#' @title Correlation Plot
#' @description Create a correlation plot from a metacoder/taxmap object.
#' @param obj An object to be converted to a Taxmap object with \code{\link[MicrobiomeR]{create_taxmap}}.
#' @param primary_rank The primary rank used to label the points.
#' @param secondary_rank The secondary rank used to color the points. Can be an integer specifying
#' the number of supertaxon ranks above the primary rank or the name of a supertaxon rank. Default: TRUE
#' @param wp_value The Wilcoxian P-Value used to represent significant points. Default: 0.05
#' @param pal_func A palette function that returns grDevices::colorRampPalette.
#' @param trans Either the name of a transformation object, or the object itself given to \code{\link[ggplot2]{scale_continuous}}.
#' Built-in transformations include "asn", "atanh", "boxcox", "exp", "identity", "log", "log10", "log1p",
#' "log2", "logit", "probability", "probit", "reciprocal", "reverse" and "sqrt".
#' @return A 1:1 correlation plot built with ggplot2.
#' @pretty_print TRUE
#' @details Correlation plots help to better explain the heat tree findings.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' if(interactive()){
#' # This example uses data that are no longer available in the MicrobiomeR package,
#' # however, they can be easily generated with \code{\link{MicrobiomeR}{as_analyzed_format}}.
#' library(MicrobiomeR)
#' analyzed_silva <- as_MicrobiomeR_format(MicrobiomeR::raw_silva_2, "analyzed_format")
#' correlation_plot(analyzed_silva, primary_rank = "Class", secondary_rank = "Phylum")
#' }
#' }
#' @export
#' @family Visualizations
#' @rdname correlation_plot
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link[MicrobiomeR]{create_taxmap}}, \code{\link[MicrobiomeR]{validate_MicrobiomeR_format}}, \code{\link[MicrobiomeR]{correlation_data}}, \code{\link[MicrobiomeR]{plot_limits}}, \code{\link[MicrobiomeR]{get_color_palette}}
#' \code{\link[ggplot2]{ggplot}}, \code{\link[ggplot2]{aes}}, \code{\link[ggplot2]{geom_polygon}}, \code{\link[ggplot2]{geom_point}}, \code{\link[ggplot2]{labs}}, \code{\link[ggplot2]{scale_continuous}}, \code{\link[ggplot2]{scale_manual}}, \code{\link[ggplot2]{guide_legend}}, \code{\link[ggplot2]{geom_abline}}
#' \code{\link[ggrepel:geom_text_repel]{geom_label_repel}}
#' \code{\link[forcats]{fct_reorder}}
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot aes geom_polygon geom_point labs scale_y_log10 scale_x_log10 scale_shape_manual scale_fill_manual scale_color_manual guide_legend geom_abline
#' @importFrom forcats fct_reorder
#' @importFrom ggrepel geom_label_repel
#' @importFrom crayon yellow
#' @importFrom scales percent
correlation_plot <- function(obj, primary_rank, secondary_rank = TRUE,
wp_value = 0.05, pal_func = NULL, trans = "logit") {
metacoder_object <- create_taxmap(obj)
metacoder_object <- validate_MicrobiomeR_format(obj = metacoder_object,
valid_formats = c("analyzed_format"))
ranks <- pkg.private$ranks
rank_index <- pkg.private$rank_index
# Get the primary and secondary rank of interest
if (secondary_rank == TRUE) {
secondary_rank = 1
if (is.numeric(secondary_rank)) {
secondary_rank <- as.character(ranks[rank_index[[primary_rank]] - secondary_rank])
} else if (is.character(secondary_rank)) {
if (rank_index[[secondary_rank]] < rank_index[[primary_rank]]) {
secondary_rank <- secondary_rank
} else {
message(crayon::yellow("Your secondary_rank should be a higher rank than the label_taxa. Their values are being switched."))
secondary_rank <- primary_rank
primary_rank <- secondary_rank
} else if (secondary_rank == FALSE) {
secondary_rank <- primary_rank
# Get the corelation data
corr_data <- correlation_data(obj = metacoder_object, primary_rank = primary_rank, secondary_rank = secondary_rank, wp_value = wp_value)
corrs <- list()
for (comp_title in names(corr_data)) {
treat_data <- corr_data[[comp_title]]
primary_data <- treat_data$primary_data
significant_data <- treat_data$significant_data
treatments <- treat_data$treatments
# Get the limits of the plot based on the data
plot_limits <- plot_limits(primary_data$mean_treat1, primary_data$mean_treat2)
# Create a dataframe for background color
#background_limits <- data.frame(id = c("1", "1", "1", "2", "2", "2"), x = c(0, Inf, 0, 0, Inf, Inf), y = c(0, Inf, Inf, 0, 0, Inf))
# Get a color palette
secondary_taxa <- length(unique(primary_data[[(secondary_rank)]]))
# Get the mean significant increase and mean significant decrease for x and y
# sig_decrease <- dplyr::filter(significant_data, Abundance == "Significant Decrease")
# sig_increase <- dplyr::filter(significant_data, Abundance == "Significant Increase")
# x_inc <- mean(sig_increase$mean_treat1)
# x_dec <- mean(sig_decrease$mean_treat1)
# y_inc <- mean(sig_increase$mean_treat2)
# y_dec <- mean(sig_decrease$mean_treat2)
# y_pos <- max(primary_data$mean_treat2)
# x_pos <- max(primary_data$mean_treat1)
x_avg <- mean(significant_data$mean_treat2)
y_avg <- mean(significant_data$mean_treat1)
if (is.null(pal_func)) {
pal_func <- combination_palette(
magma = list(palette = viridis::magma, args = list(n=500), range=450:500, rev=TRUE),
inferno = list(palette = viridis::inferno, args = list(n=500), range=100:400, rev=TRUE),
cividis = list(palette = viridis::cividis, args = list(n=500), range=100:200, rev=TRUE),
viridis = list(palette = viridis::viridis, args = list(n=500), range=100:480))
myPal <- get_color_palette(
pal_func = pal_func,
color_no = secondary_taxa,
display = FALSE)
# Start ggplot2 workflow
corr <- ggplot2::ggplot(primary_data, ggplot2::aes(x = mean_treat2, y = mean_treat1)) +
#ggplot2::geom_polygon(background_limits, mapping = ggplot2::aes(x = x, y = y, fill = id), alpha = 0.07, show.legend = FALSE) +
#ggplot2::geom_vline(aes(linetype = "dotted"), xintercept = x_avg) +
# ggplot2::geom_vline(xintercept = x_dec, show.legend = TRUE, linetype = "dotted") +
# ggplot2::geom_hline(yintercept = y_inc, show.legend = TRUE, linetype = "dotted") +
#ggplot2::geom_hline(aes(linetype = "dotted"), yintercept = y_avg) +
# ggplot2::annotate("text", x=c(x_inc, x_dec, x_pos, x_pos), y = c(y_pos, y_pos, y_inc, y_dec), label = c("+", "-", "+", "-"), color = "darkred", size=5) +
ggplot2::geom_point(data = significant_data, ggplot2::aes(shape = Abundance), size = 3.2, color = "black", stroke = 2, show.legend = FALSE) +
ggplot2::geom_point(data = primary_data, ggplot2::aes(shape = Abundance, color = forcats::fct_reorder(primary_data[[secondary_rank]], color_wilcox_p_value, min)), size = 2.5, stroke = 1.5) +
mapping = ggplot2::aes(label = rank_label), size = 3, segment.size = 0.15, point.padding = 0.5, box.padding = 0.6, alpha = 0.65, force = 45, max.iter = 10000, min.segment.length = 0.1, seed = 2289,
nudge_x = ifelse(primary_data$mean_treat2 < primary_data$mean_treat1, -2, 2.5), nudge_y = ifelse(primary_data$mean_treat1 < primary_data$mean_treat2, -1.9, 2)) +
ggplot2::labs(title = glue::glue("{primary_rank} ({comp_title})"), x = glue::glue("Mean Abundance Before {treatments[1]}"), y = glue::glue("Mean Abundance After {treatments[1]}")) +
ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(trans=trans, label = scales::percent) +
ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(trans=trans, label = scales::percent) +
ggplot2::theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle=45)) +
ggplot2::scale_shape_manual(name = glue::glue("Abundance After {treatments[1]}"), values = c("Significant Increase" = 16, "Significant Decrease" = 15, "Insignificant Change" = 4)) +
ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(values = c("red", "blue", myPal), guide = FALSE) +
ggplot2::scale_color_manual(values = c(myPal), name = sprintf("%s", c(secondary_rank)), guide = ggplot2::guide_legend(ncol = 2)) +
ggplot2::geom_abline(aes(linetype = "dashed", intercept = 0, slope = 1)) +
ggplot2::geom_vline(aes(linetype = "dotted", xintercept = x_avg)) +
ggplot2::geom_hline(aes(linetype = "dotted", yintercept = y_avg)) +
ggplot2::scale_linetype_identity(name = 'Lines',guide = "legend",labels = c("1:1", glue::glue("Average {primary_rank}"))) #+
#ggplot2::guide_legend(override.aes = list(linetype = c(2,3)))
message(crayon::green(sprintf("Generating Correlation Plot comparing %s for %s with color based on %s", crayon::bgWhite(comp_title), crayon::bgWhite(primary_rank), crayon::bgWhite(secondary_rank))))
corrs[[comp_title]] <- corr
#' @title Get Multiple Correlation Plots
#' @description This function allows the user to create a list of multiple correlation plots.
#' @param obj An object to be converted to a Taxmap object with \code{\link[MicrobiomeR]{create_taxmap}}.
#' @param primary_ranks A vector of primary ranks used to label the points.
#' @param secondary_ranks The secondary rank used to color the points. Can be an integer specifying
#' the number of supertaxon ranks above the primary rank or the name of a supertaxon rank. Default: TRUE
#' @param ... An optional list of parameters to use in the correlation_plot function.
#' @return A list object containing correlation plots. A pairwise comparison returns a nested list.
#' @pretty_print TRUE
#' @details This function makes it easier to generate multiple correlation plots at once.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' if(interactive()){
#' # This example uses data that are no longer available in the MicrobiomeR package,
#' # however, they can be easily generated with \code{\link{MicrobiomeR}{as_analyzed_format}}.
#' library(MicrobiomeR)
#' analyzed_silva <- as_MicrobiomeR_format(MicrobiomeR::raw_silva_2, "analyzed_format")
#' corr_plots <- correlation_plots(analyzed_silva, primary_ranks = c("Phylum", "Class", "Order"),
#' secondary_ranks = c("Phylum", "Class", "Order", "Family", "Genus"))
#' # Show a plot
#' corr_plots$Class$Phylum
#' }
#' }
#' @export
#' @family Visualizations
#' @rdname correlation_plots
#' @importFrom crayon green bgWhite
correlation_plots <- function(obj, primary_ranks, secondary_ranks = TRUE, ...) {
corr <- list()
params <- list(...)
rank_index <- pkg.private$rank_index
ranks <- pkg.private$ranks
# Allow secondary_ranks to be TRUE/FALSE isntead of vector
if (is.vector(primary_ranks) && length(secondary_ranks) == 1) {
# Get the primary and secondary rank of interest
if (secondary_ranks == TRUE) {
secondary_ranks <- 1
if (is.numeric(secondary_ranks) || is.character(secondary_ranks)) {
secondary_ranks <- rep(secondary_ranks, length(primary_ranks))
# Get correlation plots
for (i in 1:length(primary_ranks)) {
pr <- primary_ranks[i]
corr[[pr]] <- list()
for (j in 1:length(unique(secondary_ranks))) {
sr <- secondary_ranks[j]
if (is.numeric(sr)) {
sr <- as.character(ranks[rank_index[[pr]] - sr])
} else if (sr == FALSE) {
sr <- pr
if (rank_index[[pr]] < rank_index[[sr]]) {
message(glue::glue(crayon::green("Generating a Correlation Plot comparing ", crayon::bgWhite({pr}), " with ", crayon::bgWhite({sr}), ".")))
corr[[pr]][[sr]] <- do.call(correlation_plot, c(list(obj = obj, primary_rank = pr, secondary_rank = sr), params))
#' @title Get Correlation Plot Data
#' @description Get the correlation plot data comparing all of the treatment groups.
#' @param obj An object to be converted to a Taxmap object with \code{\link[MicrobiomeR]{create_taxmap}}.
#' @param primary_rank A primary rank used to label the points.
#' @param secondary_rank The secondary rank used to color the points, Default: TRUE
#' @param wp_value The wilcoxon p-value cutoff/threshold, Default: 0.05
#' @return Data for the correlation plots.
#' @pretty_print TRUE
#' @details DETAILS
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' if(interactive()){
#' }
#' }
#' @export
#' @family Visualizations
#' @rdname correlation_data
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link[MicrobiomeR]{agglomerate_taxmap}}, \code{\link[MicrobiomeR]{vlookup}}
#' \code{\link[dplyr]{tidyeval}}, \code{\link[dplyr]{mutate}}, \code{\link[dplyr]{filter}}, \code{\link[dplyr]{arrange}}
#' \code{\link[taxa]{filter_obs}}
#' @importFrom dplyr enquo mutate filter arrange
#' @importFrom utils combn
#' @importFrom taxa filter_obs
#' @importFrom glue glue
correlation_data <- function(obj, primary_rank, secondary_rank = TRUE, wp_value = 0.05) {
# Quotes
quoted_str <- dplyr::enquo(secondary_rank)
# Create the primary Taxmap object
primary_mo <- agglomerate_taxmap(obj = obj, rank = primary_rank,
validated = TRUE)
# Create the secondary Taxmap object
secondary_mo <- agglomerate_taxmap(obj = obj, rank = secondary_rank,
validated = TRUE)
# Get the primary and secondary statistical-taxonomy data frame
primary_data <- primary_mo$data$stats_tax_data
secondary_data <- secondary_mo$data$stats_tax_data
combinations <- treatment_matrix(obj = obj)
# Compare treatments
corr_data <- list()
for (i in seq_len(ncol(combinations))) {
# Get treatment information
treat_a <- combinations[1,i]
treat_b <- combinations[2,i]
p_mo <- primary_mo %>%
(treatment_1 == treat_a &
treatment_2 == treat_b) |
(treatment_1 == treat_b &
treatment_2 == treat_a))
p_d <- p_mo$data$stats_tax_data
s_mo <- secondary_mo %>%
(treatment_1 == treat_a &
treatment_2 == treat_b) |
(treatment_1 == treat_b &
treatment_2 == treat_a))
s_d <- s_mo$data$stats_tax_data
# Add a P-Value column for color, a Significance column (TRUE/FALSE) for subsetting, an Abundance column for the
# legend, and a label column (TRUE/FALSE) for subsetting
p_d <- p_d %>% dplyr::mutate(color_wilcox_p_value = vlookup(!! quoted_str, s_d, secondary_rank, "wilcox_p_value")) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Significance = wilcox_p_value < wp_value) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Abundance = ifelse(Significance == TRUE, ifelse(sign(log2_mean_ratio) == 1, "Significant Increase", "Significant Decrease"), "Insignificant Change")) %>%
dplyr::mutate(label = ifelse(Significance == TRUE, ifelse(sign(log2_mean_ratio) == 1, TRUE, TRUE), FALSE))
# Update points with 0 values so they look good on the plot
#p_d$mean_treat1[p_d$mean_treat1 == 0] <- 0.000000001
#p_d$mean_treat2[p_d$mean_treat2 == 0] <- 0.000000001
# Create a label for the legend
rank_label <- sprintf("%s_label", primary_rank)
# Create a dataframe that contains only significant data. This is used for point outlines
sig_d <- dplyr::filter(p_d, label == TRUE) %>%
dplyr::mutate(rank_label = .[[primary_rank]])
# Add a column for labeling the points with taxonomy data based on significance
p_d <- dplyr::mutate(p_d, rank_label = vlookup(p_d[[primary_rank]], sig_d, primary_rank, "rank_label"))
p_d <- dplyr::arrange(p_d, label, wilcox_p_value)
sig_d <- dplyr::arrange(sig_d, wilcox_p_value)
corr_data[[glue::glue("{treat_a}-vs-{treat_b}")]] <- list(primary_data = p_d, significant_data = sig_d, treatments = combinations[,i])
#' @title Save Correlation Plots
#' @description This function saves correlation plots stored in a listlike object to an output folder.
#' @param corr A correlation plot list generated by correlation_plot or correlation_plots.
#' @param format The format of the output image. Default: 'tiff'
#' @param start_path The starting path of the output directory. Default: 'output'
#' @param ... An optional list of parameters to use in the output_dir function.
#' @return An output directory that contains correlation plots.
#' @pretty_print TRUE
#' @details This function creates an appropriate output directory, where it saves publication ready
#' plots.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' if(interactive()){
#' # This example uses data that are no longer available in the MicrobiomeR package,
#' # however, they can be easily generated with \code{\link{MicrobiomeR}{as_analyzed_silva}}.
#' library(MicrobiomeR)
#' analyzed_silva <- as_MicrobiomeR_format(MicrobiomeR::raw_silva_2, "analyzed_format")
#' corr_plot <- correlation_plot(analyzed_silva, primary_rank = "Class", secondary_rank = "Phylum")
#' # Save to \emph{./output/corr_plot} folder.
#' save_correlation_plots(corr_plot)
#' }
#' }
#' @export
#' @family Visualizations
#' @rdname save_correlation_plots
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link[MicrobiomeR]{output_dir}}
#' \code{\link[ggplot2]{ggsave}}
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggsave
#' @importFrom crayon green
#' @importFrom glue glue
save_correlation_plots <- function(corr, format = "tiff", start_path = "output", ...) {
# Create the relative path to the correlation plots. By default the path will be <pwd>/output/<experiment>/corr_plot/<format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d_%s")>
# With the parameters set the full path will be <pwd>/output/<experiment>/corr_plot/<extra_path>.
full_path <- output_dir(start_path = start_path, plot_type = "corr_plot", ...)
message(glue::glue(crayon::yellow("Saving Correlation Plots to the following directory: \n", "\r\t{full_path}")))
# Iterate the heat_tree plot list and save them in the proper directory
for (pr_name in names(corr)) {
for (sr_name in names(corr[[pr_name]])) {
for (comp in names(corr[[pr_name]][[sr_name]])) {
message(glue::glue(crayon::green("Saving the {pr_name}-{sr_name} Correlation Plot comparing {comp}.")))
ggplot2::ggsave(filename = sprintf("%s_%s_%s.corr_plot.tiff", pr_name, sr_name, comp), plot = corr[[pr_name]][[sr_name]][[comp]], device = format, path = full_path, dpi = 500, width = 500, height = 250, units = "mm")
#' @title Get Plot Limits
#' @description Get the limits of the plot using data values.
#' @param x Data used to plot the x axis.
#' @param y Data used to plot the y axis.
#' @return A vector that supplies the overarching x and y limits.
#' @pretty_print TRUE
#' @family Visualizations
#' @rdname plot_limits
plot_limits <- function(x, y) {
x_max <- max(x)
x_min <- min(x)
y_max <- max(y)
y_min <- min(y)
xy_limits <- c((min(c(x_min, y_min))), (max(c(x_max, y_max))))
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