
Defines functions consensusPeaks .getProfileMatrixForRanges .getAvgProfileByOrientation .getRleFromRanges .ezSequenceFromRanges subSampleRle computeRangeStats getRangeValues expandGRanges

Documented in computeRangeStats consensusPeaks expandGRanges getRangeValues subSampleRle

# Functional Genomics Center Zurich
# This code is distributed under the terms of the GNU General
# Public License Version 3, June 2007.
# The terms are available here: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
# www.fgcz.ch

##' @title Expands genomic ranges
##' @description Expands genomic ranges of a GRanges object. All ranges will be expanded at both ends by \code{width}.
##' @param x an object of the class GRanges.
##' @param width an integer specifying how much to expand the ranges.
##' @template roxygen-template
##' @seealso \code{\link[GenomicRanges]{GRanges}}
##' @return Returns an expanded GRanges object.
##' @examples
##' x = GRanges(c("chr1", "chr1", "chr2"), IRanges(5000:5002, 8000:8002), strand=c("+", "-", "+"))
##' expandGRanges(x)
expandGRanges = function(x, width=2000){
  sl = seqlengths(x)
  sl[is.na(sl)] = Inf
  start(x) = pmax(start(x) - width, 1)
  end(x) = pmin(end(x) + width, sl[as.character(seqnames(x))], na.rm=TRUE)

##' @title Gets the values of genomic ranges
##' @description Gets the values of genomic ranges
##' @param cov an object of the class RleList.
##' @param targetRanges an object of the class GRanges.
##' @param doRev a logical vector indicating whether to reverse ranges. Usually derived from \code{targetRanges}.
##' @param asMatrix a logical indicating whether to return the values as a matrix.
##' @template roxygen-template
##' @seealso \code{\link[IRanges]{RleViewsList}}
##' @seealso \code{\link[IRanges]{viewApply}}
##' @return Returns the values or a matrix containing them.
getRangeValues = function(cov, targetRanges, doRev=as.character(strand(targetRanges)) == "-", asMatrix=TRUE){
  names(targetRanges) = 1:length(targetRanges)
  rgs = ranges(RangedData(targetRanges))
  #stopifnot(setequal(names(cov), names(rgs)))
  targetViews = RleViewsList(rleList=cov[names(rgs)], rangesList=rgs)  ###
  targetVal = viewApply(targetViews, function(x){as.vector(x)}, simplify=FALSE)
  idx = match(names(targetRanges), names(unlist(targetViews, use.names=FALSE)))
  values = unlist(targetVal)@listData[idx]
  if (any(doRev)){
    values[doRev] = lapply(values[doRev], rev)
  if (asMatrix){
    profMatrix  = t(as.matrix(as.data.frame(values)))
    rownames(profMatrix) = names(targetRanges)
  } else {

##' @title Computes stats of genomic ranges
##' @description Computes stats of genomic ranges.
##' @param cov an object of the class RleList.
##' @param targetRanges an object of the class GRanges.
##' @param FUN a function to apply to the views.
##' @template roxygen-template
##' @seealso \code{\link[IRanges]{RleViewsList}}
##' @seealso \code{\link[IRanges]{viewApply}}
##' @return Returns the computed values belonging to their genomic ranges.
computeRangeStats = function(cov, targetRanges, FUN=mean){
  rgs = ranges(RangedData(targetRanges))
  targetViews = RleViewsList(rleList=cov[names(rgs)], rangesList=rgs)  ###
  targetVal = viewApply(targetViews, FUN)
  values = unlist(targetVal)
  names(values) = names(targetRanges)

##' @title Subsets an Rle object
##' @description Subsets an Rle object.
##' @param x an object of the class Rle.
##' @param idx an integer vector specifying which indices to keep.
##' @template roxygen-template
##' @return Returns a subset of an Rle object as an integer or numeric vector.
##' @examples
##' rleobj = Rle(c(1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 2, 2))
##' subSampleRle(rleobj, 1:8)
subSampleRle = function(x, idx){

.ezSequenceFromRanges = function(granges, chromSeqs){
  stopifnot(unique(seqnames(granges)) %in% names(chromSeqs))
  ## TODO implement according to the example in p1432/funcs-v30.r

.getRleFromRanges = function(x, r){
  rle = mapply(function(start, end, x) window(x, start=start, end=end),
               start(r), end(r), MoreArgs=list(x=x), SIMPLIFY = FALSE )
  names(rle) = names(r)
  isNeg = as.character(strand(r)) == "-"
  rle[isNeg] = lapply(rle[isNeg], rev)

.getAvgProfileByOrientation = function(readRanges, targetRanges){
  covPos = coverage(readRanges[as.character(strand(readRanges)) == "+"])
  covNeg = coverage(readRanges[as.character(strand(readRanges)) == "-"])
  targetProfilesPos = getRangeValues(covPos, targetRanges)
  targetProfilesNeg = getRangeValues(covNeg, targetRanges)
  targetStrand = as.character(strand(targetRanges))
  stopifnot(targetStrand %in% c("+", "-"))
  isPosTarget =  targetStrand == "+"
  forw = (colSums(targetProfilesPos[isPosTarget, ]) + colSums(targetProfilesNeg[!isPosTarget, ])) /length(isPosTarget)
  rev = (colSums(targetProfilesPos[!isPosTarget, ]) + colSums(targetProfilesNeg[isPosTarget, ])) /length(isPosTarget)
  return(list(forw=forw, rev=rev))

.getProfileMatrixForRanges = function(targetRanges, cov, xPos, idx=NULL){
  targetRangesList = split(targetRanges, seqnames(targetRanges))
  profiles = unlist(mapply(.getRleFromRanges, cov[names(targetRangesList)],
                           targetRangesList, SIMPLIFY=FALSE))
  names(profiles) = sub(".*?\\.", "", names(profiles))
  if (!is.null(idx)){
    profMatrix = t(sapply(profiles, subSampleRle, idx)) ## TODO: idx should be defined before the if or be passed as an argument.
  } else {
    ## xPos have to be quantiles
    profLength = sapply(profiles, length)
    idxFrame = as.data.frame(round(xPos %o% profLength))
    profMatrix = t(mapply(subSampleRle, profiles, idxFrame))
  colnames(profMatrix) = as.character(xPos)

### Get the consensus peaks from a list of peaks
consensusPeaks <- function(x){
  if(!is(x, "GRangesList"))
    stop("x must be a GRangesList object.")
  if(length(x) == 1L){
  if(length(x) > 2){
  gr1 <- x[[1]]
  gr2 <- x[[2]]
  hits <- findOverlaps(gr1, gr2)
  grPairs <- Pairs(first=gr1, second=gr2, hits=hits)
  intersectedGR <- pintersect(first(grPairs), second(grPairs))
  toKeep <- width(intersectedGR) / width(first(grPairs)) > 0.5 |
              width(intersectedGR) / width(second(grPairs)) > 0.5
uzh/ezRun documentation built on April 24, 2024, 4:01 p.m.