
Defines functions phewas

Documented in phewas

#' Phenome Wide Assocation Study
#' Look up and plot results for a Phenome Wide Association Study.
#' Look up association summary statistics for a single variant of interest, specified 
#' either by chromosome and position, or by dbSNP rs identifier.  (FIXME need to add optional 
#' ref/alt arguments to disambiguate when there are multiple variants at the same position,
#' or multiple variants with the same rs.)
#' By default, summary statistics are returned for all analyses where the variant of interest 
#' was tested.  If results are required for only a specific set of analyses, these can be 
#' specified using a combination of arguments that are passed through to \code{gtxanalyses()}.
#' @param plot_ymax Y-axis value maximum
#' @param tags_to_right Tag values to force to right of plot, next to "No tag"
#' @author Toby Johnson \email{Toby.x.Johnson@gsk.com}
#' @export
# Could inherit param documentation from gtxanalyses
# Should merge phewas.qq into main phewas as an alternative plot style
phewas <- function(chrom, pos, ref, alt, rs,
                   analysis, analysis_not, 
                   ## if extra filters are added, be sure to update definition of all_analyses below
                   analysis_fields = c('description', 'label', 'unit',
                                       'ncase', 'ncontrol', 'ncohort'),
                   tag_is = 'phewas_group', 
                   plot_ymax = 30,
                   tags_to_right = NULL,
                   dbc = getOption("gtx.dbConnection", NULL)) {


  ## validate nearby argument
  if (!missing(nearby)) {
    nearby <- as.integer(nearby)
    if (nearby <= 0) nearby <- NULL
  # funny indenting starts here
    p1 <- phewas.data(chrom = chrom, pos = pos, ref = ref, alt = alt, rs = rs,
                      analysis = analysis, analysis_not = analysis_not,
                      description_contains = description_contains,
                      phenotype_contains = phenotype_contains,
                      has_tag = has_tag, 
                      ncase_ge = ncase_ge, ncohort_ge = ncohort_ge,
                      analysis_fields = analysis_fields,
                      tag_is = tag_is, with_tags = TRUE, # force with_tags = TRUE
                      nearby = nearby, 
                      dbc = dbc)
    if (nrow(p1) == 0L) {
      gtx_warn('PheWAS had zero results, skipping plotting')
    p1orig <- p1

    ymax <- max(10, ceiling(-log10(min(p1$pval))))
    if (ymax > plot_ymax) { # Hard coded threshold makes sense for control of visual display
        ymax <- plot_ymax
        gtx_warn('Truncating P-values at 1e-{ymax}')
        truncp <- TRUE
    } else {
        truncp <- FALSE

    p1 <- p1[order(p1$tag, p1$pval), ] # with this sort, tag==NA will be last
    p1$tag[is.na(p1$tag)] <- 'No tag'
    p1$x1 <- 1:nrow(p1) # initial attempttag_is at x axis position, to be refined below
    x1 <- with(aggregate(p1$x1, 
                         by = list(tag = p1$tag), 
                         FUN = function(x) return(c(min = min(x), max = max(x)))),
               cbind(data.frame(tag), as.data.frame(x)))
    # reorder because 'No tag' will be sorted within x1:
    x1 <- x1[order(match(x1$tag, c(tags_to_right, 'No tag')), x1$tag, na.last = FALSE), ]
    group_interspace <- 50 # this should be a user configurable parameter
    x1$offset <- c(0, cumsum(x1$max - x1$min + group_interspace))[1:nrow(x1)] - x1$min + group_interspace
    x1$midpt <- 0.5*(x1$max + x1$min) + x1$offset
    if (x1$tag[nrow(x1)] == 'No tag') {
        tmp_col <- col2rgb(c(rainbow(nrow(x1) - 1), 'grey')) # rainbow for all tags, grey for last
    } else {
        tmp_col <- col2rgb(rainbow(nrow(x1))) # rainbow for all tags
    x1$col_red <- tmp_col['red', , drop = TRUE]
    x1$col_green <- tmp_col['green', , drop = TRUE]
    x1$col_blue <- tmp_col['blue', , drop = TRUE]
    p1m <- match(p1$tag, x1$tag)
    p1$x <- p1$x1 + x1$offset[p1m]
    if (!missing(nearby) && !is.null(nearby)) {
      # colour scaling so that:
      # strength = 1      when pval == pval_nearby
      # strength = 0.61   when pval == pval_nearby * 10 (one log10 less significant)
      # strength = 0.37   when pval == pval_nearby * 100 
      # strength = 0.22   when pval == pval_nearby * 1000
      # etc.
      p1$strength <- (p1$pval_nearby/p1$pval)^(0.5/log(10))
      w0 <- which(p1$pval == 0.)
      if (length(w0) > 0) {
        gtx_warn('PheWAS results include {length(w0)} analyses with pval=0.; assuming strength=1')
        p1$strength[w0] <- 1.
      wna <- which(!is.finite(p1$strength) | p1$strength < 0. | p1$strength > 1.)
      if (length(wna) > 0) {
        gtx_warn('PheWAS results include {length(wna)} analyses with invalid strength; assuming strength=0')
        p1$strength[wna] <- 0.
    } else {
      p1$strength <- 1.
    # for point background, interpolate RGB space linearly, 
    # (strength) of the way from main (point outline) colour to white
    p1$col <- rgb(x1$col_red[p1m], x1$col_green[p1m], x1$col_blue[p1m], maxColorValue = 255)
    p1$col_bg <- rgb((p1$strength * x1$col_red[p1m] + (1. - p1$strength) * 255),
                     (p1$strength * x1$col_green[p1m] + (1. - p1$strength) * 255),
                     (p1$strength * x1$col_blue[p1m] + (1. - p1$strength) * 255),
                     maxColorValue = 255)
    # note still sorted by tag then pval
    p1$y <- pmin(-log10(p1$pval), ymax) # guarantee all y <= ymax
    p1$yo <- c(Inf, ifelse(p1$tag[-1] != p1$tag[-nrow(p1)], Inf, p1$y[-nrow(p1)] - p1$y[-1])) # yaxis space within group relative to previous point

    p1 <- p1[order(p1$pval, decreasing = TRUE), ] # reorder to make sure most significant points plotted over less significant ones
    plot.window(range(p1$x), c(0, 1.1*ymax))
    abline(h = 0, col = "grey")
    if (!missing(nearby) && !is.null(nearby)) {
      ### Ad hoc legend for colour scheme
      nearby_legend <- c(paste0('association within ', round(nearby*1.e-3), 'kb'), 'equal', '10x', '100x', '1000x more significant')
      xoff <- cumsum(strwidth(nearby_legend, units = 'user', cex = 0.5) + 
                     3.*strwidth('M', units = 'user', cex = 0.5))
      # FIXME dynamically shrink cex if bigger than par('usr')[1:2]
      yoff <- 0.5*(ymax + par('usr')[4])
      points(xoff[1:4], rep(yoff, 4),  
             pch = 22, cex = 1, 
             col = rgb(1, 0, 0), 
             bg = rgb(1, 1 - exp(-c(0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5)), 1 - exp(-c(0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5))))
      text(c(0, xoff[1:4]), rep(yoff, 4), 
           pos = 4, cex = 0.5, 
           labels = nearby_legend)
    max_y = max(p1$y)
    ## plot text then overplot with points
    with(subset(p1, y > min(6, max_y*.96) & yo > strheight('M', cex = 0.5)), # should be user controllable
         text(x, y, as.character(label), pos = 4, cex = 0.5))
    points(p1$x, p1$y, 
           pch = ifelse(p1$beta > 0., 24, 25), 
           col = p1$col, bg = p1$col_bg, 
           cex = 0.75)
    if (truncp) {
        ## would be nice to more cleanly overwrite y axis label
        axis(2, at = ymax, labels = substitute({}>=ymax, list(ymax = ymax)), las = 1)
        # could e.g. do setdiff(pretty(...), ymax)
    ypretty <- pretty(c(0, ymax))
    axis(2, at = ypretty[ypretty <= ymax], las = 1)
    mtext(x1$tag, side = 1, line = 0.5, las = 2, at = x1$midpt, col = x1$col, las = 2, cex = 0.5)
    mtext(expression(-log[10](paste(italic(P), "-value"))), 2, 3)
    mtext.fit(main = paste('PheWAS for', attr(p1, 'variant')))

#' @describeIn phewas Look up results without plotting
#' @param chrom Chromosome of variant of interest
#' @param pos Position of variant of interest
#' @param ref Reference allele of variant of interest
#' @param alt Alternate allele of variant of interest
#' @param rs dbSNP rs identifier of variant of interest
#' @param analysis Identifiers of analyses to include
#' @param analysis_not Identifiers of analyses to exclude
#' @param description_contains Search term for analyses to include
#' @param has_tag Tag value for analyses to include
#' @param ncase_ge Threshold case sample size greater-or-equal for inclusion 
#' @param ncohort_ge Threshold cohort sample size greater-or-equal for inclusion
#' @param analysis_fields Fields from analysis metadata to return
#' @param tag_is Tag flag to use for plot grouping
#' @param nearby Additionally return minimum pvalue at position+-nearby
#' @param dbc Database connection
#' @return Data frame of summary statistics
#' @export
phewas.data <- function(chrom, pos, ref, alt, rs,
                        analysis, analysis_not, 
                        ## if extra filters are added, be sure to update definition of all_analyses below
                        analysis_fields = c('description', 'label', 'unit',
                                    'ncase', 'ncontrol', 'ncohort'),
                        tag_is, with_tags = FALSE, # not clear why missing with_tags cannot be passed through gtxanalyses()
                        dbc = getOption("gtx.dbConnection", NULL)) {
    ## validate nearby argument
    if (!missing(nearby)) {
      nearby <- as.integer(nearby)
      if (nearby <= 0) nearby <- NULL

    ## Look up variant
    v1 <- sqlWrapper(dbc,
                     sprintf('SELECT chrom, pos, ref, alt, rsid AS rs FROM sites WHERE %s;',
                             gtxwhere(chrom = chrom, pos = pos, ref = ref, alt = alt, rs = rs)),
                     uniq = FALSE, zrok = TRUE) # default uniq = TRUE
    v1_label <- label_variant(v1$chrom, v1$pos, v1$ref, v1$alt, v1$rs)
    if (nrow(v1) == 0L) {
      gtx_warn('PheWAS query did not match any variant (check TABLE sites)')
      v1 <- NULL # go through rest of code to have single point where no results are handled
    } else if (nrow(v1) > 1L) {
      gtx_warn('PheWAS query matches variant to {v1_label}') # normally a debug message but raised to warning in this situation
      gtx_warn('PheWAS query matched multiple variants, cannot provide results without disambiguating ref/alt arguments')
      v1 <- NULL # go through rest of code to have single point where no results are handled
    } else {
      gtx_debug('PheWAS query matches variant to {v1_label}')

    ## Look up analysis metadata
    a1 <- gtxanalyses(analysis = analysis, analysis_not = analysis_not, 
                      description_contains = description_contains,
                      phenotype_contains = phenotype_contains,
                      has_tag = has_tag, 
                      ncase_ge = ncase_ge, ncohort_ge = ncohort_ge,
                      analysis_fields = analysis_fields, 
                      tag_is = tag_is, with_tags = with_tags, 
                      has_access_only = TRUE, 
                      dbc = dbc) # will work fine if all filtering arguments are missing, as it internally sets all_analyses<-TRUE
    gtx_debug('Queried metadata for {nrow(a1)} analyses')
    gtx_debug('{sum(is.na(a1$results_db) | a1$results_db == "", na.rm = TRUE)} analyses in current database, {sum(a1$results_db != "", na.rm = TRUE)} analyses in other accessible databases')

    ## Handle when results_db is NULL in database (returned as NA to R), since not using gtxanalysisdb()
    ## Add period if results_db is a database name, otherwise empty string (use pattern %sgwas_results in sprintf's below)
    ## (FIXME it would be better if this did go through gtxanalysisdb() for future maintenance)
    loop_clean_db <- sapply(unique(a1$results_db), function(x) {
      return(if (is.na(x) || x == '') '' else sanitize1(paste0(x, '.'), type = 'alphanum.'))
    other_db_check <- setdiff(loop_clean_db, "")
    if (length(other_db_check) > 0) {
      gtx_warn('Non-NULL results_db [{paste(other_db_check, collapse = ";")}] will be deprecated in future')
      # FIXME in future we will not allow empty strings and this will be an error
      #       then in further future we will not even query the results_db column
    all_analyses <- (missing(analysis) && missing(analysis_not) && missing(phenotype_contains) &&
                     missing(description_contains) && missing(has_tag) && 
                     missing(ncase_ge) && missing(ncohort_ge))

    # note, following do.call(rbind, lapply(...)) constructs generate R NULL when a1 has zero rows
    # okay but need to check below

    if (is.null(v1)) {
      # falling through when unique variant not specified
      res <- NULL
    } else if (nrow(a1) == 0L) {
      # no analyses identified using TABLE analyses, don't run real query
      res <- NULL
    } else if (all_analyses) {
        ## Optimize for the case where all analyses are desired, to avoid having a
        ## very long SQL string with thousands of 'OR analysis=' clauses
        res <- do.call(rbind, lapply(loop_clean_db, function(results_db) {
            flog.debug(paste0('PheWAS all_analyses query in db ', results_db, ' ...'))
                       sprintf('SELECT analysis, entity, beta, se, pval, rsq, freq \
                                FROM %sphewas_results \
                                WHERE %s AND pval IS NOT NULL;',
                               do.call(gtxwhere, v1[ , c('chrom', 'pos', 'ref', 'alt')])),
                       uniq = FALSE, zrok = TRUE)
        if (!missing(nearby) && !is.null(nearby)) {
            ## FIXME check nearby is an integer
            res_nearby <- do.call(rbind, lapply(loop_clean_db, function(results_db) {
                           sprintf('SELECT analysis, entity, min(pval) AS pval_nearby, count(pval) AS num_pvals \
                                    FROM %sphewas_results \
                                    WHERE %s AND pval IS NOT NULL GROUP BY analysis, entity;',
                                   gtxwhere(chrom = v1$chrom, pos_ge = v1$pos - nearby, pos_le = v1$pos + nearby)),
                           uniq = FALSE, zrok = TRUE)
            res <- merge(res, res_nearby, all.x = TRUE, all.y = FALSE)
    } else {
      if (nrow(a1) > 10) { # FIXME this should be a tuning parameter, unclear what near-optimal value is
        # Optimize for large number of analyses expected
        # evaluate WHERE clause because missing(analysis) etc do not work correctly inside anonymous function body
        w1 <- gtxwhat(analysis = analysis, analysis_not = analysis_not,
                      description_contains = description_contains,
                      phenotype_contains = phenotype_contains,
                      ncase_ge = ncase_ge, ncohort_ge = ncohort_ge,
                      tablename = 'phewas_results')
        # FIXME, temporary workaround, analyses_tags should (?) be in VIEW definition for phewas_results
        # FIXME current LEFT JOIN analyses_tags seems to result in inefficient query plans
        if (!missing(has_tag)) {
          w1 <- paste(w1, 'AND', gtxwhat(has_tag = has_tag, tablename = 'analyses_tags'))
      } else {
        # Optimize for small number of analyses expected
        w1 <- gtxwhat(analysis = a1$analysis, tablename = 'phewas_results')
      gtx_debug('PheWAS using: {w1}') 
      res <- do.call(rbind, lapply(loop_clean_db, function(results_db) {
                   sprintf('SELECT phewas_results.analysis, entity, beta, se, pval, rsq, freq \
                            FROM %sphewas_results LEFT JOIN analyses_tags USING (analysis) \
                            WHERE %s AND pval IS NOT NULL AND %s;',
                           do.call(gtxwhere, v1[ , c('chrom', 'pos', 'ref', 'alt')]),
                   uniq = FALSE, zrok = TRUE)
      if (!missing(nearby) && !is.null(nearby)) {
        ## FIXME check nearby is an integer
        res_nearby <- do.call(rbind, lapply(loop_clean_db, function(results_db) {
                     sprintf('SELECT analysis, entity, min(pval) AS pval_nearby, count(pval) AS num_pvals \
                              FROM %sphewas_results \
                              WHERE %s AND pval IS NOT NULL AND %s \
                              GROUP BY analysis, entity;',
                             gtxwhere(chrom = v1$chrom, pos_ge = v1$pos - nearby, pos_le = v1$pos + nearby),
                     uniq = FALSE, zrok = TRUE)
          res <- merge(res, res_nearby, all.x = TRUE, all.y = FALSE)
    if (is.null(res)) {
        res <- data.frame(analysis = character(0), entity = character(0), 
                          beta = double(0), se = double(0), pval = double(0), rsq = double(0), freq = double(0))
    ## Merge results of phewas query with metadata about analyses
    ## Note analyses missing either results or metadata are dropped
    ## [in future we may wish to have a facility to include in forest plots,
    ##  empty lines for phenotypes with missing data]
    res <- within(merge(a1, res, by = 'analysis'), {
        results_db <- NULL
        has_access <- NULL
    gtx_debug('{nrow(res)} results after merging with analysis metadata')
    # add chrom/pos/ref/alt columns to make easier to pass through to other functions, or to help interpretation if saved to a file
    # (note, not added if v1<-NULL above)
    if (nrow(res) > 0) {
      res$chrom <- v1$chrom
      res$pos <- v1$pos
      res$ref <- v1$ref
      res$alt <- v1$alt
    # Fix labels for entities, finding labels for the NA ones then pasting on
    tmpl <- unique(na.omit(res[ , c('entity', 'entity_type')]))
    gtx_debug('Looking up labels for {nrow(tmpl)} entity/ies')
    if (nrow(tmpl) > 0) { # FIXME this is a workaround for annot failing with 0 row argument
      tmpl <- within(annot(tmpl), {
        entity_label <- paste0(label, ' ')
        label <- NULL
    } else {
      tmpl <- data.frame(entity = character(0), entity_type = character(0), entity_label = character(0))
    gtx_debug('Found labels for {nrow(tmpl)} entities')
    res <- within(merge(res, 
                        tmpl[ , c('entity', 'entity_type', 'entity_label')], 
                        all.x = TRUE, all.y = FALSE), 
                    label <- paste0(ifelse(is.na(entity_label), '', entity_label), label)

    # need to sort AFTER merge with labels
    res <- res[!is.na(res$pval), ]
    if (with_tags) {
      # res has column tags iff with_tags=TRUE was passed to gtxanalyses() above
      # Currently expect pval, label, tag, to provide a deterministic sort order
      res <- res[order(res$pval, res$label, res$tag), ]
    } else {
      # If no tags, currently expect pval, label, to provide a deterministic sort order
      res <- res[order(res$pval, res$label), ]
    if (nrow(res) > 0) {
      row.names(res) <- 1:nrow(res) # otherwise preserved from prior to ordering and fails identical() test
    # add attribute, used for plot labelling etc., FIXME should we do this when multiple variants matched hence no query was run?
    attr(res, 'variant') <- v1_label

#' @describeIn phewas Draw simple QQ plot of PheWAS results

#' @export 
phewas.qq <- function(chrom, pos, ref, alt, rs,
                      analysis, analysis_not, 
                      dbc = getOption("gtx.dbConnection", NULL)) {

    res <- phewas.data(chrom = chrom, pos = pos, ref = ref, alt = alt, rs = rs,
                       analysis = analysis, analysis_not = analysis_not, 
                       description_contains = description_contains,
                       phenotype_contains = phenotype_contains,
                       ncase_ge = ncase_ge, ncohort_ge = ncohort_ge,
                       dbc = dbc)
    with(res, qq10(res$pval))

tobyjohnson/gtx documentation built on Aug. 30, 2019, 8:07 p.m.