
Defines functions runWebgestaltGSEA makeWebgestaltFiles makeResultFile addResultFileSE addResultFile getSignificantFoldChangeCountsTableSE getSignificantFoldChangeCountsTable getSignificantCountsTableSE getSignificantCountsTable makeSignificantCounts makeCountResultSummary writeErrorReport ezGrid ezFlexTable ezImageFileLink ezLink

Documented in addResultFile ezFlexTable ezGrid ezImageFileLink writeErrorReport

# Functional Genomics Center Zurich
# This code is distributed under the terms of the GNU General
# Public License Version 3, June 2007.
# The terms are available here: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
# www.fgcz.ch

ezLink <- function(link, label = link, target = "", type = "") {
  linkTag <- paste0("<a href='", link, "'")
  if (target != "") {
    linkTag <- paste0(linkTag, " target='", target, "'")
  if (type != "") {
    linkTag <- paste0(linkTag, " type='", type, "'")
  linkTag <- paste0(linkTag, ">")
  paste0(linkTag, label, "</a>")

# how to add help text? for each plot separately or not?
##' @title Gets an image link as html
##' @description Gets an image link as html. Also plots and creates the image.
##' @param plotCmd an expression of plot commands.
##' @param file a character specifying the name of the image with a .png suffix.
##' @param name a character specifying the name of the image together with \code{plotType}, if \code{file} is null.
##' @param plotType a character specifying the name of the image together with \code{name}, if \code{file} is null.
##' @param mouseOverText a character specifying the text being displayed when mousing over the image.
##' @param addPdfLink a logical indicating whether to add a link on the image to a pdf version of itself.
##' @param width an integer specifying the width of each plot to create an image from.
##' @param height an integer specifying the height of each plot to create an image from.
##' @param ppi an integer specifying points per inch.
##' @param envir the environment to evaluate \code{plotCmd} in.
##' @template roxygen-template
##' @return Returns a character specifying a link to an image in html.
##' @examples
##' x = 1:10
##' plotCmd = expression({
##'   plot(x)
##'   text(2,1, "my Text")
##' })
##' ezImageFileLink(plotCmd)
ezImageFileLink <- function(plotCmd, file = NULL, name = "imagePlot", plotType = "plot", mouseOverText = "my mouse over",
                            addPdfLink = TRUE, width = 480, height = 480, ppi = 72, envir = parent.frame()) {
  if (is.null(file)) {
    file <- paste0(name, "-", plotType, ".png")
  png(file, width = width, height = height)
  eval(plotCmd, envir = envir)
  imgFilePot <- paste0("<span><img src='", file, "' title='", mouseOverText, "'/></span>")
  if (addPdfLink) {
    pdfName <- sub(".png$", ".pdf", file)
    pdf(file = pdfName, width = width / ppi, height = height / ppi)
    eval(plotCmd, envir = envir)
    imgFilePot <- paste0("<a href='", pdfName, "'>", imgFilePot, "</a>")

##' @title Wrapper for \code{FlexTable()}
##' @description Wraps \code{FlexTable()} with defaults to remove the cell header and cell borders.
##' @param x a matrix or data.frame to turn into an object of the class FlexTable.
##' @param border an integer specifying the width of the table borders.
##' @param valign "bottom", "middle" or "top" specifying the position of table cell contents.
##' @param talign "left", "middle" or "right" specifying the position of text within the cells.
##' @param header.columns a logical indicating whether to use a header for the table.
##' @template addargs-template
##' @templateVar fun FlexTable()
##' @template roxygen-template
##' @seealso \code{\link[ReporteRs]{FlexTable}}
##' @return Returns an object of the class FlexTable.
##' @examples
##' ezFlexTable(data.frame(a=1:5, b=11:15))
ezFlexTable <- function(x, border = 1, valign = "top", talign = "left", header.columns = FALSE, ...) {
  if (!is.data.frame(x) & !is.matrix(x)) {
    x <- ezFrame(x)
  bodyCells <- cellProperties(border.width = border, padding = 2, vertical.align = valign)
  bodyPars <- parProperties(text.align = talign)
  headerCells <- cellProperties(border.width = border, padding = 2)
    body.cell.props = bodyCells, body.par.props = bodyPars,
    header.cell.props = headerCells,
    header.columns = header.columns, ...

##' @describeIn ezFlexTable A flex table without borders.
ezGrid <- function(x, header.columns = FALSE, valign = "top", ...) {
  if (!is.data.frame(x) & !is.matrix(x)) {
    x <- ezFrame(x)
    body.cell.props = cellProperties(border.width = 0, vertical.align = valign),
    header.cell.props = cellProperties(border.width = 0),
    header.columns = header.columns, ...

### -----------------------------------------------------------------
### create error report with Rmd
writeErrorReport <- function(htmlFile, param = param, error = "Unknown Error") {
  ## Copy the style files and templates
  styleFiles <- file.path(
    system.file("templates", package = "ezRun"),
      "fgcz.css", "ErrorReport.Rmd",
      "fgcz_header.html", "banner.png"
  file.copy(from = styleFiles, to = ".", overwrite = TRUE)
    input = "ErrorReport.Rmd", envir = new.env(),
    output_dir = ".", output_file = htmlFile, quiet = TRUE

makeCountResultSummary <- function(param, se) {
  settings <- character()
  settings["Analysis:"] <- metadata(se)$analysis
  settings["Reference:"] = param$refBuild
  settings["Feature level:"] <- metadata(se)$featureLevel
  settings["Data Column Used:"] <- metadata(se)$countName
  settings["Method:"] <- metadata(se)$method
  if (ezIsSpecified(param$sampleGroupBaseline) && 
      ezIsSpecified(param$refGroupBaseline)) {
    settings["Baseline correction:"] <- str_c(param$sampleGroupBaseline, "and",
      sep = " "
  settings["Comparison:"] <- param$comparison
  if (!is.null(param$normMethod)) {
    settings["Normalization:"] <- param$normMethod
  if (!is.null(param$deTest)) {
    settings["Differential expression test:"] <- param$deTest
  if (param$useSigThresh) {
    settings["Log2 signal threshold:"] <- signif(log2(param$sigThresh), digits = 4)
    settings["Linear signal threshold:"] <- signif(param$sigThresh, digits = 4)

makeSignificantCounts <- function(se, pThresh = c(0.1, 0.05, 1 / 10^(2:5))) {
  sigTable <- getSignificantCountsTableSE(se, pThresh = pThresh)
  sigFcTable <- getSignificantFoldChangeCountsTableSE(se, pThresh = pThresh)
  return(as.data.frame(cbind(sigTable, sigFcTable)))

##' @describeIn addSignificantCounts Gets the table containing the significant counts.
getSignificantCountsTable <- function(result, pThresh = 1 / 10^(1:5), genes = NULL) {
  sigTable <- ezMatrix(NA, rows = paste("p <", pThresh), cols = c("#significants", "FDR"))
  for (i in 1:length(pThresh)) {
    isSig <- result$pValue < pThresh[i] & result$usedInTest == 1
    if (is.null(genes)) {
      sigTable[i, "#significants"] <- sum(isSig, na.rm = TRUE)
    } else {
      sigTable[i, "#significants"] <- length(na.omit(unique(genes[isSig])))
    if (sigTable[i, "#significants"] > 0) {
      sigTable[i, "FDR"] <- signif(max(result$fdr[isSig], na.rm = TRUE), digits = 4)

getSignificantCountsTableSE <- function(se, pThresh = 1 / 10^(1:5), genes = NULL) {
  sigTable <- ezMatrix(NA, rows = paste("p <", pThresh), cols = c("#significants", "FDR"))
  for (i in 1:length(pThresh)) {
    isSig <- rowData(se)$pValue < pThresh[i] & rowData(se)$usedInTest == 1
    if (is.null(genes)) {
      sigTable[i, "#significants"] <- sum(isSig, na.rm = TRUE)
    } else {
      sigTable[i, "#significants"] <- length(na.omit(unique(genes[isSig])))
    if (sigTable[i, "#significants"] > 0) {
      sigTable[i, "FDR"] <- signif(max(rowData(se)$fdr[isSig], na.rm = TRUE),
        digits = 4

##' @describeIn addSignificantCounts Gets the table containing the significant fold change counts.
getSignificantFoldChangeCountsTable <- function(result, pThresh = 1 / 10^(1:5),
                                                fcThresh = c(1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 8, 10),
                                                genes = NULL) {

  ## counts the significant entries
  ## if genes is given counts the number of different genes that are significant
  if (!is.null(result$log2Ratio)) {
    fc <- 2^abs(result$log2Ratio)
  } else {
    fc <- 2^abs(result$log2Effect)

  sigFcTable <- ezMatrix(NA, rows = paste("p <", pThresh), cols = paste("fc >=", fcThresh))
  for (i in 1:length(pThresh)) {
    for (j in 1:length(fcThresh)) {
      isSig <- result$pValue < pThresh[i] & result$usedInTest == 1 & fc >= fcThresh[j]
      if (is.null(genes)) {
        sigFcTable[i, j] <- sum(isSig, na.rm = TRUE)
      } else {
        sigFcTable[i, j] <- length(unique(na.omit(genes[isSig])))

getSignificantFoldChangeCountsTableSE <- function(se, pThresh = 1 / 10^(1:5),
                                                  fcThresh = c(1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 8, 10),
                                                  genes = NULL) {

  ## counts the significant entries
  ## if genes is given counts the number of different genes that are significant
  if (!is.null(rowData(se)$log2Ratio)) {
    fc <- 2^abs(rowData(se)$log2Ratio)
  } else {
    fc <- 2^abs(rowData(se)$log2Effect)

  sigFcTable <- ezMatrix(NA, rows = paste("p <", pThresh), cols = paste("fc >=", fcThresh))
  for (i in 1:length(pThresh)) {
    for (j in 1:length(fcThresh)) {
      isSig <- rowData(se)$pValue < pThresh[i] & rowData(se)$usedInTest == 1 &
        fc >= fcThresh[j]
      if (is.null(genes)) {
        sigFcTable[i, j] <- sum(isSig, na.rm = TRUE)
      } else {
        sigFcTable[i, j] <- length(unique(na.omit(genes[isSig])))

##' @title Adds a result file
##' @description Adds a result file in text format or zipped.
##' @template doc-template
##' @templateVar object result
##' @param param a list of parameters that pastes the \code{comparison} into the file name and does a zip file if \code{doZip} is true.
##' @template result-template
##' @template rawData-template
##' @param useInOutput a logical specifying whether to use most of the result information.
##' @param file a character representing the name of the result file.
##' @template roxygen-template
##' @return Returns the name of the result file.
addResultFile <- function(doc, param, result, rawData, useInOutput = TRUE,
                          file = paste0("result--", param$comparison, ".txt")) {
  seqAnno <- rawData$seqAnno
  probes <- names(result$pValue)[useInOutput]
  y <- data.frame(row.names = probes, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, check.names = FALSE)
  y[, colnames(seqAnno)] <- sapply(seqAnno[match(probes, rownames(seqAnno)), ], as.character)
  y$"log2 Signal" <- result$log2Expr[useInOutput]
  y$"isPresent" <- result$isPresentProbe[useInOutput]
  y$"log2 Ratio" <- result$log2Ratio[useInOutput]
  y$"gfold (log2 Change)" <- result$gfold[useInOutput]
  y$"log2 Effect" <- result$log2Effect[useInOutput]
  y$"probesetCount" <- result$nProbes[useInOutput]
  y$"presentProbesetCount" <- result$nPresentProbes[useInOutput]
  y$ratio <- result$ratio[useInOutput]
  y$pValue <- result$pValue[useInOutput]
  y$fdr <- result$fdr[useInOutput]
  for (nm in grep("Tukey pValue", names(result), value = TRUE)) {
    y[[nm]] <- result[[nm]][useInOutput]
  if (!is.null(result$groupMeans)) {
    groupMeans <- result$groupMeans[useInOutput, ]
    colnames(groupMeans) <- paste("log2 Avg of", colnames(groupMeans))
    y <- data.frame(y, groupMeans, check.names = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  if (!is.null(result$xNorm)) {
    yy <- result$xNorm[useInOutput, ]
    colnames(yy) <- paste(colnames(yy), "[normalized count]")
    y <- cbind(y, yy)
  yy <- getRpkm(rawData)[useInOutput, ]
  if (!is.null(yy)) {
    colnames(yy) <- paste(colnames(yy), "[FPKM]")
    y <- cbind(y, yy)
  y <- y[order(y$fdr, y$pValue), ]
  if (!is.null(y$featWidth)) {
    y$featWidth <- as.integer(y$featWidth)
  if (!is.null(y$gc)) {
    y$gc <- as.numeric(y$gc)
  ezWrite.table(y, file = file, head = "Identifier", digits = 4)
  addParagraph(doc, paste(
    "Full result table for opening with a spreadsheet program (e.g. Excel: when",
    "opening with Excel, make sure that the Gene symbols are loaded into a",
    "column formatted as 'text' that prevents conversion of the symbols to dates):"
  addTxtLinksToReport(doc, file, param$doZip)
  useInInteractiveTable <- c("gene_name", "type", "description", "width", "gc", "isPresent", "log2 Ratio", "pValue", "fdr")
  useInInteractiveTable <- intersect(useInInteractiveTable, colnames(y))
  tableLink <- sub(".txt", "-viewTopSignificantGenes.html", file)
  ezInteractiveTable(head(y[, useInInteractiveTable, drop = FALSE], param$maxTableRows),
    tableLink = tableLink, digits = 3,
    title = paste("Showing the", param$maxTableRows, "most significant genes")
  return(list(resultFile = file))

addResultFileSE <- function(doc, param, se, useInOutput = TRUE,
                            file = paste0("result--", param$comparison, ".txt")) {
  se <- se[useInOutput, ]
  y <- data.frame(rowData(se),
    row.names = rownames(se),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE, check.names = FALSE
  y$"isPresent" <- y$isPresentProbe
  y$isPresentProbe <- NULL
  y$"log2 Ratio" <- y$log2Ratio
  y$log2Ratio <- NULL
  y$"gfold (log2 Change)" <- y$gfold
  y$gfold <- NULL
  y$usedInTest <- NULL ## don't output usedInTest.

  # We don't export this groupMeans to result file
  # if (!is.null(result$groupMeans)){
  #  groupMeans = result$groupMeans[useInOutput, ]
  #  colnames(groupMeans) = paste("log2 Avg of", colnames(groupMeans))
  #  y = data.frame(y, groupMeans, check.names=FALSE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  # }

  if (!is.null(assays(se)$xNorm)) {
    yy <- assays(se)$xNorm
    colnames(yy) <- paste(colnames(yy), "[normalized count]")
    y <- cbind(y, yy)
  yy <- getRpkm(se)
  if (!is.null(yy)) {
    colnames(yy) <- paste(colnames(yy), "[FPKM]")
    y <- cbind(y, yy)
  y <- y[order(y$fdr, y$pValue), ]
  if (!is.null(y$featWidth)) {
    ## This is to round the with after averaging the transcript lengths
    y$featWidth <- as.integer(y$featWidth)

  ezWrite.table(y, file = file, head = "Identifier", digits = 4)
  addParagraph(doc, paste(
    "Full result table for opening with a spreadsheet program (e.g. Excel: when",
    "opening with Excel, make sure that the Gene symbols are loaded into a",
    "column formatted as 'text' that prevents conversion of the symbols to dates):"
  addTxtLinksToReport(doc, file, param$doZip)
  useInInteractiveTable <- c("gene_name", "type", "description", "width", "gc", "isPresent", "log2 Ratio", "pValue", "fdr")
  useInInteractiveTable <- intersect(useInInteractiveTable, colnames(y))
  tableLink <- sub(".txt", "-viewTopSignificantGenes.html", file)
  ezInteractiveTable(head(y[, useInInteractiveTable, drop = FALSE], param$maxTableRows),
    tableLink = tableLink, digits = 3,
    title = paste("Showing the", param$maxTableRows, "most significant genes")
  return(list(resultFile = file))

makeResultFile <- function(param, se, useInOutput = TRUE,
                           file = paste0("result--", param$comparison, ".xlsx")) {
  require(DT, quietly = TRUE)
  se <- se[useInOutput, ]
  y <- data.frame(rowData(se),
    row.names = rownames(se),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE, check.names = FALSE
  ) %>% as_tibble()
  y <- bind_cols(y, as_tibble(granges(rowRanges(se))))
  y <- y %>%
      isPresent = isPresentProbe,
      "log2 Ratio" = log2Ratio
    ) %>%
  if (has_name(y, "gfold")) {
    y <- y %>% rename("gfold (log2 Change)" = gfold)

  if ("xNorm" %in% names(assays(se))) {
    yy <- assays(se)$xNorm %>% as_tibble()
    yy <- rename_with(yy, ~ str_c(.x, "[normalized count]", sep = " "))
    y <- bind_cols(y, yy)

  yy <- getRpkm(se) %>% as_tibble()
  yy <- rename_with(yy, ~ str_c(.x, "[FPKM]", sep = " "))
  y <- bind_cols(y, yy)

  if (has_name(y, "featWidth")) {
    y <- y %>% mutate(featWidth = as.integer(featWidth))
  y <- arrange(y, fdr, pValue)
  write_xlsx(y, path = file)

  ans <- list()
  ans$resultFile <- file

  ## Interactive gene tables
  useInInteractiveTable <- c(
    "gene_name", "type", "description", "featWidth", "gc",
    "isPresent", "log2 Ratio", "pValue", "fdr"
  useInInteractiveTable <- intersect(useInInteractiveTable, colnames(y))
  tableLink <- str_replace(file, "\\.xlsx$", "-viewTopSignificantGenes.html")

  tableDT <- ezInteractiveTableRmd(dplyr::select(y, all_of(useInInteractiveTable)) %>%
  digits = 3,
  title = str_c("Showing the", param$maxTableRows,
    "most significant genes",
    sep = " "
  DT::saveWidget(tableDT, tableLink)
  ans$resultHtml <- tableLink

makeWebgestaltFiles <- function(param, resultFile) {
  fileNames <- list()
  result <- read_excel(resultFile)
  comparison <- basename(resultFile) %>%
    str_replace("^result--", "") %>%
    str_replace("\\.xlsx$", "")

  write_tsv(result %>% filter(isPresent) %>% dplyr::select(1),
    str_c("ORA_BG_Webgestalt_", comparison, ".txt"),
    col_names = FALSE
  write_tsv(result %>% dplyr::select(1, `log2 Ratio`),
    str_c("GSEA_Input_log2FC_Webgestalt_", comparison, ".rnk"),
    col_names = FALSE
  write_tsv(result %>% filter(isPresent) %>%
    mutate(GSEA_pVal = sign(`log2 Ratio`) * -log10(pValue)) %>%
    dplyr::select(1, GSEA_pVal),
  str_c("GSEA_Input_pVal_Webgestalt_", comparison, ".rnk"),
  col_names = FALSE
  write_tsv(result %>% filter(
    isPresent, pValue < param[["pValueHighlightThresh"]],
    `log2 Ratio` >= param[["log2RatioHighlightThresh"]]
  ) %>%
  str_c("ORA_Up_Webgestalt_", comparison, ".txt"),
  col_names = FALSE
  write_tsv(result %>% filter(
    isPresent, pValue < param[["pValueHighlightThresh"]],
    `log2 Ratio` <= -1 * param[["log2RatioHighlightThresh"]]
  ) %>%
  str_c("ORA_Down_Webgestalt_", comparison, ".txt"),
  col_names = FALSE
  write_tsv(result %>% filter(
    isPresent, pValue < param[["pValueHighlightThresh"]],
    abs(`log2 Ratio`) >= param[["log2RatioHighlightThresh"]]
  ) %>%
  str_c("ORA_Both_Webgestalt_", comparison, ".txt"),
  col_names = FALSE

runWebgestaltGSEA <- function(param, rnkFile) {
  outputDirectory <- file.path(getwd(), "Webgestalt/GSEA_Results")
  system(paste("mkdir -p", outputDirectory))
  speciesName <- limma::strsplit2(param$ezRef["refBuild"], "/")[1]
  organism <- paste0(tolower(substr(speciesName, 1, 1)), sub(".*_", "", speciesName))
  myEnrichDatabases <- c(
  myEnrichDatabases <- intersect(listGeneSet(organism = organism)$name, myEnrichDatabases)
  if (length(intersect(organism, listOrganism())) == 1) {
    for (i in 1:length(myEnrichDatabases)) {
      projectName <- paste(myEnrichDatabases[i], sub("^GSEA_Input_", "", sub(".rnk", "", basename(rnkFile))), sep = "_")
      enrichResult <- WebGestaltR(
        enrichMethod = "GSEA", organism = organism,
        enrichDatabase = myEnrichDatabases[i], interestGeneFile = rnkFile,
        interestGeneType = "ensembl_gene_id", collapseMethod = "mean", reportNum = 30, fdrThr = 0.1, topThr = 30,
        isOutput = TRUE, outputDirectory = outputDirectory, projectName = projectName, nThreads = param$cores
uzh/ezRun documentation built on April 24, 2024, 4:01 p.m.