
Defines functions scMultiome .loadMTX .read_mtx .message .loadHDF5 .getH5_TENx

Documented in scMultiome

## Load HDF5 file with either TENxMatrix or HDF5Array
.getH5_TENx <- function(filelist, ehub, fn, verbose) {
    if (verbose)
        message("Working on: ", paste(fn, collapse = ",\n "))
    se_h5 <- grep("_se", filelist, value = TRUE)
    se_obj <- query(ehub, se_h5)[[1L]]

    hasTENx <- any(grepl("tenx", filelist))
    patt <- if (hasTENx) "tenx" else "_assay"

    h5data <- grep(patt, filelist, value = TRUE, ignore.case = TRUE)
    h5fileloc <- query(ehub, h5data)[[1L]]

    if (!hasTENx)
        h5array <- HDF5Array::HDF5Array(h5fileloc, "assay001", as.sparse = TRUE)
        h5array <- HDF5Array::TENxMatrix(h5fileloc, "pbmc")

        x = se_obj, withDimnames = FALSE,
        value = list(counts = h5array)

.loadHDF5 <- function(ehub, filepaths, verbose) {
    matchres <- grepl("\\.[Hh]5|_se\\.[Rr][Dd][Ss]", filepaths)
    fpaths <- filepaths[matchres]
    fact <- .removeExt(fpaths)
    fact <- gsub("_se|_assays|_tenx", "", fact)
    h5list <- split(fpaths, fact)
        ehub = ehub, fn = names(h5list), verbose = verbose

.message <-

## @mtmorgan's function from HCAMatrixBrowser
.read_mtx <-
    function(path, verbose = FALSE)
    headers <- readLines(path, 2L)
    dims <- as.integer(strsplit(headers[2], " ")[[1]][c(1, 2)])
    !verbose || .message("dim: ", dims[1], " ", dims[2])
    v <- scan(
        path, list(integer(), integer(), numeric()), skip = 2,
        quiet = !verbose
    Matrix::sparseMatrix(v[[1]], v[[2]], x = v[[3]], dims = dims)

.loadMTX <- function(ehub, filepaths, verbose) {
    matchres <-
        grepl("\\.[Mm][Tt][Xx]\\.[Gg][Zz]$|_se\\.[Rr][Dd][Ss]$", filepaths)
    filepaths <- filepaths[matchres]
    fact <- .removeExt(filepaths)
    fact <- gsub("_se", "", fact)
    mtxlist <- split(filepaths, fact)
    lapply(mtxlist, function(mtxfile, fn) {
        if (verbose)
            message("Working on: ", paste(fn, collapse = ",\n "))
        se_mtx <- grep("_se", mtxfile, value = TRUE)
        mtxdata <- grep("mtx", mtxfile, value = TRUE, ignore.case = TRUE)
        se <- query(ehub, se_mtx)[[1L]]
        mtxfile <- query(ehub, mtxdata)[[1L]]
        mtxf <- .read_mtx(mtxfile)

            object = se,
            assays = SummarizedExperiment::Assays(
                S4Vectors::SimpleList(counts = mtxf)
    }, fn = names(mtxlist))

#' Single-cell Multiome ATAC + Gene Expression
#' @description 10x Genomics Multiome technology enables simultaneous profiling 
#' of the transcriptome (using 3’ gene expression) and epigenome 
#' (using ATAC-seq) from single cells to
#' deepen our understanding of how genes are expressed and regulated across
#' different cell types. Data prepared by Ricard Argelaguet.
#' @details Users are able to choose from either an `MTX` or `HDF5` file format
#'     as the internal data representation. The `MTX` (Matrix Market)
#'     format allows users to load a sparse `dgCMatrix` representation.
#'     Choosing `HDF5` gives users a sparse `HDF5Array` class object.
#'     \itemize{pbmc_10x:} 10K Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells provided by
#' [10x Genomics website](https://support.10xgenomics.com/single-cell-multiome-atac-gex/datasets)
#'      Cell quality control filters are available in the object `colData`
#'      together with the `celltype` annotation labels.
#' @inheritParams scNMT
#' @param format Either MTX or HDF5 data format (default MTX)
#' @return A 10X PBMC `MultiAssayExperiment` object
#' @md
#' @examples
#' scMultiome(DataType = "pbmc_10x", modes = "*", dry.run = TRUE)
#' @export
scMultiome <-
        DataType = "pbmc_10x", modes = "*", version = "1.0.0",
        format = c("MTX", "HDF5"), dry.run = TRUE, verbose = TRUE, ...
    stopifnot(.isSingleChar(version), .isSingleChar(DataType))

    format <- match.arg(format)
    meta <- list(call = match.call(), version = version)

    if (!version %in% c("1.0.0", "1.0.1"))
        stop("Invalid 'version'; see '?scMultiome' for details.")

    ess_list <- .getResourcesList(prefix = "pbmc_", datatype = DataType,
        modes = modes, version = version, dry.run = dry.run,
        verbose = verbose, format = format, ...)

    if (dry.run) { return(ess_list) }

        experiments = ess_list[["experiments"]],
        colData = ess_list[["colData"]],
        sampleMap = ess_list[["sampleMap"]],
        metadata = meta
waldronlab/SingleCellMultiModal documentation built on June 19, 2024, 8:57 p.m.