
Defines functions .getCoStatusPerCluster getClusterMemberCooccurrence

Documented in getClusterMemberCooccurrence

#' @title Retrieving member allele co-occurrence status and strain distributions
#' for clusters of alleles
#' @description This function returns a data frame given a data frame of cluster
#' IDs and alleles. In each row, a string of strain names (comma-delimited) are
#' returned if all of the alleles are co-occurring in these strains, otherwise,
#' an NA is returned because alleles may differ in strains when only a fixed number
#' (less than the number of all alleles) of alleles are co-occurring in the strains.
#' Moreover, the function reports the minimal inclusive clade of strains and the
#' frequency of co-occurrence events in this clade when all alleles are co-occurring.
#' Specifically, a cluster may refer to a community (also known as a module) or
#' a clique in a network.
#' @param clstr a data frame consisting of at least two columns: one for cluster
#' IDs and the other for allele names (comma-delimited). I recommend to use
#' integers or characters as clster IDs. This argument can be generated by taking
#' the columns Clique and Alleles in the output of the function summariseCliques.
#' @param cluster.colname the column name for cluster IDs in clstr.
#' @param allele.colname the column name for allele IDs in clstr.
#' @param pam an allelic PAM with columns for allele names and rows for strain names.
#' @param clade.pam (optional) a matrix for the presence/absence of samples in
#' each clade of an input tree. It can be obtained using the function tree2Clades.
#' @param clade.sizes (optional) A named vector of integers for the number of
#' samples in each clade. It can be obtained from the element "sizes" in the
#' outputs of the function tree2Clades. Optional.
#' @param sample.dists (optional) A square matrix for distances between samples.
#' It can be acquired through the function projectSamples.
#' @param n.cores An integer determining the number of cores used for parallel
#' computing. Valid values are the same as those for the function findPhysLink.
#' @note Clade-wise summaries are not returned or only a few summary columns are
#' returned when the three optional arguments are incomplete (some may be NULL).
#' @return A data frame of 12 columns. Explanations to some columns: Column 1, named
#' by the argument cluster.colname, which contains cluster IDs; Column 2, named
#' by the argument allele.colname, which stores alleles per cluster; size, number
#' of alleles per cluster; co_max, maximum number of co-occurring alleles in
#' strains; co_perc, co_max / size * 100%.
#' @examples
#' assoc <- findPhysLink(...)
#' clusters <- ...  # from a network package of your preference
#' com.co <- getClusterMemberCooccurrence(com = clusters, pam = assoc[["alleles"]][["A"]], cluster.colname = "community",
#' clade.pam = assoc[["struc"]][["clades"]][["pam"]], clade.sizes = assoc[["struc"]][["clades"]][["sizes"]],
#' sample.dists = assoc[["struc"]][["C"]][["d"]], n.cores = 2)
#' Dependency: data.table, parallel
#' @author Yu Wan (\email{wanyuac@@126.com})
#' @export
#  Copyright 2017 Yu Wan
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
#  First edition: 27 Sep 2017, the lastest edition: 2 Oct 2017

getClusterMemberCooccurrence <- function(clstr, cluster.colname = "cluster",
                                         allele.colname = "allele", pam,
                                         clade.pam = NULL, clade.sizes = NULL,
                                         sample.dists = NULL, n.cores = -1) {

    # get the variable class of cluster IDs because they will be converted to characters when the parRapply function is used (the same as the lapply function)
    ID.class <- class(clstr[, cluster.colname])  # "integer", "character" or "numeric"

    # run parallel jobs
    cl <- makeCluster(.setCoreNum(n.cores = n.cores, cores.avai = detectCores()))  # cores.avai >= 1; n.cores >= 1
    clusterExport(cl = cl, varlist = list("pam", "cluster.colname", "allele.colname",
                                          "clade.pam", "clade.sizes", "sample.dists"),
                  envir = environment())  # make variables visible to different cores
    co <- parRapply(cl = cl, x = clstr, .getCoStatusPerCluster, pam, cluster.colname,
                    allele.colname, clade.pam, clade.sizes, sample.dists)  # apply rows to a function

    # post-summary process
    co <- as.data.frame(rbindlist(co))  # class(rbindlist) returns a vector c("data.table", "data.frame"). It sometimes cause problems when using a column by its column name. Hence it is safer to convert it into an ordinary data frame.
    names(co)[c(1, 2)] <- c(cluster.colname, allele.colname)
    if (class(co[, cluster.colname]) != ID.class) {  # such as integers or numerics
        co[, cluster.colname] <- as(object = co[, cluster.colname], Class = ID.class,
                                    strict = TRUE)  # convert cluster IDs back to their original type


.getCoStatusPerCluster <- function(r, pam, cluster.colname, allele.colname,
                                   clade.pam, clade.sizes, sample.dists) {
    # This is a subordinate function of getCommunityMemberCooccurrence.
    # r: a row in the data frame clstr

    # parse the allele string into individual alleles or allele clusters (for identically distributed alleles) with two delimiters
    alleles <- strsplit(x = r[[allele.colname]], split = ",", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]

    # Since we do not want to lose the connection between identically distributed alleles, we build a "dictionary" of alleles.
    mapping <- unlist(sapply(alleles, function(a) strsplit(x = a, split = "&",
                                                           fixed = TRUE)[[1]][1]))  # a named vector, where one allele represents each group of identically distributed alleles
    alleles <- as.character(mapping)  # get values only

    # Count co-occurrence events ===============
    pam <- pam[, alleles]
    counts <- as.integer(rowSums(pam))  # remove names from the vector

    # summary about the maximal count
    max.co.count <- max(counts)  # equals the total number of alleles when all alleles are present
    alleles.num <- length(alleles)  # including groups of identically distributed alleles
    is.full <- max.co.count == alleles.num
    max.co.rows <- which(counts == max.co.count)
    max.co.str.n <- length(max.co.rows)  # number of strains having max.co.count alleles co-occurring
    strains <- rownames(pam)

    if (max.co.str.n == 1) {  # The co-occurrence event is only seen in a single strain, including circumstances where is.full = TRUE.
        strains.max <- strains[max.co.rows]
        strain.max.dist <- 0
        alleles.max.co <- alleles[as.logical(pam[max.co.rows, ])]  # A matrix reduces to a named vector when there is only a single row or column gets selected.
        alleles.max.co <- paste(as.character(mapping[alleles.max.co]), collapse = ",")  # restore original allele/group names
        analyse.clades <- TRUE
    } else if (is.full) {
        strains.max <- strains[max.co.rows]  # strains having these alleles present
        alleles.max.co <- r[[allele.colname]]
        analyse.clades <- TRUE
    } else {  # Allele profiles may not be the same when max.co.count < length(alleles). In this case, it is misleading to report the strain number.
        # determine if there is only a single set of co-occurring alleles
        pam.max.co <- pam[max.co.rows, ]
        allele.union <- as.logical(colSums(pam.max.co))  # The idea is, when alleles come from different sets, the size of their union is greater than max.co.count.
        if (sum(allele.union) == max.co.count) {  # Allele sets in different strains are completely overlapping.
            strains.max <- strains[max.co.rows]
            alleles.max.co <- alleles[allele.union]
            alleles.max.co <- paste(as.character(mapping[alleles.max.co]), collapse = ",")
            analyse.clades <- TRUE
        } else {  # Allele sets in different strains do not completely overlap. In this case, reporting the set of strains having max.co.count alleles co-occurring is misleading.
            strains.max <- NA
            strain.max.dist <- NA
            alleles.max.co <- NA  # not a constant vector
            analyse.clades <- FALSE

    # Retrieving the maximal strain distance ===============
    if (!is.null(sample.dists) & max.co.str.n > 1 & analyse.clades) {
        strain.max.dist <- max(sample.dists[strains.max, strains.max])

    # Analysing minimal inclusive clades (MIC) ===============
    if (analyse.clades & !is.null(clade.pam)) {
        clade.info <- findMinIncCladeOfStrains(strains = strains.max,
                                               clade.pam = clade.pam,
                                               clade.sizes = clade.sizes)
        clade <- clade.info[["clade"]]
        clade.size <- clade.info[["size"]]
        clade.co.freq <- clade.info[["freq"]]
    } else {
        clade <- NA
        clade.size <- NA
        clade.co.freq <- NA

    # compose the output data frame ===============
    if (!is.na(strains.max) & max.co.str.n > 1) {
        strains.max <- paste(strains.max, collapse = ",")
    out <- data.frame(cluster = r[[cluster.colname]], alleles = r[[allele.colname]],
                      size = alleles.num, co_max = max.co.count,
                      co_perc = round(max.co.count / alleles.num * 100, digits = 4),
                      strains_num = max.co.str.n, clade = clade, clade_size = clade.size,
                      strains_max_div = strain.max.dist, clade_co_freq = clade.co.freq,
                      strains = strains.max, alleles_max_co = alleles.max.co,
                      stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

wanyuac/GeneMates documentation built on Aug. 12, 2022, 7:37 a.m.