
Defines functions phy.collapse.bins.data.frame phy.collapse.bins.phyloseq phy.collapse.bins get.phyloseq.from.melt get.otu.melt set.otu get.otu set.tax get.tax set.samp get.samp

# need this for get.otu.melt to work in package.
# This tells data.table that you as a package developer have designed your code to intentionally
# rely on data.table functionality even though it may not be obvious from inspecting your NAMESPACE file.
.datatable.aware = TRUE

# phyloseq manipulation ---------------------------------------------------

#' Extract Phyloseq sample_data
#' Returns [sample_data][phyloseq::sample_data-class] component from phyloseq object, as a data frame.
#' This basically is similar to the function [phyloseq::sample_data()], but does a few extra things.
#' 1. Converts to a data frame
#' 2. The sample name is stored in a column called `sample`. ([`phyloseq`][`phyloseq::phyloseq-class`] normally stores as a row name)
#' 3. Calculates number of sequences and alpha diversity metrics, if desired.
#' This function is the opposite of [set.samp()], which converts the data frame back into a [sample_data][phyloseq::sample_data-class].
#' Note that if the [`phyloseq`][`phyloseq::phyloseq-class`] object does not contain [sample_data][phyloseq::sample_data-class], a data frame containing a single column, `sample`, is returned.
#' @param phy phyloseq object containing [sample_data][phyloseq::sample_data-class]
#' @param stats logical, whether or not to include summary statistics of samples. Stores `nseqs`, and diversity metrics.
#' @param measures diversity measures to calculate, if stats is `TRUE.` Default: `c("Observed","InvSimpson","Shannon")`
#' @return Data frame containing [sample_data][phyloseq::sample_data-class] data.
#' @examples
#' get.samp(cid.phy)
#' @export
get.samp <- function(phy,stats=FALSE,measures=c("Observed","InvSimpson","Shannon")) {
  if (is.null(sample_data(phy,FALSE)) | is(phy,"otu_table")) {
    #if no sample_data, return single data frame with sample column
    sdata <- tibble(sample=phyloseq::sample_names(phy))
  } else {
    if ("sample" %in% phyloseq::sample_variables(phy)) {stop("YTError: phyloseq sample_data already contains the reserved variable name \"sample\"")}
    sdata <- phyloseq::sample_data(phy) %>% data.frame(stringsAsFactors=FALSE) %>% rownames_to_column("sample") %>% as_tibble()

  sdata.newcols <- tibble(nseqs=unname(phyloseq::sample_sums(phy)))
  if (stats) {
    stat.data <- phyloseq::estimate_richness(phy,measures=measures) %>% as_tibble()
    sdata.newcols <- cbind(sdata.newcols,stat.data)
  names.exist <- intersect(names(sdata.newcols),names(sdata))
  values.all.equal <- map_lgl(names.exist,~{
  names.exist.and.different <- names.exist[!values.all.equal]
  if (length(names.exist.and.different)>0) {
    warning("YTWarning: sample data contains columns which will be overwritten with values that look different: ",paste(names.exist.and.different,collapse=", "))
  sdata <- sdata %>% select(-all_of(names.exist)) %>% cbind(sdata.newcols) %>% as_tibble()

#' Convert data frame to phyloseq sample_data
#' Use this on data with sample info. The opposite of function get.samp. Make sure it contains variable "sample"
#' @param sdata Data frame to be converted back to [sample_data][phyloseq::sample_data-class]
#' @return formatted [sample_data][phyloseq::sample_data-class].
#' @export
set.samp <- function(sdata) {
  ss <- sdata %>% column_to_rownames("sample") %>%
    data.frame(stringsAsFactors=FALSE) %>% phyloseq::sample_data()

#' Extract Phyloseq tax_table
#' Creates data.frame from [tax_table][phyloseq::taxonomyTable-class], storing the rownames as variable "otu". The opposite of set.tax function.
#' @param phy phyloseq object containing tax_data
#' @return Dataframe containing tax data
#' @export
get.tax <- function(phy) {
  if (is.null(tax_table(phy,errorIfNULL = FALSE)) | is(phy,"otu_table")) {
    #if no tax_table, return single data frame with otu column
    tdata <- tibble(otu=phyloseq::taxa_names(phy))
  } else {
    tdata <- phyloseq::tax_table(phy) %>% data.frame(stringsAsFactors=FALSE) %>% rownames_to_column("otu") %>% as_tibble()

#' Convert data frame to phyloseq tax_table
#' Use this on data.frames with tax data. The opposite of get.tax function. Make sure it contains the variable "otu".
#' @param tdata dataframe to be converted back to [tax_table][phyloseq::taxonomyTable-class].
#' @return formatted [tax_table][phyloseq::taxonomyTable-class].
#' @export
set.tax <- function(tdata) {
  tt <- tdata %>% column_to_rownames("otu") %>%
    as.matrix() %>% phyloseq::tax_table()

#' Extract Phyloseq otu_table
#' Creates data.frame from otu_table, storing the rownames as variable "otu". The opposite of set.tax function.
#' @param phy phyloseq object containing otu_data
#' @param as.matrix if `TRUE`, return matrix (instead of data frame with otu as column)
#' @return Dataframe containing otu table
#' @export
get.otu <- function(phy,as.matrix=TRUE) {

  if (phyloseq::taxa_are_rows(phy)) {
    otu <- phyloseq::otu_table(phy) %>% as("matrix")
  } else {
    otu <- phyloseq::otu_table(phy) %>% t() %>% as("matrix")
  if (as.matrix) {
  } else {
    # otu.df <- otu %>% data.frame(stringsAsFactors=FALSE,check.names = FALSE) %>% rownames_to_column("otu") %>% as_tibble()
    otu.df <- otu %>% as_tibble(rownames="otu")

#' Convert OTU table to phyloseq otu_table
#' Use this on data.frames with tax data. The opposite of get.tax function. Make sure it contains the variable "otu".
#' @param odata otu table (matrix or dataframe with 'otu' column) to be converted back to otu_table.
#' @return formatted [tax_table][phyloseq::taxonomyTable-class].
#' @export
set.otu <- function(odata,taxa_are_rows=TRUE) {
  if (is.data.frame(odata)) {
    if (!("otu" %in% colnames(odata))) {
      stop("YTError: got a data frame without 'otu' as a column!")
    odata <- odata %>% column_to_rownames("otu") %>% as.matrix()
  odata %>% phyloseq::otu_table(taxa_are_rows=taxa_are_rows)

#' Convert Phyloseq to Melted OTU x Sample Data
#' Creates OTU+Sample-level data, using phyloseq object (ID=otu+sample)
#' Essentially gives back the OTU table, in melted form, such that each row represents a certain OTU for a certain sample.
#' Adds sample and taxonomy table data as columns. Uses the following reserved varnames: otu, sample, numseqs, pctseqs.
#' Note that phyloseq has a similar function, [phyloseq::psmelt()], but that takes longer.
#' The `get.otu.melt()` now works by performing operations via data table, making it about 30x faster than before.
#' @param phy phyloseq object containing sample data
#' @param filter.zero Logical, whether or not to remove zero abundances. Default `TRUE`.
#' @param tax_data Logical, whether or not to join with `tax_data`. Default `TRUE`.
#' @param sample_data Logical, whether or not to join with [sample_data][phyloseq::sample_data-class]. Default `TRUE`.
#' @return Data frame melted OTU data
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(phyloseq)
#' get.otu.melt(cid.phy)
get.otu.melt <- function(phy,filter.zero=TRUE,sample_data=TRUE,tax_data=TRUE) {
  # supports "naked" otu_table as `phy` input.
  otutab = as(phyloseq::otu_table(phy), "matrix")
  if (!phyloseq::taxa_are_rows(phy)) {
    otutab <- t(otutab)
  if (filter.zero) {
    otutab[otutab==0] <- NA_real_
  otudt = data.table::data.table(otutab, keep.rownames = TRUE)
  data.table::setnames(otudt, "rn", "otu")
  # Enforce character otu key
  # note that .datatable.aware = TRUE needs to be set for this to work well.
  otudt[, otuchar:=as.character(otu)]
  otudt[, otu := NULL]
  data.table::setnames(otudt, "otuchar", "otu")
  # Melt count table
  mdt = data.table::melt.data.table(otudt, id.vars = "otu", variable.name = "sample", variable.factor=FALSE, value.name = "numseqs", na.rm = filter.zero)
  # if (filter.zero) {
  #   # Remove zeroes, NAs
  #   mdt <- mdt[numseqs > 0][!is.na(numseqs)]
  # } else {
  #   mdt <- mdt[!is.na(numseqs)]
  # }
  # Calculate relative abundance
  mdt[, pctseqs := numseqs / sum(numseqs), by = sample]
  if(tax_data & !is.null(phyloseq::tax_table(phy, errorIfNULL=FALSE))) {
    # If there is a tax_table, join with it. Otherwise, skip this join.
    taxdt = data.table::data.table(as(phyloseq::tax_table(phy, errorIfNULL = TRUE), "matrix"), keep.rownames = TRUE)
    data.table::setnames(taxdt, "rn", "otu")
    # Enforce character otu key
    taxdt[, otuchar := as.character(otu)]
    taxdt[, otu := NULL]
    data.table::setnames(taxdt, "otuchar", "otu")
    # Join with tax table
    data.table::setkey(taxdt, "otu")
    data.table::setkey(mdt, "otu")
    mdt <- taxdt[mdt]
  if (sample_data & !is.null(phyloseq::sample_data(phy, errorIfNULL = FALSE))) {
    # If there is a sample_data, join with it.
    sampledt = data.table::data.table(as(phyloseq::sample_data(phy, errorIfNULL = TRUE), "data.frame"),keep.rownames=TRUE)
    data.table::setnames(sampledt, "rn", "sample")
    # Enforce character sample key
    sampledt[, samplechar := as.character(sample)]
    sampledt[, sample := NULL]
    data.table::setnames(sampledt, "samplechar", "sample")
    # Join with tax table
    data.table::setkey(sampledt, "sample")
    data.table::setkey(mdt, "sample")
    mdt <- sampledt[mdt]
  mdt <- mdt %>% as_tibble() %>% select(sample,otu,everything())

#' Convert melted OTU table to phyloseq object
#' @param otu.melt table of taxa x sample abundances, similar to output of `get.otu.melt`
#' @param sample_id sample ID variable. Default `"sample"`.
#' @param taxa_id taxa/OTU ID variable. Default `"otu"`.
#' @param abundance_var abundance variable, used to fill [phyloseq::otu_table()]. Default `"numseqs"`.
#' @param tax_ranks vector of taxonomic ranks to be included in [tax_table][phyloseq::taxonomyTable-class].
#' Default `TRUE` (include tax vars, and try to determine which ones)
#' `FALSE` no tax vars, or a character vector specifying col names to be included.
#' @param sample_vars whether to include sample variables in the data.
#' Can be `TRUE` (include sample vars, and try to determine which ones),
#' `FALSE` no sample vars, or a character vector specifying col names to be included.
#' @return phyloseq object, generated from the `otu.melt` data.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(phyloseq)
#' phy <- cid.phy
#' ranks <- rank_names(phy)
#' otu <- get.otu.melt(cid.phy)
#' phy2 <- get.phyloseq.from.melt(otu,taxranks=ranks)
#' phy
#' phy2
get.phyloseq.from.melt <- function(otu.melt,
                                   sample_id="sample",abundance_var="numseqs",taxa_id="otu") {
  # declare.args(otu.melt=get.otu.melt(cid.phy), tax_ranks=rank_names(cid.phy), get.phyloseq.from.melt)
  rows.are.distinct <- is.distinct(otu.melt, !!sym(taxa_id), !!sym(sample_id))
  if (!rows.are.distinct) {
    stop(str_glue("YTError: rows are not distinct across (sample_id x taxa_id)!"))
  otu <- otu.melt %>%
              numseqs=!!sym(abundance_var)) %>%
  phy <- set.otu(otu)

  # browser()
  if (isTRUE(tax_ranks)) { #logical and true
    # determine tax vars
    message("Attempting to determine tax vars...\n")
    if (is.character(sample_vars)) {
      svars <- sample_vars
    } else {
      svars <- NULL
    vars.to.check <- names(otu.melt)[map_lgl(otu.melt,~is.character(.x) | is.factor(.x))] %>%

    distinct_tax_vars <- otu.melt %>%
      test_if_nonvarying_by_group(id_vars=all_of(taxa_id),test_vars=all_of(vars.to.check)) %>%
      {names(.)[.]} %>% setdiff(taxa_id)
    tax_ranks <- distinct_tax_vars
  } else if (isFALSE(tax_ranks) | is.null(tax_ranks))  {
    #no sample variables
    tax_ranks <- NULL
  } else if (is.character(tax_ranks)) {
    # sample_vars are specified do nothing
    tax_ranks <- setdiff(tax_ranks,taxa_id)
  } else {
    stop("YTError: sample_vars should be a character or logical!")

  if (isTRUE(sample_vars)) { #logical and true
    # determine sample  vars
    message("Attempting to determine sample vars...\n")
    vars.to.check <-setdiff(names(otu.melt),c(taxa_id,sample_id,tax_ranks,abundance_var))
    distinct_sample_vars <- otu.melt %>%
      test_if_nonvarying_by_group(id_vars=all_of(sample_id),test_vars=all_of(vars.to.check)) %>%
      {names(.)[.]} %>% setdiff(sample_id)
    sample_vars <- distinct_sample_vars
  } else if (isFALSE(sample_vars) | is.null(sample_vars))  {
    #no sample variables
    sample_vars <- NULL
  } else if (is.character(sample_vars)) {
    # sample_vars are specified do nothing
    sample_vars <- setdiff(sample_vars,sample_id)
  } else {
    stop("YTError: sample_vars should be a character or logical!")
  if (length(tax_ranks)>0) {
    tax <- otu.melt %>% select(otu=!!sym(taxa_id),!!!syms(tax_ranks)) %>% distinct()
    if (anyDuplicated(tax$otu)!=0) {stop("YTError: tax_ranks are not distinct over taxa_id!")}
    phy <- merge_phyloseq(phy,set.tax(tax))

  if (length(sample_vars)>0) {
    samp <- otu.melt %>% select(sample=!!sym(sample_id),!!!syms(sample_vars)) %>% distinct()
    if (anyDuplicated(samp$sample)!=0) {stop("YTError: sample vars are not distinct over sample!")}
    phy <- merge_phyloseq(phy,set.samp(samp))

  leftover.vars <- setdiff(names(otu.melt),c(abundance_var,sample_id,taxa_id,tax_ranks,sample_vars))
  message(str_glue("sample vars: [{sample_id}]; {paste(sample_vars,collapse=\", \")}"))
  message(str_glue("tax vars: [{taxa_id}]; {paste(tax_ranks,collapse=\", \")}"))
  message(str_glue("abundance var: [{abundance_var}]"))
  if (length(leftover.vars)>0) {
    message(str_glue("(vars not used: {paste(leftover.vars,collapse=\", \")})"))

#' Calculate Abundance from Phyloseq
#' Given a [`phyloseq`][`phyloseq::phyloseq-class`], calculate relative abundance for each sample.
#' `get.abundance` returns data frame with values, `add.abundance` returns phyloseq with values stored in `sample_data`
#' @param phy [`phyloseq`][`phyloseq::phyloseq-class`] object to be analyzed
#' @param ... one or more named taxonomic expressions defining the abundances to be calculated.
#' The expression should use variables from  `tax_table()` and evaluate to logical, to indicate which taxa are to be counted.
#' @param denom an expression specifying the denominator.
#' If there is no denominator, use `denom=NULL` (the default)
#' To calculate relative abundance, use `denom=TRUE`.
#' @return a data frame containing sample identifier and abundance columns
#' @examples
#' library(phyloseq)
#' get.abundance(cid.phy,
#'               entero.nseqs=Genus=="Enterococcus",
#'               proteo.nseqs=Phylum=="Proteobacteria",
#'               denom=TRUE)
#' get.abundance(cid.phy,
#'               entero.pct=Genus=="Enterococcus",
#'               proteo.pct=Phylum=="Proteobacteria",
#'               denom=TRUE)
#' get.abundance(cid.phy,
#'               bact.firm.ratio=Phylum=="Bacteroidetes",
#'               denom=Phylum=="Firmicutes")
#' @export
get.abundance <- function(phy, ..., denom=NULL) {
  vars <- quos(...)
  altnames <- vars %>% map_chr(~paste0("abundance_",as_label(.x))) %>% make.names(unique=TRUE)
  varnames <- names(vars) %>% na_if("") %>% coalesce(altnames)
  denom <- enquo(denom)

  t <- get.tax(phy)
  # otu <- otu_table(phy,taxa_are_rows=FALSE)
  otu <- get.otu(phy)
  if (quo_is_null(denom)) {
    denominator <- 1
  } else {
    select.otus.denom <- t %>% mutate(.dcriteria=!!denom,
                                      .dcriteria=!is.na(.dcriteria) & .dcriteria) %>% pull(.dcriteria)
    denominator <- otu[select.otus.denom,,drop=FALSE] %>% apply(2,sum)
    n.zero.denoms <- sum(denominator==0)
    if (n.zero.denoms>0) {
      warning("YTWarning: ",n.zero.denoms," samples have denominator of zero (may get NaN or Inf values).")
  s <- tibble(sample=sample_names(phy))
  for (i in 1:length(vars)) {
    var <- vars[[i]]
    varname <- varnames[i]
    select.otus <- t %>% mutate(.criteria=!!var,
                                .criteria=!is.na(.criteria) & .criteria) %>% pull(.criteria)
    tax.sums <- otu[select.otus,,drop=FALSE] %>% apply(2,sum)
    abundance <- tax.sums / denominator
    s <- s %>% mutate(!!varname:=unname(abundance))

#' @rdname get.abundance
#' @export
add.abundance <- function(phy, ... , denom=NULL) {
  quolist <- quos(...)
  denom <- enquo(denom)
  s <- get.abundance(phy, !!!quolist,denom=!!denom)
  sample_data(phy) <- get.samp(phy) %>% inner_join_replace(s,by="sample") %>% set.samp()

# internal, used for dplyr phyloseq commands
eval_phyloseq_expr <- function(expr,phy,error=TRUE) {
  # eval.phyloseq.expr <- function(expr) {
  expr_label <- as_label(expr)
  vars.used <- all.vars(expr)
  samp.vars <- c(sample_variables(phy),"sample")
  taxa.vars <- c(rank_names(phy),"otu")
  has.samp.vars <- any(vars.used %in% samp.vars)
  has.taxa.vars <- any(vars.used %in% taxa.vars)
  if (has.samp.vars && has.taxa.vars) {
    if (error) {
      stop(str_glue("YTError: confusing expression with vars in both tax_table and sample_data: {expr_label}"))
    } else {
  if (!has.samp.vars && !has.taxa.vars) {
    if (error) {
      warning(str_glue("YTWarning: confusing expression with no vars in tax_table or sample_data: {expr_label} (will perform on sample_data)"))
      return(TRUE) # do taxa
    } else {
  if (has.samp.vars && !has.taxa.vars) {
    return(TRUE) # do samp
  if (!has.samp.vars && has.taxa.vars) {
    return(FALSE) # do taxa

# internal, Convert list of quosures to a label
get_quolist_label <- function(quolist) {
  qnames <- names(quolist)
  qvalues <- quolist %>% map_chr(as_label)
  lbl <- ifelse(qnames=="",qvalues,paste(qnames,"=",qvalues)) %>%
    paste(collapse=", ")

#' Mutate/Filter/Select for phyloseq object
#' Manipulate `phyloseq` object using `dplyr`-style commands.
#' Operations can be performed on either `sample_data` or `tax_table`,
#' and will automatically determine which one to modify (and will warn/error if it can't tell)
#' In these functions, each expression's variables are evaluated, to see if they should be done in `sample_data` or `tax_table`.
#' If an expression contains variables belonging to both, it will complain and raise an error.
#' If an expression does not contain variables that can be ascribed, it will raise a warning, and run the expression on `sample_data`.
#' Note that `mutate` and `filter` evaluates each expression in `...` separately, and `select` will evaluate `...` as a whole.
#' @param phy phylseq object to be modified
#' @param ... expressions to be performed in `mutate`/`filter`/`select`.
#' @param verbose whether or not to display info (default `FALSE`)
#' @rdname mutate.phyloseq
#' @export
#' @examples
#' cid.phy %>%
#'   mutate(sample_id=paste("Sample",Patient_ID),
#'          genus=paste(Genus,"(Genus)")) %>%
#'   filter(nseqs<1500,
#'          Consistency=="liquid") %>%
#'   select(-taxon,-Genus)
mutate.phyloseq <- function(phy, ..., verbose=FALSE) {
  commands <- quos(...)
  is.sample.command <- map_lgl(commands,~eval_phyloseq_expr(.x,phy))
  for (i in seq_along(commands)) {
    expr <- commands[i]
    use.samp <- is.sample.command[i]
    if (use.samp) {
      phy <- phy %>% mutate_sample_data(!!!expr,verbose=verbose)
    } else {
      phy <- phy %>% mutate_tax_table(!!!expr,verbose=verbose)
#' @rdname mutate.phyloseq
#' @export
mutate_sample_data <- function(phy, ..., verbose = FALSE) {
  samp <- get.samp(phy) %>% mutate(...)
  if (verbose) {
    lbl <- get_quolist_label(quos(...))
    cli_text(col_blue("mutate (sample_data)"),": {lbl}")
  if (!identical(sample_names(phy),samp$sample)) {
    cli_text("Note, sample_names() were altered")
    sample_names(phy) <- samp$sample
  sample_data(phy) <- samp %>% set.samp()
#' @rdname mutate.phyloseq
#' @export
mutate_tax_table <- function(phy, ..., verbose = FALSE) {
  if (verbose) {
    lbl <- get_quolist_label(quos(...))
    cli_text(col_blue("mutate (tax_table)"),": {lbl}")
  tax <- get.tax(phy) %>% mutate(...)
  if (!identical(taxa_names(phy),tax$otu)) {
    cli_text("Note, taxa_names() were altered")
    taxa_names(phy) <- tax$otu
  tax_table(phy) <- tax %>% set.tax()

#' @rdname mutate.phyloseq
#' @param prune_unused_taxa whether or not to remove unused taxa after sample filtering. Default is `TRUE`
#' @param prune_unused_samples whether or not to remove unused samples after taxa filtering. Default is `FALSE`
#' @export
filter.phyloseq <- function(phy, ..., prune_unused_taxa=TRUE,prune_unused_samples=FALSE,verbose=FALSE) {
  criteria <- quos(...)
  is.sample.criteria <- map_lgl(criteria,~eval_phyloseq_expr(.x,phy))
  for (i in seq_along(criteria)) {
    expr <- criteria[i]
    use.samp <- is.sample.criteria[i]
    if (use.samp) {
      phy <- phy %>% filter_sample_data(!!!expr,verbose=verbose,prune_unused_taxa=prune_unused_taxa)
    } else {
      phy <- phy %>% filter_tax_table(!!!expr,verbose=verbose,prune_unused_samples=prune_unused_samples)
#' @rdname mutate.phyloseq
#' @export
filter_sample_data <- function(phy, ..., prune_unused_taxa=TRUE, verbose=FALSE) {
  ssub <- phy %>% get.samp() %>% filter(...)
  n.samps.old <- nsamples(phy)
  n.samps.new <- nrow(ssub)
  if (verbose) {
    lbl <- get_quolist_label(quos(...))
    cli::cli_text(col_blue("filter (sample_data)")," ({n.samps.old} to {n.samps.new} sample{?s}): {lbl}")
  phy <- prune_samples(ssub$sample,phy)
  if (prune_unused_taxa) {
    phy <- phy %>% prune_unused_taxa(verbose=verbose)

#' @rdname mutate.phyloseq
#' @export
filter_tax_table <- function(phy, ..., prune_unused_samples=FALSE, verbose=FALSE) {
  tsub <- phy %>% get.tax() %>% filter(...)
  n.taxa.old <- ntaxa(phy)
  n.taxa.new <- nrow(tsub)
  if (verbose) {
    lbl <- get_quolist_label(quos(...))
    cli::cli_text(col_blue("filter (tax_table)")," ({n.taxa.old} to {n.taxa.new}) taxa: {lbl}")
  phy <- prune_taxa(tsub$otu,phy)
  if (prune_unused_samples) {
    cli_text("Removing unused samples...")
    phy <- phy %>% prune_samples(sample_sums(.)>0,.)

#' @rdname mutate.phyloseq
#' @export
select.phyloseq <- function(phy, ..., verbose=FALSE) {
  # commands <- exprs(Sample_ID,day,taxon,starts_with("C"))
  commands <- quos(...)
  samp.vars <- c(sample_variables(phy),"sample")
  taxa.vars <- c(rank_names(phy),"otu")
  uses.sample.vars <- map_lgl(commands,~eval_phyloseq_expr(.x,phy,error=FALSE))
  if (length(uses.sample.vars)==0) {
    #zero selects
    stop("YTError: no select variables specified")
  has.tax <- any(!uses.sample.vars,na.rm=TRUE)
  has.samp <- any(uses.sample.vars,na.rm=TRUE)
  if (has.tax && !has.samp) {
    # tax
    phy <- phy %>% select_tax_table(..., verbose=verbose)
  } else if (has.samp && !has.tax) {
    # samp
    phy <- phy %>% select_sample_data(..., verbose=verbose)
  } else {
    # can't tell
    stop("YTError: confusing selection expression, I can't tell whether it refers to `tax_table` or `sample_data`")
#' @rdname mutate.phyloseq
#' @export
select_tax_table <- function(phy, ..., verbose=FALSE) {
  tax <- get.tax(phy)
  pos <- tidyselect::eval_select(expr(c(...)),tax)
  if (!("otu" %in% names(pos))) {
    otu.pos <- tidyselect::eval_select(expr(otu),tax)
    pos <- c(pos,otu.pos)
  newtax <- set_names(tax[pos], names(pos))
  if (verbose) {
    lbl <- get_quolist_label(quos(...))
    cli_text(col_blue("select (tax_table)"),": {lbl}",col_grey(" ({ncol(tax)-1} to {ncol(newtax)-1} tax column{?s})"))
  tax_table(phy) <- newtax %>% set.tax()
#' @rdname mutate.phyloseq
#' @export
select_sample_data <- function(phy, ..., verbose=FALSE) {
  samp <- get.samp(phy)
  pos <- tidyselect::eval_select(expr(c(...)),samp)
  if (!("sample" %in% names(pos))) {
    sample.pos <- tidyselect::eval_select(expr(sample),samp)
    pos <- c(pos,sample.pos)
  newsamp <- set_names(samp[pos], names(pos))
  if (verbose) {
    lbl <- get_quolist_label(quos(...))
    cli_text(col_blue("select (sample_data)"),": {lbl}",col_grey(" ({ncol(samp)-1} to {ncol(newsamp)-1} sample column{?s})"))
  sample_data(phy) <- newsamp %>% set.samp()

#' Check if taxonomy levels are distinct.
#' @param data tax data to be tested. Can be a [`phyloseq`][`phyloseq::phyloseq-class`], tax table (from [get.tax()]), or otu-melt table (from [get.otu.melt()]).
#' @param taxranks character vector of tax levels to be tested.
#' @return logical indicating whether or not taxonomy levels are distinct.
#' @export
#' @examples
taxonomy_is_distinct <- function(data,taxranks=c("Superkingdom", "Phylum", "Class", "Order", "Family", "Genus", "Species")) {
  if (length(taxranks)<2) {
    stop("YTError: taxranks should be at least length 2")
  if (is(data,"phyloseq")) {
    data <- get.tax(data)
  data <- data %>% select(!!!syms(taxranks)) %>% distinct()

  full.taxonomy <- map_dfr(1:length(taxranks),~{
    lvl <- taxranks[.x]
    all.lvl <- taxranks[1:.x]
    data %>% select(!!!syms(all.lvl)) %>%
      distinct() %>%
  taxa.are.distinct <- anyDuplicated(full.taxonomy$taxon)==0

#' @rdname make_taxonomy_distinct
#' @export
make_taxonomy_distinct <- function(x,...) UseMethod("make_taxonomy_distinct")

#' Make taxonomy distinct
#' Modifies (if necessary) the data frame or [tax_table][phyloseq::taxonomyTable-class] of [`phyloseq`][`phyloseq::phyloseq-class`] object such that each rank level is a distinct identifier.
#' Sometimes there are two taxonomy naming issues that can cause issues or confusion:
#' 1. Two or more distinct taxonomies can have the same duplicate names at the lowest level, e.g. Genus=Ileibacterium can
#' either have Family=`"Erysipelotrichaceae" `or Family=`"Clostridiales Family XIII. Incertae Sedis"`.
#' 2. The same name is used for 2 different levels, e.g. `"Actinobacteria"` is both a Phylum and a Class
#' This will handle by adding `"#1", "#2", ...` to the name in the event of #1, and adds rank for #2.
#' @param phy [`phyloseq`][`phyloseq::phyloseq-class`] object
#' @return modified data frame or [`phyloseq`][`phyloseq::phyloseq-class`] object with corrected names.
#' @examples
#' @rdname make_taxonomy_distinct
#' @export
#' d.phy <- make_taxonomy_distinct(cid.phy)
#' get.tax(d.phy)
make_taxonomy_distinct.phyloseq <- function(phy,add.rank=FALSE) {
  tax <- get.tax(phy)
  ranks <- rank_names(phy)
  tax <- make_taxonomy_distinct.data.frame(tax,taxranks=ranks,add.rank=add.rank)
  tax_table(phy) <- tax %>% set.tax()

#' @param data data to be modified
#' @param taxranks vector of column names to be checked and modified.
#' @param add.rank logical, whether to add rank to taxon names: e.g. `Enterococcus` would be renamed to `Enterococcus (Genus)`. Default is `FALSE`
#' @rdname make_taxonomy_distinct
#' @export
make_taxonomy_distinct.data.frame <- function(data,taxranks=c("Superkingdom","Phylum","Class","Order","Family","Genus","Species"),
                                              add.rank=FALSE) {
  for (level in seq_along(taxranks)[-1]) {
    taxlevel <- taxranks[level]
    parentlevels <- taxranks[1:level-1]
    data <- data %>%
      group_by(!!sym(taxlevel)) %>%
                           paste0(!!sym(taxlevel)," #",parent.rank),
                           !!sym(taxlevel))) %>%
      select(-parentlevels,-parent.rank,-parents.ndistinct) %>%
    if (add.rank) {
      data <- data %>%
        mutate(!!taxlevel:=paste0(!!sym(taxlevel)," (",taxlevel,")"))

#' Collapse Phyloseq Into Taxonomy
#' In a [`phyloseq`][`phyloseq::phyloseq-class`] object, combine OTUs of the same taxonomic classification.
#' Similar to [phyloseq::tax_glom()], but with the following differences:
#' 1. it performs much faster,
#' 2. requires all tax levels to be specified (instead of assuming all ranks to the left of the tax-level)
#' 3. the new OTU names will specify old OTU names separated by `'|'`
#' @param phy A phylsoeq object.
#' @param taxranks tax levels to collapse by. Default is `c("Superkingdom","Phylum","Class","Order","Family","Genus","Species")`.
#' @param keep_otu whether to collapse otu. If `TRUE`, only levels will be removed.
#' @param short_taxa_names How to name the collapsed OTUs. If `TRUE`, use name of first OTU plus number of OTUs being collapsed. If `FALSE`, paste the OTU names together.
#' @return A [`phyloseq`][`phyloseq::phyloseq-class`] object with OTUs collapsed.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(phyloseq)
#' cid.phy.family <- phy.collapse(cid.phy,taxranks=c("Kingdom", "Phylum", "Class", "Order", "Family"))
#' cid.phy
#' cid.phy.family
phy.collapse <- function(phy,taxranks=rank_names(phy),keep_otu=FALSE,short_taxa_names=TRUE) {
  # declare.args(phy=cid.phy,phy.collapse)

  # phy=phy1;taxranks=c("Superkingdom","Phylum","Class","Order","Family","Genus","Species")
  if (keep_otu) {
    newphy <- phy
    tax_table(newphy) <- get.tax(newphy) %>% select(otu,!!!syms(taxranks)) %>% set.tax()
  otudt <- phyloseq::otu_table(phy) %>% as("matrix") %>% data.table::data.table()
  taxdt = as(phyloseq::tax_table(phy,errorIfNULL=TRUE),"matrix") %>% data.table::data.table() %>% .[,taxranks,with=FALSE]
  # indices_ <- taxdt %>% group_by(!!!taxranks) %>% group_indices()
  indices_ <- taxdt[, .group:=.GRP, by=taxranks]$.group
  taxdt[, .group := NULL]

  new.otudt <- otudt[,lapply(.SD,sum),by=indices_]
  new.taxdt <- taxdt[,lapply(.SD,first),by=indices_]
  otu.names <- data.table::data.table(otu=taxa_names(phy))
  otu.names <- otu.names[,lapply(.SD,function(x) {
    # x <- x[order(as.numeric(str_extract(x,"[0-9]+")))]
    if (short_taxa_names) {
    } else {
  }),by=indices_] %>% pull(otu)
  otu.rep <- data.table::data.table(otu=taxa_names(phy))
  otu.rep <- otu.rep[,lapply(.SD,function(x) {
    rep <- x[order(as.numeric(str_extract(x,"[0-9]+")))[1]]
  }),by=indices_] %>% .[["otu"]]
  new.otudt <- new.otudt[,"indices_":=NULL] %>% as.matrix()
  new.taxdt <- new.taxdt[,"indices_":=NULL] %>% as.matrix()
  row.names(new.otudt) <- otu.names
  row.names(new.taxdt) <- otu.names

  new.otu <- new.otudt %>% phyloseq::otu_table(taxa_are_rows=TRUE)
  new.tax <- new.taxdt %>% phyloseq::tax_table()
  samp <- phyloseq::sample_data(phy,errorIfNULL=FALSE)
  tree <- phyloseq::phy_tree(phy,errorIfNULL=FALSE)
  if (!is.null(tree)) {
    tree <- phyloseq::prune_taxa(otu.rep,tree)
    taxa_names(tree) <- unname(setNames(otu.names,otu.rep)[taxa_names(tree)])
  seqs <- phyloseq::refseq(phy,errorIfNULL=FALSE)
  if (!is.null(seqs)) {
    seqs <- phyloseq::prune_taxa(otu.rep,seqs)
    taxa_names(seqs) <- unname(setNames(otu.names,otu.rep)[taxa_names(seqs)])
  new.phy <- phyloseq::merge_phyloseq(new.otu,new.tax,samp,tree,seqs)

phy.collapse.base <- function(otudt, taxdt, taxranks, level,
                              criteria, fillin.levels, return.tax.assignments) {
  # declare.args(    otudt=get.otu.melt(cid.phy,sample_data=FALSE,tax_data=FALSE) %>% as.data.table(),    taxdt=get.tax(cid.phy) %>% as.data.table(),    taxranks=rank_names(cid.phy),    criteria=quo(max.pctseqs<=0.001 | pct.detectable<=0.005),    level=7,    fillin.levels=FALSE,    yingtools2:::phy.collapse.base)
  requireNamespace("data.table", quietly = TRUE)
  criteria <- enquo(criteria)
  otudt <- data.table::as.data.table(otudt)
  taxdt <- data.table::as.data.table(taxdt)
  nsamps <- data.table::uniqueN(otudt$sample)
  allranks <- c(taxranks, "strain")
  subscript <- function(x, i) {
    paste(x, i, sep = "_")
  taxdt <- taxdt[, `:=`(strain, otu)]
  allcalcs <- exprs(
    n.detectable = sum(numseqs > 0),
    pct.detectable = sum(numseqs > 0) / ..nsamps,
    mean.pctseqs = sum(pctseqs) / ..nsamps,
    median.pctseqs = median(c(pctseqs, rep(0, length.out = ..nsamps - .N))),
    max.pctseqs = max(pctseqs), min.pctseqs = fifelse(..nsamps == .N, min(pctseqs), 0),
    total.numseqs = sum(numseqs), max.numseqs = max(numseqs),
    min.numseqs = fifelse(..nsamps == .N, min(numseqs), 0),
    n.samps = ..nsamps
  # named vector, if an expression in allcalcs depends on another.
  depends <- allcalcs %>% imap(~ all.vars(.x) %>%
    intersect(names(allcalcs)) %>%
  # examine criteria and list items that are needed from allcalcs/depends.
  calcvars <- depends[all.vars(criteria)] %>%
    unname() %>%
  # the subset of allcalcs
  calcs <- allcalcs[names(allcalcs) %in% calcvars]
  make.tax <- function(ss, i) {
    by1 <- allranks
    by2 <- subscript(allranks, "new")
    collapse_var <- subscript("collapse", i)
    rank <- length(allranks) + 1 - i
    parent.groups <- by1[1:(rank - 1)]
    parent <- sym(parent.groups[length(parent.groups)])
    new.tax.var.exprs <- seq_along(by1) %>%
      setNames(by2) %>%
      map(~ {
        cur.rank <- sym(by1[.x])
        if (.x < rank) {
        } else if (.x == rank) {
          expr(ifelse(!!sym(collapse_var), paste("<miscellaneous>", !!parent), !!cur.rank))
        } else {
          expr(ifelse(!!sym(collapse_var), NA_character_, !!cur.rank))
    crank <- length(allranks) + 1 - i
    calcs <- c(calcs, exprs(current.level = crank))
    tt <- inject(
      [, .(!!!calcs), by = by1]
      [, `:=`((collapse_var), !!quo_squash(criteria))]
      [, `:=`(n.collapse = sum(!!sym(collapse_var)), nrows = .N), by = parent.groups]
      [, `:=`((collapse_var), !!sym(collapse_var) & (n.collapse > 1) & (!is.na(!!parent)))]
      [, `:=`(!!!new.tax.var.exprs)]
      [, c(collapse_var, by1, by2), with = FALSE]
  make.otu <- function(ss, tt, i) {
    by1 <- allranks
    by2 <- subscript(allranks, "new")
    ss %>%
      merge(tt, by = by1) %>%
      .[, .(pctseqs = sum(pctseqs), numseqs = sum(numseqs)), by = c("sample", by2)]
  ss <- taxdt %>% merge(otudt, by = "otu")
  taxmap.raw <- taxdt %>% data.table::setnames(old = allranks, new = subscript(allranks, 1))
  trace <- c()
  for (i in 1:level) {
    tt <- make.tax(ss, i)
    ss <- make.otu(ss, tt, i)
    by1 <- subscript(allranks, i)
    by2 <- subscript(allranks, i + 1)
    by.new <- subscript(allranks, "new")
    taxmap.raw <- tt %>%
      data.table::setnames(old = allranks, new = by1) %>%
      data.table::setnames(old = by.new, new = by2) %>%
      data.table::merge.data.table(taxmap.raw, all.y = TRUE, by = by1)
    trace <- c(trace, nrow(tt))
    ss <- ss %>% data.table::setnames(old = by.new, new = allranks)
  by.tax <- subscript(allranks, i + 1) %>%
    setNames(allranks) %>%
    map(~ expr(!!sym(.x)))
  taxmap <- inject(taxmap.raw[, .(otu, !!!by.tax)])
  if (return.tax.assignments) {
    oldvars <- subscript(allranks, 1)
    newvars <- subscript(allranks, i + 1)
    taxmap.summary <- taxmap.raw %>%
      mutate(new_taxonomy = paste(!!!syms(newvars), sep = "|"), old_taxonomy = paste(!!!syms(oldvars), sep = "|")) %>%
      group_by(new_taxonomy) %>%
      summarize(n.taxa = n(), old_taxonomy = paste(old_taxonomy, collapse = "\n"), .groups = "drop")
    message("Returning tax mapping summary.")
  new.tax.otu <- inject(data.table::merge.data.table(otudt, taxmap, all.x = TRUE, by = "otu")[, .(numseqs = sum(numseqs), pctseqs = sum(pctseqs)), by = c("sample", allranks)][, `:=`(otu, paste(!!!syms(allranks), sep = "|"))])
  if (fillin.levels) {
    for (i in seq_along(taxranks)[-1]) {
      var <- taxranks[i]
      allvars <- taxranks[i:1]
      inject(new.tax.otu[, `:=`((var), coalesce(!!!syms(allvars)))])
  new.tax <- new.tax.otu[, c("otu", taxranks), with = FALSE] %>% unique()
  new.otu <- new.tax.otu[, c("otu", "sample", "numseqs", "pctseqs"), with = FALSE]
  trace <- c(trace, nrow(new.tax)) %>% setNames(rev(allranks)[1:(level + 1)])
  message(str_glue("Evaluated across levels: {paste(names(trace),collapse=', ')} ({length(trace)-1} rounds)"))
  message(str_glue("Number of taxa: {paste(trace,collapse=' -> ')} (final number of taxa)"))
  list(tax = new.tax, otu = new.otu)

#' @rdname phy.collapse.bins
#' @export
phy.collapse.bins <- function(x,...) UseMethod("phy.collapse.bins")

#' Collapse phyloseq or otu.melt data into smaller tax bins
#' Collapse [`phyloseq`][`phyloseq::phyloseq-class`] object into smaller bins, using specified criteria based on the data.
#' Examines the data at each level (e.g. otu, Species, Genus, Family, and so on), and
#' collapses into its parent taxon if they meet specified criteria. Additionally, collapsing is performed only if
#' there are at least 2 or more taxa being combined, and only if the parent taxon is not `NA`.
#' The binning criteria can be defined multiple ways. These variables are available for criteria, for each taxon:
#'   * `n.detectable` number of samples where taxa abundance is above 0.
#'   * `pct.detectable` percent of samples where taxa abundance is above 0.
#'   * `mean.pctseqs` mean relative abundance for a taxon.
#'   * `median.pctseqs` median relative abundance for a taxon.
#'   * `max.pctseqs` highest relative abundance of sequences for a taxon (across all samples)
#'   * `min.pctseqs` lowest relative abundance of sequences for a taxon (across all samples)
#'   * `total.numseqs` total number of sequences for a taxon (across all samples)
#'   * `max.numseqs` highest number of sequences for a taxon (across all samples)
#'   * `min.numseqs` lowest number of sequences for a taxon (across all samples)
#'   * `n.samps` total number of samples (regardless of abundance)
#'   * `n.rows` total number of rows for a taxon
#'   * `current.level` current level being evaluated
#' @param phy [`phyloseq`][`phyloseq::phyloseq-class`] object to be collapsed
#' @param level number of tax levels to evaluate and collapse by, starting with `otu` and moving up. For instance, `level=4` means collapse at `otu`, `Species`, `Genus`, `Family`.
#' @param fillin.levels Whether or not to fill in `NA` values with the collapsed taxa name. Default is `FALSE`.
#' @param criteria an expression that evaluates to TRUE/FALSE, whether to collapse at a particular level. Create this using calculated stats for each taxa (see Details)
#' @return [`phyloseq`][`phyloseq::phyloseq-class`] object or data frame (depending on what was supplied), representing the data, after criteria-based taxonomic binning.
#' @examples
#' # original phyloseq
#' cid.phy
#' # after default binning
#' phy.collapse.bins(cid.phy)
#' # customized binning: for 4 levels (otu,taxon,Genus,Family),
#' # collapse taxon if mean relative abundance < 0.001,
#' # and if detectable in more than 2 samples.
#' phy.collapse.bins(cid.phy,
#'                   level = 4,
#'                   criteria = mean.pctseqs < 0.001 & n.detectable <= 2)
#' # customized binning: for 6 levels (otu,taxon,Genus,Family,Order,Class),
#' # collapse taxon if median relative abundance < 0.0005, and preserve Actinobacteria.
#' phy.collapse.bins(cid.phy,
#'                   level=6,
#'                   criteria = median.pctseqs < 0.0005 & Phylum!="Actinobacteria")
#' @rdname phy.collapse.bins
#' @export
phy.collapse.bins.phyloseq <- function(phy,
                                       criteria=max.pctseqs<=0.001 | pct.detectable<=0.005,
                                       return.tax.assignments=FALSE) {
  # phy=cid.phy;criteria <- quo(max.pctseqs<=0.001 | pct.detectable<=0.005);level=7;fillin.levels=FALSE
  # declare.args(phy=cid.phy,yingtools2:::phy.collapse.bins.phyloseq)
  criteria <- enquo(criteria)
  phy <- suppressMessages(prune_unused_taxa(phy))
  taxranks <- rank_names(phy)
  otudt <- get.otu.melt(phy,sample_data=FALSE,tax_data=FALSE) %>% data.table::as.data.table()
  taxdt <- get.tax(phy) %>% data.table::as.data.table()
  objset <- phy.collapse.base(otudt=otudt,taxdt=taxdt,taxranks=taxranks,level=level,
  if (return.tax.assignments) {
  new.tax <- objset$tax %>% as_tibble()
  new.otu <- objset$otu %>%
    data.table::dcast.data.table(formula=otu ~ sample,value.var="numseqs",fill=0) %>%
  # new.otu <- new.otu %>% as_tibble() %>% pivot_wider(id_cols=otu,names_from=sample,values_from=numseqs,values_fn = sum,values_fill=0)
  new.phy <- phyloseq(set.otu(new.otu),set.tax(new.tax),sample_data(phy,errorIfNULL=FALSE))

#' @param data data frame, formatted as [get.otu.melt()] data. Note, it must have columns `otu`, `sample`, `numseqs`, `pctseqs`, and all values in `taxranks`.
#' @param taxranks character vector of taxonomic ranks in `data`.
#' @param sample_vars whether to include sample variables in the data.
#' Can be `TRUE` (include sample vars, and try to determine which ones),
#' `FALSE` no sample vars, or a character vector specifying col names in `data` to be included.
#' @param sample_id name of sample column identifier. Default is `"sample"`.
#' @param taxa_id name of taxon column identifier. Default is `"otu"`.
#' @param abundance_var name of the abundance column, which is typically absolute abundance, but can be relative abundance. Default is `numseqs`.
#' @param return.tax.assignments return a table showing taxonomy re-assignments, in detail. Use this to understand what was collapsed. Default is `FALSE`.
#' @rdname phy.collapse.bins
#' @examples
#' # You can also enter the data in long form (rows=sample*taxa, such as that produced by get.otu.melt()).
#' otu <- get.otu.melt(cid.phy)
#' otu.bin <- phy.collapse.bins(otu,
#'                              taxranks = c("Kingdom", "Phylum", "Class", "Order", "Family", "Genus", "taxon"),
#'                              sample_vars = c("Sample_ID", "Patient_ID", "day", "day.old", "Consistency"),
#'                              level = 5,
#'                              criteria = mean.pctseqs < 0.001 & n.detectable <= 2)
#' n_distinct(otu$otu)
#' n_distinct(otu.bin$otu)
#' @export
phy.collapse.bins.data.frame <- function(data,
                                         criteria=max.pctseqs<=0.001 | pct.detectable<=0.005,
                                         return.tax.assignments=FALSE) {
  # declare.args(data=get.otu.melt(cid.phy), taxranks <- rank_names(cid.phy), criteria=quo(max.pctseqs<=0.001 | pct.detectable<=0.005), yingtools2:::phy.collapse.bins.data.frame)
  criteria <- enquo(criteria)
  sample_id <- ensym(sample_id)
  taxa_id <- ensym(taxa_id)
  abundance_var <- ensym(abundance_var)

  needvars <- c(taxa_id, sample_id, abundance_var, taxranks)
  if (!all(needvars %in% names(data))) {
    stop(str_glue("YTError: vars not found in data: {paste(setdiff(needvars,names(data)),collapse=',')}"))
  data <- data %>% rename(sample=!!sample_id,otu=!!taxa_id,numseqs=!!abundance_var)
  rows.are.distinct <- is.distinct(data,otu,sample)
  if (!rows.are.distinct) {
    stop(str_glue("YTError: rows are not distinct across (sample_id x taxa_id)!"))
  taxdt <- data %>% select(otu,!!!syms(taxranks)) %>% data.table::as.data.table() %>% unique()

  if (isTRUE(sample_vars)) { #logical and true
    message("Attempting to determine sample vars...\n")
    vars.to.check <- setdiff(names(data),c("otu","numseqs",taxranks))
    distinct_sample_vars <- data %>%
      test_if_nonvarying_by_group(id_vars=sample, test_vars=all_of(vars.to.check)) %>%
      {names(.)[.]} %>% setdiff("sample")
    sample_vars <- distinct_sample_vars
  } else if (isFALSE(sample_vars))  {
    #no sample variables
    sample_vars <- c()
  } else if (is.character(sample_vars)) {
    # sample_vars are specified do nothing
    sample_vars <- setdiff(sample_vars,"sample")
  } else {
    stop("YTError: sample_vars should be a character or logical!")
  # otudt <- data %>% select(otu,sample,numseqs,pctseqs) %>% data.table::as.data.table()
  otudt <- data %>% select(otu, sample, numseqs) %>%
    group_by(sample) %>%
    mutate(pctseqs=numseqs/sum(numseqs)) %>%
    ungroup() %>%
  # sampdt <- samp %>% data.table::as.data.table()
  objset <- phy.collapse.base(otudt=otudt,taxdt=taxdt,taxranks=taxranks,level=level,
  if (return.tax.assignments) {
  new.otudt <- objset$otu
  new.taxdt <- objset$tax
  new.dt <- new.otudt %>%
    data.table::merge.data.table(new.taxdt, by="otu",all.x = TRUE)
  if (length(sample_vars)>0) {
    sampdt <- data %>% select(sample,!!!syms(sample_vars)) %>% distinct() %>%
    if (anyDuplicated(sampdt$sample)>0) {
      stop("YTError: sample data with selected sample vars is not unique!")
    new.dt <- new.dt %>%
      data.table::merge.data.table(sampdt,by="sample",all.x = TRUE)
  new.data <- new.dt %>%
    as_tibble() %>%
  # new.data <- new.otu %>% left_join(new.tax,by="otu") %>% left_join(samp,by="sample") %>% rename(!!sym(taxa_id):=otu,!!sym(sample_id):=sample)

#' Transform phyloseq data to relative abundances
#' Convenience function that simply runs `phyloseq::transform_sample_counts(phy, function(x) x / sum(x) )`
#' @param phy phyloseq object to be transformed
#' @return phyloseq with relative abundances
#' @export
#' @examples
#' otu <- cid.phy %>%
#'   phy.calc.relative.abundance() %>%
#'   filter(Phylum=="Proteobacteria",
#'          Patient_ID=="318",prune_unused_taxa = F) %>%
#'   get.otu.melt()
#' ggplot(otu,aes(x=sample,y=numseqs,fill=otu,label=Genus)) +
#'   geom_taxonomy(width = 0.7, show.ribbon = TRUE)
phy.calc.relative.abundance <- function(phy) {
  phyloseq::transform_sample_counts(phy, function(x) x / sum(x) )

#' Prune Unused Taxa from a phyloseq object
#' In a [`phyloseq`][`phyloseq::phyloseq-class`] object, remove any taxa that are not used in the samples.
#' Consider using this after subsetting the samples.
#' @param phy [`phyloseq`][`phyloseq::phyloseq-class`] object
#' @return a [`phyloseq`][`phyloseq::phyloseq-class`] object, with empty taxa removed.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(phyloseq)
#' physub <- cid.phy %>%
#'   subset_samples(Patient_ID=="301")
#' physub.clean <- prune_unused_taxa(physub)
#' physub
#' physub.clean
prune_unused_taxa <- function(phy,verbose=FALSE) {
  keep <- taxa_sums(phy)>0
  if (verbose) {
    cli_text("Prune unused taxa: {length(keep)} to {sum(keep)} taxa")

# distance metric methods -------------------------------------------------

#' Convert Distance Matrix to Pairwise Distances
#' This is the inverse function of [get.dist()]
#' @param dist distance matrix to be converted
#' @param diag whether or not to include diagonal
#' @return data frame comtaining pairwise distances
#' @export
#' @examples
#' get.pairwise(dist(mtcars))
get.pairwise <- function(dist) {
  # mat <- as.matrix(dist,diag=TRUE)
  mat <- as.matrix(dist)

  rows <- rownames(mat)
  xy <- mat %>% as.data.frame() %>%
    rownames_to_column("sample1") %>%
    pivot_longer(cols=-sample1,names_to="sample2",values_to="dist") %>%
           sample2=factor(sample2,levels=rows)) %>%

#' Convert pairwise distance table to distance matrix
#' This is the inverse function of [get.pairwise()]
#' @param pw a data frame of pairwise distances.
#' @param sample1 column name (bare) of 1st sample column
#' @param sample2 column name (bare) of 2nd sample column
#' @param dist column name (bare) of distance column
#' @return corresponding distance matrix
#' @export
#' @examples
#' pw <- get.pairwise(dist(mtcars))
#' get.dist(pw)
get.dist <- function(pw,sample1=sample1,sample2=sample2,dist=dist) {
  sample1 <- enquo(sample1)
  sample2 <- enquo(sample2)
  dist <- enquo(dist)

  s1 <- pw %>% pull(!!sample1)
  s2 <- pw %>% pull(!!sample2)

  # check if pairwise dists are well-formed
  n.samps <- n_distinct(s1)
  has.all.pairwise.combos <- length(s1)==length(s2) &&
    setequal(s1,s2) &&
    anyDuplicated(select(pw,sample1,sample2))==0 &&
  if (!has.all.pairwise.combos) {
    stop("YTError: the sample1 and sample2 columns don't look like pairwise combinations")

  mat <- pw %>% pivot_wider(id_cols=!!sample2,names_from=!!sample1,values_from=!!dist) %>%
    column_to_rownames("sample2") %>%

#' View Distance Metric
#' Usethis to quicklyview a distance metric.
#' @param dist distance metric to be viewed
#' @param show.numbers whether or not to show values.
#' @return a ggplot of the distance matrix
#' @export
#' @examples
#' view.distance.matrix(dist(mtcars))
view.distance.matrix <- function(dist,show.numbers=FALSE) {
  pairwise <- get.pairwise(dist) %>%
  ggplot(pairwise,aes(x=sample1,y=sample2,label=pretty_number(dist),fill=dist)) +
    geom_tile(color="black") +
    {if (show.numbers) geom_text(color="yellow") else NULL} +
    expand_limits(fill=c(0,1)) +
    scale_x_discrete(position = "top") +

#' Perform taxonomic unfolding on phyloseq data
#' Taxonomic unfolding refers to converting all taxonomic levels into separate taxa rows in the OTU table.
#' Primarily used for making a distance metric more "taxonomy-aware".
#' Used by [calc.distance()] when `unfold=TRUE`.
#' Basically the operation runs [phy.collapse()] at each tax level of `phy`, then binds them all together
#' in a single OTU table with taxa features at every level.
#' Note that sample counts will be elevated and will no longer reflect the sequencing depth.
#' @param phy phyloseq to be unfolded
#' @param verbose whether or not to print progress
#' @return a modified phyloseq object
#' @export
#' @examples
phy.unfold.taxranks <- function(phy,verbose=TRUE) {
  # samp <- sample_data(phy)
  # phy <- phyloseq(otu_table(phy),tax_table(phy))
  # phy <- yingtools2:::make_taxonomy_distinct.phyloseq(phy,add.rank=TRUE)
  ranks <- rank_names(phy)
  # list of phyloseqs
  phy.levels <- ranks %>% seq_along() %>%
    map(~ranks[1:.x]) %>% map(~{
      phy_ <- phy.collapse(phy,taxranks=.x)
      t <- get.tax(phy_) %>%
      taxa_names(phy_) <- t$newotu
    }) %>%
    setNames(ranks) %>% c(list("asv"=phy))
  # all.levels <- names(phy.levels) # all ranks including 'asv'
  all.tax <- phy.levels %>% map(get.tax) %>% list_rbind()
  all.otu <- phy.levels %>% map(get.otu,as.matrix=FALSE) %>% list_rbind()
  if (anyDuplicated(all.tax$otu)!=0) {
    stop("YTError: There were duplicated taxa names when unfolding!")
  phy.unfold <- phyloseq(set.otu(all.otu),set.tax(all.tax),sample_data(phy))
  n.taxa <- phy.levels %>% map_int(ntaxa) %>% rev()
  n.taxa.text <- n.taxa %>% paste(collapse=" + ") %>% paste0(" = ",nrow(all.tax)," taxa")
  if (verbose) {
    message(str_glue("Created new unfolded phyloseq:\n{n.taxa.text}"))

#' Use phyloseq taxonomy table as phylo tree
#' Creates a tree from taxonomy (using [as.phylo.formula()]), and uses that as the phyloseq object's
#' [phyloseq::phy_tree()] element.
#' @param phy phyloseq object to be modified (should contain [phyloseq::tax_table()] element)
#' @param collapse.singles argument passed on to [as.phylo.formula()]. Default is `TRUE`. Note that this is necessary for
#' making sure number of nodes in the tree does not exceed number of tips; turns out to be a problem if you are using
#' this to calculate Unifrac distances in [calc.distance()]
#' @return a modified phyloseq object
#' @export
#' @examples
#' phy.use.tax.tree(cid.phy)
phy.use.tax.tree <- function(phy, collapse.singles=TRUE) {
  form <- as.formula(paste("~",paste(c(rank_names(phy),"otu"),collapse="/")))
  tax <- get.tax(phy)
  tax.tree <- as.phylo.formula2(form,data=tax,collapse.singles=collapse.singles)
  phy_tree(phy) <- tax.tree

#' Calculate distance matrix at all taxonomic levels and take weighted average
#' @param phy phyloseq data
#' @param method distance metric method. Passed to [calc.distance()]
#' @param weights vector of weights to be used when averaging distances.
#' A value should be provided for each taxonomic level, plus one for OTU-level.
#' Default (`NULL`) is higher levels are weighted higher, and top level is 0.
#' For example, for 8 levels (`Superkingdom`, `Phylum`, `Class`, `Order`, `Family`, `Genus`, `Species`, `otu`),
#' the weights would be `c(0,7,6,5,4,3,2,1)`
#' @param verbose whether or not to display progress info while calculating.
#' @return a distance matrix representing the averaged distances from `phy`
#' @export
#' @examples
calc.mean.distance <- function(phy,method,weights=NULL,verbose=TRUE) {
  # method="horn"
  # weights <- c(0,7,6,5,4,3,2,1)
  if (is.null(weights)) {
    weights <- c(0,length(rank_names(phy)):1)
  if (length(weights)!=length(rank_names(phy))+1) {
    stop("YTError: length of weights should be equal to number of ranks + 1!")
  phy <- phyloseq(otu_table(phy),tax_table(phy))
  ranks <- rank_names(phy)
  # list of phyloseqs
  phy.levels <- ranks %>% seq_along() %>%
    map(~ranks[1:.x]) %>% map(~phy.collapse(phy)) %>%
    setNames(ranks) %>% c(list("asv"=phy))
  all.levels <- names(phy.levels) # all ranks including 'asv'

  if (verbose) {
    weight.text <- str_glue("{all.levels}:{weights}",.sep="x") %>% paste(collapse=", ")
    message(str_glue("Weights to be assigned: {weight.text}"))
  # calculate the distance matrix (metric=method) for each level.
  # this is a list of distance matrices.
  if (is.character(method)) {
    dist.levels <- phy.levels %>% map(~distance(.x,method=method))
  } else if (is_function(method) | is_formula(method)) {
    fun <- as_mapper(method)
    dist.levels <- phy.levels %>% map(fun)
  # run get.pairwise() to get a list of pairwise distances.
  wts <- tibble(taxlevel=all.levels,weight=weights)
  pairwise.all <- dist.levels %>%
    map(get.pairwise) %>%
    list_rbind(names_to = "taxlevel") %>%
  pairwise.calcdist <- pairwise.all %>% group_by(sample1,sample2) %>%
  taxdist <- get.dist(pairwise.calcdist)

#' Calculate Distance
#' Calculates distance matrix from phyloseq object.
#' This is a modification of [phyloseq::distance()], where modifications to the data can be done, using arguments or prefixes in the method.
#' @param phy Phyloseq object from which to calculate the distance matrix
#' @param method Character string or `purrr`-style function corresponding to the type of distance to be calculated.
#' If character string, can be any of those listed in [phyloseq::distanceMethodList], where prefixes can be added to indicate additional operations.
#' @param rarefy if `TRUE`, will rarefy to even depth ([phyloseq::rarefy_even_depth()])
#' @param pct if `TRUE`, will substitute relative abundances (`phyloseq::transform_sample_counts(phy, function(x) x / sum(x) )`)
#' @param taxtree if `TRUE`, will substitute a taxonomy-based tree ([phy.use.tax.tree()])
#' @param unfold if `TRUE`, will perform unfolding operation on the taxonomy structure ([phy.unfold.taxranks()])
#' @param mean if `TRUE`, will calculate distance after collapsing at each taxonomic level and obtaining the weighted average ([calc.mean.distance()])
#' @param verbose Whether to display work messages. Default is `TRUE`
#' @return a computed distance matrix
#' @export
#' @examples
#' phy <- cid.phy %>% filter(sample %in% sample[1:5])
#' calc.distance(phy,"bray")
#' calc.distance(phy,"pct.bray")
#' calc.distance(phy,"bray",pct=TRUE)
#' calc.distance(phy,"horn")
#' calc.distance(phy,"horn",unfold=TRUE)
#' calc.distance(phy,"unfold.horn")
#' calc.distance(phy,"horn",mean=TRUE)
#' calc.distance(phy,"mean.horn")
#' calc.distance(phy,"unifrac")
#' calc.distance(phy,"unifrac",rarefy=TRUE)
#' calc.distance(phy,"unifrac",taxtree=TRUE,rarefy=TRUE)
#' calc.distance(phy,"rarefy.unifrac")
#' calc.distance(phy,"taxtree.pct.rarefy.unifrac")
#' calc.distance(phy,~distance(.x,"bray"))
#' calc.distance(phy,~distance(.x,"bray"),pct=TRUE)
#' calc.distance(phy,~phyloseq::UniFrac(.x))
calc.distance <- function(phy, method,
                           verbose=TRUE) {

  if (is.character(method)) {
    # method="taxtree.pct.horn"
    # method="horn"

    parts <- str_split_1(method,"\\.")
    prefix <- parts[-length(parts)]
    method <- parts[length(parts)]

    known.methods <- unlist(phyloseq::distanceMethodList)
    if (!(method %in% known.methods)) {
      stop(str_glue("YTError: unrecognized method: {method}"))
    known.prefixes <- c("rarefy","pct","taxtree","unfold","mean")
    unrecognized.prefix <- setdiff(prefix,known.prefixes)
    if (length(unrecognized.prefix)>0) {
      stop(str_glue("YTError: recognized prefixes: {paste(unrecognized.prefix,collapse=', ')}"))
    if (length(prefix)>0) {
      if ("rarefy" %in% prefix) {
        rarefy <- TRUE
      if ("pct" %in% prefix) {
        pct <- TRUE
      if ("taxtree" %in% prefix) {
        taxtree <- TRUE
      if ("unfold" %in% prefix) {
        unfold <- TRUE
      if ("mean" %in% prefix) {
        mean <- TRUE
  if (unfold & mean) {
    stop("YTError: args unfold and mean shouldn't both be TRUE")
  if (is.character(method) && method=="unifrac" && !rarefy) {
    warning("YTWarning: for unifrac, consider setting rarefy=TRUE")
  if (is.character(method) && method %in% c("bray","euclidean") && !pct) {
    warning("YTWarning: for {method}, consider using relative abundances (pct=TRUE)")
  if (rarefy) {
    phy <- rarefy_even_depth(phy)
  if (pct) {
    phy <- transform_sample_counts(phy, function(x) x / sum(x) )
  if (unfold) {
    phy <- phy.unfold.taxranks(phy,verbose=FALSE)
  if (taxtree) {
    phy <- phy.use.tax.tree(phy)
  if (verbose) {
    message(str_glue("calculating {as_label(method)} with settings:\nrarefy={rarefy}, pct={pct}, taxtree={taxtree}, unfold={unfold}, mean={mean}"))

  if (mean) {
    # recursively calls calc.distance
    dist <- calc.mean.distance(phy, method=~calc.distance(phy, method=method, rarefy=FALSE, pct=FALSE, taxtree=FALSE, unfold=FALSE, mean=FALSE, verbose=FALSE))
  } else {
    # calc distance
    if (is.character(method)) {
      dist <- distance(physeq=phy, method=method)
    } else if (is_function(method) | is_formula(method)) {
      fun <- as_mapper(method)
      dist <- fun(phy)

#' Calculate pairwise distances
#' For a given list of pairwise sample comparisons, calculate distance using [calc.distance()].
#' This is similar to running [calc.distance()], converting to pairwise form using [get.pairwise()].
#' However, this is useful if only a handful of pairwise comparisons are needed, and calculation of the entire distance matrix
#' would take too long. If that is the case, it will call [calc.distance()] for each individual comparison.
#' My testing suggests that individual pairwise calculation is about 130x slower. So if is the number of pairwise comparisons
#' is less than 1/130th of the size of the distance matrix, it will do individual calculation, otherwise it will calculate the whole matrix together.
#' @param sample1 1st vector of sample names to be compared
#' @param sample2 2nd vector of sample names to be compared
#' @param method distance metric method. Passed to [calc.distance()]
#' @param phy phyloseq object containing data for samples listed in `sample1` and `sample2`.
#' @param rarefy if `TRUE`, will rarefy to even depth ([phyloseq::rarefy_even_depth()])
#' @param pct if `TRUE`, will substitute relative abundances (`phyloseq::transform_sample_counts(phy, function(x) x / sum(x) )`)
#' @param taxtree if `TRUE`, will substitute a taxonomy-based tree ([phy.use.tax.tree()])
#' @param unfold if `TRUE`, will perform unfolding operation on the taxonomy structure ([phy.unfold.taxranks()])
#' @param mean if `TRUE`, will calculate distance after collapsing at each taxonomic level and obtaining the weighted average ([calc.mean.distance()])
#' @return a vector of calculated distances
#' @export
#' @examples
calc.pairwise <- function(sample1, sample2, method, phy,
                          mean=FALSE) {

  samps <- c(sample1,sample2) %>% as.character() %>% unique()
  nsamps <- length(samps)
  npairs <- length(sample1)
  pct.all.combos <- choose(nsamps,2) / npairs
  # assuming distance calc is ~130x faster than pairwise, determine fastest method.
  if (pct.all.combos>=130) {
    dist <- map2_dbl(sample1,sample2,~calc.pairwise(.x,.y,
  } else {
    # message("calculating via entire distance matrix")
    # do distance calcs
    physub <- prune_samples(samps,phy) %>% prune_unused_taxa(verbose = FALSE)
    dist1 <- calc.distance(physub,method=method,
    pw1 <- dist1 %>% get.pairwise()
    pw2 <- pw1 %>% select(sample1=sample2,sample2=sample1,dist) %>%
    pw <- bind_rows(pw1,pw2)
    t <- tibble(sample1=sample1,sample2=sample2) %>%


# stacked taxplot functions -----------------------------------------------

#' draw_key_polygon_close
#' Same as [ggplot2::draw_key_polygon()], but with zero gap width.
#' Used in [guide_gengrob.taxonomy()].
#' @export
draw_key_polygon_close <- function(data, params, size) {
  if (is.null(data$linewidth)) {
    data$linewidth <- 0.5
  lwd <- min(data$linewidth, min(size) / 4)
    # width = unit(1, "npc") - unit(lwd, "mm"),
    width = unit(1, "npc"),
    height = unit(1,"npc") - unit(lwd, "mm"),
    gp = gpar(col = data$colour %||% NA,
              fill = alpha(data$fill %||% "grey20", data$alpha),
              lty = data$linetype %||% 1,
              lwd = lwd * .pt,
              linejoin = params$linejoin %||% "mitre",
              lineend = params$lineend %||% "butt"))

#' Stacked Taxonomy Bar
#' Creates stacked taxonomy barplots.
#' This geom is similar to [ggplot::geom_col()], where you can draw stacked barplots.
#' However there are a few additional capabilities:
#' 1. You can specify the aesthetic `label` to write text labels inside the bars.
#' The text labels can be further tweaked using aesthetics (`fontsize`, `fontcolour`, `fontface`, `fontalpha`),
#' or other parameters (`fit.text`, `reflow`, `contrast`, `label.split`, `parse`, `check_overlap`)
#' 2. If Y-axis is transformed, the total Y bar height will be correct.
#' In [ggplot::geom_col()], stacking of individual transformed Y values often leads to strange results.
#' Here, the transformed Y totals for each bar is calculated and plotted.
#' Fill colors occupy the barspace proportionally.
#' @eval ggplot2:::rd_aesthetics("geom", "taxonomy")
#' @inheritParams ggplot2::layer
#' @inheritParams ggplot2::geom_col
#' @inheritParams ggplot2::geom_text
#' @param mapping
#' @param data
#' @param position
#' @param tax.palette a list of formulas used to assign colors. Each element should take the form: `"<label>" = <true/false expression> ~ <color vector>`. See [scale_fill_taxonomy()] for examples and details.
#' @param width Bar width. By default, set to 0.95.
#' @param show.ribbon whether or not to display transition lines in the background. Default is `FALSE`.
#' @param ribbon.alpha alpha value of the ribbon. Default is `0.25`.
#' @param fit.text whether or not the tax labels will be auto-fitted. `TRUE`: use [ggfittext::geom_fit_text()] (the default); `FALSE`: use [ggplot2::geom_text()].
#' @param reflow Whether or not to reflow the text. Default is `FALSE`. Only applies if `fit.text=TRUE`.
#' @param contrast Whether or not to vary font color based on background fill. Default is `FALSE`. Only applies if `fit.text=TRUE`.
#' @param label.split whether to split label into two lines, using [str_split_equal_parts()]
#' @param label.pct.cutoff cutoff abundance by which to label abundances. Default is 0.3. Only applies if `fit.text=FALSE`.
#' @param parse The same argument used in [geom_text()]. Only applies if `fit.text=FALSE`.
#' @param check_overlap The same argument used in [geom_text()]. This is only applicable if if `fit.text=FALSE`.
#' @param na.rm
#' @param show.legend
#' @param inherit.aes
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(tidyverse)
#' otu <- cid.phy %>%
#'   get.otu.melt() %>%
#'   filter(Patient_ID=="179")
#' # by sample
#' ggplot(data=otu,aes(x=sample,y=pctseqs,fill=otu,label=Genus)) +
#'   geom_taxonomy()
#' # by day
#' ggplot(data=otu,aes(x=day,y=pctseqs,fill=otu,label=Genus)) +
#'   geom_taxonomy(width=2)
#' # absolute abundance
#' ggplot(data=otu,aes(x=day,y=numseqs,fill=otu,label=Genus)) +
#'   geom_taxonomy(width=2)
#' # absolute abundance
#' ggplot(data=otu,aes(x=day,y=numseqs,fill=otu,label=Genus)) +
#'   geom_taxonomy(width=2) +
#'   scale_y_continuous(trans=log_epsilon_trans(100))
#' # if Y is transformed, colors are distributed proportionally
#' # (i.e. does not get messed up)
#' ggplot(data=otu,aes(x=day,y=numseqs,fill=otu,label=Genus)) +
#'   geom_taxonomy(width=2) +
#'   scale_y_continuous(trans=log_epsilon_trans(100))
#' # show ribbon transitions
#' ggplot(data=otu,aes(x=day,y=pctseqs,fill=otu,label=Genus)) +
#'   geom_taxonomy(width=2, show.ribbon = TRUE)
#' # highlight a taxon of interest
#' ggplot(data=otu,aes(x=day,y=pctseqs,fill=otu,label=Genus,
#'                     color=Genus=="Blautia")) +
#'   geom_taxonomy(width=2,linewidth=2) +
#'   scale_colour_manual(values=c("TRUE"="red","FALSE"="transparent"))
geom_taxonomy <- function(mapping = NULL, data = NULL,
                          stat = StatTaxonomy,
                          position = "stack",
                          width = 0.95,
                          na.rm = FALSE,
                          parse = FALSE,
                          tax.palette = yt.palette3,
                          drop = FALSE,
                          fit.text = TRUE,
                          reflow = FALSE,
                          contrast = FALSE,
                          check_overlap = FALSE,
                          show.ribbon = FALSE,
                          ribbon.alpha = 0.35,
                          show.legend = NA,
                          inherit.aes = TRUE) {
  if (!fit.text & contrast) {
    warning("YTWarning: you specified fit.text=FALSE and contrast=TRUE. Ignoring contrast.")
  if (!fit.text & reflow) {
    warning("YTWarning: you specified fit.text=FALSE and reflow=TRUE. Ignoring reflow.")
  if (fit.text & check_overlap) {
    warning("YTWarning: you specified fit.text=TRUE and check_overlap=TRUE. Ignoring check_overlap")
  layer(data = data, mapping = mapping,
        stat = stat,
        geom = GeomTaxonomy,
        position = position, show.legend = show.legend,
        inherit.aes = inherit.aes,
        layer_class = LayerTaxonomy,
        params = list(width = width,
                      parse = parse,
                      fit.text = fit.text,
                      reflow = reflow,
                      contrast = contrast,
                      check_overlap = check_overlap,
                      show.ribbon = show.ribbon,
                      ribbon.alpha = ribbon.alpha,
                      label.pct.cutoff = label.pct.cutoff,
                      label.split = label.split,
                      tax.palette = tax.palette,
                      drop = drop,
                      na.rm = na.rm, ...))

#' GeomTaxonomy
#' The ggproto object for stacked taxonomy.
#' @export
GeomTaxonomy <- ggproto("GeomTaxonomy", GeomCol,
                        required_aes = c("x", "y"),
                        default_aes = aes(label = NA,
                                          colour = NA,
                                          fill = "grey35",
                                          linewidth = 0.5,
                                          linetype = 1,
                                          alpha = NA,
                                          sample.colour = "black",
                                          sample.linewidth = 0.5,
                                          sample.linetype = 1,
                                          fontcolour = "black",
                                          fontsize = 3.88,
                                          angle = -90,
                                          hjust = 0.5,
                                          vjust = 0.5,
                                          fontalpha = NA,
                                          family = "",
                                          fontface = 1,
                                          lineheight = 0.75),
                        extra_params = c("tax.palette","drop","na.rm"),
                        draw_key = draw_key_polygon_close,
                        draw_panel = function(data, panel_params, coord,
                                              lineend = "butt",
                                              linejoin = "mitre",
                                              width = NULL,
                                              flipped_aes = FALSE,
                                              parse = FALSE,
                                              na.rm = FALSE,
                                              fit.text = FALSE,
                                              reflow = FALSE,
                                              contrast = FALSE,
                                              check_overlap = FALSE,
                                              show.ribbon = FALSE,
                                              ribbon.alpha = 0.35,
                                              label.pct.cutoff = 0.3,
                                              label.split = FALSE) {
                          # sample
                          if (!all(is.na(data$sample.colour))) {
                            data_sample <- data %>% group_by(PANEL,x) %>%
                                                   stopIfTRUE = TRUE) %>%
                                       sample.linetype,.add=TRUE) %>%
                                        .groups="drop") %>%
                            grob_sample <- GeomRect$draw_panel(data=data_sample,panel_params,coord,
                                                               lineend = "butt", linejoin = "mitre")
                          } else {
                            grob_sample <- grid::nullGrob()
                          # ribbon
                          if (show.ribbon) {
                            data_ribbon <- bind_rows(mutate(data,x=xmin),mutate(data,x=xmax)) %>%
                              arrange(x,group) %>%
                            groups <- split(data_ribbon, factor(data_ribbon$group))
                            grobs <- lapply(groups, function(group) {
                              GeomRibbon$draw_group(group, panel_params, coord, lineend = "butt",
                                                    linejoin = "round", linemitre = 10, na.rm = FALSE, flipped_aes = FALSE,
                                                    outline.type = "both")
                            grob_ribbon <- gTree(children = inject(gList(!!!grobs)))
                          } else {
                            grob_ribbon <- grid::nullGrob()
                          # draw col
                          data_col <- data %>%
                          grob_col <- GeomCol$draw_panel(data = data_col, panel_params = panel_params, coord = coord, lineend = lineend,
                                                         linejoin = linejoin, width = width, flipped_aes = flipped_aes)
                          data_col_edge <- data %>%
                          grob_col_edge <- GeomCol$draw_panel(data = data_col_edge, panel_params = panel_params, coord = coord, lineend = lineend,
                                                              linejoin = linejoin, width = width, flipped_aes = flipped_aes)
                          # draw text
                          if (label.split) {
                            data <- data %>% mutate(label=str_split_equal_parts(label))
                          if (all(is.na(data$label))) {
                            grob_text <- grid::nullGrob()
                          } else if (fit.text) {
                            fontsize_factor <- 11/3.88 # to convert fontsizes of geom_fit_text
                            data_fittext <- data %>%
                              # to save time: if size is small, label is NA.
                              # probably could be better here.
                              # mutate(label=ifelse(ymax-ymin>=0.01,label,NA_character_)) %>%
                              transmute(fill, x, y, label, PANEL, group,
                                        xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax,
                                        angle, family,
                                        fontface, lineheight,
                                        size=fontsize * fontsize_factor,
                            # hjust/vjust are not aesthetics, get rid of them
                            # flipped_aes/linewidth/linetype not applicable
                            min.size <- min(data_fittext$size,na.rm=TRUE)
                            # similar to ggfittext:::GeomFitText$draw_panel()
                            grob_text <- taxfittextGrob(
                              padding.x = grid::unit(0, "mm"),
                              padding.y = grid::unit(0, "mm"),
                              min.size = min.size,
                              reflow = reflow,
                              contrast = contrast,
                              grow = FALSE,
                              hjust = NULL, vjust = NULL, fullheight = NULL,
                              width = NULL, height = NULL, formatter = NULL,
                              place = "centre", outside = FALSE)
                          } else {
                            # regular geom_text
                            data_text <- data %>%
                              filter(ymax-ymin>=label.pct.cutoff) %>%
                              mutate(y = (ymin + ymax) / 2,
                                     colour = fontcolour,
                                     size = fontsize,
                                     alpha = fontalpha)

                            if (nrow(data_text)>0) {
                              grob_text <- GeomText$draw_panel(data = data_text, panel_params = panel_params,
                                                               coord = coord, parse = parse,
                                                               na.rm = na.rm, check_overlap = check_overlap)
                            } else {
                              grob_text <- nullGrob()
                                      children = grid::gList(grob_ribbon,

#' Interactive timelines
#' @param ... arguments passed to base function, plus any of the interactive parameters
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
#' pt.meds <- cid.meds %>% filter(Patient_ID=="157") %>%
#'   mutate(tooltip=coalesce_values(med.clean,med.class,startday,endday,route,collapse="\n"))
#' g <- ggplot(pt.meds) +
#'   geom_timeline_interactive(aes(xmin=startday,xmax=endday,label=med.clean,by=med.class,fill=med.class,
#'                                 tooltip=tooltip),check_overlap = TRUE)
#' g %>% girafe(ggobj=.,height_svg = 3.5)
geom_taxonomy_interactive <- function(...) {
  ggiraph:::layer_interactive(geom_taxonomy, ...)

#' @export
GeomInteractiveTaxonomy <- ggproto("GeomInteractiveTaxonomy",yingtools2:::GeomTaxonomy,
                                   default_aes = ggiraph:::add_default_interactive_aes(yingtools2:::GeomTaxonomy),
                                   parameters = ggiraph:::interactive_geom_parameters,
                                   draw_key = ggiraph:::interactive_geom_draw_key,
                                   draw_panel = function(self, data, panel_params,
                                                         # lineend = "butt", linejoin = "mitre",
                                                         # parse = FALSE, check_overlap = FALSE,
                                                         ..., .ipar = ggiraph:::IPAR_NAMES) {
                                     grob1 <- yingtools2:::GeomTaxonomy$draw_panel(data=data,
                                                                                   # lineend = lineend, linejoin = linejoin, parse = parse, check_overlap = check_overlap,
                                     idata <- data %>% mutate(alpha=0.01)
                                     grob2 <- ggiraph:::GeomInteractiveRect$draw_panel(data=idata,
                                                                                       # lineend = lineend, linejoin = linejoin,

                                     # grob2
                                     grid::gTree("interactive_timeline_grob", children = grid::gList(grob1,grob2))

#' taxfittextGrob
#' called by: `GeomTaxonomy::draw_panel()` for fitted tax labels
#' modified version of `ggfittext:::GeomFitText$draw_panel()`
#' @export
taxfittextGrob <- function(data, panel_scales, coord,
                           padding.x = grid::unit(1, "mm"),
                           padding.y = grid::unit(1, "mm"),
                           min.size = 4, grow = FALSE, reflow = FALSE,
                           hjust = NULL, vjust = NULL,
                           fullheight = NULL, width = NULL, height = NULL, formatter = NULL,
                           contrast = FALSE, place = "centre", outside = FALSE) {
  is_polar <- "CoordPolar" %in% class(coord)
  if (!is_polar) {
    data <- coord$transform(data, panel_scales)
  else if (is_polar) {
    if (is.null(data$x))
      data$x <- 1
    if (is.null(data$y))
      data$y <- 1
    data <- coord$transform(data, panel_scales)
    if (!is.null(data$xmin))
      data$xmin <- ggplot2:::theta_rescale(coord, data$xmin, panel_scales)
    if (!is.null(data$xmax))
      data$xmax <- ggplot2:::theta_rescale(coord, data$xmax, panel_scales)
    if (!is.null(data$ymin))
      data$ymin <- ggplot2:::r_rescale(coord, data$ymin, panel_scales$r.range)
    if (!is.null(data$ymax))
      data$ymax <- ggplot2:::r_rescale(coord, data$ymax, panel_scales$r.range)

  if (contrast && ("fill" %in% names(data))) {
    complement <- as.character(shades::complement(shades::shade(data$colour)))
    data$colour <- ifelse(shades::lightness(data$fill) < 50, complement, data$colour)
  if (place %in% c("middle", "center")) {
    place <- "centre"
  gt <- grid::gTree(data = data, padding.x = padding.x, padding.y = padding.y,
                    place = place, outside = outside, min.size = min.size,
                    grow = grow, reflow = reflow, hjust = hjust, vjust = vjust,
                    fullheight = fullheight, width = width, height = height,
                    contrast = contrast, cl = ifelse(is_polar, "fittexttreepolar", "taxfittexttree"))
  gt$name <- grid::grobName(gt, "geom_fit_text")

#' makeContent.taxfittexttree
#' called by: `GeomTaxonomy::draw_panel()` > [taxfittextGrob()] for fitted tax labels
#' modified version of `ggfittext:::makeContent.fittexttree()`.
#' To save time rendering the labels, remove rows where height  is less than `unit(1,"char")`.
#' @export
makeContent.taxfittexttree <- function(x) {
  min.height <- unit(1,"char") %>% convertUnit(unitTo="npc",valueOnly = TRUE)
  x$data <- x$data %>% filter(!is.na(label),ymax-ymin>=min.height)
  if (nrow(x$data)>0) {
  } else {

#' StatTaxonomy
#' The stat object for taxonomy data. This allows for transformed Y-axis.
#' @export
StatTaxonomy <- ggproto("StatTaxonomy",Stat,
                        required_aes = c("x", "y"),
                        compute_panel = function(self, data, scales, show.ribbon) {
                          # Y-transformed abundances do not stack correctly.
                          # this is a trick to alter abundances such that they display to
                          # the correct total abundance.
                          inv <- scales$y$trans$inverse
                          trans <- scales$y$trans$transform
                          newdata <- data %>%
                            group_by(x,PANEL) %>%
                                   pctseqs=reads/totalreads) %>%
                            ungroup() %>%
                                   y=trans(new.reads)) %>%
                          # data2 <- ggproto_parent(StatIdentity, self)$compute_layer(newdata, params, layout)

#' LayerTaxonomy
#' The Layer object for [geom_taxonomy()].
#' Three things are done here:
#' 1. If `scale_fill` is not specified, the [scale_fill_taxonomy()] scale is applied.
#' 2. The fill aesthetic is converted to a factor, ordered by `tax.palette` colors,
#' to allow for stacking in the correct order.
#' 3. If `show.ribbon=TRUE`, it ensures `group` aesthetic does not vary by `x`, and makes sure there
#' is exactly one row for every sample (`x`/`PANEL`) and `group`.
#' @export
LayerTaxonomy <- ggproto("LayerTaxonomy",ggplot2:::Layer,
                         compute_aesthetics = function (self, data, plot) {

                           tax.palette <- self$geom_params$tax.palette
                           drop <- self$geom_params$drop
                           aesthetics <- self$computed_mapping

                           already_has_scale_fill <- any(map_lgl(plot$scales$scales, ~any(.x[["aesthetics"]]=="fill")))
                           unitvar <- aesthetics$fill
                           # if scale not already specified, add scale_fill_taxonomy using tax.palette
                           if (!already_has_scale_fill && !is.null(tax.palette) && ("fill" %in% names(aesthetics))) {
                             tax_scale <- scale_fill_taxonomy(data=data,
                             plot$scales$scales <- c(plot$scales$scales,list(tax_scale))
                           # check for tax.palette in scales, and factorize using that.
                           pal <- map(plot$scales$scales,~{
                             is.fill <- "fill" %in% .x[["aesthetics"]]
                             has.tax.palette <- !is.null(.x[["tax.palette"]])
                             if (is.fill && has.tax.palette) {
                             } else {
                           }) %>% compact() %>% first()
                           if (!is.null(pal)) {
                             tax.colors <- get.taxonomy.colordata(data, tax.palette = pal, unitvar = !!unitvar)
                             tax.factor <- tax.colors %>% filter(!is.na(unit)) %>%
                             data <- data %>% mutate(!!unitvar:=factor(!!unitvar,levels=tax.factor$unit))
                           newdata <- ggproto_parent(ggplot2:::Layer, self)$compute_aesthetics(data,plot)
                           # if show.ribbon=TRUE, fix data:
                           # 1. make sure group respresents taxa and does not correspond to x
                           # 2. make sure there is exactly one row for every group and sample
                           if (self$geom_params$show.ribbon) {
                             group.vars <- names(newdata) %>% setdiff(c("x","y","group","PANEL"))
                             newdata <- newdata %>%
                               group_by(PANEL,x,!!!syms(group.vars)) %>%
                                         .groups="drop") %>%
                             #group aesthetic corrected:
                             newdata$group <- ggplot2:::id(newdata[group.vars],drop=TRUE)

#' Taxonomy color scales
#' Discrete scales for taxonomy.
#' This is modified from [ggplot::scale_fill_manual()]. It runs [get.taxonomy.colordata()] to obtain colors.
#' If you want zero gap between shades in the legend, `use key_glyph=`[draw_key_polygon_close()] in the `geom` statement,
#' which is what [geom_taxonomy()] does.
#' @inheritParams get.taxonomy.colordata
#' @param ...
#' @param aesthetics The names of the aesthetics that this scale works with. Default is `"fill"`
#' @param guide function used to create a guide. Default is `guide_taxonomy(keywidth = 3)`.
#' @param drop Should unused factor levels be omitted from the scale? The default, `TRUE`, uses the levels that appear in the data; `FALSE` uses all the levels in the factor.
#' @param data tax table to be used for determining colors (passed to [get.taxonomy.colordata()]). This
#' might be the same data used to generate the ggplot (but can be different).
#' @param tax.palette list of expressions as criteria for the palette (passed to [get.taxonomy.colordata()]).
#' @param fill the (bare unquoted) column of taxons by which colors will be assigned. This should typically be
#' the same as what you specify for `aes(fill=xxxxx)`, or at least contain the same values.
#' Default is `Species` (passed as `unitvar` to [get.taxonomy.colordata()]).
#' @param na.value The aesthetic value to use for missing (`NA`) values
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(tidyverse)
#' library(phyloseq)
#' # abundance plot for a single sample
#' otu <- prune_samples("179A",cid.phy) %>%
#'   phy.collapse.bins(level=2) %>%
#'   get.otu.melt() %>%
#'   arrange(Kingdom,Phylum,Class,Order,Family,Genus,taxon) %>%
#'   mutate(otu=fct_inorder(otu))
#' g <- ggplot(otu,aes(x=otu,y=pctseqs,fill=otu)) +
#'   geom_col(key_glyph=draw_key_polygon_close,
#'            color="black") +
#'   scale_y_continuous(trans=log_epsilon_trans(0.01))
#' g + scale_fill_taxonomy(data=otu,fill=otu)
#' # drop unused colors
#' g + scale_fill_taxonomy(data=otu,fill=otu,drop=TRUE)
#' # override tax.palette displayed (warns if inconsistent)
#' yt.palette3a <- list("Bacteroidetes (phylum)"=Phylum %in% c("Bacteroidetes", "Bacteroidota") ~ shades("#51AB9B", variation = 0.25),
#'                      "Lachnospiraceae (family)"=Family == "Lachnospiraceae" ~ shades("#EC9B96", variation = 0.25),
#'                      "Ruminococcaceae (family)"=Family %in% c("Ruminococcaceae", "Oscillospiraceae") ~ shades("#9AAE73", variation = 0.25),
#'                      "Clostridiales (order)"=Order %in% c("Clostridiales", "Eubacteriales") ~ shades("#9C854E", variation = 0.25),
#'                      "Other Bacteria"=TRUE ~ shades("gray", variation = 0.25))
#' g + scale_fill_taxonomy(data=otu,fill=otu,
#'                         guide=guide_taxonomy(override.tax.palette = yt.palette3a))
#' # customizations
#' g + scale_fill_taxonomy(data=otu,fill=otu,guide=guide_taxonomy(ncol=3)) +
#'   theme(legend.position="top",
#'         legend.key.size = unit(0.75,"lines"))
scale_fill_taxonomy <- function(..., data, tax.palette = yt.palette3,
                                fill = Species,
                                aesthetics = "fill",
                                guide = guide_taxonomy(),
                                # guide = guide_taxonomy(keywidth = 3),
                                drop = FALSE,
                                na.value = "grey50") {
  fill <- ensym(fill)
                 data=data, tax.palette=tax.palette, unitvar=!!fill,
                 ..., guide = guide, drop = drop, na.value = na.value)

#' @rdname scale_fill_taxonomy
#' @export
scale_color_taxonomy <- function(..., data, tax.palette = yt.palette3,
                                 color = Species,
                                 aesthetics = "colour",
                                 guide = guide_taxonomy(),
                                 #  guide = guide_taxonomy(keywidth = 3),
                                 drop = FALSE,
                                 na.value = "grey50") {
  color <- ensym(color)
                 data=data, tax.palette=tax.palette, unitvar=!!color,
                 ..., guide = guide, drop = drop, na.value = na.value)

#' Taxonomy scale constructor
#' Similar to  [ggplot2:::manual_scale()]
#' @export
taxonomy_scale <- function(aesthetic,
                           data, tax.palette, unitvar,
                           # guide=guide_taxonomy(keywidth = 3),
                           drop = FALSE,
                           limits = NULL) {
  unitvar <- ensym(unitvar)
  if (is(data,"phyloseq") | is(data,"taxonomyTable")) {
    data <- get.tax(data)
  tax.colors <- get.taxonomy.colordata(data=data, tax.palette = tax.palette, unitvar = !!unitvar)
  values <- tax.colors$color
  breaks <- tax.colors$unit
  labels <- tax.colors$name
  if (is.vector(values) && is.null(names(values)) && !ggplot2:::is.waive(breaks) &&
      !is.null(breaks) && !is.function(breaks)) {
    if (length(breaks) <= length(values)) {
      names(values) <- breaks
    else {
      names(values) <- breaks[1:length(values)]
  pal <- function(n) {
    if (n > length(values)) {
      cli::cli_abort("Insufficient values in manual scale. {n} needed but only {length(values)} provided.")
  aesthetics <- standardise_aes_names(aesthetic)
  ggplot2:::check_breaks_labels(breaks, labels)
  if (!is.function(limits) && (length(limits) > 0) && !is.discrete(limits)) {
    cli::cli_warn(c("Continuous limits supplied to discrete scale.",
                    i = "Did you mean {.code limits = factor(...)} or {.fn scale_*_continuous}?"))
  position <- arg_match0(position, c("left", "right", "top", "bottom"))
  if (is.null(breaks) && all(!is_position_aes(aesthetics))) {
    guide <- "none"
  ggproto(NULL, ScaleDiscrete,
          call = match.call(),
          aesthetics = aesthetics,
          scale_name = "manual",
          palette = pal,
          range = scales::DiscreteRange$new(),
          limits = limits,
          na.value = na.value,
          na.translate = na.translate,
          expand = expand,
          name = name,
          breaks = breaks,
          labels = labels,
          drop = drop,
          guide = guide,
          position = position)

#' GuideTaxonomy
#' ggproto method for tax legend.
#' @export
GuideTaxonomy <- ggproto("GuideTaxonomy",GuideLegend,
                         params = list(
                           title = waiver(),
                           theme = NULL,
                           # General
                           override.aes = list(),
                           nrow = NULL,
                           ncol = NULL,
                           reverse = FALSE,
                           order = 0,
                           name  = "taxlegend",
                           hash  = character(),
                           position = NULL,
                           direction = NULL,
                           override.tax.palette = NULL
                         train = function(self, params = self$params, scale, aesthetic = NULL, ...) {
                           newparams <- ggproto_parent(Guide, self)$train(params, scale, aesthetic, ...)
                           # train() prepares data for legend.
                           if (!is.null(newparams$override.tax.palette)) {
                             pal <- newparams$override.tax.palette
                           } else if (!scale$drop) {
                             pal <- scale$tax.palette
                           } else {
                             pal <- NULL
                           if (!is.null(pal)) {
                             full.key <- pal %>% imap_dfr(~{
                             }) %>%
                             old.key <- newparams$key
                             extra.colors <- old.key %>% anti_join(full.key,by=aesthetic)
                             if (nrow(extra.colors)>0) {
                               warning("YTWarning: some colors are not represented in the legend being used!")
                             newparams$key <- full.key
                           ###### group values by label, and make lists of colors ######
                           if (!is.null(newparams$key)) {
                             newkey <- newparams$key %>% distinct() %>%
                               group_by(.label) %>%
                               summarize(!!newparams$aesthetic := list(unique(!!sym(newparams$aesthetic))),
                                         .groups = "drop") %>%
                             newparams$key <- newkey
                         build_decor = function(decor, grobs, elements, params) {
                           key_size <- c(elements$width_cm, elements$height_cm) * 10
                           draw <- function(i) {
                             bg <- elements$key
                             keys <- lapply(decor, function(g) {
                               data <- vctrs::vec_slice(g$data, i)
                               if (data$.draw %||% TRUE) {
                                 dlist <- data %>%
                                   unnest(any_of(c("fill","colour"))) %>%
                                   rowwise() %>%
                                 grlist <- dlist %>% map(~{
                                   key <- g$draw_key(.x, g$params, key_size)
                                   ggplot2:::set_key_size(key, data$linewidth, data$size, key_size/10)
                                 gr <- gridExtra::arrangeGrob(grobs = grlist, nrow = 1, padding = unit(3, "line"))
                               else {
                             c(list(bg), keys)
                           grlist <- unlist(lapply(seq_len(params$n_breaks), draw), FALSE)
                         setup_elements = function(params, elements, theme) {
                           elems <- GuideLegend$setup_elements(params,elements,theme)
                           elems$key_width <- elems$key_width * 3
                         assemble_drawing = function(self, grobs, layout, sizes, params, elements) {
                           gb <- ggproto_parent(GuideLegend, self)$assemble_drawing(grobs, layout, sizes, params, elements)

#' Taxonomy Guide
#' Used by [scale_fill_taxonomy()] to create a custom taxonomy legend.
#' Adapted from [ggplot2::guide_legend()].
#' @param override.tax.palette Use tax palette, overriding data
#' @export
guide_taxonomy <- function(title = waiver(),
                           override.tax.palette = NULL,
                           theme = NULL, position = NULL, direction = NULL,
                           override.aes = list(), nrow = NULL, ncol = NULL, reverse = FALSE,
                           order = 0, ...) {
  # modified from guide_legend

  if (packageVersion("ggplot2")<"3.5.0") {

  theme <- ggplot2:::deprecated_guide_args(theme, ...)
  if (!is.null(position)) {
    position <- arg_match0(position, c(.trbl, "inside"))
  new_guide(title = title,
            theme = theme, direction = direction,
            override.aes = ggplot2:::rename_aes(override.aes),
            override.tax.palette = override.tax.palette,
            nrow = nrow,
            ncol = ncol, reverse = reverse, order = order, position = position,
            available_aes = "any", name = "taxonomy", super = GuideTaxonomy)

#' Taxonomy Guide (OLD)
#' @export
guide_taxonomyOLD <- function(title = waiver(),
                              override.tax.palette = NULL,
                              title.position = NULL, title.theme = NULL,
                              title.hjust = NULL, title.vjust = NULL, label = TRUE, label.position = NULL,
                              label.theme = NULL, label.hjust = NULL, label.vjust = NULL,
                              keywidth = 3,
                              keyheight = NULL, direction = NULL, default.unit = "line",
                              override.aes = list(), nrow = NULL, ncol = NULL, byrow = FALSE,
                              reverse = FALSE, order = 0, ...) {
  # modified from guide_legend
  if (!is.null(keywidth) && !is.unit(keywidth)) {
    keywidth <- unit(keywidth, default.unit)
  if (!is.null(keyheight) && !is.unit(keyheight)) {
    keyheight <- unit(keyheight, default.unit)
      title = title, title.position = title.position,
      title.theme = title.theme, title.hjust = title.hjust,
      title.vjust = title.vjust, label = label, label.position = label.position,
      label.theme = label.theme, label.hjust = label.hjust,
      label.vjust = label.vjust, keywidth = keywidth, keyheight = keyheight,
      direction = direction, override.aes = ggplot2:::rename_aes(override.aes),
      nrow = nrow, ncol = ncol, byrow = byrow, reverse = reverse,
      order = order, available_aes = c("any"),
      ..., name = "taxonomy"
    class = c("guide", "taxonomy")

#' guide_train.taxonomy (OLD)
#' Adopted from `ggplot2:::guide_train.legend`, but converts items to list-col colors.
#' Called by name, by [guide_taxonomy()].
#' @export
guide_train.taxonomy <- function(guide, scale, aesthetic = NULL) {
  guide <- ggplot2:::guide_train.legend(guide, scale, aesthetic)

  if (!is.null(guide$override.tax.palette)) {
    pal <- guide$override.tax.palette
  } else if (!scale$drop) {
    pal <- scale$tax.palette
  } else  {
    pal <- NULL

  if (!is.null(pal)) {
    full.key <- pal %>% imap_dfr(~{
    }) %>%
    old.key <- guide$key
    extra.colors <- old.key %>% anti_join(full.key,by=aesthetic)
    if (nrow(extra.colors)>0) {
      warning("YTWarning: some colors are not represented in the legend being used!")
    guide$key <- full.key
  ##### the legend table is converted to list-cols colors. ######
  if (!is.null(guide$key)) {
    guide$key <- guide$key %>%
      distinct() %>%
      group_by(.label) %>%
      summarize(!!aesthetic := list(!!sym(aesthetic)), .groups = "drop") %>%
      # summarize(fill = list(fill),.groups="drop") %>%

#' guide_geom.taxonomy (OLD)
#' Called by name, by [guide_taxonomy()].
#' @export
guide_geom.taxonomy <- function(...) {
  if (packageVersion("ggplot2")<"3.5.0") {

#' guide_gengrob.taxonomy (OLD)
#' Called by name, by [guide_taxonomy()].
#' @export
guide_gengrob.taxonomy <- function(guide, theme) {
  # ggplot2:::guide_gengrob.legend(guide,theme)
  label.position <- guide$label.position %||% "right"
  if (!label.position %in% c("top", "bottom", "left", "right")) {
    cli::cli_abort("label position {.var {label.position}} is invalid")
  nbreak <- nrow(guide$key)
  title.theme <- guide$title.theme %||% calc_element("legend.title", theme)
  title.hjust <- guide$title.hjust %||% theme$legend.title.align %||% title.theme$hjust %||% 0
  title.vjust <- guide$title.vjust %||% title.theme$vjust %||% 0.5
  grob.title <- ggplot2:::ggname("guide.title", element_grob(title.theme, label = guide$title, hjust = title.hjust, vjust = title.vjust, margin_x = TRUE, margin_y = TRUE))
  title_width <- ggplot2:::width_cm(grob.title)
  title_height <- ggplot2:::height_cm(grob.title)
  title_fontsize <- title.theme$size %||% calc_element("legend.title", theme)$size %||% calc_element("text", theme)$size %||% 11
  hgap <- ggplot2:::width_cm(theme$legend.spacing.x %||% (0.5 * unit(title_fontsize, "pt")))
  vgap <- ggplot2:::height_cm(theme$legend.spacing.y %||% (0.5 * unit(title_fontsize, "pt")))
  label.theme <- guide$label.theme %||% calc_element("legend.text", theme)
  if (!guide$label || is.null(guide$key$.label)) {
    grob.labels <- rep(list(zeroGrob()), nrow(guide$key))
  } else {
    just_defaults <- ggplot2:::label_just_defaults.legend(guide$direction, label.position)
    if (just_defaults$hjust == 0 && any(is.expression(guide$key$.label))) {
      just_defaults$hjust <- 1
    if (is.null(guide$label.theme$hjust) && is.null(theme$legend.text$hjust)) {
      label.theme$hjust <- NULL
    if (is.null(guide$label.theme$vjust) && is.null(theme$legend.text$vjust)) {
      label.theme$vjust <- NULL
    hjust <- guide$label.hjust %||% theme$legend.text.align %||%
      label.theme$hjust %||% just_defaults$hjust
    vjust <- guide$label.vjust %||% label.theme$vjust %||%
    grob.labels <- lapply(guide$key$.label, function(label, ...) {
      g <- element_grob(element = label.theme, label = label, hjust = hjust, vjust = vjust, margin_x = TRUE, margin_y = TRUE)
      ggplot2:::ggname("guide.label", g)
  label_widths <- ggplot2:::width_cm(grob.labels)
  label_heights <- ggplot2:::height_cm(grob.labels)
  key_width <- ggplot2:::width_cm(guide$keywidth %||% theme$legend.key.width %||% theme$legend.key.size)
  key_height <- ggplot2:::height_cm(guide$keyheight %||% theme$legend.key.height %||% theme$legend.key.size)
  key_size <- lapply(guide$geoms, function(g) g$data$size / 10)
  key_size_mat <- inject(cbind(!!!key_size))
  if (nrow(key_size_mat) == 0 || ncol(key_size_mat) == 0) {
    key_size_mat <- matrix(0, ncol = 1, nrow = nbreak)
  key_sizes <- apply(key_size_mat, 1, max)
  if (!is.null(guide$nrow) && !is.null(guide$ncol) && guide$nrow *
      guide$ncol < nbreak) {
    cli::cli_abort("{.arg nrow} * {.arg ncol} needs to be larger than the number of breaks ({nbreak})")
  if (is.null(guide$nrow) && is.null(guide$ncol)) {
    if (guide$direction == "horizontal") {
      guide$nrow <- ceiling(nbreak / 5)
    } else {
      guide$ncol <- ceiling(nbreak / 20)
  legend.nrow <- guide$nrow %||% ceiling(nbreak / guide$ncol)
  legend.ncol <- guide$ncol %||% ceiling(nbreak / guide$nrow)
  key_sizes <- matrix(c(key_sizes, rep(0, legend.nrow * legend.ncol - nbreak)), legend.nrow, legend.ncol, byrow = guide$byrow)
  key_widths <- pmax(key_width, apply(key_sizes, 2, max))
  key_heights <- pmax(key_height, apply(key_sizes, 1, max))
  label_widths <- apply(matrix(c(label_widths, rep(0, legend.nrow * legend.ncol - nbreak)), legend.nrow, legend.ncol, byrow = guide$byrow), 2, max)
  label_heights <- apply(matrix(c(label_heights, rep(0, legend.nrow * legend.ncol - nbreak)), legend.nrow, legend.ncol, byrow = guide$byrow), 1, max)
  if (guide$byrow) {
    vps <- data_frame0(R = ceiling(seq(nbreak) / legend.ncol), C = (seq(nbreak) - 1) %% legend.ncol + 1)
  } else {
    vps <- ggplot2:::mat_2_df(arrayInd(seq(nbreak), dim(key_sizes)), c("R", "C"))
  if (guide$byrow == TRUE) {
           top = {
             kl_widths <- pmax(label_widths, key_widths)
             kl_heights <- utils::head(ggplot2:::interleave(label_heights, vgap, key_heights, vgap), -1)
             vps <- transform(vps, key.row = R * 4 - 1, key.col = C, label.row = R * 4 - 3, label.col = C)
           bottom = {
             kl_widths <- pmax(label_widths, key_widths)
             kl_heights <- utils::head(interleaggplot2:::interleaveve(key_heights, vgap, label_heights, vgap), -1)
             vps <- transform(vps, key.row = R * 4 - 3, key.col = C, label.row = R * 4 - 1, label.col = C)
           left = {
             kl_widths <- utils::head(ggplot2:::interleave(label_widths, hgap, key_widths, hgap), -1)
             kl_heights <- utils::head(ggplot2:::interleave(pmax(label_heights, key_heights), vgap), -1)
             vps <- transform(vps, key.row = R * 2 - 1, key.col = C * 4 - 1, label.row = R * 2 - 1, label.col = C * 4 - 3)
           right = {
             kl_widths <- utils::head(ggplot2:::interleave(key_widths, hgap, label_widths, hgap), -1)
             kl_heights <- utils::head(ggplot2:::interleave(pmax(label_heights, key_heights), vgap), -1)
             vps <- transform(vps, key.row = R * 2 - 1, key.col = C * 4 - 3, label.row = R * 2 - 1, label.col = C * 4 - 1)
  } else {
           top = {
             kl_widths <- utils::head(ggplot2:::interleave(pmax(label_widths, key_widths), hgap), -1)
             kl_heights <- utils::head(ggplot2:::interleave(label_heights, vgap, key_heights, vgap), -1)
             vps <- transform(vps, key.row = R * 4 - 1, key.col = C * 2 - 1, label.row = R * 4 - 3, label.col = C * 2 - 1)
           bottom = {
             kl_widths <- utils::head(ggplot2:::interleave(pmax(label_widths, key_widths), hgap), -1)
             kl_heights <- utils::head(ggplot2:::interleave(key_heights, vgap, label_heights, vgap), -1)
             vps <- transform(vps, key.row = R * 4 - 3, key.col = C * 2 - 1, label.row = R * 4 - 1, label.col = C * 2 - 1)
           left = {
             kl_widths <- utils::head(ggplot2:::interleave(label_widths, hgap, key_widths, hgap), -1)
             kl_heights <- pmax(key_heights, label_heights)
             vps <- transform(vps, key.row = R, key.col = C * 4 - 1, label.row = R, label.col = C * 4 - 3)
           right = {
             kl_widths <- utils::head(ggplot2:::interleave(key_widths, hgap, label_widths, hgap), -1)
             kl_heights <- pmax(key_heights, label_heights)
             vps <- transform(vps, key.row = R, key.col = C * 4 - 3, label.row = R, label.col = C * 4 - 1)
         top = {
           widths <- c(kl_widths, max(0, title_width - sum(kl_widths)))
           heights <- c(title_height, vgap, kl_heights)
           vps <- transform(vps, key.row = key.row + 2, key.col = key.col, label.row = label.row + 2, label.col = label.col)
           vps.title.row <- 1
           vps.title.col <- 1:length(widths)
         bottom = {
           widths <- c(kl_widths, max(0, title_width - sum(kl_widths)))
           heights <- c(kl_heights, vgap, title_height)
           vps <- transform(vps, key.row = key.row, key.col = key.col, label.row = label.row, label.col = label.col)
           vps.title.row <- length(heights)
           vps.title.col <- 1:length(widths)
         left = {
           widths <- c(title_width, hgap, kl_widths)
           heights <- c(kl_heights, max(0, title_height - sum(kl_heights)))
           vps <- transform(vps, key.row = key.row, key.col = key.col + 2, label.row = label.row, label.col = label.col + 2)
           vps.title.row <- 1:length(heights)
           vps.title.col <- 1
         right = {
           widths <- c(kl_widths, hgap, title_width)
           heights <- c(kl_heights, max(0, title_height - sum(kl_heights)))
           vps <- transform(vps, key.row = key.row, key.col = key.col, label.row = label.row, label.col = label.col)
           vps.title.row <- 1:length(heights)
           vps.title.col <- length(widths)
  key_size <- c(key_width, key_height) * 10
  draw_key <- function(i) {
    bg <- element_render(theme, "legend.key")
    ####### this section of draw_key is re-written to take on list col of colors. #######
    # keys <- lapply(guide$geoms, function(g) {
    #   g$draw_key(g$data[i, , drop = FALSE], g$params, key_size)
    # })
    keys <- lapply(guide$geoms, function(g) {
      dlist <- g$data[i, , drop = FALSE] %>%
        unnest(any_of(c("fill","colour"))) %>%
        rowwise() %>%
      grlist <- dlist %>% map(~ {
        # this is to avoid the gap between colors.
        # g$draw_key(.x, g$params, key_size)
        draw_key_polygon_close(.x, g$params, key_size)
      gridExtra::arrangeGrob(grobs = grlist, nrow = 1, padding = unit(3, "line"))
    c(list(bg), keys)
  grob.keys <- unlist(lapply(seq_len(nbreak), draw_key), recursive = FALSE)
  grob.background <- element_render(theme, "legend.background")
  ngeom <- length(guide$geoms) + 1
  kcols <- rep(vps$key.col, each = ngeom)
  krows <- rep(vps$key.row, each = ngeom)
  padding <- convertUnit(theme$legend.margin %||% margin(), "cm", valueOnly = TRUE)
  widths <- c(padding[4], widths, padding[2])
  heights <- c(padding[1], heights, padding[3])
  gt <- gtable::gtable(widths = unit(widths, "cm"), heights = unit(heights, "cm"))
  gt <- gtable::gtable_add_grob(gt, grob.background, name = "background", clip = "off", t = 1, r = -1, b = -1, l = 1)
  gt <- gtable::gtable_add_grob(gt, ggplot2:::justify_grobs(grob.title, hjust = title.hjust, vjust = title.vjust, int_angle = title.theme$angle, debug = title.theme$debug), name = "title", clip = "off", t = 1 + min(vps.title.row), r = 1 + max(vps.title.col), b = 1 + max(vps.title.row), l = 1 + min(vps.title.col))
  gt <- gtable::gtable_add_grob(gt, grob.keys, name = paste("key", krows, kcols, c("bg", seq(ngeom - 1)), sep = "-"), clip = "off", t = 1 + krows, r = 1 + kcols, b = 1 + krows, l = 1 + kcols)
  # add grob labels
  gt <- gtable::gtable_add_grob(gt, ggplot2:::justify_grobs(grob.labels, hjust = hjust, vjust = vjust, int_angle = label.theme$angle, debug = label.theme$debug),
                                name = paste("label", vps$label.row, vps$label.col, sep = "-"),
                                clip = "off", t = 1 + vps$label.row, r = 1 + vps$label.col,
                                b = 1 + vps$label.row, l = 1 + vps$label.col

#' Scale for sample.colour
#' In [geom_taxonomy()], used as default scale for aesthetic `sample.colour`. Same as [ggplot2::scale_colour_hue()].
#' If `sample.colour` is specified as an aesthetic, the layer will search for a default scale by name
#' (`ggplot2:::Layer$compute_aesthetics` > `ggplot2:::scales_add_defaults` > `ggplot2:::find_scale`).
#' @export
scale_sample.colour_discrete <- function (..., h = c(0, 360) + 15, c = 100, l = 65, h.start = 0,
                                          direction = 1, na.value = "grey50",
                                          aesthetics = "sample.colour") {
  discrete_scale(aesthetics, "hue",
                 hue_pal(h, c, l, h.start,
                         direction), na.value = na.value, ...)

#' Calculate taxonomy colors
#' Generates taxonomy colors, suitable for plotting.
#' Used in [scale_fill_taxonomy()] to generate taxonomy colors.
#' @param data taxonomic data, can be [`phyloseq`][`phyloseq::phyloseq-class`], [get.otu.melt()] data frame, or [get.tax()] data frame.
#' @param unitvar the granular column (bare unquoted) by which colors will be assigned. Default is `Species`.
#' Sometimes you might want to switch to another granular identifer, such as `otu`. Depending on the situation.
#' @param tax.palette a list of formulas used to assign colors. Each element should take the form: `"<label>" = <true/false expression> ~ <color vector>`. See examples and details.
#' @return a data frame with color values, where columns include `unit`=the distinct column ID for coloring (`unitvar`),
#' `name`=taxonomic label, `color`=assigned color. If a color was not used, it is included as a row in which `unit = NA`.
#' @export
get.taxonomy.colordata <- function(data, unitvar = Species,
                                   tax.palette = yt.palette3) {
  # data=phy1;unitvar="Species";tax.palette=yt.palette2
  requireNamespace("phyloseq", quietly = TRUE)
  unitvar <- ensym(unitvar)
  if (is(data, "phyloseq") | is(data, "taxonomyTable")) {
    data <- get.tax(data)
  if (!(is.list(tax.palette) && all(map_lgl(tax.palette, is_formula)))) {
    stop("YTError: tax.palette needs to be a list of formulas!")
  vars.needed <- tax.palette %>%
      rlang::f_lhs(.x) %>% all.vars()
    }) %>%
    simplify() %>%
    c(as_label(unitvar)) %>%
    unique() %>%
  if (!all(vars.needed %in% names(data))) {
    missing.vars <- setdiff(vars.needed, names(data))
    stop("YTError: the tax.palette has vars that were not found in data: ", paste(missing.vars, collapse = ","))
  tax <- data %>%
    select(!!!syms(vars.needed)) %>%
    unique() %>%
    assert_grouping_vars(id_vars = !!unitvar, stopIfTRUE = FALSE)
  is_color <- function(x) {
    iscolor <- grepl("^#[0-9A-Fa-f]{6}([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})?$", x) |
      (x %in% c(colors(), as.character(1:8), "transparent")) |
  # exp=tax.palette[[1]]
  color.list <- map(tax.palette, function(exp) {
    colors <- rlang::f_rhs(exp) %>% rlang::eval_tidy()
    if (!is_color(colors)) {
      stop("YTError: not a valid color set: {paste(colors,collapse=', ')}")
    criteria <- rlang::f_lhs(exp)
    # message(criteria)
    color.yes.no <- tax %>%
        criteria = !!criteria,
        criteria = criteria & !is.na(criteria)
      ) %>%
    # x.color <- character()
    x.color <- rep(NA_character_, length.out = nrow(tax))
    # x.color[color.yes.no] <- rep(colors, length.out = sum(color.yes.no))
    tax_integers <- tax[color.yes.no, , drop = FALSE] %>% pull(!!unitvar) %>% as.character() %>% digest::digest2int()
    tax_index <- (tax_integers %% length(colors)) + 1
    hash_mapped_colors <- colors[tax_index]
    x.color[color.yes.no] <- hash_mapped_colors
  }) %>% do.call(coalesce, .)
  tax$color <- color.list
  tax.headers <- tax.palette %>%
    map_dfr(~ {
      tibble(color = eval_tidy(rlang::f_rhs(.x)))
    }, .id = "name") %>%
    mutate(name = fct_inorder(name))

  if (anyDuplicated(tax.headers$color)) {
    stop("YTError: colors are duplicated in the palette!")
  tax.table <- tax.headers %>%
    left_join(tax, by = "color") %>%
    rename(unit = !!unitvar)

#' YT Palette 2
#' The old customary palette for Bacteria.
#' @export
yt.palette2 <- exprs(
  "Bacteroidetes (phylum)"=Phylum == "Bacteroidetes" ~ shades("#51AB9B", variation = 0.25),
  "Lachnospiraceae (family)"=Family == "Lachnospiraceae" ~ shades("#EC9B96", variation = 0.25),
  "Ruminococcaceae (family)"=Family == "Ruminococcaceae" ~ shades("#9AAE73", variation = 0.25),
  "Clostridiales (order)"=Order == "Clostridiales" ~ shades("#9C854E", variation = 0.25),
  "Actinobacteria (phylum)"=Phylum == "Actinobacteria" ~ shades("#A77097", variation = 0.25),
  "Enterococcus (genus)"=Genus == "Enterococcus" ~ "#129246",
  "Streptococcus (genus)"=Genus == "Streptococcus" ~ "#9FB846",
  "Staphylococcus (genus)"=Genus == "Staphylococcus" ~ "#f1eb25",
  "Lactobacillus (genus)"=Genus == "Lactobacillus" ~ "#3b51a3",
  "Proteobacteria (phylum)"=Phylum == "Proteobacteria" ~ shades("red", variation = 0.4),
  "Other Bacteria"=TRUE ~ shades("gray", variation = 0.25)

#' YT Palette 3
#' The customary palette for Bacteria.
#' Slightly different than [yt.palette2]; now everything cycles through shades.
#' Also accomodates the name changes of Bacteroidetes to Bacteroidota,  Clostridiales to Eubacteriales, Ruminococcaceae to Oscillospiraceae
#' ```{r}
#' #| echo: false
#' taxlegend3 <- get.tax.legend(tax.palette = yt.palette3, fontsize = 5)
#' grid::grid.newpage()
#' grid::grid.draw(taxlegend3)
#' ```
#' @export
yt.palette3 <- exprs(
  "Bacteroidota/Bacteroidetes (phylum)" = Phylum %in% c("Bacteroidetes","Bacteroidota") ~ shades("#51AB9B", variation = 0.25),
  "Lachnospiraceae (family)" = Family=="Lachnospiraceae" ~ shades("#EC9B96", variation = 0.25),
  "Oscillospiraceae/Ruminococcaceae (family)"  = Family %in% c("Ruminococcaceae","Oscillospiraceae") ~ shades("#9AAE73", variation = 0.25),
  "Eubacteriales/Clostridiales (order)" = Order %in% c("Clostridiales","Eubacteriales") ~ shades("#9C854E", variation = 0.25),
  "Actinomycetota/Actinobacteria (phylum)" = Phylum %in% c("Actinobacteria","Actinomycetota") ~ shades("#A77097", variation = 0.25),
  "Enterococcus (genus)" = Genus=="Enterococcus" ~ shades("#129246", variation = 0.15),
  "Streptococcus (genus)" = Genus=="Streptococcus" ~ shades("#9FB846", variation = 0.15),
  "Staphylococcus (genus)"  = Genus=="Staphylococcus" ~ shades("#f1eb25", variation = 0.15),
  "Lactobacillus (genus)" = Genus=="Lactobacillus" ~ shades("#3b51a3", variation = 0.15),
  "Proteobacteria (phylum)" = Phylum %in% c("Proteobacteria","Pseudomonadota") ~ shades("red", variation = 0.4),
  "Other Bacteria" = TRUE ~ shades("gray", variation=0.25)

#' Fungal Palette
#' The customary palette for Fungi. This is the one used by Thierry Rolling.
#' @export
fungal.palette <- exprs(
  "Saccharomyces cerevisiae (species)" = Species == "Saccharomyces cerevisiae" ~  "#DA8686",
  "Saccharomycetales (order)" = Order == "Saccharomycetales" ~ shades("#F0C3C3", variation = 0.4),
  "Candida (genus)" = Genus == "Candida" & Family == "Debaryomycetaceae" ~ shades("#DE0000", ncolor=6,variation = 0.6),
  "Aspergillus (genus)" = Genus == "Aspergillus" ~ shades("#3F8D3D", variation = 0.4),
  "Miscellaneous molds" = Class %in% c("Arthoniomycetes","Coniocybomycetes","Dothideomycetes",
                                       "Pezizomycetes","Sordariomycetes","Xylonomycetes") ~ shades("#ADDADA",variation=0.4),
  "Malassezia (genus)" = Genus == "Malassezia" ~ shades("#8A3030", variation = 0.6),
  "Basidiomycota (phylum)" = Phylum == "Basidiomycota" ~ shades("#C48C66", variation = 0.4),
  "Other" = TRUE ~ shades("gray", variation=0.25)

#' The color scheme used in CID manuscript ([https://academic.oup.com/cid/article/55/7/905/428203]).
#' @author Ying Taur
#' @export
cid.colors <- c("Enterococcus"="#129246","Streptococcus"="#a89e6a","Blautia"="#f69ea0",
                "Granulicatella"="#a5a7aa","Proteobacteria"="#ed2024","Other Bacteroidetes"="#963695",
                "Other Firmicutes"="#929497","Other Bacteria"="#6d6e70")

# tree drawing/manipulation functions --------------------------------------------------

#' Highlight a clade in ggtree
#' @param gdata a data frame from a ggtree object.
#' @param var the variable to be matched (unquoted).
#' @param value the value that `var` needed for inclusion in the clade to be highlighted.
#' @param criteria an expression that evaluates to logical, can use as an alternative (or in addition to) var/value,
#' @param ymin the min value of y in the clade.
#' @param ymax the max value of y in the clade.
#' @param label A `glue` expression for the clade label. Default is `"{value`\n({var})"}
#' @param fill.color the clade fill color (default is `NA`, no fill)
#' @param line.color the color of the outline around the clade (default `"dark gray"`)
#' @param alpha the alpha value of the fill color (default 1)
#' @param xmax the x depth at which the edge of the clade is drawn (optional)
#' @param xscalar if `xmax` is not specified, the x depth can be specified as a scaled factor of maximum x of all clade tips. Default is `1.5`
#' @param fill.in whether to fill all gaps in the clade (default is `FALSE`)
#' @param font.size font size of the text (default is 4)
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
hilight.clade <- function(gdata, var=NULL, value=NULL,
                          fill.color=NA,line.color="dark gray",
                          xmax=NULL,xscalar=1.5,fill.in=FALSE,font.size=4) {
  if (is(gdata,"ggtree")) {
    gdata <- gdata$data
  if (!is.data.frame(gdata)) {
    stop("YTError: gdata is not a data frame from ggtree!")
  qvar <- enquo(var)
  var <- as_label(qvar)
  qvalue <- enquo(value)
  value <- eval_tidy(qvalue)
  criteria <- enquo(criteria)
  .ymin <- ymin
  .ymax <- ymax
  # if (!quo_is_null(qvar) && !quo_is_null(qvalue)) {
  if (!quo_is_null(qvar) && !quo_is_null(qvalue)) {
    var.value.criteria <- expr(!!qvar==!!qvalue)
  } else {
    var.value.criteria <- TRUE
  if (quo_is_null(criteria)) {
    criteria <- TRUE
  gdata <- gdata %>%
    mutate(.include=!!var.value.criteria & !!criteria & is.between(y,.ymin,.ymax) & isTip) %>%
    replace_na(list(.include=FALSE)) %>%
  if (sum(gdata$.include)==0) {
    warning(str_glue("YTWarning: no tips found for {var}={value}"))
  ylow <- min(gdata$y[gdata$.include]) - 0.5
  yhigh <- max(gdata$y[gdata$.include]) + 0.5
  if (fill.in) {
    gdata <- gdata %>% dplyr::mutate(.include=isTip & is.between(y,ylow,yhigh))
  gdata.sub <- gdata %>% filter(.include)
  ymid <- (yhigh+ylow)/2
  xmin1 <- dplyr::first(gdata.sub$x)
  xmin2 <- dplyr::last(gdata.sub$x)
  if (is.null(xmax)) {
    xmax <- max(gdata.sub$x) * xscalar
  glabel <- glue::glue(label)
  rect.list <- list(geom_rect(data=gdata.sub,aes(xmin=x,xmax=xmax,ymin=y-0.5,ymax=y+0.5),alpha=alpha,fill=fill.color))
  segment.list <- list(

#' Hilight a set of ggtree tips.
#' geom_hilight(aes(isTip=isTip,var=Genus,value="Blautia"))
#' geom_hilight(aes(isTip=isTip,var=Genus,value="Blautia"),xend=2)
#' geom_hilight(aes(isTip=isTip,var=Genus,value="Blautia"),xadd=1.5)
#' @param oligo.file oligo file to be read. If oligo.file is a directory, all oligo files (*.oligos) will be read in.
#' @return Returns a data frame containing oligo information
#' @examples
#' @author Ying Taur
#' @export
geom_hilight <- function(mapping = NULL, data = NULL,
                         stat = "identity", position = "identity", ...,
                         na.rm = FALSE, show.legend = NA, inherit.aes = TRUE) {

  layer(data = data, mapping = mapping, stat = stat, geom = GeomHilight,
        position = position, show.legend = show.legend, inherit.aes = inherit.aes,
        params = list( na.rm = na.rm, ...)

#' @export
GeomHilight <- ggplot2::ggproto("GeomHilight", ggplot2::Geom,
  default_aes = ggplot2::aes(
    label = NA,
    colour = "black",
    fill = "light blue",
    xend = NA,
    xadd = NA,
    linesize = 0.5,
    linetype = 1, lineheight = 1.2,
    alpha = NA,
    size = 3.88,
    angle = 0, hjust = 0.5, vjust = 0.5, family = "", fontface = 1
  required_aes = c("x", "y"),
  setup_data = function(data, params) {
    data %>% filter(isTip, var == value)
  draw_group = function(data, panel_scales, coord) {
    linesize <- data$linesize[1]
    topdata <- data[which.max(data$y), , drop = FALSE]
    bottomdata <- data[which.min(data$y), , drop = FALSE]
    xend <- data$xend[1]
    xadd <- data$xadd[1]
    label <- data$label[1]
    if (is.na(label)) {
      label <- data$value[1]
    if (is.na(xend) & is.na(xadd)) {
      xend <- max(data$x, na.rm = TRUE)
      xadd <- 0.5
    } else if (is.na(xend) & !is.na(xadd)) {
      xend <- max(data$x)
    } else if (!is.na(xend) & is.na(xadd)) {
      xadd <- 0
    } else if (!is.na(xend) & !is.na(xadd)) {
      warning("YTWarning: both xend and xadd were specified, only one should be specified")
    } else {
      stop("YTError: should not happen, look for code issues")
    xend <- xend + xadd
    xtop <- topdata$x
    ytop <- topdata$y + 0.5
    xbottom <- bottomdata$x
    ybottom <- bottomdata$y - 0.5
    rect_data <- data.frame(
      xmin = data$x,
      xmax = xend,
      ymin = data$y - 0.5,
      ymax = data$y + 0.5,
      colour = NA, data[1, , drop = FALSE], row.names = NULL
    text_data <- data.frame(
      x = xend, y = (ytop + ybottom) / 2, label = label,
      data[1, , drop = FALSE], row.names = NULL
    line_data <- data.frame(
      x = c(xend, xtop, xbottom), y = c(ytop, ytop, ybottom),
      xend = c(xend, xend, xend), yend = c(ybottom, ytop, ybottom),
      size = linesize,
      data[1, , drop = FALSE], row.names = NULL
      GeomRect$draw_panel(rect_data, panel_scales, coord),
      GeomText$draw_panel(text_data, panel_scales, coord),
      GeomSegment$draw_panel(line_data, panel_scales, coord)
  # draw_key = GeomRect$draw_key

#' Modify Angle for Text on Circular ggtree
#' @param angle numeric vector of angles taken from ggtree data
#' @param hjust logical indicating whether to output the corresponding hjust parameter.
#' @param right logical indicating whether label should be at right angle to the tip being labelled.
#' @return new calculated angle or hjust aesthetic
#' @export
fan.angle <- function(angle,hjust=FALSE,right=FALSE) {
  angle <- angle %% 360
  top.side <- angle>=0 & angle<180
  right.side <- angle<=90 | angle>270
  if (right) {
    if (hjust) {
    } else {
  } else {
    if (hjust) {
    } else {

#' Conversion from Taxonomy Variables to Phylogenetic Trees (YT converted)
#' Used to convert taxonomy table into a phylo object for plotting. A revised version of ape::as.phylo.formula.
#' Modified from a version from Liam J. Revell, University of Massachusetts, ([http://blog.phytools.org/2016/03/asphyloformula-in-which-given-taxonomic.html])
#' Here are the changes:
#' (1) Corrected branch lengths. The original ape::as.phylo.formula does not work well because it uses ape::read.tree to read in data,
#' which can only read Newick trees without singleton branches. This uses read.newick instead, which can handle the singleton branches.
#' (2) Single branches are not automatically collapsed. This is so you can plot all levels of taxonomy.
#' (3) All nodes are labeled.
#' @param x a right-side formula describing the taxonomic relationship: ~C1/C2/.../Cn.
#' @param data the data.frame where to look for the variables (default to environment).
#' @param collapse.singles whether or not to collapse singleton nodes. Default is FALSE.
#' @param ... further arguments to be passed from other methods.
#' @return An object of class phylo.
#' @examples
#' library(ggtree)
#' library(ggplot)
#' t <- tribble (
#'   ~Superkingdom,  ~Phylum,          ~Class,                ~Order,               ~Family,               ~Genus,                   ~Species,
#'   "Bacteria",     "Firmicutes",     "Bacilli",             "Lactobacillales",    "Enterococcaceae",     "Enterococcus",           "Enterococcus faecium",
#'   "Bacteria",     "Firmicutes",     "Bacilli",             "Lactobacillales",    "Streptococcaceae",    "Streptococcus",          "Streptococcus salivarius",
#'   "Bacteria",     "Firmicutes",     "Erysipelotrichia",    "Erysipelotrichales", "Erysipelotrichaceae", "Erysipelatoclostridium", "Erysipelatoclostridium ramosum",
#'   "Bacteria",     "Firmicutes",     "Erysipelotrichia",    "Erysipelotrichales", "Erysipelotrichaceae", "Erysipelatoclostridium", "Erysipelatoclostridium ramosum",
#'   "Bacteria",     "Firmicutes",     "Erysipelotrichia",    "Erysipelotrichales", NA_character_,         NA_character_,            NA_character_,
#'   "Bacteria",     "Proteobacteria", "Gammaproteobacteria", "Enterobacterales",   "Enterobacteriaceae",  "Escherichia",            "Escherichia coli",
#'   "Bacteria",     "Actinobacteria", NA_character_,         NA_character_,        NA_character_,         NA_character_,            NA_character_)
#' phy <- as.phylo.formula2(~Superkingdom/Phylum/Class/Order/Family/Genus/Species,data=t)
#' gt <- ggtree(phy,layout="rectangular")
#' gt + geom_text(aes(label=label))
#' #levels are not same level.
#' library(ape)
#' data(carnivora)
#' t1 <- as.phylo.formula(~SuperFamily/Family/Genus/Species, data=carnivora)
#' par(lend=2)
#' plot(t1,edge.width=2,cex=0.6,no.margin=TRUE)
#' #this is correct.
#' t2 <- as.phylo.formula2(~SuperFamily/Family/Genus/Species, data=carnivora)
#' par(lend=2)
#' plot(t2,edge.width=2,cex=0.6,no.margin=TRUE)
#' @author Ying Taur
#' @export
as.phylo.formula2 <- function (x, data = parent.frame(), collapse.singles=FALSE, distinct.tree=TRUE, full.taxonomy.only=FALSE, ...){
  err <- "Formula must be of the kind \"~A1/A2/.../An\"."
  if (length(x) != 2)
  if (x[[1]] != "~")
  f <- x[[2]]
  taxo <- list() #list of vectors, from species->phylum
  while (length(f) == 3) {
    if (f[[1]] != "/")
    taxo[[deparse(f[[3]])]] <- data[[deparse(f[[3]])]]
    if (length(f) > 1)
      f <- f[[2]]
  taxo[[deparse(f)]] <- data[[deparse(f)]]
  taxnames <- taxo %>% map(~unique(.[!is.na(.)])) %>% unlist(use.names=FALSE)
  nodenames <- seq_along(taxnames) %>% paste0("v",.) %>% as.character()
  taxo <- taxo %>% map(~nodenames[match(.,taxnames)])
  taxo.data <- as.data.frame(taxo) #tax data from species>kingdom
  if (distinct.tree) {
    taxo.data <- taxo.data %>% distinct()
  if (full.taxonomy.only) {
    taxo.data <- taxo.data[!is.na(taxo.data[,1]),]
  # leaves.names <- as.character(taxo.data[, 1]) #species
  # taxo.data[, 1] <- 1:nrow(taxo.data) #replace species with node numbers
  f.rec <- function(subtaxo) {
    u <- ncol(subtaxo) #number of ranks
    all.na <- apply(subtaxo,1,function(x) all(is.na(x)))
    subtaxo <- subtaxo[!all.na,,drop=FALSE]
    if (nrow(subtaxo)==0) {
    levels <- unique(subtaxo[, u]) #last column (bacteria,...,genus)
    if (u == 1) {
      if (length(levels) != nrow(subtaxo))
        warning("Error, leaves names are not unique.")
      return(as.character(subtaxo[, 1]))
    t <- character(length(levels))
    for (l in 1:length(levels)) { #for each taxon of the level
      x <- f.rec(subtaxo[subtaxo[, u] == levels[l], ][1:(u - 1)]) #subset of taxo.data for that level.
      if (is.null(x)) {
        t[l] <- levels[l]
      } else {
        t[l] <- paste("(", paste(x,collapse=","), ")",levels[l], sep = "")
  string <- paste("(", paste(f.rec(taxo.data), collapse = ","),");", sep = "")
  phy <- phytools::read.newick(text = string) ## so that singles will be read without error
  phy$edge.length <- rep(1,nrow(phy$edge))
  if (collapse.singles) {
    phy <- ape::collapse.singles(phy)
  phy$tip.label <- phy$tip.label %>% map_chr(~taxnames[match(.,nodenames)])
  phy$node.label <- phy$node.label %>% map_chr(~coalesce(taxnames[match(.,nodenames)],.))

# lefse functions ---------------------------------------------------------

#' LDA Effect Size
#' Given a [`phyloseq`][`phyloseq::phyloseq-class`] object and class variable, perform LDA Effect Size analysis.
#' @param phy the [`phyloseq`][`phyloseq::phyloseq-class`] object containing the data
#' @param class set which variable use as class
#' @param subclass set which variable use as subclass (default is no subclass)
#' @param anova.alpha set the alpha value for the Kruskal-Wallis test (default 0.05)
#' @param wilcoxon.alpha set the alpha value for the Wilcoxon test (default 0.05)
#' @param lda.cutoff set the threshold on the absolute value of the logarithmic LDA score (default 2.0)
#' @param wilcoxon.within.subclass set whether perform the wilcoxon test only among the subclasses with the same name (default FALSE)
#' @param one.against.one (for multiclass tasks) set whether the test is performed in a
#' one-against-one (TRUE - more strict) or in a one-against-all setting (FALSE - less strict) (default FALSE)
#' @param n_boots set the number of bootstrap iteration for LDA (default 30). Set to NULL to skip bootstrapping altogether.
#' @param min_c minimum number of samples per subclass for performing wilcoxon test (default 10)
#' @param f_boots set the subsampling fraction value for each bootstrap iteration (default 0.67)
#' @param mult.test.correction set the multiple testing correction options. 0 no correction (more strict, default),
#' 1 correction for independent comparisons, 2 correction for dependent comparison
#' @return a table containing features tested and results.
#' @examples
#' lda <- lda.effect(cid.phy,class="Consistency")
#' @export
lda.effect <- function(phy,class,subclass=NULL,
                       anova.alpha = 0.05,
                       wilcoxon.alpha = 0.05,
                       lda.cutoff = 2,
                       wilcoxon.within.subclass = FALSE,
                       one.against.one = FALSE,
                       n_boots = 30,
                       min_c = 10,
                       f_boots = 0.67,
                       mult.test.correction = 0) {

  if (!(mult.test.correction %in% c(0,1,2))) {stop("YTError: mult.test.correction should 0, 1, or 2.")}
  ranks <- phyloseq::rank_names(phy)
  if (is.null(subclass)) {
    # add a meaningless non-varying subclass as placeholder, if it is not specified
    subclass <- paste0(class,"_subclass")
    phyloseq::sample_data(phy)[[subclass]] <- phyloseq::sample_data(phy)[[class]]
  s <- suppressWarnings(get.samp(phy)) %>%
  phyloseq::sample_data(phy) <- s %>% set.samp()

  # calculate totalseqs... need to recalculate pctseqs to avoid floating point errors.
  otu <- get.otu.melt(phy,filter.zero=FALSE) %>%
  # create data for all tax levels for analysis
  otul <- lapply(1:length(ranks),function(x) {
    lvls <- ranks[1:x]
    vars <- c("sample","totalseqs",class,subclass,lvls)
    otu %>%
      group_by(!!!syms(vars)) %>%
      summarize(numseqs=sum(numseqs),.groups="drop") %>%
  }) %>% bind_rows() %>%

  class.levels <- unique(otu[[class]]) %>% as.character()
  subclass.levels <- unique(otu[[subclass]]) %>% as.character()

  n.features <- n_distinct(otul$taxonomy_)
  #create class and subclass comparisons. these can be inner joined to otul to get the correct comparison.
  class.comparisons <- combn(class.levels,2,simplify=FALSE) %>%
    purrr::imap_dfr(~tibble(!!class:=.x,class=.x,class.list=list(.x),class.id=.y,group.number=1:2,class.desc=paste(.x,collapse=" vs. ")))
  subclass.comparisons <- cross2(subclass.levels,subclass.levels) %>% simplify_all() %>%
    purrr::imap_dfr(~tibble(!!subclass:=.x,subclass=.x,subclass.list=list(.x),subclass.id=.y,group.number=1:2,subclass.desc=paste(.x,collapse=" vs. ")))
  if (wilcoxon.within.subclass) {
    subclass.comparisons <- subclass.comparisons %>%
      group_by(subclass.id) %>%
      filter(n_distinct(subclass)==1) %>%
  #determine all possible class/subclass combinations
  s.levels <- s %>% count(!!sym(class),!!sym(subclass)) %>%
    group_by(!!sym(class)) %>%
    mutate(n.sublevels=n()) %>%
  all.comparisons <- inner_join(class.comparisons,subclass.comparisons,by="group.number") %>%
    inner_join(s.levels,by=c(class,subclass)) %>%
    group_by(class.id,subclass.id) %>%
    filter(n()==2) %>%
             mult.test.correction == 0 ~ wilcoxon.alpha,
             mult.test.correction == 1 ~ 1-(1-wilcoxon.alpha)^(n.sublevels[1]*n.sublevels[2]),
             mult.test.correction == 2 ~ wilcoxon.alpha * n.sublevels[1] * n.sublevels[2]
           )) %>%

  message(str_glue("class: {class} ({length(class.levels)} values)\nsubclass: {subclass} ({length(subclass.levels)} values)\nclass/subclass comparisons per tax level: {n_distinct(all.comparisons$all.id)}\nlevels: {n.features} taxonomic features (across {length(ranks)} levels: {paste(ranks,collapse=\"|\")})"))

  pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(total = n.features)
  pb$message(str_glue("Performing KW and W subclass testing ({n.features} tax features)"))
  results <- otul %>%
    group_by(taxonomy_,rank,!!!syms(ranks)) %>%
    group_modify(function(x,...) {
      # x <- otul %>% filter(taxonomy_=="Bacteria|Acidobacteria|Acidobacteria_Gp11")
      # kruskal test (class)
      kw <- kruskal.test(x[["pctseqs"]],as.factor(x[[class]]))
      kw.summary <- tibble(kw.pvalue=kw$p.value) %>%
        mutate(kw.pass=!is.na(kw.pvalue) & (kw.pvalue<anova.alpha),
               kw.info=if_else(kw.pass,NA_character_,"KW: non-signif"))
      # wilcoxon test overall (class/subclass)
      if (!kw.summary$kw.pass) {
        w.summary <- tibble(w.pass=NA,w.info=NA_character_)
      } else { # do the wilcox subclass testing
        w <- x %>% inner_join(all.comparisons,by=c(class,subclass)) %>%
          group_by(all.id,class.list,class.id,class.desc,subclass.list,subclass.id,subclass.desc,wilcoxon.alpha.corrected) %>%
          group_modify(function(y,...) {
            # y <- x %>% inner_join(all.comparisons,by=c(class,subclass)) %>% filter(all.id==first(all.id)) %>% mutate(pctseqs=0)
            if (n_distinct(y$pctseqs)==1) {
            wilcox <- suppressWarnings(wilcox.test(pctseqs ~ class, data=y))
            highest.median <- y %>% group_by(class) %>%
              summarize(median.pct=median(pctseqs),n=n(),.groups="drop") %>%
              arrange(desc(median.pct)) %>%
            tbl <- tibble(w.pvalue=wilcox$p.value,
          }) %>%
          group_by(class.id,class.list,class.desc) %>%
          mutate(w.signif=!is.na(w.pvalue) & (w.pvalue<2*wilcoxon.alpha.corrected),
                 equal.median=(n()>1) & direction=="[equal]",
                 subclass.pass=!all.same.value & (w.signif|small.size) & one.direction & !equal.median,
                                                   "not.signif"=!w.signif & !small.size,
                                                   first.hit.only=TRUE)) %>%

        w.class <- w %>%
          group_by(class.id,class.list,class.desc) %>%

        if (one.against.one) { # one.against.one: pass if all class comparisons pass
          w.summary <- w.class %>%
        } else { # one.against.all: pass if all class comparisons within a certain class value pass.
          w.summary <- w.class %>%
            unnest(cols=class.list) %>%
            group_by(class.list) %>%
                      w.info=list(w.info)) %>%
            mutate(w.pass=w.num.passed>=length(class.levels)-1) %>%
        w.summary <- w.summary %>% mutate(w.info=str_c("W: ",w.info))
      summary <- bind_cols(kw.summary,w.summary) %>%
        mutate(disc.feature=kw.pass & (w.pass | is.na(w.pass)))
    }) %>% ungroup()

  tax.features <- results %>% filter(disc.feature) %>% pull(taxonomy_) %>% unique()
  direction <- otul %>%
    group_by(!!sym(class),taxonomy_) %>%
    summarize(pctseqs=mean(pctseqs),.groups="drop") %>%
    group_by(taxonomy_) %>%
    arrange(desc(pctseqs)) %>%

  calc.lda <- function(otudata,formula) {
    z <- suppressWarnings(MASS::lda(formula,data=otudata,tol=0.0000000001))
    w <- z$scaling[,1]
    names(w) <- gsub("`","",names(w))
    w.unit <- w/sqrt(sum(w^2))
    xy.matrix <- otudata %>% select(-!!(sym(class)),-sample) %>% as.matrix()
    LD <- xy.matrix %*% w.unit
    p <- class.levels
    effect.size <- abs(mean(LD[otudata[,class]==p[1]]) - mean(LD[otudata[,class]==p[2]]))
    scal <- w.unit * effect.size
    rres <- z$means
    colnames(rres) <- gsub("`","",colnames(rres))
    lenc <- length(colnames(rres))
    coeff <- if_else(!is.na(scal),scal,0)
    gm  <- apply(rres,2,function(x) abs(x[1]-x[2]))
    means <- (gm + coeff)*0.5

  if (length(tax.features)==0) {
    # message("No significant features found.")
    log.bootmeans <- tibble(taxonomy_=NA_character_,lda=NA_real_)
  } else {
    otu.d <- otul %>% filter(taxonomy_ %in% tax.features) %>%
    otu.d.rnorm <- otu.d %>% group_by(!!sym(class)) %>% mutate(across(all_of(tax.features),~{
      if (n_distinct(.)>length(.)*0.5) {
        new.pcts <- .
      } else {
        new.pcts <- purrr::map_dbl(.,~abs(.+rnorm(1,0,sd=pmax(.*0.05,0.01))))
    })) %>% ungroup()
    formula <- as.formula(paste0(class," ~ ",paste0("`",tax.features,"`",collapse=" + ")))
    if (!is.null(n_boots)) {
      pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(total = n_boots)
      pb$message(str_glue("Bootstrapping LDA effect sizes ({n_boots} samples)..."))
      lda.bootstrap <- purrr::map_dfr(1:n_boots,~{
        for (i in 1:1000) {
          sub_d <- otu.d.rnorm %>% sample_frac(size=f_boots,replace=TRUE)
          class.counts <- sub_d %>% count(!!sym(class))
          all.classes.present <- nrow(class.counts)==length(class.levels)
          all.counts.above.min <- all(class.counts$n>=min_c)
          if (all.classes.present & all.counts.above.min) {
      bootmeans <- lda.bootstrap %>% purrr::map(mean)
    } else {
      message("Skipping bootstrap step.")
      bootmeans <- calc.lda(otu.d.rnorm,formula)
    log.bootmeans <- bootmeans %>%
      purrr::map(~sign(.)*log10(1+abs(.))) %>%
      # take max across pairs map()
    if (nrow(log.bootmeans)==0) {
      log.bootmeans <- tibble(taxonomy_=NA_character_,lda=NA_real_)
      message("No features significant!")

  final <- results %>%
    left_join(log.bootmeans,by="taxonomy_") %>%
    left_join(direction,by="taxonomy_") %>%
    rowwise() %>%
           taxon_=c(!!!syms(ranks))[rank]) %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    mutate(taxon_=str_glue("{taxon_} ({taxrank})"),
           lda.info=ifelse(lda.pass,NA_character_,"LDA: below cutoff"),
           pass=kw.pass & (is.na(w.pass) | w.pass) & (lda.pass & !is.na(lda.pass)),
           info=paste2(ifelse(pass,"PASS","FAIL:"),info)) %>%
    select(-disc.feature,-kw.info,-lda.info,-w.info,-all_of(ranks)) %>%
  message(str_glue("Number of significantly discriminative features: {length(tax.features)} ( {sum(results$kw.pass,na.rm=TRUE)} ) before internal wilcoxon
                   Number of discriminative features with abs LDA score > {lda.cutoff} : {sum(final$pass)}"))

#' Plot LDA Results
#' @param lda lda table from `lda.effect()`
#' @param tax.label either "taxon" or "taxonomy"
#' @return a ggplot of lda results
#' @export
#' @examples
lda.plot <- function(lda,tax.label="taxon") {
  if (n_distinct(lda$direction)==2) {
    ldaplot <- lda %>% filter(pass) %>%
             hjust=if_else(as.numeric(factor(direction))==2,0,1)) %>%
      arrange(lda) %>%
    limits <- max(lda$lda,na.rm=TRUE) * c(-1,1)
  } else {
    ldaplot <- lda %>% filter(pass) %>%
      arrange(direction,lda) %>%
    limits <- c(0,max(lda$lda,na.rm=TRUE))
  ggplot(ldaplot,aes(x=tax.label,y=lda,fill=direction)) +
    geom_col() + geom_text(aes(y=0,label=tax.label,hjust=hjust)) + coord_flip() +
    scale_fill_discrete("Group") +
    scale_y_continuous("LDA score (log10)",limits=limits) +

#' Plot LDA Results in Cladogram
#' @param lda lda table from [lda.effect()]
#' @param layout Either "cirular" or "rectangular"
#' @param check_overlap Only write clade labels if they do not overlap each other. Default is `TRUE`. This is passed to `geom_text`.
#' @param font.size Font size of clade labels. Default is 3.88.
#' @param clade.label.height Height of clade labels, relative to the size of the concentric tax levels. Default is 1 ()
#' @param pad Determines the spacing of surrounding clade labels.
#' @return ggplot of lda cladogram
#' @export
#' @examples
lda.clado <- function(lda,layout="circular",pad=2,check_overlap=TRUE,
                      clade.label.height=1) {
  # For each taxonomy, determine the individual level values. Make sure the values remain unique.
  #   E.g. for taxonomy = Bacteria|Bacteroidetes|Bacteroidia :
  #   Superkingdom = Bacteria
  #   Phylum = Bacteria|Bacteroidetes
  #   Class = Bacteria|Bacteroidetes|Bacteroidia
  #   Order/Family/Genus/Species = NA
  lda.tbl <- lda
  split <- str_split(lda.tbl$taxonomy,"\\|")
  max.n.levels <- split %>% map_int(length) %>% max()

  if (is.factor(lda$taxrank)) {
    lvls <- levels(lda$taxrank)
  } else {
    warning("YTWarning: taxrank is not a factor, rank levels may be missing")
    lvls <- lda %>% arrange(rank) %>% pull(taxrank) %>% unique()
  if (max.n.levels!=length(lvls)) {
    stop(str_glue("YTError: taxonomy splits into {max.n.levels} levels, but {length(lvls)} were in taxrank. Consider converting taxrank to a factor containing all levels."))
  for (i in 1:length(lvls)) {
    lvl <- lvls[i]
    lda.tbl[[lvl]] <- split %>% map_chr(~str_c(.[1:i],collapse="|"))
  form <- as.formula(paste0("~",paste(lvls,collapse="/")))
  lefse.phy <- as.phylo.formula2(form,data=lda.tbl,full.taxonomy.only=FALSE)
  gt <- ggtree(lefse.phy,layout=layout)
  get.children.yrange <- function(node,gd) {
    hits <- gd$node[gd$parent==node]
    if (length(hits)==0 | node %in% hits) {
    } else {
  if (!all(lda$taxonomy %in% gt$data$label)) {
    n.orphans <- setdiff(lda$taxonomy,gt$data$label) %>% length()
    n.total <- length(lda$taxonomy)
    stop(str_glue("YTError: not all taxonomy elements translated to phylo object! {n.orphans} out of {n.total} taxa not found."))
  gd <- gt$data %>% left_join(lda,by=c("label"="taxonomy")) %>%
           # xmax=pad+2*length(lvls)-x,
           xmax=(1 + length(lvls)) + clade.label.height*(1 + length(lvls)-x),
           short.label=map_chr(str_split(label,"\\|"),last)) %>%
  if (layout!="circular") {
    gd <- gd %>% mutate(angle.label=0)
  } else {
    gd <- gd %>%
  gt +
    geom_point(data=gd,aes(size=log.max),color="dark gray",fill="gray",shape=21,alpha=0.75) +
    geom_rect(data=filter(gd,pass),aes(xmin=xmin,xmax=xmax,ymin=ymin,ymax=ymax,fill=direction),color="dark gray",alpha=0.2) +
    # geom_fit_text(data=filter(gd,pass),aes(xmin=xmax-1,xmax=xmax,ymin=ymin,ymax=ymax,label=short.label,fill=direction),color="dark gray",alpha=0.2,min.size = 0) +
    geom_text(data=filter(gd,pass),aes(x=xtext,y=ymid,label=short.label,angle=angle.label),lineheight=0.75,check_overlap=check_overlap,size=font.size) +
    geom_point(data=filter(gd,pass),aes(fill=direction,size=log.max),shape=21,alpha=0.75) +
    scale_size_continuous("Max Abund (Log10)") +
    scale_fill_discrete("Group") +

# seq pipeline functions --------------------------------------------------

#' Read in tax file from blastn output
#' This reads in the file created by the YT python script, blastn.py
#' Chooses one taxonomy from the hits, also listing runner-up taxonomy.
#' * qseqid: Query Seq-id
#' * qgi: Query GI
#' * qacc: Query accesion
#' * qaccver: Query accesion.version
#' * qlen: Query sequence length
#' * sseqid: Subject Seq-id
#' * sallseqid: All subject Seq-id(s), separated by a ';'
#' * sgi: Subject GI
#' * sallgi: All subject GIs
#' * sacc: Subject accession
#' * saccver: Subject accession.version
#' * sallacc: All subject accessions
#' * slen: Subject sequence length
#' * qstart: Start of alignment in query
#' * qend: End of alignment in query
#' * sstart: Start of alignment in subject
#' * send: End of alignment in subject
#' * qseq: Aligned part of query sequence
#' * sseq: Aligned part of subject sequence
#' * evalue: Expect value. Describes the number of hits one can "expect" to see by chance when searching a database of a particular size.
#'   It decreases exponentially as the Score (S) of the match increases. Essentially, the E value describes the random background noise.
#'   For example, an E value of 1 assigned to a hit can be interpreted as meaning that in a database of the current size one might
#'   expect to see 1 match with a similar score simply by chance.
#' * bitscore: Bit score
#' * score: Raw score
#' * length: Alignment length
#' * pident: Percentage of identical matches
#' * nident: Number of identical matches
#' * mismatch: Number of mismatches
#' * positive: Number of positive-scoring matches
#' * gapopen: Number of gap openings
#' * gaps: Total number of gaps
#' * ppos: Percentage of positive-scoring matches
#' * frames: Query and subject frames separated by a '/'
#' * qframe: Query frame
#' * sframe: Subject frame
#' * btop: Blast traceback operations (BTOP)
#' * staxid: Subject Taxonomy ID
#' * ssciname: Subject Scientific Name
#' * scomname: Subject Common Name
#' * sblastname: Subject Blast Name
#' * sskingdom: Subject Super Kingdom
#' * staxids: unique Subject Taxonomy ID(s), separated by a ';' (in numerical order)
#' * sscinames: unique Subject Scientific Name(s), separated by a ';'
#' * scomnames: unique Subject Common Name(s), separated by a ';'
#' * sblastnames: unique Subject Blast Name(s), separated by a ';' (in alphabetical order)
#' * sskingdoms: unique Subject Super Kingdom(s), separated by a ';' (in alphabetical order)
#' * stitle: Subject Title
#' * salltitles: All Subject Title(s), separated by a '<>'
#' * sstrand: Subject Strand
#' * qcovs: Query Coverage Per Subject
#' * qcovhsp: Query Coverage Per HSP
#' * qcovus: Query Coverage Per Unique Subject (blastn only)
#' @param tax Taxonomy data from blastn, either as the file or a data frame.
#' @param tax_table logical, if TRUE (default), will return a data frame of taxonomy, which can be directly converted to a phyloseq [tax_table][phyloseq::taxonomyTable-class] object. If FALSE, returns data frame with all hits and associated data.
#' @return Data from the blastn data file.
#' @author Ying Taur
#' @export
read.blastn.file <- function(tax.file,tax_table=TRUE) {
  # t <- data.table::fread(tax.file,colClasses=c("sallgi"="character","staxids"="character"),quote="") %>% tbl_df()
  t <- readr::read_tsv(tax.file,col_types=readr::cols(sallgi=readr::col_character(),staxids=readr::col_character()))
  ranklevels <- unlist(str_extract_all(t$taxonomy[1],middle.pattern("\\[","[a-z ]+","\\]")))
  ranklevels <- stringr::str_to_title(make.names(ranklevels))
  t <- t %>%
    mutate(taxonomy=gsub("\\[[a-z ]+\\]","",taxonomy),
           otu=qseqid,    # otu=sub(";?$",";",qseqid),
           otu.number=as.numeric(str_extract(otu,"(?<=(OTU|ASV)_)[0-9]+"))) %>%
    separate(taxonomy,into=ranklevels,sep="\\|",remove=FALSE) %>%
    arrange(otu.number,otu,evalue,staxid) %>%
    group_by(otu) %>%
    # filter(!duplicated(taxonomy)) %>%
    mutate(evalue.rank=dense_rank(evalue)) %>%
    select(otu,Phylum,Family,Species,evalue,staxid,evalue.rank,pident,length,everything()) %>%
  if (!tax_table) {
  } else {
    t <- t %>%
      group_by(otu) %>%
      # mutate(n.ties=sum(dense_rank(evalue)==1),blast.data=paste0(Species," (eval=",evalue,",pid=",pident,")",collapse=";")) %>%
      filter(row_number()==1) %>%
      ungroup() %>%

#' Read in oligos file.
#' Reads in oligos file, listing pertinent information
#' Oligos files are formatted for use in mothur. We are still using this format, despite the fact that
#' we no longer use mothur in our pipeline.
#' @param oligo.file oligo file to be read. If oligo.file is a directory, all oligo files (*.oligos) will be read in.
#' @param remove.commented logical indicating whether or not to remove commented lines (default TRUE)
#' @return Returns a data frame containing oligo information
#' @author Ying Taur
#' @export
read.oligos <- function(oligo.file,remove.commented=TRUE) {
  if (!file.exists(oligo.file)) {
    stop("YTError: file/directory not found: ",oligo.file)
  if (dir.exists(oligo.file)) {
    oligo.files <- list.files(oligo.file,pattern="\\.oligos$",recursive=TRUE,full.names=TRUE)
    if (length(oligo.files)==0) {
      stop("YTError: no oligo files found in dir: ",oligo.file)
    out <- bind_rows(lapply(oligo.files,read.oligos,remove.commented=remove.commented))

  d <- tibble(line=scan(oligo.file,what=character(),sep="\n",quiet=TRUE)) %>%
    mutate(line=sub("[\t ]+$","",line),
  if (any(d$info=="error")) {
    stop("YTError: Did not understand one of the lines in the oligos file!\nFile: ",oligo.file,"\nLine: ",d$line[d$info=="error"][1])

  p <- d %>% filter(info=="primer") %>%
  primer <- p$primer[1]
  b <- d %>% filter(info=="barcode") %>%
           barcode=sapply(fields,function(x) paste(x[c(-1,-length(x))],collapse="\t")))
  if (!(all(b$n.fields==3)|all(b$n.fields==4))) {
    stop("YTError: barcode line did not contain 3 or 4 fields!")
  # b <- b %>% select(-fields,-n.fields)
  cmt <- d %>% filter(info=="comment")
  pool <- sub("\\.oligos$","",basename(oligo.file),ignore.case=TRUE)
  if (is.na(pool)) {
    stop("YTError: Could not extract pool name from file!")
  n.primers <- nrow(p)
  two.golay.barcodes <- all(grepl("[ACGT]{12}\t[ACGT]{12}",b$barcode))
  one.454.barcode <- all(grepl("[ACGT]{5,7}",b$barcode))
  if (n.primers==2 & two.golay.barcodes) {
    platform <- "miseq"
  } else if (n.primers==1 & one.454.barcode) {
    platform <- "454"
  } else {
    stop("YTError: Not sure what platform!")

  out <- data.frame(b,primer,oligo.file,pool,platform,comment=paste(cmt$line,collapse="\n"),stringsAsFactors=FALSE) %>%
  if (remove.commented) {
    out <- out %>% filter(!barcode.commented)
ying14/yingtools2 documentation built on May 6, 2024, 10:31 p.m.