
Defines functions urls_to_sitemap build_sitemap remove_fix_node escape_ampersand get_content build_agg_page section_fun provision_extra_template provision_agg_page read_all_html

Documented in build_agg_page get_content provision_agg_page provision_extra_template read_all_html

# The functions in this file will run after all the content from the markdown
# files have been written to HTML. This will allow us to extract rendered
# content from these files to aggregate into summary files such as instructor
# notes, glossaries, and all-in-one page.

#' read all HTML files in a folder
#' @param path the path to a folder with HTML files
#' @return a nested list of `html_documents` from [xml2::read_html()] with two
#'   top-level elements:
#'   - `$learner`: contains all of the html pages in the learner view
#'   - `$instructor`: all of the pages in the instructor view
#'   - `$paths`: the absolute paths for the pages
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' tmpdir <- tempfile()
#' on.exit(fs::dir_delete(tmpdir))
#' fs::dir_create(tmpdir)
#' fs::dir_create(fs::path(tmpdir, "instructor"))
#' writeLines("<p>Instructor</p>", fs::path(tmpdir, "instructor", "index.html"))
#' writeLines("<p>Learner</p>", fs::path(tmpdir, "index.html"))
#' sandpaper:::read_all_html(tmpdir)
read_all_html <- function(path) {
  paths <- fs::path_abs(fs::dir_ls(path, glob = "*.html", recurse = TRUE))
  htmls <- lapply(paths, xml2::read_html)
  rel <- fs::path_rel(paths, start = path)
  splits <- sub("^[.]$", "learner", fs::path_dir(rel))
  htmls <- split(htmls, splits)
  slugs <- split(get_slug(rel), splits)

  names(htmls$learner) <- slugs$learner
  names(htmls$instructor) <- slugs$instructor
  c(htmls, list(paths = paths))

#' Provision an aggregate page in a lesson
#' A function that will provision page using a reusable template provisioned
#' for aggregate pages used in this lesson to avoid the unnecessary
#' re-rendering of already rendered content.
#' @param pkg an object created via [pkgdown::as_pkgdown()] of a lesson.
#' @param title the new page title
#' @param slug the slug for the page (e.g. "aio" will become "aio.html")
#' @param new if `TRUE`, (default), the page will be generated
#'   from a new template. If `FALSE`, the page is assumed to have been pre-built and
#'   should be appended to.
#' @return
#'  - `provision_agg_page()`: a list:
#'    - `$learner`: an `xml_document` templated for the learner page
#'    - `$instructor`: an `xml_document` templated for the instructor page
#'    - `$needs_episodes`: a logical indicating if the page should be completly
#'       rebuilt (currently default to TRUE)
#'  - `provision_extra_template()`: invisibly, a copy of a global list of HTML
#'   template content available in the internal global object
#'   `sandpaper:::.html`:
#'    - `.html$template$extra$learner`: the rendered learner template as a string
#'    - `.html$template$extra$instructor`: the rendered instructor template as a string
#' @details
#' Pkgdown provides a lot of services in its rendering:
#'  - cross-linking
#'  - syntax highlighting
#'  - dynamic templating
#'  - etc.
#' The problem is that all of this effort takes time and it scales with the size
#' of the page being rendered such that in some cases it can take ~2 seconds for
#' the All in One page of a small lesson. Creating aggregate pages after all of
#' the markdown content has been rendered should not involve re-rendering
#' content.
#' Luckily, reading in content with [xml2::read_html()] is very quick and using
#' XPath queries, we can take the parts we need from the rendered content and
#' insert it into a template, which we store as a character in the `.html`
#' global object so it can be passed around to other functions without needing
#' an argument.
#' `provision_agg_page()` makes a copy of this cache, replaces the FIXME
#'  values with the appropriate elements, and returns an object created from
#'  [xml2::read_html()] for each of the instructor and learner veiws.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname provision
#' @examples
#' if (FALSE) { # only run if you have provisioned a pkgdown site
#'   lsn_site <- "/path/to/lesson/site"
#'   pkg <- pkgdown::as_pkgdown(lsn_site)
#'   # create an AIO page
#'   provision_agg_page(pkg, title = "All In One", slug = "aio", quiet = FALSE)
#' }
provision_agg_page <- function(pkg, title = "Key Points", slug = "key-points", new = FALSE) {
  if (new) {
    if (is.null(.html$get()$template$extra)) {
    learner <- .html$get()$template$extra$learner
    instructor <- .html$get()$template$extra$instructor
    learner <- gsub("--FIXME TITLE", title, learner)
    instructor <- gsub("--FIXME TITLE", title, instructor)
    learner <- gsub("--FIXME", slug, learner)
    instructor <- gsub("--FIXME", slug, instructor)
  } else {
    uri <- as_html(slug)
    learner <- fs::path(pkg$dst_path, uri)
    instructor <- fs::path(pkg$dst_path, "instructor", uri)

    learner = xml2::read_html(learner),
    instructor = xml2::read_html(instructor),
    needs_episodes = new

#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname provision
provision_extra_template <- function(pkg, quiet = TRUE) {
  page_globals <- setup_page_globals()
  needs_episodes <- TRUE
  html <- xml2::read_html("<section id='--FIXME'></section>")
  page <- "--FIXME.html"
  learner <- fs::path(pkg$dst_path, page)
  instructor <- fs::path(pkg$dst_path, "instructor", page)

  date <- Sys.Date()
  this_dat <- list(
    this_page = "--FIXME.html",
    body = html,
    pagetitle = "--FIXME TITLE",
    updated = date

  page_globals$metadata$update(c(this_dat, list(date = list(modified = date))))

    template = "extra", pkg = pkg, nodes = html,
    global_data = page_globals, path_md = page, quiet = quiet
    c("template", "extra", "learner"),
    c("template", "extra", "instructor"),

section_fun <- function(slug) {
  get(paste0("make_", sub("-", "", slug), "_section"), asNamespace("sandpaper"))

#' Build a page for aggregating common elements
#' @inheritParams provision_agg_page
#' @param pages output from the function [read_all_html()]: a nested list of
#'   `xml_document` objects representing episodes in the lesson
#' @param aggregate a selector for the lesson content you want to aggregate.
#'   The default is "section", which will aggregate all sections, but nothing
#'   outside of the sections. To grab everything in the page, use "*"
#' @param append a selector for the section of the page where the aggregate data
#'   should be placed. This defaults to "self::node()", which indicates that the
#'   entire page should be appended.
#' @param prefix flag to add a prefix for the aggregated sections. Defaults to
#'   `FALSE`.
#' @param quiet if `TRUE`, no messages will be emitted. If FALSE, pkgdown will
#'   report creation of the temporary file.
#' @return NULL, invisibly. This is called for its side-effect
#' @details
#' Building an aggregate page is very much akin to copy/paste---you take the
#' same elements across several pages and paste them into one large page. We can
#' do this programmatically by using XPath to extract nodes from pages and add
#' them into the document.
#' To customise the page, we need a few things:
#' 1. a title
#' 2. a slug
#' 3. a method to prepare and insert the extracted content (e.g. [make_aio_section()])
#' @note
#' This function assumes that you have already built all the episodes of your
#' lesson.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname build_agg
#' @examples
#' if (FALSE) {
#'   # build_aio() assumes that your lesson has been built and takes in a
#'   # pkgdown object, which can be created from the `site/` folder in your
#'   # lesson.
#'   lsn <- "/path/to/my/lesson"
#'   pkg <- pkgdown::as_pkgdown(fs::path(lsn, "site"))
#'   htmls <- read_all_html(pkg$dst_path)
#'   build_aio(pkg, htmls, quiet = FALSE)
#'   build_keypoints(pkg, htmls, quiet = FALSE)
#' }
build_agg_page <- function(pkg, pages, title = NULL, slug = NULL, aggregate = "section", append = "self::node()", prefix = FALSE, quiet = FALSE) {
  path <- get_source_path() %||% root_path(pkg$src_path)
  out_path <- pkg$dst_path

  new_content <- append == "self::node()" || append == "self::*"
  agg <- provision_agg_page(pkg, title = title, slug = slug, new = new_content)
  if (agg$needs_episodes) {
    remove_fix_node(agg$learner, slug)
    remove_fix_node(agg$instructor, slug)

  # Get sectioning function definied in the `build_` file. For example,
  # build_instructor_notes.R contains a function called
  # `make_instructornotes_section`
  make_section <- section_fun(slug)

  learn_parent <- get_content(agg$learner, content = append)
  instruct_parent <- get_content(agg$instructor, content = append)
  needs_content <- !new_content && length(instruct_parent) == 0
  if (needs_content) {
    # When the content requested does not exist, we append a new section with
    # the id of aggregate-{slug}
    sid <- paste0("aggregate-", slug)
    learn_content <- get_content(agg$learner, content = "self::node()")
    xml2::xml_add_child(learn_content, "section", id = sid)
    learn_parent <- xml2::xml_child(learn_content, xml2::xml_length(learn_content))

    instruct_content <- get_content(agg$instructor, content = "self::node()")
    xml2::xml_add_child(instruct_content, "section", id = sid)
    instruct_parent <- xml2::xml_child(instruct_content, xml2::xml_length(instruct_content))
  # clean up any content that currently exists

  the_episodes <- .resources$get()[["episodes"]]
  the_slugs <- get_slug(the_episodes)
  the_slugs <- if (prefix) paste0(slug, "-", the_slugs) else the_slugs

  for (episode in seq(the_episodes)) {
    ep_learn <- ep_instruct <- the_episodes[episode]
    ename <- the_slugs[episode]
    if (!is.null(pages)) {
      name <- if (prefix) sub(paste0("^", slug, "-"), "", ename) else ename
      ep_learn <- pages$learner[[name]]
      ep_instruct <- pages$instructor[[name]]
    ep_title <- as.character(xml2::xml_contents(get_content(ep_learn, ".//h1")))
    names(ename) <- paste(ep_title, collapse = "")
    ep_learn <- get_content(ep_learn, content = aggregate, pkg = pkg)
    ep_instruct <- get_content(ep_instruct, content = aggregate, pkg = pkg, instructor = TRUE)
    make_section(ename, ep_learn, learn_parent)
    make_section(ename, ep_instruct, instruct_parent)

  learn_out <- fs::path(out_path, as_html(slug))
  instruct_out <- fs::path(out_path, as_html(slug, instructor = TRUE))
  report <- "Writing '{.file {out}}'"
  out <- fs::path_rel(instruct_out, pkg$dst_path)
  if (!quiet) cli::cli_text(report)
  writeLines(as.character(agg$instructor), instruct_out)
  out <- fs::path_rel(learn_out, pkg$dst_path)
  if (!quiet) cli::cli_text(report)
  writeLines(as.character(agg$learner), learn_out)

#' Get sections from an episode's HTML page
#' @param episode an object of class `xml_document`, a path to a markdown or
#'   html file of an episode.
#' @inheritParams build_aio
#' @param content an XPath fragment. defaults to "*"
#' @param label if `TRUE`, elements will be named by their ids. This is best
#'   used when content = "section".
#' @param instructor if `TRUE`, the instructor version of the episode is read,
#'   defaults to `FALSE`. This has no effect if the episode is an `xml_document`.
#' @details
#' The contents of the lesson are contained in the following templating cascade:
#' ```html
#' <body>
#'   <div class='container'>
#'     <div class='row'>
#'       <div class='[...] primary-content'>
#'         <main>
#'           <div class='[...] lesson-content'>
#'             CONTENT HERE
#' ```
#' This function will extract the content from the episode without the templating.
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' if (FALSE) {
#'   lsn <- "/path/to/lesson"
#'   pkg <- pkgdown::as_pkgdown(fs::path(lsn, "site"))
#'   # for AiO pages, this will return only the top-level sections:
#'   get_content("aio", content = "section", label = TRUE, pkg = pkg)
#'   # for episode pages, this will return everything that's not template
#'   get_content("01-introduction", pkg = pkg)
#'   # for things that are within lessons but we don't know their exact location,
#'   # we can prefix a `/` to double up the slash, which will produce
#' }
get_content <- function(
    episode, content = "*", label = FALSE, pkg = NULL,
    instructor = FALSE) {
  if (!inherits(episode, "xml_document")) {
    if (instructor) {
      path <- fs::path(pkg$dst_path, "instructor", as_html(episode))
    } else {
      path <- fs::path(pkg$dst_path, as_html(episode))
    episode <- xml2::read_html(path)
  XPath <- ".//main/div[contains(@class, 'lesson-content')]/{content}"
  res <- xml2::xml_find_all(episode, glue::glue(XPath))
  if (label) {
    names(res) <- xml2::xml_attr(res, "id")

# escape pesky ampersands in output text
escape_ampersand <- function(text) {
  gsub("[&](?![#]?[A-Za-z0-9]+?[;])", "&amp;", text, perl = TRUE)

remove_fix_node <- function(html, id = "FIXME") {
  fix_node <- xml2::xml_find_first(html, paste0(".//section[@id='", id, "']"))

build_sitemap <- function(out, paths = NULL, quiet = TRUE) {
  if (!quiet) cli::cli_rule(cli::style_bold("Creating sitemap.xml"))
  url <- this_metadata$get()$url
  paths <- paths %||% fs::dir_ls(out, glob = "*.html", recurse = TRUE)
  urls <- paste0(url, fs::path_rel(paths, out))
  doc <- urls_to_sitemap(urls)
  sitemap <- fs::path(out, "sitemap.xml")
  xml2::write_xml(doc, file = sitemap)

urls_to_sitemap <- function(urls) {
  doc <- xml2::read_xml("<urlset xmlns='http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9'></urlset>")
  for (url in urls) {
    child <- xml2::read_xml(paste0("<url><loc>", url, "</loc></url>"))
    xml2::xml_add_child(doc, child)
zkamvar/sandpaper documentation built on April 21, 2024, 1:17 a.m.