
# Some graphics functions

#' Plot the population network in space
#' Plot showing the colonies, and the edges between them, with line thickness indicating weight.
#'@inheritParams seedPathogen
#'@param lwd Relative line width. This value is scaled to a reasonable value.
#'@param axes If set to FALSE, don't plot any axes
#'@param col Point colours. Either value 1 or 2 for presets or a length two vector giving the line and fill colours.
#'@param area The length of the sides of the plotting area. Either a length 2 numeric giving the x and y lengths, or a length one numeric giving the length of both. 
#'@param alpha Transparency level in range (0, 1).
#'@param lowgrey Lower limit for grey colours used in lines (between 0 and 1).
#'@param highgrey Upper limit for grey colours used in lines (between 0 and 1 and greater than lowgrey).
#'@param ... Further arguments to \code{par}.
#'@name plotColonyNet

#Note used
#@param outCol The colour for a line outlining points. If NULL, no outer line is plotted
#@param lineCol Line colour.

plotColonyNet <- function(pop, 
                          lwd = 1.2, 
                          axes = FALSE, 
                          col = 1, 
                          area = NULL, 
                          alpha = 0.1, 
                          lowgrey = 0,
                          highgrey = 0.4,

	assert_that(is.numeric(pop$locations), all(c('locations', 'models') %in% names(pop)))
	E <- edgeList(pop)
	edgeLocations <- cbind(pop$locations[E[, 1],], pop$locations[E[, 2], ], 
    lwd * E[, 3] / max(E[, 3]))		

    ax <- NULL
    fr <- TRUE
    xlab <- 'lon'
    ylab <- 'lat'
  } else {
    ax <- 'n'
    fr <- FALSE
    xlab <- ''
    ylab <- ''

  # If given plot size, set ylim and xlim
    if(length(area) == 2){
      xlim <- c(0, area[1])
      ylim <- c(0, area[2])
    } else {
      xlim <- c(0, area)
      ylim <- c(0, area)

	if(length(col) == 1){
    if(col == 1){
      cols <- palettetown::pokepal('vileplume')[c(9, 3)]
    } else if(col == 2){
      cols <- brewer.pal(12, 'Paired')[col * 2 - c(0, 1)]
	} else {
	  if(length(col) != 2) warning('col should be either 1, 2 or a length 2 vector of colours.')
    cols <- col
	# Save par settings to reset
	#oldpar <- par()
	plot(pop$locations, pch = 16, col = cols[1], cex = 0.1,
		ylab = ylab, xlab = xlab, xaxt = ax, yaxt = ax, frame = fr, ylim = ylim, xlim = xlim)
	apply(edgeLocations, 1, function(x) 
    lines(x[c(1, 3)], x[c(2, 4)], lwd = x[5], col = alpha(grey(runif(1, lowgrey, highgrey)), alpha)))
  points(pop$locations, pch = 21, col = cols[1], bg = cols[2],  cex = 3)


#' A nice heat map for weighted adjacency matrices
#' Plot showing the weight of edges by colouring the adjacency matrix.
#'@param weightMatrix A matrix 
#'@name plotColonyNet

colonyHeat <- function(weightMatrix){
	heatmap(weightMatrix,  scale="none",lwd=3, labRow='', labCol='',  

#' A nice heat map for weighted adjacency matrices
#' Plot showing the weight of edges by colouring the adjacency matrix.
#'@inheritParams seedPathogen
#'@name popHeat

popHeat <- function(pop){


# Time series plots

#' Plot the number of susceptible individuals in each colony
#'@param pop A population object
#'@param o Logical whether to plot from the origin or not
#'@param start Time step to start plotting
#'@param end Time step to end plotting
#'@name pSus

pSus <- function(pop, start = 1, end = NULL, o = FALSE){
  # Just declare these to avoid CRAN check notes
  value <- Colony <- NULL
    end <- pop$parameters['events']/pop$parameters['sample'] + 1

  d <- data.frame(cbind(t(pop$sample[1, , start:end]), cumsum(pop$sampleWaiting[start:end])))
  colnames(d)[NCOL(d)] <- 'time'

  greySelection <- grey(seq(0.2, 0.6, length.out = pop$parameters['nColonies']))

  longd <- melt(d, id = 'time', variable.name = 'Colony')
  longd <- longd[longd$value != 0, ]
    ymin <- 0
  } else { 
    ymin <- min(longd$value)

  ggplot(data = longd,
       aes(x = time, y = value, colour = Colony)) +
    geom_line() +
    ylab('Individuals') + 
    xlab('Time') + 
    theme_minimal() +
    scale_color_manual(values = greySelection) +
    scale_y_continuous(limits = c(ymin, max(longd$value))) +


#' Plot the total number of infected individuals in each colony
#'@inheritParams pClass
#'@name pInf

pInf <- function(pop, start = 1, end = NULL, o = FALSE){

  # Just declare these to avoid CRAN check notes
  value <- Colony <- . <- NULL

    end <- pop$parameters['events']/pop$parameters['sample'] + 1
  I <- t(apply(pop$sample[2:NROW(pop$sample),,], c(2,3), sum))

  d <- data.frame(cbind(I, cumsum(pop$sampleWaiting)))
  colnames(d)[NCOL(d)] <- 'time'

  greySelection <- grey(seq(0.2, 0.6, length.out = pop$parameters['nColonies']))

  longd <- melt(d, id = 'time', variable.name = 'Colony')
  longd <- longd[longd$value != 0, ]

    ymin <- 0
  } else { 
    ymin <- min(longd$value)

  ggplot(data = longd,
       aes(x = time, y = value, colour = Colony)) +
    geom_line() +
    ylab('Individuals') + 
    xlab('Time') + 
    theme_minimal() +
    scale_color_manual(values = greySelection) +
    scale_y_continuous(limits = c(ymin, max(longd$value))) +


#' Plot the total number of individuals in each colony
#'@inheritParams pClass
#'@name pPop

pPop <- function(pop, start = 1, end = NULL, o = FALSE){
  # Just declare these to avoid CRAN check notes
  value <- Colony <- . <- NULL

    end <- pop$parameters['events']/pop$parameters['sample'] + 1

  I <- t(apply(pop$sample[, , start:end], c(2,3), sum))

  d <- data.frame(cbind(I, cumsum(pop$sampleWaiting[start:end])))
  colnames(d)[NCOL(d)] <- 'time'

  greySelection <- grey(seq(0.2, 0.6, length.out = pop$parameters['nColonies']))

  longd <- melt(d, id = 'time')
  longd <- longd[longd$value != 0, ]

    ymin <- 0
  } else { 
    ymin <- min(longd$value)

  ggplot(data = longd,
       aes(x = time, y = value, colour = variable)) +
    geom_line() +
    ylab('Individuals') + 
    xlab('Time') + 
    theme_minimal() +
    scale_color_manual(values = greySelection) +
    scale_y_continuous(limits = c(ymin, max(longd$value))) +


#' Plot something...
#'@inheritParams pClass
#'@name pAll

pAll <- function(pop, start = 1, end = NULL, o = FALSE){

  # Just declare these to avoid CRAN check notes
  value <- colonyState <- . <- NULL

    end <- pop$parameters['events']/pop$parameters['sample'] + 1

  # Sum infections from different classes
  z <- lapply(1:pop$parameters['nPathogens'], function(x) apply(pop$sample[pop$whichClasses[, x], , start:end], c(2, 3), sum))

  z2 <- do.call(rbind, z)

  d <- data.frame(cbind(t(z2), cumsum(pop$sampleWaiting[start:end])))
  d <- cbind(d, 'disease')
  colnames(d)[c(NCOL(d) - 1, NCOL(d))] <- c('time', 'state')

  s <- data.frame(cbind(t(pop$sample[1, , start:end]), cumsum(pop$sampleWaiting[start:end])))
  s <- cbind(s, 'susceptible')
  colnames(s)[c(NCOL(s) - 1, NCOL(s))] <- c('time', 'state')

  longd <- melt(d, id = c('time', 'state') , variable.name = 'colony')
  longs <- melt(s, id = c('time', 'state') , variable.name = 'colony')
  longAll <- rbind(longd, longs)

  longAll$colonyState <- factor(paste0(longAll$colony, longAll$state))
  longAll <- longAll[longAll$value != 0, ]

  twoGroups <- rep(brewer.pal(3, 'Set1')[2], length(table(longAll$colonyState)))
  twoGroups[grep('disease', names(table(longAll$colonyState)))] <- brewer.pal(3, 'Set1')[1]
  names(twoGroups) <- names(table(longAll$colonyState))

    ymin <- 0
  } else { 
    ymin <- min(longAll$value)

  ggplot(data = longAll,
       aes(x = time, y = value, colour = colonyState)) +
    geom_line() +
    ylab('Individuals') + 
    xlab('Time') + 
    theme_minimal() +
    scale_color_manual(values = twoGroups) +
    scale_y_continuous(limits = c(ymin, max(longAll$value))) +


#' Plot the total number of individuals in each disease class
#'@param pop A MetapopEpi class object
#'@param start What event to start plotting from.
#'@param end What event to end plotting from. If NULL, plot until end.
#'@param S Logical, controls whether or not to include the susceptible population.
#'@param nPath Logical, Colour the plot by number of pathogens or by class number
#'@param o Logical. Truncate y-axis.
#'@name pClass

pClass <- function(pop, start = 1, end = NULL, S = TRUE, nPath = TRUE, o = FALSE){
  # Just declare these to avoid CRAN check notes
  value <- colony <- disease <- NULL

    end <- pop$parameters['events']/pop$parameters['sample'] + 1

    removeS <- 1:pop$nClasses
    nClass <- pop$nClasses
  } else {
    removeS <- -1
    nClass <- pop$nClasses - 1

  # Sum infections from different classes
  z <- t(apply(pop$sample[removeS, , start:end], c(1, 3), sum))
  d <- data.frame(cbind(z, cumsum(pop$sampleWaiting[start:end])))

  nPaths <- sapply(pop$diseaseList, length)[removeS]

  colnames(d) <- c(1:(nClass), 'time')

  longd <- melt(d, id = 'time' )

  longd$nPath <- nPaths[longd$variable]

  longd <- longd[longd$value != 0, ]
    ymin <- 0
  } else { 
    ymin <- min(longd$value)

  cols <- brewer.pal(8, 'Dark2')

  ggplot(data = longd,
       aes(x = time, y = value, group = disease, colour = factor(nPath))) +
    geom_line() +
    ylab('Individuals') + 
    xlab('Time') + 
    theme_minimal() +
    scale_y_continuous(limits = c(ymin, max(longd$value))) +
    labs(colour = "Coinfection lvl") #+


#' Plot the total number of infected individuals with each disease
#'@inheritParams pClass
#'@name pDis

pDis <- function(pop, start = 1, end = NULL, o = FALSE){

  # Just declare these to avoid CRAN check notes
  value <- colony <- Pathogen <- NULL

  # If null set end to final event (i.e. plot whole time)
    end <- dim(pop$sample)[3]

  I <- lapply(1:pop$parameters['nPathogens'], function(p) colSums(colSums(pop$sample[pop$whichClasses[, p], , start:end])))

  I <- do.call(cbind, I)

  d <- data.frame(cbind(I, cumsum(pop$sampleWaiting[start:end])))
  colnames(d)[NCOL(d)] <- 'time'

  greySelection <- grey(seq(0.2, 0.6, length.out = pop$parameters['nPathogens']))

  longd <- melt(d, id = 'time')
  longd <- longd[longd$value != 0, ]

    ymin <- 0
  } else { 
    ymin <- min(longd$value)

  ggplot(data = longd,
    aes(x = time, y = value, colour = variable)) +
    facet_grid(variable ~ .) +
    geom_line() +
    ylab('Individuals') + 
    xlab('Time') + 
    theme_minimal() +
    scale_color_manual(values = greySelection) +
    scale_y_continuous(limits = c(ymin, max(longd$value))) +


#' Plot the total number of infected individuals and total Susceptible.
#'@inheritParams pClass
#'@name pSI

pSI <- function(pop, start = 1, end = NULL){
  # Just declare these to avoid CRAN check notes
  value <- SI_class <- NULL

    end <- pop$parameters['events']/pop$parameters['sample'] + 1

  I <- data.frame(cbind(apply(pop$sample[-1, , start:end], 3, sum), apply(pop$sample[1, , start:end], 2, sum), cumsum(pop$sampleWaiting[start:end])))
  colnames(I) <- c('I', 'S', 'time')

  longd <- melt(I, id = 'time', variable.name = 'SI_class')
  longd <- longd[longd$value != 0, ]

  ggplot(data = longd,
       aes(x = time, y = value, colour = variable)) +
    geom_line() +
    ylab('Individuals') + 
    xlab('Time') + 
    theme_minimal() +
    scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0, max(longd$value))) +


#' Plot the number of individuals by number of infections and colony
#'@param pop A MetapopEpi class object
#'@param start What event to start plotting from.
#'@param end What event to end plotting from. If NULL, plot until end.
#'@param S Logical, controls whether or not to include the susceptible population.
#'@param nPath Logical, Colour the plot by number of pathogens or by class number
#'@param o Logical. Truncate y-axis.
#'@name pCol

pCol <- function(pop, start = 1, end = NULL, S = TRUE, nPath = TRUE, o = FALSE){
  # Just declare these to avoid CRAN check notes
  value <- colony <- disease <- NULL

    end <- pop$parameters['events']/pop$parameters['sample'] + 1

    removeS <- 1:pop$nClasses
    nClass <- pop$nClasses
  } else {
    removeS <- -1
    nClass <- pop$nClasses - 1

  # Sum infections from different classes

  #z <- t(apply(pop$sample[removeS, , start:end], c(1, 3), sum))
  z <- t(do.call(rbind, lapply(1:dim(pop$sample)[2],  function(i) pop$sample[,i,])))
  d <- data.frame(cbind(z, cumsum(pop$sampleWaiting[start:end])))

  nPaths <- sapply(pop$diseaseList, length)[removeS]

  disCol <- as.vector(outer(1:nClass, 1:pop$parameters['nColonies'], paste, sep="."))
  nPathsAll <- rep(nPaths[1:nClass], each = pop$parameters['nColonies'])

  colnames(d) <- c(disCol, 'time')

  longd <- melt(d, id = 'time')

  longd <- longd[longd$value != 0, ]

  disClass <-  as.numeric(sub('\\..*$', '', as.character(longd$variable)))

  longd$nPath <- nPaths[disClass]

    ymin <- 0
  } else { 
    ymin <- min(longd$value)

  cols <- brewer.pal(8, 'Dark2')

  ggplot(data = longd,
       aes(x = time, y = value, group = variable, colour = factor(longd$nPath))) +
    geom_line(alpha = 0.6) +
    ylab('Individuals') + 
    xlab('Time') + 
    theme_minimal() +
    scale_y_continuous(limits = c(ymin, max(longd$value))) +
    labs(colour = "Coinfection lvl") 



#' Plot the total number of individuals in each disease class
#'@param pop A MetapopEpi class object
#'@param start What event to start plotting from.
#'@param end What event to end plotting from. If NULL, plot until end.
#'@param S Logical, controls whether or not to include the susceptible population.
#'@param nPath Logical, Colour the plot by number of pathogens or by class number
#'@param o Logical. Truncate y-axis.
#'@name pSIR

pSIR <- function(pop, start = 1, end = NULL, S = TRUE, nPath = TRUE, o = FALSE){
  assert_that(pop$models$model == 'SIR')
  # Just declare these to avoid CRAN check notes
  value <- colony <- disease <- NULL

    end <- pop$parameters['events']/pop$parameters['sample'] + 1

    removeS <- 1:pop$nClasses
    nClass <- pop$nClasses
  } else {
    removeS <- -1
    nClass <- pop$nClasses - 1

  # Sum infections from different classes
  z <- t(apply(pop$sample[removeS, , start:end], c(1, 3), sum))
  d <- data.frame(cbind(z, cumsum(pop$sampleWaiting[start:end])))

  nPaths <- c(sapply(pop$diseaseList, length), 'R')[removeS]

  colnames(d) <- c(1:(nClass), 'time')

  longd <- reshape2::melt(d, id = 'time')

  longd$nPath <- nPaths[longd$variable]

  longd <- longd[longd$value != 0, ]
    ymin <- 0
  } else { 
    ymin <- min(longd$value)

  cols <- brewer.pal(8, 'Dark2')

  ggplot(data = longd,
       aes(x = time, y = value, group = variable, colour = factor(nPath))) +
    geom_line() +
    ylab('Individuals') + 
    xlab('Time') + 
    theme_minimal() +
    scale_y_continuous(limits = c(ymin, max(longd$value))) +
    labs(colour = "Coinfection lvl") +

timcdlucas/MetapopEpi documentation built on May 31, 2019, 1:47 p.m.