
Defines functions pdrbart packageRbartResults rbart_vi_fit rbart_vi_run rbart_vi

Documented in rbart_vi

rbart.priors <- list(cauchy = function(x, rel.scale) dcauchy(x, 0, rel.scale * 2.5, TRUE),
                     gamma  = function(x, rel.scale) dgamma(x, shape = 2.5, scale = rel.scale * 2.5, log = TRUE))
cauchy <- NULL ## for R CMD check

rbart_vi <- function(
  formula, data, test, subset, weights, offset, offset.test = offset,
  group.by, group.by.test, prior = cauchy, ## can be a symbol in rbart.priors or a function; on log scale
  sigest = NA_real_, sigdf = 3.0, sigquant = 0.90,
  k = 2.0,
  power = 2.0, base = 0.95,
  n.trees = 75L,
  n.samples = 1500L, n.burn = 1500L,
  n.chains = 4L, n.threads = min(dbarts::guessNumCores(), n.chains), combineChains = FALSE,
  n.cuts = 100L, useQuantiles = FALSE,
  n.thin = 5L, keepTrainingFits = TRUE,
  printEvery = 100L, printCutoffs = 0L,
  verbose = TRUE,
  keepTrees = TRUE, keepCall = TRUE,
  seed = NA_integer_,
  keepSampler = keepTrees,
  keepTestFits = TRUE,
  callback = NULL,
  matchedCall <- match.call()
  callingEnv <- parent.frame()
  # because we use a lot of trickery to redirect calls in the calling environment
  # (for example, to get the data), we replicate some base mechanisms like complaining
  # about unknown arguments
  argNames <- names(matchedCall)[-1L]
  unknownArgs <- argNames %not_in% names(formals(rbart_vi)) & argNames %not_in% names(formals(dbartsControl))
  if (any(unknownArgs))
    stop("unknown arguments: '", paste0(argNames[unknownArgs], collapse = "', '"), "'")
  n.chains <- coerceOrError(n.chains, "integer")[1L]
  if (is.na(n.chains) || n.chains < 1L) stop("n.chains must be a non-negative integer")
  n.threads <- coerceOrError(n.threads, "integer")[1L]
  if (is.na(n.threads) || n.threads < 1L) stop("n.threads must be a non-negative integer")
  controlCall <- redirectCall(matchedCall, dbarts::dbartsControl)
  missingDefaults <- names(formals(rbart_vi))[names(formals(rbart_vi)) %in% names(formals(dbartsControl))]
  missingDefaults <- missingDefaults[missingDefaults %not_in% names(controlCall)]
  controlCall[missingDefaults] <- formals(rbart_vi)[missingDefaults]
  if ("n.threads" %in% missingDefaults)
    controlCall[["n.threads"]] <- eval(controlCall[["n.threads"]])
  control <- eval(controlCall, envir = callingEnv)
  control@call <- if (keepCall) matchedCall else call("NULL")
  control@n.burn     <- control@n.burn     %/% control@n.thin
  control@n.samples  <- control@n.samples  %/% control@n.thin
  control@printEvery <- control@printEvery %/% control@n.thin
  if (control@n.samples == 0L)
    stop("no posterior draws will be taken after thinning")
  control@n.chains <- 1L
  control@n.threads <- max(control@n.threads %/% n.chains, 1L)
  if (n.chains > 1L && n.threads > 1L) {
    if (control@verbose) warning("verbose output disabled for multiple threads")
    control@verbose <- FALSE

  keepSampler <- keepSampler || control@keepTrees
  tree.prior <- quote(cgm(power, base))
  tree.prior[[2L]] <- power; tree.prior[[3L]] <- base

  if (!is.null(matchedCall[["k"]])) {
    node.prior <- quote(normal(k))
    node.prior[[2L]] <- matchedCall[["k"]]
  } else {
    node.prior <- NULL

  resid.prior <- quote(chisq(sigdf, sigquant))
  resid.prior[[2L]] <- sigdf; resid.prior[[3L]] <- sigquant
  if (is.null(matchedCall[["group.by"]]))
    stop("'group.by' must be specified to use rbart_vi")
  group.by.literal <- NULL
  # look for group.by in data, if supplied, first
  if (is.symbol(matchedCall[["group.by"]]))
    try(group.by.literal <- data[[which.max(names(data) == matchedCall[["group.by"]])]], silent = TRUE)
  if (is.null(group.by.literal))
    try(group.by.literal <- eval(matchedCall[["group.by"]], environment(formula)), silent = TRUE)
  if (is.null(group.by.literal)) 
    try(group.by.literal <- group.by, silent = TRUE)
  if (is.null(group.by.literal))
    stop("'group.by' not found")
  group.by <- group.by.literal
  if (!is.numeric(group.by) && !is.factor(group.by) && !is.character(group.by))
    stop("'group.by' must be coercible to factor type")
  if (!is.null(matchedCall[["group.by.test"]])) {
    group.by.literal <- NULL
    if (is.symbol(matchedCall[["group.by.test"]]))
      try(group.by.literal <- test[[which.max(names(test) == matchedCall[["group.by.test"]])]], silent = TRUE)
    if (is.null(group.by.literal))
      try(group.by.literal <- eval(matchedCall[["group.by.test"]], environment(formula)), silent = TRUE)
    if (is.null(group.by.literal)) 
      try(group.by.literal <- group.by.test, silent = TRUE)
    if (is.null(group.by.literal))
      try(group.by.literal <- data[[which.max(names(data) == matchedCall[["group.by.test"]])]], silent = TRUE)
    if (is.null(group.by.literal))
      stop("'group.by.test' not found")
    group.by.test <- group.by.literal
    if (!is.numeric(group.by.test) && !is.factor(group.by.test) && !is.character(group.by.test))
      stop("'group.by.test' must be coercible to factor type")

    if (is.null(group.by.test))
      stop("'group.by.test' specified but not found")
    if (!is.numeric(group.by.test) && !is.factor(group.by.test) && !is.character(group.by.test))
      stop("'group.by.test' must be coercible to factor type")
  if (is.null(matchedCall$prior)) matchedCall$prior <- formals(rbart_vi)$prior
  if (is.symbol(matchedCall$prior) || is.character(matchedCall$prior) && any(names(rbart.priors) == matchedCall$prior))
    prior <- rbart.priors[[which(names(rbart.priors) == matchedCall$prior)]]
  data <- eval(redirectCall(matchedCall, dbarts::dbartsData), envir = callingEnv)
  if (length(group.by) != length(data@y))
    stop("'group.by' not of length equal to that of data; check for NAs in original data, and for name collisions with `data` argument and calling environment")
  group.by <- droplevels(as.factor(group.by))
  if (!is.null(matchedCall[["group.by.test"]])) {
    if (length(group.by.test) != nrow(data@x.test))
      stop("'group.by.test' not of length equal to that of data")
    group.by.test <- droplevels(as.factor(group.by.test))
  } else if (!is.null(data@x.test)) {
    warning("'test' supplied by 'group.by.test' missing; recycling 'group.by'")
    group.by.test <- rep_len(group.by, nrow(data@x.test))
  } else {
    group.by.test <- NULL
  if (!is.null(callback)) {
    if (!is.function(callback)) stop("callback must be a function")
    if (length(formals(callback)) != 5L) stop("callback function must take exactly 5 arguments")
  rbartArgs <- namedList(group.by, prior, keepTrainingFits, keepTestFits, callback)
  samplerArgs <- namedList(formula = data, control, tree.prior, node.prior, resid.prior,
                           sigma = as.numeric(sigest))
  if (is.null(node.prior)) samplerArgs[["node.prior"]] <- NULL

  chainResults <- vector("list", n.chains)
  runSingleThreaded <- n.threads <= 1L || n.chains <= 1L
  if (!runSingleThreaded) {
    tryResult <- tryCatch(cluster <- makeCluster(min(n.threads, n.chains), "PSOCK"), error = function(e) e)
    if (inherits(tryResult, "error"))
      tryResult <- tryCatch(cluster <- makeCluster(min(n.threads, n.chains), "FORK"), error = function(e) e)
    if (inherits(tryResult, "error")) {
      warning("unable to multithread, defaulting to single: ", tryResult$message)
      runSingleThreaded <- TRUE
    } else {
      if (!is.na(seed)) {
        # We draw sequentially from the given seed, one for each thread. To be polite
        # (more to match bart), we set the seed back when we're are done.
        oldSeed <- .GlobalEnv[[".Random.seed"]]
        randomSeeds <- sample.int(.Machine$integer.max, n.chains)
        if (!is.null(oldSeed))
          .Random.seed <- oldSeed
      } else {
        randomSeeds <- rep.int(NA_integer_, n.chains)
      clusterExport(cluster, c("rbart_vi_fit", "rbart_vi_run"), asNamespace("dbarts"))
      clusterEvalQ(cluster, require(dbarts))
      tryResult <- tryCatch(
        chainResults <- clusterMap(cluster, "rbart_vi_fit", seq_len(n.chains), randomSeeds, MoreArgs = namedList(samplerArgs, rbartArgs)),
        error = function(e) e)
      if (inherits(tryResult, "error")) {
        warning("error running multithreaded, defaulting to single: ", tryResult$message)
        runSingleThreaded <- TRUE

  if (runSingleThreaded) {
    if (!is.na(seed)) {
      # If the seed was passed in, since we're running single threaded everything will draw
      # from the built-in generator. In that case, we just have to set.seed and set it
      # back when done.
      oldSeed <- .GlobalEnv[[".Random.seed"]]
    for (chainNum in seq_len(n.chains))
      chainResults[[chainNum]] <- rbart_vi_fit(1L, NA_integer_, samplerArgs, rbartArgs)
    if (exists("oldSeed"))
      .Random.seed <- oldSeed
  packageRbartResults(control, data, group.by, group.by.test, chainResults, combineChains, seed, keepSampler)

rbart_vi_run <- function(sampler, data, state, prior, verbose, n.samples, isWarmup, rbartArgs)
  control <- sampler$control

  n.g <- data$n.g
  numRanef <- data$numRanef
  g.sel <- data$g.sel
  g <- data$g
  offset.orig <- data$offset.orig
  kIsModeled <- inherits(sampler$model@node.hyperprior, "dbartsChiHyperprior")
  posteriorClosure <- prior$posteriorClosure
  evalEnv <- prior$evalEnv
  numObservations <- length(sampler$data@y)
  numTestObservations <- NROW(sampler$data@x.test)
  samples <- list(tau = rep(NA_real_, n.samples))
  if (!control@binary)
    samples$sigma <- rep(NA_real_, n.samples)
  if (kIsModeled)
    samples$k <- rep(NA_real_, n.samples)
  if (!isWarmup) {
    samples$ranef <- matrix(NA_real_, numRanef, n.samples)
    samples$yhat.train <- matrix(NA_real_, if (rbartArgs$keepTrainingFits) numObservations else 0L, n.samples)
    samples$yhat.test <- matrix(NA_real_, if (rbartArgs$keepTestFits) numTestObservations else 0L, n.samples)
    samples$varcount <- matrix(NA_integer_, ncol(sampler$data@x), n.samples)
  # order of update matters - need to store a ranef that goes with a prediction
  # or else when they're added together they won't be consistent with `predict`
  for (i in seq_len(n.samples)) {
    # update ranef
    resid <- with(state, y.st - treeFit.train)
    post.var <- 1.0 / (n.g / state$sigma^2.0 + 1.0 / state$tau^2.0)
    post.mean <- (n.g / state$sigma^2.0) * sapply(seq_len(numRanef), function(j) mean(resid[g.sel[[j]]])) * post.var
    ranef <- rnorm(numRanef, post.mean, sqrt(post.var))
    ranef.vec <- ranef[g]
    # update BART params
    sampler$setOffset(ranef.vec + if (!is.null(offset.orig)) offset.orig else 0, isWarmup)
    dbarts_samples <- sampler$run(0L, 1L)
    state$treeFit.train <- as.vector(dbarts_samples$train) - ranef.vec
    if (control@binary) sampler$getLatents(state$y.st)
    state$sigma <- dbarts_samples$sigma[1L]
    # update sd of ranef
    evalEnv$b.sq <- sum(ranef^2.0)
    state$tau <- sliceSample(posteriorClosure, state$tau, control@n.thin, boundary = c(0.0, Inf))[control@n.thin]
    .Call(C_dbarts_assignInPlace, samples$tau, i, state$tau)
    if (!is.null(samples$sigma))
      .Call(C_dbarts_assignInPlace, samples$sigma, i, state$sigma)
    if (!is.null(samples$ranef))
      .Call(C_dbarts_assignInPlace, samples$ranef, i, ranef)
    if (!is.null(samples$yhat.train) && rbartArgs$keepTrainingFits)
      .Call(C_dbarts_assignInPlace, samples$yhat.train, i, state$treeFit.train)
    if (!is.null(samples$varcount))
      .Call(C_dbarts_assignInPlace, samples$varcount, i, dbarts_samples$varcount)
    if (!is.null(samples$yhat.test) && numTestObservations > 0L && rbartArgs$keepTestFits)
      .Call(C_dbarts_assignInPlace, samples$yhat.test, i, dbarts_samples$test)
    if (!is.null(samples$k))
      .Call(C_dbarts_assignInPlace, samples$k, i, dbarts_samples$k)
    if (!isWarmup && !is.null(rbartArgs$callback)) {
      names(ranef) <- data$g.levels
      if (is.null(samples$callback)) {
        callback_i <- rbartArgs$callback(state$treeFit.train, dbarts_samples$test, ranef, state$sigma, state$tau)
        samples$callback <- matrix(NA_real_, length(callback_i), control@n.samples,
                                   dimnames = list(names(callback_i), NULL))
        .Call(C_dbarts_assignInPlace, samples$callback, i, callback_i)
      } else {
        .Call(C_dbarts_assignInPlace, samples$callback, i, rbartArgs$callback(state$treeFit.train, dbarts_samples$test, ranef, state$sigma, state$tau))

    if (verbose && i %% control@printEvery == 0L) cat("iter: ", i, "\n", sep = "")

  list(state = state, samples = samples)

rbart_vi_fit <- function(chain.num, seed, samplerArgs, rbartArgs) 
  chain.num <- "ignored"
  if (!is.na(seed))
  sampler <- do.call(dbarts::dbarts, samplerArgs)
  sampler$control@call <- samplerArgs$control@call
  oldUpdateState <- sampler$control@updateState
  verbose <- sampler$control@verbose
  control <- sampler$control
  control@updateState <- FALSE
  control@verbose <- FALSE
  control@keepTrainingFits <- TRUE
  y <- sampler$data@y
  rel.scale <- if (!control@binary) sd(y) else 0.5
  g <- as.integer(rbartArgs$group.by)
  g.levels <- levels(rbartArgs$group.by)
  numRanef <- nlevels(rbartArgs$group.by)
  g.sel <- lapply(seq_len(numRanef), function(j) g == j)
  n.g <- sapply(g.sel, sum)
  offset.orig <- sampler$data@offset
  data <- namedList(n.g, numRanef, g.sel, g, g.levels, offset.orig)
  evalEnv <- list2env(list(rel.scale = rel.scale, q = numRanef, prior = rbartArgs$prior))
  b.sq <- NULL ## for R CMD check
  posteriorClosure <- function(x) {
    ifelse(x <= 0.0 | is.infinite(x),
           -.Machine$double.xmax * .Machine$double.eps,
           -q * base::log(x) - 0.5 * b.sq / x^2.0 + prior(x, rel.scale))
  environment(posteriorClosure) <- evalEnv
  prior <- namedList(posteriorClosure, evalEnv)
  numObservations <- length(sampler$data@y)
  numTestObservations <- NROW(sampler$data@x.test)

  kIsModeled <- inherits(sampler$model@node.hyperprior, "dbartsChiHyperprior")
  state <- list(
    tau = rel.scale / 5.0,
    sigma = if (!control@binary) sampler$data@sigma else 1.0,
    y.st = if (!control@binary) y else sampler$getLatents()
  # Sample from prior to get started
  ranef <- rnorm(numRanef, 0.0, state$tau)
  ranef.vec <- ranef[g]
  prior <- list(
    posteriorClosure = posteriorClosure,
    evalEnv = evalEnv

  if (control@n.burn > 0L) {
    oldKeepTrees <- control@keepTrees
    control@keepTrees <- FALSE
    sampler$setOffset(ranef.vec + if (!is.null(offset.orig)) offset.orig else 0, TRUE)

    state$treeFit.train <- sampler$predict(sampler$data@x) - ranef.vec

    run_result <- rbart_vi_run(sampler, data, state, prior, FALSE, control@n.burn, TRUE, rbartArgs)
    state <- run_result$state
    firstTau <- run_result$samples$tau
    firstSigma <- run_result$samples$sigma
    firstK <- run_result$samples$k

    if (control@keepTrees != oldKeepTrees) {
      control@keepTrees <- TRUE
  } else {
    sampler$setOffset(ranef.vec + if (!is.null(offset.orig)) offset.orig else 0, TRUE)

    state$treeFit.train <- (if (control@n.samples > 1L && control@keepTrees) sampler$predict(sampler$data@x)[,1L] else sampler$predict(sampler$data@x)) - ranef.vec

    firstTau <- NULL
    firstSigma <- NULL
    firstK <- NULL
  run_result <- rbart_vi_run(sampler, data, state, prior, verbose, control@n.samples, FALSE, rbartArgs)
  # state <- run_result$state
  tau <- run_result$samples$tau
  sigma <- run_result$samples$sigma
  ranef <- run_result$samples$ranef
  yhat.train <- run_result$samples$yhat.train
  yhat.test  <- run_result$samples$yhat.test
  k <- run_result$samples$k
  callback <- run_result$samples$callback
  varcount <- run_result$samples$varcount

  sampler$setOffset(if (!is.null(offset.orig)) offset.orig else NULL, FALSE)
  control@updateState <- oldUpdateState
  rownames(ranef) <- g.levels
  result <- namedList(sampler, ranef, firstTau, firstSigma, tau, sigma, yhat.train, yhat.test, callback, varcount)
  if (kIsModeled) {
    result$firstK <- firstK
    result$k <- k

packageRbartResults <- function(control, data, group.by, group.by.test, chainResults, combineChains, seed, keepSampler)
  n.chains <- length(chainResults)
  responseIsBinary <- chainResults[[1L]]$sampler$control@binary
  result <- list(call = control@call, y = data@y, group.by = group.by)
  if (!responseIsBinary) result$sigest <- chainResults[[1L]]$sampler$data@sigma
  if (!is.null(group.by.test)) result[["group.by.test"]] <- group.by.test
  if (n.chains > 1L) {
    if (!is.null(group.by.test) && any(unmeasuredLevels <- levels(group.by.test) %not_in% levels(group.by))) {
      warning("test includes random effect levels not present in training - ranef estimates default to draws from the ranef distribution parameterized by the posterior of its variance")
      n.samples <- dim(chainResults[[1L]]$ranef)[2L]
      n.unmeasured <- sum(unmeasuredLevels)
      totalRanef <- sapply(seq_along(chainResults), function(k) {
        unmeasuredRanef <- matrix(rnorm(n.unmeasured * n.samples, 0, rep(chainResults[[k]]$tau, rep_len(n.samples, n.unmeasured))),
                                  n.unmeasured, n.samples, dimnames = list(levels(group.by.test)[unmeasuredLevels], NULL))
        rbind(chainResults[[k]]$ranef, unmeasuredRanef)
      ranefDim <- c(dim(chainResults[[1L]]$ranef)[1L] + n.unmeasured, n.samples, n.chains)
      ranefDimnames <- list(c(rownames(chainResults[[1L]]$ranef), levels(group.by.test)[unmeasuredLevels]), NULL, NULL)
      ranef <- array(totalRanef, ranefDim, ranefDimnames)
      result$ranef <- convertSamplesFromDbartsToBart(ranef, n.chains, combineChains)
    } else {
      ranef <- array(sapply(chainResults, function(x) x$ranef),
                     c(dim(chainResults[[1L]]$ranef), n.chains),
                     list(rownames(chainResults[[1L]]$ranef), NULL, NULL))
      result$ranef <- convertSamplesFromDbartsToBart(ranef, n.chains, combineChains)
      # undo collapse: temp <- aperm(array(result$ranef, c(dim(chainResults[[1L]]$ranef)[2L], n.chains, dim(chainResults[[1L]]$ranef)[1L]), dimnames = list(NULL, NULL, colnames(result$ranef))), c(3L, 1L, 2L))
    result$first.tau   <- convertSamplesFromDbartsToBart(sapply(chainResults, function(x) x$firstTau), n.chains, combineChains)
    if (!responseIsBinary) {
      result$first.sigma <- convertSamplesFromDbartsToBart(sapply(chainResults, function(x) x$firstSigma), n.chains, combineChains)
      result$sigma       <- convertSamplesFromDbartsToBart(sapply(chainResults, function(x) x$sigma), n.chains, combineChains)
    result$tau         <- convertSamplesFromDbartsToBart(sapply(chainResults, function(x) x$tau), n.chains, combineChains)
    if (NROW(chainResults[[1L]]$yhat.train) <= 0L) {
      result$yhat.train <- NULL
    } else {
      result$yhat.train  <- convertSamplesFromDbartsToBart(
        array(sapply(chainResults, function(x) x$yhat.train),
              c(dim(chainResults[[1L]]$yhat.train), n.chains)),
        n.chains, combineChains)
    if (NROW(chainResults[[1L]]$yhat.test) <= 0L) {
      result$yhat.test <- NULL
    } else {
      result$yhat.test <- convertSamplesFromDbartsToBart(
        array(sapply(chainResults, function(x) x$yhat.test),
              c(dim(chainResults[[1L]]$yhat.test), n.chains)),
        n.chains, combineChains)
    if (!is.null(chainResults[[1L]]$callback)) {
      result$callback <- convertSamplesFromDbartsToBart(array(sapply(chainResults, function(x) x$callback), c(dim(chainResults[[1L]]$callback), n.chains)))
      dimnames(result$callback) <- list(NULL, NULL, dimnames(chainResults[[1L]]$callback)[[1L]])
    result$varcount    <- convertSamplesFromDbartsToBart(array(sapply(chainResults, function(x) x$varcount), c(dim(chainResults[[1L]]$varcount), n.chains)), n.chains, combineChains)
    if (!is.null(chainResults[[1L]]$firstK)) {
      result$first.k <- convertSamplesFromDbartsToBart(sapply(chainResults, function(x) x$firstK), n.chains, combineChains)
    if (!is.null(chainResults[[1L]]$k)) {
      result$k <- convertSamplesFromDbartsToBart(sapply(chainResults, function(x) x$k), n.chains, combineChains)
  } else {
    result$ranef <- t(chainResults[[1L]]$ranef)
    if (!is.null(group.by.test) && any(unmeasuredLevels <- levels(group.by.test) %not_in% levels(group.by))) {
      warning("test includes random effect levels not present in training - ranef estimates default to draws from the ranef distribution parameterized by the posterior of its variance")
      n.unmeasured <- sum(unmeasuredLevels)
      n.samples <- ncol(chainResults[[1L]]$ranef)
      unmeasuredRanef <-
        matrix(rnorm(n.samples * n.unmeasured, 0, rep(chainResults[[1L]]$tau, n.samples)),
               n.samples, n.unmeasured, dimnames = list(NULL, levels(group.by.test)[unmeasuredLevels]))
      result$ranef <- cbind(result$ranef, unmeasuredRanef)
    result$first.tau   <- chainResults[[1L]]$firstTau
    if (!responseIsBinary) {
      result$first.sigma <- chainResults[[1L]]$firstSigma
      result$sigma       <- chainResults[[1L]]$sigma
    result$tau         <- chainResults[[1L]]$tau
    result$yhat.train  <- if (NROW(chainResults[[1L]]$yhat.train) <= 0L) NULL else t(chainResults[[1L]]$yhat.train)
    result$yhat.test   <- if (NROW(chainResults[[1L]]$yhat.test) <= 0L) NULL else t(chainResults[[1L]]$yhat.test)
    if (!is.null(chainResults[[1L]]$callback)) result$callback <- t(chainResults[[1L]]$callback)
    result$varcount    <- chainResults[[1L]]$varcount
    if (!is.null(chainResults[[1L]]$firstK))
      result$first.k <- chainResults[[1L]]$firstK 
    if (!is.null(chainResults[[1L]]$k))
      result$k <- chainResults[[1L]]$k 
  result$ranef.mean <- apply(result$ranef, length(dim(result$ranef)), mean)
  if (control@keepTrainingFits)
    result$yhat.train.mean <- apply(result$yhat.train, length(dim(result$yhat.train)), mean)
  if (!is.null(result$yhat.test)) result$yhat.test.mean <- apply(result$yhat.test, length(dim(result$yhat.test)), mean)
  if (keepSampler)
    result$fit <- lapply(chainResults, function(x) x$sampler)
    result$n.chains <- n.chains
  if (!is.na(seed)) {
    oldSeed <- .GlobalEnv[[".Random.seed"]]
    result$seed <- .GlobalEnv$.Random.seed
    .GlobalEnv$.Random.seed <- oldSeed
  } else {
    if (!exists(".Random.seed", .GlobalEnv)) runif(1L)
    result$seed <- .GlobalEnv$.Random.seed
  class(result) <- "rbart"

## create the contents to be used in partial dependence plots
if (FALSE) pdrbart <- function(x.train, y.train, group.by, xind = seq_len(ncol(x.train)),
                    levs = NULL, levquants = c(0.05, seq(0.1, 0.9, 0.1), 0.95),
                    pl = TRUE, plquants = c(0.05, 0.95),
  n = nrow(x.train)
  nvar = length(xind)
  nlevels = rep(0,nvar)
  if (is.null(levs)) {
    levs = list()
    for (i in 1:nvar) {
      ux = unique(x.train[,xind[i]])
      if (length(ux) < length(levquants)) levs[[i]] = sort(ux)
      else levs[[i]] = unique(quantile(x.train[,xind[i]],probs=levquants))
  nlevels = unlist(lapply(levs,length))
  x.test = NULL
  for (i in 1:nvar) {
    for (v in levs[[i]]) {
      temp = x.train
      temp[,xind[i]] = v
      x.test = rbind(x.test,temp)
  pdbrt = rbart_vi(x.train, y.train, x.test, group.by = group.by, ...)
  fdr = list() 
  cnt = 0
  for (j in 1:nvar) {
    fdrtemp = NULL
    for (i in 1:nlevels[j]) {
      cind = cnt + ((i-1)*n+1):(i*n)
      yhat.test <- 
      fdrtemp <- if (length(dim(pdbrt$yhat.test)) > 2L)
        cbind(fdrtemp, as.vector(t(apply(pdbrt$yhat.test[,,cind], c(1, 2), mean))))
        cbind(fdrtemp, apply(pdbrt$yhat.test[,cind], 1, mean))
    fdr[[j]] = fdrtemp
    cnt = cnt + n*nlevels[j]
  if (is.null(colnames(x.train))) xlbs = paste('x',xind,sep='')
  else xlbs = colnames(x.train)[xind]
  if ('sigma' %in% names(pdbrt)) {
    retval = list(fd = fdr,levs = levs,xlbs=xlbs,
  } else {
    retval = list(fd = fdr,levs = levs,xlbs=xlbs,
  class(retval) = 'pdrbart'
  if (pl) plot(retval, plquants = plquants)
  return (retval)

if (FALSE) pd2rbart <- function (
   x.train, y.train, group.by,
   xind = c(1, 2),
   levs = NULL, levquants = c(0.05, seq(0.1, 0.9, 0.1), 0.95),
   pl = TRUE, plquants = c(0.05, 0.95), 
  n = nrow(x.train)
  nlevels = rep(0,2)
  if (is.null(levs)) {
    levs = list()
    for (i in 1:2) {
      ux = unique(x.train[,xind[i]])
      if(length(ux) <= length(levquants)) levs[[i]] = sort(ux)
      else levs[[i]] = unique(quantile(x.train[,xind[i]],probs=levquants))
  nlevels = unlist(lapply(levs,length))
  xvals <- as.matrix(expand.grid(levs[[1]],levs[[2]]))
  nxvals <- nrow(xvals)
  if (ncol(x.train)==2){
    cat('special case: only 2 xs\n')
    x.test = xvals
  } else {
    for (v in 1:nxvals) {
      temp = x.train
      temp[,xind[1]] = xvals[v,1]
      temp[,xind[2]] = xvals[v,2]
      x.test = rbind(x.test,temp)
  pdbrt = rbart_vi(x.train, y.train, x.test, group.by = group.by, ...)
  if (ncol(x.train)==2) {
    fdr = pdbrt$yhat.test
  } else {
    fdr = NULL 
    for (i in 1:nxvals) {
      cind =  ((i-1)*n+1):(i*n)
      fdr <- if (length(dim(pdbrt$yhat.test)) > 2L)
        cbind(fdr, as.vector(t(apply(pdbrt$yhat.test[,,cind], c(1, 2), mean))))
        cbind(fdr, apply(pdbrt$yhat.test[,cind], 1, mean))
  if (is.null(colnames(x.train))) xlbs = paste('x',xind,sep='')
  else xlbs = colnames(x.train)[xind]
  if ('sigma' %in% names(pdbrt)) {
  retval = list(fd = fdr,levs = levs,xlbs=xlbs,
  } else {
    retval = list(fd = fdr,levs = levs,xlbs=xlbs,
  class(retval) = 'pd2rbart'
  if (pl) plot(retval,plquants=plquants)
  return (retval)
vdorie/dbarts documentation built on Feb. 7, 2024, 11:13 a.m.