# Package name: SNPRelate
# Description:
# A High-performance Computing Toolset for Relatedness and
# Principal Component Analysis of SNP Data
# Copyright (C) 2011 - 2018 Xiuwen Zheng
# License: GPL-3
# Default human chromosome coding (from PLINK format):
# autosome -> 1 .. 22
# X X chromosome -> 23
# XY Pseudo-autosomal region of X -> 24
# Y Y chromosome -> 25
# MT Mitochondrial -> 26
# File Functions
# Open a SNP GDS file
snpgdsOpen <- function(filename, readonly=TRUE, allow.duplicate=FALSE,
## open the GDS file
ans <- openfn.gds(filename, readonly,
allow.duplicate=allow.duplicate, allow.fork=allow.fork)
on.exit({ closefn.gds(ans) })
## error information
err <- "\nInvalid SNP GDS file: "
## FileFormat
at <- get.attr.gdsn(ans$root)
if ("FileFormat" %in% names(at))
# it does not throw any warning or error if FileFormat does not exist,
# but it is encouraged to add this attribute
if (identical(at$FileFormat, "SEQ_ARRAY"))
"please open the file using 'seqOpen()' in the SeqArray package ",
"since 'FileFormat=SEQ_ARRAY', or run 'SeqArray::seqSNP2GDS()' ",
"to convert the file to GWAS SNP GDS format.")
if (identical(at$FileFormat, "SC_ARRAY"))
"'%s' is a SCArray GDS file, please use SCArray::scOpen().",
if (!identical(at$FileFormat, "SNP_ARRAY") &&
!identical(at$FileFormat, "IMPUTED_DOSAGE"))
stop(err, "'FileFormat' should be 'SNP_ARRAY' or 'IMPUTED_DOSAGE'.")
## check the validation
n <- index.gdsn(ans, "sample.id", silent=TRUE)
if (!is.null(n))
n.samp <- objdesp.gdsn(n)$dim
if (length(n.samp) != 1)
stop(err, "invalid dimension of 'sample.id'.")
} else
stop("Invalid SNP GDS file: no 'sample.id' variable.")
n <- index.gdsn(ans, "snp.id", silent=TRUE)
if (!is.null(n))
n.snp <- objdesp.gdsn(n)$dim
if (length(n.snp) != 1)
stop(err, "invalid dimension of 'snp.id'.")
} else
stop(err, "no 'snp.id' variable.")
n <- index.gdsn(ans, "snp.rs.id", silent=TRUE)
if (!is.null(n))
if (!identical(n.snp, objdesp.gdsn(n)$dim))
"inconsistent dimension between 'snp.id' and 'snp.rs.id'.")
n <- index.gdsn(ans, "snp.position", silent=TRUE)
if (!is.null(n))
if (!identical(n.snp, objdesp.gdsn(n)$dim))
"inconsistent dimension between 'snp.id' and 'snp.position'.")
} else
stop(err, "no 'snp.position' variable.")
n <- index.gdsn(ans, "snp.chromosome", silent=TRUE)
if (!is.null(n))
if (!identical(n.snp, objdesp.gdsn(n)$dim))
"inconsistent dimension between 'snp.id' and 'snp.chromosome'.")
} else
stop(err, "no 'snp.chromosome' variable.")
n <- index.gdsn(ans, "snp.allele", silent=TRUE)
if (!is.null(n))
if (!identical(n.snp, objdesp.gdsn(n)$dim))
"inconsistent dimension between 'snp.id' and 'snp.allele'.")
n <- index.gdsn(ans, "genotype", silent=TRUE)
if (!is.null(n))
dm <- objdesp.gdsn(n)$dim
if (length(dm) != 2L)
stop(err, "'genotype' should be a matrix.")
snpfirstdim <- TRUE
rd <- names(get.attr.gdsn(n))
if ("snp.order" %in% rd) snpfirstdim <- TRUE
if ("sample.order" %in% rd) snpfirstdim <- FALSE
if (snpfirstdim)
if ((dm[1L]!=n.snp) || (dm[2L]!=n.samp))
stop(err, "invalid dimension of 'genotype'.")
} else {
if ((dm[1L]!=n.samp) || (dm[2L]!=n.snp))
stop(err, "invalid dimension of 'genotype'.")
} else
stop(err, "no 'genotype' variable!")
## output
class(ans) <- c("SNPGDSFileClass", class(ans))
# Close the SNP GDS file
snpgdsClose <- function(gdsobj)
if (inherits(gdsobj, "SNPGDSFileClass"))
} else if (inherits(gdsobj, "gds.class"))
stop("'snpgdsClose' is only used to ",
"close the file opened by 'snpgdsOpen'.")
} else {
stop("It should be a 'SNPGDSFileClass' object.")
# Summary Descriptive Statistics
# To calculate the missing rate and allele frequency for each SNP
snpgdsSNPRateFreq <- function(gdsobj, sample.id=NULL, snp.id=NULL,
with.id=FALSE, with.sample.id=FALSE, with.snp.id=FALSE)
# check
ws <- .InitFile(gdsobj, sample.id=sample.id, snp.id=snp.id)
stopifnot(is.logical(with.id), length(with.id)==1L)
stopifnot(is.logical(with.sample.id), length(with.sample.id)==1L)
stopifnot(is.logical(with.snp.id), length(with.snp.id)==1L)
if (isTRUE(with.id))
with.snp.id <- TRUE
with.sample.id <- TRUE
rv <- list()
if (isTRUE(with.sample.id))
rv$sample.id <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gdsobj, "sample.id"))
if (!is.null(ws$samp.flag))
rv$sample.id <- rv$sample.id[ws$samp.flag]
if (isTRUE(with.snp.id))
rv$snp.id <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gdsobj, "snp.id"))
if (!is.null(ws$snp.flag))
rv$snp.id <- rv$snp.id[ws$snp.flag]
# call allele freq. and missing rates
v <- .Call(gnrSNPRateFreq)
names(v) <- c("AlleleFreq", "MinorFreq", "MissingRate")
rv <- c(rv, v)
# To calculate the missing rate for each sample
snpgdsSampMissRate <- function(gdsobj, sample.id=NULL, snp.id=NULL,
# check
ws <- .InitFile(gdsobj, sample.id=sample.id, snp.id=snp.id)
# call sample missing rates
rv <- .Call(gnrSampFreq)
if (with.id)
samp.id <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gdsobj, "sample.id"))
if (!is.null(ws$samp.flag))
samp.id <- samp.id[ws$samp.flag]
names(rv) <- samp.id
# To calculate the p-value for the test of Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium
snpgdsHWE <- function(gdsobj, sample.id=NULL, snp.id=NULL,
# check
ws <- .InitFile(gdsobj, sample.id=sample.id, snp.id=snp.id)
# call C function
rv <- .Call(gnrHWE)
if (with.id)
rv <- list(pvalue = rv)
rv$sample.id <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gdsobj, "sample.id"))
if (!is.null(ws$samp.flag))
rv$sample.id <- rv$sample.id[ws$samp.flag]
rv$snp.id <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gdsobj, "snp.id"))
if (!is.null(ws$snp.flag))
rv$snp.id <- rv$snp.id[ws$snp.flag]
# Return a list of candidate SNPs
snpgdsSelectSNP <- function(gdsobj, sample.id=NULL, snp.id=NULL,
autosome.only=TRUE, remove.monosnp=TRUE, maf=NaN, missing.rate=NaN,
# check and initialize ...
ws <- .InitFile2(cmd=NULL,
gdsobj=gdsobj, sample.id=sample.id, snp.id=snp.id,
autosome.only=autosome.only, remove.monosnp=remove.monosnp,
maf=maf, missing.rate=missing.rate, num.thread=1L,
verbose=verbose, verbose.work=FALSE)
# output
# Individual Inbreeding Coefficients
# To calculate individual inbreeding coefficient
snpgdsIndInbCoef <- function(x, p, method=c("mom.weir", "mom.visscher", "mle"),
# check
stopifnot(is.vector(x) & is.numeric(x))
stopifnot(is.vector(p) & is.numeric(p))
stopifnot(length(x) == length(p))
method <- match.arg(method)
x[!(x %in% c(0,1,2))] <- NA
if (method == "mom.weir")
num <- x*x - (1+2*p)*x + 2*p*p
den <- 2*p*(1-p)
flag <- is.finite(num) & is.finite(den)
rv <- sum(num[flag]) / sum(den[flag])
} else if (method == "mom.visscher")
d <- (x*x - (1+2*p)*x + 2*p*p) / (2*p*(1-p))
rv <- mean(d[is.finite(d)])
} else if (method == "mle")
rv <- .Call(gnrIndInbCoef, x, p, reltol)
} else {
rv <- invisible()
# To calculate individual inbreeding coefficients
snpgdsIndInb <- function(gdsobj, sample.id=NULL, snp.id=NULL,
autosome.only=TRUE, remove.monosnp=TRUE, maf=NaN, missing.rate=NaN,
method=c("mom.weir", "mom.visscher", "mle", "gcta1", "gcta2", "gcta3"),
allele.freq=NULL, out.num.iter=TRUE, reltol=.Machine$double.eps^0.75,
# check
ws <- .InitFile2(
cmd="Estimating individual inbreeding coefficients:",
gdsobj=gdsobj, sample.id=sample.id, snp.id=snp.id,
autosome.only=autosome.only, remove.monosnp=remove.monosnp,
maf=maf, missing.rate=missing.rate, allele.freq=allele.freq,
method <- match.arg(method)
stopifnot(is.logical(out.num.iter), length(out.num.iter)==1L)
stopifnot(is.numeric(reltol), length(reltol)==1L)
# call allele frequency
if (is.null(allele.freq) & method=="mle")
allele.freq <- .Call(gnrSNPFreq)
# call individual inbreeding coefficients
r <- .Call(gnrIndInb, allele.freq, method, reltol, out.num.iter, verbose)
# output
rv <- list(sample.id=ws$sample.id, snp.id=ws$snp.id, inbreeding=r[[1L]])
if (!is.null(r[[2L]]))
rv$out.num.iter <- r[[2L]]
# To perform hierarchical cluster analysis
snpgdsHCluster <- function(dist, sample.id=NULL, need.mat=TRUE, hang=0.25)
# check
stopifnot(is.matrix(dist) | inherits(dist, "snpgdsDissClass") |
inherits(dist, "snpgdsIBSClass"))
if (inherits(dist, "snpgdsDissClass"))
sample.id <- dist$sample.id
dist <- dist$diss
if (inherits(dist, "snpgdsIBSClass"))
sample.id <- dist$sample.id
dist <- 1 - dist$ibs
if (is.null(sample.id))
stopifnot(nrow(dist) == ncol(dist))
if (is.null(colnames(dist)) | is.null(rownames(dist)))
stop("Please specify 'sample.id'.")
sample.id <- colnames(dist)
} else {
stopifnot(nrow(dist) == length(sample.id))
stopifnot(ncol(dist) == length(sample.id))
colnames(dist) <- sample.id
rownames(dist) <- sample.id
# run
hc <- hclust(as.dist(dist), method="average")
obj <- as.dendrogram(hc, hang=hang)
rv <- list(sample.id = sample.id, hclust = hc, dendrogram = obj)
if (need.mat) rv$dist <- dist
class(rv) <- "snpgdsHCClass"
# To determine sub groups of individuals
snpgdsCutTree <- function(hc, z.threshold=15, outlier.n=5, n.perm=5000,
samp.group=NULL, col.outlier="red", col.list=NULL, pch.outlier=4,
pch.list=NULL, label.H=FALSE, label.Z=TRUE, verbose=TRUE)
# check
stopifnot(inherits(hc, "snpgdsHCClass"))
stopifnot(n.perm >= 50)
if (is.null(hc$dist))
stop("`hc' should have a matrix of dissimilarity.")
auto.cluster <- is.null(samp.group)
if (verbose)
if (auto.cluster)
cat("Determine groups by permutation",
sprintf("(Z threshold: %g, outlier threshold: %d):\n",
z.threshold, outlier.n))
# result
ans <- list(sample.id = hc$sample.id)
ans$z.threshold <- z.threshold
ans$outlier.n <- outlier.n
ans$samp.order <- hc$hclust$order
if (!auto.cluster)
stopifnot(length(samp.group) == length(hc$sample.id))
merge <- NULL
} else {
# determine the number of groups
# check
n <- dim(hc$dist)[1]
rv <- .C(gnrDistPerm, n, as.double(hc$dist),
as.integer(hc$hclust$merge), as.integer(n.perm),
OutZ = double(n-1), OutN1 = integer(n-1), OutN2 = integer(n-1),
OutGrp = integer(n), err=integer(1), NAOK=TRUE)
if (rv$err != 0) stop(snpgdsErrMsg())
merge <- data.frame(z=rv$OutZ, n1=rv$OutN1, n2=rv$OutN2)
if (is.finite(outlier.n))
tab <- table(rv$OutGrp)
x <- as.integer(names(tab)[tab <= outlier.n])
flag <- rv$OutGrp %in% x
samp.group <- sprintf("G%03d", rv$OutGrp)
samp.group[flag] <- sprintf("Outlier%03d", rv$OutGrp[flag])
samp.group <- as.factor(samp.group)
n.g <- length(tab) - length(x)
n.o <- length(x)
nm <- character()
if (n.g > 0) nm <- c(nm, sprintf("G%03d", 1:n.g))
if (n.o > 0) nm <- c(nm, sprintf("Outlier%03d", 1:n.o))
levels(samp.group) <- nm
} else {
# not detect outliers
samp.group <- as.factor(sprintf("G%03d", rv$OutGrp))
n <- levels(samp.group)
n <- sprintf("G%03d", 1:length(n))
levels(samp.group) <- n
# create a new dendrogram
add.point <- function(n, sample.id, subgroup)
idx <- match(attr(n, "label"), sample.id)
if (as.character(subgroup[idx]) == "outlier")
attr(n, "nodePar") <- list(pch=pch.outlier, col=col.outlier)
} else {
idx <- as.integer(subgroup[idx])
attr(n, "nodePar") <- list(pch=pch.list[idx],
} else
if (!is.null(merge))
if (label.H | label.Z)
x1 <- attr(n[[1]], "members")
x2 <- attr(n[[2]], "members")
w1 <- (x1 == merge$n1) & (x2 == merge$n2)
w2 <- (x2 == merge$n1) & (x1 == merge$n2)
w <- which(w1 | w2)
if (length(w) > 0)
if (merge$z[w[1]] >= z.threshold)
if (label.H)
if (label.Z)
attr(n, "edgetext") <-
sprintf("H: %0.2f, Z: %0.1f",
attr(n, "height"), merge$z[w[1]])
} else {
attr(n, "edgetext") <- sprintf("H: %0.2f",
attr(n, "height"))
} else {
if (label.Z)
attr(n, "edgetext") <-
sprintf("Z: %0.1f", merge$z[w[1]])
ans$samp.group <- samp.group
n <- nlevels(samp.group); grps <- levels(samp.group)
dmat <- matrix(0.0, nrow=n, ncol=n)
for (i in 1:n)
m <- hc$dist[grps[i] == samp.group, grps[i] == samp.group]
ms <- sum(grps[i] == samp.group)
mflag <- matrix(TRUE, nrow=ms, ncol=ms)
diag(mflag) <- FALSE
dmat[i, i] <- mean(m[mflag], na.rm=TRUE)
if (i < n)
for (j in (i+1):n)
dmat[i, j] <- dmat[j, i] <-
mean(hc$dist[grps[i] == samp.group, grps[j] == samp.group],
colnames(dmat) <- rownames(dmat) <- grps
ans$dmat <- dmat
if (is.null(pch.list))
pch.list <- rep(20, n)
} else {
pch.list <- rep(pch.list, (n %/% length(pch.list))+1)
if (is.null(col.list))
col.list <- 1:n
} else {
col.list <- rep(col.list, (n %/% length(col.list))+1)
ans$dendrogram <- dendrapply(hc$dendrogram, add.point,
sample.id=hc$sample.id, subgroup=samp.group)
ans$merge <- merge
if (!is.null(merge))
cluster <- samp.group[hc$hclust$order]
ans$clust.count <- table(cluster)[unique(cluster)]
} else {
ans$clust.count <- NULL
if (verbose)
cat(sprintf("Create %d groups.\n", n))
# SNP functions
# To get a list of SNP information including snp id, chr, pos, allele
# and allele frequency
snpgdsSNPList <- function(gdsobj, sample.id=NULL)
# check
# snp id
snp.id <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gdsobj, "snp.id"))
# chromosome
chromosome <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gdsobj, "snp.chromosome"))
# position
position <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gdsobj, "snp.position"))
# allele
allele <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gdsobj, "snp.allele"))
# allele frequency
afreq <- snpgdsSNPRateFreq(gdsobj, sample.id=sample.id)$AlleleFreq
# output
rv <- data.frame(snp.id=snp.id, chromosome=chromosome, position=position,
allele=allele, afreq=afreq, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
class(rv) <- c("snpgdsSNPListClass", "data.frame")
# To get a common list of SNPs from SNP objects, and return
# snp alleles from the first snp object
snpgdsSNPListIntersect <- function(snplist1, snplist2, ...,
method=c("position", "exact"), na.rm=TRUE, same.strand=FALSE, verbose=TRUE)
# check
snplst <- list(s1=snplist1, s2=snplist2, ...)
for (i in seq_along(snplst))
if (!inherits(snplst[[i]], "snpgdsSNPListClass"))
stop("All objects should be 'snpgdsSNPListClass'.")
method <- match.arg(method)
stopifnot(is.logical(na.rm), length(na.rm)==1L)
stopifnot(is.logical(same.strand), length(same.strand)==1L)
stopifnot(is.logical(verbose), length(verbose)==1L)
lst <- vector("list", length(snplst))
if (method == "position")
for (i in seq_along(snplst))
lst[[i]] <- with(snplst[[i]], paste0(chromosome, ":", position))
} else if (method == "exact")
for (i in seq_along(snplst))
lst[[i]] <- with(snplst[[i]], paste(snp.id, chromosome,
position, allele, sep=":"))
# get the common
snp <- Reduce(intersect, lst)
# results
rv <- vector("list", 0L)
for (i in seq_along(lst))
rv[[paste0("idx", i)]] <- match(snp, lst[[i]])
# match by position
if (method == "position")
ii <- rv[["idx1"]]
al1 <- snplst[[1L]]$allele[ii]
af1 <- snplst[[1L]]$afreq[ii]
for (i in 2:length(lst))
ii <- rv[[paste0("idx", i)]]
rv[[paste0("flag", i)]] <- .Call(gnrAlleleStrand,
al1, snplst[[i]]$allele[ii],
af1, snplst[[i]]$afreq[ii], same.strand)
# remove mismatched alleles
if (isTRUE(na.rm))
x <- rep(TRUE, length(al1))
for (i in 2:length(lst))
x <- x & !is.na(rv[[paste0("flag", i)]])
if (any(!x))
for (i in seq_along(lst))
rv[[paste0("idx", i)]] <- rv[[paste0("idx", i)]][x]
for (i in 2:length(lst))
rv[[paste0("flag", i)]] <- rv[[paste0("flag", i)]][x]
# GDS file management
# To summarize the gds file
snpgdsSummary <- function(gds, show=TRUE)
# check
if (is.character(gds))
gds <- snpgdsOpen(gds, allow.duplicate=TRUE)
on.exit({ snpgdsClose(gds) })
} else {
# checking ...
warn.flag <- FALSE
# check sample id
dm <- objdesp.gdsn(index.gdsn(gds, "sample.id"))$dim
if (length(dm) != 1)
stop("Invalid dimension of 'sample.id'.")
samp.id <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gds, "sample.id"))
if (any(duplicated(samp.id)))
warning("'sample.id' is not unique!")
samp.id <- unique(samp.id)
warn.flag <- TRUE
n.samp <- dm[1]
# check snp id
dm <- objdesp.gdsn(index.gdsn(gds, "snp.id"))$dim
if (length(dm) != 1)
stop("Invalid dimension of 'snp.id'.")
n.snp <- dm[1]
snp.id <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gds, "snp.id"))
snp.flag <- !duplicated(snp.id)
if (!all(snp.flag))
warning("'snp.id' is not unique!")
warn.flag <- TRUE
# check snp position
dm <- objdesp.gdsn(index.gdsn(gds, "snp.position"))$dim
if ((length(dm) != 1) | (dm[1] != n.snp))
stop("Invalid dimension of 'snp.position'.")
snp.pos <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gds, "snp.position"))
snp.pos[!is.finite(snp.pos)] <- -1
if (any(snp.pos <= 0))
message("Some values of 'snp.position' are invalid (should be > 0)!")
warn.flag <- TRUE
snp.flag <- snp.flag & (snp.pos > 0)
# check snp chromosome
dm <- objdesp.gdsn(index.gdsn(gds, "snp.chromosome"))$dim
if ((length(dm) != 1) | (dm[1] != n.snp))
stop("Invalid dimension of 'snp.chromosome'.")
snp.chr <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gds, "snp.chromosome"))
if (is.numeric(snp.chr))
snp.chr[!is.finite(snp.chr)] <- -1
flag <- (snp.chr >= 1)
if (any(!flag))
message("Some values of 'snp.chromosome' are invalid ",
"(should be finite and >= 0)!")
message("Hint: specifying 'autosome.only=FALSE' in ",
"the analysis could avoid detecting chromosome coding.")
warn.flag <- TRUE
snp.flag <- snp.flag & flag
# check snp allele
if (!is.null(index.gdsn(gds, "snp.allele", silent=TRUE)))
dm <- objdesp.gdsn(index.gdsn(gds, "snp.allele"))$dim
if ((length(dm) != 1) | (dm[1] != n.snp))
stop("Invalid dimension of 'snp.allele'.")
snp.allele <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gds, "snp.allele"))
snp.allele[is.na(snp.allele)] <- "?/?"
flag <- sapply(strsplit(snp.allele, "/"),
if (length(x) == 2)
all(x %in% c("A", "G", "C", "T"))
} else {
if (any(!flag))
s <- as.character((snp.allele[!flag])[1])
"Some of 'snp.allele' are not standard (e.g., %s).", s))
warn.flag <- TRUE
snp.flag <- snp.flag & flag
# check genotype
dm <- objdesp.gdsn(index.gdsn(gds, "genotype"))$dim
if (length(dm) != 2)
stop("Invalid dimension of 'genotype'.")
lv <- get.attr.gdsn(index.gdsn(gds, "genotype"))
if ("sample.order" %in% names(lv))
if (dm[1]!=n.samp | dm[2]!=n.snp)
stop("Invalid dimension of 'genotype'.")
} else {
if (dm[2]!=n.samp | dm[1]!=n.snp)
stop("Invalid dimension of 'genotype'.")
# print
if (show)
if (inherits(gds, "gds.class"))
cat("The file name:", gds$filename, "\n")
cat("The file name:", gds, "\n")
cat("The total number of samples:", n.samp, "\n")
cat("The total number of SNPs:", n.snp, "\n")
if ("sample.order" %in% names(lv))
cat("SNP genotypes are stored in SNP-major mode (Sample X SNP).\n")
} else {
cat("SNP genotypes are stored in individual-major mode",
"(SNP X Sample).\n")
if (warn.flag)
cat("The number of valid samples:", length(samp.id), "\n")
cat("The number of biallelic unique SNPs:", sum(snp.flag), "\n")
# if (warn.flag)
# {
# warning("Call `snpgdsCreateGenoSet' to create a valid set ",
# "of genotypes, using the returned sample.id and snp.id.")
# }
warn.flag <- FALSE
snp.chr <- snp.chr[snp.flag]
snp.pos <- snp.pos[snp.flag]
if (is.numeric(snp.chr))
chrtab <- setdiff(unique(snp.chr), 0)
chrtab <- unique(snp.chr)
for (chr in chrtab)
pos <- snp.pos[snp.chr == chr]
if (length(pos) > 0)
if (any(order(pos) != seq_len(length(pos))))
"The SNP positions are not in ascending order on chromosome %s.",
warn.flag <- TRUE
# check -- sample annotation
if (!is.null(index.gdsn(gds, "sample.annot", silent=TRUE)))
# sample.id
if (!is.null(index.gdsn(gds, "sample.annot/sample.id", silent=TRUE)))
s <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gds, "sample.annot/sample.id"))
if (length(s) != length(samp.id))
warning("Invalid length of 'sample.annot/sample.id'.")
if (any(s != samp.id))
warning("Invalid 'sample.annot/sample.id'.")
# others
lst <- ls.gdsn(index.gdsn(gds, "sample.annot"))
for (n in lst)
dm <- objdesp.gdsn(index.gdsn(gds, index=c("sample.annot", n)))$dim
if (!is.null(dm))
if (dm[1] != length(samp.id))
warning(sprintf("Invalid 'sample.annot/%s'.", n))
# check -- snp annotation
if (!is.null(index.gdsn(gds, "snp.annot", silent=TRUE)))
if (!is.null(index.gdsn(gds, "snp.annot/snp.id", silent=TRUE)))
s <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gds, "snp.annot/snp.id"))
if (length(s) != length(snp.id))
warning("Invalid length of 'snp.annot/snp.id'.")
if (any(s != snp.id))
warning("Invalid 'snp.annot/snp.id'.")
# others
lst <- ls.gdsn(index.gdsn(gds, "snp.annot"))
for (n in lst)
dm <- objdesp.gdsn(index.gdsn(gds, index=c("snp.annot", n)))$dim
if (!is.null(dm))
if (dm[1] != length(snp.id))
warning(sprintf("Invalid 'snp.annot/%s'.", n))
list(sample.id = samp.id, snp.id = snp.id[snp.flag])
# To get a subset of genotypes from a gds file
snpgdsGetGeno <- function(gdsobj, sample.id=NULL, snp.id=NULL,
snpfirstdim=NA, .snpread=NA, with.id=FALSE, verbose=TRUE)
if (is.character(gdsobj))
gdsobj <- snpgdsOpen(gdsobj, readonly=TRUE, allow.duplicate=TRUE)
on.exit({ snpgdsClose(gdsobj) })
# check
ws <- .InitFile(gdsobj, sample.id=sample.id, snp.id=snp.id,
# get genotypes
ans <- .Call(gnrCopyGenoMem, snpfirstdim, .snpread, verbose)
if (with.id)
ans <- list(genotype=ans, sample.id=ws$sample.id, snp.id=ws$snp.id)
# To create a gds file for SNP genotypes
snpgdsCreateGeno <- function(gds.fn, genmat, sample.id=NULL, snp.id=NULL,
snp.rs.id=NULL, snp.chromosome=NULL, snp.position=NULL, snp.allele=NULL,
snpfirstdim=TRUE, compress.annotation="ZIP_RA.max", compress.geno="",
# check
if (snpfirstdim)
n.snp <- dim(genmat)[1]; n.samp <- dim(genmat)[2]
} else {
n.snp <- dim(genmat)[2]; n.samp <- dim(genmat)[1]
if (!is.null(sample.id))
if (n.samp != length(sample.id))
stop("'snpfirstdim=", snpfirstdim,
"', but length(sample.id) is not the number of samples.")
if (anyDuplicated(sample.id) > 0) stop("sample.id is not unique!")
} else
sample.id <- 1:n.samp
if (!is.null(snp.id))
if (n.snp != length(snp.id))
stop("'snpfirstdim=", snpfirstdim,
"', but length(snp.id) is not the number of SNPs.")
if (anyDuplicated(snp.id) > 0) stop("snp.id is not unique!")
} else
snp.id <- 1:n.snp
if (!is.null(snp.rs.id))
stopifnot(n.snp == length(snp.rs.id))
if (!is.null(snp.chromosome))
stopifnot(n.snp == length(snp.chromosome))
if (!is.null(snp.position))
stopifnot(n.snp == length(snp.position))
stopifnot(is.null(other.vars) | is.list(other.vars))
# create a gds file
gfile <- createfn.gds(gds.fn)
# close the gds file
on.exit({ closefn.gds(gfile) })
# add a flag
put.attr.gdsn(gfile$root, "FileFormat", "SNP_ARRAY")
add.gdsn(gfile, "sample.id", sample.id, compress=compress.annotation,
add.gdsn(gfile, "snp.id", snp.id, compress=compress.annotation,
if (!is.null(snp.rs.id))
add.gdsn(gfile, "snp.rs.id", snp.rs.id, compress=compress.annotation,
if (is.null(snp.position))
snp.position <- as.integer(1:n.snp)
add.gdsn(gfile, "snp.position", as.integer(snp.position),
compress=compress.annotation, closezip=TRUE)
if (is.null(snp.chromosome))
snp.chromosome <- as.integer(rep(1, n.snp))
add.gdsn(gfile, "snp.chromosome", snp.chromosome,
compress=compress.annotation, closezip=TRUE)
if (!is.null(snp.allele))
add.gdsn(gfile, "snp.allele", snp.allele, compress=compress.annotation,
# add genotype
genmat[is.na(genmat)] <- 3L
genmat[!(genmat %in% c(0L,1L,2L))] <- 3L
node.geno <- add.gdsn(gfile, "genotype", genmat, storage="bit2",
if (snpfirstdim)
put.attr.gdsn(node.geno, "snp.order")
put.attr.gdsn(node.geno, "sample.order")
# other variables
if (!is.null(other.vars))
for (i in 1:length(other.vars))
nm <- names(other.vars)[i]
add.gdsn(gfile, nm, val=other.vars[[i]],
# return
# To create a gds file from a specified gds file
snpgdsCreateGenoSet <- function(src.fn, dest.fn, sample.id=NULL, snp.id=NULL,
snpfirstdim=NULL, compress.annotation="ZIP_RA.max", compress.geno="",
# check
stopifnot(is.logical(snpfirstdim) | is.null(snpfirstdim))
if (verbose)
cat("Create a GDS genotype file:\n");
# open the existing gds file
srcobj <- snpgdsOpen(src.fn, allow.duplicate=TRUE)
on.exit({ snpgdsClose(srcobj) })
# create a new GDS file
destobj <- createfn.gds(dest.fn)
on.exit({ closefn.gds(destobj) }, add=TRUE)
# initialize the source file
ws <- .InitFile(srcobj, sample.id=sample.id, snp.id=snp.id)
# Sample IDs
ws.samp.id <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(srcobj, "sample.id"))
if (!is.null(ws$samp.flag))
ws.samp.id <- ws.samp.id[ws$samp.flag]
ws.snp.id <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(srcobj, "snp.id"))
if (!is.null(ws$snp.flag))
ws.snp.id <- ws.snp.id[ws$snp.flag]
if (verbose)
cat(sprintf("The new dataset consists of %d samples and %d SNPs\n",
ws$n.samp, ws$n.snp))
#### write to the destination file ####
# add a flag
put.attr.gdsn(destobj$root, "FileFormat", "SNP_ARRAY")
# sample.id
add.gdsn(destobj, "sample.id", ws.samp.id, compress=compress.annotation,
if (verbose) cat(" write sample.id\n");
# snp.id
add.gdsn(destobj, "snp.id", ws.snp.id, compress=compress.annotation,
if (verbose) cat(" write snp.id\n");
# snp.rs.id
if (!is.null(index.gdsn(srcobj, "snp.rs.id", silent=TRUE)))
rs.id <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(srcobj, "snp.rs.id"))
if (!is.null(ws$snp.flag))
rs.id <- rs.id[ws$snp.flag]
add.gdsn(destobj, "snp.rs.id", rs.id, compress=compress.annotation,
if (verbose)
cat(" write snp.rs.id\n");
# snp.position
pos <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(srcobj, "snp.position"))
if (!is.null(ws$snp.flag))
pos <- pos[ws$snp.flag]
add.gdsn(destobj, "snp.position", pos, compress=compress.annotation,
if (verbose)
cat(" write snp.position\n");
# snp.chromosome
chr <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(srcobj, "snp.chromosome"))
if (!is.null(ws$snp.flag))
chr <- chr[ws$snp.flag]
add.gdsn(destobj, "snp.chromosome", chr, compress=compress.annotation,
if (verbose)
cat(" write snp.chromosome\n");
# snp.allele
if (!is.null(index.gdsn(srcobj, "snp.allele", silent=TRUE)))
allele <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(srcobj, "snp.allele"))
if (!is.null(ws$snp.flag))
allele <- allele[ws$snp.flag]
add.gdsn(destobj, "snp.allele", allele, compress=compress.annotation,
if (verbose)
cat(" write snp.allele\n");
# snp order
if (is.null(snpfirstdim))
snpfirstdim <- TRUE
rd <- names(get.attr.gdsn(index.gdsn(srcobj, "genotype")))
if ("snp.order" %in% rd) snpfirstdim <- TRUE
if ("sample.order" %in% rd) snpfirstdim <- FALSE
if (verbose)
if (snpfirstdim)
cat("SNP genotypes are stored in individual-major mode",
"(SNP X Sample).\n")
} else {
cat("SNP genotypes are stored in SNP-major mode (Sample X SNP).\n")
if (snpfirstdim)
gGeno <- add.gdsn(destobj, "genotype", storage="bit2",
valdim=c(ws$n.snp, ws$n.samp), compress="")
put.attr.gdsn(gGeno, "snp.order")
} else {
gGeno <- add.gdsn(destobj, "genotype", storage="bit2",
valdim=c(ws$n.samp, ws$n.snp), compress="")
put.attr.gdsn(gGeno, "sample.order")
# call C function
.Call(gnrCopyGeno, gGeno, snpfirstdim)
# return
# To merge gds files of SNP genotypes into a single gds file
snpgdsCombineGeno <- function(gds.fn, out.fn, method=c("position", "exact"),
compress.annotation="ZIP_RA.MAX", compress.geno="ZIP_RA",
same.strand=FALSE, snpfirstdim=FALSE, verbose=TRUE)
# check
stopifnot(is.character(gds.fn), length(gds.fn)>=2L)
stopifnot(is.character(out.fn), length(out.fn)==1L)
method <- match.arg(method)
stopifnot(is.logical(same.strand), length(same.strand)==1L)
stopifnot(is.logical(snpfirstdim), length(snpfirstdim)==1L)
stopifnot(is.logical(verbose), length(verbose)==1L)
# open a list of GDS files
gs <- vector("list", length(gds.fn))
slst <- vector("list", length(gds.fn))
snp1d <- logical(length(gds.fn))
for (i in seq_along(gs))
if (!is.null(gs[[i]])) snpgdsClose(gs[[i]])
if (verbose)
cat("Merge SNP GDS files:\n")
for (i in seq_along(gs))
if (verbose) cat(" open '", gds.fn[i], "' ...\n", sep="")
f <- gs[[i]] <- snpgdsOpen(gds.fn[i])
slst[[i]] <- snpgdsSNPList(f)
snp1d[i] <- TRUE
rd <- names(get.attr.gdsn(index.gdsn(f, "genotype")))
if ("snp.order" %in% rd) snp1d[i] <- TRUE
if ("sample.order" %in% rd) snp1d[i] <- FALSE
if (verbose)
cat(" ", prod(objdesp.gdsn(index.gdsn(f, "sample.id"))$dim),
"samples,", prod(objdesp.gdsn(index.gdsn(f, "snp.id"))$dim),
# samples
samp_id <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gs[[1L]], "sample.id"))
for (i in 2L:length(gs))
s <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gs[[i]], "sample.id"))
samp_id <- intersect(samp_id, s)
if (length(samp_id) > 0L)
if (verbose)
cat("Concatenating SNPs ...\n")
# get the total number of SNPs
n_snp <- 0L
for (i in seq_along(gs))
n_snp <- n_snp + prod(objdesp.gdsn(index.gdsn(gs[[i]], "snp.id"))$dim)
# create a gds file
gfile <- createfn.gds(out.fn)
on.exit({ if (!is.null(gfile)) closefn.gds(gfile) }, add=TRUE)
if (verbose)
cat(" create '", out.fn, "': ", length(samp_id), " samples, ",
n_snp, " SNPs\n", sep="")
# genotypes in the first GDS file
gn1 <- index.gdsn(gs[[1L]], "genotype")
filefmt <- ifelse(objdesp.gdsn(gn1)$type=="Real", "IMPUTED_DOSAGE",
if (verbose)
cat(" FileFormat = ", filefmt, "\n", sep="")
put.attr.gdsn(gfile$root, "FileFormat", filefmt)
add.gdsn(gfile, "sample.id", samp_id, compress=compress.annotation,
add.gdsn(gfile, "snp.id", seq_len(n_snp), compress=compress.annotation,
n <- index.gdsn(gs[[1L]], "snp.rs.id", silent=TRUE)
if (!is.null(n))
ng <- add.gdsn(gfile, "snp.rs.id", storage="string",
for (i in seq_along(gs))
n <- index.gdsn(gs[[i]], "snp.rs.id", silent=TRUE)
if (is.null(n))
n <- prod(objdesp.gdsn(index.gdsn(gs[[i]], "snp.id"))$dim)
append.gdsn(ng, rep("", n))
} else {
append.gdsn(ng, n)
ng <- add.gdsn(gfile, "snp.position", storage="int32",
for (i in seq_along(gs))
append.gdsn(ng, index.gdsn(gs[[i]], "snp.position"))
ng <- add.gdsn(gfile, "snp.chromosome", storage=index.gdsn(gs[[1L]],
"snp.chromosome"), compress=compress.annotation)
for (i in seq_along(gs))
append.gdsn(ng, index.gdsn(gs[[i]], "snp.chromosome"))
ng <- add.gdsn(gfile, "snp.allele", storage="string",
for (i in seq_along(gs))
append.gdsn(ng, index.gdsn(gs[[i]], "snp.allele"))
# add a genotype node
ng <- add.gdsn(gfile, "genotype", valdim=c(length(samp_id), 0L),
storage=gn1, compress=compress.geno)
put.attr.gdsn(ng, "sample.order")
if (verbose)
cat(" writing genotypes ...\n")
for (i in seq_along(gs))
f <- gs[[i]]
ii_samp <- match(samp_id, read.gdsn(index.gdsn(f, "sample.id")))
idx <- 1L
N <- prod(objdesp.gdsn(index.gdsn(f, "snp.id"))$dim)
n <- index.gdsn(gs[[i]], "genotype")
while (idx <= N)
k <- idx + 1024L
if (k > N) k <- N + 1L
L <- k - idx
ii <- seq.int(idx, length.out=L)
idx <- idx + L
if (snp1d[i])
g <- readex.gdsn(n, list(ii, ii_samp), simplify="none")
g <- t(g)
} else {
g <- readex.gdsn(n, list(ii_samp, ii), simplify="none")
append.gdsn(ng, g)
} else {
if (verbose)
cat("Concatenating samples (mapping to the first GDS file) ...\n")
opt <- slst
opt$method <- method
opt$same.strand <- same.strand
opt$verbose <- verbose
snp <- do.call(snpgdsSNPListIntersect, opt)
if (length(snp$idx1) <= 0L)
stop("There is no common SNP.")
n_snp <- length(snp$idx1)
# get all samples
samp_id <- NULL
for (i in seq_along(gs))
samp_id <- c(samp_id, read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gs[[i]], "sample.id")))
if (verbose)
if (i == 1L)
cat(sprintf(" reference: %d SNPs (%.1f%%)\n", n_snp,
100.0*n_snp/prod(objdesp.gdsn(index.gdsn(gs[[1L]], "snp.id"))$dim)))
} else {
x <- snp[[paste0("flag",i)]]
cat(" file ", i, ": ", sum(bitwAnd(x, 1L), na.rm=TRUE),
" allele flips, ", sum(bitwAnd(x, 4L), na.rm=TRUE),
" ambiguous locus/loci\n", sep="")
y <- sapply(0:7, function(v) sum(x==v, na.rm=TRUE))
y <- c(y, sum(is.na(x)))
a <- c("no flip", "flip", "no flip on different strand",
"flip on different strand",
"no flip / ambiguous strand", "flip / ambiguous strand",
"no flip / different and ambiguous strand",
"flip / different and ambiguous strand", "mismatch")
for (i in seq_along(y))
if (y[i] > 0)
cat(" [", a[i], "]: ", y[i], "\n", sep="")
# create a gds file
gfile <- createfn.gds(out.fn)
on.exit({ if (!is.null(gfile)) closefn.gds(gfile) }, add=TRUE)
if (verbose)
cat(" create '", out.fn, "': ", length(samp_id), " samples, ",
n_snp, " SNPs\n", sep="")
# genotypes in the first GDS file
gn1 <- index.gdsn(gs[[1L]], "genotype")
filefmt <- ifelse(objdesp.gdsn(gn1)$type=="Real", "IMPUTED_DOSAGE",
if (verbose)
cat(" FileFormat = ", filefmt, "\n", sep="")
put.attr.gdsn(gfile$root, "FileFormat", filefmt)
add.gdsn(gfile, "sample.id", samp_id, compress=compress.annotation,
add.gdsn(gfile, "snp.id", slst[[1L]]$snp.id[snp$idx1],
compress=compress.annotation, closezip=TRUE)
n <- index.gdsn(gs[[1L]], "snp.rs.id", silent=TRUE)
if (!is.null(n))
add.gdsn(gfile, "snp.rs.id", read.gdsn(n)[snp$idx1],
compress=compress.annotation, closezip=TRUE)
add.gdsn(gfile, "snp.position", slst[[1L]]$position[snp$idx1],
compress=compress.annotation, closezip=TRUE)
add.gdsn(gfile, "snp.chromosome", slst[[1L]]$chromosome[snp$idx1],
compress=compress.annotation, closezip=TRUE)
add.gdsn(gfile, "snp.allele", slst[[1L]]$allele[snp$idx1],
compress=compress.annotation, closezip=TRUE)
ng <- add.gdsn(gfile, "genotype", valdim=c(length(samp_id), 0L),
storage=gn1, compress=compress.geno)
put.attr.gdsn(ng, "sample.order")
if (verbose)
cat(" writing genotypes ...\n")
idx <- 1L
N <- length(snp$idx1)
while (idx <= N)
k <- idx + 1024L
if (k > N) k <- N + 1L
L <- k - idx
ii <- seq.int(idx, length.out=L)
idx <- idx + L
geno <- NULL
for (i in 1:length(gds.fn))
n <- index.gdsn(gs[[i]], "genotype")
if (snp1d[i])
g <- readex.gdsn(n, list(snp[[paste0("idx",i)]][ii], NULL),
simplify="none", .value=3L, .substitute=NA_integer_)
g <- t(g)
} else {
g <- readex.gdsn(n, list(NULL, snp[[paste0("idx",i)]][ii]),
simplify="none", .value=3L, .substitute=NA_integer_)
if (i > 1L)
x <- ifelse(bitwAnd(snp[[paste0("flag",i)]][ii], 1), 2L, 0L)
g <- abs(t(x - t(g)))
geno <- rbind(geno, g)
geno[is.na(geno)] <- 3L
append.gdsn(ng, geno)
if (snpfirstdim)
if (verbose)
cat(" transposing the genotype matrix ...\n")
readmode.gdsn(index.gdsn(gfile, "genotype"))
newnode <- add.gdsn(gfile, "!genotype", storage="bit2",
valdim=c(n_snp, 0L), compress=compress.geno)
put.attr.gdsn(newnode, "snp.order")
# write data
apply.gdsn(ng, margin=1L, FUN=c, as.is="gdsnode", target.node=newnode,
# move and replace
moveto.gdsn(newnode, ng, relpos="replace+rename")
# close file
gfile <- NULL
cleanup.gds(out.fn, verbose=verbose)
if (verbose) cat("Done.\n")
# return
# To transpose the genotypic matrix if needed
snpgdsTranspose <- function(gds.fn, snpfirstdim=FALSE, compress=NULL,
optimize=TRUE, verbose=TRUE)
stopifnot(is.na(snpfirstdim) | is.logical(snpfirstdim))
stopifnot(is.null(compress) | is.character(compress))
# open the GDS file
gds <- snpgdsOpen(gds.fn, readonly=FALSE)
on.exit({ snpgdsClose(gds) })
# check dimension
ns <- names(get.attr.gdsn(index.gdsn(gds, "genotype")))
if ("snp.order" %in% ns) snpflag <- TRUE
if ("sample.order" %in% ns) snpflag <- FALSE
node <- index.gdsn(gds, "genotype")
if (is.na(snpfirstdim))
snpfirstdim <- !snpflag
# dimension
desp <- objdesp.gdsn(node)
dm <- desp$dim
if (verbose)
if (snpflag)
cat(sprintf("SNP genotypes: %d samples, %d SNPs\n", dm[2], dm[1]))
cat(sprintf("SNP genotypes: %d samples, %d SNPs\n", dm[1], dm[2]))
if (snpflag != snpfirstdim)
if (verbose)
cat("Genotype matrix is being transposed ...\n")
# check
dm <- rev(dm)
if (length(dm) != 2)
stop("Invalid 'genotype' in the GDS file!")
dm[length(dm)] <- 0
# compress
if (is.null(compress))
compress <- desp$compress
newnode <- add.gdsn(gds, "!genotype", val=NULL,
storage=desp$storage, valdim=dm, compress=compress)
# write data
apply.gdsn(node, margin=1, FUN=c, as.is="gdsnode",
target.node=newnode, .useraw=TRUE)
if (snpfirstdim)
put.attr.gdsn(newnode, "snp.order")
put.attr.gdsn(newnode, "sample.order")
# move
moveto.gdsn(newnode, node, relpos="replace+rename")
if (optimize)
cleanup.gds(gds.fn, verbose=verbose)
} else {
if (verbose)
cat("No transposing action taken.\n")
if (!is.null(compress))
compression.gdsn(index.gdsn(gds, "genotype"),
if (optimize)
cleanup.gds(gds.fn, verbose=verbose)
# To switch SNP coding based on allelic information
snpgdsAlleleSwitch <- function(gdsobj, A.allele, verbose=TRUE)
# check
allele.node <- index.gdsn(gdsobj, "snp.allele", silent=TRUE)
if (is.null(allele.node))
stop("There is no allelic information in the GDS file ",
"(no 'snp.allele' variable).")
dm <- objdesp.gdsn(allele.node)$dim
if (length(dm) != 1)
stop("Invalid 'snp.allele' in the GDS file.")
if (dm != length(A.allele))
stop("The length of 'A.allele' should correspond to ",
"'snp.allele' in the GDS file.")
# check the GDS file
if (gdsobj$readonly)
stop("The GDS file should allow writing.")
geno.node <- index.gdsn(gdsobj, "genotype")
if (objdesp.gdsn(geno.node)$compress != "")
stop("Please call 'compression.gdsn(..., compress=\"\")' to ",
"decompress the data first.")
# new alleles
newnode <- add.gdsn(gdsobj, "!snp.allele", storage="string", valdim=c(0),
snpfirstdim <- TRUE
rd <- names(get.attr.gdsn(geno.node))
if ("snp.order" %in% rd) snpfirstdim <- TRUE
if ("sample.order" %in% rd) snpfirstdim <- FALSE
# call C function
flag <- .Call(gnrStrandSwitch, geno.node, allele.node, newnode,
snpfirstdim, A.allele)
# new alleles
moveto.gdsn(newnode, allele.node, relpos="replace+rename")
# synchronize the GDS file
if (verbose)
nTrue <- sum(flag, na.rm=TRUE)
nNA <- sum(is.na(flag))
cat(sprintf("Strand-switching at %d SNP locus/loci.\n", nTrue))
cat(sprintf("Unable to determine switching at %d SNP locus/loci.\n",
# Plot functions
# Draw a dendrogram
snpgdsDrawTree <- function(obj, clust.count=NULL, dend.idx=NULL,
type=c("dendrogram", "z-score"), yaxis.height=TRUE, yaxis.kinship=TRUE,
y.kinship.baseline=NaN, y.label.kinship=FALSE, outlier.n=NULL,
shadow.col = c(rgb(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.25), rgb(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.05)),
outlier.col=rgb(1, 0.50, 0.50, 0.5), leaflab="none",
labels=NULL, y.label=0.2, ...)
# check
stopifnot(is.null(dend.idx) | is.numeric(dend.idx))
type <- match.arg(type)
if (type == "dendrogram")
stopifnot(is.null(outlier.n) | is.numeric(outlier.n))
# initialize ...
if (is.null(clust.count))
clust.count <- obj$clust.count
if (is.null(outlier.n))
outlier.n <- obj$outlier.n
# draw
if (!is.null(dend.idx))
den <- obj$dendrogram[[dend.idx]]
x.offset <- 0
for (i in 1:length(dend.idx))
if (dend.idx[i] == 2)
IX <- dend.idx[1:i]
IX[i] <- 1
x.offset <- x.offset + attr(obj$dendrogram[[IX]], "member")
} else {
den <- obj$dendrogram
x.offset <- 0
par(mar=c(4, 4, 4, 4))
oldpar <- par(mgp=c(5, 1, 0)) # to avoid ylab
plot(den, leaflab=leaflab, axes=FALSE, ...)
# draw left y-axis
if (yaxis.height)
axis(side=2, line=0)
tmp <- list(...)
if (!is.null(tmp$ylab))
ylab <- tmp$ylab
ylab <- "individual dissimilarity"
mtext(ylab, side=2, line=2.5)
# draw right y-axis
if (yaxis.kinship)
if (is.finite(y.kinship.baseline))
y.kinship.baseline <- y.kinship.baseline[1]
} else {
y.kinship.baseline <- attr(den, "height")
ym <- pretty(c(0, 1))
axis(side=4, (1 - ym) * y.kinship.baseline, ym, line=0)
mtext("coancestry coefficient", 4, line=2.5)
# draw others
if (!is.null(clust.count))
m <- c(0, cumsum(clust.count))
jj <- 1; k <- 1
for (i in 1:length(clust.count))
if (clust.count[i] > outlier.n)
rect(m[i] + 0.5 - x.offset, par("usr")[3L],
m[i+1] + 0.5 - x.offset, par("usr")[4L],
col = shadow.col[jj], border = NA)
jj <- 3 - jj
if (!is.null(labels[k]))
text((m[i]+m[i+1])/2 - x.offset, y.label, labels[k])
k <- k + 1
} else {
rect(m[i] + 0.5 - x.offset, par("usr")[3L],
m[i+1] + 0.5 - x.offset, par("usr")[4L],
col = outlier.col, border = NA)
# draw kinship label
if (yaxis.kinship & y.label.kinship)
# identical twins
h1 <- (1 - 0.5)*y.kinship.baseline
abline(h=h1, lty=2, col="gray")
# parent-child / full-siblings
h2 <- (1 - 0.25)*y.kinship.baseline
abline(h=h2, lty=2, col="gray")
# parent-child / full-siblings
h3 <- (1 - 1/8)*y.kinship.baseline
abline(h=h3, lty=2, col="gray")
# first cousins
h4 <- (1 - 1/16)*y.kinship.baseline
abline(h=h4, lty=2, col="gray")
axis(side=4, c(h1, h2, h3, h4),
c("twins", "PC/FS", "DFC/HS", "FC"),
tick=FALSE, line=-0.75, las=2, cex.axis=0.75,
} else if (type == "z-score")
# the distribution of Z scores
if (is.null(obj$merge))
stop("There is no Z score in this object.")
y <- obj$merge[,1]
y <- y[order(y, decreasing=TRUE)]
plot(y, xlab="the order of Z score", ylab="Z score", type="b",
pch="+", log="x", ...)
abline(h=15, col="gray", lty=2)
# SNPRelate Option
snpgdsOption <- function(gdsobj=NULL, autosome.start=1L, autosome.end=22L, ...)
ans <- list(
# the starting index of autosome
autosome.start = as.integer(autosome.start),
# the ending idex of autosome
autosome.end = as.integer(autosome.end)
if (!is.null(gdsobj))
# ignore the arguments "..."
# chromosome
n <- index.gdsn(gdsobj, "snp.chromosome")
if (objdesp.gdsn(n)$type == "String")
rv <- .Call(gnrChromParse, n)
names(rv) <- c("autosome.start", "autosome.end", "coding")
lst <- get.attr.gdsn(n)
if (!is.null(lst$autosome.start))
ans$autosome.start <- lst$autosome.start
lst <- lst[-match("autosome.start", names(lst))]
if (!is.null(lst$autosome.end))
ans$autosome.end <- lst$autosome.end
lst <- lst[-match("autosome.end", names(lst))]
ns <- names(lst)
if (!("X" %in% ns)) # X chromosome
lst$X <- as.integer(ans$autosome.end + 1)
if (!("XY" %in% ns)) # Pseudo-autosomal region of X
lst$XY <- as.integer(ans$autosome.end + 2)
if (!("Y" %in% ns)) # Y chromosome
lst$Y <- as.integer(ans$autosome.end + 3)
if (!("M" %in% ns)) # Mitochondrial
lst$M <- as.integer(ans$autosome.end + 4)
if (!("MT" %in% ns)) # Mitochondrial
lst$MT = as.integer(ans$autosome.end + 4)
ans$chromosome.code <- lst
# SNP genotype
ans$file$filename <- gdsobj$filename
n <- index.gdsn(gdsobj, "genotype")
lst <- get.attr.gdsn(n)
if ("sample.order" %in% names(lst))
ans$file$geno.dim <- "sample-by-snp"
ans$file$geno.dim <- "snp-by-sample"
} else {
# incorporate the arguments "..."
lst <- list(...)
lst <- lst[names(lst) != ""]
if (length(lst) <= 0)
ans$chromosome.code = list(
X = as.integer(autosome.end + 1), # X chromosome
XY = as.integer(autosome.end + 2), # Pseudo-autosomal X
Y = as.integer(autosome.end + 3), # Y chromosome
M = as.integer(autosome.end + 4), # Mitochondrial
MT = as.integer(autosome.end + 4) # Mitochondrial
} else {
ans$chromosome.code <- lst
# Sliding Windows Analysis
snpgdsSlidingWindow <- function(gdsobj, sample.id=NULL, snp.id=NULL,
FUN=NULL, winsize=100000L, shift=10000L, unit=c("basepair", "locus"),
winstart=NULL, autosome.only=FALSE, remove.monosnp=TRUE, maf=NaN,
missing.rate=NaN, as.is=c("list", "numeric", "array"),
with.id=c("snp.id", "snp.id.in.window", "none"), num.thread=1L,
verbose=TRUE, ...)
# check
ws <- .InitFile2(
cmd="Sliding Window Analysis:",
gdsobj=gdsobj, sample.id=sample.id, snp.id=snp.id,
autosome.only=autosome.only, remove.monosnp=remove.monosnp,
maf=maf, missing.rate=missing.rate, num.thread=num.thread,
unit <- match.arg(unit)
as.is <- match.arg(as.is)
with.id <- match.arg(with.id)
winsize <- as.integer(winsize)[1]
shift <- as.integer(shift)[1]
stopifnot(is.finite(winsize) & is.finite(shift))
stopifnot(is.null(winstart) | (is.numeric(winstart) & is.vector(winstart)))
if (is.function(FUN))
FUN <- match.fun(FUN)
if (identical(FUN, snpgdsFst))
stop('Please use `FUN="snpgdsFst"` instead.')
if (identical(FUN, snpgdsSNPRateFreq))
stop('Please use `FUN="snpgdsSNPRateFreq"` instead.')
FunIdx <- 0L
} else if (is.character(FUN))
stopifnot(length(FUN) == 1)
FunList <- c("snpgdsFst", "snpgdsSNPRateFreq")
FunIdx <- match(FUN, FunList)
if (is.na(FunIdx))
stop("'FUN' should be one of ", paste(FunList, collapse=","), ".")
} else {
stop("'FUN' should be a function, or a character.")
if (verbose)
cat(" window size: ", winsize, ", shift: ", shift, sep="")
cat(if (unit == "basepair") " (basepair)\n" else " (locus index)\n")
# check function
if (FunIdx > 0)
pm <- list(...)
param <- switch(EXPR = FUN,
snpgdsFst = {
.paramFst(sample.id, pm$population, pm$method, ws)
snpgdsSNPRateFreq = {
if (length(pm) > 0)
stop("Unused additional parameters '...'.")
######## ########
# return value
ans <- list(sample.id = ws$sample.id)
if (with.id %in% c("snp.id", "snp.id.in.window"))
ans$snp.id <- ws$snp.id
if (inherits(gdsobj, "SeqVarGDSClass"))
total.snp.ids <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gdsobj, "variant.id"))
snp.flag <- total.snp.ids %in% ws$snp.id
chr <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gdsobj, "chromosome"))
snp.flag[is.na(chr)] <- FALSE
position <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gdsobj, "position"))
snp.flag[!is.finite(position)] <- FALSE
snp.flag[position <= 0] <- FALSE
} else {
total.snp.ids <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gdsobj, "snp.id"))
snp.flag <- total.snp.ids %in% ws$snp.id
chr <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gdsobj, "snp.chromosome"))
snp.flag[is.na(chr)] <- FALSE
position <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gdsobj, "snp.position"))
snp.flag[!is.finite(position)] <- FALSE
snp.flag[position <= 0] <- FALSE
if (is.numeric(chr))
chrset <- setdiff(unique(chr[snp.flag]), c(0, NA))
else if (is.character(chr))
chrset <- setdiff(unique(chr[snp.flag]), c("", NA))
stop("Unknown format of 'snp.chromosome'!")
if (!is.null(winstart))
winstart <- as.integer(winstart)
if (length(winstart) != 1)
if (length(winstart) != length(chrset))
stop("'winstart' should be specified according to ",
"the chromosome set (", paste(chrset, collapse =","), ")")
if (verbose)
cat("Chromosome Set: ", paste(chrset, collapse =","), "\n", sep="")
# for-loop each chromosome
for (ch in chrset)
# specific mask for this chromosome
chflag <- snp.flag & (chr==ch)
sid <- total.snp.ids[chflag]
chpos <- position[chflag]
winst <- NULL
if (!is.null(winstart))
winst <- winstart[1]
if (length(winstart) > 1)
winstart <- winstart[-1]
if (verbose)
cat(date(), ", Chromosome ", ch,
" (", length(chpos), " SNPs)", sep="")
if (is.function(FUN))
#### the user-defined function
# calculate how many blocks according to sliding windows
if (unit == "basepair")
rg <- range(chpos)
if (is.null(winst)) winst <- rg[1]
n <- .Call(gnrSlidingNumWin, winst, rg[2], winsize, shift)
if (verbose) cat(",", n, "windows\n")
if (as.is == "list")
rvlist <- vector("list", n)
rvlist <- double(n)
nlist <- integer(n)
poslist <- double(n)
if (with.id == "snp.id.in.window")
sidlist <- vector("list", n)
x <- rg[1]; i <- 1L
while (i <= n)
k <- (x <= chpos) & (chpos < x+winsize)
ssid <- sid[k]
ppos <- chpos[k]
v <- FUN(ans$sample.id, ssid, ppos, ...)
if (as.is == "list")
rvlist[[i]] <- v
rvlist[i] <- as.double(v)[1]
nlist[i] <- length(ppos)
poslist[i] <- mean(ppos)
if (with.id == "snp.id.in.window")
sidlist[[i]] <- ssid
x <- x + shift
i <- i + 1L
} else {
if (is.null(winst)) winst <- 1L
n <- .Call(gnrSlidingNumWin, winst, length(sid), winsize, shift)
if (verbose) cat(",", n, "windows\n")
if (as.is == "list")
rvlist <- vector("list", n)
rvlist <- double(n)
nlist <- integer(n)
poslist <- double(n)
if (with.id == "snp.id.in.window")
sidlist <- vector("list", n)
x <- 1L; i <- 1L
while (i <= n)
k <- seq.int(x, x+winsize-1L)
ssid <- sid[k]
ppos <- chpos[k]
v <- FUN(ans$sample.id, ssid, ppos, ...)
if (as.is == "list")
rvlist[[i]] <- v
rvlist[i] <- as.double(v)[1]
nlist[i] <- length(ppos)
poslist[i] <- mean(ppos)
if (with.id == "snp.id.in.window")
sidlist[[i]] <- ssid
x <- x + shift
i <- i + 1L
ans[[paste("chr", ch, sep="")]] <- rvlist
ans[[paste("chr", ch, ".num", sep="")]] <- nlist
ans[[paste("chr", ch, ".pos", sep="")]] <- poslist
ans[[paste("chr", ch, ".posrange", sep="")]] <- range(chpos)
if (with.id == "snp.id.in.window")
ans[[paste("chr", ch, ".snpid", sep="")]] <- sidlist
} else {
#### specific functions
v <- .Call(gnrSlidingWindow, FunIdx, winsize, shift, unit, winst,
as.is, chflag, chpos, param, verbose)
ans[[paste("chr", ch, ".val", sep="")]] <- v[[1]]
ans[[paste("chr", ch, ".num", sep="")]] <- v[[2]]
ans[[paste("chr", ch, ".pos", sep="")]] <- v[[3]]
ans[[paste("chr", ch, ".posrange", sep="")]] <- v[[4]]
if (verbose) cat(date(), "\tDone.\n")
# output
# To get the file name of an example
snpgdsExampleFileName <- function()
system.file("extdata", "hapmap_geno.gds", package="SNPRelate")
# To get the error message
snpgdsErrMsg <- function()
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