
Defines functions getCuratedCellxGeneRef cellxgene_annotation StandardizeGeneSymbols_customer

# ezIsSpecified = function(x){
#   !is.null(x) && length(x) > 0 && x[1] != "" && !is.na(x[1]) && x[1] != "NA"
# }
# ezWrite = function(..., sep="", collapse=" ", con=stdout()){
#   args = list(...)  ## see function message
#   #args = sapply(args, print)# as.character)
#   text = paste(sapply(args, paste, collapse=collapse), collapse=sep)
#   writeLines(text, con=con)
# }
# # The data set https://cellxgene.cziscience.com/e/37b21763-7f0f-41ae-9001-60bad6e2841d.cxg/
# param.test.2 <- list(cellxgeneUrl ='https://datasets.cellxgene.cziscience.com/b8a80837-155f-4474-89fd-838b78892ecf.rds', cellxgeneLabel = 'celltype_level_3',refBuild = 'Homo_sapiens/GENCODE/GRCh38.p13/Annotation/Release_42-2023-01-30')
# system.time({scData <- UpdateSeuratObject(pbmc3k)})
# test.result <- cellxgene_annotation(scData = scData, param = param.test.2 )
# cache_dir = "/scratch/yang/tmp"
# data(EnsemblGeneTable.Mm)
# scRef <- getCuratedCellxGeneRef(param.test.2$cellxgeneUrl, cache_dir=cache_dir, cell_label_author = param.test.2$cellxgeneLabel, species = 'Homo_sapiens')

## custorm the standardize gene function
## We want to solve the problem that can't standatize gene name of data matrix if we only have counts matrix
## And in this case, the output will have the counts matrix which is as same as the data matrix.
StandardizeGeneSymbols_customer = function(obj, assay=NULL, slots=c("counts","data"),
                                           EnsemblGeneTable=NULL, EnsemblGeneFile=NULL){
  if (is.null(assay)) {
    assay <- DefaultAssay(obj)
  #If file is given
  if (is.null(EnsemblGeneTable)) {
    if (is.null(EnsemblGeneFile)) {
      stop("Please provide EnsemblID table or file")
    EnsemblGeneTable <- fread(EnsemblGeneFile)
  #Translate Ensembl IDs if necessary
  genes.in <- rownames(GetAssayData(obj, assay = assay, slot=slots[1]))
  ngenes <- length(genes.in)
  ens.count <- length(intersect(genes.in, EnsemblGeneTable[["Gene stable ID"]]))
  gname.count <- length(intersect(genes.in, EnsemblGeneTable[["Gene name"]]))
  ncbi.count <- 0
  if ("NCBI gene (formerly Entrezgene) ID" %in% colnames(EnsemblGeneTable)) {
    ncbi.count <- length(intersect(genes.in, EnsemblGeneTable[["NCBI gene (formerly Entrezgene) ID"]]))
  max <- max(ens.count, gname.count, ncbi.count)
  if (max < length(genes.in)/2) {
    warning("Over 50% of genes in input object not found in reference gene table")
  gname.format <- FALSE
  if (max == gname.count) {
    gname.format <- TRUE
  if (max == ens.count) {  #Input object has Ensembl IDs
    to = "Gene name"
    from = "Gene stable ID"
    genes.tr <- EnsemblGeneTable[[to]][match(genes.in, EnsemblGeneTable[[from]])]
    names(genes.tr) <- genes.in
    genes.tr <- genes.tr[!is.na(genes.tr) & genes.tr != ""]
  } else if (max == ncbi.count) {
    to = "Gene name"
    from = "NCBI gene (formerly Entrezgene) ID"
    genes.tr <- EnsemblGeneTable[[to]][match(genes.in, EnsemblGeneTable[[from]])]
    names(genes.tr) <- genes.in
    genes.tr <- genes.tr[!is.na(genes.tr) & genes.tr != ""]
  } else {
    genes.tr <- genes.in
    names(genes.tr) <- genes.in
  ###### 1. First match dictionary 
  geneRef_dict <- EnsemblGeneTable[["Gene name"]]
  names(geneRef_dict) <- EnsemblGeneTable[["Gene Synonym"]]
  geneRef_dict <- geneRef_dict[!is.null(names(geneRef_dict))]
  message(paste("Number of genes in input object:", ngenes))
  genesAllowList1 <- genes.tr[!is.na(genes.tr) & genes.tr != "" &
                                genes.tr %in% EnsemblGeneTable[["Gene name"]]] #keep genes with standard Gene.name
  l <- length(genesAllowList1)
  message(sprintf("Number of genes with standard symbols: %i (%.2f%%)", l, l/ngenes*100))
  if (l < ngenes & gname.format){
    message(paste("Examples of non-standard Gene.names:"))
    ns <- head(genes.tr[!genes.tr %in% EnsemblGeneTable[["Gene name"]]])
    message(paste(unname(ns), collapse = ","))
  ###### 2. Search among synonyms
  genesAllowList2 <- genes.tr[!genes.tr %in% EnsemblGeneTable[["Gene name"]] & 
                                genes.tr %in% EnsemblGeneTable[["Gene Synonym"]]] # keep genes with accepted Gene.name synonym
  genesAllowList2.gn <- geneRef_dict[genesAllowList2] # translate Gene.Synonym to standard Gene.name
  message(paste("Additional number of genes with accepted Gene name synonym: ",length(genesAllowList2.gn)))
  ##### 2b. Search by replacing dash (-) with dot (.)
  genes.dash <- gsub("\\.", "-", genes.tr)
  genesAllowList2b <- genes.tr[!genes.tr %in% EnsemblGeneTable[["Gene name"]] &
                                 genes.dash %in% EnsemblGeneTable[["Gene name"]]]
  genesAllowList2b.gn <- gsub("\\.", "-", genesAllowList2b)
  message(paste("Additional number of genes after replacing dots: ",length(genesAllowList2b.gn)))
  #Names of genesAllowList contain IDs in matrix - elements contain the new names
  genesAllowList <- c(genesAllowList1,genesAllowList2.gn,genesAllowList2b.gn)
  ###### 3. Check for duplicates
  is.dup <- duplicated(genesAllowList)
  genesAllowList <- genesAllowList[!is.dup]
  message(sprintf("Number of duplicated Gene.name: %i (%.2f%%)", sum(is.dup), sum(is.dup)/ngenes*100))
  l <- length(genesAllowList)
  message(sprintf("Final number of genes: %i (%.2f%%)", l, l/ngenes*100))
  ###### 4. Subset matrix for allowed genes, and translate names
  matrix <- list()
  for (s in slots) {
    if (length(rownames(GetAssayData(obj, assay = assay, slot = s))) == 0) {
    matrix[[s]] <- GetAssayData(obj, assay = assay, slot=s)
    rows.select <- rownames(matrix[[s]])[rownames(matrix[[s]]) %in% names(genesAllowList)]
    matrix[[s]] <- matrix[[s]][rows.select, ]
    rownames(matrix[[s]]) <- unname(genesAllowList[rows.select])
  for (s in slots) {
    if (s =="counts" || s =="data") {
      obj <- suppressWarnings(RenameAssays(obj, assay.name=assay, new.assay.name="tmp"))
      obj[[assay]] <- CreateAssayObject(counts=matrix[[s]], assay=assay)
      DefaultAssay(obj) <- assay
      obj[["tmp"]] <- NULL
    else {
      obj <- SetAssayData(obj, assay = assay, new.data=matrix[[s]], slot=s)

cellxgene_annotation <- function(scData, param) {

  if (!ezIsSpecified(param$cellxgeneUrl) || !ezIsSpecified(param$cellxgeneLabel
  # run cellxgene_annotation

  cache_dir = "/srv/GT/databases/scRefData/CellxGene"
  # cache_dir = "/scratch/yang/tmp"
  cell_label_author = param$cellxgeneLabel
  species <- sub("/.*", "", param$refBuild)
  scRef <- getCuratedCellxGeneRef(param$cellxgeneUrl, cache_dir=cache_dir, cell_label_author = cell_label_author, species = species)
  ### StandardizeGeneSymbols
  if( species == "Homo_sapiens" ){
    scData <- StandardizeGeneSymbols_customer(scData, slots = c( "counts"), EnsemblGeneTable = EnsemblGeneTable.Hs)
  }else if(species == "Mus_musculus"){
    scData <- StandardizeGeneSymbols_customer(scData, slots = c( "counts"), EnsemblGeneTable = EnsemblGeneTable.Mm)
    stop("We only support mouse and human dataset for using cellxgene annotation")
  scData <- NormalizeData(scData)
  ## mapping
  if ("harmony2" %in% names(scRef@reductions)) {
    scData.anchors <- FindTransferAnchors(reference = scRef, query = scData, dims = 1:30,
                                          reference.reduction = "harmony2", normalization.method = "LogNormalize" )
  } else{
    scData.anchors <- FindTransferAnchors(reference = scRef, query = scData, dims = 1:30,
                                          reference.reduction = "pca", normalization.method = "LogNormalize" )

  if (!cell_label_author %in% colnames(scRef@meta.data)) {
    stop("The specified column name for cell labels does not exist in the reference object's metadata.")
  predictions.scData <- TransferData(anchorset = scData.anchors, refdata = scRef@meta.data[[cell_label_author]], dims = 1:30)
  cellxgeneResults <- data.frame(

getCuratedCellxGeneRef <- function(ref_dataset_id, cache_dir, cell_label_author, species){
  print("start cellxgene")
  lockFile <- paste0(cache_dir, "/", gsub("\\.rds$", "", basename(ref_dataset_id)), "__", cell_label_author, ".lock")
  refData_building_timeout_minutes <- 120
  i <- 0
  while (file.exists(lockFile) && i < refData_building_timeout_minutes) {
    ### somebody else builds and we wait
    i <- i + 1
  if (file.exists(lockFile)) {
    stop(paste("reference building still in progress after", refData_building_timeout_minutes, "min"))
  cached_curated_ref_data <- sub(".lock$", "-curated.qsd", lockFile)
  if (file.exists(cached_curated_ref_data)) {
    scRef <- qs::qread(cached_curated_ref_data)
  ezWrite(Sys.info(), con = lockFile)
  on.exit(file.remove(lockFile), add = TRUE)
  ## Download reference dataset
  timeout_sec <- 3600
  tmp_download_ref <- paste0(cache_dir, "/", basename(ref_dataset_id))
  response <- httr::GET(ref_dataset_id, write_disk(tmp_download_ref, overwrite = TRUE), timeout(timeout_sec))
  if (http_status(response)$category == "Success") {
    cat("Download completed successfully.\n")
  } else {
    cat("Download failed. Status code:", http_status(response)$status, "\n")
    stop("Failed to download reference dataset")
  # Detect file format and load accordingly
  file_extension <- tolower(tools::file_ext(ref_dataset_id))
  curated_seurat_object <- switch(file_extension,
    "rds" = {
      message("Loading RDS format Seurat object...")
    "h5ad" = {
      message("Loading H5AD format and converting to Seurat object...")
      if (!requireNamespace("schard", quietly = TRUE)) {
        stop("Package 'schard' is needed for h5ad format. Please install it first.")
    stop(paste("Unsupported file format:", file_extension, 
               ". Only .rds and .h5ad formats are supported."))

  ### Standardize the ref dataset gene symbols with STACAS
  if( species == "Homo_sapiens" ){
    if ("counts" %in%  names(curated_seurat_object@assays$RNA@data) && nrow(curated_seurat_object@assays$RNA@counts) > 0) {
      # If counts exit
      curated_seurat_object <- StandardizeGeneSymbols_customer(curated_seurat_object, slots = c("counts"), EnsemblGeneTable = EnsemblGeneTable.Hs)
    } else {
      # If there is no counts matix
      curated_seurat_object <- StandardizeGeneSymbols_customer(curated_seurat_object, slots = c("data"), EnsemblGeneTable = EnsemblGeneTable.Hs)
  }else if(species == "Mus_musculus"){
    if ("counts" %in%  names(curated_seurat_object@assays$RNA@data) && nrow(curated_seurat_object@assays$RNA@counts) > 0) {
      # If counts exit
      curated_seurat_object <- StandardizeGeneSymbols_customer(curated_seurat_object, slots = c("counts"), EnsemblGeneTable = EnsemblGeneTable.Mm)
    } else {
      # If there is no counts matix
      curated_seurat_object <- StandardizeGeneSymbols_customer(curated_seurat_object, slots = c("data"), EnsemblGeneTable = EnsemblGeneTable.Mm)
    stop("We only support mouse and human dataset for using cellxgene annotation")
  ## Downsample reference dataset
  ### split the object by donor_id

  curated_seurat_object.list <- SplitObject(curated_seurat_object, split.by = "donor_id")
  ### choose the 10 biggest sample 
  # calculate cell number of every sample
  cell_counts <- sapply(curated_seurat_object.list, ncol)
  print("Cell number of every donor:")
  if (!any(cell_counts > 500)) {
    stop("Please choose a sample with a high enough number of cells, at least one donor_id with more than 500 cells.")
  # number of samples need to be selected
  num_samples_to_select <- min(length(cell_counts), 10)
  # names of top10 samples
  selected_samples <- names(sort(cell_counts, decreasing = TRUE))[1:num_samples_to_select]
  # get selected samples
  curated_seurat_object.list <- curated_seurat_object.list[selected_samples]
  # Remove the null object in the list
  curated_seurat_object.list <-  curated_seurat_object.list[!sapply(curated_seurat_object.list, is.null)]
  # delete sample with cell number smaller than 500
  curated_seurat_object.list <- curated_seurat_object.list[sapply(curated_seurat_object.list, function(x) ncol(x) >= 500)]
  #print("The info of the ref seurat object.list :")
  print("The column name of author's cell labels:")
  print("Whether this column is in the ref data set:")
  print(cell_label_author %in% colnames(curated_seurat_object.list[[1]]@meta.data))
  print("Selecting samples is done")
  print("Start to down sampling")
  ### cut the cell population to at most 3k 
  # check if the column exists
  if (!cell_label_author %in% colnames(curated_seurat_object.list[[1]]@meta.data)) {
    stop(paste("Column", cell_label_author, "does not exist in the Seurat object."))
  curated_seurat_object.list <- lapply(curated_seurat_object.list, function(sample) {
    # get the cell population of every sample
    cell_counts <- table(sample[[cell_label_author]])
    #  Here, if the cell population less than 3000 we keep it. If the cell population bigger than 3000, we sample 3000 cells of total.
    sample_sizes <- ifelse(cell_counts < 3000, cell_counts, 3000)
    sampled_cells <- unlist(lapply(names(sample_sizes), function(ct) {
      #cells_in_type <- WhichCells(sample,  expression = get(cell_label_author) == ct)
      cells_in_type <- Cells(sample)[(which(sample@meta.data[[cell_label_author]] %in% ct))]
      print(paste("Cell type:", ct, "Number of cells:", length(cells_in_type)))
      sample(cells_in_type, size = sample_sizes[ct], replace = FALSE)
    print("Sampled Cells:")
    if (length(sampled_cells) == 0) {
      stop("No cells were sampled. Please check your sample_sizes and cell labels.")
    # check every assay
    assay_names <- Assays(sample)
    print("Available assays:")
    # and info of every assay
    if (length(assay_names) == 1) {
      # go out from if clause
      message("Only one assay name is present. No other assay name.")
    } else {
      for (assay_name in assay_names) {
        assay_data <- GetAssayData(sample, assay = assay_name)
        print(paste("Assay name:", assay_name))
        print(paste("Number of features:", nrow(assay_data)))
        print(paste("Number of cells:", ncol(assay_data)))
        print(paste("Key for assay:", Key(sample[[assay_name]])))
    # THe default assay
    print(paste("Original default assay:", DefaultAssay(sample)))
    subset(sample, cells = sampled_cells)
  ## use the seurat way to do integration, but due to the huge cost of RAM change to use harmony method
  # ### Performing integration on datasets normalized with SCTransform
  # curated_seurat_object.list <- lapply(X = curated_seurat_object.list, FUN = SCTransform, method = "glmGamPoi")
  # features <- SelectIntegrationFeatures(object.list = curated_seurat_object.list, nfeatures = 2000)
  # curated_seurat_object.list <- PrepSCTIntegration(object.list = curated_seurat_object.list, anchor.features = features)
  # curated_seurat_object.list <- lapply(X = curated_seurat_object.list, FUN = RunPCA, features = features)
  # if ( length(curated_seurat_object.list) > 1){
  #   anchors <- FindIntegrationAnchors(object.list = curated_seurat_object.list, normalization.method = "SCT",
  #                                     anchor.features = features, dims = 1:30, reduction = "rpca", k.anchor = 20)
  #   seurat.combined.sct <- IntegrateData(anchorset = anchors, normalization.method = "SCT", dims = 1:30)
  #   seurat.combined.sct <- RunPCA(seurat.combined.sct, verbose = FALSE)
  #   scRef <- RunUMAP(seurat.combined.sct, reduction = "pca", dims = 1:30)
  #   qs::qsave(scRef,cached_curated_ref_data)
  # } else {
  #   # If there is only one element in the list(only one donor)
  #   scRef <- curated_seurat_object.list[[1]]
  #   scRef <- RunPCA(scRef, verbose = FALSE)
  #   scRef <- RunUMAP(scRef, reduction = "pca", dims = 1:30)
  #   qs::qsave(scRef,cached_curated_ref_data)
  # }
  scRef <- Reduce(function(x, y) merge(x, y), curated_seurat_object.list)
  scRef <- NormalizeData(scRef)
  scRef <- FindVariableFeatures(scRef, selection.method = "vst", nfeatures = 2000)
  #scRef <- SCTransform(scRef,assay = "RNA", new.assay.name = "SCT")
  scRef <- ScaleData(scRef)
  scRef <- RunPCA(scRef, features = VariableFeatures(scRef))
  if (length(unique(scRef$donor_id)) > 1){
    scRef <- RunHarmony(scRef, "donor_id",assay.use="RNA")
    scRef <- RunUMAP(scRef, reduction = "harmony", dims = 1:30)
    scRef[['harmony2']] <- CreateDimReducObject(embeddings = scRef[['harmony']]@cell.embeddings,
                                                key = "harmony2_", 
                                                loadings = scRef[['pca']]@feature.loadings, 
                                                assay = "RNA")
  } else{
    scRef <- RunUMAP(scRef, reduction = "pca", dims = 1:30)


uzh/ezRun documentation built on Dec. 26, 2024, 9:53 a.m.