
Defines functions norm_diric av C_from_V basis_var basis_cov exclude_pairs sparccinner pval.sparccboot sparccboot sparcc

Documented in pval.sparccboot sparcc sparccboot

#' sparcc wrapper
#' A reimplementation of SparCC algorithm (Friedman et Alm 2012, PLoS Comp Bio, 2012).
#' @param data Community count data matrix
#' @param iter Number of iterations in the outer loop
#' @param inner_iter Number of iterations in the inner loop
#' @param th absolute value of correlations below this threshold are considered zero by the inner SparCC loop.
#' @seealso \code{\link{sparccboot}}
#' @export
sparcc <- function(data, iter=20, inner_iter=10, th=.1) {
#  without all the 'frills'
    sparccs <- lapply(1:iter, function(i)
                      sparccinner(t(apply(data, 1, norm_diric)),
                                  iter=inner_iter, th=th))
    # collect
    cors <- array(unlist(lapply(sparccs, function(x) x$Cor)),
    corMed <- apply(cors, 1:2, median)
    covs <- array(unlist(lapply(sparccs, function(x) x$Cov)),
    covMed <- apply(covs, 1:2, median)
    covMed <- cor2cov(corMed, sqrt(diag(covMed)))
    list(Cov=covMed, Cor=corMed)

#' Bootstrap SparCC
#' Get bootstrapped estimates of SparCC correlation coefficients. To get empirical p-values, pass this output to \code{pval.sparccboot}.
#' @param data Community count data
#' @param sparcc.params named list of parameters to pass to \code{sparcc}
#' @param statisticboot function which takes data and bootstrap sample indices and results the upper triangle of the bootstapped correlation matrix
#' @param statisticperm function which takes data and permutated sample indices and results the upper triangle of the null correlation matrix
#' @param R number of bootstraps
#' @param ncpus number of cores to use for parallelization
#' @param ... additional arguments that are passed to \code{boot::boot}
#' @export
sparccboot <- function(data, sparcc.params=list(),
                        statisticboot=function(data, indices) triu(do.call("sparcc",
                      c(list(data[indices,,drop=FALSE]), sparcc.params))$Cor),
                statisticperm=function(data, indices) triu(do.call("sparcc",  c(list(apply(data[indices,], 2, sample)), sparcc.params))$Cor),
                      R, ncpus=1, ...) {

    if (!requireNamespace('boot', quietly=TRUE))
      stop('\'boot\' package is not installed')

    res     <- boot::boot(data, statisticboot, R=R, parallel="multicore", ncpus=ncpus, ...)
    null_av <- boot::boot(data, statisticperm, sim='permutation', R=R, parallel="multicore", ncpus=ncpus)
    class(res) <- 'list'
    structure(c(res, list(null_av=null_av)), class='sparccboot')

#' SparCC p-vals
#' Get empirical p-values from bootstrap SparCC output.
#' @param x output from \code{sparccboot}
#' @param sided type of p-value to compute. Only two sided (sided="both") is implemented.
#' @export
pval.sparccboot <- function(x, sided='both') {
# calculate 1 or 2 way pseudo p-val from boot object
# Args: a boot object
    if (sided != "both") stop("only two-sided currently supported")
    nparams  <- ncol(x$t)
    tmeans   <- colMeans(x$null_av$t)
#    check to see whether correlations are unstable -- confirm
#    that sample correlations are in 95% confidence interval of
#    bootstrapped samples
    niters   <- nrow(x$t)
    ind95    <- max(1,round(.025*niters)):round(.975*niters)
    boot_ord <- apply(x$t, 2, sort)
    boot_ord95 <- boot_ord[ind95,]
    outofrange <- unlist(lapply(1:length(x$t0), function(i) {
            aitvar <- x$t0[i]
            range  <- range(boot_ord95[,i])
            range[1] > aitvar || range[2] < aitvar
    # calc whether center of mass is above or below the mean
    bs_above <- unlist(lapply(1:nparams, function(i)
                    length(which(x$t[, i] > tmeans[i]))))
    is_above <- bs_above > x$R/2
    cors <- x$t0
#    signedAV[is_above] <- -signedAV[is_above]
    pvals    <- ifelse(is_above, 2*(1-bs_above/x$R), 2*bs_above/x$R)
    pvals[pvals > 1]  <- 1
    pvals[outofrange] <- NaN
    list(cors=cors, pvals=pvals)

#' @noRd
sparccinner <- function(data.f, T=NULL, iter=10, th=0.1) {
    if (is.null(T))   T  <- av(data.f)
    res.bv <- basis_var(T)
    Vbase  <- res.bv$Vbase
    M      <- res.bv$M
    cbase  <- C_from_V(T, Vbase)
    Cov    <- cbase$Cov
    Cor    <- cbase$Cor

    ## do iterations here
    excluded <- NULL
    for (i in 1:iter) {
        res.excl <- exclude_pairs(Cor, M, th, excluded)
        M <- res.excl$M
        excluded <- res.excl$excluded
        if (res.excl$break_flag) break
        res.bv <- basis_var(T, M=M, excluded=excluded)
        Vbase  <- res.bv$Vbase
        M      <- res.bv$M
        K <- M
        diag(K) <- 1
        cbase  <- C_from_V(T, Vbase)
        Cov    <- cbase$Cov
        Cor    <- cbase$Cor
    list(Cov=Cov, Cor=Cor, i=i, M=M, excluded=excluded)

#' @noRd
exclude_pairs <- function(Cor, M, th=0.1, excluded=NULL) {
# exclude pairs with high correlations
    break_flag <- FALSE
    C_temp <- abs(Cor - diag(diag(Cor)) )  # abs value / remove diagonal
    if (!is.null(excluded)) C_temp[excluded] <- 0 # set previously excluded correlations to 0
    exclude <- which(abs(C_temp - max(C_temp)) < .Machine$double.eps*100)[1:2]
    if (max(C_temp) > th)  {
        i <- na.exclude(arrayInd(exclude, c(nrow(M), ncol(M)))[,1])
        M[i,i] <- M[i,i] - 1
        excluded_new <- c(excluded, exclude)
    } else {
        excluded_new <- excluded
        break_flag   <- TRUE
    list(M=M, excluded=excluded_new, break_flag=break_flag)

#' @noRd
basis_cov <- function(data.f) {
# data.f -> relative abundance data
# OTUs in columns, samples in rows (yes, I know this is transpose of normal)
    # first compute aitchison variation
    T <- av(data.f)
    res.bv <- basis_var(T)
    Vbase  <- res.bv$Vbase
    M      <- res.bv$M
    cbase  <- C_from_V(T, Vbase)
    Cov    <- cbase$Cov
    Cor    <- cbase$Cor
    list(Cov=Cov, M=M)

#' @noRd
basis_var <- function(T, CovMat = matrix(0, nrow(T), ncol(T)),
                      M = matrix(1, nrow(T), ncol(T)) + (diag(ncol(T))*(ncol(T)-2)),
                      excluded = NULL, Vmin=1e-4) {

    if (!is.null(excluded)) {
        T[excluded] <- 0
     #   CovMat[excluded] <- 0
    Ti     <- matrix(rowSums(T))
    CovVec <- matrix(rowSums(CovMat - diag(diag(CovMat)))) # row sum of off diagonals
    M.I <- tryCatch(solve(M), error=function(e) MASS::ginv(M))
    Vbase <- M.I %*% (Ti + 2*CovVec)
    Vbase[Vbase < Vmin] <- Vmin
    list(Vbase=Vbase, M=M)

C_from_V <- function(T, Vbase) {
    J      <- matrix(1, nrow(T), ncol(T))
    Vdiag  <- diag(c(Vbase))
    CovMat <- .5*((J %*% Vdiag) + (Vdiag %*% J) - T)
    CovMat <- (CovMat + t(CovMat))/2  # enforce symmetry
    # check that correlations are within -1,1
    CorMat <- cov2cor(CovMat)
    CorMat[abs(CorMat) > 1] <- sign(CorMat[abs(CorMat) > 1])
    CovMat <- cor2cov(CorMat, sqrt(as.vector(Vbase)))
    list(Cov=CovMat, Cor=CorMat)

#' @noRd
av <- function(data) {
    cov.clr <- cov(clr(data))
    J <- matrix(1, ncol(data), ncol(data))
    (J %*% diag(diag(cov.clr))) + (diag(diag(cov.clr)) %*% J) - (2*cov.clr)

#' @importFrom VGAM rdiric
#' @noRd
norm_diric   <- function(x, rep=1) {
    dmat <- VGAM::rdiric(rep, x+1)
zdk123/SpiecEasi documentation built on Oct. 20, 2023, 6:49 a.m.