
Defines functions annotateClusters mergeClusters removeClusters

Documented in annotateClusters mergeClusters removeClusters

#' @title Removing of cell clusters from a Results object
#' @description 
#' This function is used to remove one or more cell clusters from a Results object.
#' @param Results a Results object
#' @param clusters a character vector containing the names of the clusters to remove
#' @return a Results object
#' @export
removeClusters <- function(Results, clusters){
	newResults <- Results
		stop(paste("error in removeClusters: clusters is not character"))
	if(any(!clusters %in% newResults@cluster.names)){
		unknown <- clusters[!clusters %in% newResults@cluster.names]
		stop(paste("error in removeClusters: clusters ",unknown," are unknown"))
	tokeep <- newResults@cluster.names[!(newResults@cluster.names %in% clusters)]
	newResults@cluster.names      <- tokeep
	newResults@cluster.abundances <- newResults@cluster.abundances[tokeep,]
	rownames(newResults@cluster.abundances) <- newResults@cluster.names
	newResults@cluster.phenotypes <- newResults@cluster.phenotypes[newResults@cluster.phenotypes$cluster %in% tokeep,]
	newResults@cluster.number     <- apply(newResults@cluster.abundances,1,sum)

#' @title Merging of cell clusters from a Results object
#' @description 
#' This function is used to merge one or more clusters in a Results object.
#' @details
#' The function merges the abundances and the phenotypes of clusters into a new one.
#' Clusters to merge are not removed from the Results object after the merging.
#' @param Results a Results object
#' @param clusters a character vector containing the names of the clusters to merge
#' @param name a character specifiyng the name of the new cluster to create
#' @return a Results object
#' @export
#' @import plyr
mergeClusters <- function(Results, clusters, name){

	newResults <- Results
		stop(paste("error in mergeClusters: clusters is not character"))
		stop(paste("error in mergeClusters: name is not character"))
	if(any(!clusters %in% newResults@cluster.names)){
		stop(paste("error in mergeClusters: clusters ",clusters," are unknown"))
	tomerge <- newResults@cluster.names[newResults@cluster.names %in% clusters]
	newResults@cluster.names      <- c(newResults@cluster.names,name)
	abundances_merged             <- apply(newResults@cluster.abundances[tomerge,],2,sum)
	newResults@cluster.abundances <- rbind(newResults@cluster.abundances,abundances_merged)
	rownames(newResults@cluster.abundances) <- newResults@cluster.names
	phenotypes_merged             <- newResults@cluster.phenotypes[newResults@cluster.phenotypes$cluster %in% tomerge,]
	phenotypes_merged             <- plyr::ddply(phenotypes_merged,"cluster") 
	newResults@cluster.phenotypes <- rbind(newResults@cluster.phenotypes,phenotypes_merged)
	newResults@cluster.number     <- c(newResults@cluster.number,sum(abundances_merged))

#' @title Annotating cell clusters
#' @description 
#' This function is used to annotate cell clusters based on their marker expression categories.
#' The annotations of cell clusters must be specifyed using a character dataframe indicating for each marker of each population the matching categorial values.
#' @details
#' The annotation data.frame must have the annotations in rows and the markers in colomuns.
#' Matching values must be specified as a character list of acceptable values. 
#' @param Results a Results object
#' @param annotations a character dataframe specifying the annotations 
#' @param num a numeric value specifying the number of markers expression categories to be used
#' @param display.annotations a logical value indicating if a graphic must be generated to display the annotations of the cell clusters
#' @return a Results object
#' @export
annotateClusters <- function(Results, annotations, num=5, display.annotations=TRUE){
	newResults <- Results
		stop(paste("error in annotateClusters: annotations is not a dataframe"))
	if(any(!colnames(annotations) %in% newResults@marker.names)){
		unknown <- colnames(annotations)[!colnames(annotations) %in% newResults@marker.names]
		stop(paste("error in annotateClusters: markers in annotations dataframe (",unknown,") are not in markers of the Results object"))
	hm <- computePhenoTable(newResults@cluster.phenotypes,newResults@bounds,num=num)
	hm <- reshape2::dcast(hm,marker~cluster)
	rownames(hm) <- hm$marker
	hm$marker    <- NULL
	res <- c()
	for(cluster in colnames(hm)){
		pheno_hm <- hm[,cluster]
		names(pheno_hm) <- rownames(hm)
		for(annotation in rownames(annotations)){
			pheno_annot <- annotations[annotation,]
			chk = TRUE
			for(marker in colnames(pheno_annot)[!is.na(pheno_annot)]){
				toeval = paste0(pheno_hm[marker], " %in% ", pheno_annot[marker])
					chk = FALSE
				newname <- paste0(cluster,":",annotation) 
				res     <- rbind(res,cbind(cluster,annotation))
					newResults@cluster.names[newResults@cluster.names==cluster] <- newname
					newResults@cluster.phenotypes$cluster[newResults@cluster.phenotypes$cluster==cluster] <- newname
					rownames(newResults@cluster.abundances)[rownames(newResults@cluster.abundances)==cluster] <- newname
		res <- data.frame(res)
		colnames(res) <- c("clusters","annotations")
		res <- res[gtools::mixedorder(res$clusters),]
		res <- res[order(res$annotations),]
		res$clusters <- factor(res$clusters,levels=rev(res$clusters))
		subtitle <- paste0("based on categorial marker expressions at ",num," levels")
		plot <- ggplot2::ggplot(res) +
				ggplot2::ggtitle(bquote(atop(.("Cell cluster annotations"), atop(italic(.(subtitle)), "")))) +
				ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(x=annotations,y=clusters,colour=annotations),size=3) + 
					panel.grid.major = ggplot2::element_line(colour = "grey40", linetype="dashed")
tchitchek-lab/SPADEVizR documentation built on Jan. 27, 2024, 8:58 p.m.