Defines functions processMale_XnonPAR getCovMandOUT_cond getCovMandOUT_cond_pre subsetModelFileforMissing scoreTest_SPAGMMAT_binaryTrait_cond_sparseSigma scoreTest_SAIGE_binaryTrait_cond_sparseSigma scoreTest_SAIGE_quantitativeTrait_sparseSigma scoreTest_SPAGMMAT_binaryTrait_cond scoreTest_SAIGE_binaryTrait_cond scoreTest_SAIGE_binaryTrait scoreTest_SPAGMMAT_binaryTrait Score_Test Score_Test_Sparse scoreTest_SAIGE_quantitativeTrait scoreTest_SAIGE_quantitativeTrait_old SPAGMMATtest

Documented in SPAGMMATtest

#' Run single variant or gene- or region-based score tests with SPA based on the linear/logistic mixed model.
#' @param bgenFile character. Path to bgen file. Currently version 1.2 with 8 bit compression is supported
#' @param bgenFileIndex character. Path to the .bgi file (index of the bgen file)
#' @param vcfFile character. Path to vcf file
#' @param vcfFileIndex character. Path to index for vcf file by tabix, ".tbi" by "tabix -p vcf file.vcf.gz"
#' @param vcfField character. genotype field in vcf file to use. "DS" for dosages or "GT" for genotypes. By default, "DS".
#' @param savFile character. Path to sav file
#' @param savFileIndex character. Path to index for sav file .s1r
#' @param idstoExcludeFile character. Path to the file containing variant ids to be excluded from the bgen file. The file does not have a header and each line is for a marker ID.
#' @param idstoIncludeFile character. Path to the file containing variant ids to be included from the bgen file. The file does not have a header and each line is for a marker ID.
#' @param rangestoExcludeFile character. Path to the file containing genome regions to be excluded from the bgen file. The file contains three columns for chromosome, start, and end respectively with no header
#' @param rangestoIncludeFile character. Path to the file containing genome regions to be included from the bgen file. The file contains three columns for chromosome, start, and end respectively with no header
#' @param chrom character. string for the chromosome to include from vcf file. Required for vcf file. Note: the string needs to exactly match the chromosome string in the vcf/sav file. For example, "1" does not match "chr1". If LOCO is specified, providing chrom will save computation cost
#' @param start numeric. start genome position to include from vcf file. By default, 1
#' @param end numeric. end genome position to include from vcf file. By default, 250000000
#' @param IsDropMissingDosages logical. whether to drop missing dosages (TRUE) or to mean impute missing dosages (FALSE). By default, FALSE. This option only works for bgen, vcf, and sav input.
#' @param minMAC numeric. Minimum minor allele count of markers to test. By default, 0.5. The higher threshold between minMAC and minMAF will be used
#' @param minMAF numeric. Minimum minor allele frequency of markers to test. By default 0. The higher threshold between minMAC and minMAF will be used
#' @param maxMAFforGroupTest numeric. Maximum minor allele frequency of markers to test in group test. By default 0.5.
#' @param minInfo numeric. Minimum imputation info of markers to test. By default, 0. This option only works for bgen, vcf, and sav input
#' @param sampleFile character. Path to the file that contains one column for IDs of samples in the bgen file with NO header
#' @param GMMATmodelFile character. Path to the input file containing the glmm model, which is output from previous step. Will be used by load()
#' @param varianceRatioFile character. Path to the input file containing the variance ratio, which is output from the previous step
#' @param SPAcutoff by default = 2 (SPA test would be used when p value < 0.05 under the normal approximation)
#' @param SAIGEOutputFile character. Path to the output file containing assoc test results
#' @param numLinesOutput numeric. Number of  markers to be output each time. By default, 10000
#' @param IsSparse logical. Whether to exploit the sparsity of the genotype vector for less frequent variants to speed up the SPA tests or not for dichotomous traits. By default, TRUE
#' @param IsOutputAFinCaseCtrl logical. Whether to output allele frequency in cases and controls. By default, FALSE
#' @param IsOutputMAFinCaseCtrlinGroupTest logical. Whether to output minor allele frequency in cases and controls in set-based tests By default, FALSE
#' @param IsOutputNinCaseCtrl logical. Whether to output sample sizes in cases and controls. By default, FALSE
#' @param IsOutputHetHomCountsinCaseCtrl logical. Whether to output heterozygous and homozygous counts in cases and controls. By default, FALSE. If True, the columns "homN_Allele2_cases", "hetN_Allele2_cases", "homN_Allele2_ctrls", "hetN_Allele2_ctrls" will be output.
#' @param IsOutputlogPforSingle logical. Whether to output log(Pvalue) for single-variant assoc tests. By default, FALSE. If TRUE, the log(Pvalue) instead of original P values will be output
#' @param LOCO logical. Whether to apply the leave-one-chromosome-out option. By default, TRUE
#' @param condition character. For conditional analysis. Genetic marker ids (chr:pos_ref/alt if sav/vcf dosage input , marker id if bgen input) seperated by comma. e.g.chr3:101651171_C/T,chr3:101651186_G/A, Note that currently conditional analysis is only for bgen,vcf,sav input.
#' @param sparseSigmaFile character. Path to the file containing the sparseSigma from step 1. The suffix of this file is ".mtx".
#' @param groupFile character. Path to the file containing the group information for gene-based tests. Each line is for one gene/set of variants. The first element is for gene/set name. The rest of the line is for variant ids included in this gene/set. For vcf/sav, the genetic marker ids are in the format chr:pos_ref/alt. For bgen, the genetic marker ids should match the ids in the bgen file. Each element in the line is seperated by tab.
#' @param kernel character. For gene-based test. By default, "linear.weighted". More options can be seen in the SKAT library
#' @param method character. method for gene-based test p-values. By default, "optimal.adj". More options can be seen in the SKAT library
#' @param weights.beta.rare vector of numeric. parameters for the beta distribution to weight genetic markers with MAF <= weightMAFcutoff in gene-based tests.By default, "c(1,25)". More options can be seen in the SKAT library
#' @param weights.beta.common vector of numeric. parameters for the beta distribution to weight genetic markers with MAF > weightMAFcutoff in gene-based tests.By default, "c(1,25)". More options can be seen in the SKAT library. NOTE: this argument is not fully developed. currently, weights.beta.common is euqal to weights.beta.rare
#' @param weightMAFcutoff numeric. Between 0 and 0.5. See document above for weights.beta.rare and weights.beta.common. By default, 0.01
#' @param weightsIncludeinGroupFile logical. Whether to specify customized weight for makers in gene- or region-based tests. If TRUE, weights are included in the group file. For vcf/sav, the genetic marker ids and weights are in the format chr:pos_ref/alt;weight. For bgen, the genetic marker ids should match the ids in the bgen filE, e.g. SNPID;weight. Each element in the line is seperated by tab. By default, FALSE
#' @param weights_for_G2_cond vector of float. weights for conditioning markers for gene- or region-based tests. The length equals to the number of conditioning markers, delimited by comma. By default, "c(1,2)"
#' @param r.corr numeric. bewteen 0 and 1. parameters for gene-based tests.  By default, 0.  More options can be seen in the SKAT library
#' @param IsSingleVarinGroupTest logical. Whether to perform single-variant assoc tests for genetic markers included in the gene-based tests. By default, FALSE
#' @param cateVarRatioMinMACVecExclude vector of float. Lower bound of MAC for MAC categories. The length equals to the number of MAC categories for variance ratio estimation. By default, c(0.5,1.5,2.5,3.5,4.5,5.5,10.5,20.5). If groupFile="", only one variance ratio corresponding to MAC >= 20 is used
#' @param cateVarRatioMaxMACVecInclude vector of float. Higher bound of MAC for MAC categories. The length equals to the number of MAC categories for variance ratio estimation minus 1. By default, c(1.5,2.5,3.5,4.5,5.5,10.5,20.5). If groupFile="", only one variance ratio corresponding to MAC >= 20 is used
#' @param dosageZerodCutoff numeric. In gene- or region-based tests, for each variants with MAC <= 10, dosages <= dosageZerodCutoff with be set to 0. By default, 0.2.
#' @param IsOutputPvalueNAinGroupTestforBinary logical. In gene- or region-based tests for binary traits. if IsOutputPvalueNAinGroupTestforBinary is TRUE, p-values without accounting for case-control imbalance will be output. By default, FALSE
#' @param IsAccountforCasecontrolImbalanceinGroupTest logical. In gene- or region-based tests for binary traits. If IsAccountforCasecontrolImbalanceinGroupTest is TRUE, p-values after accounting for case-control imbalance will be output. By default, TRUE
#' @param IsOutputBETASEinBurdenTest logical. Output effect size (BETA and SE) for burden tests. By default, FALSE
#' @param X_PARregion character. ranges of (pseudoautosomal) PAR region on chromosome X, which are seperated by comma and in the format start:end. By default: '60001-2699520,154931044-155260560' in the UCSC build hg19. For males, there are two X alleles in the PAR region, so PAR regions are treated the same as autosomes. In the NON-PAR regions (outside the specified PAR regions on chromosome X), for males, there is only one X allele. If is_rewrite_XnonPAR_forMales=TRUE, genotypes/dosages of all variants in the NON-PAR regions on chromosome X will be multiplied by 2.
#' @param is_rewrite_XnonPAR_forMales logical. Whether to rewrite gentoypes or dosages of variants in the NON-PAR regions on chromosome X for males (multiply by 2). By default, FALSE. Note, only use is_rewrite_XnonPAR_forMales=TRUE when the specified VCF or Bgen file only has variants on chromosome X. When is_rewrite_XnonPAR_forMales=TRUE, the program does not check the chromosome value by assuming all variants are on chromosome X
#' @param sampleFile_male character. Path to the file containing one column for IDs of MALE samples in the bgen or vcf file with NO header. Order does not matter
#' @param method_to_CollapseUltraRare character. Method to collpase the ultra rare variants in the set-based association tests. This argument can be 'absence_or_presence', 'sum_geno', or ''. absence_or_presence:  For the resulted collpased marker, any individual having DosageCutoff_for_UltraRarePresence <= dosage < 1+DosageCutoff_for_UltraRarePresence for any ultra rare variant has 1 in the genotype vector, having dosage >= 1+DosageCutoff_for_UltraRarePresence for any ultra rare variant has 2 in the genotype vector, otherwise 0. sum_geno: Ultra rare variants with MAC <=  MACCutoff_to_CollapseUltraRare will be collpased for set-based tests in the 'sum_geno' way and the resulted collpased marker's genotype equals weighted sum of the genotypes of all ultra rare variants. NOTE: this option sum_geno currently is NOT active. By default, "absence_or_presence". 
#' @param MACCutoff_to_CollapseUltraRare numeric. MAC cutoff to collpase the ultra rare variants (<= MACCutoff_to_CollapseUltraRare) in the set-based association tests. By default, 10. 
#' @param DosageCutoff_for_UltraRarePresence numeric. Dosage cutoff to determine whether the ultra rare variants are absent or present in the samples. Dosage >= DosageCutoff_for_UltraRarePresence indicates the varaint in present in the sample. 0< DosageCutoff_for_UltraRarePresence <= 2. By default, 0.5.  
#' @return SAIGEOutputFile
#' @export
SPAGMMATtest = function(bgenFile = "",
		 bgenFileIndex = "",
		 vcfFile = "",
                 vcfFileIndex = "",
		 vcfField = "DS",
		 savFile = "",
		 savFileIndex = "",
		 sampleFile = "",
		 idstoExcludeFile = "",
		 idstoIncludeFile = "",
		 rangestoExcludeFile = "",
		 rangestoIncludeFile = "",
		 chrom = "",
		 start = 1,
		 end = 250000000,
		 IsDropMissingDosages = FALSE,
		 minMAC = 0.5,
                 minMAF = 0,
		 maxMAFforGroupTest = 0.5,
        	 minInfo = 0,
                 GMMATmodelFile = "",
                 varianceRatioFile = "",
                 SAIGEOutputFile = "",
		 numLinesOutput = 10000,
		 weights.beta.rare = c(1,25),
		 weights.beta.common = c(1,25),
		 weightMAFcutoff = 0.01,
		 weights_for_G2_cond = NULL,
		 IsSingleVarinGroupTest = TRUE,
		 dosageZerodCutoff = 0.2,
		 IsOutputPvalueNAinGroupTestforBinary = FALSE,
		 IsAccountforCasecontrolImbalanceinGroupTest = TRUE,
		 IsOutputBETASEinBurdenTest = FALSE,
		 IsOutputMAFinCaseCtrlinGroupTest = FALSE,
		 MACCutoff_to_CollapseUltraRare = 10,
		 DosageCutoff_for_UltraRarePresence = 0.5){

    if (weightMAFcutoff < 0 | weightMAFcutoff > 0.5) {
        stop("weightMAFcutoff needs to be between 0 and 0.5\n")
    adjustCCratioinGroupTest = TRUE
    if (!IsAccountforCasecontrolImbalanceinGroupTest) {
        IsOutputPvalueNAinGroupTestforBinary = TRUE
        adjustCCratioinGroupTest = FALSE
    if (sum(weights.beta.rare != weights.beta.common) > 0) {
        cat("WARNING:The option for weights.beta.common is not fully developed\n")
        cat("weights.beta.common is set to be equal to weights.beta.rare\n")
        weights.beta.common = weights.beta.rare
    if (groupFile == "") {
        isGroupTest = FALSE
        cat("single-variant association test will be performed\n")
    }else {
        cat("group-based test will be performed\n")
        IsOutputlogPforSingle = FALSE
        if (dosageZerodCutoff < 0) {
            dosageZerodCutoff = 0
        else if (dosageZerodCutoff >= 0) {
            cat("Any dosages <= ", dosageZerodCutoff, " for genetic variants with MAC <= 10 are set to be 0 in group tests\n")
        if (!file.exists(groupFile)) {
            stop("ERROR! groupFile ", groupFile, " does not exsit\n")
        else {
            isGroupTest = TRUE
    if (file.exists(SAIGEOutputFile)) {
    if (!file.exists(SAIGEOutputFile)) {
        file.create(SAIGEOutputFile, showWarnings = TRUE)
    splitfun_weight = function(x) {
        return(strsplit(x, split = ";")[[1]][2])
    splitfun_markerID = function(x) {
        return(strsplit(x, split = ";")[[1]][1])
    if (!file.exists(GMMATmodelFile)) {
        stop("ERROR! GMMATmodelFile ", GMMATmodelFile, " does not exsit\n")
    }else {
        modglmm$Y = NULL
        modglmm$offset = modglmm$linear.predictors - modglmm$coefficients[1]
        modglmm$linear.predictors = NULL
        modglmm$coefficients = NULL
        modglmm$cov = NULL
        obj.glmm.null = modglmm
        sampleInModel = NULL
        sampleInModel$IID = obj.glmm.null$sampleID
        sampleInModel = data.frame(sampleInModel)
        sampleInModel$IndexInModel = seq(1, length(sampleInModel$IID), 
            by = 1)
        cat(nrow(sampleInModel), " samples have been used to fit the glmm null model\n")
        traitType = obj.glmm.null$traitType
        if (traitType == "quantitative") {
            IsOutputHetHomCountsinCaseCtrl = FALSE
        y = obj.glmm.null$y
        X = obj.glmm.null$X
        N = length(y)
        tauVec = obj.glmm.null$theta
        indChromCheck = FALSE
        if (!LOCO) {
            print("Leave-one-chromosome-out is not applied")
            if (obj.glmm.null$LOCO) {
                for (chr in 1:22) {
                  obj.glmm.null$LOCOResult[chr] = list(NULL)
                  cat("chromosome ", chr, " model results are removed to save memory\n")
        }else {
            if (!obj.glmm.null$LOCO) {
                stop("LOCO is TRUE but the null model file .rda does not contain LOCO results. In order to apply Leave-one-chromosome-out, please run Step 1 using LOCO. Otherwise, please set LOCO=FALSE in this step (Step 2).\n")
            }else {
                if (isGroupTest) {
                  if (chrom == "") {
                    stop("chrom needs to be specified in order to apply Leave-one-chromosome-out on gene- or region-based tests")
                  }else {
                    chrom_v2 = as.character(chrom)
                    chrom_v2 = gsub("CHR", "", chrom_v2, ignore.case = T)
                    chrom_v3 = as.numeric(gsub("[^0-9.]", "", 
                    if (chrom_v3 > length(obj.glmm.null$LOCOResult) | 
                      chrom_v3 < 1) {
                      stop("chromosome ", chrom, " is out of the range of null model LOCO results\n")
                    else {
                      cat("Leave chromosome ", chrom_v3, " out will be applied\n")
                }else {
                  if (chrom == "") {
                    if (condition != "") {
                      cat("Conditional test will be conducted and LOCO is TRUE\n")
                      stop("chromosome is needed by specifying chrom for LOCO in conditioning analysis. We assume conditioning markers and testing markers are on the same chromosome")
                    }else {
                      stop("chromosome is needed by specifying chrom for LOCO = TRUE.")
                      indChromCheck = TRUE
                  }else {
                    chrom_v2 = as.character(chrom)
                    chrom_v2 = gsub("CHR", "", chrom_v2, ignore.case = T)
                    chrom_v3 = as.numeric(gsub("[^0-9.]", "", 
                    if (chrom_v3 > length(obj.glmm.null$LOCOResult) | 
                      chrom_v3 < 1) {
                      stop("chromosome ", chrom, " is out of the range of null model LOCO results\n")
                    }else {
                      cat("Leave chromosome ", chrom_v3, " out will be applied\n")
                      for (chr in 1:22) {
                        if (chr != chrom_v3) {
                          obj.glmm.null$LOCOResult[chr] = list(NULL)
                          cat("chromosome ", chr, " model results are removed to save memory\n")
    if (!file.exists(varianceRatioFile)) {
        if (sparseSigmaFile == "") {
            stop("ERROR! varianceRatioFile ", varianceRatioFile, 
                " does not exsit but sparseSigmaFile also does not exist \n")
        else {
            cat("varianceRatioFile is not specified so variance ratio won't be used\n")
        ratioVec = c(1)
    else {
        varRatioData = data.frame(data.table:::fread(varianceRatioFile, 
            header = F, stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
        ln = length(cateVarRatioMinMACVecExclude)
        hn = length(cateVarRatioMaxMACVecInclude)
        if (nrow(varRatioData) == 1) {
            ratioVec = varRatioData[1, 1]
            cat("Single variance ratio is provided, so categorical variance ratio won't be used!\n")
            if (isGroupTest) {
                stop("ERROR! To perform gene-based tests, categorical variance ratios are required\n")
        else {
            ratioVec = varRatioData[, 1]
            nrv = length(ratioVec)
            if (nrv != ln) {
                stop("ERROR! The number of variance ratios are different from the length of cateVarRatioMinMACVecExclude\n")
            if (ln != (hn + 1)) {
                stop("ERROR! The length of cateVarRatioMaxMACVecInclude does not match with the lenght of cateVarRatioMinMACVecExclude (-1)\n")
        cat("variance Ratio is ", ratioVec, "\n")
    if (bgenFile != "") {
        if (!file.exists(bgenFile)) {
            stop("ERROR! bgenFile ", bgenFile, " does not exsit\n")
        dosageFileType = "bgen"
    else if (vcfFile != "") {
        if (!file.exists(vcfFile)) {
            stop("ERROR! vcfFile ", vcfFile, " does not exsit\n")
        if (!grepl("\\.sav$", vcfFile) && !file.exists(paste(vcfFile, 
            ".csi", sep = ""))) {
            stop("ERROR! vcfFileIndex ", paste(vcfFile, ".csi", 
                sep = ""), " does not exist\n")
        dosageFileType = "vcf"
        if (chrom == "") {
            stop("ERROR! chrom needs to be specified for the vcf file\n")
    else if (savFile != "") {
        if (!file.exists(savFile)) {
            stop("ERROR! savFile ", savFile, " does not exsit\n")
        else {
            vcfFile = savFile
        dosageFileType = "vcf"
    sampleListinDosage = NULL
    if (!file.exists(sampleFile)) {
        if (dosageFileType == "bgen") {
            stop("ERROR! The dosage file type is bgen but sampleFile ", 
                sampleFile, " does not exsit\n")
    else {
        sampleListinDosage = data.frame(data.table:::fread(sampleFile, 
            header = F, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, colClasses = c("character")))
        sampleListinDosage$IndexDose = seq(1, nrow(sampleListinDosage), 
            by = 1)
        cat(nrow(sampleListinDosage), " sample IDs are found in sample file\n")
        colnames(sampleListinDosage)[1] = "IIDDose"
    if (condition != "") {
        isCondition = TRUE
    else {
        isCondition = FALSE
    cat("isCondition is ", isCondition, "\n")
    CHRv2 = NULL
    obj.model = NULL
    if (LOCO) {
        if (!indChromCheck) {
            if (obj.glmm.null$LOCOResult[[chrom_v3]]$isLOCO) {
                obj.model = list(obj.noK = obj.glmm.null$LOCOResult[[chrom_v3]]$obj.noK, 
                  mu = as.vector(obj.glmm.null$LOCOResult[[chrom_v3]]$fitted.values))
            else {
                obj.model = list(obj.noK = obj.glmm.null$obj.noK, 
                  mu = as.vector(obj.glmm.null$fitted.values))
    else {
        obj.model = list(obj.noK = obj.glmm.null$obj.noK, mu = as.vector(obj.glmm.null$fitted.values))
    obj.model$offset = obj.glmm.null$offset
    if (!is.null(obj.model)) {
        if (traitType == "binary") {
            obj.model$mu2 = (obj.model$mu) * (1 - obj.model$mu)
        else if (traitType == "quantitative") {
            obj.model$mu2 = (1/tauVec[1]) * rep(1, N)
    if (IsOutputlogPforSingle) {
        cat("IsOutputlogPforSingle = TRUE. NOTE: log(Pvalue) will be output ONLY for single-variant assoc tests\n")
        if (isGroupTest) {
            IsOutputlogPforSingle = FALSE
            cat("log(Pvalue) will not be output for single-variant assoc tests in group tests\n")
    if (dosageFileType == "vcf") {
        vcffileopen = FALSE
        if (isCondition) {
            isVariant = setvcfDosageMatrix(vcfFile, vcfFileIndex, 
            sampleListinDosage_vec = getSampleIDlist_vcfMatrix()
        else {
            if (!isGroupTest) {
                setgenoTest_vcfDosage(vcfFile, vcfFileIndex, 
                  vcfField, ids_to_exclude_vcf = idstoExcludeFile, 
                  ids_to_include_vcf = idstoIncludeFile, chrom, 
                  start, end)
                isVariant = getGenoOfnthVar_vcfDosage_pre()
                sampleListinDosage_vec = getSampleIDlist()
                vcffileopen = TRUE
            else {
                isVariant = setvcfDosageMatrix(vcfFile, vcfFileIndex, 
                sampleListinDosage_vec = getSampleIDlist_vcfMatrix()
        if (is.null(sampleListinDosage)) {
            sampleListinDosage = data.frame(IIDDose = sampleListinDosage_vec)
            sampleListinDosage$IndexDose = seq(1, nrow(sampleListinDosage), 
                by = 1)
            cat(nrow(sampleListinDosage), " sample IDs are found in the vcf file\n")
    dataMerge = merge(sampleInModel, sampleListinDosage, by.x = "IID", 
        by.y = "IIDDose")
    dataMerge_sort = dataMerge[with(dataMerge, order(IndexInModel)), 
    if (nrow(dataMerge_sort) < nrow(sampleInModel)) {
        stop("ERROR!", nrow(sampleInModel) - nrow(dataMerge_sort), 
            " samples used in glmm model fit do not have dosages\n")
    else {
        dataMerge_v2 = merge(dataMerge_sort, sampleListinDosage, 
            by.x = "IID", by.y = "IIDDose", all.y = TRUE)
        dataMerge_v2_sort = dataMerge_v2[with(dataMerge_v2, order(IndexDose.y)), 
        sampleIndex = dataMerge_v2_sort$IndexInModel
        N = sum(!is.na(sampleIndex))
        cat(N, " samples were used in fitting the NULL glmm model and are found in sample file\n")
        sampleIndex[is.na(sampleIndex)] = -10
        sampleIndex = sampleIndex - 1
    if (is_rewrite_XnonPAR_forMales) {
        cat("is_rewrite_XnonPAR_forMales is TRUE, so genotypes/dosages in the non-PAR regions of X chromosome for males will be multiplied by 2\n")
        if (!file.exists(sampleFile_male)) {
            stop("ERROR! The sample file for male IDs ", sampleFile_male, 
                " does not exist\n")
        else {
            sampleList_male = data.frame(data.table:::fread(sampleFile_male, 
                header = F, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, colClasses = c("character"), 
                data.table = F))
            colnames(sampleList_male) = c("sampleID_male")
            cat(nrow(sampleList_male), " sample IDs are found in ", 
                sampleFile_male, "\n")
            indexInModel_male = sampleInModel[sampleInModel$IID %in% 
                (sampleList_male$sampleID_male), c("IndexInModel")]
            cat(length(indexInModel_male), " males are found in the test\n")
            if (length(indexInModel_male) == 0) {
                is_rewrite_XnonPAR_forMales = FALSE
                if (nrow(sampleList_male) > 0) {
                  cat("WARNING: no male IDs specified in the ", 
                    sampleFile_male, " are found sample IDs used to fit in the null model in Step 1\n")
            else {
                cat("is_rewrite_XnonPAR_forMales=TRUE and minInfo and minMAF won't be applied to all X chromosome variants\n")
                minInfo = 0
                minMAF = 1/(2 * N)
        X_PARregion_list = unlist(strsplit(X_PARregion, split = ","))
        X_PARregion_mat = NULL
        if (length(X_PARregion_list) > 0) {
            for (lxp in 1:length(X_PARregion_list)) {
                X_PARregion_list_sub = as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(X_PARregion_list[lxp], 
                  split = "-")))
                X_PARregion_mat = rbind(X_PARregion_mat, X_PARregion_list_sub)
        else {
            cat("PAR region on X chromosome is not specified\n")
    if (sparseSigmaFile == "") {
        sparseSigma = NULL
        cat("sparse kinship matrix is not used\n")
    else {
        cat("sparse kinship matrix is going to be used\n")
        if (!file.exists(sparseSigmaFile)) {
            stop("ERROR! sparseSigmaFile ", sparseSigmaFile, 
                " does not exsit\n")
        else {
            sparseSigma = Matrix:::readMM(sparseSigmaFile)
            cat("sparseSigmaFile: ", sparseSigmaFile, "\n")
    if (IsDropMissingDosages) {
        cat("Samples with missing dosages will be dropped from the analysis\n")
    else {
        cat("Missing dosages will be mean imputed for the analysis\n")
    startTime = as.numeric(Sys.time())
    cat("Analysis started at ", startTime, "Seconds\n")
    if (minMAC == 0) {
        minMAC = 0.5
        cat("As minMAC is set to be 0, minMAC = 0.5 will be used\n")
    cat("minMAC: ", minMAC, "\n")
    cat("minMAF: ", minMAF, "\n")
    minMAFBasedOnMAC = minMAC/(2 * N)
    testMinMAF = max(minMAFBasedOnMAC, minMAF)
    cat("Minimum MAF of markers to be tested is ", testMinMAF, 
    if (!isGroupTest) {
        if (dosageFileType == "bgen") {
            dosageFilecolnamesSkip = c("CHR", "POS", "SNPID", 
                "Allele1", "Allele2", "AC_Allele2", "AF_Allele2", 
        else if (dosageFileType == "vcf") {
            dosageFilecolnamesSkip = c("CHR", "POS", "SNPID", 
                "Allele1", "Allele2", "AC_Allele2", "AF_Allele2", 
    if (isCondition) {
        condition_original = unlist(strsplit(condition, ","))
        if (weightsIncludeinGroupFile) {
            if (!is.null(weights_for_G2_cond)) {
                if (length(weights_for_G2_cond) != length(condition_original)) {
                  stop("Number of weights specified for conditioning marker(s) is different from the number of conditioning marker(s)\n")
                weights_for_G2_cond_specified = tryCatch(expr = as.numeric(weights_for_G2_cond), 
                  warning = function(w) {
                    message("The vector is not numeric.")
                if (is.null(weights_for_G2_cond_specified)) {
                  stop("Weights specified for conditioning marker(s) are not numeric\n")
            else {
                stop("Weights is not specified for the conditioning marker(s)\n")
        if (length(condition_original) > 1) {
            condition_new = NULL
            for (x in 1:length(condition_original)) {
                condition_new = rbind(condition_new, c(as.numeric(strsplit(strsplit(condition_original[x], 
                  ":")[[1]][2][1], "_")[[1]][1]), condition_original[x]))
            condition_new2 = condition_new[order(as.numeric(condition_new[, 
                1])), ]
            if (weightsIncludeinGroupFile) {
                weights_for_G2_cond_specified = weights_for_G2_cond_specified[order(as.numeric(condition_new[, 
                condition_specified = condition_new2[, 2]
            conditionlist = paste(c("condMarkers", condition_new2[, 
                2]), collapse = "\t")
        else {
            conditionlist = paste(c("condMarkers", unlist(strsplit(condition, 
                ","))), collapse = "\t")
            if (weightsIncludeinGroupFile) {
                condition_specified = unlist(strsplit(condition, 
        cat("conditionlist is ", conditionlist, "\n")
        if (dosageFileType == "vcf") {
            setMAFcutoffs(testMinMAF, 0.5)
            SetSampleIdx_forGenetest_vcfDosage(sampleIndex, N)
            Gx_cond = getGenoOfGene_vcf(conditionlist, minInfo)
            if (Gx_cond$cnt > 0) {
                dosage_cond = Matrix:::sparseMatrix(i = as.vector(Gx_cond$iIndex), 
                  j = as.vector(Gx_cond$jIndex), x = as.vector(Gx_cond$dosages), 
                  symmetric = FALSE, dims = c(N, Gx_cond$cnt))
        else if (dosageFileType == "bgen") {
            SetSampleIdx(sampleIndex, N)
            Gx_cond = getGenoOfGene_bgen(bgenFile, bgenFileIndex, 
                conditionlist, testMinMAF, 0.5, minInfo)
            if (Gx_cond$cnt > 0) {
                dosage_cond = matrix(Gx_cond$dosages, byrow = F, 
                  ncol = Gx_cond$cnt)
                dosage_cond = as(dosage_cond, "sparseMatrix")
        else {
            stop("ERROR: conditional analysis can only work for dosageFileType vcf, sav or bgen\n")
        cat("conditioning on ", unlist(Gx_cond$markerIDs), "\n")
        cntMarker = Gx_cond$cnt
        cat("isCondition is ", isCondition, "\n")
        if (cntMarker == 0) {
            stop("Conditioning markers are not found in the provided dosage file \n")
            isCondition = FALSE
            dosage_cond = NULL
        else {
            if (is_rewrite_XnonPAR_forMales) {
                dosage_cond = processMale_XnonPAR(indexInModel_male, 
                  dosage_cond, Gx_cond$positions, X_PARregion_mat)
    else {
        dosage_cond = NULL
    if (isCondition) {
        if (weightsIncludeinGroupFile) {
            re_index_cond = match(Gx_cond$markerIDs, condition_specified)
            weights_for_G2_cond_specified = weights_for_G2_cond_specified[re_index_cond]
            cat("Weights specified for conditioning marker(s) ", 
                Gx_cond$markerIDs, " is ", weights_for_G2_cond_specified, 
    if (traitType == "binary") {
        cat("It is a binary trait\n")
        if (!isGroupTest) {
            if (!isCondition) {
                resultHeader = c(dosageFilecolnamesSkip, "N", 
                  "BETA", "SE", "Tstat", "p.value", "p.value.NA", 
                  "Is.SPA.converge", "varT", "varTstar")
            else {
                resultHeader = c(dosageFilecolnamesSkip, "N", 
                  "BETA", "SE", "Tstat", "p.value", "p.value.NA", 
                  "Is.SPA.converge", "varT", "varTstar", "Tstat_cond", 
                  "p.value_cond", "varT_cond", "BETA_cond", "SE_cond")
            if (IsOutputAFinCaseCtrl) {
                resultHeader = c(resultHeader, "AF.Cases", "AF.Controls")
            if (IsOutputNinCaseCtrl) {
                resultHeader = c(resultHeader, "N.Cases", "N.Controls")
            if (IsOutputHetHomCountsinCaseCtrl) {
                resultHeader = c(resultHeader, "homN_Allele2_cases", 
                  "hetN_Allele2_cases", "homN_Allele2_ctrls", 
            write(resultHeader, file = SAIGEOutputFile, ncolumns = length(resultHeader))
        if (SPAcutoff < 10^-2) {
            Cutoff = 10^-2
        else {
            Cutoff = SPAcutoff
        y1Index = which(y == 1)
        NCase = length(y1Index)
        y0Index = which(y == 0)
        NCtrl = length(y0Index)
        cat("Analyzing ", NCase, " cases and ", NCtrl, " controls \n")
    else if (traitType == "quantitative") {
        cat("It is a quantitative trait\n")
        adjustCCratioinGroupTest = FALSE
        if (!isGroupTest) {
            if (!isCondition) {
                resultHeader = c(dosageFilecolnamesSkip, "N", 
                  "BETA", "SE", "Tstat", "p.value", "varT", "varTstar")
            else {
                resultHeader = c(dosageFilecolnamesSkip, "N", 
                  "BETA", "SE", "Tstat", "p.value", "varT", "varTstar", 
                  "Tstat_cond", "p.value_cond", "varT_cond", 
                  "BETA_cond", "SE_cond")
            write(resultHeader, file = SAIGEOutputFile, ncolumns = length(resultHeader))
    else {
        stop("ERROR! The type of the trait has to be either binary or quantitative\n")
    if (length(ratioVec) == 1) {
        cateVarRatioMinMACVecExclude = c(0, 2 * N)
        cateVarRatioMaxMACVecInclude = c(2 * N)
    if (isCondition) {
        condpre = getCovMandOUT_cond_pre(dosage_cond = dosage_cond, 
            cateVarRatioMinMACVecExclude = cateVarRatioMinMACVecExclude, 
            cateVarRatioMaxMACVecInclude = cateVarRatioMaxMACVecInclude, 
            ratioVec = ratioVec, obj.model = obj.model, y = y, 
            X = X, sparseSigma = sparseSigma, IsSparse = IsSparse, 
            Cutoff = Cutoff, traitType = traitType, tauVec = tauVec)
        OUT_cond = condpre$OUT_cond
        G2tilde_P_G2tilde_inv = condpre$G2tilde_P_G2tilde_inv
    else {
        OUT_cond = NULL
        G2tilde_P_G2tilde_inv = NULL
    cat("isCondition is ", isCondition, "\n")
    startTime = as.numeric(Sys.time())
    cat("Analysis started at ", startTime, "Seconds\n")
    if (!isGroupTest) {
        isVariant = TRUE
        if (dosageFileType == "bgen") {
            if (idstoExcludeFile != "") {
                idsExclude = data.table:::fread(idstoExcludeFile, 
                  header = F, sep = " ", stringsAsFactors = FALSE, 
                  colClasses = c("character"))
                idsExclude = data.frame(idsExclude)
                ids_to_exclude = as.character(as.vector(idsExclude[, 
            else {
                ids_to_exclude = as.character(vector())
            if (idstoIncludeFile != "") {
                idsInclude = data.table:::fread(idstoIncludeFile, 
                  header = F, sep = " ", stringsAsFactors = FALSE, 
                  colClasses = c("character"))
                idsInclude = data.frame(idsInclude)
                ids_to_include = as.character(as.vector(idsInclude[, 
            else {
                ids_to_include = as.character(vector())
            if (rangestoExcludeFile != "") {
                rangesExclude = data.table:::fread(rangestoExcludeFile, 
                  header = F, colClasses = c("character", "numeric", 
                ranges_to_exclude = data.frame(rangesExclude)
                colnames(ranges_to_exclude) = c("chromosome", 
                  "start", "end")
            else {
                ranges_to_exclude = data.frame(chromosome = NULL, 
                  start = NULL, end = NULL)
            if (rangestoIncludeFile != "") {
                rangesInclude = data.table:::fread(rangestoIncludeFile, 
                  header = F, colClasses = c("character", "numeric", 
                ranges_to_include = data.frame(rangesInclude)
                colnames(ranges_to_include) = c("chromosome", 
                  "start", "end")
            else {
                ranges_to_include = data.frame(chromosome = NULL, 
                  start = NULL, end = NULL)
            Mtest = setgenoTest_bgenDosage(bgenFile, bgenFileIndex, 
                ranges_to_exclude = ranges_to_exclude, ranges_to_include = ranges_to_include, 
                ids_to_exclude = ids_to_exclude, ids_to_include = ids_to_include)
            if (Mtest == 0) {
                isVariant = FALSE
                stop("ERROR! Failed to open ", bgenFile, "\n")
            isQuery = getQueryStatus()
            SetSampleIdx(sampleIndex, N)
            nsamplesinBgen = getSampleSizeinBgen()
            if (nrow(sampleListinDosage) != nsamplesinBgen) {
                stop("ERROR! The number of samples specified in the sample file does not equal to the number of samples in the bgen file\n")
        else if (dosageFileType == "vcf") {
            if (!vcffileopen) {
                setgenoTest_vcfDosage(vcfFile, vcfFileIndex, 
                  vcfField, ids_to_exclude_vcf = idstoExcludeFile, 
                  ids_to_include_vcf = idstoIncludeFile, chrom, 
                  start, end)
                isVariant = getGenoOfnthVar_vcfDosage_pre()
            SetSampleIdx_vcfDosage(sampleIndex, N)
        write(resultHeader, file = SAIGEOutputFile, ncolumns = length(resultHeader))
        OUT = NULL
        numPassMarker = 0
        mth = 0
        while (isVariant) {
            mth = mth + 1
            if (dosageFileType == "bgen") {
                if (isQuery) {
                  Gx = getDosage_bgen_withquery()
                else {
                  Gx = getDosage_bgen_noquery()
                markerInfo = getMarkerInfo()
                if (!is.na(markerInfo) & markerInfo >= 0 & markerInfo <= 
                  1) {
                  markerInfo0 = markerInfo
                else {
                  markerInfo0 = 1
                  if (markerInfo == "") {
                    markerInfo = NA
                G0 = Gx$dosages
                AC = Gx$variants$AC
                AF = Gx$variants$AF
                Gx$variants$markerInfo = markerInfo
                rowHeader = as.vector(unlist(Gx$variants))[-3]
                if (indChromCheck) {
                  CHR = Gx$variants$chromosome
                  cat("CHR ", CHR, "\n")
                if (Mtest == mth) {
                  isVariant = FALSE
                indexforMissing = Gx$indexforMissing
            else if (dosageFileType == "vcf") {
                Gx = getGenoOfnthVar_vcfDosage(mth)
                G0 = Gx$dosages
                AC = Gx$variants$AC
                AF = Gx$variants$AF
                markerInfo = Gx$variants$markerInfo
                if (markerInfo >= 0 & markerInfo <= 1) {
                  markerInfo0 = markerInfo
                else {
                  markerInfo0 = 1
                  if (markerInfo == "") {
                    markerInfo = NA
                    Gx$variants$markerInfo = markerInfo
                rowHeader = as.vector(unlist(Gx$variants))
                if (indChromCheck) {
                  CHR = Gx$variants$chromosome
                  cat("CHR ", CHR, "\n")
                isVariant = getGenoOfnthVar_vcfDosage_pre()
                indexforMissing = Gx$indexforMissing
            if (is_rewrite_XnonPAR_forMales) {
                G0 = processMale_XnonPAR(indexInModel_male, G0, 
                  Gx$variants$position, X_PARregion_mat)
            MAC = min(AC, 2 * N - AC)
            MAF = min(AF, 1 - AF)
            if (MAF >= testMinMAF & markerInfo0 >= minInfo) {
                numPassMarker = numPassMarker + 1
                varRatio = getVarRatio(G0, cateVarRatioMinMACVecExclude, 
                  cateVarRatioMaxMACVecInclude, ratioVec)
                if (indChromCheck) {
                  CHR = as.character(CHR)
                  CHRv2 = gsub("CHR", "", CHR, ignore.case = T)
                  CHRv2 = as.numeric(gsub("[^0-9.]", "", CHRv2))
                  if (CHRv2 > length(obj.glmm.null$LOCOResult) | 
                    CHRv2 < 1) {
                    stop("chromosome ", CHRv2, " is out of the range of null model LOCO results\n")
                  else {
                    cat("Leave chromosome ", CHRv2, " out will be applied\n")
                  if (obj.glmm.null$LOCOResult[[CHRv2]]$isLOCO) {
                    obj.model = list(obj.noK = obj.glmm.null$LOCOResult[[CHRv2]]$obj.noK, 
                      mu = as.vector(obj.glmm.null$LOCOResult[[CHRv2]]$fitted.values))
                  else {
                    obj.model = list(obj.noK = obj.glmm.null$obj.noK, 
                      mu = as.vector(obj.glmm.null$fitted.values))
                  if (traitType == "binary") {
                    obj.model$mu2 = (obj.model$mu) * (1 - obj.model$mu)
                  else if (traitType == "quantitative") {
                    obj.model$mu2 = (1/tau[1]) * rep(1, N)
                if (IsDropMissingDosages & isCondition) {
                  indexforMissing = unique(c(indexforMissing, 
                if (IsOutputHetHomCountsinCaseCtrl) {
                  G0round = round(G0)
                if (IsDropMissingDosages & length(indexforMissing) > 
                  0) {
                  missingind = seq(1, length(G0))[-(indexforMissing + 
                  cat("Removing ", length(indexforMissing), " samples with missing dosages/genotypes\n")
                  G0 = G0[missingind]
                  if (IsOutputHetHomCountsinCaseCtrl) {
                    G0round = G0round[missingind]
                  subsetModelResult = subsetModelFileforMissing(obj.model, 
                    missingind, y, X)
                  obj.model.sub = subsetModelResult$obj.model
                  y.sub = subsetModelResult$y
                  X.sub = subsetModelResult$X
                  N.sub = length(G0)
                  AC_Allele2.sub = sum(G0)
                  AF_Allele2.sub = AC_Allele2.sub/(2 * N.sub)
                  MAF.sub = min(AF_Allele2.sub, 1 - AF_Allele2.sub)
                  #if (dosageFileType == "bgen") {
                  #  rowHeader[7] = AC_Allele2.sub
                  #  rowHeader[8] = AF_Allele2.sub
                  #else if (dosageFileType == "vcf") {
                    rowHeader[6] = AC_Allele2.sub
                    rowHeader[7] = AF_Allele2.sub
                  if (traitType == "binary") {
                    y1Index.sub = which(y.sub == 1)
                    NCase.sub = length(y1Index.sub)
                    y0Index.sub = which(y.sub == 0)
                    NCtrl.sub = length(y0Index.sub)
                    if (IsOutputHetHomCountsinCaseCtrl) {
                      homN_Allele2_cases = sum(G0round[y1Index.sub] == 
                      hetN_Allele2_cases = sum(G0round[y1Index.sub] == 
                      homN_Allele2_ctrls = sum(G0round[y0Index.sub] == 
                      hetN_Allele2_ctrls = sum(G0round[y0Index.sub] == 
                  sparseSigma.sub = sparseSigma
                  if (!is.null(sparseSigma)) {
                    sparseSigma.sub = sparseSigma[missingind, 
                  if (isCondition) {
                    cat("Removing ", length(indexforMissing), 
                      " samples from the conditional marker\n")
                    dosage_cond.sub = dosage_cond[missingind, 
                    dosage_cond.sub = as(dosage_cond.sub, "sparseMatrix")
                    condpre.sub = getCovMandOUT_cond_pre(dosage_cond = dosage_cond.sub, 
                      cateVarRatioMinMACVecExclude = cateVarRatioMinMACVecExclude, 
                      cateVarRatioMaxMACVecInclude = cateVarRatioMaxMACVecInclude, 
                      ratioVec = ratioVec, obj.model = obj.model.sub, 
                      y = y.sub, X = X.sub, sparseSigma = sparseSigma.sub, 
                      IsSparse = IsSparse, Cutoff = Cutoff, traitType = traitType, 
                      tauVec = tauVec)
                    OUT_cond.sub = condpre$OUT_cond
                    G2tilde_P_G2tilde_inv.sub = condpre.sub$G2tilde_P_G2tilde_inv
                    condpre2.sub = getCovMandOUT_cond(G0 = G0, 
                      dosage_cond = dosage_cond.sub, cateVarRatioMinMACVecExclude = cateVarRatioMinMACVecExclude, 
                      cateVarRatioMaxMACVecInclude = cateVarRatioMaxMACVecInclude, 
                      ratioVec = ratioVec, obj.model = obj.model.sub, 
                      sparseSigma = sparseSigma.sub, covM = condpre.sub$covM)
                    G1tilde_P_G2tilde.sub = condpre2.sub$G1tilde_P_G2tilde
                    GratioMatrixall.sub = condpre2.sub$GratioMatrixall
                  if (traitType == "binary") {
                    if (NCase.sub == 0 | NCtrl.sub == 0) {
                      out1 = c(rep(NA, 8))
                      OUTvec = c(rowHeader, N.sub, unlist(out1))
                      if (IsOutputAFinCaseCtrl) {
                        if (NCase.sub == 0) {
                          AFCase = NA
                          AFCtrl = sum(G0[y0Index.sub])/(2 * 
                        else if (NCtrl.sub == 0) {
                          AFCtrl = NA
                          AFCase = sum(G0[y1Index.sub])/(2 * 
                        OUTvec = c(OUTvec, AFCase, AFCtrl)
                      if (IsOutputNinCaseCtrl) {
                        OUTvec = c(OUTvec, NCase.sub, NCtrl.sub)
                      if (IsOutputHetHomCountsinCaseCtrl) {
                        OUTvec = c(OUTvec, homN_Allele2_cases, 
                          hetN_Allele2_cases, homN_Allele2_ctrls, 
                      OUT = rbind(OUT, OUTvec)
                      OUTvec = NULL
                    else {
                      out1 = scoreTest_SAIGE_binaryTrait_cond_sparseSigma(G0, 
                        AC_Allele2.sub, AF_Allele2.sub, MAF.sub, 
                        IsSparse, obj.model.sub$obj.noK, obj.model.sub$mu, 
                        obj.model.sub$mu2, y.sub, X.sub, varRatio, 
                        Cutoff, rowHeader, sparseSigma = sparseSigma.sub, 
                        isCondition = isCondition, OUT_cond = OUT_cond.sub, 
                        G1tilde_P_G2tilde = G1tilde_P_G2tilde.sub, 
                        G2tilde_P_G2tilde_inv = G2tilde_P_G2tilde_inv.sub, 
                        IsOutputlogPforSingle = IsOutputlogPforSingle)
                      OUTvec = c(rowHeader, N.sub, unlist(out1))
                      if (IsOutputAFinCaseCtrl) {
                        AFCase = sum(G0[y1Index.sub])/(2 * NCase.sub)
                        AFCtrl = sum(G0[y0Index.sub])/(2 * NCtrl.sub)
                        OUTvec = c(OUTvec, AFCase, AFCtrl)
                      if (IsOutputNinCaseCtrl) {
                        OUTvec = c(OUTvec, NCase.sub, NCtrl.sub)
                      if (IsOutputHetHomCountsinCaseCtrl) {
                        OUTvec = c(OUTvec, homN_Allele2_cases, 
                          hetN_Allele2_cases, homN_Allele2_ctrls, 
                      OUT = rbind(OUT, OUTvec)
                      OUTvec = NULL
                  else if (traitType == "quantitative") {
                    out1 = scoreTest_SAIGE_quantitativeTrait_sparseSigma(G0, 
                      obj.model.sub$obj.noK, AC_Allele2.sub, 
                      AF_Allele2.sub, y.sub, X.sub, obj.model.sub$mu, 
                      varRatio, tauVec, sparseSigma = sparseSigma.sub, 
                      isCondition = isCondition, OUT_cond = OUT_cond.sub, 
                      G1tilde_P_G2tilde = G1tilde_P_G2tilde.sub, 
                      G2tilde_P_G2tilde_inv = G2tilde_P_G2tilde_inv.sub,
		      IsOutputlogPforSingle = IsOutputlogPforSingle)
                    if (!isCondition) {
                      OUT = rbind(OUT, c(rowHeader, N.sub, out1$BETA, 
                        out1$SE, out1$Tstat, out1$p.value, out1$var1, 
                    else {
                      OUT = rbind(OUT, c(rowHeader, N.sub, out1$BETA, 
                        out1$SE, out1$Tstat, out1$p.value, out1$var1, 
                        out1$var2, out1$Tstat_c, out1$p.value.c, 
                        out1$var1_c, out1$BETA_c, out1$SE_c))
                else {
                  if (is_rewrite_XnonPAR_forMales) {
                    AC = sum(G0)
                    AF = sum(G0)/(2 * length(G0))
                    MAF = min(AF, 1 - AF)
                    #if (dosageFileType == "bgen") {
                    #  rowHeader[7] = AC
                    #  rowHeader[8] = AF
                    #else if (dosageFileType == "vcf") {
                      rowHeader[6] = AC
                      rowHeader[7] = AF
                  if (isCondition) {
                    condpre2 = getCovMandOUT_cond(G0 = G0, dosage_cond = dosage_cond, 
                      cateVarRatioMinMACVecExclude = cateVarRatioMinMACVecExclude, 
                      cateVarRatioMaxMACVecInclude = cateVarRatioMaxMACVecInclude, 
                      ratioVec = ratioVec, obj.model = obj.model, 
                      sparseSigma = sparseSigma, covM = condpre$covM)
                    G1tilde_P_G2tilde = condpre2$G1tilde_P_G2tilde
                    GratioMatrixall = condpre2$GratioMatrixall
                  else {
                    G1tilde_P_G2tilde = NULL
                    GratioMatrixall = NULL
                  if (traitType == "binary") {
                    out1 = scoreTest_SAIGE_binaryTrait_cond_sparseSigma(G0, 
                      AC, AF, MAF, IsSparse, obj.model$obj.noK, 
                      obj.model$mu, obj.model$mu2, y, X, varRatio, 
                      Cutoff, rowHeader, sparseSigma = sparseSigma, 
                      isCondition = isCondition, OUT_cond = OUT_cond, 
                      G1tilde_P_G2tilde = G1tilde_P_G2tilde, 
                      G2tilde_P_G2tilde_inv = G2tilde_P_G2tilde_inv, 
                      IsOutputlogPforSingle = IsOutputlogPforSingle)
                    OUTvec = c(rowHeader, N, unlist(out1))
                    if (IsOutputAFinCaseCtrl) {
                      AFCase = sum(G0[y1Index])/(2 * NCase)
                      AFCtrl = sum(G0[y0Index])/(2 * NCtrl)
                      OUTvec = c(OUTvec, AFCase, AFCtrl)
                    if (IsOutputNinCaseCtrl) {
                      OUTvec = c(OUTvec, NCase, NCtrl)
                    if (IsOutputHetHomCountsinCaseCtrl) {
                      homN_Allele2_cases = sum(G0round[y1Index] == 
                      hetN_Allele2_cases = sum(G0round[y1Index] == 
                      homN_Allele2_ctrls = sum(G0round[y0Index] == 
                      hetN_Allele2_ctrls = sum(G0round[y0Index] == 
                      OUTvec = c(OUTvec, homN_Allele2_cases, 
                        hetN_Allele2_cases, homN_Allele2_ctrls, 
                    OUT = rbind(OUT, OUTvec)
                    OUTvec = NULL
                  else if (traitType == "quantitative") {
                    out1 = scoreTest_SAIGE_quantitativeTrait_sparseSigma(G0, 
                      obj.model$obj.noK, AC, AF, y, X, obj.model$mu, 
                      varRatio, tauVec, sparseSigma = sparseSigma, 
                      isCondition = isCondition, OUT_cond = OUT_cond, 
                      G1tilde_P_G2tilde = G1tilde_P_G2tilde, 
                      G2tilde_P_G2tilde_inv = G2tilde_P_G2tilde_inv,
		      IsOutputlogPforSingle = IsOutputlogPforSingle)
                    if (!isCondition) {
                      OUT = rbind(OUT, c(rowHeader, N, out1$BETA, 
                        out1$SE, out1$Tstat, out1$p.value, out1$var1, 
                    else {
                      OUT = rbind(OUT, c(rowHeader, N, out1$BETA, 
                        out1$SE, out1$Tstat, out1$p.value, out1$var1, 
                        out1$var2, out1$Tstat_c, out1$p.value.c, 
                        out1$var1_c, out1$BETA_c, out1$SE_c))
            if (mth%%numLinesOutput == 0 | !isVariant) {
                ptm <- proc.time()
                cat("numPassMarker: ", numPassMarker, "\n")
                OUT = as.data.frame(OUT)
                write.table(OUT, SAIGEOutputFile, quote = FALSE, 
                  row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, append = TRUE)
                OUT = NULL
    else {
        OUT_single = NULL
        if (IsSingleVarinGroupTest) {
            SAIGEOutputFile_single = paste0(SAIGEOutputFile, 
            headerline = c("markerID", "AC", "AF", "N", "BETA", 
                "SE", "Tstat", "p.value")
            if (traitType == "binary") {
                headerline = c(headerline, "AF.Cases", "AF.Controls", 
                  "N.Cases", "N.Controls")
            write(headerline, file = SAIGEOutputFile_single, 
                ncolumns = length(headerline))
        if (dosageFileType == "bgen") {
            SetSampleIdx(sampleIndex, N)
        else if (dosageFileType == "vcf") {
            setMAFcutoffs(testMinMAF, maxMAFforGroupTest)
            cat("genetic variants with ", testMinMAF, "<= MAF <= ", 
                maxMAFforGroupTest, "are included for gene-based tests\n")
            SetSampleIdx_forGenetest_vcfDosage(sampleIndex, N)
        OUT = NULL
        if (traitType == "quantitative") {
            cat("It is a quantitative trait\n")
            IsOutputPvalueNAinGroupTestforBinary = TRUE
            adjustCCratioinGroupTest = FALSE
            IsOutputMAFinCaseCtrlinGroupTest = FALSE
        else if (traitType == "binary") {
            cat("It is a binary trait\n")
            if (adjustCCratioinGroupTest) {
                cat("Case-control imbalance is adjusted for binary traits.\n")
            if (IsOutputPvalueNAinGroupTestforBinary) {
                cat("P-values without case-control imbalance will be output.\n")
            if (IsOutputMAFinCaseCtrlinGroupTest) {
                cat("MAF in cases and controls in the set-based tests will be output\n")
            if (method_to_CollapseUltraRare != "") {
                if (MACCutoff_to_CollapseUltraRare <= 0) {
                  stop("MACCutoff_to_CollapseUltraRare needs to be larger than 0\n")
                if (DosageCutoff_for_UltraRarePresence <= 0 | 
                  DosageCutoff_for_UltraRarePresence > 2) {
                  stop("DosageCutoff_for_UltraRarePresenc needs be to larger than 0 and less or equal to 2\n")
                if (method_to_CollapseUltraRare == "absence_or_presence") {
                  cat("Ultra rare variants with MAC <= ", MACCutoff_to_CollapseUltraRare, 
                    " will be collpased for set-based tests in the 'absence or presence' way. ", 
                    "For the resulted collpased marker, any individual having ", 
                    DosageCutoff_for_UltraRarePresence, "<= dosage < ", 
                    (1 + DosageCutoff_for_UltraRarePresence), 
                    " for any ultra rare variant has 1 in the genotype vector, having dosage >= ", 
                    (1 + DosageCutoff_for_UltraRarePresence), 
                    " for any ultra rare variant has 2 in the genotype vector, otherwise 0. \n")
                }else if (method_to_CollapseUltraRare == "sum_geno") {
                  cat("Ultra rare variants with MAC <= ", MACCutoff_to_CollapseUltraRare, 
                    " will be collpased for set-based tests in the 'sum_geno' way. ", 
                    "The resulted collpased marker equals weighted sum of the genotypes of all ultra rare variantsi. NOTE: this option currently is not active\n")
            }else {
                cat("Ultra rare variants won't be collpased for set-based association tests\n")
        mth = 0
        MACcateNumHeader = paste0("Nmarker_MACCate_", seq(1, 
        if (!isCondition) {
            if (adjustCCratioinGroupTest) {
                resultHeader = c("Gene", "Pvalue", MACcateNumHeader, 
                  "markerIDs", "markerAFs")
                if (method == "optimal.adj") {
                  if (IsOutputBETASEinBurdenTest) {
                    resultHeader = c("Gene", "Pvalue", MACcateNumHeader, 
                      "markerIDs", "markerAFs", "Pvalue_Burden", 
                      "Pvalue_SKAT", "BETA_Burden", "SE_Burden")
                  else {
                    resultHeader = c("Gene", "Pvalue", MACcateNumHeader, 
                      "markerIDs", "markerAFs", "Pvalue_Burden", 
            if (IsOutputPvalueNAinGroupTestforBinary) {
                if (!adjustCCratioinGroupTest) {
                  resultHeader = c("Gene", "Pvalue", MACcateNumHeader, 
                    "markerIDs", "markerAFs")
                  if (method == "optimal.adj") {
                    if (IsOutputBETASEinBurdenTest) {
                      resultHeader = c("Gene", "Pvalue", MACcateNumHeader, 
                        "markerIDs", "markerAFs", "Pvalue_Burden", 
                        "Pvalue_SKAT", "BETA_Burden", "SE_Burden")
                    else {
                      resultHeader = c("Gene", "Pvalue", MACcateNumHeader, 
                        "markerIDs", "markerAFs", "Pvalue_Burden", 
                else {
                  resultHeader = c(resultHeader, "Pvalue.NA")
                  if (method == "optimal.adj") {
                    if (IsOutputBETASEinBurdenTest) {
                      resultHeader = c(resultHeader, "Pvalue_Burden.NA", 
                        "Pvalue_SKAT.NA", "BETA_Burden.NA", "SE_Burden.NA")
                    else {
                      resultHeader = c(resultHeader, "Pvalue_Burden.NA", 
        else {
            if (adjustCCratioinGroupTest) {
                resultHeader = c("Gene", "Pvalue", "Pvalue_cond", 
                  MACcateNumHeader, "markerIDs", "markerAFs")
                if (method == "optimal.adj") {
                  if (IsOutputBETASEinBurdenTest) {
                    resultHeader = c("Gene", "Pvalue", "Pvalue_cond", 
                      MACcateNumHeader, "markerIDs", "markerAFs", 
                      "Pvalue_Burden", "Pvalue_Burden_cond", 
                      "Pvalue_SKAT", "Pvalue_SKAT_cond", "BETA_Burden", 
                      "SE_Burden", "BETA_Burden_cond", "SE_Burden_cond")
                  else {
                    resultHeader = c("Gene", "Pvalue", "Pvalue_cond", 
                      MACcateNumHeader, "markerIDs", "markerAFs", 
                      "Pvalue_Burden", "Pvalue_Burden_cond", 
                      "Pvalue_SKAT", "Pvalue_SKAT_cond")
            if (IsOutputPvalueNAinGroupTestforBinary) {
                if (!adjustCCratioinGroupTest) {
                  resultHeader = c("Gene", "Pvalue", "Pvalue_cond", 
                    MACcateNumHeader, "markerIDs", "markerAFs")
                  if (method == "optimal.adj") {
                    if (IsOutputBETASEinBurdenTest) {
                      resultHeader = c("Gene", "Pvalue", "Pvalue_cond", 
                        MACcateNumHeader, "markerIDs", "markerAFs", 
                        "Pvalue_Burden", "Pvalue_Burden_cond", 
                        "Pvalue_SKAT", "Pvalue_SKAT_cond", "BETA_Burden", 
                        "SE_Burden", "BETA_Burden_cond", "SE_Burden_cond")
                    else {
                      resultHeader = c("Gene", "Pvalue", "Pvalue_cond", 
                        MACcateNumHeader, "markerIDs", "markerAFs", 
                        "Pvalue_Burden", "Pvalue_Burden_cond", 
                        "Pvalue_SKAT", "Pvalue_SKAT_cond")
                else {
                  resultHeader = c(resultHeader, "Pvalue.NA", 
                  if (method == "optimal.adj") {
                    if (IsOutputBETASEinBurdenTest) {
                      resultHeader = c(resultHeader, "Pvalue_Burden.NA", 
                        "Pvalue_Burden.NA_cond", "Pvalue_SKAT.NA", 
                        "Pvalue_SKAT.NA_cond", "BETA_Burden.NA", 
                        "SE_Burden.NA", "BETA_Burden.NA_cond", 
                    else {
                      resultHeader = c(resultHeader, "Pvalue_Burden.NA", 
                        "Pvalue_Burden.NA_cond", "Pvalue_SKAT.NA", 
        if (IsOutputMAFinCaseCtrlinGroupTest) {
            resultHeader = c(resultHeader, "MAF_in_cases", "MAF_in_controls")
        write(resultHeader, file = SAIGEOutputFile, ncolumns = length(resultHeader))
        cat("isCondition is ", isCondition, "\n")
        gf = file(groupFile, "r")
        while (TRUE) {
            marker_group_line = readLines(gf, n = 1)
            if (length(marker_group_line) == 0) {
            else {
                marker_group_line_list = strsplit(marker_group_line, 
                  split = "\t")[[1]]
                geneID = marker_group_line_list[1]
                cat("geneID: ", geneID, "\n")
                if (length(marker_group_line_list) <= 1) {
                  stop("no marker IDs are found for gene ", geneID, 
                    ". Please make sure the group file is tab delimited.", 
                if (weightsIncludeinGroupFile) {
                  marker_group_line_list_v2 = marker_group_line_list[-1]
                  weights_specified_tmp = unlist(lapply(marker_group_line_list_v2, 
                  markerID_specified_tmp = unlist(lapply(marker_group_line_list_v2, 
                  if (length(weights_specified_tmp) != length(markerID_specified_tmp)) {
                    stop("The length of weights is not equal to the length of markers in the group file\n")
                  weights_specified = tryCatch(expr = as.numeric(weights_specified_tmp), 
                    warning = function(w) {
                      message("The vector is not numeric.")
                  if (is.null(weights_specified)) {
                    stop("Weights specified for gene ", geneID, 
                      " are not numeric\n")
                  marker_group_line = paste(c(geneID, markerID_specified_tmp), 
                    collapse = "\t")
                if (dosageFileType == "vcf") {
                  Gx = getGenoOfGene_vcf(marker_group_line, minInfo)
                else if (dosageFileType == "bgen") {
                  cat("genetic variants with ", testMinMAF, "<= MAF <= ", 
                    maxMAFforGroupTest, "are included for gene-based tests\n")
                  Gx = getGenoOfGene_bgen_Sparse(bgenFile, bgenFileIndex, 
                    marker_group_line, testMinMAF, maxMAFforGroupTest, 
                cntMarker = Gx$cnt
                cat("cntMarker: ", cntMarker, "\n")
                if (cntMarker > 0) {
                  if (dosageFileType == "vcf") {
                    Gmat = Matrix:::sparseMatrix(i = as.vector(Gx$iIndex), 
                      j = as.vector(Gx$jIndex), x = as.vector(Gx$dosages), 
                      symmetric = FALSE, dims = c(N, cntMarker))
                  else {
                    Gmat = Matrix:::sparseMatrix(i = as.vector(Gx$iIndex), 
                      j = as.vector(Gx$jIndex), x = as.vector(Gx$dosages), 
                      symmetric = FALSE, dims = c(N, cntMarker))
                  Gx$iIndex = NULL
                  Gx$jIndex = NULL
                  Gx$dosages = NULL
                  if (is_rewrite_XnonPAR_forMales) {
                    Gmat = as.matrix(Gmat)
                    Gmat = processMale_XnonPAR(indexInModel_male, 
                      Gmat, Gx$positions, X_PARregion_mat)
                    Gmat = as(Gmat, "sparseMatrix")
                  if (isCondition) {
                    indexforMissing = unique(c(Gx$indexforMissing, 
                  else {
                    indexforMissing = unique(Gx$indexforMissing)
                  if (is_rewrite_XnonPAR_forMales | (IsDropMissingDosages & 
                    length(indexforMissing) > 0)) {
                    Gx$ACs = colSums(Gmat)
                    Gx$markerAFs = Gx$ACs/(2 * nrow(Gmat))
                    ACtemp = 2 * nrow(Gmat) - Gx$ACs
                    Gx$MACs = pmin(Gx$ACs, ACtemp)
                  if (IsDropMissingDosages & length(indexforMissing) > 
                    0) {
                    cat("Removing ", length(indexforMissing), 
                      " samples with missing dosages/genotypes in the gene\n")
                    N_sub = N - length(indexforMissing)
                    cat(N_sub, " samples are left\n")
                  else {
                    N_sub = N
                  if (N_sub > 0) {
                    if (IsDropMissingDosages & length(indexforMissing) > 
                      0) {
                      missingind = seq(1, nrow(Gmat))[-(indexforMissing + 
                      subsetModelResult = subsetModelFileforMissing(obj.model, 
                        missingind, y, X)
                      y.sub = subsetModelResult$y
                      X.sub = subsetModelResult$X
                      obj.model.sub = subsetModelResult$obj.model
                      if (traitType == "binary") {
                        y1Index.sub = which(y.sub == 1)
                        NCase.sub = length(y1Index.sub)
                        y0Index.sub = which(y.sub == 0)
                        NCtrl.sub = length(y0Index.sub)
                      sparseSigma.sub = sparseSigma
                      if (!is.null(sparseSigma)) {
                        sparseSigma.sub = sparseSigma[missingind, 
                      Gmat = Gmat[missingind, , drop = FALSE]
                      if (isCondition) {
                        cat("Removing ", length(indexforMissing), 
                          " samples from the conditional marker\n")
                        dosage_cond.sub = dosage_cond[missingind, 
                          , drop = FALSE]
                        condpre.sub = getCovMandOUT_cond_pre(dosage_cond = dosage_cond.sub, 
                          cateVarRatioMinMACVecExclude = cateVarRatioMinMACVecExclude, 
                          cateVarRatioMaxMACVecInclude = cateVarRatioMaxMACVecInclude, 
                          ratioVec = ratioVec, obj.model = obj.model.sub, 
                          y = y.sub, X = X.sub, sparseSigma = sparseSigma.sub, 
                          IsSparse = IsSparse, Cutoff = Cutoff, 
                          traitType = traitType, tauVec = tauVec)
                        OUT_cond.sub = condpre.sub$OUT_cond
                        G2tilde_P_G2tilde_inv.sub = condpre.sub$G2tilde_P_G2tilde_inv
                      else {
                        dosage_cond.sub = NULL
                        OUT_cond.sub = NULL
                    rmMarkerIndex = NULL
                    if (dosageZerodCutoff > 0 & sum(Gx$MACs <= 
                      10) > 0) {
                      zerodIndex = which(Gx$MACs <= 10)
                      for (z in zerodIndex) {
                        if (Gx$markerAFs[z] <= 0.5) {
                          replaceindex = which(Gmat[, z] <= dosageZerodCutoff & 
                            Gmat[, z] > 0)
                          if (length(replaceindex) > 0) {
                            Gmat[replaceindex, z] = 0
                        else {
                          replaceindex = which(Gmat[, z] >= (2 - 
                            dosageZerodCutoff) & Gmat[, z] < 
                          if (length(replaceindex) > 0) {
                            Gmat[replaceindex, z] = 2
                    cm = colMeans(Gmat)/2
                    cm[which(cm > 0.5)] = 1 - cm[which(cm > 0.5)]
                    rmMarkerIndex = which(cm < testMinMAF | cm > 
                    if (length(rmMarkerIndex) > 0) {
                      cat(length(rmMarkerIndex), " marker(s) is(are) further removed\n")
                      cntMarker = cntMarker - length(rmMarkerIndex)
                      if (cntMarker > 0) {
                        Gmat = Gmat[, -rmMarkerIndex, drop = FALSE]
                        Gx$markerIDs = Gx$markerIDs[-rmMarkerIndex]
                        Gx$markerAFs = Gx$markerAFs[-rmMarkerIndex]
                        Gmat = as(Gmat, "sparseMatrix")
                    else {
                      Gmat = as(Gmat, "sparseMatrix")
                    if (weightsIncludeinGroupFile) {
                      re_index = match(Gx$markerIDs, markerID_specified_tmp)
                      weights_specified = weights_specified[re_index]
                    if (cntMarker > 0) {
                      if (IsDropMissingDosages & length(indexforMissing) > 
                        0) {
                        cat("isCondition is ", isCondition, "\n")
                        print("memory usage")
                        groupTestResult = groupTest(Gmat = Gmat, 
                          obj.model = obj.model.sub, y = y.sub, 
                          X = X.sub, tauVec, traitType, cateVarRatioMinMACVecExclude = cateVarRatioMinMACVecExclude, 
                          cateVarRatioMaxMACVecInclude = cateVarRatioMaxMACVecInclude, 
                          ratioVec = ratioVec, G2_cond = dosage_cond.sub, 
                          G2_cond_es = OUT_cond.sub[, 1], kernel = kernel, 
                          method = method, weights.beta.rare = weights.beta.rare, 
                          weights.beta.common = weights.beta.common, 
                          weightMAFcutoff = weightMAFcutoff, 
                          r.corr = r.corr, max_maf = maxMAFforGroupTest, 
                          sparseSigma = sparseSigma.sub, IsSingleVarinGroupTest = IsSingleVarinGroupTest, 
                          markerIDs = Gx$markerIDs, markerAFs = Gx$markerAFs, 
                          IsSparse = IsSparse, geneID = geneID, 
                          Cutoff = Cutoff, adjustCCratioinGroupTest = adjustCCratioinGroupTest, 
                          IsOutputPvalueNAinGroupTestforBinary = IsOutputPvalueNAinGroupTestforBinary, 
                          weights_specified = weights_specified, 
                          weights_for_G2_cond = weights_for_G2_cond_specified, 
                          weightsIncludeinGroupFile = weightsIncludeinGroupFile, 
                          IsOutputBETASEinBurdenTest = IsOutputBETASEinBurdenTest, 
                          IsOutputlogPforSingle = IsOutputlogPforSingle, 
                          method_to_CollapseUltraRare = method_to_CollapseUltraRare, 
                          MACCutoff_to_CollapseUltraRare = MACCutoff_to_CollapseUltraRare, 
                          DosageCutoff_for_UltraRarePresence = DosageCutoff_for_UltraRarePresence, 
                          IsOutputMAFinCaseCtrlinGroupTest = IsOutputMAFinCaseCtrlinGroupTest)
                      else {
                        cat("isCondition is ", isCondition, "\n")
                        groupTestResult = groupTest(Gmat = Gmat, 
                          obj.model = obj.model, y = y, X = X, 
                          tauVec, traitType, cateVarRatioMinMACVecExclude = cateVarRatioMinMACVecExclude, 
                          cateVarRatioMaxMACVecInclude = cateVarRatioMaxMACVecInclude, 
                          ratioVec = ratioVec, G2_cond = dosage_cond, 
                          G2_cond_es = OUT_cond[, 1], kernel = kernel, 
                          method = method, weights.beta.rare = weights.beta.rare, 
                          weights.beta.common = weights.beta.common, 
                          weightMAFcutoff = weightMAFcutoff, 
                          r.corr = r.corr, max_maf = maxMAFforGroupTest, 
                          sparseSigma = sparseSigma, IsSingleVarinGroupTest = IsSingleVarinGroupTest, 
                          markerIDs = Gx$markerIDs, markerAFs = Gx$markerAFs, 
                          IsSparse = IsSparse, geneID = geneID, 
                          Cutoff = Cutoff, adjustCCratioinGroupTest = adjustCCratioinGroupTest, 
                          IsOutputPvalueNAinGroupTestforBinary = IsOutputPvalueNAinGroupTestforBinary, 
                          weights_specified = weights_specified, 
                          weights_for_G2_cond = weights_for_G2_cond_specified, 
                          weightsIncludeinGroupFile = weightsIncludeinGroupFile, 
                          IsOutputBETASEinBurdenTest = IsOutputBETASEinBurdenTest, 
                          IsOutputlogPforSingle = IsOutputlogPforSingle, 
                          method_to_CollapseUltraRare = method_to_CollapseUltraRare, 
                          MACCutoff_to_CollapseUltraRare = MACCutoff_to_CollapseUltraRare, 
                          DosageCutoff_for_UltraRarePresence = DosageCutoff_for_UltraRarePresence, 
                          IsOutputMAFinCaseCtrlinGroupTest = IsOutputMAFinCaseCtrlinGroupTest)
                      outVec = groupTestResult$outVec
                      OUT = rbind(OUT, outVec)
                      if (IsSingleVarinGroupTest) {
                        outsingle = as.data.frame(groupTestResult$OUT_single)
                        OUT_single = rbind(OUT_single, outsingle)
                      mth = mth + 1
                      if (mth%%numLinesOutput == 0) {
                        ptm <- proc.time()
                        OUT = as.data.frame(OUT)
                        write.table(OUT, SAIGEOutputFile, quote = FALSE, 
                          row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, 
                          append = TRUE)
                        OUT = NULL
                        if (IsSingleVarinGroupTest) {
                          write.table(OUT_single, SAIGEOutputFile_single, 
                            quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, 
                            col.names = FALSE, append = TRUE)
                          OUT_single = NULL
                    else {
                      print("No markers are left!")
                  else {
                    print("No samples are left after removing samples with missing dosages/genotypes of variants in the gene")
                else {
                  print("No markers are left!")
        if (!is.null(OUT)) {
            OUT = as.data.frame(OUT)
            write.table(OUT, SAIGEOutputFile, quote = FALSE, 
                row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, append = TRUE)
            OUT = NULL
            if (IsSingleVarinGroupTest) {
                write.table(OUT_single, SAIGEOutputFile_single, 
                  quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, 
                  append = TRUE)
                OUT_single = NULL
    if (dosageFileType == "bgen") {
    else if (dosageFileType == "vcf") {
    endTime = as.numeric(Sys.time())
    cat("Analysis ended at ", endTime, "Seconds\n")
    tookTime = endTime - startTime
    cat("Analysis took ", tookTime, "Seconds\n")

#No Sparsity
scoreTest_SAIGE_quantitativeTrait_old=function(G0, obj.noK, AC, y, mu, varRatio, tauVec){
  XVG0 = eigenMapMatMult(obj.noK$XV, G0)
  G = G0  -  eigenMapMatMult(obj.noK$XXVX_inv, XVG0) # G1 is X adjusted
  g = G/sqrt(AC)
  var2 = innerProduct(g, g)
  q = innerProduct(g, y)
  m1 = innerProduct(mu, g)
  var1 = var2 * varRatio
  Tstat = (q-m1)/tauVec[1]
  p.value = pchisq(Tstat^2/var1, lower.tail = FALSE, df=1)
  BETA = (Tstat/var1)/sqrt(AC)
  SE = abs(BETA/qnorm(p.value/2))
  out1 = list(BETA = BETA, SE = SE, Tstat = Tstat,p.value = p.value, var1 = var1, var2 = var2)

#Use Sparsity trick for rare variants
scoreTest_SAIGE_quantitativeTrait=function(G0, obj.noK, AC, AF, y, X, mu, varRatio, tauVec){
#  cat("HERE\n")
#  cat("AC: ",AC,"\n")
#  cat("AF: ",AF,"\n")
  N = length(G0)
  if(AF > 0.5){
    G0 = 2-G0
    AC2 = 2*N - AC
    AC2 = AC
  maf = min(AF, 1-AF)
#  cat("HERE2\n")
  if(maf < 0.05){
#  cat("HERE2a\n")
    #cat("length(idx_no0): ", length(idx_no0), "\n")
    #cat("maf: ", maf, "\n")


    noCov = FALSE
    if(dim(obj.noK$X1)[2] == 1){
     noCov = TRUE

## V = V, X1 = X1, XV = XV, XXVX_inv = XXVX_inv, XVX_inv = XVX_inv
    if(length(idx_no0) > 1){
      Z = t(A1) %*% g1
      B<-X %*% Z
      g_tilde1 = g1 - B
      var2 = t(Z) %*% obj.noK$XVX %*% Z - sum(B^2) + sum(g_tilde1^2)
      var1 = var2 * varRatio
      S1 = crossprod(y1-mu1, g_tilde1)
        S_a2 = obj.noK$S_a - colSums(X * (y1 - mu1))
        S_a2 = obj.noK$S_a - crossprod(X, y1 - mu1)
      #S_a2 = obj.noK$S_a - colSums(X1 * (y1 - mu1))
      S2 = -S_a2 %*% Z
      Z = A1 * g1
      B<-X %*% Z
      g_tilde1 = g1 - B
      var2 = t(Z) %*% obj.noK$XVX %*% Z - sum(B^2) + sum(g_tilde1^2)
      var1 = var2 * varRatio
      S1 = crossprod(y1-mu1, g_tilde1)
      S_a2 = obj.noK$S_a - X * (y1 - mu1)
      S2 = -S_a2 %*% Z
    S<- S1+S2
    Tstat = S/tauVec[1]
#  cat("HERE2b\n")
    XVG0 = eigenMapMatMult(obj.noK$XV, G0)
    G = G0  -  eigenMapMatMult(obj.noK$XXVX_inv, XVG0) # G1 is X adjusted
    g = G/sqrt(AC2)
    q = innerProduct(g, y)
    m1 = innerProduct(mu, g)
    var2 = innerProduct(g, g)
    var1 = var2 * varRatio
    Tstat = (q-m1)/tauVec[1]
  if(AF > 0.5){
    Tstat = (-1)*Tstat
  p.value = pchisq(Tstat^2/var1, lower.tail = FALSE, df=1)
  BETA = (Tstat/var1)/sqrt(AC2)
  SE = abs(BETA/qnorm(p.value/2))
  out1 = list(BETA = BETA, SE = SE, Tstat = Tstat,p.value = p.value, var1 = var1, var2 = var2)

Score_Test_Sparse<-function(obj.null, y, X1, G, mu, mu2, varRatio, IsOutputlogPforSingle){
  # mu=mu.a; mu2= mu2.a; G=G0; obj.null=obj.noK
  X1 = X1[idx_no0,,drop=F]
  A1 =  obj.null$XVX_inv_XV[idx_no0,,drop=F]

#  if(length(idx_no0) > 1){
#    cat("idx_no0 ", idx_no0, "\n")
    Z = t(A1) %*% g1
    B<-X1 %*% Z
    #cat("dim(Z) ", Z, "\n")
    g_tilde1 = g1 - B
    var2 = t(Z) %*% obj.null$XVX %*% Z - t(B^2) %*% mu21 + t(g_tilde1^2) %*% mu21
    var1 = var2 * varRatio
    S1 = crossprod(y1-mu1, g_tilde1)

    S_a2 = obj.null$S_a - colSums(X1 * (y1 - mu1))
    #  S_a2 = obj.null$S_a - crossprod(X1, y1 - mu1)

    S2 = -S_a2 %*% Z
#  }else{
#    Z = A1 * g1
#    B<-X1 %*% Z
#    g_tilde1 = g1 - B
#    var2 = t(Z) %*% obj.null$XVX %*% Z - t(B^2) %*% mu21 + t(g_tilde1^2) %*% mu21
#    var1 = var2 * varRatio
#    S1 = crossprod(y1-mu1, g_tilde1)
#    S_a2 = obj.null$S_a - X1 * (y1 - mu1)
#    S2 = -S_a2 %*% Z
#  }

  S<- S1+S2

  pval.noadj<-pchisq((S)^2/(var1), lower.tail = FALSE, df=1, log.p=IsOutputlogPforSingle)
  ##add on 10-25-2017
  BETA = S/var1
    SE = abs(BETA/qnorm(pval.noadj/2))
    SE = abs(BETA/(qnorm(pval.noadj - log(2), log.p=T, lower.tail = F)))	  
  Tstat = S
  #return(c(BETA, SE, Tstat, pval.noadj, pval.noadj, 1, var1, var2))
  return(list(BETA=BETA, SE=SE, Tstat=Tstat, pval.noadj=pval.noadj, pval.noadj=pval.noadj, is.converge=TRUE, var1=var1, var2=var2))

Score_Test<-function(obj.null, G, y, mu, mu2, varRatio, IsOutputlogPforSingle){
  #print("NO SPARSE")
  g<-G  -  obj.null$XXVX_inv %*%  (obj.null$XV %*% G)
  q<-crossprod(g, y)
  m1<-crossprod(mu, g)
  var2<-crossprod(mu2, g^2)
  var1 = var2 * varRatio
  S = q-m1
  #cat("S is ", S, "\n")
  pval.noadj<-pchisq((S)^2/var1, lower.tail = FALSE, df=1, log.p=IsOutputlogPforSingle)

  ##add on 10-25-2017
  BETA = S/var1
    SE = abs(BETA/qnorm(pval.noadj/2))
    #SE = abs(BETA/qnorm(exp(pval.noadj)/2))
    SE = abs(BETA/(qnorm(pval.noadj - log(2), log.p=T, lower.tail = F)))	  
  #Tstat = S^2
  Tstat = S

  #return(c(BETA, SE, Tstat, pval.noadj, pval.noadj, NA, var1, var2))
  #return(c(pval.noadj, pval.noadj, TRUE, var1, var2))
  return(list(BETA=BETA, SE=SE, Tstat=Tstat, pval.noadj=pval.noadj, pval.noadj=pval.noadj, is.converge=TRUE, var1=var1, var2=var2))

####add log(OR), SE, and T estimation on 10-25-2017#######
scoreTest_SPAGMMAT_binaryTrait=function(g, AC, NAset, y, mu, varRatio, Cutoff){
        #g = G/sqrt(AC)
  q = innerProduct(g, y)
  m1 = innerProduct(g, mu)
  var2 = innerProduct(mu*(1-mu), g*g)
  var1 = var2 * varRatio
  Tstat = q-m1
        #cat("Tstat: ", Tstat, "\n")
  qtilde = Tstat/sqrt(var1) * sqrt(var2) + m1
        #cat("var1: ", var1, "\n")

  if(length(NAset)/length(g) < 0.5){
    out1 = SPAtest:::Saddle_Prob(q=qtilde, mu = mu, g = g, Cutoff = Cutoff, alpha=5*10^-8)
    out1 = SPAtest:::Saddle_Prob_fast(q=qtilde,g = g, mu = mu, gNA = g[NAset], gNB = g[-NAset], muNA = mu[NAset], muNB = mu[-NAset], Cutoff = Cutoff, alpha = 5*10^-8, output="P")

  out1 = c(out1, var1 = var1)
  out1 = c(out1, var2 = var2)
  #logOR = Tstat0/var1
  #logOR = Tstat0/(sqrt(var1)*sqrt(var2))
  logOR = (Tstat/var1)/sqrt(AC)
  SE = abs(logOR/qnorm(out1$p.value/2))
  out1 = c(out1, BETA = logOR, SE = SE, Tstat = Tstat)

###add on 10-25-2017###for score test for binary traits for IsSparse
####add log(OR), SE, and T estimation on 10-25-2017#######
scoreTest_SAIGE_binaryTrait=function(G0, y, X1, AC, AF, MAF, IsSparse, obj.noK, mu.a, mu2.a, varRatio, Cutoff, rowHeader){
  N = length(G0)
  if(AF > 0.5){
    G0 = 2-G0
    AC2 = 2*N - AC
    AC2 = AC

  ## Added by SLEE 09/06/2017
    if(MAF < 0.05){
       out.score<-Score_Test_Sparse(obj.noK, y, X1, G0,mu.a, mu2.a, varRatio );
	  #  if(is.na(as.numeric(unlist(out.score["var1"])[1]))){
     #    out.score<-Score_Test(obj.noK, G0, y, mu.a, mu2.a, varRatio)
     #  }
       out.score<-Score_Test(obj.noK, G0, y, mu.a, mu2.a, varRatio );
     #if(out.score["pval.noadj"] > 0.05){
   if(as.numeric(unlist(out.score["var1"])[1]) <= 0){
    if(abs(as.numeric(unlist(out.score["Tstat"])[1])/sqrt(as.numeric(unlist(out.score["var1"])[1]))) < Cutoff){
       if(AF > 0.5){
         out.score$BETA = (-1)*out.score$BETA
         out.score$Tstat = (-1)*out.score$Tstat
         #out.score["BETA"][1] = (-1)*out.score["BETA"][1]
         #out.score["Tstat"][1] = (-1)*out.score["Tstat"][1]

       #OUT = rbind(OUT, c(rowHeader, N, unlist(out.score)))
       outVec = c(rowHeader, N, unlist(out.score))




    G0 = matrix(G0, ncol = 1)
    XVG0 = eigenMapMatMult(obj.noK$XV, G0)
    G = G0  -  eigenMapMatMult(obj.noK$XXVX_inv, XVG0) # G is X adjusted
    g = G/sqrt(AC2)
    NAset = which(G0==0)
    out1 = scoreTest_SPAGMMAT_binaryTrait(g, AC2, NAset, y, mu.a, varRatio, Cutoff = Cutoff)
    if(AF > 0.5){
      out1$BETA = (-1)*out1$BETA
      out1$Tstat = (-1)*out1$Tstat
    out1 = unlist(out1)

    #OUT = rbind(OUT, c(rowHeader, N, out1["BETA"], out1["SE"], out1["Tstat"], out1["p.value"], out1["p.value.NA"], out1["Is.converge"], out1["var1"], out1["var2"]))
    outVec = c(rowHeader, N, out1["BETA"], out1["SE"], out1["Tstat"], out1["p.value"], out1["p.value.NA"], out1["Is.converge"], out1["var1"], out1["var2"])

scoreTest_SAIGE_binaryTrait_cond=function(G0, AC, AF, MAF, IsSparse, obj.noK, mu.a, mu2.a, y,varRatio, Cutoff, rowHeader, covM, OUT_cond,covariateVec){
  N = length(G0)
  if(AF > 0.5){
    G0 = 2-G0
    AC2 = 2*N - AC
    AC2 = AC

  ## Added by SLEE 09/06/2017

    G0 = matrix(G0, ncol = 1)
    XVG0 = eigenMapMatMult(obj.noK$XV, G0)
    G = G0  -  eigenMapMatMult(obj.noK$XXVX_inv, XVG0) # G is X adjusted
    g = G/sqrt(AC2)
    NAset = which(G0==0)
    out1 = scoreTest_SPAGMMAT_binaryTrait_cond(g, AC2, NAset, y, mu.a, varRatio, Cutoff = Cutoff, covM, OUT_cond, covariateVec)
    if(AF > 0.5){
      out1$BETA = (-1)*out1$BETA
      out1$Tstat = (-1)*out1$Tstat
    out1 = unlist(out1)

    #outVec = c(rowHeader, N, out1["BETA"], out1["SE"], out1["Tstat"], out1["p.value"], out1["p.value.NA"], out1["Is.converge"], out1["var1"], out1["var2"])
    outVec = c(rowHeader, N, out1["BETA"], out1["SE"], out1["Tstat"], out1["p.value"], out1["p.value.NA"], out1["Is.converge"], out1["var1"], out1["var2"], out1["p.value1c"], out1["p.value.NA1c"], out1["BETA1c"], out1["SE1c"], out1["Tstat1c"])


scoreTest_SPAGMMAT_binaryTrait_cond=function(g, AC, NAset, y, mu, varRatio, Cutoff, covM, OUT_cond, covariateVec){
        #g = G/sqrt(AC)
  q = innerProduct(g, y)
  m1 = innerProduct(g, mu)
  var2 = innerProduct(mu*(1-mu), g*g)
  var1 = var2 * varRatio
  Tstat = q-m1
        #cat("Tstat: ", Tstat, "\n")
  qtilde = Tstat/sqrt(var1) * sqrt(var2) + m1
        #cat("var1: ", var1, "\n")

  if(length(NAset)/length(g) < 0.5){
    out1 = SPAtest:::Saddle_Prob(q=qtilde, mu = mu, g = g, Cutoff = Cutoff, alpha=5*10^-8)
    out1 = SPAtest:::Saddle_Prob_fast(q=qtilde,g = g, mu = mu, gNA = g[NAset], gNB = g[-NAset], muNA = mu[NAset], muNB = mu[-NAset], Cutoff = Cutoff, alpha = 5*10^-8)

  out1 = c(out1, var1 = var1)
  out1 = c(out1, var2 = var2)
  #logOR = Tstat0/var1
  #logOR = Tstat0/(sqrt(var1)*sqrt(var2))
  ##As g was not devided by sqrt(AC)
  logOR = (Tstat/var1)/sqrt(AC)
  #logOR = Tstat/var1

  SE = abs(logOR/qnorm(out1$p.value/2))
  out1 = c(out1, BETA = logOR, SE = SE, Tstat = Tstat)

  Tstat1c = Tstat*sqrt(AC) - innerProduct(as.vector(OUT_cond[,1]), covariateVec)

  if(ncol(covM) > 2){
  G2_tildeG2_tilde1_v1  = t(covM[2:ncol(covM),2:ncol(covM)])
  diag(G2_tildeG2_tilde1_v1) = 0
  G2_tildeG2_tilde = G2_tildeG2_tilde1_v1 + covM[2:ncol(covM),2:ncol(covM)]

  covMsub = matrix(as.vector(covM[1,2:ncol(covM)]), nrow=1)
  var1c = varRatio*covM[1,1] - varRatio*covMsub %*% solve(G2_tildeG2_tilde) %*% t(covMsub)
    G2_tildeG2_tilde = covM[2:ncol(covM),2:ncol(covM)]
    covMsub = matrix(as.vector(covM[1,2:ncol(covM)]), nrow=1)
    var1c = varRatio*covM[1,1] - varRatio*(covMsub %*% solve(G2_tildeG2_tilde) %*% t(covMsub))
  #var1c = var1 - varRatio*(covM[1,2:ncol(covM)])%*% solve(G2_tildeG2_tilde) %*% t(covM[1,2:ncol(covM)])
  cat("var1c: ", var1c, "\n")

if(var1c > (.Machine$double.xmin)^2){
  qtilde1c = ((Tstat1c)/sqrt(AC))/sqrt(var1c/AC) * sqrt(var2/AC) + m1

  if(length(NAset)/length(g) < 0.5){
    out1c = SPAtest:::Saddle_Prob(q=qtilde1c, mu = mu, g = g, Cutoff = Cutoff, alpha=5*10^-8)
    out1c = SPAtest:::Saddle_Prob_fast(q=qtilde1c, g = g, mu = mu, gNA = g[NAset], gNB = g[-NAset], muNA = mu[NAset], muNB = mu[-NAset], Cutoff = Cutoff, alpha = 5*10^-8)

  out1c = c(out1c, var1c = var1c)

  logOR1c = (Tstat1c/var1c)/sqrt(AC)
  SE1c = abs(logOR1c/qnorm(out1c$p.value/2))
  out1c = c(out1c, BETA1c = logOR1c, SE1c = SE1c, Tstat1c = Tstat1c)
  out1 = c(out1, p.value1c = out1c$p.value, p.value.NA1c = out1c$p.value.NA, BETA1c = out1c$BETA1c, SE1c=out1c$SE1c, Tstat1c = out1c$Tstat1c)
}else{ #end of if(var1c > 0){
  out1 = c(out1, p.value1c = 1, p.value.NA1c = 1, BETA1c = 0, SE1c=0, Tstat1c = NA)

  #out1 = c(out1, p.value1c = out1c$p.value, p.value.NA1c = out1c$p.value.NA, BETA1c = out1c$BETA1c, SE1c=out1c$SE1c, Tstat1c = out1c$Tstat1c)

scoreTest_SAIGE_quantitativeTrait_sparseSigma=function(G0, obj.noK, AC, AF, y, X, mu, varRatio, tauVec, sparseSigma=NULL, isCondition=FALSE, OUT_cond=NULL, G1tilde_P_G2tilde = NULL, G2tilde_P_G2tilde_inv=NULL, IsOutputlogPforSingle=FALSE){

  N = length(G0)
  if(AF > 0.5){
    G0 = 2-G0
    AC2 = 2*N - AC
    AC2 = AC
  maf = min(AF, 1-AF)
#  cat("HERE2\n")
if(maf < 0.05){isSparse=TRUE}

    X = X[idx_no0,,drop=F]
    A1 =  obj.noK$XVX_inv_XV[idx_no0,,drop=F]
    ## V = V, X1 = X1, XV = XV, XXVX_inv = XXVX_inv, XVX_inv = XVX_inv
    #if(length(idx_no0) > 1){
    Z = t(A1) %*% g1
    B<-X %*% Z
    g_tilde1 = g1 - B
    var2 = t(Z)%*% obj.noK$XVX %*% Z *tauVec[1] + sum(g1^2) - 2*sum(g1*B)
    var1 = var2 * varRatio

    S1 = crossprod(y1-mu1, g_tilde1)
    S_a2 = obj.noK$S_a - colSums(X * (y1 - mu1))
    S2 = -S_a2 %*% Z
    S<- S1+S2
    Tstat = S/tauVec[1]

    XVG0 = eigenMapMatMult(obj.noK$XV, G0)
    G = G0  -  eigenMapMatMult(obj.noK$XXVX_inv, XVG0) # G1 is X adjusted
#    g = G/sqrt(AC2)
    g = G
    q = innerProduct(g, y)
    m1 = innerProduct(mu, g)
    var2 = innerProduct(g, g)
    var1 = var2 * varRatio
    Tstat = (q-m1)/tauVec[1]

  XVG0 = eigenMapMatMult(obj.noK$XV, G0)
  g = G0  -  eigenMapMatMult(obj.noK$XXVX_inv, XVG0) # G1 is X adjusted
  pcginvSigma<-solve(sparseSigma, g, sparse=T)
  var2 = as.matrix(t(g) %*% pcginvSigma)
  var1 = var2 * varRatio

#cat("Tstat is ", Tstat, "\n")


  T2stat = OUT_cond[,2]
  #m_all = nrow(GratioMatrixall)
#  cat("Tstat: ", Tstat, "\n")
  G1tilde_P_G2tilde = matrix(G1tilde_P_G2tilde,nrow=1)
  #Tstat_c = Tstat - covM[1,c(2:m_all)] %*% (solve(covM[c(2:m_all),c(2:m_all)])) %*% T2stat
  Tstat_c = Tstat - G1tilde_P_G2tilde %*% G2tilde_P_G2tilde_inv %*% T2stat
  var1_c = var1 - G1tilde_P_G2tilde %*% G2tilde_P_G2tilde_inv %*% t(G1tilde_P_G2tilde)


if(AF > 0.5){
    Tstat = (-1)*Tstat
      Tstat_c = (-1)*Tstat_c

if(var1 < (.Machine$double.xmin)){
    p.value = 1
  SE = NA
    p.value = pchisq(Tstat^2/var1, lower.tail = FALSE, df=1)
    BETA = (Tstat/var1)
    SE = abs(BETA/qnorm(p.value/2))
    p.value = pchisq(Tstat^2/var1, lower.tail = FALSE, df=1, log.p=IsOutputlogPforSingle)
    BETA = (Tstat/var1)
    SE = abs(BETA/(qnorm(p.value - log(2), log.p=T, lower.tail = F)))
    #SE = abs(BETA/qnorm(exp(p.value)/2))

    if(var1_c <= (.Machine$double.xmin)){
        p.value.c = 1
        p.value.c = 0
      BETA_c = NA
      SE_c = NA
        p.value.c = pchisq(Tstat_c^2/var1_c, lower.tail = FALSE, df=1)
        BETA_c = (Tstat_c/var1_c)
        SE_c = abs(BETA_c/qnorm(p.value.c/2))
        p.value.c = pchisq(Tstat_c^2/var1_c, lower.tail = FALSE, df=1, log.p=IsOutputlogPforSingle)
        BETA_c = (Tstat_c/var1_c)
	SE_c = abs(BETA_c/(qnorm(p.value.c - log(2), log.p=T, lower.tail = F)))
        #SE_c = abs(BETA_c/qnorm(exp(p.value.c)/2))

    out1 = list(BETA = BETA, SE = SE, Tstat = Tstat,p.value = p.value, var1 = var1, var2 = var2, BETA_c = BETA_c, SE_c = SE_c, Tstat_c = Tstat_c, p.value.c = p.value.c, var1_c = var1_c)
    out1 = list(BETA = BETA, SE = SE, Tstat = Tstat,p.value = p.value, var1 = var1, var2 = var2)

#scoreTest_SAIGE_binaryTrait_cond_sparseSigma=function(G0, AC, AF, MAF, IsSparse, obj.noK, mu.a, mu2.a, y, X, varRatio, Cutoff, rowHeader, sparseSigma=NULL, isCondition=FALSE, OUT_cond=NULL, G1tilde_P_G2tilde = NULL, G2tilde_P_G2tilde_inv=NULL, IsOutputlogPforSingle=FALSE, offsetEff){
scoreTest_SAIGE_binaryTrait_cond_sparseSigma=function(G0, AC, AF, MAF, IsSparse, obj.noK, mu.a, mu2.a, y, X, varRatio, Cutoff, rowHeader, sparseSigma=NULL, isCondition=FALSE, OUT_cond=NULL, G1tilde_P_G2tilde = NULL, G2tilde_P_G2tilde_inv=NULL, IsOutputlogPforSingle=FALSE){
  N = length(G0)
  if(AF > 0.5){
    G0 = 2-G0
    AC2 = 2*N - AC
    AC2 = AC
  ## Added by SLEE 09/06/2017


    if(MAF < 0.05){
       out.score<-try(Score_Test_Sparse(obj.noK, y, X, G0, mu.a, mu2.a, varRatio, IsOutputlogPforSingle=IsOutputlogPforSingle), silent=TRUE)
       if(class(out.score) == "try-error"){
           out.score<-Score_Test(obj.noK, G0, y, mu.a, mu2.a, varRatio, IsOutputlogPforSingle=IsOutputlogPforSingle)
	   #print("no sparse score here")
           out.score<-Score_Test(obj.noK, G0, y, mu.a, mu2.a, varRatio, IsOutputlogPforSingle=IsOutputlogPforSingle)

    if(out.score["pval.noadj"] > 0.05){

        if(as.numeric(unlist(out.score["var1"])[1]) <= 0){
          if(abs(as.numeric(unlist(out.score["Tstat"])[1])/sqrt(as.numeric(unlist(out.score["var1"])[1]))) < Cutoff){
            if(AF > 0.5){
             out.score$BETA = (-1)*out.score$BETA
             out.score$Tstat = (-1)*out.score$Tstat
         #out.score["BETA"][1] = (-1)*out.score["BETA"][1]
         #out.score["Tstat"][1] = (-1)*out.score["Tstat"][1]

             outVec = list(BETA = out.score$BETA, SE = out.score$SE, Tstat = out.score$Tstat, p.value = out.score$pval.noadj, p.value.NA = out.score$pval.noadj, Is.converge = 1, var1 = out.score$var1, var2 = out.score$var2)

Run1 = TRUE
    G0 = matrix(G0, ncol = 1)
    XVG0 = eigenMapMatMult(obj.noK$XV, G0)
    G = G0  -  eigenMapMatMult(obj.noK$XXVX_inv, XVG0) # G is X adjusted
    #g = G/sqrt(AC2)
    g = G
    NAset = which(G0==0)
#    out1 = scoreTest_SPAGMMAT_binaryTrait(g, AC2, NAset, y, mu.a, varRatio, Cutoff = Cutoff)
#    if(AF > 0.5){
#      out1$BETA = (-1)*out1$BETA
#      out1$Tstat = (-1)*out1$Tstat
#    }
    out1 = scoreTest_SPAGMMAT_binaryTrait_cond_sparseSigma(g, AC2, AC,NAset, y, mu.a, varRatio, Cutoff, sparseSigma=sparseSigma, isCondition=isCondition, OUT_cond=OUT_cond, G1tilde_P_G2tilde = G1tilde_P_G2tilde, G2tilde_P_G2tilde_inv=G2tilde_P_G2tilde_inv, IsOutputlogPforSingle=IsOutputlogPforSingle)

    #out_efffirth<-SPAtest:::fast.logistf.fit(cbind(1,g),y, offset=offsetEff)
    #out_efffirth_new<-SPAtest:::fast.logistf.fit(cbind(1,g),y, offset=offsetEff)
    #out_efffirth_exact<-SPAtest:::fast.logistf.fit(cbind(g, X),y)
     outVec = list(BETA = out1["BETA"], SE = out1["SE"], Tstat = out1["Tstat"],p.value = out1["p.value"], p.value.NA = out1["p.value.NA"], Is.converge=out1["Is.converge"], var1 = out1["var1"], var2 = out1["var2"], Tstat_c = out1["Tstat_c"], p.value.c = out1["p.value.c"], var1_c = out1["var1_c"], BETA_c = out1["BETA_c"], SE_c = out1["SE_c"])

     #outVec = list(BETA = out1["BETA"], SE = out1["SE"], Tstat = out1["Tstat"],p.value = out1["p.value"], p.value.NA = out1["p.value.NA"], Is.converge=out1["Is.converge"], var1 = out1["var1"], var2 = out1["var2"], BETANew = out_efffirth_new$beta[2], BETANew_exact = out_efffirth_exact$beta[1])
     outVec = list(BETA = out1["BETA"], SE = out1["SE"], Tstat = out1["Tstat"],p.value = out1["p.value"], p.value.NA = out1["p.value.NA"], Is.converge=out1["Is.converge"], var1 = out1["var1"], var2 = out1["var2"])
     #outVec = list(BETA = BETA, SE = SE, Tstat = Tstat,p.value = p.value, var1 = var1, var2 = var2)



scoreTest_SPAGMMAT_binaryTrait_cond_sparseSigma=function(g, AC, AC_true, NAset, y, mu, varRatio, Cutoff, sparseSigma=NULL, isCondition=FALSE, OUT_cond=NULL, G1tilde_P_G2tilde = NULL, G2tilde_P_G2tilde_inv=NULL, IsOutputlogPforSingle=FALSE){

  #g = G/sqrt(AC)
  q = innerProduct(g, y)
  m1 = innerProduct(g, mu)
  Tstat = q-m1
  var2 = innerProduct(mu*(1-mu), g*g)
  var1 = var2 * varRatio

    #pcginvSigma<-pcg(sparseSigma, g)
    pcginvSigma<-solve(sparseSigma, g, sparse=T)
    var2b = as.matrix(t(g) %*% pcginvSigma)
    var1 = var2b * varRatio

    T2stat = OUT_cond[,2]
    G1tilde_P_G2tilde = matrix(G1tilde_P_G2tilde,nrow=1)
    Tstat_c = Tstat - G1tilde_P_G2tilde %*% G2tilde_P_G2tilde_inv %*% T2stat
    var1_c = var1 - G1tilde_P_G2tilde %*% G2tilde_P_G2tilde_inv %*% t(G1tilde_P_G2tilde)

  AF = AC_true/(2*length(y))
  if(AF > 0.5){
    Tstat = (-1)*Tstat
      Tstat_c = (-1)*Tstat_c

  qtilde = Tstat/sqrt(var1) * sqrt(var2) + m1

  if(length(NAset)/length(g) < 0.5){
    out1 = SPAtest:::Saddle_Prob(q=qtilde, mu = mu, g = g, Cutoff = Cutoff, alpha=5*10^-8, log.p=IsOutputlogPforSingle)
    out1 = SPAtest:::Saddle_Prob_fast(q=qtilde,g = g, mu = mu, gNA = g[NAset], gNB = g[-NAset], muNA = mu[NAset], muNB = mu[-NAset], Cutoff = Cutoff, alpha = 5*10^-8, output="p", log.p=IsOutputlogPforSingle)

  out1$var1 = var1
  out1$var2 = var2

  #as g is not divided by sqrt(AC), the sqrt(AC) is removed from the denominator
  #logOR = (Tstat/var1)/sqrt(AC)
  logOR = Tstat/var1
    SE = abs(logOR/qnorm(out1$p.value/2))
    SE = abs(logOR /(qnorm( out1$p.value - log(2), log.p=T, lower.tail = F)))
#  out1 = c(out1, BETA = logOR, SE = SE, Tstat = Tstat)
  out1$Tstat = Tstat

###firth beta
    if(var1_c <= (.Machine$double.xmin)^2){
        out1 = c(out1, var1_c = var1_c,BETA_c = NA, SE_c = NA, Tstat_c = Tstat_c, p.value.c = 1, p.value.NA.c = 1)
        out1 = c(out1, var1_c = var1_c,BETA_c = NA, SE_c = NA, Tstat_c = Tstat_c, p.value.c = 0, p.value.NA.c = 0)


      qtilde_c = Tstat_c/sqrt(var1_c) * sqrt(var2) + m1
      if(length(NAset)/length(g) < 0.5){
        out1_c = SPAtest:::Saddle_Prob(q=qtilde_c, mu = mu, g = g, Cutoff = Cutoff, alpha=5*10^-8, log.p=IsOutputlogPforSingle)
        out1_c = SPAtest:::Saddle_Prob_fast(q=qtilde_c,g = g, mu = mu, gNA = g[NAset], gNB = g[-NAset], muNA = mu[NAset], muNB = mu[-NAset], Cutoff = Cutoff, alpha = 5*10^-8, output="p", log.p=IsOutputlogPforSingle)
    #logOR_c = (Tstat_c/var1_c)/sqrt(AC)
    logOR_c = Tstat_c/var1_c
      SE_c = abs(logOR_c/qnorm(out1_c$p.value/2))
      SE_c = abs(logOR_c/(qnorm(out1_c$p.value - log(2), log.p=T, lower.tail = F))) 	    
      #SE_c = abs(logOR_c/qnorm(exp(out1_c$p.value)/2))

    out1 = c(out1, var1_c = var1_c,BETA_c = logOR_c, SE_c = SE_c, Tstat_c = Tstat_c, p.value.c = out1_c$p.value, p.value.NA.c = out1_c$p.value.NA)



subsetModelFileforMissing=function(obj.model, missingind, y, X){

        y = y[missingind]
        X = X[missingind,,drop=FALSE]

        mu = obj.model$mu[missingind]
	mu2 = obj.model$mu2[missingind]
	obj.noK = ScoreTest_NULL_Model(mu, mu2, y, X)

        return(list(obj.model = list(obj.noK = obj.noK, mu = mu, mu2 = mu2), y = y, X = X))
        #return(subsertforMissingResult = list(obj.glmm.null.sub = obj.glmm.null.sub, mu.sub = mu.sub, mu.a.sub = mu.a.sub, mu2.a.sub = mu2.a.sub))

        #obj.glmm.null.sub$obj.noK$V = obj.glmm.null.sub$obj.noK$V[missingind]
        #obj.glmm.null.sub$obj.noK$XV = obj.glmm.null.sub$obj.noK$XV[,missingind, drop=FALSE]
	#obj.glmm.null.sub$obj.noK$XV = t(obj.glmm.null.sub$obj.noK$X1 * obj.glmm.null.sub$obj.noK$V)
        #obj.glmm.null.sub$obj.noK$XVX_inv_XV_old = obj.glmm.null.sub$obj.noK$XVX_inv_XV[missingind,]
        ##fitted values
	#obj.glmm.null.sub$obj.noK$XVX = t(obj.glmm.null.sub$obj.noK$X1)  %*% t(obj.glmm.null.sub$obj.noK$XV)
	#obj.glmm.null.sub$obj.noK$XVX_inv = solve(obj.glmm.null.sub$obj.noK$XVX)
	#obj.glmm.null.sub$obj.noK$XXVX_inv = obj.glmm.null.sub$obj.noK$X1 %*% obj.glmm.null.sub$obj.noK$XVX_inv
	#obj.glmm.null.sub$obj.noK$XVX_inv_XV = obj.glmm.null.sub$obj.noK$XXVX_inv * obj.glmm.null.sub$obj.noK$V

	#mu.sub = mu[missingind]
	#mu.a.sub = mu.a[missingind]
	#mu2.a.sub = mu2.a[missingind]
	#mu2.a.sub = (1-mu.a.sub)*mu.a.sub
        #if(obj.glmm.null.sub$traitType == "binary"){
       #obj.glmm.null.sub$obj.noK$XVX = t(obj.glmm.null.sub$obj.noK$X1) %*% (obj.glmm.null.sub$obj.noK$X1 *mu2.a.sub)

	#obj.glmm.null.sub$obj.glm.null$y = obj.glmm.null.sub$obj.glm.null$y[missingind]
	#  obj.glmm.null.sub$obj.noK$S_a = colSums(obj.glmm.null.sub$obj.noK$X1 * (obj.glmm.null.sub$obj.glm.null$y -  mu.a.sub))
        #  obj.glmm.null.sub$obj.noK$S_a = sum(obj.glmm.null.sub$obj.noK$X1 * (obj.glmm.null.sub$obj.glm.null$y -  mu.a.sub))
#	 obj.glmm.null.sub$residuals = obj.glmm.null.sub$residuals[missingind]
        #        obj.glmm.null.sub$obj.noK$X1 = as.matrix(obj.glmm.null.sub$obj.noK$X1)
        #        obj.glmm.null.sub$obj.noK$XXVX_inv = as.matrix(obj.glmm.null.sub$obj.noK$XXVX_inv)
        #        obj.glmm.null.sub$obj.noK$XVX_inv_XV = as.matrix(obj.glmm.null.sub$obj.noK$XVX_inv_XV)

getCovMandOUT_cond_pre = function(dosage_cond, cateVarRatioMinMACVecExclude, cateVarRatioMaxMACVecInclude, ratioVec, obj.model, y, X, sparseSigma, IsSparse=TRUE, Cutoff, traitType, tauVec=tauVec){
        OUT_cond = NULL
        for(i in 1:ncol(dosage_cond)){
                G0  = dosage_cond[,i]
                AC = sum(G0)
                N  = length(G0)
                AF = AC/(2*N)
                MAF = min(AF, 1-AF)
                MAC = min(AC, 2*N - AC)

                varRatio = getVarRatio(G0, cateVarRatioMinMACVecExclude, cateVarRatioMaxMACVecInclude, ratioVec)

                rowHeader = paste0("condMarker_",i)

                if(traitType == "binary"){
                        out1 = scoreTest_SAIGE_binaryTrait_cond_sparseSigma(G0, AC, AF, MAF, IsSparse, obj.model$obj.noK, obj.model$mu, obj.model$mu2, y, X, varRatio, Cutoff, rowHeader, sparseSigma=sparseSigma)
                        OUT_cond = rbind(OUT_cond, c(as.numeric(out1$BETA), as.numeric(out1$Tstat), as.numeric(out1$var1)))

                }else if(traitType == "quantitative"){
                        out1 = scoreTest_SAIGE_quantitativeTrait_sparseSigma(G0, obj.model$obj.noK, AC, AF, y, X, obj.model$mu,  varRatio, tauVec = tauVec, sparseSigma=sparseSigma)
                        OUT_cond = rbind(OUT_cond, c(as.numeric(out1$BETA), as.numeric(out1$Tstat), as.numeric(out1$var1)))

                OUT_cond = as.matrix(OUT_cond)
        } #end of for(i in 1:ncol(dosage_cond)){

        Mcond = ncol(dosage_cond)
        covM = matrix(0,nrow=Mcond+1, ncol = Mcond+1)

        covMsub = getCovM_nopcg(G1 = dosage_cond, G2 = dosage_cond, obj.model$obj.noK$XV, obj.model$obj.noK$XXVX_inv, sparseSigma=sparseSigma, mu2 = obj.model$mu2)

        covM[2:(Mcond+1), 2:(Mcond+1)] = covMsub
        GratioMatrix_cond = getVarRatio(dosage_cond, cateVarRatioMinMACVecExclude, cateVarRatioMaxMACVecInclude, ratioVec)
        G2tilde_P_G2tilde_inv = solve(covMsub * GratioMatrix_cond)

        return(condpre = list(covM = covM, OUT_cond = OUT_cond, G2tilde_P_G2tilde_inv = G2tilde_P_G2tilde_inv))

getCovMandOUT_cond = function(G0, dosage_cond, cateVarRatioMinMACVecExclude, cateVarRatioMaxMACVecInclude, ratioVec, obj.model, sparseSigma, covM){
        Gall = cbind(G0, dosage_cond)

        GratioMatrixall = getVarRatio(Gall, cateVarRatioMinMACVecExclude, cateVarRatioMaxMACVecInclude, ratioVec)
        N = nrow(Gall)
        AF = sum(G0)/(2*N)
        if(AF > 0.5){
             G0_v2 = 2 - G0
             G0_v2 = G0
        G0_v2 = matrix(G0_v2, ncol=1)

        covM[1,2:ncol(covM)] = getCovM_nopcg(G1 = G0_v2, G2 = dosage_cond, obj.model$obj.noK$XV, obj.model$obj.noK$XXVX_inv, sparseSigma=sparseSigma, mu2 = obj.model$mu2)
        G1tilde_P_G2tilde = covM[1,c(2:ncol(covM))]*(GratioMatrixall[1,c(2:ncol(covM))])
        return(condpre2 = list(covM = covM, GratioMatrixall = GratioMatrixall, G1tilde_P_G2tilde = G1tilde_P_G2tilde))

groupTest = function (Gmat, obj.model, y, X, tauVec, traitType, cateVarRatioMinMACVecExclude,
    cateVarRatioMaxMACVecInclude, ratioVec, G2_cond, G2_cond_es,
    kernel, method, weights.beta.rare, weights.beta.common, weightMAFcutoff,
    r.corr, max_maf, sparseSigma, IsSingleVarinGroupTest, markerIDs,
    markerAFs, IsSparse, geneID, Cutoff, adjustCCratioinGroupTest,
    IsOutputPvalueNAinGroupTestforBinary, weights_specified,
    weights_for_G2_cond, weightsIncludeinGroupFile, IsOutputBETASEinBurdenTest,
    IsOutputlogPforSingle = FALSE, method_to_CollapseUltraRare = "absence_or_presence",
    MACCutoff_to_CollapseUltraRare = 10, DosageCutoff_for_UltraRarePresence = 0.5,
    IsOutputMAFinCaseCtrlinGroupTest = FALSE)
    obj.model$theta = tauVec
    obj.model$residuals = as.vector(y - obj.model$mu)
    MACvec = colSums(Gmat)
    m = ncol(Gmat)
    n = nrow(Gmat)
    AF = MACvec/(2 * n)
    flipindex = which(AF > 0.5)
    if (length(flipindex) > 0) {
        Gmat[, flipindex] = 2 - Gmat[, flipindex]
        MACvec[flipindex] = 2 * n - MACvec[flipindex]
        cat("Note the ", flipindex, "th variants were flipped to use dosages for the minor alleles in gene-based tests\n")
    MAF = colMeans(Gmat)/2
    flipInd = (AF > 0.5)
    macle10Index = which(MACvec <= MACCutoff_to_CollapseUltraRare)
    if (method_to_CollapseUltraRare != "" & length(macle10Index) >
        0) {
        G1rare = Gmat[, macle10Index, drop = F]
        if (method_to_CollapseUltraRare == "absence_or_presence") {
            Gnew = qlcMatrix::rowMax(G1rare)
            Gnew[which(Gnew < (1 + DosageCutoff_for_UltraRarePresence) &
                Gnew >= DosageCutoff_for_UltraRarePresence)] = 1
            Gnew[which(Gnew >= (1 + DosageCutoff_for_UltraRarePresence))] = 2
            Gnew = as(Gnew, "sparseMatrix")
        else if (method_to_CollapseUltraRare == "sum_geno") {
            MAFle10 = MAF[macle10Index]
            if (!weightsIncludeinGroupFile) {
                if (length(MAFle10) > 1) {
                  weights_MAFle10 = rep(0, length(MAFle10))
                  index1 = which(MAFle10 <= weightMAFcutoff)
                  if (length(index1) > 0) {
                    weights_MAFle10[which(MAFle10 <= weightMAFcutoff)] = SKAT:::Beta.Weights(MAFle10[which(MAFle10 <=
                      weightMAFcutoff)], weights.beta.rare)
                  index2 = which(MAFle10 > weightMAFcutoff)
                  if (length(index2) > 0) {
                    weights_MAFle10[which(MAFle10 > weightMAFcutoff)] = SKAT:::Beta.Weights(MAFle10[which(MAFle10 >
                      weightMAFcutoff)], weights.beta.common)
                else {
                  if (MAFle10 <= weightMAFcutoff) {
                    weights_MAFle10 = SKAT:::Beta.Weights(MAFle10,
                  else {
                    weights_MAFle10 = SKAT:::Beta.Weights(MAFle10,
            else {
                weights_MAFle10 = weights_specified[macle10Index]
                cat("weights is specified in the group file for ultra rare variants.\n")
            Gnew = rep(0, n)
            for (i in 1:length(MAFle10)) {
                Gnew = Gnew + weights_MAFle10[i] * G1rare[, i]
        newAFs = sum(Gnew)/(2 * n)
        if (length(macle10Index) < m) {
            Gmat = cbind(Gnew, Gmat[, -macle10Index, drop = F])
            markerIDs = c(paste(c("ultra_rare_collpase", markerIDs[macle10Index]),
                collapse = "_"), markerIDs[-macle10Index])
            markerAFs = c(newAFs, markerAFs[-macle10Index])
        else {
            Gmat_sub = NULL
            Gmat = cbind(Gnew, Gmat_sub)
            markerIDs = paste(c("ultra_rare_collpase", markerIDs[macle10Index]),
                collapse = "_")
            markerAFs = newAFs
        m = ncol(Gmat)
        MACvec = colSums(Gmat)
        MAF = MACvec/(2 * n)
        AF = MAF
    testtime <- system.time({
        saigeskatTest = SAIGE_SKAT_withRatioVec(Gmat, obj.model,
            y, X, tauVec, cateVarRatioMinMACVecExclude = cateVarRatioMinMACVecExclude,
            cateVarRatioMaxMACVecInclude = cateVarRatioMaxMACVecInclude,
            ratioVec, G2_cond = G2_cond, G2_cond_es = G2_cond_es,
            kernel = kernel, method = method, weights.beta.rare = weights.beta.rare,
            weights.beta.common = weights.beta.common, weightMAFcutoff = weightMAFcutoff,
            r.corr = r.corr, max_maf = max_maf, sparseSigma = sparseSigma,
            mu2 = obj.model$mu2, adjustCCratioinGroupTest = adjustCCratioinGroupTest,
            mu = obj.model$mu, IsOutputPvalueNAinGroupTestforBinary = IsOutputPvalueNAinGroupTestforBinary,
            weights_specified = weights_specified, weights_for_G2_cond = weights_for_G2_cond,
            weightsIncludeinGroupFile = weightsIncludeinGroupFile,
            IsOutputBETASEinBurdenTest = IsOutputBETASEinBurdenTest,
            method_to_CollapseUltraRare = method_to_CollapseUltraRare,
            MACCutoff_to_CollapseUltraRare = MACCutoff_to_CollapseUltraRare,
            DosageCutoff_for_UltraRarePresence = DosageCutoff_for_UltraRarePresence,
            IsSingleVarinGroupTest = IsSingleVarinGroupTest,
            IsOutputlogPforSingle = IsOutputlogPforSingle)
    if (is.null(G2_cond)) {
        isCondition = FALSE
    else {
        isCondition = TRUE
    OUT_single = NULL
    cat("time for SAIGE_SKAT_withRatioVec\n")
    if (IsSingleVarinGroupTest) {
        Score_single = saigeskatTest$Score_single
        Phi_single = saigeskatTest$Phi_single
        Beta_single = saigeskatTest$Beta_single
        Pval_single = saigeskatTest$Pval_single
        SE_single = saigeskatTest$SE_single
    if (length(saigeskatTest$indexNeg) > 0) {
        Gmat = array(Gmat, dim = c(nrow(Gmat), ncol(Gmat)))[,
            -saigeskatTest$indexNeg, drop = F]
        Gmat = as.matrix(Gmat)
        markerIDs = markerIDs[-saigeskatTest$indexNeg]
        markerAFs = markerAFs[-saigeskatTest$indexNeg]
        flipInd = flipInd[-saigeskatTest$indexNeg]
        AF = AF[-saigeskatTest$indexNeg]
        MACvec = MACvec[-saigeskatTest$indexNeg]
        if (IsSingleVarinGroupTest) {
            Score_single = Score_single[-saigeskatTest$indexNeg]
            Phi_single = Phi_single[-saigeskatTest$indexNeg]
            Beta_single = Beta_single[-saigeskatTest$indexNeg]
            Pval_single = Pval_single[-saigeskatTest$indexNeg]
            SE_single = SE_single[-saigeskatTest$indexNeg]
    if (ncol(Gmat) > 0) {
        N = nrow(Gmat)
        if (IsSingleVarinGroupTest) {
            if (traitType == "binary") {
                caseIndex = which(y == 1)
                numofCase = length(caseIndex)
                ctrlIndex = which(y == 0)
                numofCtrl = length(ctrlIndex)
            for (nc in 1:ncol(Gmat)) {
                G0_single = Gmat[, nc]
                if (traitType == "binary") {
                  freqinCase = sum(G0_single[caseIndex])/(2 *
                  freqinCtrl = sum(G0_single[ctrlIndex])/(2 *
                  if (flipInd[nc]) {
                    freqinCase = 1 - freqinCase
                    freqinCtrl = 1 - freqinCtrl
                    outsingle = c(as.character((markerIDs)[nc]),
                      as.numeric(2 * n - MACvec[nc]), as.numeric((markerAFs)[nc]),
                      as.numeric(N), -as.numeric(Beta_single[nc]),
                      as.numeric(SE_single[nc]), -as.numeric(Score_single[nc]),
                  else {
                    outsingle = c(as.character((markerIDs)[nc]),
                      as.numeric(MACvec[nc]), as.numeric((markerAFs)[nc]),
                      as.numeric(N), as.numeric(Beta_single[nc]),
                      as.numeric(SE_single[nc]), as.numeric(Score_single[nc]),
                else {
                  if (flipInd[nc]) {
                    outsingle = c(as.character((markerIDs)[nc]),
                      as.numeric(2 * n - MACvec[nc]), as.numeric((markerAFs)[nc]),
                      as.numeric(N), -as.numeric(Beta_single[nc]),
                      as.numeric(SE_single[nc]), -as.numeric(Score_single[nc]),
                  else {
                    outsingle = c(as.character((markerIDs)[nc]),
                      as.numeric(MACvec[nc]), as.numeric((markerAFs)[nc]),
                      as.numeric(N), as.numeric(Beta_single[nc]),
                      as.numeric(SE_single[nc]), as.numeric(Score_single[nc]),
                if (traitType == "binary") {
                  outsingle = c(outsingle, freqinCase, freqinCtrl,
                    numofCase, numofCtrl)
                OUT_single = rbind(OUT_single, outsingle)
    if (isCondition) {
        if (saigeskatTest$m > 0) {
            if (adjustCCratioinGroupTest) {
                outVec = c(geneID, saigeskatTest$Out_ccadj$p.value,
                  saigeskatTest$condOut_ccadj$p.value, saigeskatTest$markerNumbyMAC,
                  paste(markerIDs, collapse = ";"), paste(markerAFs,
                    collapse = ";"))
                if (method == "optimal.adj" & saigeskatTest$m >
                  0) {
                  if (saigeskatTest$m > 1) {
                    if (!is.null(saigeskatTest$Out_ccadj$param$p.val.each)) {
                      p.val.vec.ccadj = saigeskatTest$Out_ccadj$param$p.val.each
                      rho.val.vec.ccadj = saigeskatTest$Out_ccadj$param$rho
                      outVec = c(outVec, p.val.vec.ccadj[which(rho.val.vec.ccadj ==
                        1)], p.val.vec.ccadj[which(rho.val.vec.ccadj ==
                      if (IsOutputBETASEinBurdenTest) {
                        BETA_Burden = saigeskatTest$Score_sum/(saigeskatTest$Phi_ccadj_sum)
                        SE_Burden = abs(BETA_Burden/qnorm(p.val.vec.ccadj[which(rho.val.vec.ccadj ==
                      if (!is.null(saigeskatTest$condOut_ccadj$param$p.val.each)) {
                        p.val.cond.vec.ccadj = saigeskatTest$condOut_ccadj$param$p.val.each
                        rho.val.cond.vec.ccadj = saigeskatTest$condOut_ccadj$param$rho
                        outVec = c(outVec, p.val.cond.vec.ccadj[which(rho.val.cond.vec.ccadj ==
                          1)], p.val.cond.vec.ccadj[which(rho.val.cond.vec.ccadj ==
                        if (IsOutputBETASEinBurdenTest) {
                          BETA_Burden_cond = saigeskatTest$Score_cond_ccadj_sum/(saigeskatTest$Phi_cond_ccadj_sum)
                          SE_Burden_cond = abs(BETA_Burden_cond/qnorm(p.val.cond.vec.ccadj[which(rho.val.cond.vec.ccadj ==
                          outVec = c(outVec, BETA_Burden, SE_Burden,
                            BETA_Burden_cond, SE_Burden_cond)
                      else {
                        outVec = c(outVec, 1, 1)
                        if (IsOutputBETASEinBurdenTest) {
                          outVec = c(outVec, BETA_Burden, SE_Burden,
                            NA, NA)
                    else {
                      outVec = c(outVec, NA, NA, NA, NA)
                      if (IsOutputBETASEinBurdenTest) {
                        outVec = c(outVec, NA, NA, NA, NA)
                  else {
                    outVec = c(outVec, NA, NA, NA, NA)
                    if (IsOutputBETASEinBurdenTest) {
                      outVec = c(outVec, NA, NA, NA, NA)
            if (IsOutputPvalueNAinGroupTestforBinary) {
                if (!adjustCCratioinGroupTest) {
                  outVec = c(geneID, saigeskatTest$p.value, saigeskatTest$condOut$p.value,
                    saigeskatTest$markerNumbyMAC, paste(markerIDs,
                      collapse = ";"), paste(markerAFs, collapse = ";"))
                else {
                  outVec = c(outVec, saigeskatTest$p.value, saigeskatTest$condOut$p.value)
                if (method == "optimal.adj" & saigeskatTest$m >
                  0) {
                  if (saigeskatTest$m > 1) {
                    if (!is.null(saigeskatTest$param$p.val.each)) {
                      p.val.vec = saigeskatTest$param$p.val.each
                      rho.val.vec = saigeskatTest$param$rho
                      outVec = c(outVec, p.val.vec[which(rho.val.vec ==
                        1)], p.val.vec[which(rho.val.vec == 0)])
                      if (IsOutputBETASEinBurdenTest) {
                        BETA_Burden = saigeskatTest$Score_sum/(saigeskatTest$Phi_sum)
                        SE_Burden = abs(BETA_Burden/qnorm(p.val.vec[which(rho.val.vec ==
                      if (!is.null(saigeskatTest$condOut$param$p.val.each)) {
                        p.val.cond.vec = saigeskatTest$condOut$param$p.val.each
                        rho.val.cond.vec = saigeskatTest$condOut$param$rho
                        outVec = c(outVec, p.val.cond.vec[which(rho.val.cond.vec ==
                          1)], p.val.cond.vec[which(rho.val.cond.vec ==
                        if (IsOutputBETASEinBurdenTest) {
                          BETA_Burden_cond = saigeskatTest$Score_cond_sum/(saigeskatTest$Phi_cond_sum)
                          SE_Burden_cond = abs(BETA_Burden_cond/qnorm(p.val.cond.vec[which(rho.val.cond.vec ==
                          outVec = c(outVec, BETA_Burden, SE_Burden,
                            BETA_Burden_cond, SE_Burden_cond)
                      else {
                        outVec = c(outVec, 1, 1)
                        if (IsOutputBETASEinBurdenTest) {
                          outVec = c(outVec, BETA_Burden, SE_Burden,
                            NA, NA)
                    else {
                      outVec = c(outVec, NA, NA, NA, NA)
                      if (IsOutputBETASEinBurdenTest) {
                        outVec = c(outVec, NA, NA, NA, NA)
                  else {
                    outVec = c(outVec, NA, NA, NA, NA)
                    if (IsOutputBETASEinBurdenTest) {
                      outVec = c(outVec, NA, NA, NA, NA)
            if (IsOutputMAFinCaseCtrlinGroupTest) {
                caseindex = which(y == 1)
                controlindex = which(y == 0)
                MAFinCases = colSums(Gmat[caseindex, ])/(2 *
                MAFinCases = sum(MAFinCases)
                MAFinControls = colSums(Gmat[controlindex, ])/(2 *
                MAFinControls = sum(MAFinControls)
                outVec = c(outVec, MAFinCases, MAFinControls)
        else {
            if (adjustCCratioinGroupTest) {
                outVec = c(geneID, NA, NA, saigeskatTest$markerNumbyMAC,
                  NA, NA)
                if (method == "optimal.adj") {
                  outVec = c(outVec, NA, NA, NA, NA)
            if (IsOutputPvalueNAinGroupTestforBinary) {
                if (!adjustCCratioinGroupTest) {
                  outVec = c(geneID, NA, NA, saigeskatTest$markerNumbyMAC,
                    NA, NA)
                  if (method == "optimal.adj") {
                    outVec = c(outVec, NA, NA, NA, NA)
                else {
                  outVec = c(outVec, NA, NA)
                  if (method == "optimal.adj") {
                    outVec = c(outVec, NA, NA, NA, NA)
            if (IsOutputMAFinCaseCtrlinGroupTest) {
                outVec = c(outVec, NA, NA)
    else {
        if (saigeskatTest$m > 0) {
            if (adjustCCratioinGroupTest) {
                outVec = c(geneID, saigeskatTest$Out_ccadj$p.value,
                  saigeskatTest$markerNumbyMAC, paste(markerIDs,
                    collapse = ";"), paste(markerAFs, collapse = ";"))
                if (method == "optimal.adj" & saigeskatTest$m >
                  0) {
                  if (saigeskatTest$m > 1) {
                    if (!is.null(saigeskatTest$Out_ccadj$param$p.val.each)) {
                      p.val.vec.ccadj = saigeskatTest$Out_ccadj$param$p.val.each
                      rho.val.vec.ccadj = saigeskatTest$Out_ccadj$param$rho
                      outVec = c(outVec, p.val.vec.ccadj[which(rho.val.vec.ccadj ==
                        1)], p.val.vec.ccadj[which(rho.val.vec.ccadj ==
                      if (IsOutputBETASEinBurdenTest) {
                        BETA_Burden = saigeskatTest$Score_sum/(saigeskatTest$Phi_ccadj_sum)
                        SE_Burden = abs(BETA_Burden/qnorm(p.val.vec.ccadj[which(rho.val.vec.ccadj ==
                        outVec = c(outVec, BETA_Burden, SE_Burden)
                    else {
                      outVec = c(outVec, NA, NA)
                      if (IsOutputBETASEinBurdenTest) {
                        outVec = c(outVec, NA, NA)
                  else {
                    outVec = c(outVec, NA, NA)
                    if (IsOutputBETASEinBurdenTest) {
                      outVec = c(outVec, NA, NA)
            if (IsOutputPvalueNAinGroupTestforBinary) {
                if (!adjustCCratioinGroupTest) {
                  outVec = c(geneID, saigeskatTest$p.value, saigeskatTest$markerNumbyMAC,
                    paste(markerIDs, collapse = ";"), paste(markerAFs,
                      collapse = ";"))
                else {
                  outVec = c(outVec, saigeskatTest$p.value)
                if (method == "optimal.adj" & saigeskatTest$m >
                  0) {
                  if (saigeskatTest$m > 1) {
                    if (!is.null(saigeskatTest$param$p.val.each)) {
                      p.val.vec = saigeskatTest$param$p.val.each
                      rho.val.vec = saigeskatTest$param$rho
                      outVec = c(outVec, p.val.vec[which(rho.val.vec ==
                        1)], p.val.vec[which(rho.val.vec == 0)])
                      if (IsOutputBETASEinBurdenTest) {
                        BETA_Burden.NA = saigeskatTest$Score_sum/(saigeskatTest$Phi_sum)
                        SE_Burden.NA = abs(BETA_Burden.NA/qnorm(p.val.vec[which(rho.val.vec ==
                        outVec = c(outVec, BETA_Burden.NA, SE_Burden.NA)
                    else {
                      outVec = c(outVec, NA, NA)
                      if (IsOutputBETASEinBurdenTest) {
                        outVec = c(outVec, NA, NA)
                  else {
                    outVec = c(outVec, NA, NA)
                    if (IsOutputBETASEinBurdenTest) {
                      outVec = c(outVec, NA, NA)
            if (IsOutputMAFinCaseCtrlinGroupTest) {
                caseindex = which(y == 1)
                controlindex = which(y == 0)
                MAFinCases = colSums(Gmat[caseindex, ])/(2 *
                MAFinCases = sum(MAFinCases)
                MAFinControls = colSums(Gmat[controlindex, ])/(2 *
                MAFinControls = sum(MAFinControls)
                outVec = c(outVec, MAFinCases, MAFinControls)
        else {
            if (adjustCCratioinGroupTest) {
                outVec = c(geneID, NA, saigeskatTest$markerNumbyMAC,
                  NA, NA)
                if (method == "optimal.adj") {
                  outVec = c(outVec, NA, NA)
                  if (IsOutputBETASEinBurdenTest) {
                    outVec = c(outVec, NA, NA)
            if (IsOutputPvalueNAinGroupTestforBinary) {
                if (!adjustCCratioinGroupTest) {
                  outVec = c(geneID, NA, saigeskatTest$markerNumbyMAC,
                    NA, NA)
                  if (method == "optimal.adj") {
                    outVec = c(outVec, NA, NA)
                    if (IsOutputBETASEinBurdenTest) {
                      outVec = c(outVec, NA, NA)
                else {
                  outVec = c(outVec, NA)
                  if (method == "optimal.adj") {
                    outVec = c(outVec, NA, NA)
                    if (IsOutputBETASEinBurdenTest) {
                      outVec = c(outVec, NA, NA)
            if (IsOutputMAFinCaseCtrlinGroupTest) {
                outVec = c(outVec, NA, NA)
    return(groupTestResult = list(OUT_single = OUT_single, outVec = outVec))

processMale_XnonPAR = function(maleIDindex, Gx, positionL, XPARregion){
	for(i in 1:length(positionL)){
		  for (j in 1:nrow(XPARregion)){
		    if(inPAR == FALSE){
			if(positionL[i] <= XPARregion[j,2] & positionL[i] >= XPARregion[j,1]){
				inPAR = TRUE
			if(length(positionL) > 1){
			  Gx[maleIDindex,i] = 2*Gx[maleIDindex,i]
			  Gx[maleIDindex] = 2*Gx[maleIDindex]
weizhouUMICH/SAIGE documentation built on May 6, 2022, 12:34 a.m.