
Defines functions .checkPlausNetConst

# Plausibility checking for arguments of netConstruct()

.checkPlausNetConst <- function(dataType,
                               verbose) {

  # set to TRUE, if a measure or normMethod needs fractions or integer as input:
  needfrac <- FALSE
  needint <- FALSE
  # warnings regarding compositionality
  if (measure %in% c("kld", "jsd", "jeffrey")) {
    if (verbose > 0) {
      message("Attention! ", 
              "The chosen measure is not robust to compositional effects.\n")
  if (measure %in% c("pearson", "spearman", "bicor")) {
    if (!normMethod %in% c("VST", "clr", "mclr")) {
      if (verbose > 0) {
        message("Attention! The chosen combination of association measure ", 
                "and normalization is not robust to compositional effects.\n")
  if (measure %in% c("bray", "euclidean")) {
    if (!normMethod %in% c("VST", "clr", "mclr")) {
      if (verbose > 0) {
        message("Attention! The chosen combination of dissimilarity measure ",
                "and normalization is not robust to compositional effects.\n")
  # exception handling - normalization and zero replacement
  msg <- character(0)
  if (dataType == "counts") {
    if (measure %in% c("sparcc", "spring", "spieceasi")) {
      if (zeroMethod != "none") {
        zeroMethod <- "none"
        msg <- c(msg, paste0("Zero handling included in \"", measure, "\"."))
      if (normMethod != "none") {
        normMethod <- "none"
        msg <- c(msg, paste0("Normalization ignored for measure \"",
                             measure, "\"."))
    } else if (measure %in% c("cclasso", "gcoda")) {
      if (zeroMethod == "none") {
        zeroMethod <- "multRepl"
        msg <- c(msg, paste0("Zero replacement needed for measure \"",
                             measure, "\". \"multRepl\" used."))
      if (!normMethod %in% c("none", "fractions")) {
        msg <- c(msg, paste0("Normalization ignored for measure \"",
                             measure, "\"."))
      if (zeroMethod %in% c("pseudo", "pseudoZO")) {
        normMethod <- "fractions"
      } else {
        normMethod <- "none"
        needfrac <- TRUE
    } else if (measure %in% c("aitchison", "ckld")) {
      if (zeroMethod == "none") {
        zeroMethod <- "multRepl"
        msg <- c(msg, paste0("Zero replacement needed for measure \"",
                             measure, "\". \"multRepl\" used."))
      if (!normMethod %in% c("fractions")) {
        msg <- c(msg, paste0("Counts normalized to fractions for measure \"",
                             measure, "\"."))
      if (zeroMethod %in% c("pseudo", "pseudoZO")) {
        normMethod <- "fractions"
      } else {
        normMethod <- "none"
        needfrac <- TRUE
    } else if (measure == "ccrepe") {
      if (normMethod != "fractions") {
        msg <- c(msg, 
                 paste0("Measure \"", measure, "\" needs fractions as input. ",
                        "\"normMethod\" changed to \"fractions\"."))
      if (zeroMethod %in% c("none", "pseudo", "pseudoZO")) {
        normMethod <- "fractions"
      } else {
        normMethod <- "none"
        needfrac <- TRUE
    } else if (measure %in% c("propr")) {
      if (zeroMethod == "none") {
        zeroMethod <- "multRepl"
        msg <- c(msg, paste0("Zero replacement needed for measure \"",
                             measure, "\". \"", zeroMethod, "\" used."))
      if (normMethod != "none") {
        normMethod <- "none"
        msg <- c(msg, paste0("Normalization ignored for measure \"",
                             measure, "\"."))
    } else if (measure %in% c("kld", "jeffrey", "jsd")) {
      if (zeroMethod == "none") {
        if (normMethod %in% c("VST", "rarefy")) {
          zeroMethod <- "pseudoZO"
        } else {
          zeroMethod <- "multRepl"
        msg <- c(msg, paste0("Zero replacement needed for measure \"",
                             measure, "\". \"", zeroMethod, "\" used."))
    if (normMethod %in% c("TSS", "fractions") & 
        !zeroMethod %in% c("none", "pseudo", "pseudoZO")) {
      normMethod <- "none"
      needfrac <- TRUE
    if (normMethod %in% c("VST", "rarefy") & !zeroMethod %in% c("none")) {
      needint <- TRUE
    if (normMethod == "clr") {
      if (zeroMethod == "none") {
        zeroMethod <- "multRepl"
        msg <- c(msg, 
                 paste0("Zero replacement needed for clr transformation. \"",
                        zeroMethod, "\" used."))
      needfrac <- TRUE
    if (measure %in% c("spring", "spieceasi", "gcoda")) {
      if (sparsMethod != "none") {
        sparsMethod <- "none"
        msg <- c(msg, paste0("Sparsification included in \"", measure, "\"."))
  # exception handling: sparsification and transformation
  if (assoType == "dissimilarity") {
    if (!sparsMethod %in% c("none", "threshold", "knn")) {
        "Sparsification method \"", sparsMethod,
        "\" not implemented for dissimilarities.
        Possible options are: \"none\", \"threshold\", and \"knn\"."

  if (assoType != "dissimilarity" & sparsMethod == "knn") {
    stop("Sparsification method \"knn\" is only available for dissimilarity ", 

  if (assoType == "proportionality") {
    if (!sparsMethod %in% c("none", "threshold")) {
        "Edge selection method \"", sparsMethod,
        "\" not implemented for proportionality.
        Possible options are: \"none\" and \"threshold\"."
  if (dataType != "counts") {
    if (sparsMethod == "t-test") {
      if (is.null(sampleSize)) {
        stop("Sample size needed (argument \"sampleSize\") for sparsification ",
             "via Student's t-test if dataType is not \"counts\".")
      if (is.null(data2)) {
        if (length(sampleSize) > 1) {
          warning("Length of \"sampleSize\" > 1. ", 
                  "Only the first element is taken.")
          sampleSize <- sampleSize[1]
      } else {
        stopifnot(length(sampleSize) == 2)
    if (sparsMethod == "bootstrap" & dataType != "counts") {
      stop("Count matrix needed for bootstrapping.")
  if (sparsMethod == "softThreshold") {
    if (assoType != "correlation") {
      stop("Sparsification method \"softThreshold\" ", 
           "only possible for correlations.")
    if (dissFunc != "TOMdiss") {
      dissFunc <- "TOMdiss"
      msg <- c(msg, paste0("Only TOM dissimilarity (dissFunc = \"TOMdiss\") ",
                           "possible for soft thresholding."))
  if (length(msg) != 0 & verbose > 0) {
    msg_new <- as.vector(rbind(msg, rep("\n", length(msg))))
    message("Infos about changed arguments:")
  output <- list(
    zeroMethod = zeroMethod,
    normMethod = normMethod,
    sparsMethod = sparsMethod,
    dissFunc = dissFunc,
    sampleSize = sampleSize,
    needfrac = needfrac,
    needint = needint
stefpeschel/NetCoMi documentation built on Feb. 4, 2024, 8:20 a.m.