
Defines functions continue_lcm_tree lcm_tree

Documented in continue_lcm_tree lcm_tree

if(getRversion() >= "2.15.1") utils::globalVariables(c("i"))

#' wrapper function for fitting and summaries
#' @param Y An `n` x `J` matrix of binary (0 or 1) measurements,
#' where each of `n` observation may belong to a leaf node; we aim to group `n` subjects into
#' groups that are possibly coarser than the leaf-induced groups, and in each group,
#' we have a homogeneous latent class model
#' @param leaf_ids Character vector of length `n`. `leaf_ids[i]` is a string indicating the
#' `leaf_id` for unit `i` (e.g., the sequence type of an E.coli isolate).
#' @param mytree A directed `igraph` object. This is a tree representing the relationships
#' among the `leaf_ids`. Every leaf node represents an `leaf_id`, and internal nodes
#' represent leaf_ids subgroups consisting of their leaf descendants. All nodes
#' of `mytree` must have unique names as given by `names(V(mytree))`. The names of the leaves must
#' be equal to the number of unique elements of `leaf_ids`. The vertices of `mytree`,
#' `V(mytree)`, may have an attribute `levels` containing integer values from `1` to `max(V(mytree)$levels)`.
#' In this case, the `levels` attribute specifies groups of nodes that share common
#' hyperparameters `rho[f]`, `tau_1[f]`, and `tau_2[f]`, where `f` is an integer
#' that represents a level. If `V(mytree)$levels` is `NULL`,
#' the default is two levels of hyperparameters: one for all leaf nodes, and one
#' for all internal nodes. NB: this needs to be checked in the [design_tree()] # <----------??
#' @param weighted_edge default to `TRUE`, which indicates the model will
#' use the values of branch lengths (`h_pau` of `V(mytree)`).
#' @param Z_obs a matrix of two columns, first column is subject ids (of all samples),
#' the second column is a mix of `NA` or integers: `NA` for unknown class memberships
#'  and integers for known classes.
#' @param ci_level A number between 0 and 1 giving the desired credible interval.
#' For example, `ci_level = 0.95` (the default) returns a 95% credible interval
#' @param get_lcm_by_group If `TRUE`, lotR will also return the maximum likelihood estimates of the
#' coefficients for each leaf_ids group discovered by the model.
#' Default is `TRUE`.
#' @param update_hyper_freq How frequently to update hyperparameters.
#' Default = every 50 iterations.
#' @param print_freq How often to print out iteration number and current value of epsilon
#' (the difference in objective function value for the two most recent iterations).
#' @param quiet default to `FALSE`, which prints empirical class probabilities and updates on
#' tau's
#' @param plot_fig plot figure about `prob` (the probability of each node diffuse from
#' the parent node, i.e., s_u=1 for using the slab component) and response profile (1st node)
#' @param shared_tau logical: `TRUE` for sharing the `tau_1` for `alpha`'s in
#' the same node; similarly for `tau_2` (`gamma`'s). Default is `FALSE`
#' @param hyper_fixed Fixed values of hyperprior parameters for `rho`, the probability
#' of a slab component (`s_u=1`).
#' This should be a list with two elements:
#' `a` and `b`, both numeric vectors of length `L`, representing the
#' parameters of the beta prior on `rho` for each level, where `L` is the
#' number of levels.
#' Default is `list(a = rep(1, L), b = rep(1, L), tau_update_levels = c(1,2))` (uniform hyperprior)
#' Other options include specifying included or excluded nodes via
#' e.g., `s_u_zeroset = (1:265)[-c(1)],s_u_oneset = c(1))` to fit a single
#' big LCM (collapsing all nodes except the root node, the first node)
#' @param tol Convergence tolerance for the objective function.
#' Default is `1E-8`.
#' @param tol_hyper The convergence tolerance for the objective function
#' between subsequent hyperparameter updates. Typically it is a more generous
#' tolerance than `tol`. Default is `1E-4`.
#' @param max_iter Maximum number of iterations of the VI algorithm.
#' Default is `5000`. NB: check this number before package submission.
#' @param nrestarts Number of random re-starts of the VI algorithm.
#' The restart that gives the highest value of the objective function will
#' be returned. It is recommended to choose `nrestarts > 1`; The default is `3`.
#' @param keep_restarts If `TRUE`, the results from all random restarts
#' will be returned. If `FALSE`, only the restart with the highest objective function is returned. '
#' Default is `TRUE`.
#' @param parallel If `TRUE`, the random restarts will be run in parallel.
#' It is recommended to first set the number of cores using `doParallel::registerDoParallel()`.
#' Otherwise, the default number of cores specified by the `doParallel` package will be used.
#' Default is `TRUE`.
#' @param log_restarts If `TRUE`, when `nrestarts > 1` progress of each random
#' restart will be logged to a text file in `log_dir`. If `FALSE` and `nrestarts > 1`,
#' progress will not be shown.
#' If `nrestarts = 1`, progress will always be printed to the console.
#' Default is `FALSE`.
#' @param log_dir Directory for logging progress of random restarts.
#' Default is the working directory.
#' @param vi_params_init,hyperparams_init Named lists containing initial values for the
#' variational parameters and hyperparameters. Supplying good initial values can be challenging,
#' and `lotR()` provides a way to guess initial values based on transformations
#' of latent class model estimates for each individual leaf_ids (see [initialize_tree_lcm()]).
#' The most common use for `vi_params_init` and `hyperparams_init` is to supply starting
#' values based on previous output from `lotR()`;
#' see the `vignette('lotR')` for examples.
#' The user can provide initial values for all parameters or a subset.
#' When initial values for one or more parameters are not
#' supplied, the missing values will be filled in by [initialize_tree_lcm()].
#' @param random_init
#' If `TRUE`, some random variability will be added to the initial values.
#' The default is `FALSE`, unless `nrestarts > 1`, in which case
#' `random_init` will be set to `TRUE` and a warning message will be printed.
#' The amount of variability is determined by `random_init_vals`.
#' @param random_init_vals If `random_init = TRUE`,
#' this is a list containing the following parameters for randomly permuting
#' the initial values:
#' \describe{
#' \item{`tau_lims`}{a vector of length `2`, where `tau_lims[1]` is between `0` and `1`,
#' and `tau_lims[2] > 1`. The initial values for the hyperparameter `tau` will
#' be chosen uniformly at random in the range `(tau_init * tau_lims[1], tau_init * tau_lims[2])`,
#' where `tau_init` is the initial value for `tau` either supplied in `hyperparams_init`
#' or guessed using [initialize_tree_lcm()].}
#' \item{`psi_sd_frac`}{a value between `0` and `1`. The initial values for the auxiliary parameters
#' `psi` will have a normal random variate added to them with standard deviation equal to
#' `psi_sd_frac` multiplied by the initial value for eta either supplied in `hyperparams_init` or guessed
#' using [initialize_tree_lcm()]. Absolute values are then taken for any
#' values of `psi` that are `< 0`.}
#' \item{`phi_sd_frac`}{same as above}.
#' \item{`mu_gamma_sd_frac`}{a value between 0 and 1. The initial values for
#' `mu` will have a normal random variate added to them with standard deviation equal to
#' `mu_sd_frac` multiplied by the absolute value of the initial value for `mu_gamma_sd_frac` either supplied in
#' `vi_params_init` or guessed using [initialize_tree_lcm()].}
#' \item{`mu_alpha_sd_frac`}{same as above.}
#' \item{`u_sd_frac`}{a value between 0 and 1. The initial value for the node inclusion probabilities
#' will first be transformed to the log odds scale to obtain `u`. A normal random variate will be
#' added to `u` with standard deviation equal to u_sd_frac multiplied by the absolute value of the
#' initial value for `u` either supplied in `vi_params_init` or guessed using `moretrees_init_logistic()`.
#' `u` will then be transformed back to the probability scale.}
#' }
#' @param allow_continue logical, `TRUE` to save results so can continue running the VI
#' updates with the last iteration from the old results.
#' @example
#' inst/example/lotR_simulated_example_tree.R
#' @return a list also of class "lcm_tree"
#' \describe{
#'   res <- make_list(mod,mod_restarts,mytree,dsgn,prob_est,est_ad_hoc)
#'      class(res) <- c("lcm_tree","list")
#'    }
#' @useDynLib lotR
#' @export
#' @family lcm_tree functions
lcm_tree <- function(Y,leaf_ids,mytree,# may have unordered nodes.
                     weighted_edge = TRUE,
                     Z_obs = NULL,
                     ci_level = 0.95,
                     get_lcm_by_group = FALSE,
                     update_hyper_freq = 50,
                     print_freq = 10,
                     quiet      = FALSE,
                     plot_fig   = FALSE,
                     shared_tau = FALSE,
                     hyper_fixed = list(K=3), # <-- modify default?
                     tol        = 1E-8,
                     tol_hyper = 1E-4,
                     max_iter = 5000,
                     nrestarts = 3,
                     keep_restarts = TRUE,
                     parallel = TRUE,
                     log_restarts = FALSE,
                     log_dir = ".",
                     vi_params_init = list(),
                     hyperparams_init = list(),
                     random_init = FALSE,
                     random_init_vals = list(tau_lims = c(0.5, 1.5),
                                             psi_sd_frac = 0.2,
                                             phi_sd_frac = 0.2,
                                             mu_gamma_sd_frac = 0.2,
                                             mu_alpha_sd_frac = 0.2,
                                             u_sd_frac = 0.2),
                     allow_continue = FALSE
  # compatibility checks (NB: not done yet as of July 28, 2020):

  # logs
  log_dir <- sub("/$", "", log_dir)
  if (log_restarts) message("[lotR] Algorithm progress for restart i will be printed to ",
                            log_dir, "/restart_i_log.txt\n", sep = "")

  # Fill in some arguments
  if (nrestarts > 1 & !random_init) { # force random starts if nstarts>1.
    message("[lotR] Setting 'random_init = TRUE' since nrestarts > 1\n")
    random_init <- TRUE
  if (nrestarts == 1) parallel <- FALSE

  # if (log_restarts){
  #     message("[lotR] Setting 'plot_fig = TRUE', since 'log_restarts = TRUE'\n")
  #   }

  # construct designed data; here `design_tree` reorders the nodes of the tree.
  dsgn <- design_tree(Y,leaf_ids,mytree,weighted_edge,Z_obs) # root_node,weighted_edge <--- need fixing.

  # Get hyper_fixed if not supplied:
  if (is.null(hyper_fixed$a) | is.null(hyper_fixed$b)) {
    L             <- max(dsgn$levels)
    hyper_fixed   <- append(hyper_fixed,list(a = rep(1, L)))
    hyper_fixed$b <- rep(1, L)
    warning("[lotR] No fixed hyperparameters (a,b) supplied; we set a_l=b_l=1 for all levels of hyperparameters.")

  if (is.null(hyper_fixed$K)) {
    warning("[lotR] No fixed # of classes supplied;
            supply a named element `K` in the list 'hyper_fixed'.")

  # Setting up parallelization
  if (parallel) {
    `%doRestarts%` <- foreach::`%dopar%`
  } else {
    `%doRestarts%` <- foreach::`%do%`

  # Run algorithm
  mod_restarts <- foreach::foreach(i = 1:nrestarts) %doRestarts% {
    if (log_restarts) {
      sink(file = paste0(log_dir, "/restart_", i, "_log.txt"))
    cat("\nInitializing restart", i, "...\n\n")
    #cat("Random initialization: ", random_init,"...\n\n")
    mod <- fit_lcm_tree(dsgn = dsgn,
                        vi_params_init = vi_params_init,
                        hyperparams_init = hyperparams_init,
                        random_init = random_init,
                        random_init_vals = random_init_vals,
                        tol = tol,
                        tol_hyper = tol_hyper,
                        max_iter = max_iter,
                        print_freq = print_freq,
                        quiet      = quiet,
                        plot_fig   = plot_fig,
                        shared_tau = shared_tau,
                        update_hyper_freq = update_hyper_freq,
                        hyper_fixed = hyper_fixed)
    cat("\nRestart", i, "complete.\n")
    if (log_restarts) {

  # Select random restart that gave the highest ELBO
  ELBO_restarts <- sapply(mod_restarts, FUN = function(mod) mod$ELBO_track[length(mod$ELBO_track)])
  best_restart  <- which.max(ELBO_restarts)
  mod <- mod_restarts[[best_restart]]
  if (keep_restarts) {
    mod_restarts <- mod_restarts[- best_restart]
  } else {
    mod_restarts <- NULL

  # compute the latent class prevalences and class-specific probabilities based
  # on the model output:
  # up to this point, we do not have dsgn in mod.
  tmp <- compute_params(mod,dsgn,ci_level)
  prob_est <- tmp$prob_est
  prob_est_indiv <- tmp$prob_est_indiv

  ad_hoc_est <- NULL
  # get LCM result based on the groups formed by the output:
  if (!is.null(get_lcm_by_group) && get_lcm_by_group){
    ad_hoc_est <- lcm_by_group(dsgn$Y,names(dsgn$leaf_ids),
                               members_list = prob_est$members,
  ## function for using a previous lcm_tree results to continue iterations;
  ## only useful when the previous result is not converged.
  if (allow_continue){ # here Y and leaf_ids may not be ordered....!!! NB: clarify the specifics about ordering.
    old_mod <- append(make_list(Y,leaf_ids,mytree,weighted_edge,#ci_level = 0.95#get_ml = TRUE
                                hyper_fixed,random_init_vals, # definitely fixed
                                print_freq # can use default, be better take the same values as here.
    ), #<---- here the Y here are not organized.
    list(vi_params_init   = mod$vi_params,
         hyperparams_init = mod$hyperparams))
    res <-   make_list(mod,   # <--- need to add other estimates.
    class(res) <- c("lcm_tree","list")

  mytree <- dsgn$mytree
  res <- make_list(mod,mod_restarts,mytree,dsgn, # is mytree redundant, check dsgn.

  class(res) <- c("lcm_tree","list")

#' continue from a previous model fit
#' can definitely ignore this function, and use lcm_tree directly with various settings.
#' So this function is for lazy persons.
#' @param old_mod fitted object from [lcm_tree()]; `lcm_tree` class
#' @inheritParams lcm_tree
#' @seealso [lcm_tree()]
#' @family lcm_tree functions
continue_lcm_tree <- function(old_mod,
                              #ci_level = 0.95 #get_ml = TRUE
                              update_hyper_freq = NULL,
                              print_freq = NULL,
                              tol =1e-8,
                              tol_hyper =1e-4,
                              max_iter = 5000,  # assume you want to finish in a second run; so set this long enough.
                              nrestarts = 1, # by default assume run once.
                              keep_restarts = TRUE,
                              log_dir= ".",
                              random_init=FALSE, # by default directly continue, so no random_init.
                              allow_continue = FALSE # by default not assuming continuing.
  if (is.null(old_mod)){stop("[] old model settings not saved; rerun with 'allow_continue=TRUE'.")}
  update_hyper_freq_curr <-update_hyper_freq
  print_freq_curr <- print_freq
  if (is.null(update_hyper_freq_curr)){
    update_hyper_freq_curr <-old_mod$update_hyper_freq
  if (is.null(print_freq_curr)){print_freq_curr <-old_mod$print_freq}

  res <- R.utils::doCall(lcm_tree,
                         args = old_mod)
  class(res) <- c("lcm_tree","list")
zhenkewu/lotR documentation built on April 24, 2022, 2:36 a.m.