
Defines functions IsDataContainsNegative GetMinGroupSize IsSmallSmplSize GetGroupNumber IsSpectraProcessingOK SetupMSdataMatrix MSspec.fillPeaks PlotMS.RT MSspec.rtCorrection SetPeakList.GroupValues GroupPeakList FilterVariable ClearNegatives ImputeVar RemoveMissingPercent ReplaceMin SanityCheckData

Documented in ClearNegatives FilterVariable GroupPeakList ImputeVar IsSmallSmplSize IsSpectraProcessingOK MSspec.fillPeaks MSspec.rtCorrection PlotMS.RT RemoveMissingPercent ReplaceMin SanityCheckData SetPeakList.GroupValues SetupMSdataMatrix

#'Sanity Check Data
#'@description SanityCheckData is used for data processing, and performs a basic sanity 
#'check of the uploaded content, ensuring that the data is suitable for further analysis. 
#'The function will return a message if the data has successfully passed the check
#'and is deemed suitable for further analysis. If it fails, the function will return a 0.
#'The function will perform the check directly onto the mSet$dataSet object, and must 
#'be performed immediately after reading in data. 
#'The sanity check function evaluates the accuracy of sample and class labels, data structure, 
#'deals with non-numeric values, removes columns that are constant across all samples (variance = 0), 
#'and by default replaces missing values with half of the original minimal positive value in your dataset.
#'@usage SanityCheckData(mSetObj=NA)
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj (see InitDataObjects)
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
SanityCheckData <- function(mSetObj=NA){

  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  msg <- NULL;
  cls <- mSetObj$dataSet$orig.cls;
  mSetObj$dataSet$small.smpl.size <- 0;
  # check class info
  if(mSetObj$dataSet$cls.type == "disc"){
      if(mSetObj$dataSet$design.type =="time"){
        msg<-c(msg, "The data is time-series data.");
      }else if(mSetObj$dataSet$design.type =="time0"){
        msg<-c(msg, "The data is time-series only data.");
        msg<-c(msg, "The data is not time-series data.");
      clsA.num <- length(levels(mSetObj$dataSet$facA));
      clsB.num <- length(levels(mSetObj$dataSet$facB));
      msg<-c(msg, paste(clsA.num, "groups were detected in samples for factor", mSetObj$dataSet$facA.lbl));
      msg<-c(msg, paste(clsB.num, "groups were detected in samples for factor", mSetObj$dataSet$facB.lbl));
        msg<-c(msg,"Samples are paired.");
        # need to first set up pair information if not csv file
        if(!(mSetObj$dataSet$type=="conc" | mSetObj$dataSet$type=="specbin" | mSetObj$dataSet$type=="pktable" )){
          pairs <- ReadPairFile();
          # check if they are of the right length
            AddErrMsg("Error: the total paired names are not equal to sample names.");
            # matching the names of the files
            inx<-match(rownames(mSetObj$dataSet$orig), names(pairs));
            #check if all matched exactly
              AddErrMsg("Error: some paired names not match the sample names.");
              mSetObj$dataSet$pairs <- pairs[inx];
        pairs <- mSetObj$dataSet$pairs;
        # check if QC samples are present
        qc.hits <- tolower(as.character(cls)) %in% "qc";
        mSetObj$dataSet$orig <- mSetObj$dataSet$orig;
        if(sum(qc.hits) > 0){
          AddErrMsg("<font color='red'>Error: QC samples not supported in paired analysis mode.</font>");
          AddErrMsg("You can perform QC filtering using regular two-group labels.");
          AddErrMsg("Then re-upload your data (without QC samples) for paired analysis.");
          pairs <- as.numeric(pairs);
        label <- as.numeric(pairs);
        cls <- as.factor(ifelse(label>0,1,0));
        mSetObj$dataSet$pairs <- label;
        lev <- unique(pairs);
        uni.cl <- length(lev);
        uni.cl.abs <- uni.cl/2;             
        sorted.pairs <- sort(pairs,index=TRUE);
          AddErrMsg("There are some problems in paired sample labels! ");
          if(uni.cl.abs != round(uni.cl.abs)){
            AddErrMsg("The total samples must be of even number!");
            AddErrMsg(paste("And class labels between ",-uni.cl.abs,
                            " and 1, and between 1 and ",uni.cl.abs,".",sep=""));
          msg <- c(msg,"The labels of paired samples passed sanity check.");
          msg <- c(msg, paste("A total of", uni.cl.abs, "pairs were detected."));
          # make sure paired samples are sorted 1:n/2 and -1:-n/2
          pairs <- pairs[index];
          mSetObj$dataSet$pairs <- pairs;
          mSetObj$dataSet$orig.cls <- cls;
          mSetObj$dataSet$orig <- mSetObj$dataSet$orig[index,];
        msg <- c(msg,"Samples are not paired.");
      # checking if too many groups but a few samples in each group
      cls.lbl <- mSetObj$dataSet$orig.cls;
      min.grp.size <- min(table(cls.lbl));
      cls.num <- length(levels(cls.lbl));
      if(cls.num/min.grp.size > 3){
        mSetObj$dataSet$small.smpl.size <- 1;
        msg <- c(msg, "<font color='red'>Too many groups with very small number of replicates!</font>");
        msg <- c(msg, "<font color='red'>Only a subset of methods will be available for analysis!</font>");
      msg <- c(msg, paste(cls.num, "groups were detected in samples."));
      mSetObj$dataSet$cls.num <- cls.num;
      mSetObj$dataSet$min.grp.size <- min.grp.size;
    #samples may not be sorted properly, need to do some sorting at the beginning 
      nfacA <- mSetObj$dataSet$facA;
      nfacB <- mSetObj$dataSet$facB;
      if(mSetObj$dataSet$design.type =="time" | mSetObj$dataSet$design.type =="time0"){
        # determine time factor and should order first by subject then by each time points
        if(tolower(mSetObj$dataSet$facA.lbl) == "time"){ 
          time.fac <- nfacA;
          exp.fac <- nfacB;
          time.fac <- nfacB;
          exp.fac <- nfacA;
        # update with new index
        ord.inx <- order(exp.fac);
        ord.inx <- order(nfacA);
      mSetObj$dataSet$orig.cls <- mSetObj$dataSet$orig.cls[ord.inx];
      mSetObj$dataSet$orig <- mSetObj$dataSet$orig[ord.inx, ];
      mSetObj$dataSet$facA <- mSetObj$dataSet$orig.facA <- mSetObj$dataSet$facA[ord.inx];
      mSetObj$dataSet$facB <- mSetObj$dataSet$orig.facB <- mSetObj$dataSet$facB[ord.inx];
      ord.inx <- order(mSetObj$dataSet$orig.cls);
      mSetObj$dataSet$orig.cls <- cls[ord.inx];
      mSetObj$dataSet$orig <- mSetObj$dataSet$orig[ord.inx, , drop=FALSE];
        mSetObj$dataSet$pairs <- mSetObj$dataSet$pairs[ord.inx];
  msg<-c(msg,"Only English letters, numbers, underscore, hyphen and forward slash (/) are allowed.");
  msg<-c(msg,"<font color=\"orange\">Other special characters or punctuations (if any) will be stripped off.</font>");
  int.mat <- mSetObj$dataSet$orig;
        mSetObj$dataSet$roc_cols <- 1;
      AddErrMsg("<font color='red'>One-column data is only supported for biomarker analysis.</font>");
    mSetObj$dataSet$roc_cols <- 2;

  # check numerical matrix
  rowNms <- rownames(int.mat);
  colNms <- colnames(int.mat);
  naNms <- sum(is.na(int.mat));
  num.mat <- apply(int.mat, 2, as.numeric)
  if(sum(is.na(num.mat)) > naNms){
    # try to remove "," in thousand seperator if it is the cause
    num.mat <- apply(int.mat,2,function(x) as.numeric(gsub(",", "", x)));
    if(sum(is.na(num.mat)) > naNms){
      msg<-c(msg,"<font color=\"red\">Non-numeric values were found and replaced by NA.</font>");
      msg<-c(msg,"All data values are numeric.");
    msg<-c(msg,"All data values are numeric.");
  int.mat <- num.mat;
  rownames(int.mat) <- rowNms;
  colnames(int.mat)<- colNms;
  # check for columns with all constant (var =0)
  varCol <- apply(int.mat, 2, var, na.rm=T);
  constCol <- (varCol == 0 | is.na(varCol));
  constNum <- sum(constCol, na.rm=T);
  if(constNum > 0){
    msg<-c(msg, paste("<font color=\"red\">", constNum, "features with a constant or single value across samples were found and deleted.</font>"));
    int.mat <- int.mat[,!constCol, drop=FALSE];
  # check zero, NA values
  totalCount <- nrow(int.mat)*ncol(int.mat);
  naCount <- sum(is.na(int.mat));
  naPercent <- round(100*naCount/totalCount,1)
  msg<-c(msg, paste("A total of ", naCount, " (", naPercent, "%) missing values were detected.", sep=""));
  msg<-c(msg, "<u>By default, these values will be replaced by a small value.</u>",
         "Click <b>Skip</b> button if you accept the default practice",
         "Or click <b>Missing value imputation</b> to use other methods");
  # obtain original half of minimal positive value (threshold)
  minConc<-min(int.mat[int.mat>0], na.rm=T)/2;
  mSetObj$dataSet$minConc <- minConc;
  mSetObj$dataSet$preproc <- as.data.frame(int.mat);

  mSetObj$dataSet$proc.cls <- mSetObj$dataSet$cls <- mSetObj$dataSet$orig.cls;
    mSetObj$dataSet$proc.facA <- mSetObj$dataSet$orig.facA;
    mSetObj$dataSet$proc.facB <- mSetObj$dataSet$orig.facB;
  mSetObj$msgSet$check.msg <- c(mSetObj$msgSet$read.msg, msg);
        print(c("Successfully passed sanity check!", msg))

#'Replace missing or zero values
#'@description This function will replace zero/missing values by half of the smallest
#'positive value in the original dataset.  
#'This method will be called after all missing value imputations are conducted.
#'Also, it directly modifies the mSet$dataSet$proc if executed after normalization,
#'or the mSet$dataSet$norm if before normalization.
#'@usage ReplaceMin(mSetObj=NA) 
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj (see InitDataObjects)
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
ReplaceMin <- function(mSetObj=NA){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);

  #Reset to default
  mSetObj$dataSet$proc <- mSetObj$dataSet$filt <- mSetObj$dataSet$edit <- mSetObj$dataSet$prenorm <- NULL;
  int.mat <- as.matrix(mSetObj$dataSet$preproc)
  minConc <- mSetObj$dataSet$minConc;
  # replace zero and missing values
  # we leave nagative values unchanged! ? not sure if this is the best way
  int.mat[int.mat==0 | is.na(int.mat)] <- minConc;
  # note, this is last step of processing, also save to proc
  mSetObj$dataSet$proc <- as.data.frame(int.mat);
  mSetObj$msgSet$replace.msg <- paste("Zero or missing variables were replaced with a small value:", minConc);
  invisible(gc()); # suppress gc output


#'Data processing: remove variables with missing values
#'@description Remove variables based upon a user-defined percentage cut-off of missing values.
#'If a user specifies a threshold of 20% (0.2), it will remove variables that are missing
#'in at least 20% of all samples.
#'@usage RemoveMissingPercent(mSetObj, percent)
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj (see InitDataObjects)
#'@param percent Input the percentage cut-off you wish to use. For instance, 50 percent is represented by percent=0.5. 
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
RemoveMissingPercent <- function(mSetObj=NA, percent=perct){

  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
      int.mat <- mSetObj$dataSet$norm
      minConc <- min(int.mat[int.mat>0], na.rm=T)/2;
      good.inx <- apply(is.na(int.mat), 2, sum)/nrow(int.mat)<percent;
      mSetObj$dataSet$norm <- as.data.frame(int.mat[,good.inx, drop=FALSE]);
      # need to update cls labels
      mSetObj$msgSet$replace.msg <- c(mSetObj$msgSet$replace.msg, paste(sum(!good.inx), "variables were removed for threshold", round(100*percent, 2), "percent."));
      int.mat <- mSetObj$dataSet$preproc
      minConc <- mSetObj$dataSet$minConc;
      good.inx <- apply(is.na(int.mat), 2, sum)/nrow(int.mat)<percent;
      mSetObj$dataSet$preproc <- as.data.frame(int.mat[,good.inx, drop=FALSE]);
      # need to update cls labels
      mSetObj$msgSet$replace.msg <- c(mSetObj$msgSet$replace.msg, paste(sum(!good.inx), "variables were removed for threshold", round(100*percent, 2), "percent."));
    int.mat <- mSetObj$dataSet$preproc
    minConc <- mSetObj$dataSet$minConc;
    good.inx <- apply(is.na(int.mat), 2, sum)/nrow(int.mat)<percent;
    mSetObj$dataSet$preproc <- as.data.frame(int.mat[,good.inx, drop=FALSE]);
    # need to update cls labels
    mSetObj$msgSet$replace.msg <- c(mSetObj$msgSet$replace.msg, paste(sum(!good.inx), "variables were removed for threshold", round(100*percent, 2), "percent."));

#'Data processing: Replace missing variables
#'@description Replace missing variables by min/mean/median/KNN/BPCA/PPCA/svdImpute.
#'@usage ImputeVar(mSetObj, method)
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj (see InitDataObjects)
#'@param method Select the option to replace missing variables, either 
#'replacement based on the minimum ("min), the mean ("mean"), or the median ("median") value of each feature columns,
#'or several options to impute the missing values, using k-nearest neighbour ("KNN"), probabilistic PCA ("PPCA"), 
#'Bayesian PCA ("BPCA") method, or Singular Value Decomposition ("svdImpute") 
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
ImputeVar <- function(mSetObj=NA, method="min"){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  int.mat <- mSetObj$dataSet$preproc;
  new.mat <- NULL;
  msg <- mSetObj$msgSet$replace.msg;
    good.inx<-apply(is.na(int.mat), 2, sum)==0
    new.mat<-int.mat[,good.inx, drop=FALSE];
    msg <- c(msg,"Variables with missing values were excluded.");
  }else if(method=="min"){
    minConc<-min(int.mat[int.mat>0], na.rm=T)/2;
    int.mat[int.mat==0 | is.na(int.mat)] <- minConc;
    new.mat <- int.mat;
    msg <- c(msg,"Variables with missing values were replaced with a small value.");
  }else if (method=="colmin"){
    new.mat<-apply(int.mat, 2, function(x){
    msg <- c(msg,"Missing variables were replaced with the half of minimum values for each feature column.");
  }else if (method=="mean"){
    new.mat<-apply(int.mat, 2, function(x){
    msg <- c(msg,"Missing variables were replaced with the mean value for each feature column.");
  }else if (method == "median"){
    new.mat<-apply(int.mat, 2, function(x){
    msg <- c(msg,"Missing variables were replaced with the median for each feature column.");
    if(method == "knn"){
      #print("loading for KNN...");
      if(method == "bpca"){
        new.mat<-pcaMethods::pca(int.mat, nPcs =5, method="bpca", center=T)@completeObs;
      }else if(method == "ppca"){
        new.mat<-pcaMethods::pca(int.mat, nPcs =5, method="ppca", center=T)@completeObs;
      }else if(method == "svdImpute"){
        new.mat<-pcaMethods::pca(int.mat, nPcs =5, method="svdImpute", center=T)@completeObs;
    msg <- c(msg, paste("Missing variables were imputated using", toupper(method)));

  mSetObj$dataSet$proc <- as.data.frame(new.mat);
  mSetObj$msgSet$replace.msg <- msg;

#'Data processing: Dealing with negative values
#'@description Operates on dataSet$proc after dealing with missing values
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj (see InitDataObjects)
#'@param method Input the method to clear negatives
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
ClearNegatives <- function(mSetObj=NA, method="abs"){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  int.mat <- as.matrix(mSetObj$dataSet$proc)
    if(method == "min"){
      int.mat[int.mat < 0] <- mSetObj$dataSet$minConc;
      msg <- paste("Negative variables were replaced with a small value:", mSetObj$dataSet$minConc);
    }else if(method =="abs"){
      int.mat <- abs(int.mat);
      msg <- paste("Negative variables were replaced with their absolute values");
    }else{ # exclude
      good.inx <- apply(int.mat<0, 2, sum)==0
      new.mat <- int.mat[,good.inx];
      msg <- paste("Columns contains negative variables were excluded");
    mSetObj$dataSet$containsNegative <- 0;
    mSetObj$msgSet$replace.msg <- c(mSetObj$msgSet$replace.msg, msg);
    mSetObj$dataSet$proc <- as.data.frame(int.mat);

#'Methods for non-specific filtering of variables
#'@description This is a function that filters the dataset, dependent on the user-specified method
#'for filtering. The function applies a filtering method, ranks the variables within the dataset,
#'and removes variables based on its rank. The final dataset should contain no more than
#'than 5000 variables for effective computing. 
#'@usage FilterVariable(mSetObj=NA, filter, qcFilter, rsd)
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj (see InitDataObjects)
#'@param filter Select the filter option, "rsd" which is the relative standard deviation, "nrsd" which
#'is the non-parametric relative standard deviation, "mean" which is the mean, "sd" which is the standard
#'deviation, "mad" which is the median absolute deviation, or "iqr" which is the interquantile range.
#'@param qcFilter Filter the variables based on QC samples - True (T), or use non-QC based filtering - False (F).  
#'@param rsd Define the relative standard deviation cut-off. Variables with a RSD greater than this number
#'will be removed from the dataset. It is only necessary to specify this argument if qcFilter is True (T). 
#'Otherwise, it will not be used in the function. 
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)

FilterVariable <- function(mSetObj=NA, filter, qcFilter, rsd){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);

  #Reset to default
  mSetObj$dataSet$filt <- mSetObj$dataSet$prenorm <- NULL; 
  int.mat <- as.matrix(mSetObj$dataSet$proc);
  cls <- mSetObj$dataSet$proc.cls;
  # save a copy
  mSetObj$dataSet$filt.cls <- cls;
    mSetObj$dataSet$filt.facA <- mSetObj$dataSet$proc.facA; 
    mSetObj$dataSet$filt.facB <- mSetObj$dataSet$proc.facB; 
  msg <- "";
  if(qcFilter == "T"){
    rsd <- rsd/100;
    # need to check if QC exists
    qc.hits <- tolower(as.character(cls)) %in% "qc";
    if(sum(qc.hits) > 2){ # require at least 3 QC for RSD
      qc.mat <- int.mat[qc.hits,];
      sds <- apply(qc.mat, 2, sd, na.rm=T);
      mns <- apply(qc.mat, 2, mean, na.rm=T);
      rsd.vals <- abs(sds/mns);  
      gd.inx <- rsd.vals < rsd;
      int.mat <- int.mat[,gd.inx];
      msg <- paste("Removed ", sum(!gd.inx), " features based on QC RSD values. QC samples are still kept. You can remove them later.");
    }else if(sum(qc.hits) > 0){
      AddErrMsg("RSD requires at least 3 QC samples, and only non-QC based filtering can be applied.");
      AddErrMsg("No QC Samples (with class label: QC) found.  Please use non-QC based filtering.");
  feat.num <- ncol(int.mat);
  feat.nms <- colnames(int.mat);
  nm <- NULL;
  if(filter == "none" && feat.num < 5000){ # only allow for less than 4000
    remain <- rep(TRUE, feat.num);
    msg <- paste(msg, "No non-QC based data filtering was applied");
    if (filter == "rsd" ){
      sds <- apply(int.mat, 2, sd, na.rm=T);
      mns <- apply(int.mat, 2, mean, na.rm=T);
      filter.val <- abs(sds/mns);
      nm <- "Relative standard deviation";
    }else if (filter == "nrsd" ){
      mads <- apply(int.mat, 2, mad, na.rm=T);
      meds <- apply(int.mat, 2, median, na.rm=T);
      filter.val <- abs(mads/meds);
      nm <- "Non-paramatric relative standard deviation";
    }else if (filter == "mean"){
      filter.val <- apply(int.mat, 2, mean, na.rm=T);
      nm <- "mean";
    }else if (filter == "sd"){
      filter.val <- apply(int.mat, 2, sd, na.rm=T);
      nm <- "standard deviation";
    }else if (filter == "mad"){
      filter.val <- apply(int.mat, 2, mad, na.rm=T);
      nm <- "Median absolute deviation";
    }else if (filter == "median"){
      filter.val <- apply(int.mat, 2, median, na.rm=T);
      nm <- "median";
    }else{ # iqr
      filter.val <- apply(int.mat, 2, IQR, na.rm=T);
      nm <- "Interquantile Range";
    # get the rank of the filtered variables
    rk <- rank(-filter.val, ties.method='random');

    var.num <- ncol(int.mat);
    if(var.num < 250){ # reduce 5%
      remain <- rk < var.num*0.95;
      msg <- paste(msg, "Further feature filtering based on", nm);
    }else if(ncol(int.mat) < 500){ # reduce 10%
      remain <- rk < var.num*0.9;
      msg <- paste(msg, "Further feature filtering based on", nm);
    }else if(ncol(int.mat) < 1000){ # reduce 25%
      remain <- rk < var.num*0.75;
      msg <- paste(msg, "Further feature filtering based on", nm);
    }else{ # reduce 40%, if still over 5000, then only use top 5000
      remain <- rk < var.num*0.6;
      msg <- paste(msg, "Further feature filtering based on", nm);

      max.allow <- 5000;
      if(mSetObj$analSet$type == "power"){
        max.allow <- 2500;
      if(sum(remain) > max.allow){
        remain <-rk < max.allow;
        msg <- paste(msg, paste("Reduced to", max.allow, "features based on", nm));
  mSetObj$dataSet$filt <- int.mat[, remain];
  mSetObj$msgSet$filter.msg <- msg;


#'Group peak list
#'@description Group peaks from the peak list based on position
#'using the XCMS grouping algorithm (align peaks wrt, rt, and mz).
#'For NMR peaks, need to change ppm -> mz and add dummy rt.
#'If the data is 2-column MS, first need to add dummy rt.
#'If the data is 3-column MS, the data can be used directly.
#'The default mzwid for MS is 0.25 m/z, and for NMR is 0.03 ppm.
#'The default bw is 30 for LCMS, and 5 for GCMS.
#'@usage GroupPeakList(mSetObj=NA, mzwid, bw, minfrac, minsamp, max)
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj (see InitDataObjects)
#'@param mzwid, define the width of overlapping m/z slices to use for creating peak density chromatograms
#'and grouping peaks across samples
#'@param bw, define the bandwidth (standard deviation or half width at half maximum) of gaussian smoothing
#'kernel to apply to the peak density chromatogram
#'@param minfrac, define the minimum fraction of samples necessary in at least one of the sample groups for
#'it to be a valid group
#'@param minsamp, define the minimum number of samples necessary in at least one of the sample groups for 
#'it to be a valid group 
#'@param max, define the maximum number of groups to identify in a single m/z slice
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
GroupPeakList <- function(mSetObj=NA, mzwid = 0.25, bw = 30, minfrac = 0.5, minsamp = 1, max = 50) {
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  peakSet <- mSetObj$dataSet$peakSet;
  samples <- peakSet$sampnames;
  classlabel <- peakSet$sampclass;
  classnames <- levels(classlabel)
  classlabel <- as.vector(unclass(classlabel))
  classnum <- integer(max(classlabel))
  for (i in seq(along = classnum)){
    classnum[i] <- sum(classlabel == i)
  peakmat <- peakSet$peaks;
  porder <- order(peakmat[,"mz"]);
  peakmat <- peakmat[porder,,drop=F]
  rownames(peakmat) <- NULL
  retrange <- range(peakmat[,"rt"])
  minpeakmat <- min(classnum)/2
  mass <- seq(peakmat[1,"mz"], peakmat[nrow(peakmat),"mz"] + mzwid, by = mzwid/2)
  masspos <- findEqualGreaterM(peakmat[,"mz"], mass)
  groupmat <- matrix(nrow = 512, ncol = 7 + length(classnum))
  groupindex <- vector("list", 512)
  endidx <- 0
  num <- 0
  gcount <- integer(length(classnum))
  for (i in seq(length = length(mass)-2)) {
    startidx <- masspos[i]
    endidx <- masspos[i+2]-1
    if (endidx - startidx + 1 < minpeakmat)
    speakmat <- peakmat[startidx:endidx,,drop=FALSE]
    den <- density(speakmat[,"rt"], bw, from = retrange[1]-3*bw, to = retrange[2]+3*bw)
    maxden <- max(den$y)
    deny <- den$y
    gmat <- matrix(nrow = 5, ncol = 2+length(classnum))
    snum <- 0
    while (deny[maxy <- which.max(deny)] > maxden/20 && snum < max) {
      grange <- descendMin(deny, maxy)
      deny[grange[1]:grange[2]] <- 0
      gidx <- which(speakmat[,"rt"] >= den$x[grange[1]] & speakmat[,"rt"] <= den$x[grange[2]])
      gnum <- classlabel[unique(speakmat[gidx,"sample"])]
      for (j in seq(along = gcount))
        gcount[j] <- sum(gnum == j)
      if (! any(gcount >= classnum*minfrac & gcount >= minsamp))
      snum <- snum + 1
      num <- num + 1
      ### Double the size of the output containers if they're full
      if (num > nrow(groupmat)) {
        groupmat <- rbind(groupmat, matrix(nrow = nrow(groupmat), ncol = ncol(groupmat)))
        groupindex <- c(groupindex, vector("list", length(groupindex)))
      groupmat[num, 1] <- median(speakmat[gidx, "mz"])
      groupmat[num, 2:3] <- range(speakmat[gidx, "mz"])
      groupmat[num, 4] <- median(speakmat[gidx, "rt"])
      groupmat[num, 5:6] <- range(speakmat[gidx, "rt"])
      groupmat[num, 7] <- length(gidx)
      groupmat[num, 7+seq(along = gcount)] <- gcount
      groupindex[[num]] <- sort(porder[(startidx:endidx)[gidx]])
  colnames(groupmat) <- c("mzmed", "mzmin", "mzmax", "rtmed", "rtmin", "rtmax",
                          "npeaks", classnames)
  groupmat <- groupmat[seq(length = num),]
  groupindex <- groupindex[seq(length = num)]
  # Remove groups that overlap with more "well-behaved" groups
  numsamp <- rowSums(groupmat[,(match("npeaks", colnames(groupmat))+1):ncol(groupmat),drop=FALSE])
  uorder <- order(-numsamp, groupmat[,"npeaks"])
  uindex <- rectUnique(groupmat[,c("mzmin","mzmax","rtmin","rtmax"),drop=FALSE],uorder)
  peakSet$groups <- groupmat[uindex,];
  peakSet$groupidx<- groupindex[uindex];
  mSetObj$dataSet$peakSet <- peakSet;

#'Set peak list group values
#'@param mSetObj Input name of mSetObj, the data used is the nmr.xcmsSet object
SetPeakList.GroupValues <- function(mSetObj=NA) {
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  peakSet <- mSetObj$dataSet$peakSet;
  msg <- mSetObj$msgSet$peakMsg;
  peakmat <- peakSet$peaks;
  groupmat <- peakSet$groups;
  groupindex <- peakSet$groupidx;
  sampnum <- seq(length = length(peakSet$sampnames))
  intcol <- match("int", colnames(peakmat))
  sampcol <- match("sample", colnames(peakmat))
  # row is peak, col is sample
  values <- matrix(nrow = length(groupindex), ncol = length(sampnum))
  for (i in seq(along = groupindex)) {
    # for each group, replace multiple peaks from the same sample by their sum
    for(m in sampnum){
      samp.inx<-which(peakmat[groupindex[[i]], sampcol]==m)
        values[i, m] <- sum(peakmat[groupindex[[i]][samp.inx], intcol]);
        values[i, m] <- NA;
  msg<-c(msg, paste("A total of", length(groupindex), "peak groups were formed. "));
  msg<-c(msg, paste("Peaks of the same group were summed if they are from one sample. "));
  msg<-c(msg, paste("Peaks appearing in less than half of all samples in each group were ignored."));
  colnames(values) <- peakSet$sampnames;
    rownames(values) <- paste(round(groupmat[,paste("mz", "med", sep="")],5));
    rownames(values) <- paste(round(groupmat[,paste("mz", "med", sep="")],5), "/", round(groupmat[,paste("rt", "med", sep="")],2), sep="");
    mSetObj$dataSet$three.col <- TRUE;
  mSetObj$dataSet$orig <- t(values);
  mSetObj$msgSet$proc.msg <- msg
  mSetObj$dataSet$orig.cls <- as.factor(peakSet$sampclass);
  mSetObj$dataSet$type.cls.lbl <- class(peakSet$sampclass);

#'Retention time correction for LC/GC-MS spectra
#'@description Performs retention time correction for LC/GC-MS spectra using the XCMS package. Following
#'retention time correction, the object dataSet will be regrouped. 
#'@usage MSspec.rtCorrection(mSetObj=NA, bw=30)
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj (see InitDataObjects)
#'@param bw Numeric, define the bandwidth (standard deviation or half width at half maximum) of gaussian smoothing
#'kernel to apply to the peak density chromatogram

MSspec.rtCorrection <- function(mSetObj=NA, bw=30){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  xset2 <- xcms::retcor(mSetObj$dataSet$xset.orig)
  # re-group peaks after retention time correction
  xset2 <- xcms::group(xset2, bw=bw)
  mSetObj$dataSet$xset.rt <- xset2;

#'Plot rentention time corrected spectra
#'@description Plot the retention time corrected spectra
#'@param mSetObj Input name of the created mSet Object
#'@param imgName Input the name for the created plot
#'@param format Select the image format, "png", or "pdf".
#'@param dpi Input the dpi. If the image format is "pdf", users need not define the dpi. For "png" images, 
#'the default dpi is 72. It is suggested that for high-resolution images, select a dpi of 300.  
#'@param width Input the width, there are 2 default widths, the first, width = NULL, is 10.5.
#'The second default is width = 0, where the width is 7.2. Otherwise users can input their own width.  

PlotMS.RT <- function(mSetObj=NA, imgName, format="png", dpi=72, width=NA){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  imgName = paste(imgName, "dpi", dpi, ".", format, sep="");
    w <- 9;
  }else if(width == 0){
    w <- 9;
    w <- width;    
  h <- w*7/9;
  mSetObj$imgSet$msrt <- imgName;
  Cairo::Cairo(file = imgName, unit="in", dpi=dpi, width=w, height=h, type=format, bg="white");

#'Function to fill in missing peaks
#'@description For each sample in the processed MS spectra data, this function will fill in missing peaks 
#'using the fillPeaks function from the XCMS package. First, the function will identify any peak groups that are missing 
#'any peaks from the samples and will then fill in those peaks by rereading the raw data and 
#'integrating signals at those regions to create a new peak. 
#'@usage MSspec.fillPeaks(mSetObj=NA)
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj (see InitDataObjects)

MSspec.fillPeaks <- function(mSetObj=NA){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  xset3 <- xcms::fillPeaks(mSetObj$dataSet$xset.rt)
  mSetObj$dataSet$xset.fill <- xset3
  msg <- paste("A total of", dim(xset3@peaks)[1],"peaks were detected from these samples")
  msg <- c(msg, paste("with an average of", round(dim(xset3@peaks)[1]/dim(xset3@phenoData)[1], 2), "peaks per spectrum."))
  mSetObj$msgSet$xset.msg <- msg

#'Create a MS spectra data matrix of peak values for each group
#'@description This function sets up a MS spectra data matrix using the 'groupval' function
#'from XCMS. This generates a usable matrix of peak values for analysis where 
#'columns represent peak groups and rows represent samples. 
#'Collisions where more than one peak from a single sample are in the same group get resolved
#'utilizing "medret", which uses the peak closest to the median retention time.
#'@usage SetupMSdataMatrix(mSetObj, intvalue) 
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj (see InitDataObjects)
#'@param intvalue name of peak column to enter into the returned matrix, if intvalue = 'into', 
#'use integrated area of original (raw) peak intensities, 
#'if intvalue = 'intf', use integrated area of filtered peak intensities, 
#'if intvalue = 'intb', use baseline corrected integrated peak intensities,
#'if intvalue = 'maxo', use the maximum intensity of original (raw) peaks, 
#'or if intvalue = 'maxf' use the maximum intensity of filtered peaks
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)

SetupMSdataMatrix <- function(mSetObj=NA, intvalue = c("into","maxo","intb")){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  values <- xcms::groupval(mSetObj$dataSet$xset.fill, "medret", value = intvalue);
  msg <- mSetObj$msgSet$xset.msg;
  # transpose to make row for samples
  orig <- as.data.frame(t(values));
  msg <- c(msg, paste("These peaks were aligned to", dim(orig)[2], "groups according to their mass and retention time."));
  msg <-c(msg, paste("Please note that some peaks were excluded if they appear in only a few samples."));
  mSetObj$msgSet$xset.msg <- msg;
  mSetObj$dataSet$orig <- orig;
  cls.info <- sampclass(mSetObj$dataSet$xset.fill);
  mSetObj$dataSet$orig.cls <- as.factor(cls.info);
  mSetObj$dataSet$type.cls.lbl <- class(cls.info);

#'Check if the spectra processing is ok
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj (see InitDataObjects).
IsSpectraProcessingOK <- function(mSetObj=NA){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  msg <- mSetObj$msgSet$xset.msg;
  res = 1;
    mSetObj$msgSet$xset.msg<-c(msg, "Failed to read in and process the spectra.");
    res <- 0;
    mSetObj$msgSet$xset.msg<-c(msg, "Failed in retention time correction, spectra problem?");
    res <- 0;
    mSetObj$msgSet$xset.msg<-c(msg, "Failed in filling missing peaks, spectra problem?");
    res <- 0;

########## Utilities for web-server ##########

  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);

#'Check if the sample size is small
#'@description Returns whether or not the sanity check found that there were too many
#'groups in the dataset containing too few samples. It will return a 0 if the data passes the check,
#'or will return a 1 if the data does not. 
#'@usage IsSmallSmplSize(mSetObj=NA) 
#'@param mSetObj Input name of the created mSet Object
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);

  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);

  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
xia-lab/MetaboAnalystR3.0 documentation built on May 6, 2020, 11:03 p.m.