
Defines functions is_hdr_strict is_hdr locate_pr_start comb_along

Documented in comb_along is_hdr_strict

#' Generate all combinations along string exchanging m characters at a time with
#' dictionary letters.
#' Generate all combinations along string \code{seq} swapping \code{m}
#' characters at a time with letters defined in dictionary \code{letters}.
#' Allows, for instance, to create a list of possible primers with two
#' mismatches.
#' @param seq (character) input character to permutate
#' @param m (integer) number of elements to permutate at each step
#' @param letters (character vector) dictionary source for combinations of
#' elements
#' @return (character vector) all unique combinations of permutated string
#' @export
#' @examples
#' comb_along("AC")
#' comb_along("AAA", 1)
#' comb_along("AAA")
#' comb_along("AAA", 3)
#' comb_along("AAAAAAAAAA")
comb_along <- function(seq, m = 2, letters = c("A", "C", "T", "G")) {
  seq <- as.list(strsplit(seq, "")[[1]])
  indices <- utils::combn(seq_along(seq), m)
  letters <- list(letters)

  seq <- apply(indices, 2, function(x) {
    seq[x] <- letters
    do.call(paste0, expand.grid(seq))


locate_pr_start <- function(reads, primer, m = 0) {
  primer <- comb_along(primer, m)
  primer <- sapply(primer, function(pr) {
    stringr::str_locate(reads, pr)[, 1]
  }, simplify = TRUE, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
  reads <- if (!is.null(dim(primer))) {
    matrixStats::rowMaxs(primer, na.rm = TRUE)
  } else {
    suppressWarnings(max(primer, na.rm = TRUE))
  reads[!is.finite(reads)] <- NA

is_hdr <- function(reads, scores, amplicon, donor, type = "overlap",
                   scoring_matrix, gap_opening = 25, gap_extension = 0,
                   donor_mismatch = 3) {

  align <- Biostrings::pairwiseAlignment(
    DNAStringSet(toupper(donor)), DNAStringSet(toupper(amplicon)),
    substitutionMatrix = scoring_matrix, type = type,
    gapOpening = gap_opening, gapExtension = gap_extension)
  pat <- pattern(align)
  subj <-  subject(align)
  # extract events we want to find to quantify read as fully HDR
  hdr_events <- amplican::getEvents(pat, subj, scores = score(align),
                                 ID = "HDR", strand_info = "+",
                                 ampl_start = start(subj))
  names(hdr_events) <- NULL
  hdr_events <- IRanges::ranges(hdr_events)

  # now align reads to donor
  alignD <- Biostrings::pairwiseAlignment(reads,
    type = type, substitutionMatrix = scoring_matrix,
    gapOpening = gap_opening, gapExtension = gap_extension)
  better_scores <- score(alignD) >= scores
  is_hdr <- rep(FALSE, length(reads))
  if (sum(better_scores) == 0) return(is_hdr)
  comparison <- compareStrings(pattern(alignD[better_scores]),
  comparison <- IRanges::RleList(strsplit(comparison, split = ""))

  mm <- IRanges::IRangesList(comparison == "?") # need to tile
  reads_ids <- seq_along(comparison)
  names(mm) <- reads_ids
  mm <- unlist(mm, use.names = TRUE)
  mm_l <- mm[IRanges::width(mm) > 1]
  mm <- mm[IRanges::width(mm) == 1]
  mm_ln <- names(mm_l)
  mm_l <- IRanges::tile(mm_l, width = 1L)
  names(mm_l) <- mm_ln
  mm_l <- unlist(mm_l, use.names = TRUE)
  mm <- c(mm, mm_l)

  comparison <- IRanges::IRangesList(comparison %in% c("+", "-"))
  names(comparison) <- seq_along(comparison)
  comparison <- unlist(comparison, use.names = TRUE)
  comparison <- c(comparison, mm)

  shft <- start(subject(alignD[better_scores]))[as.numeric(names(comparison))]
  comparison <- IRanges::shift(comparison,  shft - 1)
  overlaps_hdr <- IRanges::overlapsAny(comparison, hdr_events, type = "any")
  all_e_not_overlap <- sapply(split(!overlaps_hdr, names(comparison)), all)
  if (length(all_e_not_overlap) > 0) {
    all_e_not_overlap <- as.integer(names(all_e_not_overlap)[all_e_not_overlap])
  } else {
    all_e_not_overlap <- NULL

  # tolerate some noise level
  # no events + events not overlapping hdr + allow n events of length 1 in those
  # overlapping
  overlaps_e <- comparison[overlaps_hdr]
  overlaps_e <- IRanges::IRangesList(split(overlaps_e, names(overlaps_e)))
  overlaps_e_w1 <- sum(IRanges::width(overlaps_e) == 1)
  overlaps_e_w1[overlaps_e_w1 > donor_mismatch] <- donor_mismatch
  overlaps_e <- sum(IRanges::width(overlaps_e))
  overlaps_e <- overlaps_e - overlaps_e_w1

  ok_hdr <- c(
    reads_ids[!reads_ids %in% as.integer(names(comparison))],
    as.integer(names(overlaps_e[overlaps_e <= 0])))

  is_hdr[better_scores][ok_hdr] <- TRUE

#' Figure out which reads conform to the HDR using the donor.
#' This is strict detection as compared to `is_hdr` which was designed to be
#' less specific and allow for all kinds of donors. This method requires that
#' you have exactly the same events (mismatches, insertions, deletions) as the difference
#' between amplicon and donor sequences. It ignores everything else, so other mismatches and small
#' indels etc. as noise are allowed here for valid HDR.
#' @param aln (data.table) This are events that contain already consensus column,
#' they are also shifted and normalized.
#' @param cfgT (data.table) Config data.table with columns for amplicon and donor.
#' @param scoring_matrix (scoring matrix)
#' @param gap_opening (integer)
#' @param gap_extension (integer)
#' @export
#' @return (aln) same as aln on entry, but readType is updated to TRUE when read is recognized as HDR
is_hdr_strict <- function(aln, cfgT, scoring_matrix,
                          gap_opening = 25,
                          gap_extension = 0) {
  . <- NULL

  for (i in seq_len(dim(cfgT)[1])) {
    amplicon <- get_seq(cfgT, cfgT$ID[i])
    donor <- get_seq(cfgT, cfgT$ID[i], "Donor")
    aln_id <- aln$seqnames == cfgT$ID[i]

    if (!any(aln_id) | donor == "") next()

    # donor vs amplicon
    d_a_aln <- Biostrings::pairwiseAlignment(
      substitutionMatrix = scoring_matrix, type = "overlap",
      gapOpening = gap_opening, gapExtension = gap_extension)
    pat <- pattern(d_a_aln)
    subj <-  subject(d_a_aln)
    # extract events we want to find to quantify read as fully HDR
    hdr_events <- amplican::getEvents(pat, subj, scores = score(d_a_aln),
                                      ID = aln$seqnames[aln_id][1], strand_info = "+",
                                      ampl_start = start(subj))
    if (length(hdr_events) == 0) next()
    hdr_events <- amplicanMap(hdr_events, cfgT)

    # this is strict algorithm
    # we take only consensus events
    events <- aln[aln_id & aln$consensus, ]
    if (nrow(events) == 0) next()

    hits <- data.table::merge.data.table(as.data.table(events),
                                         all.x = F, all.y = F,
                                         by = c("start", "end", "width",
                                                "originally", "replacement", "type"))
    if (nrow(hits) == 0) next()
    hits <- as.data.table(hits)
    hits <- hits[, .(n = .N), by = "read_id.x"]
    hits <- hits$read_id[hits$n == length(hdr_events)] # make sure all events are represented
    aln[aln_id, ]$readType <- aln[aln_id, ]$read_id %in% hits

#' Make alignments helper.
#' Aligning reads to the amplicons for each ID in this barcode, constructing
#' amplicanAlignment. Assume that all IDs here belong to the same barcode.
#' @keywords internal
#' @param cfgT config file as data table
#' @inheritParams amplicanAlign
#' @include helpers_general.R helpers_filters.R AlignmentsExperimentSet-class.R
#' @return amplicanAlignment object for this barcode experiments
makeAlignment <- function(cfgT,
                          donor_strict) {

  barcode <- cfgT$Barcode[1]
  message("Aligning reads for ", barcode)

  fwdA <- vector("list", length(cfgT$ID))
  names(fwdA) <- cfgT$ID
  rveA <- countsA <- fwdAType <- rveAType <- fwdA # pre-allocate alignment lists

  # Read Reads for this Barcode
  fwdT <- if (fastqfiles == 2) NULL else ShortRead::readFastq(
  rveT <- if (fastqfiles == 1) NULL else ShortRead::readFastq(
  if (fastqfiles == 1) {
    rveT <- rep(TRUE, length(fwdT))
  if (fastqfiles == 2) {
    fwdT <- rep(TRUE, length(rveT))

  # Filter Reads
  goodq <- goodBaseQuality(fwdT, min = min_quality, batch_size = batch_size) &
    goodBaseQuality(rveT, min = min_quality, batch_size = batch_size)
  avrq <- goodAvgQuality(fwdT, avg = average_quality, batch_size = batch_size) &
    goodAvgQuality(rveT, avg = average_quality, batch_size = batch_size)
  nucq <- if (filter_n) {
    alphabetQuality(fwdT, batch_size = batch_size) &
      alphabetQuality(rveT, batch_size = batch_size)
  } else {
    rep(TRUE, length(avrq))
  goodReads <- goodq & avrq & nucq

  barcodeTable <- data.frame(Barcode = barcode,
                             experiment_count = length(unique(cfgT$ID)),
                             read_count = length(goodReads),
                             bad_base_quality = sum(!goodq),
                             bad_average_quality = sum(!avrq),
                             bad_alphabet = sum(!nucq),
                             filtered_read_count = sum(goodReads),
                             stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  fwdT <- fwdT[goodReads]
  rveT <- rveT[goodReads]

  # Unique reads
  unqT <- data.frame(
    if (fastqfiles == 2) "" else as.character(ShortRead::sread(fwdT)),
    if (fastqfiles == 1) "" else as.character(ShortRead::sread(rveT)))
  colnames(unqT) <- c("Forward", "Reverse")
  unqT$Total <- paste0(unqT$Forward, unqT$Reverse)
  if (dim(unqT)[1] == 0) {
    barcodeTable$unique_reads <- 0
    barcodeTable$unassigned_reads <- 0
    barcodeTable$assigned_reads <- 0
                        fwdReads = fwdA,
                        rveReads = rveA,
                        fwdReadsType = fwdAType,
                        rveReadsType = rveAType,
                        readCounts = countsA,
                        unassignedData = NULL,
                        experimentData = cfgT,
                        barcodeData = barcodeTable))
  unqT <- stats::aggregate(Total ~ Forward + Reverse, unqT, length)
  unqT$BarcodeFrequency <- unqT$Total / sum(unqT$Total)
  unqT <- unqT[order(unqT$Forward, unqT$Reverse), ]
  unqT$Asigned <- FALSE
  unqT[c("Forward", "Reverse")] <- lapply(unqT[c("Forward", "Reverse")],
                                          function(x) toupper(as.character(x)))
  barcodeTable$unique_reads <- nrow(unqT)

  # for each experiment
  for (i in seq_len(dim(cfgT)[1])) {

    # Primers and amplicon info
    fwdPrimer <- toupper(cfgT$Forward_Primer[i])
    rvePrimer <- toupper(cfgT$Reverse_Primer[i])
    amplicon <- toupper(cfgT$Amplicon[i])
    donor <- toupper(cfgT$Donor[i])

    # Search for the forward, reverse and targets
    if (fastqfiles == 2 | fwdPrimer == "") {
      unqT$fwdPrInReadPos <- NA
      unqT$forwardFound <- FALSE
    } else {
      unqT$fwdPrInReadPos <- locate_pr_start(
        unqT$Forward, fwdPrimer, primer_mismatch)
      unqT$forwardFound <- is.finite(unqT$fwdPrInReadPos)

    if (fastqfiles == 1 | rvePrimer == "") {
      unqT$rvePrInReadPos <- NA
      unqT$reverseFound <- FALSE
    } else {
      unqT$rvePrInReadPos <- locate_pr_start(
        unqT$Reverse, rvePrimer, primer_mismatch)
      unqT$reverseFound <- is.finite(unqT$rvePrInReadPos)

    primersFound <-
      if (fastqfiles == 0.5) {
        unqT$forwardFound | unqT$reverseFound
      } else if (fastqfiles == 1) {
      } else if (fastqfiles == 2) {
      } else {
        unqT$forwardFound & unqT$reverseFound
    unqT$Asigned <- unqT$Asigned | primersFound
    IDunqT <- unqT[primersFound, ]
    # most abundant fwd + rve combination from the top
    IDunqT <- IDunqT[order(-IDunqT$Total), ]

    if (dim(IDunqT)[1] > 0) {
      # when some reads match to correct primers
      # do alignments with removed dna bases before primers to allow
      # reads and amplicons start with primer
      # when calling events into GRanges shift_ampl is used to adapt for
      # subtractions happening here
      if (fastqfiles != 2) {
        rF <- Biostrings::subseq(Biostrings::DNAStringSet(IDunqT[, "Forward"]),
                                 start = IDunqT$fwdPrInReadPos)
        fwdA[[cfgT$ID[i]]] <-
                               start = cfgT$fwdPrPos[i],
                               end = cfgT$rvePrPosEnd[i]),
            type = "overlap", substitutionMatrix =  scoring_matrix,
            gapOpening = gap_opening, gapExtension = gap_extension)
        if (donor != "") {
          fwdAType[[cfgT$ID[i]]] <- if (donor_strict) {
            rep(FALSE, length(rF))
          } else {
              rF, score(fwdA[[cfgT$ID[i]]]),
              amplicon, donor,
              type = "overlap", scoring_matrix =  scoring_matrix,
              gap_opening = gap_opening, gap_extension = gap_extension,
              donor_mismatch = donor_mismatch)

      if (fastqfiles != 1) {
        rR <- Biostrings::reverseComplement(
          Biostrings::subseq(Biostrings::DNAStringSet(IDunqT[, "Reverse"]),
                             start = IDunqT$rvePrInReadPos))
        rveA[[cfgT$ID[i]]] <- Biostrings::pairwiseAlignment(
                             start = cfgT$fwdPrPos[i],
                             end = cfgT$rvePrPosEnd[i]),
          type = "overlap", substitutionMatrix =  scoring_matrix,
          gapOpening = gap_opening, gapExtension = gap_extension)

        if (donor != "") {
          rveAType[[cfgT$ID[i]]] <- if (donor_strict) {
            rep(FALSE, length(rR))
          } else {
              rR, score(rveA[[cfgT$ID[i]]]),
              amplicon, donor,
              type = "overlap", scoring_matrix =  scoring_matrix,
              gap_opening = gap_opening, gap_extension = gap_extension,
              donor_mismatch = donor_mismatch)
      countsA[[cfgT$ID[i]]] <- IDunqT$Total
    cfgT$Reads[i] <- sum(IDunqT$Total)

  barcodeTable$unassigned_reads <- sum(!unqT$Asigned)
  barcodeTable$assigned_reads <- sum(unqT$Asigned)
  unassignedTable <- unqT[!unqT$Asigned, ]

  if (dim(unassignedTable)[1] > 0) {
    unassignedTable$Barcode <- barcode
    unassignedTable <- unassignedTable[order(-unassignedTable$Total),]
  } else {
    unassignedTable <- NULL

               fwdReads = fwdA,
               rveReads = rveA,
               fwdReadsType = fwdAType,
               rveReadsType = rveAType,
               readCounts = countsA,
               unassignedData = unassignedTable,
               experimentData = cfgT,
               barcodeData = barcodeTable)
valenlab/amplican documentation built on Jan. 28, 2024, 5:10 a.m.