#' @title Lipid annotation formater for lipidblast
#' @description A formater for lipid names for wcmc lipidblast annotations.
#' Lipid names are forced to be in a style of "PC 36:2 o", as lipid class
#' abbreviations followed by fatty acid length and number of double bonds. An
#' additional "d" in the end means a SM or Ceramide, and a "p" or "o" means a
#' plasmonyl-lipid.
#' @param x character vector of lipid names.
#' @return a character vector
#' @export
lipid_name_formater = function(x){
# 2 names connected with a 'or'. Seriously wcmc, why?
x = gsub("(.*)or.*","\\1",x) %>% str_trim(side = "both")
x = str_split(x, "; ", simplify = T)[,1]
# if fatty acids are listed separated
pat = "\\d{1,2}:\\d{1}\\/{1}\\d{1,2}:\\d{1}"
for(i in 1:length(x)){
if(grepl(pat, x[i])){
x[i] = gsub(
str_extract(x[i],pat) %>%
str_split("\\/", simplify = T) %>%
str_split("\\:", simplify = T) %>%
apply(2, function(xx) sum(as.integer(xx))) %>%
paste(collapse =":"),
# remove Z, H, and E
x = gsub("\\(\\d{1,2}[ZHE]\\)","",x)
# CE
x = gsub("\\({,1}(\\d{1,2}\\:\\d{1})\\){,1}\\s*Cholesteryl ester", "CE \\1", x)
x = gsub("\\({,1}(\\d{1,2}\\:\\d{1})\\){,1}\\s*CE", "CE \\1", x)
x = gsub("Cholesteryl ester\\s*\\({,1}(\\d{1,2}\\:\\d{1})\\){,1}.*", "CE \\1", x)
x = gsub("CE\\s*\\(*(\\d{2}\\:\\d{1})\\)*.*", "CE \\1", x)
# DG
x = gsub('DAG', 'DG', x)
x = gsub('Diacylglycerol', 'DG', x)
x = gsub("DG\\s*\\({,1}(\\d{1,2}\\:\\d{1})\\){,1}", "DG \\1", x)
# MG
x = gsub('MAG', "MG", x)
x = sub("MG\\s*\\({,1}(\\d{1,2}\\:\\d{1})\\){,1}", "MG \\1", x)
# FA
x = gsub("FA\\s*\\({,1}(\\d{1,2}\\:\\d{1})\\){,1}.*", "FA \\1", x)
x = gsub('DCER\\(([0-9]{1,2}:[0-9]{1})\\)', 'Dihydroceramide \\1', x)
x = gsub('HCER\\(([0-9]{1,2}:[0-9]{1})\\)', 'Hexosylceramide \\1', x)
# Gal-Gal-Cer
x = gsub("LCER", 'Lactosylceramide', x)
x = gsub("^Gal-Gal-Cer\\s*\\({0,1}d(\\d{1,2}:\\d{1})\\){,1}.*", "Gal-Gal-Cer \\1 d",x)
x = gsub("^Lactosylceramide\\s*\\(*d*(\\d{1,2}:\\d{1})\\)*.*", "Gal-Gal-Cer \\1 d",x)
# GlcCer
x = gsub("GlcCer\\s*\\(d(\\d{1,2}:\\d{1}).*", "GlcCer \\1 d", x)
# Ceramide
x = gsub("CERAMIDE", 'Ceramide', x)
x = gsub('CER', 'Ceramide', x)
x = gsub("^Ceramide\\s*\\(*d*(\\d{1,2}:\\d{1})\\)*.*", "Ceramide \\1 d",x)
x = gsub("^Cer{,1}\\({,1}d(\\d{2}\\:\\d{1})\\){,1}.*", "Ceramide \\1 d",x)
# LPC, LPE, PC, and PE
x = gsub("(L{0,1}P[CEASI])\\s*\\(*(\\d{1,2}:\\d{1})\\)*.*", "\\1 \\2", x)
x = gsub("(L{0,1}P[CEASI])\\s*\\(*([opOP]{1})-(\\d{1,2}:\\d{1})\\)*.*", "\\1 \\3 \\2", x)
x = gsub("Plasmenyl-(L{0,1}P[CEASI])\\s*\\(*(\\d{1,2}:\\d{1})\\)*.*", "\\1 \\2 p", x)
# OxPC
x = gsub("OxPC\\s*\\(*(\\d{2}:\\d{1})\\)*.*", "PC \\1 ox", x)
# SM
x = gsub("SM\\s*\\(*d*(\\d{1,2}:\\d{1})\\)*.*","SM \\1 d", x)
# TG
x = gsub("TG\\s*\\(*(\\d{1,2}:\\d{1})\\)*.*","TG \\1", x)
x = gsub("TAG\\s*\\(*(\\d{1,2}:\\d{1})\\)*.*","TG \\1", x)
#' @title Extract the carbon chain length from lipidome annotation
#' @description This function returns the total number of carbons from a given
#' lipid annotation name. For example, the carbon chain length of lipid PC 34:2
#' is 34. The lipid annotation names input must be the ouput of
#' \code{\link{lipid_name_formater}} function.
#' @param x character. The lipid annotation name. Must be formatted by the
#' \code{\link{lipid_name_formater}} function.
#' @export
#' @author Chenghao Zhu
nCarbons = function(x){
grepl("Cholesterol", x), 0,
as.integer(str_split_fixed(str_split_fixed(x, " ", n = 2)[,2], ":", 2)[,1])
#' @title Get the number of fatty acyls of a given lipid annotation.
#' @description This function returns the number of fatty acyls of a given
#' lipid annotation name. For example, the number of fatty acyl of lipid PC 34:2
#' is 2. The lipid annotation names input must be the ouput of
#' \code{\link{lipid_name_formater}} function.
#' @param x character. The lipid annotation name. Must be formatted by the
#' \code{\link{lipid_name_formater}} function.
#' @export
#' @author Chenghao Zhu
nFattyAcyls = function(x){
class = str_split_fixed(x, " ", 2)[,1]
class == 'Cholesterol', 0,
class == 'TG', 3,
class %in% c('LPC', "LPE", "LPG", "LPI", "LPA", "MG", "FA"),
1, 2
#' @title Get the number of double bonds
#' @description This function returns the number of double bonds from a given
#' lipid annotation name. For example, the number of double bonds of lipid PC 34:2
#' is 34. The lipid annotation names input must be the ouput of
#' \code{\link{lipid_name_formater}} function.
#' @param x character. The lipid annotation name. Must be formatted by the
#' \code{\link{lipid_name_formater}} function.
#' @export
#' @author Chenghao Zhu
nDoubleBonds = function(x){
grepl("Cholesterol", x), 0,
as.integer(str_split_fixed(str_split_fixed(x, " ", 3)[,2], ":", 2)[,2])
#' @title Calculate the average carbon chain length
#' @description Calculate the average carbon chain length of each lipid class.
#' The input must be a \code{\link{LipidomicsSet-class}} object. The object
#' must be contain a column in the feature_data slot with the annotation names
#' of each feature. The feature name must be formated using the
#' \code{\link{lipid_name_formater}} function.
#' The average chain length is calculated using the equation below:
#' \deqn{ACL = (\sum conc_{i,j} x nc_{i,j}) / (\sum con_{i,j} x nfa_{i,j})}
#' The conc represents for the mol concentration, nc for number of carbon,
#' and nfa for number of fatty acyls. The i stands for the ith sample, while j
#' stands for the jth feature.
#' @param object a \code{\link{LipidomicsSet-class}} object
#' @param name character. The name of the feature variable that contains the
#' annotation name. The annotation name must be formatted by the
#' \code{\link{lipid_name_formater}} function
#' @param class character. The name of the feature variable that contains the
#' lipid class.
#' @export
#' @author Chenghao Zhu
summarize_ACL = function(object, name, class){
if(!isClass(object, Class = "LipidomicsSet"))
stop("[ Metabase ] The object must be a LipidomcisSet-class object",
call. = FALSE)
if(!name %in% colnames(object@feature_data))
stop("[ Metabase ] The lipid name variable " %+% name %+% " is not found. Please varify.", call. = FALSE)
if(!class %in% colnames(object@feature_data))
stop("[ Metabase ] The lipid class variable " %+% class %+% " is not found. Please varify.", call. = FALSE)
# calculated using the equation below:
# $ACL = \\frac{\\sum conc_{i,j} \\times nc_i}{\\sum con_{i,j} \\times nfa_i}$
nCB = nCarbons(object@feature_data[, name])
nFA = nFattyAcyls(object@feature_data[, name])
class = object@feature_data[, class]
mat1 = apply(object@conc_table * nCB, 2, function(col){
tapply(col, class, function(x) sum(x, na.rm = TRUE))
mat2 = apply(object@conc_table * nFA, 2, function(col){
tapply(col, class, function(x) sum(x, na.rm = TRUE))
mat = mat1 / mat2
mat = mat[rownames(mat) != "Cholesterol",]
Overall = apply(object@conc_table * nCB, 2, function(x) sum(x, na.rm = TRUE)) /
apply(object@conc_table * nFA, 2, function(x) sum(x, na.rm = TRUE))
mat = rbind(Overall, mat)
LipidomicsSet(conc_table = conc_table(mat),
sample_table = sample_table(object))
#' @title Calculate the Equivalent Double Bond per 18 carbons
#' @description Calculate the equivalen double bonds per 18 carbons of each
#' lipid class. The input must be a \code{\link{LipidomicsSet-class}} object.
#' The object must be contain a column in the feature_data slot with the
#' annotation names of each feature. The feature name must be formated using the
#' \code{\link{lipid_name_formater}} function.
#' The equivalent of double bond is calculated using the equation below:
#' \deqn{EOD_{18} = (\sum conc_{i,j} x ndb_{i,j}) / (\sum conc_{i,j} x nc_{i,j}) x 18 }
#' The conc represents for the mol concentration, ndb for number of double
#' bonds, and nc for number of carbon. The i stands for the ith sample, while j
#' stands for the jth feature.
#' @param object a \code{\link{LipidomicsSet-class}} object
#' @param name character. The name of the feature variable that contains the
#' annotation name. The annotation name must be formatted by the
#' \code{\link{lipid_name_formater}} function
#' @param class character. The name of the feature variable that contains the
#' lipid class.
#' @export
#' @author Chenghao Zhu
summarize_EOD = function(object, name, class){
if(!isClass(object, Class = "LipidomicsSet"))
stop("[ Metabase ] The object must be a LipidomcisSet-class object",
call. = FALSE)
if(!name %in% colnames(object@feature_data))
stop("[ Metabase ] The lipid name variable " %+% name %+% " is not found. Please varify.", call. = FALSE)
if(!class %in% colnames(object@feature_data))
stop("[ Metabase ] The lipid class variable " %+% class %+% " is not found. Please varify.", call. = FALSE)
# calculated using the equation below:
# $EOD_{18} = \\frac{ \\sum conc_{i,j} \\times ndb_{i,j} }{ \\sum conc_{i,j} \\times nc_{i,j}} \\times 18 $
nDB = nDoubleBonds(object@feature_data[, name])
nCB = nCarbons(object@feature_data[, name])
class =object@feature_data[, class]
mat1 = apply(object@conc_table * nDB, 2, function(col){
tapply(col, class, function(x) sum(x, na.rm = TRUE))
mat2 = apply(object@conc_table * nCB, 2, function(col){
tapply(col, class, function(x) sum(x, na.rm = TRUE))
mat = mat1 / mat2 * 18
mat = mat[rownames(mat) != "Cholesterol",]
Overall = apply(object@conc_table * nDB, 2, function(x) sum(x, na.rm = TRUE))/
apply(object@conc_table * nCB, 2, function(x) sum(x, na.rm = TRUE)) * 18
mat = rbind(Overall, mat)
LipidomicsSet(conc_table = conc_table(mat),
sample_table = sample_table(object))
#' @title Calculate odd chain lipids abundance
#' @description Calculate the abundance of odd chain lipids of each
#' lipid class. The input must be a \code{\link{LipidomicsSet-class}} object.
#' @param object a \code{\link{LipidomicsSet-class}} object
#' @param name character. The name of the feature variable that contains the
#' annotation name. The annotation name must be formatted by the
#' \code{\link{lipid_name_formater}} function
#' @param class character. The name of the feature variable that contains the
#' lipid class.
#' @export
#' @author Chenghao Zhu
summarize_odd_chain = function(object, name, class){
if(!isClass(object, Class = "LipidomicsSet"))
stop("[ Metabase ] The object must be a LipidomcisSet-class object",
call. = FALSE)
if(!name %in% colnames(object@feature_data))
stop("[ Metabase ] The lipid name variable " %+% name %+% " is not found. Please varify.", call. = FALSE)
if(!class %in% colnames(object@feature_data))
stop("[ Metabase ] The lipid class variable " %+% class %+% " is not found. Please varify.", call. = FALSE)
nCB = nCarbons(object@feature_data[, name])
object = subset_features(object, nCB %% 2 == 1)
Overall = apply(object@conc_table, 2, function(x) sum(x, na.rm = TRUE))
object = summarize_features(object, class)
conc_table = rbind(Overall, object@conc_table) %>%
sample_table = sample_table(object)
LipidomicsSet(conc_table = conc_table, sample_table = sample_table)
#' @title Calculate lipid classes ratios
#' @description Calculate ratios between different lipid classes. The input
#' must be a \code{\link{LipidomicsSet-class}} object. The lipid class ratios
#' calculated includes PC/LPC, PE/LPE, CE/free cholesterol, TG/DG, SM / Cer,
#' CE/TG, surface lipid / core lipid, PC / surface lipid, and SM / surface lipid.
#' @param object a \code{\link{LipidomicsSet-class}} object
#' @param name character. The name of the feature variable that contains the
#' annotation name. The annotation name must be formatted by the
#' \code{\link{lipid_name_formater}} function
#' @param class character. The name of the feature variable that contains the
#' lipid class.
#' @export
#' @author Chenghao Zhu
summarize_lipid_ratios = function(object, name, class){
if(!isClass(object, Class = "LipidomicsSet"))
stop("[ Metabase ] The object must be a LipidomcisSet-class object",
call. = FALSE)
if(!name %in% colnames(object@feature_data))
stop("[ Metabase ] The lipid name variable " %+% name %+% " is not found. Please varify.", call. = FALSE)
if(!class %in% colnames(object@feature_data))
stop("[ Metabase ] The lipid class variable " %+% class %+% " is not found. Please varify.", call. = FALSE)
object = summarize_features(object, class)
featureNames(object) = tolower(featureNames(object))
edata = object@conc_table
keys = list(
c('ce', "cholesterol"),
c("pc", "lpc"),
c("pe", "lpe"),
c("pg", 'lpg'),
c("pi", "lpi"),
c("pa", "lpa"),
c("tg", "dg"),
c("tag", "dag"),
c("sm", "cer"),
c("sm", "ceremide"),
c("tg", "ce"),
c("tag", "ce")
ratios = NULL
for(key in keys){
if( key[1] %in% rownames(edata) & key[2] %in% rownames(edata)){
ratios = rbind(ratios, edata[key[1],]/edata[key[2],])
rownames(ratios)[nrow(ratios)] = key[1] %+% "/" %+% key[2]
surface_lipids = c(
"pc", "pe", "ps", "pi", "pg", "pa", "lpc", "lpe", "lps", "lpi", "lpa",
"dg", "dag", "sm", "cer", "ceramide", "mg", "mag", "cholesterol",
"dcer", 'ffa', 'hcer', 'lcer'
core_lipids = c("ce", "tg", 'tag')
pl = c("pc", "pe", "ps", "pi", "pg", "pa", "lpc", "lpe", "lps", "lpi",
"lpa", "sm")
surface = colSums(edata[rownames(edata) %in% surface_lipids,])
core = colSums(edata[rownames(edata) %in% core_lipids,])
pl = colSums(edata[rownames(edata) %in% pl,])
ratios = rbind(edata["pc",]/pl, ratios)
ratios = rbind(edata["sm",]/pl, ratios)
ratios = rbind(edata["pc",]/surface, ratios)
ratios = rbind(edata["sm",]/surface, ratios)
ratios = rbind(surface / core, ratios)
rownames(ratios)[1:5] = c("surface/core", "sm/surface", "pc/surface", "sm/pl", "pc/pl")
LipidomicsSet(conc_table = conc_table(ratios),
sample_table = sample_table(object))
#' @title calculate molecular weight from m/z
#' @description This function calculate the molecular weight according to the
#' m/z and adduct ion species.
#' @param species character value of the adduct ion species
#' @param mz numeric value of the m/z
#' @export
mz2molwt = function(species, mz){
multiply = wcmc_adduct[species,]$Mult
plus = wcmc_adduct[species,]$Mass
(mz - plus) / multiply
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