
context("Tests the functions in util.r and util-genome.R")

m1 = matrix(1:20,5)
rownames(m1) = 1:5
l1 = list(a=1:3, b=c(2,5), c=4:8)
numbers = runif(100)

test_that("Tests lastVal()", {
  x = 1:5
  expect_equal(lastVal(x), rev(x)[1])

test_that("Tests vennFromSets()", {

test_that("Tests tableFromSets()", {

test_that("Tests shrinkToRange()", {
  low = runif(1, min=0.4, max=0.6)
  high = runif(1, min=0.6)
  shrunkRange = shrinkToRange(runif(100), c(low, high))
  expect_gt(length(unique(shrunkRange)), 1)

test_that("Tests interleaveMatricesByColumn()", {
  matrix1 = matrix(1:10, 2)
  matrix2 = matrix(11:20, 2)
  colnames(matrix1) = as.character(1:5)
  rownames(matrix1) = c("a", "b")
  colnames(matrix2) = as.character(1:5)
  mNew = interleaveMatricesByColumn(matrix1, matrix2)
  expect_is(mNew, "matrix")
  expect_identical(length(as.vector(mNew)), length(as.vector(matrix1))+length(as.vector(matrix2)))

test_that("Tests ezNorm()", {
  numbers = matrix(runif(1000), 50)
  none = ezNorm(numbers)
  expect_identical(numbers, none)
  quantile = ezNorm(numbers, method = "quantile")
  expect_lt(sd(quantile), sd(none))
  logMean = ezNorm(numbers, method = "logMean")
  expect_gt(max(logMean), max(none))
  median = ezNorm(numbers, method = "median")
  expect_gt(max(median), max(none))
  vsn = ezNorm(numbers, method = "vsn")
  expect_gt(mean(vsn), max(c(none, quantile, logMean, median)))

test_that("Tests ezCut()", {
  cut = ezCut(1:10,breaks=c(2,5,7),prefix=letters[1:4])
  expect_is(cut, "factor")

test_that("Tests isError()", {
  isnt = isError("error")
  is = isError(list(a=3:5,error=3))

test_that("Tests ezGrepl()", {
  grepl1 = ezGrepl(c(2, 4), 1:100)
  grepl2 = ezGrepl(c(2, 4), 1:100, combine="and")
  expect_is(grepl1, "logical")
  expect_gt(length(which(grepl1)), length(which(grepl2)))

test_that("Tests ezSplit()", {
  split1 = ezSplit(letters[1:5], "b")
  split2 = ezSplit(rep("abcde", 4), letters[1:4])
  expect_is(split1, "matrix")

test_that("Tests trimWhiteSpace()", {
  toTrim = "    bla    "
  trimmed = trimWhiteSpace(toTrim)
  expect_lt(nchar(trimmed), nchar(toTrim))

test_that("Tests hasFilesafeCharacters()", {
  expect_true(all(hasFilesafeCharacters(c("1", "2"))))
  expect_false(all(hasFilesafeCharacters(list("1", "2 x"))))

test_that("Tests ezMatrix()", {
  em1 = ezMatrix(1,rows=1:4,cols=1:3)
  em2 = ezMatrix(3:6,dim=c(4,6))
  expect_is(em1, "matrix")
  expect_is(em2, "matrix")

test_that("Tests ezScaleColumns()", {
  scaledMatrix = ezScaleColumns(m1, 1:4)
  expect_identical(scaledMatrix[, 1], m1[, 1])
  expect_equal(scaledMatrix[, 2], m1[, 2]*2)

test_that("Tests ezGeomean()", {
  one = ezGeomean(numbers)
  two = exp(mean(log(numbers)))
  expect_identical(one, two)

test_that("Tests averageColumns() and averageRows()", {
  ac1 = averageColumns(m1, 1)
  ac2 = averageColumns(m1, c(1, 1, 2, 2))
  ar1 = averageRows(m1, c(1, 1, 2, 2, 3))
  expect_is(ac1, "matrix")
  expect_lt(ncol(ac2), ncol(ar1))

test_that("Tests inverseMapping() and makeMultiMapping()", {
  invMapped = inverseMapping(l1)
  expect_is(invMapped, "list")
  multiMapped = makeMultiMapping(l1)
  expect_is(multiMapped, "data.frame")

test_that("Tests ezMclapply()", {
  applied = ezMclapply(l1, sum)
  expect_is(applied, "list")

test_that("Tests ezDuplicated() and ezMultiplicated()", {
  v1 = c(1,2,3,4,5,4,3,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,7)
  isDup1 = ezDuplicated(v1)
  isDup2 = ezDuplicated(v1,"all")
  expect_is(isDup1, "logical")
  expect_gt(length(which(isDup2)), length(which(isDup1)))
  isMul1 = ezMultiplicated(v1)
  isMul2 = ezMultiplicated(v1,3)
  isMul3 = ezMultiplicated(v1,2,"all")
  expect_is(isMul1, "logical")
  expect_gt(length(which(isMul3)), length(which(isMul2)))

test_that("Tests ezReplicateNumber()", {
  x = c("a", "c", "a", "b", "c")
  repli = ezReplicateNumber(x)
  expect_is(repli, "integer")

test_that("Tests ezCollapse()", {
  list1 = list(a=c(1, "", 6), c=c("rsrg", "yjrt", NA, 6))
  collapse1 = ezCollapse(list1, sep="_")
  collapse2 = ezCollapse(list1, na.rm=T, empty.rm=T, uniqueOnly=T)
  expect_is(collapse1, "character")
  expect_equal(length(collapse2), 1)

test_that("Tests ezSplitLongLabels()", {
  nSplit = 22
  a = paste(letters[1:nSplit], collapse="")
  b = paste(letters[1:(nSplit+1)], collapse="")
  charVec = c(a, b)
  splittedLabels = ezSplitLongLabels(charVec, nSplit)
  expect_false(grepl("\n", splittedLabels[1]))
  expect_true(grepl("\n", splittedLabels[2]))

test_that("Tests functions in util-genome.R", {
  coord = makeCoordinate("chrm", 3, 150, 300)
  expect_is(coord, "character")
  splitted = splitCoordinate(coord)
  expect_is(splitted, "data.frame")
  region = splitRegion(coord)
  expect_is(region, "list")
uzh/ezRun documentation built on April 24, 2024, 4:01 p.m.