
Defines functions GetSigTable.SVM GetSVMSigColNames GetSVMSigRowNames GetSVMSigMat GetRFConfColNames GetRFConfRowNames GetRFConfMat GetRFConf.Table GetRFSigColNames GetRFSigRowNames GetRFSigMat GetSigTable.RF GetRFOOB PlotConfusion RSVM CreateLadder PlotRSVM.Cmpd PlotRSVM.Classification RSVM.Anal PlotRF.Outlier PlotRF.VIP PlotRF.Classify GetRandomNumbers RF.Anal

Documented in CreateLadder GetRFConfMat GetRFConf.Table GetRFOOB GetRFSigMat GetSigTable.RF GetSigTable.SVM GetSVMSigMat PlotRF.Classify PlotRF.Outlier PlotRF.VIP PlotRSVM.Classification PlotRSVM.Cmpd RF.Anal RSVM RSVM.Anal

#'Perform Random Forest Analysis
#'@description Perform Random Forest
#'@param mSetObj Input name of the created mSet Object
#'@param treeNum Input the number of trees to create, default is set to 500
#'@param tryNum Set number of tries, default is 7
#'@param randomOn Set random, default is 1
#'@author Jeff Xia\email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
RF.Anal <- function(mSetObj=NA, treeNum=500, tryNum=7, randomOn=1){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);

  # set up random numbers
    mSetObj$dataSet$random.seeds <- GetRandomNumbers();
    mSetObj$dataSet$cur.inx <- 0;
    mSetObj$dataSet$rn.seed <- mSetObj$dataSet$random.seeds[1];
  if(randomOn == -1){
    rn.sd <- 123456;
  }else if(randomOn == 0){ # keep current
    rn.sd <- mSetObj$dataSet$rn.seed;
  }else{ # random on
    cur.inx <- mSetObj$dataSet$cur.inx + 1;
    rn.sd <- mSetObj$dataSet$random.seeds[cur.inx];        
    mSetObj$dataSet$cur.inx <- cur.inx;
  # save the 
  mSetObj$dataSet$rn.seed <- rn.sd;
  rf_out <- randomForest::randomForest(mSetObj$dataSet$norm, mSetObj$dataSet$cls, ntree = treeNum, mtry = tryNum, importance = TRUE, proximity = TRUE);
  # set up named sig table for display
  impmat <- rf_out$importance;
  impmat <- impmat[rev(order(impmat[,"MeanDecreaseAccuracy"])),]
  sigmat <- impmat[,"MeanDecreaseAccuracy", drop=F];
  sigmat <- signif(sigmat, 5);
  fast.write.csv(sigmat, file="randomforests_sigfeatures.csv");
  mSetObj$analSet$rf <- rf_out;
  mSetObj$analSet$rf.sigmat <- sigmat;

GetRandomNumbers <- function(){

#'Plot Random Forest 
#'@description Random Forest plot 
#'@usage PlotRF.Classify(mSetObj, imgName, format, dpi, width)
#'@param mSetObj Input name of the created mSet Object
#'@param imgName Input a name for the plot
#'@param format Select the image format, "png", or "pdf".
#'@param dpi Input the dpi. If the image format is "pdf", users need not define the dpi. For "png" images, 
#'the default dpi is 72. It is suggested that for high-resolution images, select a dpi of 300.  
#'@param width Input the width, there are 2 default widths, the first, width = NULL, is 10.5.
#'The second default is width = 0, where the width is 7.2. Otherwise users can input their own width.  
#'@author Jeff Xia\email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
PlotRF.Classify <- function(mSetObj=NA, imgName, format="png", dpi=72, width=NA){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  imgName = paste(imgName, "dpi", dpi, ".", format, sep="");
    w <- 9;
  }else if(width == 0){
    w <- 8;
    w <- width;
  h <- w*5/8;
  mSetObj$imgSet$rf.cls <- imgName;
  Cairo::Cairo(file = imgName, unit="in", dpi=dpi, width=w, height=h, type=format, bg="white");
  cols <- rainbow(length(levels(mSetObj$dataSet$cls))+1);
  plot(mSetObj$analSet$rf, main="Random Forest classification", col=cols);
    cls <- as.factor(as.numeric(levels(mSetObj$dataSet$cls))[mSetObj$dataSet$cls]);
    cls <- mSetObj$dataSet$cls;
  legend("topright", legend = c("Overall", levels(cls)), lty=2, lwd=1, col=cols);

#'Plot Random Forest variable importance
#'@description Random Forest plot of variable importance ranked by MeanDecreaseAccuracy 
#'@usage PlotRF.VIP(mSetObj=NA, imgName, format, dpi, width)
#'@param mSetObj Input name of the created mSet Object
#'@param imgName Input a name for the plot
#'@param format Select the image format, "png", or "pdf".
#'@param dpi Input the dpi. If the image format is "pdf", users need not define the dpi. For "png" images, 
#'the default dpi is 72. It is suggested that for high-resolution images, select a dpi of 300.  
#'@param width Input the width, there are 2 default widths, the first, width = NULL, is 10.5.
#'The second default is width = 0, where the width is 7.2. Otherwise users can input their own width.  
#'@author Jeff Xia\email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
PlotRF.VIP <- function(mSetObj=NA, imgName, format="png", dpi=72, width=NA){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  vip.score <- rev(sort(mSetObj$analSet$rf$importance[,"MeanDecreaseAccuracy"]));
  imgName = paste(imgName, "dpi", dpi, ".", format, sep="");
    w <- 8;
  }else if(width == 0){
    w <- 7;
    w <- width;    
  h <- w-1;
  mSetObj$imgSet$rf.imp <- imgName;
  # re-adjust width based on group size
  cls.len <- length(levels(mSetObj$dataSet$cls));
  rt.mrg <- cls.len + 3;
  w <- w + rt.mrg/72; # convert to inch

  Cairo::Cairo(file = imgName, unit="in", dpi=dpi, width=w, height=h, type=format, bg="white");
  op <- par(mar=c(5,7,3,rt.mrg)); # update right side margin with the number of class
  PlotImpVar(mSetObj, vip.score, "MeanDecreaseAccuracy");

#'Plot Random Forest outliers
#'@description Random Forest plot of outliers
#'@usage PlotRF.Outlier(mSetObj=NA, imgName, format="png", dpi=72, width=NA)
#'@param mSetObj Input name of the created mSet Object
#'@param imgName Input a name for the plot
#'@param format Select the image format, "png", or "pdf".
#'@param dpi Input the dpi. If the image format is "pdf", users need not define the dpi. For "png" images, 
#'the default dpi is 72. It is suggested that for high-resolution images, select a dpi of 300.  
#'@param width Input the width, there are 2 default widths, the first, width = NULL, is 10.5.
#'The second default is width = 0, where the width is 7.2. Otherwise users can input their own width.  
#'@author Jeff Xia\email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
PlotRF.Outlier <- function(mSetObj=NA, imgName, format="png", dpi=72, width=NA){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
    cls <- as.factor(as.numeric(levels(mSetObj$dataSet$cls))[mSetObj$dataSet$cls]);
    cls <- mSetObj$dataSet$cls;

  col.def <- GetColorSchema(cls);
  cols <- ExpandSchema(cls, col.def);
  dist.res <- randomForest::outlier(mSetObj$analSet$rf);
  imgName = paste(imgName, "dpi", dpi, ".", format, sep="");
    w <- 9;
  }else if(width == 0){
    w <- 8;
    w <- width;
  h <- w*7/9;
  mSetObj$imgSet$rf.outlier <- imgName;
  Cairo::Cairo(file = imgName, unit="in", dpi=dpi, width=w, height=h, type=format, bg="white");
  layout(matrix(c(1,2), 1, 2, byrow = TRUE), width=c(4,1));
  op <- par(mar=c(5,5,4,0));
  plot(dist.res, type="h", col=cols, xlab="Samples", xaxt="n", ylab="Outlying Measures", bty="n");
  # add sample names to top 5
  rankres <- rank(-abs(dist.res), ties.method="random");
  inx.x <- which(rankres < 6);
  inx.y <- dist.res[inx.x];
  nms <- names(dist.res)[inx.x];
  text(inx.x, inx.y, nms, pos=ifelse(inx.y >= 0, 3, 1), xpd=T)
  op <- par(mar=c(5,0,4,1));
  plot.window(c(0,1), c(0,1));
  legend("center", legend =names(col.def), pch=15, col=col.def);

#'Recursive Support Vector Machine (R-SVM)
#'@description recursive SVM for feature selection and classification
#'@param mSetObj Input name of the created mSet Object
#'@param cvType Cross-validation type
#'@author Jeff Xia\email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
RSVM.Anal <- function(mSetObj=NA, cvType){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  ladder = CreateLadder(ncol(mSetObj$dataSet$norm));
  svm.out <- RSVM(mSetObj$dataSet$norm, mSetObj$dataSet$cls, ladder, CVtype=cvType);
  # calculate important features
  ERInd <- max(which(svm.out$Error == min(svm.out$Error)))
  MinLevel <- svm.out$ladder[ERInd]
  FreqVec <- svm.out$SelFreq[, ERInd]
  SelInd <- which(rank(FreqVec) >= (svm.out$ladder[1]-MinLevel));
  FreqInd <- svm.out$SelFreq[SelInd, ERInd]
  names(FreqInd) <- names(mSetObj$dataSet$norm)[SelInd];
  #create a sig table for display
  sig.var <- rev(sort(FreqInd));
  sig.var <- as.matrix(sig.var); # 1-column matrix
  colnames(sig.var) <- "Freqency";
  fast.write.csv(sig.var, file="svm_sigfeatures.csv");
  # add sorted features frequencies as importance indicator
  svm.out <- append(svm.out, list(sig.mat=sig.var, best.inx=ERInd));
  mSetObj$analSet$svm <- svm.out;

#'Recursive Support Vector Machine (R-SVM) plot
#'@description Plot recursive SVM classification
#'@param mSetObj Input name of the created mSet Object
#'@param imgName Input a name for the plot
#'@param format Select the image format, "png", or "pdf".
#'@param dpi Input the dpi. If the image format is "pdf", users need not define the dpi. For "png" images, 
#'the default dpi is 72. It is suggested that for high-resolution images, select a dpi of 300.  
#'@param width Input the width, there are 2 default widths, the first, width = NULL, is 10.5.
#'The second default is width = 0, where the width is 7.2. Otherwise users can input their own width.  
#'@usage PlotRSVM.Classification(mSetObj, imgName, format, dpi, width)
#'@author Jeff Xia\email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
PlotRSVM.Classification <- function(mSetObj=NA, imgName, format="png", dpi=72, width=NA){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  res <- mSetObj$analSet$svm$Error;
  edge <- (max(res)-min(res))/100; # expand y uplimit for text
  imgName = paste(imgName, "dpi", dpi, ".", format, sep="");
    w <- 9;
  }else if(width == 0){
    w <- 7;
    w <- width;
  h <- w*6/8;
  mSetObj$imgSet$svm.class <- imgName;
  Cairo::Cairo(file = imgName, unit="in", dpi=dpi, width=w, height=h, type=format, bg="white");
  plot(res,type='l',xlab='Number of variables (levels)',ylab='Error Rate',
       ylim = c(min(res)-5*edge, max(res)+18*edge), axes=F,
       main="Recursive SVM classification")
  text(res,labels =paste(100*round(res,3),'%'), adj=c(-0.3, -0.5), srt=45, xpd=T)
  points(res, col=ifelse(1:length(res)==mSetObj$analSet$svm$best.inx,"red","blue"));
  axis(1, 1:length(res), names(res));

#'Recursive Support Vector Machine (R-SVM) plot of important variables
#'@description Plot recursive SVM variables of importance
#'if too many, plot top 15
#'@usage PlotRSVM.Cmpd(mSetObj=NA, imgName, format="png", dpi=72, width=NA)
#'@param mSetObj Input name of the created mSet Object
#'@param imgName Input a name for the plot
#'@param format Select the image format, "png", or "pdf".
#'@param dpi Input the dpi. If the image format is "pdf", users need not define the dpi. For "png" images, 
#'the default dpi is 72. It is suggested that for high-resolution images, select a dpi of 300.  
#'@param width Input the width, there are 2 default widths, the first, width = NULL, is 10.5.
#'The second default is width = 0, where the width is 7.2. Otherwise users can input their own width.  
#'@author Jeff Xia\email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
PlotRSVM.Cmpd <- function(mSetObj=NA, imgName, format="png", dpi=72, width=NA){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  sigs <- mSetObj$analSet$svm$sig.mat;
  data <- sigs[,1];
  imgName = paste(imgName, "dpi", dpi, ".", format, sep="");
    w <- 8;
  }else if(width == 0){
    w <- 7;
    w <- width;
  h <- w-1;
  mSetObj$imgSet$svm <- imgName;

  # re-adjust width based on group size
  cls.len <- length(levels(mSetObj$dataSet$cls));
  rt.mrg <- cls.len + 3;
  w <- w + rt.mrg/72; # convert to inch

  Cairo::Cairo(file = imgName, unit="in", dpi=dpi, width=w, height=h, type=format, bg="white");
  op <- par(mar=c(5,7,3,rt.mrg)); # update right side margin with the number of class
  PlotImpVar(mSetObj, data, "Frequency");

#'R-code for R-SVM
#'@description use leave-one-out / Nfold or bootstrape to permute data for external CV
#'build SVM model and use mean-balanced weight to sort genes on training set
#'and recursive elimination of least important genes
#'@param Ntotal Total number
#'@param Nmin Minimum number, default set to 5
#'@author Dr. Xin Lu, Research Scientist
#'Biostatistics Department, Harvard School of Public Health
#'create a decreasing ladder for recursive feature elimination
CreateLadder <- function(Ntotal, Nmin=5){
  x <- vector()
  x[1] <- Ntotal
  # note SVM is very computationally intensive, large step first 
  # first descend with 0.5 -> 50 var left
  # then descend with 0.6 -> 25 var left
  # then desend with 0.75 -> 5 var
  for( i in 1:100 ){
      pRatio = 0.4
    }else if(x[i]>50){
      pRatio = 0.5
    }else if(x[i]>25){
      pRatio = 0.6
      pRatio = 0.75
    pp <- round(x[i] * pRatio)
    if( pp == x[i] ){
      pp <- pp-1
    if( pp >= Nmin ) {
      x[i+1] <- pp
    } else{

#'R-SVM core code
#'@description Core code to perform R-SVM
#'@param x Row matrix of data
#'@param y Class label: 1 / -1 for 2 classes
#'@param ladder Input the ladder
#'@param CVtype Integer (N fold CV), "LOO" leave-one-out CV, "bootstrape" bootstrape CV
#'@param CVnum Number of CVs, LOO: defined as sample size, Nfold and bootstrape:  user defined, default as sample size
#'outputs a named list
#'Error: a vector of CV error on each level
#'SelFreq: a matrix for the frequency of each gene being selected in each level
#'with each column corresponds to a level of selection
#'and each row for a gene
#'The top important gene in each level are those high-freqent ones
#'@author Jeff Xia\email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)

RSVM <- function(x, y, ladder, CVtype, CVnum=0){
  ## check if y is binary response
  Ytype <- names(table(y))
  if(length(Ytype) != 2){
    print("ERROR!! RSVM can only deal with 2-class problem")
  ## class mean
  md <- colMeans(x[which(y==Ytype[1]),]) - colMeans(x[which(y==Ytype[2]),]);
  yy <- vector(length=length(y))
  yy[which(y==Ytype[1])] <- 1
  yy[which(y==Ytype[2])] <- -1
  y <- yy
  ## check ladder
  if(min(diff(ladder)) >= 0){
    print("ERROR!! ladder must be monotonously decreasing")
  if(ladder[1] != ncol(x) ){
    ladder <- c(ncol(x), ladder)
  nSample <- nrow(x)
  nGene   <- ncol(x)
  SampInd <- seq(1, nSample)
  if(CVtype == "LOO"){
    CVnum <- nSample
    if(CVnum == 0 ){
      CVnum <- nSample
  ## vector for test error and number of tests
  ErrVec <- vector(length=length(ladder))
  names(ErrVec) <- as.character(ladder);
  nTests <- 0
  SelFreq <- matrix(0, nrow=nGene, ncol=length(ladder))
  colnames(SelFreq) <- paste("Level", ladder);
  ## for each CV
  for(i in 1:CVnum){
    ## split data
    if(CVtype == "LOO"){
      TestInd <- i
      TrainInd <- SampInd[ -TestInd]
      if(CVtype == "bootstrape"){
        TrainInd <- sample(SampInd, nSample, replace=T);
        TestInd <- SampInd[ which(!(SampInd %in% TrainInd ))];
        ## Nfold
        TrainInd <- sample(SampInd, nSample*(CVtype-1)/CVtype);
        TestInd <- SampInd[ which(!(SampInd %in% TrainInd ))];
    nTests <- nTests + length(TestInd)
    ## in each level, train a SVM model and record test error
    xTrain <- x[TrainInd, ]
    yTrain <- y[TrainInd]
    xTest  <- x[TestInd,]
    yTest  <- y[TestInd]
    ## index of the genes used in the
    SelInd <- seq(1, nGene)
    for(gLevel in 1:length(ladder))
      ## record the genes selected in this ladder
      SelFreq[SelInd, gLevel] <- SelFreq[SelInd, gLevel] +1
      ## train SVM model and test error
      ## note the scale is changed to T or it never returns sometime for unscaled data ###
      ## note: the classification performance is idenpendent of about scale is T/F  #####
      ## for "LOO", the test data should be as.data.frame, matrxi will trigger error #####
      svmres <- e1071::svm(xTrain[, SelInd], yTrain, scale=T, type="C-classification", kernel="linear" )
      if( CVtype == "LOO" ){
        svmpred <- predict(svmres, as.data.frame(xTest[SelInd], nrow=1) )
        svmpred <- predict(svmres, xTest[, SelInd] )
      ErrVec[gLevel] <- ErrVec[gLevel] + sum(svmpred != yTest )
      ## weight vector
      W <- t(svmres$coefs*yTrain[svmres$index]) %*% svmres$SV * md[SelInd]
      rkW <- rank(W)
      if( gLevel < length(ladder) ){
        SelInd <- SelInd[which(rkW > (ladder[gLevel] - ladder[gLevel+1]))]
  ret <- list(ladder=ladder, Error=ErrVec/nTests, SelFreq=SelFreq);

PlotConfusion <- function(clsConf){
  prior(clsConf) <- 100 
  # The above rescales the confusion matrix such that columns sum to 100.
  opar <- par(mar=c(5.1, 6.1, 2, 2))
  x <- x.orig <- unclass(clsConf)
  x <- log(x + 0.5) * 2.33
  x[x < 0] <- NA
  x[x > 10] <- 10
  diag(x) <- -diag(x)
  image(1:ncol(x), 1:ncol(x),
        -(x[, nrow(x):1]), xlab='Actual', ylab='',
        col=colorRampPalette(c(hsv(h = 0, s = 0.9, v = 0.9, alpha = 1), 
                               hsv(h = 0, s = 0, v = 0.9, alpha = 1), 
                               hsv(h = 2/6, s = 0.9, v = 0.9, alpha = 1)))(41), 
        xaxt='n', yaxt='n', zlim=c(-10, 10))
  axis(1, at=1:ncol(x), labels=colnames(x), cex.axis=0.8)
  axis(2, at=ncol(x):1, labels=colnames(x), las=1, cex.axis=0.8)
  title(ylab='Predicted', line=4.5)
  abline(h = 0:ncol(x) + 0.5, col = 'gray')
  abline(v = 0:ncol(x) + 0.5, col = 'gray')
  text(1:6, rep(6:1, each=6), labels = sub('^0$', '', round(c(x.orig), 0)))
  par(opar) # reset par

########## Utilities for web-server ##########

#'Random Forest OOB
#'@description Get the OOB error for the last signif
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj (see InitDataObjects)
#'@author Jeff Xia\email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
GetRFOOB <- function(mSetObj=NA){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  errors = mSetObj$analSet$rf$err.rate;
  nrow = dim(errors)[1];
  signif(errors[nrow, 1],3);

#'Sig table for random forest analysis
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj (see InitDataObjects)
GetSigTable.RF <- function(mSetObj=NA){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  GetSigTable(mSetObj$analSet$rf.sigmat, "Random Forest", mSetObj$dataSet$type);

#'Random Forest Significance matrix
#'@description Significance measure, double brackets
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj (see InitDataObjects)
#'@author Jeff Xia\email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
GetRFSigMat <- function(mSetObj=NA){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);

GetRFSigRowNames <- function(mSetObj=NA){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);

GetRFSigColNames <- function(mSetObj=NA){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);

#'Classification performance table for random forest analysis
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj (see InitDataObjects)
GetRFConf.Table <- function(mSetObj=NA){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
               caption="Random Forest Classification Performance"), size="\\scriptsize");

#'Random Forest Confusion Matrix
#'@description Return double confusion matrix
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj (see InitDataObjects)
#'@author Jeff Xia\email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
GetRFConfMat <- function(mSetObj=NA){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);

GetRFConfRowNames <- function(mSetObj=NA){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  res <- rownames(mSetObj$analSet$rf$confusion);
  if(is.null(res)){return("")} else {return(res)}

GetRFConfColNames <- function(mSetObj=NA){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);

#'Recursive Support Vector Machine (R-SVM) Significance Measure
#'@description Return significance measure, double[][]
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj (see InitDataObjects)
#'@author Jeff Xia\email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)

GetSVMSigMat <- function(mSetObj=NA){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);

GetSVMSigRowNames <- function(mSetObj=NA){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);

GetSVMSigColNames <- function(mSetObj=NA){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);

#'Sig table for SVM
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj (see InitDataObjects)
GetSigTable.SVM <- function(mSetObj=NA){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  GetSigTable(mSetObj$analSet$svm$sig.mat, "Recursive SVM", mSetObj$dataSet$type);
xia-lab/MetaboAnalystR documentation built on Sept. 12, 2024, 2:23 p.m.