
Defines functions plot.diffnet

Documented in plot.diffnet

#' Plot method for objects of class diffnet
#' @param x object of class \code{diffnet} (returned by 
#'   \code{\link{diffnet}}) containing the adjacency matrix, whose entries are 
#'   absolute differences between associations.
#' @param adjusted logical indicating whether the adjacency matrix based on 
#'   adjusted p-values should be used. Defaults to \code{TRUE}. If \code{FALSE}, 
#'   the adjacency matrix is based on non-adjusted p-values. Ignored 
#'   for the discordant method.
#' @param layout indicates the layout used for defining node positions. Can be
#'   a character with one of the layouts provided by
#'   \code{\link[qgraph]{qgraph}}: \code{"spring"}(default), \code{"circle"},
#'   or \code{"groups"}. Alternatively, the layouts provided by igraph (see
#'   \code{\link[igraph:layout_]{layout\_}}) are accepted (must be given as
#'   character, e.g. \code{"layout_with_fr"}). Can also be a matrix with row
#'   number equal to the  number of nodes and two columns corresponding to the x
#'   and y coordinate.
#' @param repulsion positive numeric value indicating the strength of repulsive
#'   forces in the "spring" layout. Nodes are placed closer together for smaller
#'   values and further apart for higher values. See the \code{repulsion}
#'   argument of \code{\link[qgraph]{qgraph}}.
#' @param labels defines the node labels. Can be a character vector with an
#'   entry for each node. If \code{FALSE}, no labels are plotted. Defaults to
#'   the row/column names of the association matrices.
#' @param shortenLabels character indicating how to shorten node labels. 
#'   Ignored if node labels are defined via \code{labels}. NetCoMi's function 
#'   \code{\link{editLabels}()} is used for label editing.
#'   Available options are:
#'   \describe{
#'   \item{\code{"intelligent"}}{Elements of \code{charToRm} are removed,
#'   labels are shortened to length \code{labelLength}, and duplicates are
#'   removed using \code{labelPattern}.}
#'   \item{\code{"simple"}}{Elements of \code{charToRm} are  removed and labels
#'   are shortened to length \code{labelLength}.}
#'   \item{\code{"none"}}{Default. Original dimnames of the adjacency matrices 
#'   are used.} }
#' @param labelLength integer defining the length to which labels shall
#'   be shortened if \code{shortenLabels} is set to \code{"simple"} or 
#'   \code{"intelligent"}. Defaults to 6.
#' @param labelPattern vector of three or five elements, which is used if 
#'   argument \code{shortenLabels} is set to \code{"intelligent"}. 
#'   If cutting a label to length \code{labelLength} leads to duplicates, 
#'   the label is shortened according to \code{labelPattern}, 
#'   where the first entry gives the length of the first part, 
#'   the second entry is used a separator, and the third entry
#'   is the length of the third part. If \code{labelPattern} has five elements 
#'   and the shortened labels are still not unique, 
#'   the fourth element serves as further separator, and the fifth element gives
#'   the length of the last label part. Defaults to c(5, "'", 3, "'", 3).
#'   If the data contains, for example, three bacteria "Streptococcus1",
#'   "Streptococcus2" and "Streptomyces", they are by default shortened to 
#'   "Strep'coc'1", "Strep'coc'2", and "Strep'myc".
#' @param charToRm vector with characters to remove from node names. Ignored if
#'   labels are given via \code{labels}.
#' @param labelScale logical. If \code{TRUE}, node labels are scaled according 
#'   to node size
#' @param labelFont integer defining the font of node labels. Defaults to 1.
#' @param rmSingles logical. If \code{TRUE}, unconnected nodes are removed.
#' @param nodeColor character or numeric value specifying node colors. Can also
#'   be a vector with a color for each node.
#' @param nodeTransp an integer between 0 and 100 indicating the transparency of
#'   node colors. 0 means no transparency, 100 means full transparency. Defaults
#'   to 60.
#' @param borderWidth numeric specifying the width of node borders. Defaults to
#'   1.
#' @param borderCol character specifying the color of node borders. Defaults to
#'   "gray80"
#' @param edgeFilter character indicating whether and how edges should be
#'   filtered. Possible values are \code{"none"} (all edges are shown) and
#'   \code{"highestDiff"} (the first x edges with highest absolute difference
#'   are shown). x is defined by \code{edgeFilterPar}.
#' @param edgeFilterPar numeric value specifying the "x" in \code{edgeFilter}.
#' @param edgeWidth numeric specifying the edge width. See argument
#'   \code{"edge.width"} of \code{\link[qgraph]{qgraph}}.
#' @param edgeTransp an integer between 0 and 100 indicating the transparency of
#'   edge colors. 0 means no transparency (default), 100 means full transparency.
#' @param edgeCol character vector specifying the edge colors. Must be of length
#'   6 for the discordant method (default: c("hotpink", "aquamarine", "red",
#'   "orange", "green", "blue")) and of lengths 9 for permutation tests and
#'   Fisher's z-test (default: c("chartreuse2", "chartreuse4", "cyan",
#'   "magenta", "orange", "red", "blue", "black", "purple")).
#' @param title optional character string for the main title.
#' @param legend logical. If \code{TRUE}, a legend is plotted.
#' @param legendPos either a character specifying the legend's position or a 
#'   numeric vector with two elements giving the x and y coordinates of the 
#'   legend. See the description of the x and y arguments of 
#'   \code{\link[graphics]{legend}} for details.
#' @param legendGroupnames a vector with two elements giving the group names
#'   shown in the legend.
#' @param legendTitle character specifying the legend title.
#' @param legendArgs list with further arguments passed to 
#'   \code{\link[graphics]{legend}}.
#' @param cexNodes numeric scaling node sizes. Defaults to 1.
#' @param cexLabels numeric scaling node labels. Defaults to 1.
#' @param cexTitle numeric scaling the title. Defaults to 1.2.
#' @param cexLegend numeric scaling the legend size. Defaults to 1.
#' @param mar a numeric vector of the form c(bottom, left, top, right) defining
#'   the plot margins. Works similar to the \code{mar} argument in
#'   \code{\link[graphics]{par}}. Defaults to c(2,2,4,6).
#' @param ... further arguments being passed to \code{\link[qgraph]{qgraph}}.
#' @param repulsion integer specifying repulse radius in the spring layout; for
#'   a value lower than 1, nodes are placed further apart
#' @seealso \code{\link{diffnet}}, \code{\link{netConstruct}}
#' @importFrom qgraph qgraph
#' @method plot diffnet
#' @export

plot.diffnet <- function(x,
                         adjusted = TRUE,
                         layout = NULL,
                         repulsion = 1,
                         labels = NULL,
                         shortenLabels = "none",
                         labelLength = 6,
                         labelPattern = c(5, "'", 3, "'", 3),
                         charToRm = NULL,
                         labelScale = TRUE,
                         labelFont = 1,
                         rmSingles = TRUE,
                         nodeColor = "gray90",
                         nodeTransp = 60,
                         borderWidth = 1,
                         borderCol = "gray80",
                         edgeFilter = "none",
                         edgeFilterPar = NULL,
                         edgeWidth = 1,
                         edgeTransp = 0,
                         edgeCol = NULL,
                         title = NULL,
                         legend = TRUE,
                         legendPos = "topright",
                         legendGroupnames = NULL,
                         legendTitle = NULL,
                         legendArgs = NULL,
                         cexNodes = 1,
                         cexLabels = 1,
                         cexTitle = 1.2,
                         cexLegend = 1,
                         mar = c(2,2,4,6),
                         ...) {
  # Check input arguments
  argsIn <- as.list(environment())
  argsOut <- .checkArgsPlotDiff(argsIn)
  for (i in 1:length(argsOut)) {
    assign(names(argsOut)[i], argsOut[[i]])
  corrMat1 <- x$assoMat1
  corrMat2 <- x$assoMat2
  isAdjust <- FALSE
  if (is.null(x$diffAdjustMat)) {
    diffMat <- x$diffMat
  } else {
    if (adjusted) {
      diffMat <- x$diffAdjustMat
      if (x$adjusted != "none") {
        isAdjust <- TRUE

    } else {
      diffMat <- x$diffMat
  if (all(diffMat == 0)) {
    if (isAdjust) {
      stop("There are no differential correlations to plot ",
           "(after multiple testing adjustment).")
    } else {
      stop("There are no differential correlations to plot.")
  if (edgeFilter != "none") {
    if (edgeFilter == "highestDiff") {
      diffabssort <- sort(abs(diffMat[lower.tri(diffMat)]), decreasing = TRUE)
      cutval <- diffabssort[edgeFilterPar]
      diffMat[diffMat < cutval] <- 0
  if (rmSingles) {
    corrMat1.orig <- corrMat1
    corrMat2.orig <- corrMat2
    diffMat.orig <- diffMat
    zeros <- sapply(1:nrow(diffMat), function(i) { all(diffMat[i, ] == 0) })
    names(zeros) <- colnames(diffMat)
    if (any(zeros)) {
      torm <- which(zeros == TRUE)
    } else {
      torm <- NULL
    if (length(torm) != 0) corrMat1 <- corrMat1[-torm, -torm]
    if (length(torm) != 0) corrMat2 <- corrMat2[-torm, -torm]
    if (length(torm) != 0) diffMat <- diffMat[-torm, -torm]
    kept <- colnames(diffMat.orig)[which(colnames(diffMat.orig) %in% 
  if (legend) {
    if (is.null(legendTitle)) {
      legendTitle = "Associations"
    if (is.null(legendGroupnames)) {
      legtitle1 <- paste0("group '" , x$groups[1], "'" )
      legtitle2 <- paste0("group '" , x$groups[2], "'" )
    } else {
      stopifnot(length(legendGroupnames) == 2)
      legtitle1 <- legendGroupnames[1]
      legtitle2 <- legendGroupnames[2]
  # define edge colors
  if (x$diffMethod == "discordant") {
    # create color matrix
    if (is.null(edgeCol)) {
      edgeCol <- c("hotpink", "aquamarine", "red", "orange", "green", "blue")
    } else {
      stopifnot(length(edgeCol) == 6)
    if (edgeTransp > 0) {
      colVec <- colToTransp(colVec, edgeTransp)
    classMat <- x$classMat
    edgeColMat <- classMat
    for (i in 1:nrow(edgeColMat)) {
      for (j in 1:ncol(edgeColMat)) {
        if (classMat[i,j] %in% c(1,5,9)) edgeColMat[i,j] <- "black"
        if (classMat[i,j] == 2) edgeColMat[i,j] <- edgeCol[3]
        if (classMat[i,j] == 3) edgeColMat[i,j] <- edgeCol[5]
        if (classMat[i,j] == 4) edgeColMat[i,j] <- edgeCol[1]
        if (classMat[i,j] == 6) edgeColMat[i,j] <- edgeCol[6]
        if (classMat[i,j] == 7) edgeColMat[i,j] <- edgeCol[2]
        if (classMat[i,j] == 8) edgeColMat[i,j] <- edgeCol[4]
  } else {
    if (is.null(edgeCol)) {
      edgeCol <- c("chartreuse2", "chartreuse4", "cyan", "magenta", "orange",
                   "red", "blue", "black", "purple")
    } else {
      stopifnot(length(edgeCol) == 9)
    # transform correlation matrices to vectors
    lowtri <- lower.tri(corrMat1, diag = FALSE)
    corrVec1 <- corrMat1[lowtri]
    corrVec2 <- corrMat2[lowtri]
    vector_names <- .getVecNames(t(corrMat1))
    names(corrVec1) <- vector_names
    names(corrVec2) <- vector_names
    colVec <- rep("black", length(corrVec1))
    if (any(corrVec1==0) || any(corrVec2 == 0)) {
      colVec[corrVec1 > 0 & corrVec2 > 0] <- edgeCol[1]
      colVec[corrVec1 > 0 & corrVec2 == 0] <- edgeCol[2]
      colVec[corrVec1 > 0 & corrVec2 < 0] <- edgeCol[3]
      colVec[corrVec1 < 0 & corrVec2 > 0] <- edgeCol[4]
      colVec[corrVec1 < 0 & corrVec2 == 0] <- edgeCol[5]
      colVec[corrVec1 < 0 & corrVec2 < 0] <- edgeCol[6]
      colVec[corrVec1 == 0 & corrVec2 > 0] <- edgeCol[7]
      colVec[corrVec1 == 0 & corrVec2 == 0] <- edgeCol[8]
      colVec[corrVec1 == 0 & corrVec2 < 0] <- edgeCol[9]
    } else {
      edgeCol <- edgeCol[c(1,3,4,6)]
      colVec[corrVec1 > 0 & corrVec2 > 0] <- edgeCol[1]
      colVec[corrVec1 > 0 & corrVec2 < 0] <- edgeCol[2]
      colVec[corrVec1 < 0 & corrVec2 > 0] <- edgeCol[3]
      colVec[corrVec1 < 0 & corrVec2 < 0] <- edgeCol[4]
    if (edgeTransp > 0) {
      colVec <- colToTransp(colVec, edgeTransp)
    edgeColMat <- corrMat1
    edgeColMat[lower.tri(edgeColMat)] <- colVec
    edgeColMat <- t(edgeColMat)
    edgeColMat[lower.tri(edgeColMat)] <- colVec
  if (rmSingles) {
    edgeColMat <- edgeColMat[kept, kept]
  nodeSize <- (7*exp(-ncol(diffMat)/80)+1) * cexNodes
  if (is.null(title)) {
    main <- "Differential network"
  } else if (title == FALSE) {
    main <- ""
  } else {
    main <- title
  # rename taxa
  if (is.null(labels)) {
    labelsout <- editLabels(rownames(diffMat), 
                            shortenLabels = shortenLabels,
                            labelLength = labelLength,
                            labelPattern = labelPattern,
                            addBrack = TRUE,
                            charToRm = charToRm,
                            verbose = FALSE)
  } else if (is.logical(labels)) {
    labelsout <- labels
  } else {
    labelsout <- labels[kept]
  # node colors
  if (nodeTransp > 0) {
    nodeColor <- colToTransp(nodeColor, nodeTransp)
  q <- qgraph(diffMat, layout = layout, color = nodeColor,
              label.scale = labelScale, labels = labelsout,
              label.font = labelFont, label.cex = cexLabels, vsize = nodeSize,
              border.color = borderCol, border.width = borderWidth,
              edge.color = edgeColMat, edge.width = edgeWidth,
              repulsion = repulsion, mar = mar, ...)
  if (legend) {
    leg_args <- as.list(legendArgs)
    if (is.character(legendPos)) {
      leg_args$x <- legendPos
      leg_args$y <- NULL
    } else {
      if (length(legendPos) != 2 || !is.numeric(legendPos)) {
        stop("'legendPos' must be either a character value or a numeric vector ",
             "with two elements.")
      leg_args$x <- legendPos[1]
      leg_args$y <- legendPos[2]
    if (x$diffMethod %in% c("discordant")) {
      leg_args$legend <- c(legtitle1, 0, 0, "-", "-", "+", "+", 
                           legtitle2, "-", "+", 0, "+", 0, "-")
      leg_args$col <- c("#FFFFFF00", edgeCol, rep("#FFFFFF00", 7))
      leg_args$lty <- c(rep(1,7), rep(-1,7))
      leg_args$pch <- c(rep(-1, 7), rep(20,7))
    } else {
      if (length(edgeCol) == 9) {
        leg_args$legend <- c(legtitle1, "+", "+", "+", "-", "-", "-", 0, 0, 0, 
                             legtitle2, "+", 0, "-", "+", 0, "-", "+", 0, "-")
        leg_args$col <- c("#FFFFFF00", edgeCol, rep("#FFFFFF00", 10))
        leg_args$lty <- c(rep(1,10), rep(-1,10))
        leg_args$pch <- c(rep(-1, 10), rep(20,10))
      } else {
        leg_args$legend <- c(legtitle1, "+", "+", "-", "-", 
                             legtitle2, "+", "-", "+", "-")
        leg_args$col <- c("#FFFFFF00", edgeCol, rep("#FFFFFF00", 5))
        leg_args$lty <- c(rep(1,5), rep(-1,5))
        leg_args$pch <- c(rep(-1, 5), rep(20,5))
    leg_args$cex <- cexLegend
    leg_args$title <- legendTitle
    leg_args$ncol <- 2
    if (is.null(leg_args$lwd)) leg_args$lwd <- 2
    do.call("legend", leg_args)
  if (main != "") {
    title(main = list(main, cex = cexTitle ))
  lay <- q$layout
  rownames(lay) <- colnames(diffMat)
stefpeschel/NetCoMi documentation built on Feb. 4, 2024, 8:20 a.m.