
Defines functions Methmean_site Methmean_region Meth_mean

Documented in Meth_mean Methmean_region Methmean_site

#' Internal Use Function
#' That calculates the mean methylation difference.
#' @import dplyr
#' @description This function calculates the mean methylation difference along each read gene.
#' Formula:The mean methylation of a gene of one treatment group was calculated by:
#' E((E[MR]_ij )/(E[TR]_ij ))*W_ij and W_ij =  (E[TR]_ij )/(EE[TR]_ij ),
#' where [MR]_ij and [TR]_ij are methylated and total reads number of the involved CpG/DMC j at a given gene of individual i,
#' n is the total individual number of one treatment group, m is total number of CpG/DMC involved in this gene and
#' W_ij is the weight of reads of the involved CpG/DMC j of individual i.
#' Firstly calculate methylation difference through reads of all cytosines along gene
#' Secondly calculate methylation difference along each group
#' When provide inputcpgifeaturefile to calculate the gene mean methylation difference ,
#' two features will be combined that CpG island and CpG island shore.
#' @param inputmethfile_QC refers to the inputmethfile after quality control.
#' @param regionchr refers to the filtered subset of inputrefseqfile or inputcpgifile.
#' @param cpgifeaturefile refers to the whether have inputcpgifeaturefile or not.
#' @return Outputs the mean methylation.
#' @examples
#' Meth_mean(inputmethfile_QC, regionchr)
#' Meth_mean(inputmethfile_QC, regionchr, cpgifeaturefile = inputcpgifeaturefile)
#' @export

Meth_mean <- function(inputmethfile_QC, regionchr, cpgifeaturefile = NULL){

  #calculate the total group number from input inputmethfile_QC
  groupnum <- length(grep("_1",colnames(inputmethfile_QC))) / 2

  # if no cpgifeaturefile #
    output <- data.frame(regionchr,array(0,c(nrow(regionchr),2*groupnum)))

    for(i in 1:nrow(regionchr)){

      # count the reading line #
        message("The calculating line is 10,000 now")
        message("The calculating line is 30,000 now")
        message("The calculating line is 50,000 now")
        message("The calculating line is 100,000 now")
        message("The calculating line is 300,000 now")
        message("The calculating line is 500,000 now")

      #read each region from different chromosome and match all cytosines
      filterdat <- filter(inputmethfile_QC, chr %in% regionchr[i,2], posi >= regionchr[i,3], posi <= regionchr[i,4])

      for(j in 1:groupnum){
        methread <- summarise_at(filterdat,vars(contains(paste("Cs",j,"_",sep=""))),list(sum))
        unmethread <- summarise_at(filterdat,vars(contains(paste("Ts",j,"_",sep=""))),list(sum))
        output[i,(ncol(regionchr) + j)] <- sum(methread) / (sum(methread) + sum(unmethread))
		output[i,(ncol(regionchr) + groupnum + j)] <- sum(methread) + sum(unmethread)
    colnames(output) <- c(colnames(regionchr), paste("Methgroup",1:groupnum,sep = ""), paste("Readgroup",1:groupnum,sep = ""))

    #when the row of regionchr larther than 1, then delete the unmatched NA rows from group 1
    output <- filter(output,!is.na(output$Methgroup1))

    #Output the number of deleted rows
    print(paste("The number of unmatched", colnames(regionchr)[1],"is", (nrow(regionchr) - nrow(output)),sep = " "))


    # if with cpgifeaturefile, every cpg site in CpG island will be counted #
    output <- data.frame(regionchr,array(0,c(nrow(regionchr), 2*2*groupnum)))

    # filter subset of cpg and shore from cpgifeaturefile #
    subcpg <- filter(cpgifeaturefile, cpgfeature %in% "CpGisland")
    subshore <- filter(cpgifeaturefile, cpgfeature %in% "Shores")

    for(i in 1:nrow(regionchr)){

      # count the reading line #
        message("The calculating line is 10,000 now")
        message("The calculating line is 30,000 now")
        message("The calculating line is 50,000 now")
        message("The calculating line is 100,000 now")
        message("The calculating line is 300,000 now")
        message("The calculating line is 500,000 now")

      #read each region from different chromosome and match all cytosines
      filterdat <- filter(inputmethfile_QC, chr %in% regionchr[i,2], posi >= regionchr[i,3], posi <= regionchr[i,4])

      filtercpgdat = filtershoredat <- filterdat

      # when filterdat is not empty #
      if(nrow(filterdat) > 0){

        # further filter for CpG island or shore feature #
        for(k in 1:nrow(filterdat)){
          tmpcpg <- filter(subcpg, chr %in% filterdat[k,1], start <= filterdat[k,2], end >= filterdat[k,2])
          if(nrow(tmpcpg) == 0){
            filtercpgdat[k,2] <- 0
          tmpshore <- filter(subshore, chr %in% filterdat[k,1], start <= filterdat[k,2], end >= filterdat[k,2])
          if(nrow(tmpshore) == 0){
            filtershoredat[k,2] <- 0

        # delete the zero rows of filtercpgdat and filtershoredat #
        filtercpgdat <- filter(filtercpgdat, posi > 0)
        filtershoredat <- filter(filtershoredat, posi > 0)

      for(j in 1:groupnum){

        # first calculate the subset mean methylation with CpG island feature #
        methreadcpg <- summarise_at(filtercpgdat,vars(contains(paste("Cs",j,"_",sep=""))),list(sum))
        unmethreadcpg <- summarise_at(filtercpgdat,vars(contains(paste("Ts",j,"_",sep=""))),list(sum))
        output[i,(ncol(regionchr) + j)] <- sum(methreadcpg) / (sum(methreadcpg) + sum(unmethreadcpg))
		output[i,(ncol(regionchr) + groupnum + j)] <- sum(methreadcpg) + sum(unmethreadcpg)

        # second calculate the subset mean methylation with CpG island shore feature #
        methreadshore <- summarise_at(filtershoredat,vars(contains(paste("Cs",j,"_",sep=""))),list(sum))
        unmethreadshore <- summarise_at(filtershoredat,vars(contains(paste("Ts",j,"_",sep=""))),list(sum))
        output[i,(ncol(regionchr) + 2*groupnum + j)] <- sum(methreadshore) / (sum(methreadshore) + sum(unmethreadshore))
		output[i,(ncol(regionchr) + 3*groupnum + j)] <- sum(methreadshore) + sum(unmethreadshore)
    colnames(output) <- c(colnames(regionchr), paste("Methgroup", 1:groupnum, "_CpGisland", sep = ""), paste("Readgroup", 1:groupnum, "_CpGisland", sep = ""),
                          paste("Methgroup", 1:groupnum, "_Shore", sep = ""), paste("Readgroup", 1:groupnum, "_Shore", sep = ""))

    # when the row of regionchr larther than 1, then delete the unmatched NA rows from group 1 #
    output <- filter(output, !is.na(output$Methgroup1_CpGisland) | !is.na(output$Methgroup1_Shore))

    # Output the number of deleted rows #
    print(paste("The number of both unmatched", colnames(regionchr)[1],"is", (nrow(regionchr) - nrow(output)),sep = " "))


#' Calculate the methylation mean for regions.
#' @import dplyr
#' @description This function outputs the methylation mean for different groups based on gene and CpG island regions by matching with cytosine.
#' It is also for gene body of promoter, exon, intron and TSSes regions, cgpi feature of CpG island and CpG island shores and their interactive regions e.g., promoter CpG island.
#' @param inputmethfile_QC refers to the input of methylation file after quality control.
#' @param inputrefseqfile refers to the input file with regions e.g., inputrefseqfile/inputcpgifile with 4 columns or inputgenebodyfile/inputcpgifeaturefile with 5 columns.
#' @param cpgifeaturefile refers to the input of CpG island feature file e.g., inputcpgifeaturefile, with default NULL.
#' If provided, the output file is methylation mean of inputrefseqfile or inputgenebodyfile with CpG island and CpG island shore features.
#' @param chrnum refers to the chromosome number or all chromosomes (all) or all chromosomes with unannotated sites (alls), with default "all".
#' @param posistart refers to start position if requested, with default NULL.
#' @param posiend refers to end position if requested, with default NULL.
#' @param featureid refers to NCBI ID of specific gene or all the genes, with default NULL.
#' The CpG id can also be used like "cpgi1" or "shore2".
#' @param featurename refers to different gene body features of promoter, exon, intron and TSSes.
#' The CpG island  features can also be used that are "CpGisland" and "Shores".
#' @return Outputs a data frame of the methylation mean of provided regions with/without different features.
#' @examples
#' Methmean_region(inputmethfile_QC, inputrefseqfile, chrnum = "alls", featureid = c("NM_001244353", "NM_001244864")) # find sepecific gene by NCBI ID #
#' Methmean_region(inputmethfile_QC, inputrefseqfile, chrnum = "chr1", posistart = 21800, posiend = 21900)
#' regiongenechr <- Methmean_region(inputmethfile_QC, inputrefseqfile, chrnum = c("chr1","chr2"))
#' regiongeneall <- Methmean_region(inputmethfile_QC, inputrefseqfile, chrnum = "all")
#' DMC_regiongeneall <- Methmean_region(DMC_inputmethfile_QC, inputrefseqfile, chrnum = "all") # Calculate DMC first and then recalculate the methylation mean by replacing the RRBS cytosine sites #
#' regiongenealls <- Methmean_region(inputmethfile_QC, inputrefseqfile, chrnum = "alls") # alls include unannotated CpG site like chrUn_NW_018084826v1 #
#' Methmean_region(inputmethfile_QC,inputcpgifile,"chr1", posistart = 21800, posiend = 21900) # acturally regiongenepart = regioncpgpart #
#' regioncpgchr <- Methmean_region(inputmethfile_QC, inputcpgifile, chrnum = c("chr1","chr2"))
#' regioncpgall <- Methmean_region(inputmethfile_QC, inputcpgifile, chrnum = "all")
#' regioncpgalls <- Methmean_region(inputmethfile_QC, inputcpgifile, chrnum = "alls")
#' regiongenebodychr <- Methmean_region(inputmethfile_QC, inputgenebodyfile, chrnum = c("chr1","chr2"))
#' regiongenebodyall <- Methmean_region(inputmethfile_QC, inputgenebodyfile, chrnum = "all")
#' regiongenebodyalls <- Methmean_region(inputmethfile_QC, inputgenebodyfile, chrnum = "alls")
#' regioncpgifeaturechr <- Methmean_region(inputmethfile_QC, inputcpgifeaturefile, chrnum = c("chr1","chr2"))
#' regioncpgifeatureall <- Methmean_region(inputmethfile_QC, inputcpgifeaturefile, chrnum = "all")
#' regioncpgifeaturealls <- Methmean_region(inputmethfile_QC, inputcpgifeaturefile, chrnum = "alls")
#' partgenebody <- Methmean_region(inputmethfile_QC, inputgenebodyfile, featureid = "NM_001244353")
#' partgenebodyexon <- Methmean_region(inputmethfile_QC, inputgenebodyfile, featureid = "NM_001244353", featurename = "exons")
#' partgenebodyall <- Methmean_region(inputmethfile_QC, inputgenebodyfile, featureid = "NM_001244353", featurename = c("promoters","exons","introns","TSSes"))
#' genebodypromoterall <- Methmean_region(inputmethfile_QC, inputgenebodyfile, featureid = "all", featurename = "promoters")
#' genebodyexonall <- Methmean_region(inputmethfile_QC, inputgenebodyfile, featureid = "all", featurename = "exons")
#' genefeatureall <- Methmean_region(inputmethfile_QC, inputgenebodyfile, featureid = "all", featurename = c("promoters","exons","introns","TSSes")) #long time #
#' partcpgi <- Methmean_region(inputmethfile_QC, inputcpgifeaturefile, featureid = "cpgi1")
#' partshore <- Methmean_region(inputmethfile_QC, inputcpgifeaturefile, featureid = "shore10")
#' cpgislandall <- Methmean_region(inputmethfile_QC, inputcpgifeaturefile, featureid = "all", featurename = "CpGisland")
#' cpgshoreall <- Methmean_region(inputmethfile_QC, inputcpgifeaturefile, featureid = "all", featurename = "Shores") #long time #
#' cpgfeatureall <- Methmean_region(inputmethfile_QC, inputcpgifeaturefile, featureid = "all", featurename = c("CpGisland", "Shores")) #long time #
#' genebodychr_promoter <- Methmean_region(inputmethfile_QC, inputgenebodyfile, chrnum = "chr1", featureid = "all", featurename = "promoters")
#' cpgchr_island <- Methmean_region(inputmethfile_QC, inputcpgifeaturefile, chrnum = "chr1", featureid = "all", featurename = "CpGisland")
#' # when the cpgifeaturefile = inputcpgifeaturefile is provided #
#' regiongenechr_cpgfeature <- Methmean_region(inputmethfile_QC, inputrefseqfile, cpgifeaturefile = inputcpgifeaturefile, chrnum = c("chr1","chr2"))
#' regiongeneall_cpgfeature <- Methmean_region(inputmethfile_QC, inputrefseqfile, cpgifeaturefile = inputcpgifeaturefile, chrnum = "all")
#' regiongenealls_cpgfeature <- Methmean_region(inputmethfile_QC, inputrefseqfile, cpgifeaturefile = inputcpgifeaturefile, chrnum = "alls")
#' genebodypromoterall_cpgfeature <- Methmean_region(inputmethfile_QC, inputgenebodyfile, cpgifeaturefile = inputcpgifeaturefile, featureid = "all", featurename = "promoters")
#' genebodyexonall_cpgfeature <- Methmean_region(inputmethfile_QC, inputgenebodyfile, cpgifeaturefile = inputcpgifeaturefile, featureid = "all", featurename = "exons")
#' genefeatureall_cpgfeature <- Methmean_region(inputmethfile_QC, inputgenebodyfile, cpgifeaturefile = inputcpgifeaturefile, featureid = "all",
#' featurename = c("promoters","exons","introns","TSSes")) #long time #
#' # windows #
#' windowfileall <- Methmean_region(inputmethfile_QC, windowfile, chrnum = "all")
#' windowfilealls <- Methmean_region(inputmethfile_QC, windowfile, chrnum = "alls")
#' @export

Methmean_region <- function(inputmethfile_QC, inputrefseqfile, cpgifeaturefile = NULL, chrnum = "all", posistart = NULL, posiend = NULL,
                            featureid = NULL, featurename = NULL){

  # rename inputrefseqfile #
  if(length(colnames(inputrefseqfile)) == 4){
    colnames(inputrefseqfile) <- c("id", "chr", "start", "end")
    colnames(inputrefseqfile) <- c("id", "chr", "start", "end", "feature")

  # if select one chromosome or more chromosomes with position #

    #when chrnum == "alls that include all chromosomes and undefined chromosomes"
    regionchr <- inputrefseqfile

  }else if(chrnum=="all"){

    # find the unannotated chromosome rows and delete them #
    regionchr <- filter(inputrefseqfile, !grepl("_", chr))


    # if given the start and end position #
    if(is.null(posistart)==FALSE & is.null(posiend)==FALSE){
      regionchr <- data.frame(region = paste(chrnum,":",posistart,"-",posiend,sep = ""), chr = chrnum, start = posistart, end = posiend)

      # if chrnum!= "alls" & "all", then chrnum could be c("chr1","chr2") #
      regionchr <- filter(inputrefseqfile, chr %in% chrnum)

  # if chrnum is given like "chr1", "chr2", then the subset of regionchr will be accorded to #
  inputrefseqfile <- regionchr

  # if select id or id with features #

    # featureid mainly refers to the gene NCBI ID #

      # feature refers to promoter, exon, intron and TSSes regions or CpGisland and Shore regions #
      # featureid=="all" means all of genes or cpgis #
        regionchr <- inputrefseqfile


        # when input file is inputgenebodyfile or inputcpgifeaturefile #
        inputrefseqfile$feature <- as.character(inputrefseqfile$feature)

        # judge feature column contain "_" or not #
        if(names(table(inputrefseqfile$feature))[1] == "CpGisland" | names(table(inputrefseqfile$feature))[1] == "Shores"){
          tmpfeature <- inputrefseqfile$feature

          tmpfeature <- unlist(lapply(X = inputrefseqfile$feature, FUN = function(x) {return(strsplit(x, split = "_")[[1]][1])}))

        # combine file with no "_" feature name #
        inputrefseqfile <- data.frame(inputrefseqfile, tmpfeature_select = tmpfeature)
        regionchr <- filter(inputrefseqfile, tmpfeature_select %in% featurename)
        regionchr <- regionchr[, -ncol(regionchr)]

      # when featureid!="all", and featureid is the specific gene name or cpgi id #

        regionchr <- filter(inputrefseqfile, id %in% featureid)


        # combine file with no "_" feature name #
        inputrefseqfile$feature <- as.character(inputrefseqfile$feature)

        # judge feature column contain "_" or not #
        if(names(table(inputrefseqfile$feature))[1] == "CpGisland" | names(table(inputrefseqfile$feature))[1] == "Shores"){
          tmpfeature <- inputrefseqfile$feature

          tmpfeature <- unlist(lapply(X = inputrefseqfile$feature, FUN = function(x) {return(strsplit(x, split = "_")[[1]][1])}))

        inputrefseqfile <- data.frame(inputrefseqfile, tmpfeature_select = tmpfeature)
        regionchr <- filter(inputrefseqfile, id %in% featureid, tmpfeature_select %in% featurename)
        regionchr <- regionchr[, -ncol(regionchr)]


    # if chrnum is given like "chr1", "chr2"#
    regionchr <- inputrefseqfile

  # output file of the mean methylation with chromosome, start, end, group1, group2.... #

    output <- Meth_mean(inputmethfile_QC, regionchr)

    # if have inputcpgifeaturefile #
    output <- Meth_mean(inputmethfile_QC, regionchr, cpgifeaturefile = inputcpgifeaturefile)


#' Calculate the methylation mean for cytosine sites.
#' @import dplyr
#' @description This function outputs the methylation mean for each cytosine site. It will calculate methylation difference along each group.
#' Formula:The mean methylation of a cytosine of one treatment group was calculated by:
#' E((E[MR]_i )/(E[TR]_i ))*W_i and W_i =  (E[TR]_i )/(EE[TR]_i ),
#' where [MR]_i and [TR]_i are methylated and total reads number of the CpG,
#' n is the total individual number of one treatment group, and
#' W_i is the weight of reads of the CpG of individual i.
#' @param inputmethfile_QC refers to the input of methylation file after quality control.
#' @return Outputs a data frame of the methylation mean of provided cytosine sites.
#' @examples
#' siteall <- Methmean_site(inputmethfile_QC)
#' @export

Methmean_site <- function(inputmethfile_QC){

  # calculate the total group number from input inputmethfile_QC #
  groupnum <- length(grep("_1",colnames(inputmethfile_QC))) / 2
  output <- data.frame(inputmethfile_QC[, c(1,2)],array(0,c(nrow(inputmethfile_QC),2*groupnum)))

  for(i in 1:nrow(inputmethfile_QC)){

    # count the reading line #
      message("The calculating line is 10,000 now")
      message("The calculating line is 30,000 now")
      message("The calculating line is 50,000 now")
      message("The calculating line is 100,000 now")
      message("The calculating line is 300,000 now")
      message("The calculating line is 500,000 now")

    for(j in 1:groupnum){
      methread <- summarise_at(inputmethfile_QC[i,],vars(contains(paste("Cs",j,"_",sep=""))),list(sum))
      unmethread <- summarise_at(inputmethfile_QC[i,],vars(contains(paste("Ts",j,"_",sep=""))),list(sum))
      output[i,(2 + j)] <- sum(methread) / (sum(methread) + sum(unmethread))
      output[i,(2 + groupnum + j)] <- sum(methread) + sum(unmethread)
  colnames(output) <- c(colnames(inputmethfile_QC)[c(1,2)], paste("Methgroup",1:groupnum,sep = ""), paste("Readgroup",1:groupnum,sep = ""))

  # delete the unmatched NA rows from group 1 #
  output <- filter(output, !is.na(output$Methgroup1))

  # Output the number of deleted rows #
  print(paste("The number of unmatched sites", "is", (nrow(inputmethfile_QC) - nrow(output)),sep = " "))

xiaowangCN/GeneDMRs documentation built on Nov. 22, 2023, 11:19 p.m.