#' Engines of other languages
#' This object controls how to execute the code from languages other than R
#' (when the chunk option \code{engine} is not \code{'R'}). Each component in
#' this object is a function that takes a list of current chunk options
#' (including the source code) and returns a character string to be written into
#' the output.
#' The engine function has one argument \code{options}: the source code of the
#' current chunk is in \code{options$code}. Usually we can call external
#' programs to run the code via \code{\link{system2}}. Other chunk options are
#' also contained in this argument, e.g. \code{options$echo} and
#' \code{options$eval}, etc.
#' In most cases, \code{options$engine} can be directly used in command line to
#' execute the code, e.g. \code{python} or \code{ruby}, but sometimes we may
#' want to specify the path of the engine program, in which case we can pass it
#' through the \code{engine.path} option. For example, \code{engine='ruby',
#' engine.path='/usr/bin/ruby1.9.1'}. Additional command line arguments can be
#' passed through \code{options$engine.opts}, e.g. \code{engine='ruby',
#' engine.opts='-v'}.
#' See \code{str(knitr::knit_engines$get())} for a list of built-in language
#' engines.
#' @export
#' @note The Leiningen engine \code{lein} requires lein-exec plugin; see
#' \url{https://github.com/yihui/knitr/issues/1176} for details.
#' @references Usage: \url{https://yihui.org/knitr/objects/}; examples:
#' \url{https://yihui.org/knitr/demo/engines/}
#' @examples knit_engines$get('python'); knit_engines$get('awk')
#' names(knit_engines$get())
knit_engines = new_defaults()
#' Cache engines of other languages
#' This object controls how to load cached environments from languages other
#' than R (when the chunk option \code{engine} is not \code{'R'}). Each
#' component in this object is a function that takes the current path to the
#' chunk cache and loads it into the language environment.
#' The cache engine function has one argument \code{options}, a list containing
#' all chunk options. Note that \code{options$hash} is the path to the current
#' chunk cache with the chunk's hash, but without any file extension, and the
#' language engine may write a cache database to this path (with an extension).
#' The cache engine function should load the cache environment and should know
#' the extension appropriate for the language.
#' @references See \url{https://github.com/rstudio/reticulate/pull/167} for an
#' implementation of a cache engine for Python.
#' @export
cache_engines = new_defaults()
#' An output wrapper for language engine output
#' If you have designed a language engine, you may call this function in the end
#' to format and return the text output from your engine.
#' For expert users, an advanced usage of this function is
#' \code{engine_output(options, out = LIST)} where \code{LIST} is a list that
#' has the same structure as the output of \code{evaluate::evaluate()}. In this
#' case, the arguments \code{code} and \code{extra} are ignored, and the list is
#' passed to \code{knitr::sew()} to return a character vector of final output.
#' @param options A list of chunk options. Usually this is just the object
#' \code{options} passed to the engine function; see
#' \code{\link{knit_engines}}.
#' @param code Source code of the chunk, to which the output hook \code{source}
#' is applied, unless the chunk option \code{echo} is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param out Text output from the engine, to which the hook \code{output} is
#' applied, unless the chunk option \code{results} is \code{'hide'}
#' @param extra Any additional text output that you want to include.
#' @return A character string generated from the source code and output using
#' the appropriate output hooks.
#' @export
#' @examples library(knitr)
#' engine_output(opts_chunk$merge(list(engine = 'Rscript')), code = '1 + 1', out = '[1] 2')
#' engine_output(opts_chunk$merge(list(echo = FALSE, engine = 'Rscript')), code = '1 + 1', out = '[1] 2')
#' # expert use only
#' engine_output(opts_chunk$merge(list(engine = 'python')), out = list(structure(list(src = '1 + 1'), class = 'source'), '2'))
engine_output = function(options, code, out, extra = NULL) {
if (missing(code) && is.list(out)) return(unlist(sew(out, options)))
if (!is.logical(options$echo)) code = code[options$echo]
if (length(code) != 1L) code = one_string(code)
if (options$engine == 'sas' && length(out) > 1L && !grepl('[[:alnum:]]', out[2]))
out = tail(out, -3L)
if (length(out) != 1L) out = one_string(out)
out = sub('([^\n]+)$', '\\1\n', out)
if (options$engine == 'stata') {
out = gsub('\n+running.*profile\\.do', '', out)
out = sub('\\.\\.\\.\n+', '', out)
out = sub('\n\\. \nend of do-file\n', '', out)
if (length(options$echo) > 1L || options$echo) knit_hooks$get('source')(code, options),
if (options$results != 'hide' && !is_blank(out)) {
if (options$engine == 'highlight') out else sew.character(out, options)
## command-line tools
eng_interpreted = function(options) {
engine = options$engine
code = if (engine %in% c('highlight', 'Rscript', 'sas', 'haskell', 'stata')) {
f = wd_tempfile(engine, switch(engine, sas = '.sas', Rscript = '.R', stata = '.do', '.txt'))
sas = "OPTIONS NONUMBER NODATE PAGESIZE = MAX FORMCHAR = '|----|+|---+=|-/<>*' FORMDLIM=' ';title;",
), options$code), f)
on.exit(unlink(f), add = TRUE)
haskell = paste('-e', shQuote(paste(':script', f))),
sas = {
logf = sub('[.]sas$', '.lst', f)
on.exit(unlink(c(logf, sub('[.]sas$', '.log', f))), add = TRUE)
stata = {
logf = sub('[.]do$', '.log', f)
on.exit(unlink(c(logf)), add = TRUE)
Windows = '/q /e do %s',
Darwin = paste('-q < %s >', shQuote(xfun::normalize_path(logf))),
Linux = '-q -e do %s',
'-q -b do %s'
), shQuote(normalizePath(f)))
} else paste(switch(
engine, bash = '-c', coffee = '-e', groovy = '-e', lein = 'exec -ep',
mysql = '-e', node = '-e', octave = '--eval', perl = '-E', php = '-r',
psql = '-c', python = '-c', ruby = '-e', scala = '-e', sh = '-c', zsh = '-c',
), shQuote(one_string(options$code)))
opts = get_engine_opts(options$engine.opts, engine)
# FIXME: for these engines, the correct order is options + code + file
code = if (engine %in% c('awk', 'gawk', 'sed', 'sas', 'psql', 'mysql'))
paste(code, opts) else paste(opts, code)
cmd = get_engine_path(options$engine.path, engine)
out = if (options$eval) {
if (options$message) message('running: ', cmd, ' ', code)
system2(cmd, code, stdout = TRUE, stderr = TRUE, env = options$engine.env),
error = function(e) {
if (!options$error) stop(e)
paste('Error in running command', cmd)
} else ''
# chunk option error=FALSE means we need to signal the error
if (!options$error && !is.null(attr(out, 'status'))) stop(one_string(out))
if (options$eval && engine %in% c('sas', 'stata') && file.exists(logf))
out = c(read_utf8(logf), out)
engine_output(options, options$code, out)
# options$engine.path can be list(name1 = path1, name2 = path2, ...); similarly,
# options$engine.opts can be list(name1 = opts1, ...)
get_engine_opts = function(opts, engine, fallback = '') {
if (is.list(opts)) opts = opts[[engine]]
opts %n% fallback
get_engine_path = function(path, engine, fallback = engine) {
get_engine_opts(path, engine, fallback)
# execute an arbitrary command (optionally with arguments)
# engine.opts = list(command, input, ext, clean, args, args1, args2)
eng_exec = function(options) {
opts = options$engine.opts
if (!is.character(cmd <- opts$command %n% options$command)) stop(
"The command of the 'exec' engine must be a character string."
cmd = get_engine_path(options$engine.path, options$engine, cmd)
input = function(code, file) {
write_utf8(code, file)
if (is.character(i0 <- opts$input))
opts$input = function(code, file) input(code, i0)
# turn all chunk options into function except 'command'
opts = list_fun(opts, setdiff(names(opts), 'command'))
# default options
opts2 = list(
ext = identity, input = input, args = function(code, file) {
}, clean = function(file) {
}, args1 = function() NULL, args2 = function() NULL,
output = function(options, code, output, file) {
engine_output(options, code, output)
opts = merge_list(opts2, opts)
cmd2 = basename(cmd) # in case command is a full path
ext = opts$ext(cmd2) # file extension
f = wd_tempfile(cmd2, paste0('.', ext))
if (is.function(opts$clean)) on.exit(opts$clean(f), add = TRUE)
f = opts$input(options$code, f)
a = c(opts$args1(), opts$args(options$code, f), opts$args2())
out = if (options$eval) {
if (options$message) message('running: ', paste(c(cmd, a), collapse = ' '))
f2 = wd_tempfile(cmd2) # capture stderr
on.exit(unlink(f2), add = TRUE)
res = (if (options$error) suppressWarnings else identity)(
system2(cmd, shQuote(a), stdout = TRUE, stderr = f2, env = options$engine.env)
# check error in the content run
if (!is.null(attr(res, 'status')) && file.exists(f2) && file.size(f2) > 0) {
e = readLines(f2) # f2 may not be UTF-8
if (!options$error) stop(one_string(e)) else e
} else {
}, error = function(e) {
# error in the command run
if (!options$error) stop(e)
paste('Error in running command', cmd)
} else ''
# chunk option error=FALSE means we need to signal the error
if (!options$error && !is.null(attr(out, 'status'))) stop(one_string(out))
options = set_lang(options, eng2lang(xfun::sans_ext(cmd2)))
opts$output(options, options$code, out, f)
# turn elements of a list into functions: if an element is not a function, make
# it a function that returns the non-function value
list_fun = function(x, which = names(x)) {
for (i in which) {
if (!is.function(v <- x[[i]])) x[[i]] = local({
# a trick to avoid R's lazy evaluation (make a copy of v)
v2 = v; function(...) v2
## C, C++, and Fortran (via R CMD SHLIB)
eng_shlib = function(options) {
n = switch(options$engine, c = 'c', cc = 'cc', fortran = 'f', fortran95 = 'f95')
f = wd_tempfile(n, paste0('.', n))
write_utf8(options$code, f)
on.exit(unlink(c(f, with_ext(f, c('o', 'so', 'dll')))), add = TRUE)
if (options$eval) {
out = system(paste('R CMD SHLIB', f), intern = TRUE)
dyn.load(sub(sprintf('[.]%s$', n), .Platform$dynlib.ext, f))
} else out = ''
engine_output(options, options$code, out)
## Python
eng_python = function(options) {
if (isFALSE(options$python.reticulate)) {
} else {
if (!loadable('reticulate')) warning2(
"The 'python' engine in knitr requires the reticulate package. ",
"If you do not want to use the reticulate package, set the chunk option ",
"python.reticulate = FALSE."
cache_eng_python = function(options) {
if (isFALSE(options$python.reticulate)) return()
# TODO: change this hack to reticulate::cache_eng_python(options) after
# https://github.com/rstudio/reticulate/pull/167 is merged and released
if (!'cache_eng_python' %in% ls(asNamespace('reticulate'))) return()
fun = getFromNamespace('cache_eng_python', 'reticulate')
## Java
# e.g. see http://cran.rstudio.com/package=jvmr
## Rcpp
eng_Rcpp = function(options) {
sourceCpp = getFromNamespace('sourceCpp', 'Rcpp')
code = one_string(options$code)
# engine.opts is a list of arguments to be passed to Rcpp function, e.g.
# engine.opts=list(plugin='RcppArmadillo')
opts = options$engine.opts
# use custom cacheDir for sourceCpp if it's supported
cache = options$cache && ('cacheDir' %in% names(formals(sourceCpp)))
if (cache) {
opts$cacheDir = paste(valid_path(options$cache.path, options$label), 'sourceCpp', sep = '_')
opts$cleanupCacheDir = TRUE
if (!is.environment(opts$env)) opts$env = knit_global() # default env is knit_global()
if (options$eval) {
message('Building shared library for Rcpp code chunk...')
do.call(sourceCpp, c(list(code = code), opts))
engine_output(options, code, '')
## Julia
eng_julia = function(options) {
## Stan
## Compiles Stan model in the code chunk, creates a stanmodel object,
## and assigns it to a variable with the name given in engine.opts$x.
eng_stan = function(options) {
code = one_string(options$code)
opts = options$engine.opts
## name of the modelfit object returned by stan_model
if (is.null(x <- options$output.var)) {
warning("the option engine.opts$x is deprecated; use the chunk option output.var instead")
x = opts$x
if (!is.character(x) || length(x) != 1L) stop(
"the chunk option output.var must be a character string ",
"providing a name for the returned `stanmodel` object."
opts$x = NULL
if (options$eval) {
message("Creating a 'stanmodel' object ", x)
do.call(getFromNamespace('stan_model', 'rstan'), c(list(model_code = code), opts)),
envir = knit_global()
engine_output(options, code, '')
## convert tikz string to PDF
eng_tikz = function(options) {
if (!options$eval) return(engine_output(options, options$code, ''))
lines = read_utf8(
options$engine.opts$template %n% system.file('misc', 'tikz2pdf.tex', package = 'knitr')
# add class options to template
lines = insert_template(
lines, '%% TIKZ_CLASSOPTION %%', options$engine.opts$classoption %n% 'tikz', TRUE
# insert code into preamble
lines = insert_template(
lines, '%% EXTRA_TIKZ_PREAMBLE_CODE %%', options$engine.opts$extra.preamble, TRUE
# insert tikz code into the tex template
s = insert_template(lines, '%% TIKZ_CODE %%', options$code)
write_utf8(s, texf <- wd_tempfile('tikz', '.tex'))
on.exit(unlink(texf), add = TRUE)
ext = dev2ext(options)
to_svg = ext == 'svg'
outf = if (to_svg) tinytex::latexmk(texf, 'latex') else tinytex::latexmk(texf)
fig = fig_path(if (to_svg) '.dvi' else '.pdf', options)
dir.create(dirname(fig), recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
file.rename(outf, fig)
fig2 = with_ext(fig, ext)
if (to_svg) {
# dvisvgm needs to be on the path
# dvisvgm for windows needs ghostscript bin dir on the path also
if (Sys.which('dvisvgm') == '') tinytex::tlmgr_install('dvisvgm')
if (system2('dvisvgm', c(
options$engine.opts$dvisvgm.opts, '-o', shQuote(fig2), fig
)) != 0) stop('Failed to compile ', fig, ' to ', fig2)
} else {
# convert to the desired output-format using magick
if (ext != 'pdf') magick::image_write(do.call(magick::image_convert, c(
list(magick::image_read_pdf(fig), ext), options$engine.opts$convert.opts
)), fig2)
fig = fig2
options$fig.num = 1L; options$fig.cur = 1L
extra = run_hook_plot(fig, options)
engine_output(options, options$code, '', extra)
## Commands that generate plots, e.g., GraphViz (dot), Asymptote, and Ditaa
eng_plot = function(options) {
options$command = cmd = options$engine
options$fig.ext = ext = dev2ext(options)
opts = list(
output = function(options, code, output, file) {
extra = if (options$eval) {
# move the generated plot (with a temp filename) to fig.path
f1 = with_ext(file, ext)
f2 = paste(fig_path(), ext, sep = '.')
file.rename(f1, f2)
options$fig.num = 1L; options$fig.cur = 1L
run_hook_plot(f2, options)
engine_output(options, code, '', extra)
# better default for ditaa: https://github.com/yihui/knitr/pull/2092
args1 = if (cmd == 'ditta') c('-s', 2, '-T', '-S', '-E'),
args = function(code, file) {
f2 = with_ext(file, ext)
if (cmd == 'ditaa') return(c(file, f2))
if (cmd %in% c('dot', 'asy')) {
c(file, c(dot = '-T', asy = '-f')[cmd], ext, '-o', f2)
options$engine.opts = merge_list(opts, options$engine.opts)
## Andre Simon's highlight
eng_highlight = function(options) {
# e.g. engine.opts can be '-S matlab -O latex'
if (is.null(options$engine.opts)) options$engine.opts = '-S text'
options$engine.opts[1L] = paste('-f', options$engine.opts[1L])
options$echo = FALSE; options$results = 'asis' # do not echo source code
res = eng_interpreted(options)
if (out_format('latex')) {
sub('(.*)\\\\\\\\(.*)', '\\1\\2', res)
} else res
## save the code
eng_cat = function(options) {
cat2 = function(..., file = '', sep = '\n', lang = NULL) {
# do not write to stdout like the default behavior of cat()
if (!identical(file, '')) cat(..., file = file, sep = sep)
if (options$eval)
do.call(cat2, c(list(options$code), options$engine.opts))
options = set_lang(options, options$class.source)
if (is.null(options$lang)) return('')
engine_output(options, options$code, NULL)
## output the code without processing it
eng_asis = function(options) {
if (options$echo) one_string(options$code)
# write a block environment according to the output format
eng_block = function(options) {
if (isFALSE(options$echo)) return()
code = one_string(options$code)
to = pandoc_to()
is_pandoc = !is.null(to)
if (!is_pandoc) {
# not in R Markdown v2
to = out_format()
if (!(to %in% c('latex', 'html', 'markdown'))) to = NULL
if (is.null(to)) return(code)
if (to == 'beamer') to = 'latex'
if (is_html_output(to)) to = 'html'
type = options$type
if (is.null(type)) return(code)
# convert the chunk content to HTML or LaTeX (ideally I only need to specify
# the markdown extension, but it is not implemented yet for LaTeX:
# https://github.com/jgm/pandoc/issues/2453)
if (is_pandoc) code = pandoc_fragment(code, if (to == 'html') 'html4' else to)
l1 = options$latex.options
if (is.null(l1)) l1 = ''
h2 = options$html.tag %n% 'div'
h3 = options$html.before %n% ''
h4 = options$html.after %n% ''
# e.g. type = c(latex = 'marginfigure', html = 'marginnote')
if (to %in% names(type)) type = type[to]
# block level tags? this is an incomplete list, but should work for most cases
if (to == 'html') if (h2 %in% c('div', 'p', 'blockquote')) {
code = paste0('\n', code, '\n')
} else {
code = gsub('<p>', '<span style="display: block;">', code)
code = gsub('</p>', '</span>', code)
latex = sprintf('\\begin{%s}%s\n%s\n\\end{%s}', type, l1, code, type),
html = sprintf('%s<%s class="%s">%s</%s>%s', h3, h2, type, code, h2, h4),
eng_block2 = function(options) {
if (isFALSE(options$echo)) return()
code = one_string(options$code); type = options$type
if (is.null(type)) return(code)
if (is.null(pandoc_to())) stop('The engine "block2" is for R Markdown only')
l1 = options$latex.options
if (is.null(l1)) l1 = ''
# protect environment options because Pandoc may escape the characters like
# {}; when encoded in integers, they won't be escaped, but will need to
# restore them later; see bookdown:::restore_block2
if (l1 != '') l1 = paste(
c('\\iffalse{', utf8ToInt(enc2utf8(l1)), '}\\fi{}'), collapse = '-'
h2 = options$html.tag %n% 'div'
h3 = options$html.before %n% ''
h4 = options$html.after %n% ''
h5 = options$html.before2 %n% ''
h6 = options$html.after2 %n% ''
if (is_latex_output()) {
h7 = h8 = '\n'
} else {
h7 = sprintf('<%s class="%s">', h2, type)
h8 = sprintf('</%s>', h2)
type, l1, h3, h7, h5, code, h6, h8, h4, type
# helper to create engines the wrap embedded html assets (e.g. css,js)
eng_html_asset = function(prefix, postfix) {
function(options) {
out = if (options$eval && is_html_output()) {
one_string(c(prefix, options$code, postfix))
options$results = 'asis'
engine_output(options, options$code, out)
# include js in a script tag (ignore if not html output)
eng_js = eng_html_asset('<script>', '</script>')
# include css in a style tag (ignore if not html output)
eng_css = eng_html_asset('<style type="text/css">', '</style>')
# perform basic sql parsing to determine if a sql query is an update query
is_sql_update_query = function(query) {
query = one_string(query)
# remove line comments
query = gsub('^\\s*--.*\n', '', query)
# remove multi-line comments
if (grepl('^\\s*\\/\\*.*', query)) query = gsub('.*\\*\\/', '', query)
grepl('^\\s*(INSERT|UPDATE|DELETE|CREATE|DROP|ALTER).*', query, ignore.case = TRUE)
# sql engine
eng_sql = function(options) {
# return chunk before interpolation eagerly to avoid connection option check
if (isFALSE(options$eval) && !isTRUE(options$sql.show_interpolated)) {
return(engine_output(options, options$code, ''))
# Return char vector of sql interpolation param names
varnames_from_sql = function(conn, sql) {
varPos = DBI::sqlParseVariables(conn, sql)
if (length(varPos$start) > 0) {
varNames = substring(sql, varPos$start, varPos$end)
sub('^\\?', '', varNames)
# Vectorized version of exists
mexists = function(x, env = knit_global(), inherits = TRUE) {
vapply(x, exists, logical(1), where = env, inherits = inherits)
# Interpolate a sql query based on the variables in an environment
interpolate_from_env = function(conn, sql, env = knit_global(), inherits = TRUE) {
names = unique(varnames_from_sql(conn, sql))
names_missing = names[!mexists(names, env, inherits)]
if (length(names_missing) > 0) {
stop("Object(s) not found: ", paste('"', names_missing, '"', collapse = ", "))
args = if (length(names) > 0) setNames(
mget(names, envir = env, inherits = inherits), names
do.call(DBI::sqlInterpolate, c(list(conn, sql), args))
# extract options
conn = options$connection
if (is.character(conn)) conn = get(conn, envir = knit_global())
if (is.null(conn)) stop2(
"The 'connection' option (DBI connection) is required for sql chunks."
varname = options$output.var
max.print = options$max.print %n% (opts_knit$get('sql.max.print') %n% 10)
if (is.na(max.print) || is.null(max.print))
max.print = -1
sql = one_string(options$code)
params = options$params
query = interpolate_from_env(conn, sql)
if (isFALSE(options$eval)) return(engine_output(options, query, ''))
data = tryCatch({
if (is_sql_update_query(query)) {
DBI::dbExecute(conn, query)
} else if (is.null(varname) && max.print > 0) {
# execute query -- when we are printing with an enforced max.print we
# use dbFetch so as to only pull down the required number of records
res = DBI::dbSendQuery(conn, query)
data = DBI::dbFetch(res, n = max.print)
} else {
if (length(params) == 0) {
DBI::dbGetQuery(conn, query)
} else {
# If params option is provided, parameters are not interplolated
DBI::dbGetQuery(conn, sql, params = params)
}, error = function(e) {
if (!options$error) stop(e)
if (inherits(data, "error"))
return(engine_output(options, query, one_string(data)))
# create output if needed (we have data and we aren't assigning it to a variable)
output = if (length(dim(data)) == 2 && ncol(data) > 0 && is.null(varname)) capture.output({
# apply max.print to data
display_data = if (max.print == -1) data else head(data, n = max.print)
# get custom sql print function
sql.print = opts_knit$get('sql.print')
# use kable for markdown
if (!is.null(sql.print)) {
options$results = 'asis'
} else if (out_format('markdown')) {
# we are going to output raw markdown so set results = 'asis'
options$results = 'asis'
# force left alignment if the first column is an incremental id column
is_id = function(x) {
is.numeric(x) && length(x) > 1 && !anyNA(x) && all(diff(x) == 1)
if (is_id(display_data[[1]])) display_data[[1]] = as.character(display_data[[1]])
# wrap html output in a div so special styling can be applied
add_div = is_html_output() && getOption('knitr.sql.html_div', TRUE)
if (add_div) cat('<div class="knitsql-table">\n')
# determine records caption
caption = options$tab.cap
if (is.null(caption)) {
rows = nrow(data)
rows_formatted = formatC(rows, format = "d", big.mark = ',')
caption = if (max.print == -1 || rows < max.print) {
paste(rows_formatted, "records")
} else {
paste("Displaying records 1 -", rows_formatted)
# disable caption
if (identical(caption, NA)) caption = NULL
# print using kable
print(kable(display_data, caption = caption))
# terminate div
if (add_div) cat("\n</div>\n")
# otherwise use tibble if it's available
} else if (loadable('tibble')) {
print(tibble::as_tibble(display_data), n = max.print)
} else print(display_data) # fallback to standard print
if (options$results == 'hide') output = NULL
# assign varname if requested
if (!is.null(varname)) assign(varname, data, envir = knit_global())
# reset query to pre-interpolated if not expanding
if (!isTRUE(options$sql.show_interpolated)) query <- options$code
# return output
engine_output(options, query, output)
# go engine, added by @hodgesds https://github.com/yihui/knitr/pull/1330
eng_go = function(options) {
f = wd_tempfile('code', '.go')
write_utf8(code <- options$code, f)
on.exit(unlink(f), add = TRUE)
cmd = get_engine_path(options$engine.path, options$engine)
fmt_args = sprintf('fmt %s', f)
system2(cmd, fmt_args, stdout = TRUE, stderr = TRUE, env = options$engine.env),
error = function(e) {
if (!options$error) stop(e)
run_args = sprintf(" run %s", f)
extra = if (options$eval) {
message('running: ', cmd, run_args)
system2(cmd, run_args, stdout = TRUE, stderr = TRUE, env = options$engine.env),
error = function(e) {
if (!options$error) stop(e)
'Error in executing go code'
if (options$results == 'hide') extra = NULL
engine_output(options, code, extra)
# SASS / SCSS engine (contributed via https://github.com/yihui/knitr/pull/1666)
# Converts SASS / SCSS -> CSS (with same treatments as CSS engine) using either:
# LibSass sass R package (https://github.com/rstudio/sass) when
# + the package is installed
# + engine.opts does not set package = FALSE (e.g. engine.opts = list(package = FALSE))
# + an explicit path to the executable is not provided through engine.path, or
# dart-sass standalone executable (https://sass-lang.com/install) otherwise
# CSS output is compressed by default but formatting can be set through style in engine.opts
# For the sass R package, valid styles are "compressed","expanded", "nested", and "compact"
# For the executable, valid styles are "compressed" and "expanded"
# Please refer to respective package / executable documentation for more details
eng_sxss = function(options) {
# early exit if evaluated output not requested
options$results = 'asis'
if (!options$eval) return(engine_output(options, options$code, ''))
# create temporary file with input code
f = wd_tempfile('code', paste0('.', options$engine))
xfun::write_utf8(options$code , f)
on.exit(unlink(f), add = TRUE)
# process provided engine options
package = options$engine.opts$package %n% TRUE
style = options$engine.opts$style %n% "compressed"
cmd = get_engine_path(options$engine.path, "sass")
use_package = loadable("sass") && package && cmd == "sass"
style = match.arg(style, c("compressed", "expanded", if (use_package) c("compact", "nested")))
# convert sass/sxss -> css
if (use_package) {
message("Converting with the R package sass")
sass_fun = options$engine.opts$sass_fun %n% sass::sass
out = tryCatch(
sass_fun(sass::sass_file(f), options = sass::sass_options(output_style = style)),
error = function(e) {
if (!options$error) stop(e)
warning2(paste('Error in converting to CSS using sass R package:', e, sep = "\n"))
# remove final newline chars from output
if (!is.null(out)) out = sub("\\n$", "", out)
} else {
message("Converting sass with ", cmd)
style = paste0("--style=", style)
# attempt execution of sass
out = tryCatch(
system2(cmd, args = c(f, style), stdout = TRUE, stderr = TRUE),
error = function(e) {
if (!options$error) stop2(e)
warning2(paste('Error in converting to CSS using executable:', e, sep = "\n"))
# handle execution errors (status codes)
if (!is.null(attr(out, 'status')) && !options$error) stop2(one_string(out))
# wrap final output for correct rendering
final_out = if (!is.null(out) && is_html_output(excludes = 'markdown')) {
one_string(c('<style type="text/css">', out, '</style>'))
engine_output(options, options$code, final_out)
eng_bslib = function(options) {
if (!loadable("bslib")) {
stop2("The 'bslib' package must be installed in order for the knitr engine 'bslib' to work.")
if (!is.null(options$engine.opts$sass_fun)) {
stop2("The 'bslib' knitr engine does not allow for customization of the Sass compilation function.")
func = sass::sass_partial
formals(func)$bundle = quote(bslib::bs_global_get())
options$engine.opts$sass_fun = func
# Target Markdown engine contributed by @wlandau
# Thread: https://github.com/ropensci/targets/issues/503
# Usage: https://books.ropensci.org/targets/markdown.html
# Docs: https://docs.ropensci.org/targets/reference/tar_engine_knitr.html
eng_targets = function(options) {
# an Eviews engine based on EviewsR
eng_eviews = function(options) {
# EviewsR can't be installed in lower versions of R, hence I can't declare
# Suggests dependency in DESCRIPTION
f = getFromNamespace('eng_eviews', 'EviewsR')
# a comment engine to return nothing
eng_comment = function(options) {}
# a verbatim engine that returns its chunk content verbatim
eng_verbatim = function(options) {
# change default for the cat engine
options$eval = FALSE
options = set_lang(options)
set_lang = function(options, default = 'default') {
# specify the lang name in engine.opts = list(lang = ), or lang/language,
# or class.source; if all are empty, use 'default'
if (is.null(options$lang)) options$lang = options$engine.opts$lang %n% default
# embed a file verbatim
eng_embed = function(options) {
# if `file` is empty, use `code` as the list of files
if (is.null(f <- options$file)) {
f = gsub('^["\']|["\']$', '', options$code) # in case paths are quoted
if (length(f) == 0) return()
options$code = xfun::read_all(f)
# use the filename extension as the default language name
if (nchar(lang <- file_ext(f[1])) > 1) {
lang = sub('^R', '', lang) # Rmd -> md, Rhtml -> html, etc.
if (lang == 'nw') lang = 'tex'
options = set_lang(options, tolower(lang))
# set engines for interpreted languages
for (i in c(
'awk', 'bash', 'coffee', 'gawk', 'groovy', 'haskell', 'lein', 'mysql',
'node', 'octave', 'perl', 'php', 'psql', 'Rscript', 'ruby', 'sas',
'scala', 'sed', 'sh', 'stata', 'zsh'
)) knit_engines$set(setNames(list(eng_interpreted), i))
# additional engines
asis = eng_asis,
asy = eng_plot,
block = eng_block,
block2 = eng_block2,
bslib = eng_bslib,
c = eng_shlib,
cat = eng_cat,
cc = eng_shlib,
comment = eng_comment,
css = eng_css,
ditaa = eng_plot,
dot = eng_plot,
embed = eng_embed,
eviews = eng_eviews,
exec = eng_exec,
fortran = eng_shlib,
fortran95 = eng_shlib,
go = eng_go,
highlight = eng_highlight,
js = eng_js,
julia = eng_julia,
python = eng_python,
R = eng_r,
Rcpp = eng_Rcpp,
sass = eng_sxss,
scss = eng_sxss,
sql = eng_sql,
stan = eng_stan,
targets = eng_targets,
tikz = eng_tikz,
verbatim = eng_verbatim
cache_engines$set(python = cache_eng_python)
get_engine = function(name) {
fun = knit_engines$get(name)
if (is.function(fun)) return(fun)
"Unknown language engine '", name,
"' (must be registered via knit_engines$set())."
function(options) {
engine_output(options, options$code, '')
cache_engine = function(options) {
cache_fun = cache_engines$get(options$engine)
if (!is.function(cache_fun)) return()
# possible values for engines (for auto-completion in RStudio)
opts_chunk_attr$engine = as.list(sort(c('R', names(knit_engines$get()))))
opts_chunk_attr[c('engine.path', 'engine.opts')] = list('character', 'character')
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.