
Defines functions fast_rew rewiring_gene_level

Documented in rewiring_gene_level

#' Perform the rewiring at the gene level
#' Perform the rewiring test to check if regulators are enriched in rewiring modules using a hypergeometric test.
#' @param linker_output Output from LINKER_run function (recommended with 50 bootstraps).
#' @param TraReObj the TrareObj generated during preprocessing step before GRN inference.
#' @param fpath Desired path for the rewiring file to be generated. If fpath not provided, it will create a rewiring module list file in the current directory with the name "rewiring_gene_level_fs_<final_signif_thresh>.txt". If file already exists it will skip the fast rewiring step.
#' @param final_signif_thresh Significance threshold for the rewiring method. The lower the threshold, the restrictive the method. Default set to 0.05.
#' @param ImpTH Threshold for the refinement of the returned list. Default set to 0.05.
#' @param include_cliques Boolean specifying to include cliques in the returned score matrix. Default set to FALSE.
#' @param cliquesTH Correlation threshold if include_cliques is set to TRUE. Default set to 0.8.
#' @param nrcores Number of cores to run the parallelization within the rewiring test (default: 3).
#' @param outdir Directory for the output folder to be located (default: tempdir()).
#' @return Return a matrix containing, for each gene (or genes if include_cliques is set to TRUE) the pvalue and odds ratio
#' from the hypergeometric test within three categories.
#' @examples 
#' ## We will be using an output file we generated with LINKER_run and the 
#' ## same expression datainput  object.
#' ## linker_output <- readRDS(paste0(system.file('extdata',package='TraRe'),
#' ##                                     'linkeroutput_rewiring_example.rds'))
#' ## TraReObj <- readRDS(paste0(system.file('extdata',package='TraRe'),
#' ## 
#' ## Add the phenotype to TraReObj if it was not before.
#' ## TraReObj <- rewiring_add_phenotype(TraReObj, phenotype)
#' ## Select directory for output file
#' ## outdir <- system.file('extdata',package='TraRe')
#' ## Run rewiring at the gene level.' 
#' ## impgenes <-  rewiring_gene_level(linker_output = linkeroutput2,
#' ##                                                   TraReObj = TraReObj,
#' ##                                                   fpath = fpath,
#' ##                                                   final_signif_thresh = 0.05,
#' ##                                                   ImpTH = 0.05,
#' ##                                                   include_cliques=TRUE,
#' ##                                                   cliquesTH=0.8,
#' ##                                                   nrcores = 1)
#' @export
rewiring_gene_level <- function(linker_output,
                                outdir= tempdir()){
  #generate dataframe with driver scores
  score_driv <- function(driver,linker_output,rew_list_names,showmess=FALSE){

    # bootdist <- sapply(linker_output,function(x) x$bootstrap_idx)
    bootdist <- sapply(linker_output,function(x) x$bootstrap_idx)
    nbootstraps <- max(bootdist)

    oddsratio <- function(contig_tbl){
      #+0.5 using the Haldane Anscombe correction
      #(C/D) / (A/B)
      oddsr <- ((contig_tbl[2,1]+0.5) / (contig_tbl[2,2]+0.5)) / ((contig_tbl[1,1]+0.5) / (contig_tbl[1,2]+0.5))
      if (showmess){

    #go through every bootstrap
    pvals <- sapply(seq(nbootstraps),function(x) {

      #message('Bootstrap: ', x)

      #All the modules within a bootstrap
      pos <- which(bootdist==x)

      #A (rewired modules)
      A_modnames <- intersect(pos,rew_list_names)

      #Ac (non rewired modules)
      Ac_modnames <- setdiff(pos,rew_list_names)

      rew_mods <- sapply(A_modnames,function(y) sum(driver%in%linker_output[[y]]$regulators))
      non_rew_mods <- sapply(Ac_modnames,function(y) sum(driver%in%linker_output[[y]]$regulators))

      A_0 <- sum(rew_mods==0)
      A_1 <- sum(rew_mods!=0)
      Ac_0 <- sum(non_rew_mods==0)
      Ac_1 <- sum(non_rew_mods!=0)

      contig_tbl <- as.table(matrix(c(A_0,Ac_0,A_1,Ac_1),
                                    ncol = 2, byrow = FALSE))
      if (showmess){
        message('Every bootstrap')

      #Null hypothesis tail!
      res <- stats::fisher.test(contig_tbl,alternative = 'l')

      c(res$p.value, oddsratio(contig_tbl))


    #evaluate all bootstraps at once
    pvals_all <- function(){

      #A (rewired modules)
      A_modnames <- rew_list_names

      #Ac (non rewired modules)
      Ac_modnames <- setdiff(seq_along(bootdist),rew_list_names)

      rew_mods <- sapply(A_modnames,function(y) sum(driver%in%linker_output[[y]]$regulators))
      non_rew_mods <- sapply(Ac_modnames,function(y) sum(driver%in%linker_output[[y]]$regulators))

      A_0 <- sum(rew_mods==0)
      A_1 <- sum(rew_mods!=0)
      Ac_0 <- sum(non_rew_mods==0)
      Ac_1 <- sum(non_rew_mods!=0)

      contig_tbl <- as.table(matrix(c(A_0,Ac_0,A_1,Ac_1),
                                    ncol = 2, byrow = FALSE))

      if (showmess){
        message('All bootstraps')

      #Null hypothesis tail!
      res <- stats::fisher.test(contig_tbl,alternative='l')

      c(res$p.value, oddsratio(contig_tbl))


    #evaluate every 5 bootstraps
    pvals_b_5 <- sapply(seq(nbootstraps/5),function(x) {

      #message('Bootstrap: ', x)

      #All the modules within a bootstrap
      pos <- which(bootdist%in%seq(x*5-4,x*5))

      #A (rewired modules)
      A_modnames <- intersect(pos,rew_list_names)

      #Ac (non rewired modules)
      Ac_modnames <- setdiff(pos,rew_list_names)

      rew_mods <- sapply(A_modnames,function(y) sum(driver%in%linker_output[[y]]$regulators))
      non_rew_mods <- sapply(Ac_modnames,function(y) sum(driver%in%linker_output[[y]]$regulators))

      A_0 <- sum(rew_mods==0)
      A_1 <- sum(rew_mods!=0)
      Ac_0 <- sum(non_rew_mods==0)
      Ac_1 <- sum(non_rew_mods!=0)

      contig_tbl <- as.table(matrix(c(A_0,Ac_0,A_1,Ac_1),
                                    ncol = 2, byrow = FALSE))

      if (showmess){
        message('Every 5 bootstraps')

      #Null hypothesis tail!
      res <- stats::fisher.test(contig_tbl,alternative='l')

      #Pvalue and odds ratio #(c/d) / (a/b)
      c(res$p.value, oddsratio(contig_tbl))


    fishermeth <- function(pvals_v,showmess=FALSE){

      if (showmess){

      #degrees of freedom
      df <- 2*length(pvals_v)

      #approximation by fisher
      newvar <- (-2) * sum(log(pvals_v))

      #Why upper tail??
      stats::pchisq(newvar,df,lower.tail = FALSE)


    pvals <- c(fishermeth(pvals[1,]),
    pvals_b_5 <- c(fishermeth(pvals_b_5[1,]),

    results_l <- list(single_b = pvals,
                      all_b = pvals_all(),
                      every5_b = pvals_b_5)
    #return as a dataframe


  #Include cliques (Without duplicities)
  add_cliques <- function(regs_mrm,score_matrix,cliquesTH){

    #Generate cliques
    gcliques <- TraRe::generatecliques(TraReObj@lognorm_counts[regs_mrm,],

    #retrieve gene-level drivers
    rew_gl_drivers <- rownames(score_matrix)

    cliqued_rew_gl <- sapply(rew_gl_drivers,function(drive){paste0(c(drive,setdiff(gcliques[[drive]],drive)),collapse='||')},
                             USE.NAMES = FALSE)

    #change the rownames
    rownames(score_matrix) <- cliqued_rew_gl



  message('Preparing rewiring object')

  #Prepare rewiring creating object
  preparedrewiring <- TraRe::preparerewiring(TraReObj = TraReObj,
                                        linker_output= linker_output,
                                        final_signif_thresh = 0.05, nrcores = nrcores,

  if (!file.exists(fpath)){

    #define fpath (check default value)
    if (fpath==''){

      fpath <- paste0(getwd(),'/rewiring_gene_level','_fs_',final_signif_thresh,'.txt')


      message('Adding significant threshold to output file name')

      #(check extension to add final sig th)
      if (substr(fpath,nchar(fpath)-3,nchar(fpath)-3)=='.'){
        fpath <- paste0(substr(fpath,1,nchar(fpath)-4),'_fs_',final_signif_thresh,'.txt')
        fpath <-paste0(fpath,'_fs_',final_signif_thresh,'.txt')


    message('Performing fast rewiring')
    #Do the fast rewiring
    rew_list_names <- fast_rew(preparedrewiring)

    #write rew_list_names
    utils::write.table(rew_list_names, file = fpath, quote = FALSE, sep='\t',
                row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)
    message('File found, reading from there')

  #read file
  rew_list_names <- utils::read.delim(fpath, header = FALSE)[,1]

  #Obtain TFs
  regs_mrm <- rownames(TraReObj@lognorm_counts)[TraReObj@regulator_idx]

  #confirm regulator genes
  #rew_driv <- unique(unlist(sapply(rew_list_names,function(x) preparedrewiring$datasets[[1]]$rundata$modules$VBSR[[x]]$regulators)))

  #define the linker output
  linker_output <- preparedrewiring$datasets[[1]]$rundata$modules$VBSR

  #Initialize the parallel process
  parallClass <- BiocParallel::bpparam()
  parallClass$workers <- preparedrewiring$NrCores

  message('Building score matrix')
  #Build score matrix
  score_matrix <- BiocParallel::bplapply(regs_mrm,score_driv,linker_output=linker_output,
                                        rew_list_names=rew_list_names,BPPARAM = parallClass)
  score_matrix <- as.data.frame(do.call(rbind,score_matrix),row.names = regs_mrm)

  #Add colnames
  colnames(score_matrix) <- c('1B - FS','1B - OR',
                    'AllB - FS','AllB - OR',
                    '5B - FS','5B - OR')

  #List refinement
  imp <- as.numeric(which(apply(score_matrix,1,function(x) any(x[c(1,3,5)]<ImpTH))))

  #filter by refinement
  score_matrix_refined <- score_matrix[imp[order(score_matrix[imp,3])],]

  if (include_cliques){

    old_genes <- length(rownames(score_matrix_refined))
    score_matrix_refined <- add_cliques(regs_mrm = regs_mrm,
                                        score_matrix = score_matrix_refined,
                                        cliquesTH = cliquesTH)

    new_genes <- length(unique(unlist(sapply(rownames(score_matrix_refined),
                                             function(i) unlist(strsplit(i,split='\\|\\|'))))))

    message('Drivers db augmented from ',old_genes, ' to ',new_genes)




#' Fast function for the rewiring test in modules. Helper function for `rewiring_gene_level` and `rewiring_regulon_level`
#' @param ObjectList Output object from `preparerewiring()`
#' @return Character vector with the numbers of the regulatory modules that are rewired.
#' @noRd

# #Do fast rewiring
fast_rew <- function(ObjectList){
  #initialize common parameters
  logfile <- ObjectList$logfile
  #we create rundata and combine the modules of both parsers.
  #Lets generate the dupla (dataset's method - dataset's number)
  duplas <- unlist(lapply(seq_along(ObjectList$datasets),
                          function(i) paste(names(ObjectList$datasets[[i]]$rundata$modules),i)))
  #Initialize c_allstats and statsnames variables
  c_allstats <- c() #This is for the combined heatmap
  c_module_membership_list <- c() #This is for the combined heatmap
  statsnames <- c("module-method", "module-index", "orig-pval",
                  "revised-pvalue", "num-targets", "num-regulators",
                  "regulator-names","target-names", "num-samples", "num-genes",
                  "num-class1", "num-class2")
  for (dupla in duplas) {
    #Initialize rewired module's hash table
    module_membership_list <- hash::hash()
    #Initialize allstats array
    allstats <- NULL
    #For instance: 'VBSR X' to 'VBSR' and 'X'
    modmeth_i <- unlist(strsplit(dupla,' '))
    modmeth <- modmeth_i[1]
    i <- as.numeric(modmeth_i[2])
    #Output to the user which dupla we are working with
    message(modmeth,' ',i)
    # keepsamps<-ObjectList$'datasets'[[i]]$keepsamps
    # keeplabels<-ObjectList$'datasets'[[i]]$keeplabels
    # gene_info_df_keep<-ObjectList$'datasets'[[i]]$gene_info_df_keep
    rundata <- ObjectList$datasets[[i]]$rundata
    lognorm_est_counts <- ObjectList$datasets[[i]]$lognorm_est_counts
    final_signif_thresh <- ObjectList$datasets[[i]]$final_signif_thresh
    name2idx <- ObjectList$datasets[[i]]$name2idx
    regs <- ObjectList$datasets[[i]]$regs
    targs <- ObjectList$datasets[[i]]$targs
    class_counts <- ObjectList$datasets[[i]]$class_counts
    pheno <- ObjectList$datasets[[i]]$pheno
    phenosamples <- ObjectList$datasets[[i]]$phenosamples
    # This will register nr of cores/threads, keep this here
    # so the user can decide how many cores based on
    # their hardware.
    parallClass <- BiocParallel::bpparam()
    parallClass$workers <- ObjectList$NrCores
    GenerateStats <- function(mymod){
      signify <- NULL
      modregs <- unique(rundata$modules[[modmeth]][[mymod]]$regulators)
      modtargs <- unique(rundata$modules[[modmeth]][[mymod]]$target_genes)
      regnames <- paste(collapse = ", ", modregs)
      targnames <- paste(collapse = ", ", modtargs)
      keepfeats <- unique(c(modregs, modtargs))
      modmat <- t(lognorm_est_counts[keepfeats, phenosamples])
      modmeth_i_c <- paste(modmeth_i,collapse=' ')
      orig_pval <- TraRe::rewiring_test(modmat, pheno + 1, perm = orig_test_perms)
      new_pval <- orig_pval
      stats <- c(modmeth_i_c, mymod, signif(orig_pval, 3), signif(new_pval, 3),
                 length(modtargs), length(modregs), regnames,targnames, dim(modmat),
      if (orig_pval < retest_thresh | orig_pval == 1 | mymod %% 300 == 0) {
        #methods::show(paste(c("ModNum and NumGenes", mymod, length(keepfeats))))
        result <- TraRe::rewiring_test_pair_detail(modmat, pheno + 1,perm = retest_perms)
        new_pval <- result$pval
        stats <- c(modmeth_i_c, mymod, signif(orig_pval, 3),
                   signif(new_pval, 3), length(modtargs),
                   length(modregs), regnames,targnames, dim(modmat), class_counts)
        if (new_pval <= final_signif_thresh | new_pval == 1) {
          # save as list
          modname <- paste0(modmeth,'.',i, ".mod.", mymod)
          #module_membership_list[[modname]] <- keepfeats
          signify <- list(modname,keepfeats)
    foreach_allstats <-BiocParallel::bplapply(seq_along(rundata$modules[[modmeth]]),
                                              GenerateStats, BPPARAM = parallClass)
    for (elements in foreach_allstats){
      #now we recover first allstats matrix
      foreach_stats <- elements[[1]]
      #and then update the module_membership dictionary
      hashtable <- elements[[2]]
      if (!is.null(hashtable)){
        module_membership_list[[hashtable[[1]]]] <- hashtable[[2]]
  rew_list_names <- sub('[a-zA-Z]+.[0-9].mod.','',ls(module_membership_list))
ubioinformat/TraRe documentation built on March 10, 2024, 1:11 a.m.