
Defines functions semi_ellipse_perimeter retinal_arclen retinal_phi0 import_xyz run_all_demos polynomial_vs_lambda ssite_merge spherical_coords coordinate_IJ degrees count_to_rho sphere_visualize fit_error_histogram fit_plots define_contour_breaks add_contours init_square_mat_plot compute_thin_plate_spline_error getDssRemoved cartesian_rotation add_degrees rotation_optimize optimal_rotation reflect_across_vertical_line composite_map map_composites plot_rotation_optimize range_len reorder_columns

Documented in add_contours add_degrees cartesian_rotation composite_map compute_thin_plate_spline_error coordinate_IJ count_to_rho define_contour_breaks degrees fit_error_histogram fit_plots getDssRemoved import_xyz init_square_mat_plot map_composites optimal_rotation plot_rotation_optimize polynomial_vs_lambda range_len reflect_across_vertical_line reorder_columns retinal_arclen retinal_phi0 rotation_optimize run_all_demos semi_ellipse_perimeter sphere_visualize spherical_coords ssite_merge

##' retina.
##' @description
##' Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Brian Cohn and Lars Schmitz
##' @name retina
##' @author Brian Cohn \email{brian.cohn@@usc.edu}, Lars Schmitz
##' @docType package


##' Reef Fish
##' A dataset containing three retinal objects, computed using the retina package: Pmol 753,Pmol 752 and Ntae 381.
##' @docType data
##' @keywords datasets
##' @name reef_fish
##' @usage data(reef_fish)
##' @format A list (in retina object form)
##' @author Brian Cohn \email{brian.cohn@@usc.edu}, Lars Schmitz

#' Pseudodax 753 Retinal object
#' @docType data
#' @keywords datasets
#' @format retina_object
#' @name Pmol_753

#' Pseudodax 752 Retinal object
#' @docType data
#' @keywords datasets
#' @format retina_object
#' @name Pmol_752

#' Ntae_381 Retinal object
#' @docType data
#' @keywords datasets
#' @format retina_object
#' @name Ntae_381\t

##' @title Half ellipse perimeter approximation (ellipsoid assumption)
##' @description
##' Ramanujan approximation divided by two.
##' \eqn{p \approx \pi * [3(a+b)-\sqrt{(3a + b)(a + 3b)}]} in half
##' @param a Major axis (longer)
##' @param b Minor axis (shorter)
##' @return semielliptical perimeter in same units as input
##' @author Brian Cohn \email{brian.cohn@@usc.edu}, Lars Schmitz
##' @export
semi_ellipse_perimeter <- function(a, b) {
    p <- pi * (3 * (a + b) - sqrt((3 * a + b) * (a + 3 * b)))

##' Retinal Perimeter Estimation (spherical assumption)
##' @description
##' Calculates the retinal perimeter distance in same units as input, with the assumption that the retinal shape is hemispherical.
##' @details Assumes a spherical eye, where eye diameter approximates twice the sphere's radius.
##' @param ED Eye Diameter of the eye sample, measured at the widest point of the eye.
##' @return Retinal Arclength in millimeters
##' @author Brian Cohn \email{brian.cohn@@usc.edu}, Lars Schmitz
##' @export
retinal_arclen <- function(ED) {
    C_eye <- ED * pi  #assuming spherical eye with ED = sphere diameter
    retinal_arclen <- C_eye/2

##' Rim Latitude Estimation (Ellipsoidal assumption)
##' @details Assumes an ellipsoidal eye
##' @param ED Eye Diameter of the eye sample, measured at the widest points of the eye.
##' @param AL Axial Length of the eye sample, measured at the longest measure of the eye from anterior to posterior.
##' @return Retinal latitude in degrees
##' @author Brian Cohn \email{brian.cohn@@usc.edu}, Lars Schmitz
##' @export
retinal_phi0 <- function(ED, AL) {
    return(90 - 180/pi * acos(2 * (AL/ED) - 1))  ##This line written by manuscript reviewer via Journal of Vision

##' @title import_xyz
##' @description
##' Grabs the XYZ from the path
##' @param path Path to a folder containing a three column comma separated value database. File must be named \code{xyz.csv}
##' @return dataframe with X Y and Z columns with NA's. Each row is a density measurement at a given XY location in ImageJ coordinates.
##' @author Brian Cohn \email{brian.cohn@@usc.edu}, Lars Schmitz
##' @family munge
import_xyz <- function(path) {
    # Input path to folder containing xyz.csv, Reads and condenses count data per
    # sampling site. Make sure you don't have a slash at the end
    xyz <- na.omit(read.csv(paste0(path, "/xyz.csv")))

##' @title Run all demos
##' @description
##' Runs all demos in quick succession
##' @param path_to_demo_folder include the trailing /
##' @author Brian Cohn \email{brian.cohn@@usc.edu}, Lars Schmitz
run_all_demos <- function(path_to_demo_folder=file.path(.libPaths(), "retina/demo")) {
    list_of_demo_names <- c("/composite_retina.R",
    pdf("all_demos_output.pdf", width=8.5, height=11, useDingbats=FALSE)
      lapply(list_of_demo_names, function(x) {source(paste0(path_to_demo_folder,x))})

##' Polynomial vs Lambda Visualization
##' @description
##' Visualize the effect of polynomial number and lambda on the thin plate spline fit.
##' @param retina_obj Retinal object
##' @param spatial_res number of pixels wide the output image will be. (1000 by default)
##' @param frequency_cap y axis limit for the frequency (used to set all plots to the same Y scale)
##' @param polynomial_m_vec by default c(3,4), defines the polynomial degrees to try
##' @param lambda_vec by default c(0,0.001), defines the lambda values to try
##' @param error_x_limits xlim 2 element vector passed for the x axis. See ?plot
##' @details pdf documents in the working directory for each combination of lambda and m (polynomial degree)
##' @return DAT data.frame containing each column with a combination of lambda and polynomial values. Each row value is an error value
##' @author Brian Cohn \email{brian.cohn@@usc.edu} Lars Schmitz
##' @export

polynomial_vs_lambda <- function(retina_obj, spatial_res = 1000, polynomial_m_vec = c(3,
    4), lambda_vec = c(0, 0.001), frequency_cap = 100, error_x_limits = c(1000, 7000)) {
    point_num <- length(retina_obj$fit_data1$y)
    DAT <- data.frame(navec = rep(NA, point_num))
    names = c("NA_vec")
    for (lambda_var in lambda_vec) {
        for (polynomial_m_var in polynomial_m_vec) {
            filename = paste0("L = ", lambda_var, " M= ", polynomial_m_var)
            max_density <- max(retina_obj$azimuthal_data.datapoints[[1]]$z)
            tmp <- retinaplot(retina_obj, return_fit = TRUE, spatial_res = spatial_res,
                contour_breaks_source = c(0, max_density), col_breaks_source = c(0,
                  max_density), col_levels = 50, contour_levels = 20, rotation = 0,
                inner_eye_view = TRUE, lambda = lambda_var, polynomial_m = polynomial_m_var)
            fit_error_histogram(tmp[[1]], sub = filename, ylim = c(0, frequency_cap),
                xlim = error_x_limits)
            fit_object = tmp[[1]]
            DAT <- cbind(DAT, predictSE(fit_object))
            names <- c(names, filename)
    colnames(DAT) <- names

##' @title Merge Sampling Site location and Counting Frame counts.
##' @description
##' X represents the row index on the sampling grid, and Y represents the column index. Numbers start at 1.
##' @param location dataframe with a column for samplingsite, x and y.
##' @param counts dataframe with a column for samplingsite and count.
##' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods.
##' @return xycount Dataframe of (x,y, count)
##' @author Brian Cohn \email{brian.cohn@@usc.edu}, Lars Schmitz
##' @family munge
##' @export
ssite_merge <- function(location, counts, ...) {
    xycount = merge(location, counts, by = "samplingsite")
    xycount = subset(xycount, select = c("x", "y", "count"))

##' @title ImageJ and Retistruction of Input Retinal Data from Flattened State
##' @description
##' Converts flat retina to a spherical representation of the data. Spherical coords path must contain:  outline.roi  Datapoints in barycentric coordinates. P.csv  Datapoints on reconstructed sphere in cartesian coordinates. T.csv  Datapoints on reconstructed sphere in spherical coordinates.  xyz.csv  Cell density site locations with density measurements. Columns of x(integer column starting at 1 at the left) , y (integer column starting at 1 on the bottom) and z (counts)
##' @param path Directory which contains the retistruct files.
##' @param height Height in microns of the stereologic counting frame
##' @param width Width in microns of the stereologic counting frame
##' @param IJ_limits data.frame with min, max and delta values for both X and Y with respect to the contour image in ImageJ coordiantes. For setting the calibration of the sampling sites to the sphere.
##' @param falciform (boolean) True by default, meaning there is a file called falc.txt within the path.
##' @return data.frame with phi(latitude), lambda(longitude) and Z (cells per square millimeter).
##' @author Brian Cohn \email{brian.cohn@@usc.edu}, Lars Schmitz
##' @references https://r-forge.r-project.org/scm/?group_id=1436
##' @import retistruct
##' @export
spherical_coords <- function(path, height, width, IJ_limits, falciform = TRUE) {
    # Read in the xyz dataset from stereology data collection.
    xyz <- import_xyz(path)
    # Read in the Falciform Process x y outline coordinates.
    if (falciform == TRUE) {
        falc <- read.table(paste0(path, "/falc.txt"), col.names = c("x", "cyan"))
    } else {
        # If not, just put in NULL.
        falc <- data.frame()

    # Import Counting Frame surface area in microns^2
    xy_IJ_cols <- coordinate_IJ(xyz, IJ_limits$maxX, IJ_limits$maxY, IJ_limits$minX,
        IJ_limits$minY, IJ_limits$deltaX, IJ_limits$deltaY, inversion = FALSE)
    # Save output/species/datapoints.csv, create folder if doesnt exist #saves only
    # the x,y coordinates
    DAT <- data.frame(xy_IJ_cols[, 1], xy_IJ_cols[, 2])
    xyz_len <- length(xy_IJ_cols[, 1])
    # Append the falciform process to the end of the dataset.
    colnames(DAT) <- c("x", "cyan")
    DAT <- rbind(DAT, falc)  #Tag the falciform process onto the end
    combined_len <- length(DAT[, 1])
    # Save the points as datapoints.csv. This includes XYZ datapoints and the
    # falciform process.
    write.csv(DAT, file = paste0(path, "/datapoints.csv"), row.names = FALSE)

    # Post-image_J_markup
    invisible(capture.output(radian_data <- dss_retistruct_processing(path)))
    dss_object <- getDss(radian_data)
    dss <- getDssRemoved(radian_data)
    # Extract the density measurement and falciform outline coordinates from the
    # 'datapoints' dss set.
    falciform_outline <- dss$x[((xyz_len):combined_len), ]
    falciform_outline <- falciform_outline[(2:length(falciform_outline[, 1])), ]
    density_locations <- dss$x[1:xyz_len, ]
    dss_coords <- degrees(data.frame(density_locations))
    falciform_outline <- degrees(data.frame(falciform_outline))
    # Combine coordinates with sampling site densities Get rid of the NA points
    # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4862178/remove-rows-with-nas-in-data-frame
    data_w_NA <- cbind(dss_coords, z = xyz[, 3])
    trimmed_data <- data_w_NA[complete.cases(data_w_NA[, 1:2]), ]
    falciform_outline <- falciform_outline[complete.cases(falciform_outline[, 1:2]),
    # convert to density per square millimeter
    trimmed_data$z <- unlist(lapply(trimmed_data$z, function(x) count_to_rho(x, height = height,
        width = width)))
    return(list(trimmed_data = trimmed_data, falciform_outline = falciform_outline))

##' @title ImageJ Coordinate Conversion
##' @param RET_count_data XYZ dataframe. X and Y are integer values starting at 1.
##' @param maxX The X value of the furthest sampling site at the far right of the picture.
##' @param maxY The Y value of the furthest sampling site at the top of the picture
##' @param minX The X value of the furthest sampling site at the far left of the picture
##' @param minY The Y value of the furthest sampling site at the bottom of the picture
##' @param deltaX Average change in pixels in the X axis between two sampling sites.
##' @param deltaY Average change in pixels in the Y axis between two sampling sites.
##' @param inversion Whether or not to invert
##' @todo Need to remove all imageJ calibration in an Epic
##' @param ... arguments passed to or from other methods.
##' @return RET_count_data Retinal count data in ImageJ coordinates. $x, $y and $z
##' @author Brian Cohn \email{brian.cohn@@usc.edu}, Lars Schmitz
coordinate_IJ <- function(RET_count_data, maxX, maxY, minX, minY, deltaX, deltaY,
    inversion, ...) {
    # data = XY sampling grid integer values are converted into imageJ coordinates
    # based on image.  make sure that maxY and minY are inputted as negative values.
    if (min(RET_count_data$x) == 1) {
        message("x starts at 1, no change committed")
    if (min(RET_count_data$y) == 1) {
        message("y starts at 1, no change committed")
    if (min(RET_count_data$x) != 1) {
        offset <- min(RET_count_data$x) - 1
        message(paste0(offset, " is the offset fixed for x"))
        RET_count_data$x <- RET_count_data$x - offset
        message("x doesn't start at 1, change committed")
    if (min(RET_count_data$y) != 1) {
        message("y doesn't start at 1, change committed")
        offset <- min(RET_count_data$y) - 1
        message(paste0(offset, " is the offset fixed for y"))
        RET_count_data$y <- RET_count_data$y - offset
    RET_count_data$x <- minX + (RET_count_data$x - 1) * deltaX
    if (inversion == TRUE) {
        RET_count_data$y <- abs(maxY + (RET_count_data$y - 1) * deltaY)  #artificially made positive to meet IJ reqs
        message("INVERSION!, max added")
    if (inversion == FALSE) {
        RET_count_data$y <- abs(minY + (RET_count_data$y - 1) * deltaY)  #artificially made positive to meet IJ reqs
        message("No inversion, min added")

##' @title Conversion from Radians to Degrees
##' @param radian_coords A data.frame with two columns- first is phi, second is lambda
##' @return data.frame Phi and lambda in a data.frame.
##' @author Brian Cohn \email{brian.cohn@@usc.edu}, Lars Schmitz
degrees <- function(radian_coords) {
    phi <- radian_coords[, 1] * (180/pi)  #convert to degrees, phi is out latitude
    lambda <- radian_coords[, 2] * (180/pi)  #convert to degrees, lambda is our longitude, use this to rotate about the eye through-axis
    return(data.frame(phi = phi, lambda = lambda))

##' @title Convert count to Density
##' @description
##' Uses cell count to compute density within the counting frame. Units are set to microns
##' @param count Number of retinal cells counted within the counting frame.
##' @param height Counting frame width in microns
##' @param width Counting frame width in microns
##' @return rho Density in units of retinal ganglion cells per square millimeter
##' @author Brian Cohn \email{brian.cohn@@usc.edu}
##' @examples
##' count_to_rho(10,25,25)
##' #16,000 cells/mm^2
##' @export
count_to_rho <- function(count, height, width) {
    rho = count/(height * width * (1e-06))

##' @title Spherical Plot visualization
##' Uses retistruct to create lat/lon coordinates
##' @param trimmed_data Three-column dataset with datapoint locations in latitude/longitude degree format.
##' @return Spherical visualization
##' @author Brian Cohn \email{brian.cohn@@usc.edu}, Lars Schmitz
##' @import rgl sphereplot
##' @export
sphere_visualize <- function(trimmed_data) {
    rgl.sphgrid(radius = 1, longtype = "D", deggap = 30, col.lat = "transparent",
        col.long = "black")  #make a quick sphere
    rgl.sphpoints(trimmed_data[, 2], trimmed_data[, 1], shininess = 50, radius = 1,
        size = 6, deg = TRUE, col = "blue4")  #quick check to make sure it is covering the bottom hemisphere

##' @title Single Tps Fit Error Plot
##' @param x the fit object
##' @param main title of the plot, NULL by default
##' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods.
##' @return Error histogram in base R
##' @author Brian Cohn \email{brian.cohn@@usc.edu}, Lars Schmitz
##' @export
fit_error_histogram <- function(x, main = NULL, ...) {
    hist(predictSE(x), col = "black", xlab = "Fit Error (RGC/sq.mm)", ...)

##' @title Retinal Krig Fit Plots
##' @param x the fit object
##' @param digits set to 4 arbitrarily
##' @param which set arbitrarily to 1:4
##' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods.
##' @return Histograms and Error scatterplots in base R
##' @author Brian Cohn \email{brian.cohn@@usc.edu}, Lars Schmitz
##' @references Fields Package
##' @export
fit_plots <- function(x, digits = 4, which = 1:4, ...) {
    out <- x
    # don't do plots 2:4 if a fixed lambda
    if (x$fixed.model) {
        which <- 1
    fitted.values <- predict(out)
    std.residuals <- (out$residuals * sqrt(out$weights))/out$shat.GCV
    if (any(which == 1)) {
        temp <- summary(out)
        plot(fitted.values, out$y, ylab = "Y", xlab = " Predicted density", bty = "n",
        abline(0, 1)
        hold <- par("usr")
        text(hold[1], 0.95 * range(out$y)[2], paste(" R**2 = ", format(round(100 *
            temp$covariance, 2)), "%", sep = ""), cex = 0.8, adj = 0)
    if (any(which == 2)) {
        plot(fitted.values, std.residuals, ylab = "(STD) Residuals", xlab = " Predicted density",
            bty = "n", ...)
        hold <- par("usr")
        text(hold[1], 0.95 * range(std.residuals)[2], paste(" RMSE =", format(signif(sqrt(sum(out$residuals^2)/(temp$num.observation -
            temp$enp)), digits))), cex = 0.8, adj = 0)

    if (any(which == 4)) {
        hist(std.residuals, main = "", col = "black", breaks = 10, xlab = "STD Residual")
    message("Predicting Fit Error")
    hist(predictSE(x), col = "black", xlab = "Fit Error (RGC/sq.mm)", main = NULL)
### Set contour_breaks based on requested source
##' @title Set Contour Breaks Based on Requested Source
##' @description This function will make a set of contour topography lines. Code from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10856882/r-interpolated-polar-contour-plot was highly modified to meet retinal plotting funtionality.
##' @param contour_breaks_source See fit_plot_azimuthal
##' @param z See fit_plot_azimuthal
##' @param contour_levels See fit_plot_azimuthal
##' @param Mat See fit_plot_azimuthal
##' @return contour_breaks See fit_plot_azimuthal
define_contour_breaks <- function(contour_breaks_source, z, contour_levels, Mat) {
    if ((length(contour_breaks_source == 1)) & (contour_breaks_source[1] == 1)) {
        contour_breaks = seq(min(z, na.rm = TRUE), max(z, na.rm = TRUE), by = (max(z,
            na.rm = TRUE) - min(z, na.rm = TRUE))/(contour_levels - 1))
    } else if ((length(contour_breaks_source == 1)) & (contour_breaks_source[1] ==
        2)) {
        contour_breaks = seq(min(Mat, na.rm = TRUE), max(Mat, na.rm = TRUE), by = (max(Mat,
            na.rm = TRUE) - min(Mat, na.rm = TRUE))/(contour_levels - 1))
    } else if ((length(contour_breaks_source) == 2) & (is.numeric(contour_breaks_source))) {
        print(paste0("Manual contour range set from ", contour_breaks_source[1],
            " to ", contour_breaks_source[2]))
        contour_breaks = pretty(contour_breaks_source, n = contour_levels)
        contour_breaks = seq(contour_breaks_source[1], contour_breaks_source[2],
            by = (contour_breaks_source[2] - contour_breaks_source[1])/(contour_levels -
    } else {
        stop("Invalid selection for \"contour_breaks_source\"")

### Add contours to the retina plot
##' @title Print contour lines onto the retina plot
##' @description Makes a set of contours to the retinaplot. Modified code from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10856882/r-interpolated-polar-contour-plot was highly modified to meet retinal plotting funtionality.
##' @param minitics See fit_plot_azimuthal
##' @param Mat See fit_plot_azimuthal
##' @param contour_breaks See fit_plot_azimuthal
##' @import grDevices
add_contours <- function(minitics, Mat, contour_breaks, xy) {
    CL <- grDevices::contourLines(x = minitics, y = minitics, Mat, levels = contour_breaks)
    A <- lapply(CL, function(xy) {
        graphics::lines(xy$x, xy$y, col = gray(0.2), lwd = 0.5)

##' @title Initiate the Square Matrix plot to prepare for polar plotting
##' @description instantiates the square plotting area Modified code from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10856882/r-interpolated-polar-contour-plot was highly modified to meet retinal plotting funtionality.
##' @param zlim See fit_plot_azimuthal
##' @param col See fit_plot_azimuthal
##' @param Mat See fit_plot_azimuthal
##' @param minitics See fit_plot_azimuthal
init_square_mat_plot <- function(Mat, zlim, minitics, col) {
    Mat[which(Mat < zlim[1])] = zlim[1]
    Mat[which(Mat > zlim[2])] = zlim[2]
    image(x = minitics, y = minitics, Mat, useRaster = TRUE, asp = 1, axes = FALSE,
        xlab = "", ylab = "", zlim = zlim, col = col)

##' @title Compute fit error at original data points
##' @description compute the error at a set of desired points
##' @author Brian Cohn
##' @param x the x coordinates of the original points that were smoothed
##' @param y the y coordinates of the original points that were smoothed
##' @param thin_plate_spline_object output object from fields::Tps
##' @return error A data frame of the error at each of the original points
compute_thin_plate_spline_error <- function(x, y, thin_plate_spline_object) {
    return(data.frame(x = x, y = y, se = predictSE(thin_plate_spline_object)))

##' @title Constructor for RecontructedDataset object *EDITED
##' @description This function was edited by Brian Cohn on 05/30/2014 in order to return DSS. One line was added.
##' @param r Object that of clases \code{reconstructedOutline} and
##' \code{dataset}.
##' @param report Function used to report progress.
##' @return \code{\link{ReconstructedDataset}} object containing the input
##' information and the following modified and extra information:
##' \item{\code{Dsb}}{Datapoints in barycentric coordinates}
##' \item{\code{Dsc}}{Datapoints on reconstructed sphere in cartesian coordinates}
##' \item{\code{Dss}}{Datapoints on reconstructed sphere in spherical coordinates}
##' \item{\code{Ssb}}{Landmarks in barycentric coordinates}
##' \item{\code{Ssc}}{Landmarks on reconstructed sphere in cartesian coordinates}
##' \item{\code{Sss}}{Landmarks on reconstructed sphere in spherical coordinates}
##' @author David Sterratt
##' @import geometry
##' @export
getDssRemoved <- function(r, report = message) {
    ### Function by David Sterratt, 2013
    report("Inferring coordinates of datapoints")
    # internal functions pasted in for convenience
    Dsb <- list()  # Datapoints in barycentric coordinates
    Dsc <- list()  # Datapoints on reconstructed sphere in cartesian coordinates
    Dss <- list()  # Datapoints on reconstructed sphere in spherical coordinates
    if (!is.null(r$Ds) & (length(r$Ds) > 0)) {
        for (name in names(r$Ds)) {
            Dsb[[name]] <- tsearchn(r$P, r$T, r$Ds[[name]])
            oo <- is.na(Dsb[[name]]$idx)  # Points outwith outline
            if (any(oo)) {
                warning(paste(sum(oo), name, "datapoints outwith the outline will be ignored."))
            Dsb[[name]]$p <- Dsb[[name]]$p[, , drop = FALSE]
            Dsb[[name]]$idx <- Dsb[[name]]$idx
            # Dsc[[name]] <- bary.to.sphere.cart(r$phi, r$lambda, r$R, r$Tt, Dsb[[name]])
            # #ORIGINAL LINES Dss[[name]] <- sphere.cart.to.sphere.spherical(Dsc[[name]],
            # r$R)
            Dsc[[name]] <- bary.to.sphere.cart(r$phi, r$lambda, r$R, r$Tt, Dsb[[name]])  #MODIFIED LINE, BRIAN COHN 05/30/2014
            Dss[[name]] <- sphere.cart.to.sphere.spherical(Dsc[[name]], r$R)
    return(Dss)  #ADDED LINE, BRIAN COHN 05/30/2014

##' @title Counterclockwise rotation about the origin
##' @param x vector of x coordinates (int/float)
##' @param y vector of y coordinates (int/float)
##' @param theta (float|int) angle in degrees.
##' @return xy Data.Frame with $x and $y rotated coordinates
##' @author Brian Cohn \email{brian.cohn@@usc.edu}, Lars Schmitz
##' @family trig_fns
##' @examples
##' x<- c(1,2,3,4,5)
##' y<- c(3,3,3,3,3)
##' theta <- 30
##' cartesian_rotation(x,y,theta)
##' @export
cartesian_rotation <- function(x, y, theta) {
    deg <- function(radians) 180 * radians/pi
    rad <- function(degrees) degrees * pi/180
    theta = rad(theta)
    x_new <- x * cos(theta) - y * sin(theta)
    y_new <- y * cos(theta) + x * sin(theta)
    return(data.frame(x = x_new, y = y_new))

##' @title Add Degrees
##' @param theta Angle in degrees
##' @param degrees Number of degrees to add to theta
##' @return newtheta Adjusted between -180 and 180 degrees.
##' @author Brian Cohn \email{brian.cohn@@usc.edu}, Lars Schmitz
##' @family trig_fns
##' @examples
##' add_degrees(30, 180) #you should get -150
##' @export
add_degrees <- function(theta, degrees) {
    if (theta + degrees > 180) {
        theta <- (theta + degrees - 360)
    } else if (theta + degrees < -180) {
        theta <- (theta + degrees + 360)
    } else {
        theta <- (theta + degrees)

##' @title Rotation error measurement for two similar retinal maps.
##' @description
##' Rotates one map 360 degrees, and for every value of rotation between -180 to 180, the
##' mean absolute difference between the maps' rho values is recorded
##' @param map1 retinal data: This map will not be rotated, and will serve as the reference.
##' @param map2 retinal data: This map will be rotated and superimposed upon map1.
##' Has components $x, $y and $z in azimuthal projection coordinates.
##' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods.
##' reference map. latitude in [,1], longitude in [,2], rho in [,3].
##' @param spatial_res Defines the number of pixels across the interpolation grid for every comparison. Default is 16 for speed.
##' @param theta_interval Defines the interval at which the rotation value will be changed when moving to the next comparison. Default is 10 in units of degrees.
##' @return df_spin Matrix of errors (in second column) for a given map rotation.
##' @import mapproj
##' @author Brian Cohn \email{brian.cohn@@usc.edu}, Lars Schmitz
##' @family species_average
##' @export
rotation_optimize <- function(map1, map2, spatial_res = 32, theta_interval = 30,
    projection_type = "azequidistant", ...) {
    # define prediction frame for both maps
    map1 <- map1$azimuthal_data.datapoints[[1]]
    map2 <- map2$trimmed_data
    minitics <- seq(-1.6, 1.6, length.out = spatial_res)
    grid.list = list(x = minitics, y = minitics)

    fit1 <- Tps(cbind(map1$x, map1$y), map1$z, ...)
    map1surface <- predictSurface(fit1, grid.list, extrap = FALSE)$z
    # initialize df_spin dataframe to hold the RMSE values of each rotation value

    theta <- seq(-180, 180, by = theta_interval)
    df_spin <- matrix(nrow = length(theta), ncol = 2)

    # loop through spin theta
    for (rotation in 1:length(theta)) {
        # Create an azimuthal equidistant map projection with 'rotation' variable.
        az <- mapproject(x = map2[, 2], map2[, 1], projection = projection_type,
            orientation = c(-90, 0, theta[rotation]))
        az$z <- map2[, 3]
        # get prediction frame
        suppressWarnings(fit2 <- Tps(cbind(az$x, az$y), az$z, ...))
        map2surface <- predictSurface(fit2, grid.list, extrap = FALSE)$z
        map_difference <- map2surface - map1surface  #matrix difference
        meandiff <- mean(abs(map_difference), na.rm = TRUE)
        df_spin[rotation, ] <- c(theta[rotation], meandiff)
    # optimal_rotation(df_spin)
    colnames(df_spin) <- c("degree", "abs_mean_diff")
    df_spin[, 1] <- unlist(lapply(df_spin[, 1], add_degrees, degrees = 90))

##' Optimal rotation (for min_err) for rotation error matrix
##' Computes the argmax of the min error, returning both the error and its theta rotation value in degrees.
##' @param df_spin Two column matrix of theta (rotation in degrees) at [,1] and error at [,2].
##' @param quiet logical. when false, it will print what the absolute mean difference is between maps.
##' @return optimal_degree The optimal (minimum) degree and its error value.
##' @author Brian Cohn \email{brian.cohn@@usc.edu}, Lars Schmitz
##' @family species_average
##' @export
optimal_rotation <- function(df_spin, quiet = TRUE) {
    optimal_degree <- df_spin[which.min(df_spin[, 2]), ]
    if (!quiet) {
        message(paste("Absolute mean difference between maps (", optimal_degree[2],
            "RGC/sqmm)  minimized when map2 ccw is ", optimal_degree[1], "degrees"))


##' Reflect matrix across vertical axis
##' @param mat a matrix (doesn't have to be square)
##' @return matrix reflected matrix
##' @author Brian Cohn \email{brian.cohn@@usc.edu} Lars Schmitz
##' @family internal
reflect_across_vertical_line <- function(mat) {
    num_cols <- length(mat[1, ])
    num_rows <- length(mat[, 1])
    for (i in 1:num_rows) {
        mat[, i] <- rev(mat[, i])

##' @title Make a Composite Map
##' @param map1 Fixed retina object
##' @param map2 retina object subject to rotation.
##' @param rotation Boolean, whether or not spin optimization is used.
##' @param plot_rotation Boolean, whether or not spin optimization plot is shown.
##' @param spatial_res Default is 16. A (spatial_res*spatial_res) matrix will be created for spin optimization comparisons and compose the average.
##' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods.
##' @return plot Composite Plot data
##' @author Brian Cohn \email{brian.cohn@@usc.edu}, Lars Schmitz
##' @family species_average
##' @export
composite_map <- function(map1, map2, rotation = TRUE, spatial_res, plot_rotation = FALSE,
    projection_type = "azequidistant", ...) {

    ### STEP 1 Convert map2 data into an azimuthal equidistant plot projection map1
    x1 <- map1$azimuthal_data.datapoints[[1]]$x
    y1 <- map1$azimuthal_data.datapoints[[1]]$y
    z1 <- map1$azimuthal_data.datapoints[[1]]$z
    # map2
    x2 <- map2$azimuthal_data.datapoints[[1]]$x
    y2 <- map2$azimuthal_data.datapoints[[1]]$y
    z2 <- map2$azimuthal_data.datapoints[[1]]$z

    theta <- -90  #default value is -90 (no rotation)
    if (rotation) {
        message("Optimizing Rotation")
        # identify error at each rotation
        rotation_df <- rotation_optimize(map1, map2, 64)
        if (plot_rotation) {
        # find optimal rotation for map2 with respect to map1
        theta <- optimal_rotation(rotation_df)
        ori <- c(-90, 90, theta[1])
        az <- mapproject(x = map2$trimmed_data[, 2], map2$trimmed_data[, 1], projection = projection_type,
            orientation = ori)
        x2 <- az$x
        y2 <- az$y
    message("Fitting Tps Model for Map1")
    ## Step 2 Interpolate map1 and map2 azimuthal data with the same interpolation
    ## options
    map1fit <- fit_plot_azimuthal(x1, y1, z1, spatial_res, plot_suppress = TRUE,
        extrapolate = TRUE, outer.radius = pi/2, falciform_coords = map1$azimuthal_data.falciform[[1]],
    message("Fitting Tps Model for Map 2")
    map2fit <- fit_plot_azimuthal(x2, y2, z2, spatial_res, plot_suppress = TRUE,
        extrapolate = TRUE, outer.radius = pi/2, falciform_coords = map2$azimuthal_data.falciform[[1]],
    maps <- list(map1fit, map2fit)
    MAT1 <- maps[[1]][[2]]$z
    MAT2 <- maps[[2]][[2]]$z
    # 90 degree CCW rotation reflect across a vertical line in the center of the
    # retina. This changes the view to an inner view
    MAT1 <- reflect_across_vertical_line(MAT1)
    MAT2 <- reflect_across_vertical_line(MAT2)

    # MAT1 <- sapply(nrow(MAT1):1, function(i) MAT1[i, ]) MAT2 <-
    # sapply(nrow(MAT2):1, function(i) MAT1[i, ]) map_composites(MAT1,MAT2, ...)
    composite_pred <- (MAT1 + MAT2)/2

##' @title Composite two Retinal Map Matrices
##' @param MAT1 Matrix of RGC densities
##' @param MAT2 Matrix of RGC densities
##' @param col_levels Number of levels to plot (if showing plot.)
##' @param showplots False by default.
##' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods.
##' @return MAT_composite Square matrix: Composite Map (adjusted to max,min of each map, with new peak equal to the mean of map1 and map2's peaks)
##' @author Brian Cohn \email{brian.cohn@@usc.edu}, Lars Schmitz
##' @family species_averags
##' @export
map_composites <- function(MAT1, MAT2, col_levels = 5, showplots = FALSE, ...) {
    # Matrix Combinations
    max1 <- max(MAT1, na.rm = TRUE)
    max2 <- max(MAT2, na.rm = TRUE)
    avMAX <- mean(max1, max2)
    min1 <- min(MAT1, na.rm = TRUE)
    min2 <- min(MAT2, na.rm = TRUE)
    avmin <- mean(min1, min2)
    range1 <- (max1 - min1)
    range2 <- (max2 - min2)
    SUM <- MAT1 + MAT2
    DIFF <- MAT1 - MAT2
    MEAN <- (MAT1 + MAT2)/2
    MAT1_rel <- (MAT1 - min1)/range1
    MAT2_rel <- (MAT2 - min2)/range2
    rel_mean <- (MAT1_rel + MAT2_rel)/2
    av_adjusted <- rel_mean * avMAX
    if (showplots == TRUE) {
        # Simple
        image.plot(MAT1, col = heat.colors(col_levels), main = "map1", useRaster = TRUE)
        image.plot(MAT2, col = heat.colors(col_levels), main = "map2", useRaster = TRUE)
        # Combinations
        image.plot(SUM, col = heat.colors(col_levels), main = "Sum", useRaster = TRUE)
        image.plot(DIFF, col = heat.colors(col_levels), main = "Difference", useRaster = TRUE)
        image.plot(MEAN, col = heat.colors(col_levels), main = "Mean", useRaster = TRUE)
        # Relative Maps
        image.plot(MAT1_rel, col = heat.colors(col_levels), main = "map1 relative",
            useRaster = TRUE)
        image.plot(MAT2_rel, col = heat.colors(col_levels), main = "map2 relative",
            useRaster = TRUE)
        image.plot(rel_mean, col = heat.colors(col_levels), main = "Relative density mean",
            useRaster = TRUE)
        image.plot(av_adjusted, col = heat.colors(col_levels), main = "Av, adj. to mean peak RGC density",
            useRaster = TRUE)

##' @title Plot rotation optimization scatter plot with minima.
##' @description
##' A base-graphics plot (rotation along the x axis,
##' Absolute Mean difference on the y axis) of the rotation optimization values, and a vertical line denoting the optimized rotation value.
##' @param rotation_df data.frame from spin optimization
##' @export
plot_rotation_optimize <- function(rotation_df) {
    plot(rotation_df, xlim = c(-181, 181), pch = 20, ylim = c(min(rotation_df[, 2]) -
        1000, max(rotation_df[, 2])), xlab = "Rotation (ccw) [Degrees]", main = "Mean Absolute Difference",
        ylab = expression(mu(group("|", "map1-map2", "|"))))
    abline(v = optimal_rotation(rotation_df), lty = "dotted")

# Utility functions:

##' @title Distance between the range
##' @param x vector of numbers
##' @return the difference between the limits of the range.
range_len <- function(x) {
    limits <- range(x)
    diff <- limits[2] - limits[1]
##' @title Reorder columns by function
##' @param X data.frame
##' @param FN A function that takes in a vector and returns one value.
##' @return X_new data.frame of columns ordered in decreasing value from left to right according to each function(column)
##' @author Brian Cohn \email{brian.cohn@@usc.edu} Lars Schmitz
reorder_columns <- function(X, FN) {
    Xcol_fn_applied <- apply(X, 2, FN)
    X_new <- X[, c(names(sort(Xcol_fn_applied, decreasing = TRUE)))]
yinscapital/retina-analysis-reference documentation built on May 22, 2019, 12:40 p.m.