
Defines functions .checkArgsNetComp

# Argument checking for function netCompare()

#' @keywords internal

.checkArgsNetComp <- function(args) {
  # Variable for collecting error messages
  errs <- list()
  errs$nerr <- 0
  #errs$msg <- NULL
  # class
  errs <- .checkArg(cond = inherits(args$x, "microNetProps"), 
                    msg = paste0("\"x\" must be of class \"microNetProps\" ", 
                                 "(returned by netAnalyze())"), 
                    errs = errs)
  # permTest
  errs <- .checkArg(cond = is.logical(args$permTest), 
                    msg = "\"permTest\" must be logical", 
                    errs = errs)
  # gcd
  errs <- .checkArg(cond = is.logical(args$gcd), 
                    msg = "\"gcd\" must be logical", 
                    errs = errs)
  if (args$gcd) {
    # gcdOrb
    errs <- 
      .checkArg(cond = is.numeric(args$gcdOrb), 
                msg = "\"gcdOrb\" vector must be numeric.", 
                errs = errs)
    errs <- 
      .checkArg(length(args$gcdOrb) >= 2 & 
                  length(args$gcdOrb) <= 15 &
                  all(args$gcdOrb %in% 0:14), 
                msg = "Only gcdOrb 0 to 14 (from 4-node graphlets) are allowed.", 
                errs = errs)
  # verbose
  errs <- .checkArg(cond = is.logical(args$verbose), 
                    msg = "\"verbose\" must be logical", 
                    errs = errs)
  # storeAssoPerm
  errs <- .checkArg(cond = is.logical(args$storeAssoPerm), 
                    msg = "\"storeAssoPerm\" must be logical", 
                    errs = errs)
  # storeCountsPerm
  errs <- .checkArg(cond = is.logical(args$storeCountsPerm), 
                    msg = "\"storeCountsPerm\" must be logical", 
                    errs = errs)
  # returnPermProps
  errs <- .checkArg(cond = is.logical(args$returnPermProps), 
                    msg = "\"returnPermProps\" must be logical", 
                    errs = errs)
  # returnPermCentr
  errs <- .checkArg(cond = is.logical(args$returnPermCentr), 
                    msg = "\"returnPermCentr\" must be logical", 
                    errs = errs)
  # lnormFit
  if (!is.null(args$lnormFit)) {
    errs <- .checkArg(cond = is.logical(args$lnormFit), 
                      msg = "\"lnormFit\" must be logical", 
                      errs = errs)
  # jaccQuant
  errs <- .checkArg(cond = (args$jaccQuant >= 0 & args$jaccQuant <= 1), 
                    msg = "\"jaccQuant\" must be in [0,1]", 
                    errs = errs)
  # nPerm
  errs <- .checkArg(cond = (is.numeric(args$nPerm) & args$nPerm >= 0), 
                    msg = "\"nPerm\" must be an integer >= 0", 
                    errs = errs)

  args$nPerm <- as.integer(args$nPerm)
  # adjust
  args$adjust <- match.arg(args$adjust, c(p.adjust.methods, "lfdr", "adaptBH"))
  # trueNullMethod
  args$trueNullMethod <- match.arg(args$trueNullMethod, c("convest", "lfdr", 
                                                          "mean", "hist", 
  # nPermRand
  errs <- .checkArg(cond = (is.numeric(args$nPermRand) & args$nPermRand >= 0), 
                    msg = "\"nPermRand\" must be an integer >= 0", 
                    errs = errs)
  args$nPermRand <- as.integer(args$nPermRand)
  # cores
  errs <- .checkArg(cond = (is.numeric(args$cores) & args$cores >= 0), 
                    msg = "\"cores\" must be an integer >= 0", 
                    errs = errs)
  args$cores <- as.integer(args$cores)  
  # logFile
  if (!is.null(args$logFile)) {
    errs <- .checkArg(cond = is.character(args$logFile), 
                      msg = "\"logFile\" must be of type character", 
                      errs = errs)
  # storeCountsPerm
  if (args$permTest) {
    errs <- .checkArg(cond = args$x$paramsNetConstruct$dataType == "counts", 
                      msg = paste0("Permutation tests only possible if count ", 
                                   "tables were used for network construction."), 
                      errs = errs)
    # fileLoadAssoPerm
    if (!is.null(args$fileLoadAssoPerm)) {
      errs <- .checkArg(cond = is.character(args$fileLoadAssoPerm), 
                        msg = "\"fileLoadAssoPerm\" must be of type character", 
                        errs = errs)
      errs <- .checkArg(cond = length(args$fileLoadAssoPerm) == 1, 
                        msg = "\"fileLoadAssoPerm\" must be of length 1", 
                        errs = errs)
    # fileLoadCountsPerm
    if (!is.null(args$fileLoadCountsPerm)) {
      errs <- .checkArg(cond = is.character(args$fileLoadCountsPerm), 
                        msg = "\"fileLoadCountsPerm\" must be of type character", 
                        errs = errs)
      errs <- .checkArg(cond = length(args$fileLoadCountsPerm) == 2, 
                        msg = "\"fileLoadCountsPerm\" must be of length 2", 
                        errs = errs)
    # fileStoreCountsPerm
    if (args$storeCountsPerm) {
      errs <- .checkArg(cond = is.character(args$fileStoreCountsPerm), 
                        msg = "\"fileStoreCountsPerm\" must be of type character", 
                        errs = errs)
      errs <- .checkArg(cond = length(args$fileStoreCountsPerm) == 2, 
                        msg = "\"fileStoreCountsPerm\" must be of length 2", 
                        errs = errs)
    # fileStoreAssoPerm
    if (args$storeAssoPerm) {
      errs <- .checkArg(cond = is.character(args$fileStoreAssoPerm), 
                        msg = "\"fileStoreAssoPerm\" must be of type character", 
                        errs = errs)
      errs <- .checkArg(cond = length(args$fileStoreAssoPerm) == 1, 
                        msg = "\"fileStoreAssoPerm\" must be of length 1", 
                        errs = errs)
    # assoPerm
    if (!is.null(args$assoPerm)) {
      errs <- .checkArg(cond = (is.list(args$assoPerm) & 
                                  length(args$assoPerm) == 2), 
                        msg = "\"assoPerm\" must be a list of length 2", 
                        errs = errs)
    # dissPerm
    if (!is.null(args$dissPerm)) {
      errs <- .checkArg(cond = (is.list(args$dissPerm) & 
                                  length(args$dissPerm) == 2), 
                        msg = "\"dissPerm\" must be a list of length 2", 
                        errs = errs)
  if (errs$nerr > 0) {
    # Get function call of netCompare()
    fn_call <- sys.call(-1)
    fn_call <- utils::capture.output(fn_call)
    # Remove white space
    fn_call <- gsub("\\s+", " ", fn_call)
    # Enumerate only for more than one errors
    if (errs$nerr == 1) {
      errvec <- paste0(errs$msg, collapse = "\n")
    } else {
      errvec <- paste0(1:errs$nerr, ": ", errs$msg, collapse = "\n")
    # Temporarily change allowed length of messages
    tmp <- options("warning.length")
    options(warning.length = 5000L)
    stop("\nin ", fn_call , "\n", errvec, call.=FALSE)
    options(warning.length = tmp$warning.length)
stefpeschel/NetCoMi documentation built on Feb. 4, 2024, 8:20 a.m.