aaa | Starting H2O For examples |
and-and | Logical and for H2OFrames |
apply | Apply on H2O Datasets |
as.character.H2OFrame | Convert an H2OFrame to a String | | Converts parsed H2O data into an R data frame | | Converts a collection of Segment Models to a data.frame |
as.factor | Convert H2O Data to Factors |
as.h2o | Create H2OFrame |
as.matrix.H2OFrame | Convert an H2OFrame to a matrix |
as.numeric | Convert H2O Data to Numeric |
as.vector.H2OFrame | Convert an H2OFrame to a vector |
australia | Australia Coastal Data |
case_insensitive_match_arg | Works like match.arg but ignores case |
colnames | Returns the column names of an H2OFrame |
dim.H2OFrame | Returns the Dimensions of an H2OFrame |
dimnames.H2OFrame | Column names of an H2OFrame |
dot-addParm | TODO: No objects in this file are being used. Either remove... |
dot-check_for_ggplot2 | Stop with a user friendly message if a user is missing the... |
dot-collapse | Helper Collapse Function |
dot-consolidate_varimps | Consolidate variable importances |
dot-create_leaderboard | Create a leaderboard like data frame for 'models' |
dot-customized_call | A helper function that makes it easier to override/add params... |
dot-find_appropriate_column_name | Tries to match a 'fuzzy_col_name' with a column name that... |
dot-get_algorithm | Get the algoritm used by the model_or_model_id |
dot-get_domain_mapping | Get a mapping between columns and their domains |
dot-get_feature_count | Get feature count sorted by the count descending. |
dot-get_first_of_family | Get first of family models |
dot-h2o.__ALL_CAPABILITIES | Capabilities endpoints |
dot-h2o.__checkConnectionHealth | Check H2O Server Health |
dot-h2o.__CREATE_FRAME | H2OFrame Manipulation |
dot-h2o.__DECRYPTION_SETUP | Decryption Endpoints |
dot-h2o.__DKV | Removal Endpoints |
dot-h2o.doGET | Just like doRawGET but fills in the default h2oRestApiVersion... |
dot-h2o.doPOST | Just like doRawPOST but fills in the default... |
dot-h2o.doRawGET | Perform a low-level HTTP GET operation on an H2O instance |
dot-h2o.doRawPOST | Perform a low-level HTTP POST operation on an H2O instance |
dot-h2o.doSafeGET | Perform a safe (i.e. error-checked) HTTP GET request to an... |
dot-h2o.doSafePOST | Perform a safe (i.e. error-checked) HTTP POST request to an... |
dot-h2o.__EXPORT_FILES | Export Files Endpoint Generator |
dot-h2o.__FRAMES | Inspect/Summary Endpoints |
dot-h2o.__IMPORT | Import/Export Endpoints |
dot-h2o.is_progress | Check if Progress Bar is Enabled |
dot-h2o.__JOBS | Administrative Endpoints |
dot-h2o.locate | Locate a file given the pattern <bucket>/<path/to/file> e.g.... |
dot-h2o.__LOGANDECHO | Log and Echo Endpoint |
dot-h2o.__MODEL_BUILDERS | Model Builder Endpoint Generator |
dot-h2o.__MODEL_METRICS | Model Metrics Endpoint |
dot-h2o.__MODELS | Model Endpoint |
dot-h2o.__PARSE_SETUP | Parse Endpoints |
dot-h2o.perfect_auc | Internal function that calculates a precise AUC from given... |
dot-h2o.primitives | Map of operations known to H2O |
dot-h2o.__RAPIDS | Rapids Endpoint |
dot-h2o.__REST_API_VERSION | H2O Package Constants |
dot-h2o.__SEGMENT_MODELS_BUILDERS | Segment Models Builder Endpoint Generator |
dot-h2o.__W2V_SYNONYMS | Word2Vec Endpoints |
dot-has_model_coefficients | Has the 'model' coefficients? |
dot-has_varimp | Has the model variable importance? |
dot-interpretable | Is the model considered to be interpretable, i.e., simple... |
dot-is_h2o_model | Is the 'model' an H2O model? |
dot-is_h2o_tree_model | Is the 'model' a Tree-based H2O Model? |
dot-is_plotting_to_rnotebook | Check if we are plotting in to r notebook. |
dot-leaderboard_for_row | Enhance leaderboard with per-model predictions. |
dot-min_max | Min-max normalization. |
dot-model_ids | Get Model Ids |
dot-pkg.env | The H2O Package Environment |
dot-plot_varimp | Plot variable importances with ggplot2 |
dot-process_models_or_automl | Do basic validation and transform 'object' to a... |
dot-shorten_model_ids | Shortens model ids if possible (iff there will be same amount... |
dot-skip_if_not_developer | H2O <-> R Communication and Utility Methods |
dot-uniformize | Convert to quantiles when provided with numeric vector. When... |
dot-varimp | Get variable importance in a standardized way. |
dot-verify_dataxy | Used to verify data, x, y and turn into the appropriate... |
feature_frequencies.H2OModel | Retrieve the number of occurrences of each feature for given... |
generate_col_ind | CHeck to see if the column names/indices entered is valid for... |
get_seed.H2OModel | Get the seed from H2OModel which was used during training. If... |
h2o.abs | Compute the absolute value of x |
h2o.acos | Compute the arc cosine of x |
h2o.adaBoost | Build an AdaBoost model |
h2o.aecu | Retrieve the default AECU (Average Excess Cumulative Uplift =... |
h2o.aecu_table | Retrieve the all types of AECU (average excess cumulative... |
h2o.aggregated_frame | Retrieve an aggregated frame from an Aggregator model |
h2o.aggregator | Build an Aggregated Frame |
h2o.aic | Retrieve the Akaike information criterion (AIC) value |
h2o.all | Given a set of logical vectors, are all of the values true? |
h2o.anomaly | Anomaly Detection via H2O Deep Learning Model |
h2o.anovaglm | H2O ANOVAGLM is used to calculate Type III SS which is used... |
h2o.any | Given a set of logical vectors, is at least one of the values... |
h2o.anyFactor | Check H2OFrame columns for factors |
h2o.api | Perform a REST API request to a previously connected server. |
h2o.arrange | Sorts an H2O frame by columns |
h2o.ascharacter | Convert H2O Data to Characters |
h2o.as_date | Convert between character representations and objects of Date... |
h2o.asfactor | Convert H2O Data to Factors |
h2o.asnumeric | Convert H2O Data to Numerics |
h2o.assign | Rename an H2O object. |
h2o.atc | Retrieve Average Treatment Effect on the Control |
h2o.ate | Retrieve Average Treatment Effect |
h2o.att | Retrieve Average Treatment Effect on the Treated |
h2o.auc | Retrieve the AUC |
h2o.aucpr | Retrieve the AUCPR (Area Under Precision Recall Curve) |
h2o.automl | Automatic Machine Learning |
H2OAutoML-class | The H2OAutoML class |
h2o.auuc | Retrieve AUUC |
h2o.auuc_normalized | Retrieve normalized AUUC |
h2o.auuc_table | Retrieve the all types of AUUC in a table |
h2o.average_objective | Extracts the final training average objective function of a... |
h2o.betweenss | Get the between cluster sum of squares |
h2o.biases | Return the respective bias vector |
h2o.bottomN | H2O bottomN |
h2o.calculate_fairness_metrics | Calculate intersectional fairness metrics. |
h2o.cbind | Combine H2O Datasets by Columns |
h2o.ceiling | Take a single numeric argument and return a numeric vector... |
h2o.centers | Retrieve the Model Centers |
h2o.centersSTD | Retrieve the Model Centers STD |
h2o.centroid_stats | Retrieve centroid statistics |
h2o.clearLog | Delete All H2O R Logs |
h2o.clusterInfo | Print H2O cluster info |
H2OClusteringModel-class | The H2OClusteringModel object. |
h2o.clusterIsUp | Determine if an H2O cluster is up or not |
h2o.cluster_sizes | Retrieve the cluster sizes |
h2o.clusterStatus | Return the status of the cluster |
h2o.coef | Return the coefficients that can be applied to the... |
h2o.coef_norm | Return coefficients fitted on the standardized data (requires... |
h2o.coef_with_p_values | Return the coefficients table with coefficients, standardized... |
h2o.colnames | Return column names of an H2OFrame |
h2o.columns_by_type | Obtain a list of columns that are specified by 'coltype' |
h2o.computeGram | Compute weighted gram matrix. |
h2o.confusionMatrix | Access H2O Confusion Matrices |
h2o.connect | Connect to a running H2O instance. |
H2OConnection-class | The H2OConnection class. |
H2OConnectionMutableState | The H2OConnectionMutableState class |
h2o.cor | Correlation of columns. |
h2o.cos | Compute the cosine of x |
h2o.cosh | Compute the hyperbolic cosine of x |
h2o.coxph | Trains a Cox Proportional Hazards Model (CoxPH) on an H2O... |
H2OCoxPHModel-class | The H2OCoxPHModel object. |
H2OCoxPHModelSummary-class | The H2OCoxPHModelSummary object. |
h2o.createFrame | Data H2OFrame Creation in H2O |
h2o.cross_validation_fold_assignment | Retrieve the cross-validation fold assignment |
h2o.cross_validation_holdout_predictions | Retrieve the cross-validation holdout predictions |
h2o.cross_validation_models | Retrieve the cross-validation models |
h2o.cross_validation_predictions | Retrieve the cross-validation predictions |
h2o.cummax | Return the cumulative max over a column or across a row |
h2o.cummin | Return the cumulative min over a column or across a row |
h2o.cumprod | Return the cumulative product over a column or across a row |
h2o.cumsum | Return the cumulative sum over a column or across a row |
h2o.cut | Cut H2O Numeric Data to Factor | | Convert Milliseconds to Day of Month in H2O Datasets |
h2o.dayOfWeek | Convert Milliseconds to Day of Week in H2O Datasets |
h2o.dct | Compute DCT of an H2OFrame |
h2o.ddply | Split H2O Dataset, Apply Function, and Return Results |
h2o.decision_tree | Build a Decision Tree model |
h2o.decryptionSetup | Setup a Decryption Tool |
h2o.deepfeatures | Feature Generation via H2O Deep Learning |
h2o.deeplearning | Build a Deep Neural Network model using CPUs |
h2o.describe | H2O Description of A Dataset |
h2o.diff | Conduct a lag 1 transform on a numeric H2OFrame column |
h2o.dim | Returns the number of rows and columns for an H2OFrame... |
h2o.dimnames | Column names of an H2OFrame |
h2o.disparate_analysis | Create a frame containing aggregations of intersectional... |
h2o.distance | Compute a pairwise distance measure between all rows of two... |
h2o.downloadAllLogs | Download H2O Log Files to Disk |
h2o.downloadCSV | Download H2O Data to Disk |
h2o.download_model | Download the model in binary format. The owner of the file... |
h2o.download_mojo | Download the model in MOJO format. |
h2o.download_pojo | Download the Scoring POJO (Plain Old Java Object) of an H2O... |
h2o.drop_duplicates | Drops duplicated rows. |
h2o.entropy | Shannon entropy |
h2o.exp | Compute the exponential function of x |
h2o.explain | Generate Model Explanations |
h2o.explain_row | Generate Model Explanations for a single row |
h2o.exportFile | Export an H2O Data Frame (H2OFrame) to a File or to a... |
h2o.exportHDFS | Export a Model to HDFS |
h2o.extendedIsolationForest | Trains an Extended Isolation Forest model |
h2o.fair_pd_plot | Partial dependence plot per protected group. |
h2o.fair_pr_plot | Plot PR curve per protected group. |
h2o.fair_roc_plot | Plot ROC curve per protected group. |
h2o.fair_shap_plot | SHAP summary plot for one feature with protected groups on... |
h2o.feature_interaction | Feature interactions and importance, leaf statistics and... |
h2o.fillna | fillNA |
h2o.filterNACols | Filter NA Columns |
h2o.find_row_by_threshold | Find the threshold, give the max metric. No duplicate... |
h2o.findSynonyms | Find synonyms using a word2vec model. |
h2o.find_threshold_by_max_metric | Find the threshold, give the max metric |
h2o.floor | Take a single numeric argument and return a numeric vector... |
h2o.flow | Open H2O Flow |
H2OFrame | S3 Group Generic Functions for H2O |
H2OFrame-class | The H2OFrame class |
H2OFrame-Extract | Extract or Replace Parts of an H2OFrame Object |
h2o.gainsLift | Access H2O Gains/Lift Tables |
h2o.gains_lift_plot | Plot Gains/Lift curves |
h2o.gains_lift_plot-H2OModel-method | Plot Gains/Lift curves |
h2o.gains_lift_plot-H2OModelMetrics-method | Plot Gains/Lift curves |
h2o.gam | Fit a General Additive Model |
h2o.gbm | Build gradient boosted classification or regression trees |
h2o.generic | Imports a generic model into H2O. Such model can be used then... |
h2o.genericModel | Imports a model under given path, creating a Generic model... |
h2o.getAlphaBest | Extract best alpha value found from glm model. |
h2o.get_automl | Get an R object that is a subclass of H2OAutoML |
h2o.get_best_model | Get best model of a given family/algorithm for a given... |
h2o.get_best_model_predictors | Extracts the subset of predictor names that yield the best R2... |
h2o.get_best_r2_values | Extracts the best R2 values for all predictor subset size. |
h2o.getConnection | Retrieve an H2O Connection |
h2o.getFrame | Get an R Reference to an H2O Dataset, that will NOT be GC'd... |
h2o.get_gam_knot_column_names | Extracts the gam column names corresponding to the knot... |
h2o.getGLMFullRegularizationPath | Extract full regularization path from a GLM model |
h2o.getGrid | Get a grid object from H2O distributed K/V store. |
h2o.getId | Get back-end distributed key/value store id from an H2OFrame. |
h2o.get_knot_locations | Extracts the knot locations from model output if it is... |
h2o.getLambdaBest | Extract best lambda value found from glm model. |
h2o.getLambdaMax | Extract the maximum lambda value used during lambda search... |
h2o.getLambdaMin | Extract the minimum lambda value calculated during lambda... |
h2o.get_leaderboard | Retrieve the leaderboard from the AutoML instance. |
h2o.getModel | Get an R reference to an H2O model |
h2o.getModelTree | Fetchces a single tree of a H2O model. This function is... |
h2o.get_ntrees_actual | Retrieve actual number of trees for tree algorithms |
h2o.get_predictors_added_per_step | Extracts the predictor added to model at each step. |
h2o.get_predictors_removed_per_step | Extracts the predictor removed to model at each step. |
h2o.get_regression_influence_diagnostics | Extracts a list of H2OFrames containing regression influence... |
h2o.get_segment_models | Retrieves an instance of H2OSegmentModels for a given id. |
h2o.getTimezone | Get the Time Zone on the H2O cluster Returns a string |
h2o.getTypes | Get the types-per-column |
h2o.get_variable_inflation_factors | Return the variable inflation factors associated with... |
h2o.getVersion | Get h2o version |
h2o.giniCoef | Retrieve the GINI Coefficcient |
h2o.glm | Fit a generalized linear model |
h2o.glrm | Generalized low rank decomposition of an H2O data frame |
h2o.grep | Search for matches to an argument pattern |
h2o.grid | H2O Grid Support |
H2OGrid-class | H2O Grid |
h2o.group_by | Group and Apply by Column |
h2o.gsub | String Global Substitute |
h2o.h | Calculates Friedman and Popescu's H statistics, in order to... |
h2o.head | Return the Head or Tail of an H2O Dataset. |
h2o.HGLMMetrics | Retrieve HGLM ModelMetrics |
h2o.hist | Compute A Histogram |
h2o.hit_ratio_table | Retrieve the Hit Ratios |
h2o.hour | Convert Milliseconds to Hour of Day in H2O Datasets |
h2o.ice_plot | Plot Individual Conditional Expectation (ICE) for each decile |
h2o.ifelse | H2O Apply Conditional Statement |
h2o.importFile | Import Files into H2O |
h2o.import_hive_table | Import Hive Table into H2O |
h2o.import_mojo | Imports a MOJO under given path, creating a Generic model... |
h2o.import_sql_select | Import SQL table that is result of SELECT SQL query into H2O |
h2o.import_sql_table | Import SQL Table into H2O |
h2o.impute | Basic Imputation of H2O Vectors |
h2o.infogram | H2O Infogram |
H2OInfogram | wrapper function for instantiating H2OInfogram |
H2OInfogram-class | H2OInfogram class |
h2o.infogram_train_subset_models | Train models over subsets selected using infogram |
h2o.init | Initialize and Connect to H2O |
h2o.insertMissingValues | Insert Missing Values into an H2OFrame |
h2o.inspect_model_fairness | Produce plots and dataframes related to a single model... |
h2o.interaction | Categorical Interaction Feature Creation in H2O |
h2o.isax | iSAX |
h2o.ischaracter | Check if character |
h2o.is_client | Check Client Mode Connection |
h2o.isfactor | Check if factor |
h2o.isnumeric | Check if numeric |
h2o.isolationForest | Trains an Isolation Forest model |
h2o.isotonicregression | Build an Isotonic Regression model |
h2o.keyof | Method on 'Keyed' objects allowing to obtain their key. |
h2o.kfold_column | Produce a k-fold column vector. |
h2o.killMinus3 | Dump the stack into the JVM's stdout. |
h2o.kmeans | Performs k-means clustering on an H2O dataset |
h2o.kolmogorov_smirnov | Kolmogorov-Smirnov metric for binomial models |
h2o.kurtosis | Kurtosis of a column |
H2OLeafNode-class | The H2OLeafNode class. |
h2o.learning_curve_plot | Learning Curve Plot |
h2o.levels | Return the levels from the column requested column. |
h2o.list_all_extensions | List all H2O registered extensions |
h2o.list_api_extensions | List registered API extensions |
h2o.list_core_extensions | List registered core extensions |
h2o.list_jobs | Return list of jobs performed by the H2O cluster |
h2o.list_models | Get an list of all model ids present in the cluster |
h2o.listTimezones | List all of the Time Zones Acceptable by the H2O cluster. |
h2o.load_frame | Load frame previously stored in H2O's native format. |
h2o.loadGrid | Loads previously saved grid with all it's models from the... |
h2o.loadModel | Load H2O Model from HDFS or Local Disk |
h2o.log | Compute the logarithm of x |
h2o.log10 | Compute the log10 of x |
h2o.log1p | Compute the log1p of x |
h2o.log2 | Compute the log2 of x |
h2o.logAndEcho | Log a message on the server-side logs |
h2o.loglikelihood | Retrieve the log likelihood value |
h2o.logloss | Retrieve the Log Loss Value | | List Keys on an H2O Cluster |
h2o.lstrip | Strip set from left |
h2o.mae | Retrieve the Mean Absolute Error Value |
h2o.makeGLMModel | Set betas of an existing H2O GLM Model |
h2o.make_leaderboard | Create a leaderboard from a list of models, grids and/or... |
h2o.make_metrics | Create Model Metrics from predicted and actual values in H2O |
h2o.match | Value Matching in H2O |
h2o.max | Returns the maxima of the input values. |
h2o.mean | Compute the frame's mean by-column (or by-row). |
h2o.mean_per_class_error | Retrieve the mean per class error |
h2o.mean_residual_deviance | Retrieve the Mean Residual Deviance value |
h2o.median | H2O Median |
h2o.melt | Converts a frame to key-value representation while optionally... |
h2o.merge | Merge Two H2O Data Frames |
h2o.metric | H2O Model Metric Accessor Functions |
h2o.min | Returns the minima of the input values. |
h2o.mktime | Compute msec since the Unix Epoch |
H2OModel-class | The H2OModel object. |
h2o.model_correlation | Model Prediction Correlation |
h2o.model_correlation_heatmap | Model Prediction Correlation Heatmap |
H2OModelFuture-class | H2O Future Model |
H2OModelMetrics-class | The H2OModelMetrics Object. |
h2o.modelSelection | H2O ModelSelection is used to build the best model with one... |
h2o.mojo_predict_csv | H2O Prediction from R without having H2O running |
h2o.mojo_predict_df | H2O Prediction from R without having H2O running |
h2o.month | Convert Milliseconds to Months in H2O Datasets |
h2o.mse | Retrieves Mean Squared Error Value |
h2o.multinomial_aucpr_table | Retrieve the all PR AUC values in a table (One to Rest, One... |
h2o.multinomial_auc_table | Retrieve the all AUC values in a table (One to Rest, One to... |
h2o.nacnt | Count of NAs per column |
h2o.naiveBayes | Compute naive Bayes probabilities on an H2O dataset. |
h2o.names | Column names of an H2OFrame |
h2o.na_omit | Remove Rows With NAs |
h2o.nchar | String length |
h2o.ncol | Return the number of columns present in x. |
h2o.negative_log_likelihood | Extracts the final training negative log likelihood of a GLM... |
h2o.networkTest | View Network Traffic Speed |
h2o.nlevels | Get the number of factor levels for this frame. |
H2ONode-class | The H2ONode class. |
h2o.no_progress | Disable Progress Bar |
h2o.nrow | Return the number of rows present in x. |
h2o.null_deviance | Retrieve the null deviance |
h2o.null_dof | Retrieve the null degrees of freedom |
h2o.num_iterations | Retrieve the number of iterations. |
h2o.num_valid_substrings | Count of substrings >= 2 chars that are contained in file |
h2o.openLog | View H2O R Logs |
h2o-package | H2O R Interface |
h2o.pareto_front | Plot Pareto front |
h2o.parseRaw | H2O Data Parsing |
h2o.parseSetup | Get a parse setup back for the staged data. |
h2o.partialPlot | Partial Dependence Plots |
h2o.pd_multi_plot | Plot partial dependencies for a variable across multiple... |
h2o.pd_plot | Plot partial dependence for a variable |
h2o.performance | Model Performance Metrics in H2O |
h2o.permutation_importance | Calculate Permutation Feature Importance. |
h2o.permutation_importance_plot | Plot Permutation Variable Importances. |
h2o.pivot | Pivot a frame |
h2o.prcomp | Principal component analysis of an H2O data frame |
h2o.predict | Predict on an H2O Model |
h2o.predicted_vs_actual_by_variable | Calculates per-level mean of predicted value vs actual value... |
h2o.predict_json | H2O Prediction from R without having H2O running |
h2o.predict_rules | Evaluates validity of the given rules on the given data.... |
h2o.print | Print An H2OFrame | | Return the product of all the values present in its... |
h2o.proj_archetypes | Convert Archetypes to Features from H2O GLRM Model |
h2o.psvm | Trains a Support Vector Machine model on an H2O dataset |
h2o.qini | Retrieve the default Qini value |
h2o.quantile | Quantiles of H2O Frames. |
h2o.r2 | Retrieve the R2 value |
h2o.randomForest | Build a Random Forest model |
h2o.range | Returns a vector containing the minimum and maximum of all... |
h2o.rank_within_group_by | This function will add a new column rank where the ranking is... |
h2o.rapids | Execute a Rapids expression. |
h2o.rbind | Combine H2O Datasets by Rows |
h2o.reconstruct | Reconstruct Training Data via H2O GLRM Model |
h2o.relevel | Reorders levels of an H2O factor, similarly to standard R's... |
h2o.relevel_by_frequency | Reorders levels of factor columns by the frequencies for the... |
h2o.removeAll | Remove All Objects on the H2O Cluster |
h2o.removeVecs | Delete Columns from an H2OFrame |
h2o.rep_len | Replicate Elements of Vectors or Lists into H2O |
h2o.reset_threshold | Reset model threshold and return old threshold value. |
h2o.residual_analysis_plot | Residual Analysis |
h2o.residual_deviance | Retrieve the residual deviance |
h2o.residual_dof | Retrieve the residual degrees of freedom |
h2o.result | Retrieve the results to view the best predictor subsets. |
h2o.resume | Triggers auto-recovery resume - this will look into... |
h2o.resumeGrid | Resume previously stopped grid training. |
h2o.rm | Delete Objects In H2O |
h2o.rmse | Retrieves Root Mean Squared Error Value |
h2o.rmsle | Retrieve the Root Mean Squared Log Error |
h2o.round | Round doubles/floats to the given number of decimal places. |
h2o.rstrip | Strip set from right |
h2o.rulefit | Build a RuleFit Model |
h2o.rule_importance | This function returns the table with estimated coefficients... |
h2o.runif | Produce a Vector of Random Uniform Numbers |
h2o.save_frame | Store frame data in H2O's native format. |
h2o.saveGrid | Saves an existing Grid of models into a given folder. |
h2o.saveModel | Save an H2O Model Object to Disk |
h2o.saveModelDetails | Save an H2O Model Details |
h2o.save_mojo | Save an H2O Model Object as Mojo to Disk |
h2o.saveMojo | Deprecated - use h2o.save_mojo instead. Save an H2O Model... |
h2o.save_to_hive | Save contents of this data frame into a Hive table |
h2o.scale | Scaling and Centering of an H2OFrame |
h2o.scoreHistory | Retrieve Model Score History |
h2o.scoreHistoryGAM | Retrieve GLM Model Score History buried in GAM model |
h2o.screeplot | Scree Plot | | Standard Deviation of a column of data. |
h2o.sdev | Retrieve the standard deviations of principal components |
H2OSegmentModels-class | H2O Segment Models |
H2OSegmentModelsFuture-class | H2O Future Segment Models |
h2o.setLevels | Set Levels of H2O Factor Column |
h2o.set_s3_credentials | Creates a new Amazon S3 client internally with specified... |
h2o.setTimezone | Set the Time Zone on the H2O cluster |
h2o.shap_explain_row_plot | SHAP Local Explanation |
h2o.shap_summary_plot | SHAP Summary Plot |
h2o.show_progress | Enable Progress Bar |
h2o.shutdown | Shut Down H2O Instance |
h2o.signif | Round doubles/floats to the given number of significant... |
h2o.sin | Compute the sine of x |
h2o.skewness | Skewness of a column |
h2o.splitFrame | Split an H2O Data Set |
H2OSplitNode-class | The H2OSplitNode class. |
h2o.sqrt | Compute the square root of x |
h2o.stackedEnsemble | Builds a Stacked Ensemble |
h2o.startLogging | Start Writing H2O R Logs |
h2o.std_coef_plot | Plot Standardized Coefficient Magnitudes |
h2o.stopLogging | Stop Writing H2O R Logs |
h2o.str | Display the structure of an H2OFrame object |
h2o.stringdist | Compute element-wise string distances between two H2OFrames |
h2o.strsplit | String Split |
h2o.sub | String Substitute |
h2o.substring | Substring |
h2o.sum | Compute the frame's sum by-column (or by-row). |
h2o.summary | Summarizes the columns of an H2OFrame. |
h2o.svd | Singular value decomposition of an H2O data frame using the... |
h2o.table | Cross Tabulation and Table Creation in H2O |
h2o.tabulate | Tabulation between Two Columns of an H2OFrame |
h2o.tan | Compute the tangent of x |
h2o.tanh | Compute the hyperbolic tangent of x |
h2o.target_encode_apply | Apply Target Encoding Map to Frame |
h2o.target_encode_create | Create Target Encoding Map |
h2o.targetencoder | Transformation of a categorical variable with a mean value of... |
h2o.tf_idf | Computes TF-IDF values for each word in given documents. |
h2o.thresholds_and_metric_scores | Retrieve the thresholds and metric scores table |
h2o.toFrame | Convert a word2vec model into an H2OFrame |
h2o.tokenize | Tokenize String |
h2o.tolower | Convert strings to lowercase |
h2o.topBottomN | H2O topBottomN |
h2o.topN | H2O topN |
h2o.totss | Get the total sum of squares. |
h2o.tot_withinss | Get the total within cluster sum of squares. |
h2o.toupper | Convert strings to uppercase |
h2o.train_segments | H2O Segmented-Data Bulk Model Training |
h2o.transform | Use H2O Transformation model and apply the underlying... |
h2o.transform_frame | Use GRLM to transform a frame. |
h2o.transform-H2OTargetEncoderModel-method | Applies target encoding to a given dataset |
h2o.transform-H2OWordEmbeddingModel-method | Transform words (or sequences of words) to vectors using a... |
h2o.transform_word2vec | Transform words (or sequences of words) to vectors using a... |
H2OTree-class | The H2OTree class. |
h2o.trim | Trim Space |
h2o.trunc | Truncate values in x toward 0 |
h2o.unique | H2O Unique |
h2o.upliftRandomForest | Build a Uplift Random Forest model |
h2o.upload_model | Upload a binary model from the provided local path to the H2O... |
h2o.upload_mojo | Imports a MOJO from a local filesystem, creating a Generic... |
h2o.var | Variance of a column or covariance of columns. |
h2o.varimp | Retrieve the variable importance. |
h2o.varimp-H2OAutoML-method | Retrieve the variable importance. |
h2o.varimp-H2OFrame-method | Retrieve the variable importance. |
h2o.varimp-H2OModel-method | Retrieve the variable importance. |
h2o.varimp_heatmap | Variable Importance Heatmap across multiple models |
h2o.varimp_plot | Plot Variable Importances |
h2o.varsplits | Retrieve per-variable split information for a given Isolation... |
h2o.week | Convert Milliseconds to Week of Week Year in H2O Datasets |
h2o.weights | Retrieve the respective weight matrix |
h2o.which | Which indices are TRUE? |
h2o.which_max | Which indice contains the max value? |
h2o.which_min | Which index contains the min value? |
h2o.withinss | Get the Within SS |
h2o.word2vec | Trains a word2vec model on a String column of an H2O data... |
h2o.xgboost | Build an eXtreme Gradient Boosting model |
h2o.xgboost.available | Determines whether an XGBoost model can be built |
h2o.year | Convert Milliseconds to Years in H2O Datasets |
housevotes | United States Congressional Voting Records 1984 |
initialize-H2OInfogram-method | Method on 'H2OInfogram' object which in this case is to... |
iris | Edgar Anderson's Iris Data |
is.character | Check if character |
is.factor | Check if factor |
is.h2o | Is H2O Frame object |
is.numeric | Check if numeric |
Keyed-class | Virtual Keyed class |
length-H2OTree-method | Overrides the behavior of length() function on H2OTree class.... |
Logical-or | Logical or for H2OFrames |
ModelAccessors | Accessor Methods for H2OModel Object |
model_cache-class | Needed to be able to memoise the models |
names.H2OFrame | Column names of an H2OFrame |
plot.H2OInfogram | Plot an H2O Infogram |
plot.H2OModel | Plot an H2O Model |
plot.H2OTabulate | Plot an H2O Tabulate Heatmap |
plot-methods | Plot Pareto front |
predict_contributions.H2OModel | Predict feature contributions - SHAP values on an H2O Model... |
predict.H2OAutoML | Predict on an AutoML object |
predict.H2OModel | Predict on an H2O Model |
predict_leaf_node_assignment.H2OModel | Predict the Leaf Node Assignment on an H2O Model |
print.H2OFrame | Print An H2OFrame |
print.H2OTable | Print method for H2OTable objects |
prostate | Prostate Cancer Study |
range.H2OFrame | Range of an H2O Column |
row_to_tree_assignment.H2OModel | Output row to tree assignment for the model and provided... |
scale | Scaling and Centering of an H2OFrame |
show-H2OAutoML-method | Format AutoML object in user-friendly way |
show-H2OParetoFront-method | Show H2OParetoFront |
staged_predict_proba.H2OModel | Predict class probabilities at each stage of an H2O Model |
str.H2OFrame | Display the structure of an H2OFrame object |
summary-H2OAutoML-method | Format AutoML object in user-friendly way |
summary-H2OCoxPHModel-method | Summary method for H2OCoxPHModel objects |
summary-H2OGrid-method | Format grid object in user-friendly way |
summary-H2OModel-method | Print the Model Summary |
use.package | Use optional package |
walking | Muscular Actuations for Walking Subject |
zzz | Shutdown H2O cluster after examples run |
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