <- nrow(x$normCounts2)
if (diffMethod == "discordant") {
if (!requireNamespace("discordant", quietly = TRUE)) {
message("Installing missing package 'discordant' ...")
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) {
BiocManager::install("discordant", dependencies = TRUE)
message("Check whether installed package can be loaded ...")
if (!is.null(seed)) set.seed(seed)
if (is.null(countsJoint)) {
combMat <- rbind(countMat1, countMat2)
} else {
combMat <- countsJoint
# Create object of class ExpressionSet
x_expr <- Biobase::ExpressionSet(assayData = t(combMat))
groups <- c(rep(1, nrow(normCounts1)), rep(2, nrow(normCounts2)))
# Transform correlation matrices to vectors
lowtri <- lower.tri(assoMat1, diag = FALSE)
corrVector1 <- assoMat1[lowtri]
corrVector2 <- assoMat2[lowtri]
vector_names <- .getVecNames(t(assoMat1))
names(corrVector1) <- vector_names
names(corrVector2) <- vector_names
# Get classes with probabilities
discord <- discordant::discordantRun(corrVector1, corrVector2, x_expr)
# Matrix with assigned classes (with highest probabilities)
classMat <- discord$classMatrix
classMat[upper.tri(classMat)] <- t(classMat)[upper.tri(t(classMat))]
diag(classMat) <- 1
# Matrix with probabilities that correlations are different between the groups
# (equals sum of probabilities for classes 2,3,4,6,7,8)
diffProbs <- discord$discordPPMatrix
diffProbs[upper.tri(diffProbs)] <- t(diffProbs)[upper.tri(t(diffProbs))]
diag(diffProbs) <- 0
diffMat <- abs(assoMat1 - assoMat2)
diffMat[diffProbs < discordThresh] <- 0
output <- list(assoMat1 = assoMat1, assoMat2 = assoMat2,
diffMat = diffMat, classMat = classMat,
diffProbs = diffProbs)
} else if (diffMethod == "permute") {
matchDesign <- x$matchDesign
callNetConstr <- x$call
pvalsVecInput <- pvalsVec
if (is.null(pvalsVec)) {
cores <- as.integer(cores)
if (cores > 1) {
if (parallel::detectCores() < cores) cores <- parallel::detectCores()
permResult <- .permTestDiffAsso(
countMat1 = countMat1,
countMat2 = countMat2,
countsJoint = countsJoint,
normCounts1 = normCounts1,
normCounts2 = normCounts2,
assoMat1 = assoMat1,
assoMat2 = assoMat2,
paramsNetConstruct = x$parameters,
method = "connect.pairs",
fisherTrans = fisherTrans,
pvalsMethod = permPvalsMethod,
adjust = adjust,
adjust2 = "none",
alpha = alpha,
lfdrThresh = lfdrThresh,
verbose = verbose,
nPerm = nPerm,
matchDesign = matchDesign,
callNetConstr = callNetConstr,
cores = cores,
logFile = logFile,
seed = seed,
fileLoadAssoPerm = fileLoadAssoPerm,
fileLoadCountsPerm = fileLoadCountsPerm,
storeAssoPerm = storeAssoPerm,
fileStoreAssoPerm = fileStoreAssoPerm,
storeCountsPerm = storeCountsPerm,
fileStoreCountsPerm = fileStoreCountsPerm,
assoPerm = assoPerm
pvalsVec <- permResult$pvalsVec
pAdjustVec <- permResult$pAdjustVec
testStatData <- permResult$testStatData
testStatPerm <- permResult$testStatPerm
nExceedsVec <- permResult$nExceedsVec
} else {
# Adjust for multiple testing
if (verbose & adjust != "none") {
message("Adjust for multiple testing using '", adjust, "' ... ",
appendLF = FALSE)
pAdjustVec <- multAdjust(pvals = pvalsVec, adjust = adjust,
trueNullMethod = trueNullMethod, verbose = verbose)
if (verbose & adjust != "none") message("Done.")
testStatData <- NULL
testStatPerm <- NULL
nExceedsVec <- NULL
diffMat <- diffAdjustMat <- abs(assoMat1 - assoMat2)
diffVec <- diffVecAdjust <- diffMat[lower.tri(diffMat)]
# Identify links
diffVec[pvalsVec > alpha] <- 0
if (adjust == "none") {
diffVecAdjust <- diffVec
} else if (adjust == "lfdr") {
diffVecAdjust[pAdjustVec > lfdrThresh] <- 0
} else {
diffVecAdjust[pAdjustVec > alpha] <- 0
diffMat[lower.tri(diffMat)] <- diffVec
diffMat[upper.tri(diffMat)] <- t(diffMat)[upper.tri(t(diffMat))]
diffAdjustMat[lower.tri(diffAdjustMat)] <- diffVecAdjust
diffAdjustMat[upper.tri(diffAdjustMat)] <-
pvalsMat <- diffMat
pvalsMat[lower.tri(pvalsMat)] <- pvalsVec
pvalsMat[upper.tri(pvalsMat)] <- t(pvalsMat)[upper.tri(t(pvalsMat))]
pAdjustMat <- diffMat
pAdjustMat[lower.tri(pAdjustMat)] <- pAdjustVec
pAdjustMat[upper.tri(pAdjustMat)] <- t(pAdjustMat)[upper.tri(t(pAdjustMat))]
output = list()
output[["diffMat"]] <- diffMat
output[["diffAdjustMat"]] <- diffAdjustMat
output[["pvalsVec"]] <- pvalsVec
output[["pAdjustVec"]] <- pAdjustVec
#output[["nExceedsVec"]] <- nExceedsVec
output[["pvalsMat"]] <- pvalsMat
output[["pAdjustMat"]] <- pAdjustMat
output[["testStatData"]] <- testStatData
output[["testStatPerm"]] <- testStatPerm
output[["assoMat1"]] <- assoMat1
output[["assoMat2"]] <- assoMat2
}else { #Fisher's z-test
assoVec1 <- as.vector(assoMat1[lower.tri(assoMat1)])
assoVec2 <- as.vector(assoMat2[lower.tri(assoMat2)])
assoVec1[assoVec1 == 1] <- 0.9999
assoVec2[assoVec2 == 1] <- 0.9999
assoVec1[assoVec1 == -1] <- -0.9999
assoVec2[assoVec2 == -1] <- -0.9999
z1 <- atanh(assoVec1)
z2 <- atanh(assoVec2)
diff_z <- (z1 - z2)/sqrt(1/(n1 - 3) + (1/(n2 - 3)))
pvalsVec <- 2 * (1 - pnorm(abs(diff_z)))
# Adjust for multiple testing
if (verbose & adjust != "none") {
message("Adjust for multiple testing using '", adjust, "' ... ",
appendLF = FALSE)
pAdjustVec <- multAdjust(pvals = pvalsVec, adjust = adjust,
trueNullMethod = trueNullMethod, verbose = verbose)
if (verbose & adjust != "none") message("Done.")
diffMat <- diffAdjustMat <- abs(assoMat1 - assoMat2)
diag(diffMat) <- diag(diffAdjustMat) <- 0
diffVec <- diffVecAdjust <- diffMat[lower.tri(diffMat)]
diffVec[pvalsVec > alpha] <- 0
# Identify links
if (adjust == "none") {
diffVecAdjust <- diffVec
} else if (adjust == "lfdr") {
diffVecAdjust[pAdjustVec > lfdrThresh] <- 0
} else {
diffVecAdjust[pAdjustVec > alpha] <- 0
diffMat[lower.tri(diffMat)] <- diffVec
diffMat[upper.tri(diffMat)] <- t(diffMat)[upper.tri(t(diffMat))]
diffAdjustMat[lower.tri(diffAdjustMat)] <- diffVecAdjust
diffAdjustMat[upper.tri(diffAdjustMat)] <-
pvalsMat <- diffMat
pvalsMat[lower.tri(pvalsMat)] <- pvalsVec
pvalsMat[upper.tri(pvalsMat)] <- t(pvalsMat)[upper.tri(t(pvalsMat))]
pAdjustMat <- diffMat
pAdjustMat[lower.tri(pAdjustMat)] <- pAdjustVec
pAdjustMat[upper.tri(pAdjustMat)] <- t(pAdjustMat)[upper.tri(t(pAdjustMat))]
output <- list()
output[["diffMat"]] <- diffMat
output[["diffAdjustMat"]] <- diffAdjustMat
output[["pvalsVec"]] <- pvalsVec
output[["pAdjustVec"]] <- pAdjustVec
#output[["nExceedsVec"]] <- nExceedsVec
output[["pvalsMat"]] <- pvalsMat
output[["pAdjustMat"]] <- pAdjustMat
output[["assoMat1"]] <- assoMat1
output[["assoMat2"]] <- assoMat2
if (verbose) {
if (diffMethod == "discordant") {
if (all(diffMat == 0)) {
message("No differential associations detected.")
} else { # Fisher test or permutation test
if (adjust == "none") {
if (all(diffMat == 0)) {
message("No significant differential associations detected.")
} else {
if (all(diffAdjustMat == 0)) {
message("No significant differential associations detected ",
"after multiple testing adjustment.")
output[["groups"]] <- x$groups
output[["diffMethod"]] <- diffMethod
output[["adjusted"]] <- adjust
output[["call"]] <- match.call()
class(output) <- "diffnet"
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