
Defines functions set_many_genes_cnv collapse_effect_group filter_and_split_annotations_cnv sash_read_cnv_tsv purple_cnv_som_gene_process purple_cnv_som_gene_read

Documented in purple_cnv_som_gene_process purple_cnv_som_gene_read

#' Read PURPLE CNV Gene File
#' Reads the `purple.cnv.gene.tsv` file, which summarises copy number
#' alterations of each gene in the HMF panel
#' (see [this table](https://github.com/hartwigmedical/hmftools/tree/master/purple#gene-copy-number-file)).
#' @param x Path to `purple.cnv.gene.tsv` file.
#' @return The input file as a tibble.
#' @examples
#' x <- system.file("extdata/purple/purple.cnv.gene.tsv", package = "gpgr")
#' (p <- purple_cnv_som_gene_read(x))
#' @testexamples
#' expect_equal(colnames(p)[ncol(p)], "minMinorAlleleCopyNumber")
#' @export
purple_cnv_som_gene_read <- function(x) {
  nm <- c(
    "chromosome" = "c", "start" = "i", "end" = "i", "gene" = "c",
    "minCopyNumber" = "d", "maxCopyNumber" = "d", "somaticRegions" = "d",
    "transcriptId" = "c", "isCanonical" = "c", "chromosomeBand" = "c",
    "minRegions" = "d", "minRegionStart" = "i", "minRegionEnd" = "i",
    "minRegionStartSupport" = "c", "minRegionEndSupport" = "c",
    "minRegionMethod" = "c", "minMinorAlleleCopyNumber" = "d",
    "depthWindowCount" = "i"

  ctypes <- paste(nm, collapse = "")
  purple_cnv_gene <- readr::read_tsv(x, col_types = ctypes)
  assertthat::assert_that(ncol(purple_cnv_gene) == length(nm))
  assertthat::assert_that(all(colnames(purple_cnv_gene) == names(nm)))

#' Process PURPLE CNV Gene File for UMCCRISE
#' Processes the `purple.cnv.gene.tsv` file. Keeps genes that are in the
#' [UMCCR cancer gene list](https://github.com/umccr/genes/blob/893a655801ce92715f05517b5052e4e81904e870/panels/umccr_2019-03-20.tsv)
#' and selects columns of interest.
#' @param x Path to `purple.cnv.gene.tsv` file.
#' @param g Path to gene file containing at least three columns:
#' * `ensembl_gene_symbol`: gene name (character).
#' * `tsgene`: is this gene a tumor suppressor (TRUE/FALSE).
#' * `oncogene`: is this gene an oncogene (TRUE/FALSE).
#' @return List with two elements:
#' * `tab`: Tibble filtered to genes found in  `g`.
#' * `descr`: Description of tibble columns.
#' @examples
#' x <- system.file("extdata/purple/purple.cnv.gene.tsv", package = "gpgr")
#' g <- system.file("extdata/ref/umccr_cancer_genes_2019-03-20.tsv", package = "gpgr")
#' (pp <- purple_cnv_som_gene_process(x, g))
#' @testexamples
#' expect_equal(colnames(pp$tab)[ncol(pp$tab)], "minRegSupportStartEndMethod")
#' @export
purple_cnv_som_gene_process <- function(x, g = NULL) {
  purple_cnv_gene <- purple_cnv_som_gene_read(x)
  if (is.null(g)) {
    g <- system.file("extdata/ref/umccr_cancer_genes_2019-03-20.tsv", package = "gpgr")
  genes <-
    readr::read_tsv(g, col_types = readr::cols(
      ensembl_gene_symbol = "c", oncogene = "l", tsgene = "l"
    )) |>
    dplyr::select("ensembl_gene_symbol", "oncogene", "tsgene")
  oncogenes <- genes |>
    dplyr::filter(.data$oncogene) |>
  tsgenes <- genes |>
    dplyr::filter(.data$tsgene) |>

  purple_cnv_gene <- purple_cnv_gene |>
    dplyr::filter(.data$gene %in% genes$ensembl_gene_symbol) |>
      chromosome = as.factor(.data$chromosome),
      transcriptID = paste0(.data$transcriptId),
      minRegStartEnd = paste0(.data$minRegionStart, "-", .data$minRegionEnd),
      minRegSupportStartEndMethod = paste0(
        .data$minRegionStartSupport, "-", .data$minRegionEndSupport,
        " (", .data$minRegionMethod, ")"
      oncogene = .data$gene %in% oncogenes,
      tsgene = .data$gene %in% tsgenes,
      onco_or_ts = dplyr::case_when(
        .data$oncogene & .data$tsgene ~ "onco+ts",
        .data$oncogene ~ "oncogene",
        .data$tsgene ~ "tsgene",
        TRUE ~ ""
    ) |>
      minCN = "minCopyNumber", maxCN = "maxCopyNumber",
      chrom = "chromosome", "start", "end",
      chrBand = "chromosomeBand", "onco_or_ts",
      "transcriptID", minMinorAlleleCN = "minMinorAlleleCopyNumber",
      somReg = "somaticRegions", minReg = "minRegions",
      "minRegStartEnd", "minRegSupportStartEndMethod"

  descr <- dplyr::tribble(
    ~Column, ~Description,
    "gene", "Name of gene",
    "minCN/maxCN", "Min/Max copy number found in gene exons",
    "chrom/start/end", "Chromosome/start/end location of gene transcript",
    "chrBand", "Chromosome band of the gene",
    "onco_or_ts", "oncogene ('oncogene'), tumor suppressor ('tsgene'), or both ('onco+ts'), as reported by [Cancermine](https://github.com/jakelever/cancermine)",
    "transcriptID", "Ensembl transcript ID (dot version)",
    "minMinorAlleleCN", "Minimum allele ploidy found over the gene exons - useful for identifying LOH events",
    "somReg (somaticRegions)", "Count of somatic copy number regions this gene spans",
    "minReg (minRegions)", "Number of somatic regions inside the gene that share the min copy number",
    "minRegStartEnd", "Start/End base of the copy number region overlapping the gene with the minimum copy number",
    "minRegSupportStartEndMethod", "Start/end support of the CN region overlapping the gene with the min CN (plus determination method)"

    tab = purple_cnv_gene,
    descr = descr

sash_read_cnv_tsv <- function(x) {

  nm <- c(
    "chromosome" = "c",
    "start" = "i",
    "end" = "i",
    "svtype" = "c",
    "baf" = "d",
    "bafCount" = "d",
    "copyNumber" = "d",
    "depthWindowCount" = "i",
    "gcContent" = "d",
    "majorAlleleCopyNumber" = "d",
    "method" = "c",
    "minorAlleleCopyNumber" = "d",
    "segmentEndSupport" = "c",
    "segmentStartSupport" = "c",
    "sv_top_tier" = "i",
    "simple_ann" = "c"

  ctypes <- paste(nm, collapse = "")
  d <- readr::read_tsv(x, col_types = ctypes)
  assertthat::assert_that(ncol(d) == length(nm))
  assertthat::assert_that(all(colnames(d) == names(nm)))

filter_and_split_annotations_cnv <- function(x) {

  filter_conditions <- list(
    # Chromosome effects
    stringr::str_starts(x$Detail, "chrom_"),
    # Fusion effects
    x$Effect %in% c("BidFusG", "FusG")

  x.grouped <- x |>
      filter=ifelse(purrr::reduce(filter_conditions, `|`), "filter", "retain")

  keys <- x.grouped |>
    dplyr::group_keys() |>

  x.split <- x.grouped |>
    dplyr::group_split(.keep=FALSE) |>

    retained = purrr::pluck(x.split, "retain"),
    filtered = purrr::pluck(x.split, "filter") |> dplyr::arrange(Tier, `Event ID`)

collapse_effect_group <- function(x) {
  x.tmp <- dplyr::first(x)
  genes <- x.tmp |>
    dplyr::pull(Genes.unique) |>

  x.tmp |>
      Genes = paste0(genes, collapse=", "),
      Transcripts = "",
      Detail = paste0(unique(x$Detail) |> sort(), collapse=", "),
      Tier = min(x$Tier),
      `Annotation ID` = NA,

set_many_genes_cnv <- function(x) {
  # Count genes and set eligibility for collapsing
  collapse_effects <- c("DelG", "Dup", "DelTx", "UpstreamGV", "DnstreamGV", "IntergenReg")
  x.counts <- x |>
    dplyr::group_by(`Event ID`, Effect) |>
      Genes.unique = Genes |> stringr::str_split(", ") |> unlist() |> unique() |> list(),
      `Gene count (effect group)` = Genes.unique |> dplyr::first() |> length(),
      collapse = `Gene count (effect group)` > 2 & Effect %in% collapse_effects,
    ) |>
    dplyr::select(-`Gene count (effect group)`)

  # Collapse target groups
  x.collapsed <- x.counts |>
    dplyr::filter(collapse) |>
    dplyr::select(-collapse) |>
    dplyr::group_modify(~ collapse_effect_group(.x)) |>
    # Update top tier, referring to complete data set within each group
      `Tier (top)` = paste0(Tier, " (", min(x$Tier[x$`Event ID` == `Event ID`]), ")"),
    ) |>
    # Create new annotation ID
    dplyr::ungroup() |>
      `Annotation ID` = paste0(dplyr::row_number(), ".merged"),

  # Bind collapsed rows with uncollapsed rows, then count genes per entry
  x.tmp <- x.counts |>
    dplyr::filter(!collapse) |>
    dplyr::bind_rows(x.collapsed) |>
    dplyr::select(-c(collapse, Genes.unique, Tier)) |>
    dplyr::rowwise() |>
      `Gene count` = Genes |> stringr::str_split(", ") |> unlist() |> unique() |> length(),
    ) |>
    dplyr::ungroup() |>
    # Sort rows
    dplyr::arrange(`Tier (top)`, `Event ID`)

  # Set many genes
  x.tmp <- x.tmp |>
      many_genes = ifelse(`Gene count` > 2, "many_genes", "few_genes"),

  # Build the many genes table
  x.many_genes <- x.tmp |>
    dplyr::filter(many_genes == "many_genes") |>
    # Remove unneeded columns and rename others
      "Event ID",
      "Annotation ID",
      "Tier (top)",
      "SV Type",
      "Gene count",

  # Clear genes and transcripts where appropriate
  x.ready <- x.tmp |>
      Genes = ifelse(
        many_genes == "few_genes" | is.na(many_genes),
        paste0("Many genes (", `Gene count`, ")")
      Transcripts = ifelse(many_genes == "few_genes" | is.na(many_genes), Transcripts, ""),
    ) |>
    dplyr::select(-c(many_genes, `Gene count`))

    ready = x.ready,
    many_genes = x.many_genes

set_many_transcripts_cnv <- function(x) {
  # Set many transcripts
  x.tmp <- x |>
    dplyr::rowwise() |>
      `Transcript count` = stringr::str_split(Transcripts, ", ") |> unlist() |> unique() |> length()
    ) |>
    dplyr::ungroup() |>
      many_transcripts = ifelse(`Transcript count` > 2, "many_transcripts", "few_transcripts"),
    ) |>
    # Sort rows
    dplyr::arrange(`Tier (top)`, `Event ID`)

  # Build the many transcripts table
  x.many_transcripts <- x.tmp |>
    dplyr::filter(many_transcripts == "many_transcripts") |>
    # Remove unneeded columns and rename others
      "Event ID",
      "Annotation ID",
      "Tier (top)",
      "SV Type",
      "Transcript count",

  # Clear transcripts where appropriate
  x.ready <- x.tmp |>
      Transcripts = ifelse(
        many_transcripts == "few_transcripts" | is.na(many_transcripts),
        paste0("Many transcripts (", `Transcript count`, ")")
    ) |>
    dplyr::select(-c(many_transcripts, `Transcript count`))

    ready = x.ready,
    many_transcripts = x.many_transcripts

#' @export
process_cnv_tsv <- function(x) {
  # Read input
  cnv.input <- sash_read_cnv_tsv(x)

  # Prepare input
  cnv.ready <- cnv.input |>
      chrom_simple = stringr::str_remove(chromosome, "chr"),
      start = paste(chrom_simple, base::format(start, big.mark = ",", trim = TRUE), sep=":"),
      end = paste(chrom_simple, base::format(end, big.mark = ",", trim = TRUE), sep=":"),
    ) |>

  # Melt annotations
  cnv.tmp <- cnv.ready |>
    dplyr::mutate(`Event ID` = dplyr::row_number()) |>
    # Split into individual annotations
    dplyr::mutate(annotation = strsplit(simple_ann, ",")) |>
    # Convert annotation fields into columns
    tidyr::unnest(annotation) |>
      annotation, c("Event", "Effect", "Genes", "Transcripts", "Detail", "Tier"),
      sep = "\\|", convert = FALSE
    ) |>
    # Create new columns and modify existing ones
      copyNumber = as.numeric(copyNumber) |> round(2) %>% sprintf("%.2f", .),
      minorAlleleCopyNumber = as.numeric(minorAlleleCopyNumber) |> round(2) %>% sprintf("%.2f", .),
      majorAlleleCopyNumber = as.numeric(majorAlleleCopyNumber) |> round(2) %>% sprintf("%.2f", .),
      "PURPLE CN Min+Maj" = paste0(minorAlleleCopyNumber, "+", majorAlleleCopyNumber),
      "Genes" = stringr::str_replace_all(Genes, "&", ", "),
      "Transcripts" = stringr::str_replace_all(Transcripts, "&", ", "),
    ) |>
    # Remove unused columns

  # Abbreviate effects
  abbreviate_effectv <- Vectorize(abbreviate_effect)
  cnv.tmp$Effect <- abbreviate_effectv(cnv.tmp$Effect)

  # Filter unwanted annotations
  cnv.annotations.split <- filter_and_split_annotations_cnv(cnv.tmp)

  # Complete processing
  cnv.tmp <- cnv.annotations.split$retained |>
    # Reset sv_top_tier after removing annotations
    dplyr::group_by(`Event ID`) |>
      sv_top_tier = min(Tier),
      "Tier (top)" = paste0(Tier, " (", sv_top_tier, ")"),
    ) |>
    dplyr::ungroup() |>
    # Set unique annotation ID
    dplyr::mutate(`Annotation ID` = as.character(dplyr::row_number())) |>
    # Sort rows
    dplyr::arrange(`Tier (top)`, `Event ID`)

  # Set column names
  column_selector <- c(
    "Event ID",
    "Annotation ID",
    "Tier (top)",
    "Start" = "start",
    "End" = "end",
    "SV Type" = "svtype",
    "PURPLE CN" = "copyNumber",
    "PURPLE CN Min+Maj"
  cnv.tmp <- dplyr::select(cnv.tmp, tidyselect::all_of(c(column_selector, "Tier")))
  cnv.filtered <- dplyr::select(cnv.annotations.split$filtered, tidyselect::any_of(column_selector))

  # Collapse selected annotations and set many genes
  cnv.many_genes_data <- set_many_genes_cnv(cnv.tmp)
  cnv.tmp <- cnv.many_genes_data$ready

  # Set many transcripts
  cnv.many_transcripts_data <- set_many_transcripts_cnv(cnv.tmp)

    annotations = cnv.many_transcripts_data$ready,
    filtered = cnv.filtered,
    many_genes = cnv.many_genes_data$many_genes,
    many_transcripts = cnv.many_transcripts_data$many_transcripts

#' Read PURPLE CNV Somatic File
#' Reads the `purple.cnv.somatic.tsv` file, which contains the copy number
#' profile of all (contiguous) segments of the tumor sample
#' (see [this table](https://github.com/hartwigmedical/hmftools/tree/master/purple#copy-number-file)).
#' @param x Path to `purple.cnv.somatic.tsv` file.
#' @return The input file as a tibble.
#' @examples
#' x <- system.file("extdata/purple/purple.cnv.somatic.tsv", package = "gpgr")
#' (p <- purple_cnv_som_read(x))
#' @testexamples
#' expect_equal(colnames(p)[ncol(p)], "majorAlleleCopyNumber")
#' @export
purple_cnv_som_read <- function(x) {
  nm <- c(
    "chromosome" = "c", "start" = "i", "end" = "i",
    "copyNumber" = "d", "bafCount" = "d", "observedBAF" = "d",
    "baf" = "d", "segmentStartSupport" = "c", "segmentEndSupport" = "c",
    "method" = "c", "depthWindowCount" = "i", "gcContent" = "d",
    "minStart" = "i", "maxStart" = "i", "minorAlleleCopyNumber" = "d",
    "majorAlleleCopyNumber" = "d"
  ctypes <- paste(nm, collapse = "")
  purple_cnv_somatic <- readr::read_tsv(x, col_types = ctypes)
  assertthat::assert_that(ncol(purple_cnv_somatic) == length(nm))
  assertthat::assert_that(all(colnames(purple_cnv_somatic) == names(nm)))

#' Process PURPLE CNV Somatic File for UMCCRISE
#' Processes the `purple.cnv.somatic.tsv` file and selects columns of interest.
#' @param x Path to `purple.cnv.somatic.tsv` file.
#' @return List with two elements:
#' * `tab`: Tibble with more condensed columns.
#' * `descr`: Description of tibble columns.
#' @examples
#' x <- system.file("extdata/purple/purple.cnv.somatic.tsv", package = "gpgr")
#' (pp <- purple_cnv_som_process(x))
#' @testexamples
#' expect_equal(colnames(pp$tab)[ncol(pp$tab)], "GC (windowCount)")
#' @export
purple_cnv_som_process <- function(x) {
  purple_cnv_somatic <- purple_cnv_som_read(x)
  purple_cnv_somatic <- purple_cnv_somatic |>
      Chr = as.factor(.data$chromosome),
      minorAlleleCopyNumber = round(.data$minorAlleleCopyNumber, 1),
      majorAlleleCopyNumber = round(.data$majorAlleleCopyNumber, 1),
      `CopyNumber Min+Maj` = paste0(.data$minorAlleleCopyNumber, "+", .data$majorAlleleCopyNumber),
      copyNumber = round(.data$copyNumber, 1),
      bafAdj = round(.data$baf, 2),
      gcContent = round(.data$gcContent, 2),
      `Start/End SegSupport` = paste0(.data$segmentStartSupport, "-", .data$segmentEndSupport),
      `BAF (count)` = paste0(.data$bafAdj, " (", .data$bafCount, ")"),
      `GC (windowCount)` = paste0(.data$gcContent, " (", .data$depthWindowCount, ")")
    ) |>
      Start = "start", End = "end", CN = "copyNumber",
      `CN Min+Maj` = "CopyNumber Min+Maj", "Start/End SegSupport",
      Method = "method", "BAF (count)", "GC (windowCount)"

  descr <- dplyr::tribble(
    ~Column, ~Description,
    "Chr/Start/End", "Coordinates of copy number segment",
    "CN", "Fitted absolute copy number of segment adjusted for purity and ploidy",
    "CN Min+Maj", "CopyNumber of minor + major allele adjusted for purity",
    "Start/End SegSupport", paste0(
      "Type of SV support for the CN breakpoint at ",
      "start/end of region. Allowed values: ",
      "CENTROMERE, TELOMERE, INV, DEL, DUP, BND (translocation), ",
      "SGL (single breakend SV support), NONE (no SV support for CN breakpoint), ",
      "MULT (multiple SV support at exact breakpoint)"
    "Method", paste0(
      "Method used to determine the CN of the region. Allowed values: ",
      "BAF_WEIGHTED (avg of all depth windows for the region), ",
      "STRUCTURAL_VARIANT (inferred using ploidy of flanking SVs), ",
      "LONG_ARM (inferred from the long arm), GERMLINE_AMPLIFICATION ",
      "(inferred using special logic to handle regions of germline amplification)"
    "BAF (count)", "Tumor BAF after adjusted for purity and ploidy (Count of AMBER baf points covered by this segment)",
    "GC (windowCount)", "Proportion of segment that is G or C (Count of COBALT windows covered by this segment)"

    tab = purple_cnv_somatic,
    descr = descr

#' Read PURPLE QC file
#' Reads the `purple.qc` file.
#' @param x Path to the `purple.qc` file.
#' @return The input file as a tibble and a summarised tibble with a
#' description of each metric.
#' @examples
#' x <- system.file("extdata/purple/purple.qc", package = "gpgr")
#' (q <- purple_qc_read(x))
#' @testexamples
#' expect_true(q$raw[1, "value", drop = TRUE] == "WARN_DELETED_GENES")
#' @export
purple_qc_read <- function(x) {
  purple_qc <-
    readr::read_tsv(x, col_names = c("key", "value"), col_types = "cc") |>
    dplyr::mutate(value = toupper(.data$value))

  nm <- c(
    "QCStatus", "Method", "CopyNumberSegments",
    "UnsupportedCopyNumberSegments", "Purity", "AmberGender",
    "CobaltGender", "DeletedGenes", "Contamination", "GermlineAberrations",
    "AmberMeanDepth", "LohPercent"

  assertthat::assert_that(all(purple_qc$key == nm))
  q <- structure(purple_qc$value, names = purple_qc$key)
  # the n column is used for arranging the final summary table rows in the report
  summary <- dplyr::tribble(
    ~n, ~variable, ~value, ~details,
    1, "QC_Status", glue::glue('{q["QCStatus"]}'),
    paste("See 'Description'."),
    13, "Method", glue::glue('{q["Method"]}'),
    glue::glue("Fit method (NORMAL, HIGHLY_DIPLOID, SOMATIC or NO_TUMOR)."),
    14, "CopyNumberSegments",
    glue::glue('{q["CopyNumberSegments"]} (Unsupported: {q["UnsupportedCopyNumberSegments"]})'),
    "# of CN segments.",
    2, "Purity", glue::glue('{q["Purity"]}'), "",
    17, "Gender", glue::glue('Amber: {q["AmberGender"]}; Cobalt: {q["CobaltGender"]}'), "",
    14, "DeletedGenes", glue::glue('{q["DeletedGenes"]}'), "# of homozygously deleted genes.",
    15, "Contamination", glue::glue('{q["Contamination"]}'),
    "Rate of contamination in tumor sample as determined by AMBER.",
    16, "GermlineAberrations", glue::glue('{q["GermlineAberrations"]}'),
    "Can be one or more of: KLINEFELTER, TRISOMY_X/21/13/18/15, XYY, MOSAIC_X.",
    18, "AmberMeanDepth", glue::glue('{q["AmberMeanDepth"]}'),
    "Mean depth as determined by AMBER.",

    raw = purple_qc,
    summary = summary

#' Read PURPLE Purity file
#' Reads the `purple.purity.tsv` file containing a summary of the purity fit.
#' @param x Path to the `purple.purity.tsv` file.
#' @return The input file as a tibble and a summarised tibble with a
#' description of each metric.
#' @examples
#' x <- system.file("extdata/purple/purple.purity.tsv", package = "gpgr")
#' (p <- purple_purity_read(x))
#' @testexamples
#' expect_equal(p$raw[1, "column", drop = TRUE], "purity")
#' expect_equal(p$raw[nrow(p$raw), "column", drop = TRUE], "svTumorMutationalBurden")
#' @export
purple_purity_read <- function(x) {
  tab <- dplyr::tribble(
    ~column, ~type,
    "purity", "d",
    "normFactor", "d",
    "score", "d",
    "diploidProportion", "d",
    "ploidy", "d",
    "gender", "c",
    "status", "c",
    "polyclonalProportion", "d",
    "minPurity", "d",
    "maxPurity", "d",
    "minPloidy", "d",
    "maxPloidy", "d",
    "minDiploidProportion", "d",
    "maxDiploidProportion", "d",
    "somaticPenalty", "d",
    "wholeGenomeDuplication", "c",
    "msIndelsPerMb", "d",
    "msStatus", "c",
    "tml", "d",
    "tmlStatus", "c",
    "tmbPerMb", "d",
    "tmbStatus", "c",
    "svTumorMutationalBurden", "d",
    "runMode", "c",
    "targeted", "c"

  ctypes <- paste(tab$type, collapse = "")
  purple_purity <- readr::read_tsv(x, col_types = ctypes)
  assertthat::assert_that(ncol(purple_purity) == nrow(tab))
  assertthat::assert_that(all(colnames(purple_purity) == tab$column))

  purple_purity <- purple_purity |>
      dplyr::across(tidyselect::vars_select_helpers$where(is.numeric), round, 2),
      dplyr::across(dplyr::everything(), as.character)
    ) |>
    tidyr::pivot_longer(dplyr::everything(), names_to = "column", values_to = "value") |>
    dplyr::left_join(tab, by = "column") |>
    dplyr::mutate(value = toupper(.data$value)) |>
    dplyr::select("column", "value")

  p <- structure(purple_purity$value, names = purple_purity$column)

  summary <- dplyr::tribble(
    ~n, ~variable, ~value, ~details,
    2, "Purity", glue::glue('{p["purity"]} ({p["minPurity"]}-{p["maxPurity"]})'),
    "Purity of tumor in the sample (and min-max with score within 10% of best).",
    3, "Ploidy", glue::glue('{p["ploidy"]} ({p["minPloidy"]}-{p["maxPloidy"]})'),
    "Average ploidy of tumor sample after adjusting for purity (and min-max with score within 10% of best).",
    4, "Gender", glue::glue('{p["gender"]}'),
    "Gender as inferred by AMBER/COBALT.",
    7, "WGD", glue::glue('{p["wholeGenomeDuplication"]}'),
    "Whole genome duplication (more than 10 autosomes have average major allele ploidy > 1.5).",
    8, "MSI (indels/Mb)", glue::glue('{p["msStatus"]} ({p["msIndelsPerMb"]})'),
    "MSI status (MSI, MSS or UNKNOWN if somatic variants not supplied) & MS Indels per Mb.",
    9, "PolyclonalProp", glue::glue('{p["polyclonalProportion"]}'),
    "Proportion of CN regions that are more than 0.25 from a whole CN",
    10, "DiploidyProp", glue::glue('{p["diploidProportion"]} ({p["minDiploidProportion"]}-{p["maxDiploidProportion"]})'),
    "Proportion of CN regions that have 1 (+- 0.2) minor and major allele.",
    11, "TMB", glue::glue('{p["tmbPerMb"]} ({p["tmbStatus"]})'),
      "Tumor mutational burden (# PASS variants per Megabase)",
      "(Status: 'HIGH' (>10 PASS per Mb), 'LOW' or 'UNKNOWN')."
    12, "TML", glue::glue('{p["tml"]} ({p["tmlStatus"]})'),
    "Tumor mutational load (# of missense variants) (Status: 'HIGH', 'LOW' or 'UNKNOWN').",
    13, "TMB-SV", glue::glue('{p["svTumorMutationalBurden"]}'),
    "# of non inferred, non single passing SVs."

    raw = purple_purity,
    summary = summary

#' Read PURPLE Somatic SNV VCF
#' Reads the `purple.somatic.vcf.gz` file.
#' @param x Path to the `purple.somatic.vcf.gz` file.
#' @return A list with the input file as a tibble (with specific INFO fields)
#' and a tibble with a description of each INFO field.
#' @examples
#' x <- system.file("extdata/purple/purple.somatic.vcf.gz", package = "gpgr")
#' (snv <- purple_snv_vcf_read(x))
#' @export
purple_snv_vcf_read <- function(x) {
  assertthat::assert_that(file.exists(x), is_vcf(x))
  d <- bedr::read.vcf(x, split.info = TRUE, verbose = FALSE)
  info <-
    tibble::as_tibble(d$header[["INFO"]]) |>
    dplyr::select("ID", "Description")

  info_cols <- c(
    "HMF_HOTSPOT", "KT", "MH", "SUBCL", "TNC"
  description <- dplyr::filter(info, .data$ID %in% info_cols)

  d <- tibble::as_tibble(d$vcf[c("CHROM", "POS", info_cols)])
    data = d,
    description = description

#' Get PURPLE Kataegis Regions
#' Reads the `purple.somatic.vcf.gz` file and extracts variants
#' within kataegis regions.
#' @param x Path to the `purple.somatic.vcf.gz` file.
#' @return A list with a tibble containing variants in kataegis clusters and
#' various metrics for each variant, and a tibble with a description of each
#' metric.
#' @examples
#' x <- system.file("extdata/purple/purple.somatic.vcf.gz", package = "gpgr")
#' (k <- purple_kataegis(x))
#' @export
purple_kataegis <- function(x) {
  d <- purple_snv_vcf_read(x)
  info_cols <- c(
    "MH", "TNC"

  data <- d$data |>
    dplyr::filter(!is.na(.data$KT)) |>
    dplyr::select(c("CHROM", "POS", info_cols))

  description <- d$description |>
    dplyr::filter(.data$ID %in% info_cols) |>

    data = data,
    description = description
umccr/gpgr documentation built on April 21, 2024, 1:16 a.m.