
Defines functions runLimma runGlm runEdger runDeseq2 twoGroupCountComparison cleanupTwoGroupsInput

Documented in cleanupTwoGroupsInput runDeseq2 runEdger runGlm twoGroupCountComparison

# Functional Genomics Center Zurich
# This code is distributed under the terms of the GNU General
# Public License Version 3, June 2007.
# The terms are available here: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
# www.fgcz.ch

##' @title Cleans up input from two group apps
##' @description Cleans up input from two group apps.
##' @template input-template
##' @param param a list of parameters to use or clean up.
##' @template roxygen-template
##' @return Returns an object of the class EzDataset that is the modified \code{input}.
cleanupTwoGroupsInput <- function(input, param) {
  dataset <- input$meta
  if (param$useFactorsAsSampleName) {
    dataset$Name <- rownames(dataset)
    rownames(dataset) <- addReplicate(apply(ezDesignFromDataset(dataset, param), 1, paste, collapse = "_"))
  inputMod <- EzDataset(meta = dataset, dataRoot = param$dataRoot)
  if (!is.null(param$removeOtherGroups) && param$removeOtherGroups) {
    grouping <- inputMod$getColumn(param$grouping)
    keep <- grouping %in% c(param$sampleGroup, param$refGroup)
    inputMod <- inputMod$subset(keep)

## TODO: add runLimma function.
##' @title Compares the counts of two groups
##' @description Compares the counts of two groups with the option to choose from several methods to test them.
##' @template rawData-template
##' @param param a list of parameters:
##' \itemize{
##'   \item{testMethod}{ defines the method to run: deseq2, exactTest, glm, sam or limma. Defaults to glm.}
##'   \item{grouping}{ a character specifying the grouping.}
##'   \item{grouping2}{ a character vector specifying a secondary grouping.}
##'   \item{sampleGroup}{ a character specifying the group to sample.}
##'   \item{refGroup}{ a character specifying the reference group.}
##'   \item{normMethod}{ a character specifying the normalization method for the edger and glm test methods.}
##'   \item{runGfold}{ a logical indicating whether to run Gfold.}
##' }
##' @template roxygen-template
##' @return Returns a list containing the results of the comparison.
twoGroupCountComparison <- function(rawData) {
  x <- assays(rawData)$counts
  param <- metadata(rawData)$param
  presentFlag <- assays(rawData)$presentFlag
  job <- ezJobStart("twoGroupCountComparison")
  metadata(rawData)$analysis <- "NGS two group analysis"
  if (is.null(param$testMethod)) {
    param$testMethod <- "glm"
    metadata(rawData)$param <- param
  if (param$testMethod != "glm") {
    ## deTest option is only for glm method.
    param$deTest <- NULL
    metadata(rawData)$param <- param

  metadata(rawData)$method <- param$testMethod

  if (ezIsSpecified(param$grouping2)) {
    if (param$testMethod %in% c("glm", "limma", "deseq2")) {
      metadata(rawData)$method <- paste(
        "using two factors"
    } else {
      return(list(error = paste("Second factor only supported for the test methods glm, sam and deseq2")))

  isSample <- param$grouping == param$sampleGroup
  isRef <- param$grouping == param$refGroup
  ## compute which probes are present
  isPresent <- ezPresentFlags(x,
    presentFlag = presentFlag, param = param,
    isLog = FALSE
  useProbe <- logical(nrow(x))
  useProbe[rowMeans(isPresent[, isRef, drop = FALSE]) >= 0.5] <- TRUE
  useProbe[rowMeans(isPresent[, isSample, drop = FALSE]) >= 0.5] <- TRUE
  rowData(rawData)$isPresentProbe <- useProbe
  assays(rawData)$isPresent <- isPresent

  res <- switch(param$testMethod,
    deseq2 = runDeseq2(round(x), param$sampleGroup, param$refGroup,
      grouping2 = param$grouping2,
      isPresent = useProbe,
      cooksCutoff = ezIsSpecified(param$cooksCutoff) && param$cooksCutoff
    exactTest = runEdger(round(x), param$sampleGroup, param$refGroup,
      param$grouping, param$normMethod,
      priorCount = param$backgroundExpression
    glm = runGlm(round(x),
                 sampleGroup = param$sampleGroup,
                 refGroup = param$refGroup,
                 grouping = param$grouping,
                 normMethod = param$normMethod,
                 grouping2 = param$grouping2,
                 priorCount = param$backgroundExpression,
                 deTest = param$deTest,
                 robust = ezIsSpecified(param$robust) && param$robust
    limma = runLimma(x, param$sampleGroup, param$refGroup,
      grouping2 = param$grouping2,
      priorCount = param$priorCount,
      modelMethod = param$modelMethod
    stop("unsupported testMethod: ", param$testMethod)
  pValue <- res$pval
  pValue[is.na(pValue)] <- 1
  useProbe[is.na(useProbe)] <- FALSE
  fdr <- rep(NA, length(pValue))
  fdr[useProbe] <- p.adjust(pValue[useProbe], method = "fdr")
  rowData(rawData)$log2Ratio <- res$log2FoldChange
  colData(rawData)$sf <- res$sf
  rowData(rawData)$pValue <- pValue
  rowData(rawData)$fdr <- fdr
  rowData(rawData)$usedInTest <- useProbe
  metadata(rawData)$nativeResult <- res
  assays(rawData)$xNorm <- ezScaleColumns(x, colData(rawData)$sf)

  ezWriteElapsed(job, status = "done")
  metadata(rawData)$summary <- c(
    "Name" = param$name,
    "Reference Build" = param$refBuild,
    "Feature Level" = metadata(rawData)$featureLevel,
    "Normalization" = param$normMethod

  seqAnno <- data.frame(rowData(rawData),
                        row.names = rownames(rawData), check.names = FALSE)
  if (doGo(param, seqAnno)) {
    metadata(rawData)$enrichInput <- compileEnrichmentInput(param, rawData)
    metadata(rawData)$enrichResult <- ezEnricher(metadata(rawData)$enrichInput, param)
    metadata(rawData)$enrichResultGSEA <- ezGSEA(metadata(rawData)$enrichInput, param)

##' @describeIn twoGroupCountComparison Runs the Deseq2 test method.
runDeseq2 <- function(x, sampleGroup, refGroup, grouping, grouping2 = NULL,
                      isPresent = NULL, cooksCutoff = FALSE) {
  ## get size factors -- grouping2 not needed
  colData <- data.frame(
    grouping = as.factor(grouping),
    row.names = colnames(x)
  dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(
    countData = x, colData = colData,
    design = ~grouping
  dds <- estimateSizeFactors(dds, controlGenes = isPresent)
  sf <- 1 / dds@colData$sizeFactor

  ## remove the samples that do not participate in the comparison
  isSample <- grouping == sampleGroup
  isRef <- grouping == refGroup
  grouping <- grouping[isSample | isRef]
  x <- x[, isSample | isRef]
  if (ezIsSpecified(grouping2)) {
    grouping2 <- grouping2[isSample | isRef]
  ## run the analysis
  if (ezIsSpecified(grouping2)) {
    colData <- data.frame(
      grouping = as.factor(grouping), grouping2 = grouping2,
      row.names = colnames(x)
    colData$grouping <- factor(x = colData$grouping, 
                               levels = c(refGroup, sampleGroup))
    dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(
      countData = x, colData = colData,
      design = ~ grouping + grouping2
  } else {
    colData <- data.frame(
      grouping = as.factor(grouping), row.names = colnames(x)
    colData$grouping <- factor(x = colData$grouping, 
                               levels = c(refGroup, sampleGroup))
    dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(
      countData = x, colData = colData,
      design = ~grouping
  dds <- estimateSizeFactors(dds, controlGenes = isPresent)
  dds <- DESeq(dds, quiet = FALSE, minReplicatesForReplace = Inf)
  res <- results(dds,
    contrast = c("grouping", sampleGroup, refGroup),
    cooksCutoff = cooksCutoff
  res <- as.list(res)
  res$sf <- sf
  res$dds = dds

##' @describeIn twoGroupCountComparison Runs the EdgeR test method.
runEdger <- function(x, sampleGroup, refGroup, grouping, normMethod,
                     priorCount = 0.125) {
  cds <- DGEList(counts = x, group = grouping)
  cds <- calcNormFactors(cds, method = normMethod)
  sf <- 1 / (cds$samples$norm.factors * cds$samples$lib.size)
  sf <- sf / ezGeomean(sf)
  # sf = ezLogmeanScalingFactor(x, presentFlag=x>0)
  if (sum(grouping == refGroup) >= 2 & sum(grouping == sampleGroup) >= 2) {
    cds <- estimateDisp(cds)
  } else {
    cds$common.dispersion <- 0.1
  et <- exactTest(cds, pair = c(refGroup, sampleGroup), prior.count = priorCount)

  res <- list()
  res$id <- rownames(et$table)
  res$log2FoldChange <- et$table$logFC
  res$pval <- et$table$PValue
  # res$log2Expr = et$table$logCPM
  res$sf <- sf
  ## the following should be double checked
  ## do not return the groupMeans now
  #   res$groupMeans = log2(cbind(apply(cds$counts[ , grouping == sampleGroup, drop=FALSE], 1, mean),
  #                          apply(cds$counts[ , grouping == refGroup, drop=FALSE], 1, mean)))
  #   colnames(res$groupMeans) = c(sampleGroup, refGroup)
  #   rownames(res$groupMeans) = res$id


##' @describeIn twoGroupCountComparison Runs the Glm test method.
runGlm <- function(x, sampleGroup, refGroup, grouping,
                   sampleGroupBaseline=NULL, refGroupBaseline=NULL,
                   normMethod, grouping2 = NULL,
                   priorCount = 0.125, deTest = c("QL", "LR"), robust = FALSE) {
  deTest <- match.arg(deTest)
  if (!ezIsSpecified(sampleGroupBaseline)) {
    sampleGroupBaseline <- NULL
  if (!ezIsSpecified(refGroupBaseline)) {
    refGroupBaseline <- NULL
  ## get the scaling factors for the entire data set
  cds <- DGEList(counts = x, group = grouping)
  cds <- calcNormFactors(cds, method = normMethod)
  sf <- 1 / (cds$samples$norm.factors * cds$samples$lib.size)
  sf <- sf / ezGeomean(sf)

  ## run analysis and especially dispersion estimates only on subset of the data
  indices2Keep <- grouping %in% c(refGroup, refGroupBaseline, sampleGroup, sampleGroupBaseline)
  grouping <- grouping[indices2Keep]
  x2 <- x[ ,indices2Keep]
  cds <- DGEList(counts = x2, group = grouping)
  cds <- calcNormFactors(cds, method = normMethod)
  groupFactor <- factor(grouping,
                        levels = c(refGroup, sampleGroup,
                                   refGroupBaseline, sampleGroupBaseline)
  if (ezIsSpecified(grouping2)) {
    grouping2 <- grouping2[indices2Keep]
    design <- model.matrix(~ 0 + groupFactor + grouping2)
  } else {
    design <- model.matrix(~ 0 + groupFactor)
  colnames(design) <- str_replace(colnames(design), "^groupFactor", "")
  if (sum(grouping == refGroup) >= 2 & sum(grouping == sampleGroup) >= 2) {
    if (robust) {
      cds <- estimateGLMRobustDisp(cds, design)
    } else {
      cds <- estimateDisp(cds, design)
  } else {
    cds$common.dispersion <- 0.1

  if (deTest == "QL") {
    message("Using quasi-likelihood (QL) F-test!")
    fitGlm <- glmQLFit(cds, design, prior.count = priorCount, robust = robust)
    if (is.null(refGroupBaseline) || is.null(sampleGroupBaseline)) {
      contrastsIndices <- c(-1, 1, rep(0, ncol(fitGlm)-2))
    } else {
      contrastsIndices <- c(-1, 1, 1, -1, rep(0, ncol(fitGlm)-4))
    lrt.2vs1 <- glmQLFTest(fitGlm, contrast=contrastsIndices)
  } else {
    message("Using likelihood ratio test!")
    fitGlm <- glmFit(cds, design, prior.count = priorCount, robust = robust)
    if (is.null(refGroupBaseline) || is.null(sampleGroupBaseline)) {
      contrastsIndices <- c(-1, 1, rep(0, ncol(fitGlm)-2))
    } else {
      contrastsIndices <- c(-1, 1, 1, -1, rep(0, ncol(fitGlm)-4))
    lrt.2vs1 <- glmLRT(fitGlm,contrast=contrastsIndices)
  res <- list()
  res$id <- rownames(lrt.2vs1$table)
  res$log2FoldChange <- lrt.2vs1$table$logFC
  res$pval <- lrt.2vs1$table$PValue
  res$fitGlm <- fitGlm
  res$sf <- sf

runLimma <- function(x, sampleGroup, refGroup, grouping, grouping2 = NULL,
                     priorCount = 3, modelMethod = c("limma-trend", "voom")) {

  modelMethod <- match.arg(modelMethod)

  cds <- DGEList(counts = x)
  cds <- calcNormFactors(cds)

  sf <- 1 / (cds$samples$norm.factors * cds$samples$lib.size)
  sf <- sf / ezGeomean(sf)

  ## run analysis and especially dispersion estimates only on subset of the data
  isSample <- grouping == sampleGroup
  isRef <- grouping == refGroup
  grouping <- grouping[isSample | isRef]
  if (ezIsSpecified(grouping2)) {
    grouping2 <- grouping2[isSample | isRef]

  x2 <- x[, isSample | isRef]
  cds <- DGEList(counts = x2, group = grouping)
  cds <- calcNormFactors(cds)

  groupFactor <- factor(grouping, levels = c(refGroup, sampleGroup))
  design <- model.matrix(~groupFactor)

  if (modelMethod == "limma-trend") {
    logCPM <- cpm(cds, log = TRUE, prior.count = priorCount)
    if (ezIsSpecified(grouping2)) {
      corfit <- duplicateCorrelation(logCPM, design, block = grouping2)
      fit <- lmFit(logCPM, design, block = grouping2, correlation = corfit$consensus)
    } else {
      fit <- lmFit(logCPM, design)
    fit <- eBayes(fit, trend = TRUE)
    topDT <- topTable(fit, num = Inf, coef = ncol(design))
  } else if (modelMethod == "voom") {
    v <- voom(cds, design, plot = FALSE)
    if (ezIsSpecified(grouping2)) {
      corfit <- duplicateCorrelation(v, design, block = grouping2)
      fit <- lmFit(v, design, block = grouping2, correlation = corfit$consensus)
    } else {
      fit <- lmFit(v, design)
    fit <- eBayes(fit)
    topDT <- topTable(fit, num = Inf, coef = ncol(design))
  res <- list()
  res$id <- rownames(topDT)
  res$log2FoldChange <- topDT$logFC
  res$pval <- topDT$P.Value
  res$sf <- sf
uzh/ezRun documentation built on Oct. 17, 2024, 8:57 p.m.