
Defines functions randomiseCapilar

Documented in randomiseCapilar

#'Randomise specimens over different capilar AFLP plates.
#'This function randomises Specimens over the required number of plates
#'depending on the size of the plates, the minimum ratio of replications and
#'the number of quality control specimens per plate.
#'@param Specimens Either the number of specimens or a vector with the names of
#'the specimens.
#'@param Group A vector indication the a priori clustering of specimens. Must
#'be as long as the number of specimens and in the same order. When missing, no
#'a priori clustering is assumed. Defaults to NULL.
#'@param FirstLabID Start the replicate numbering at this number. Defaults to
#'@param Prefix Optional prefix for the replicate names. Defaults to "".
#'@param nCapilar Number of available capilars. Defaults to 8.
#'@param nLines Number of available lines on a plate. Defaults to 12.
#'@param QC A data.frame with the positions of the quality control samples. See
#'the examples.
#'@param rReplicates Percentage of the samples that are reserved for
#'replicates. Default = 0.1 (10\%).
#'@param minReplicates Minimum number of samples reserved for replicates.
#'Defaults to 8. Only relevant when the number of specimens is very low.
#'@param fillPlate If TRUE, all plates will be filled with samples. If needed,
#'extra specimens are replicated.  If FALSE, only the lines will be filled.
#'Possibly leaves one or more lines on the last plate without samples. Defaults
#'to TRUE.
#'@return Results in an AFLP object with randomised replicates.
#'@author Thierry Onkelinx \email{Thierry.Onkelinx@@inbo.be}, Paul Quataert
#'@seealso \code{\link{as.AFLP}}, \code{\link{normalise}}
#'@keywords design
#'	randomiseCapilar(100)
#'	#example with quality control samples
#'	QCsamples <- data.frame(
#'    Capilar = c("E", "F"), 
#'    Line = c(5, 5), 
#'    ID = c("BL", "QCmethod"), 
#'    Type = c("Blanco","QC")
#'  )
#'	nSpecimens <- 180
#'	Group <- sample(10, nSpecimens, replace = TRUE)
#'	randomiseCapilar(nSpecimens, Group, 
#'    FirstLabID = 626, Prefix = "C/11/", QC = QCsamples)
randomiseCapilar <- function(Specimens, Group, FirstLabID = 1, Prefix = "", nCapilar = 8, nLines = 12, QC, rReplicates = 0.1, minReplicates = 8, fillPlate = FALSE){
  # #####################
  # Fooling R CMD check #
  Capilar <- Line <- Plate <- Replicate <- Specimen <- NULL
  # #####################
  # Fooling R CMD check #
	if(is.numeric(Specimens) & length(Specimens) == 1){
		Specimens <- seq_len(Specimens)
		specList <- data.frame(Specimen = Specimens, Group = NA)
	} else {
		specList <- data.frame(Specimen = Specimens, Group = Group)
		QC <- data.frame()
		specList$Specimen <- factor(specList$Specimen)
	} else {
		specList <- rbind(specList, data.frame(Specimen = QC$ID, Group = QC$Type))
		specList$Specimen <- factor(specList$Specimen)
		QC$ID <- factor(QC$ID, levels = levels(specList$Specimen))
	Specimens <- factor(Specimens, levels = levels(specList$Specimen))
	nPlate <- ceiling(length(Specimens) / ((nCapilar * nLines - nrow(QC)) * (1 - rReplicates)))
	Design <- expand.grid(Capilar = LETTERS[seq_len(nCapilar)], Line = seq_len(nLines), Plate = seq_len(nPlate), Specimen = factor(NA, levels = levels(Specimens)), Replicate = NA)
	if(nrow(QC) > 0){
		Design <- merge(Design, QC, all.x = TRUE)
		Design$Replicate <- with(Design, ifelse(is.na(ID), NA, paste(ID, Plate, sep = "_")))
		Design$Specimen <- Design$ID
		Design$ID <- NULL
		Design$Type <- NULL
		lastLines <- ceiling((
			length(Specimens) + 
          length(Specimens) * 
          (1 / (1 - rReplicates) - 1)
      ) + 
			nPlate * nrow(QC)
		) / nCapilar) %% nLines
		if(lastLines > 0){
			toReposition <- Design[Design$Plate == nPlate & !is.na(Design$Replicate) & Design$Line > lastLines, ]
			Design <- subset(Design, Plate < nPlate | Line <= lastLines)
			if(nrow(toReposition) > 0){
				toReposition$Line <- lastLines
				while(nrow(toReposition) > 0){
					x <- head(toReposition, 1)
					if(is.na(Design$Replicate[with(Design, Capilar == x$Capilar & Line == x$Line & Plate == nPlate)])){
						Design$Replicate[with(Design, Capilar == x$Capilar & Line == x$Line & Plate == nPlate)] <- x$Replicate
						Design$Specimen[with(Design, Capilar == x$Capilar & Line == x$Line & Plate == nPlate)] <- x$Specimen
						toReposition <- tail(toReposition, -1)
					} else {
						if(toReposition$Line[1] > 1){
							toReposition$Line[1] <- toReposition$Line[1] - 1
						} else {
							toReposition$Line[1] <- lastLines
							toReposition$Capilar[1] <- sample(Design$Capilar[Design$Plate == nPlate & is.na(Design$Replicate)], 1)
	QualityControl <- subset(Design, !is.na(Replicate))
	Design <- subset(Design, is.na(Replicate))
	Design <- Design[with(Design, order(Plate, Line, Capilar)), ]
	Design$Replicate <- sprintf("%s%04i", Prefix, seq_len(nrow(Design)) + FirstLabID - 1)
  Specimens <- sample(Specimens)

	while(sum(is.na(Design$Specimen)) - length(Specimens) >= ifelse(nPlate > 1, 5, 3) & length(Specimens) > 0){
		Design$Prob <- 
				table(subset(Design, is.na(Specimen))$Plate)[Design$Plate] / table(Design$Plate)[Design$Plate]
				table(subset(Design, is.na(Specimen))$Capilar)[Design$Capilar] / table(Design$Capilar)[Design$Capilar]
			) ^ 10
		#add replicate within plate and capilar
# ggplot(Design, aes(x = Capilar, y = Line, fill = Prob, label = ifelse(is.na(Specimen), "", sprintf("%s", Specimen)))) + geom_tile() + geom_text() + scale_fill_gradient(low = "red", high = "green") + facet_wrap(~ Plate)
    Remain <- aggregate(Prob ~ Plate + Capilar, data = subset(Design, is.na(Specimen)), FUN = mean)
    Remain2 <- aggregate(Prob ~ Plate + Capilar, data = subset(Design, is.na(Specimen)), FUN = length)
    Remain <- Remain[Remain2$Prob >= 2, ]
    if(nrow(Remain) == 0){
    i <- Remain[sample(seq_len(nrow(Remain)), 1, prob = Remain$Prob), 1:2]
  	lines <- sample(subset(Design, is.na(Specimen) & Plate == i$Plate & Capilar == i$Capilar)$Line, 2)
		Design$Specimen[with(Design, Plate == i$Plate & Capilar == i$Capilar & Line %in% lines)] <- Specimens[1]
		Design$Prob <- 
				table(subset(Design, is.na(Specimen))$Plate)[Design$Plate] / table(Design$Plate)[Design$Plate]
				table(subset(Design, is.na(Specimen))$Capilar)[Design$Capilar] / table(Design$Capilar)[Design$Capilar]
			) ^ 10

    #add replicate within plate and between capilar
    Remain <- subset(Design, is.na(Specimen) & Plate == i$Plate & Capilar != i$Capilar)
		j <- Remain[sample(seq_len(nrow(Remain)), 1, prob = Remain$mean), 1:3]
		Design$Specimen[with(Design, Plate == j$Plate & Capilar == j$Capilar & Line == j$Line)] <- Specimens[1]
		if(length(unique(Design$Plate)) > 1){
		  Design$Prob <- 
  				table(subset(Design, is.na(Specimen))$Plate)[Design$Plate] / table(Design$Plate)[Design$Plate]
  				table(subset(Design, is.na(Specimen))$Capilar)[Design$Capilar] / table(Design$Capilar)[Design$Capilar]
  			) ^ 10
      #add replicate between plate and within capilar
      Remain <- subset(Design, is.na(Specimen) & Plate != i$Plate & Capilar == i$Capilar)
  		k <- Remain[sample(seq_len(nrow(Remain)), 1, prob = Remain$mean), 1:3]
  		Design$Specimen[with(Design, Plate == k$Plate & Capilar == k$Capilar & Line == k$Line)] <- Specimens[1]
  		Design$Prob <- 
  				table(subset(Design, is.na(Specimen))$Plate)[Design$Plate] / table(Design$Plate)[Design$Plate]
  				table(subset(Design, is.na(Specimen))$Capilar)[Design$Capilar] / table(Design$Capilar)[Design$Capilar]
  			) ^ 10
    	#add replicate between plate and between capilar
    	Remain <- subset(Design, is.na(Specimen) & Plate != i$Plate & Capilar != i$Capilar)
    	m <- Remain[sample(seq_len(nrow(Remain)), 1, prob = Remain$Prob), ]
    	Design$Specimen[with(Design, Plate == m$Plate & Capilar == m$Capilar & Line == m$Line)] <- Specimens[1]
		Specimens <- Specimens[-1]

#   ggplot(Design, aes(x = Capilar, y = Line, fill = Prob, label = Specimen)) + geom_tile() + geom_text() + scale_fill_gradient(low = "red", high = "green") + facet_wrap(~Plate)

  while(any(is.na(Design$Specimen)) & length(Specimens) > 0){
    toDo <- which(is.na(Design$Specimen))
    if(length(toDo) > 1){
      Design$Specimen[sample(toDo, 1)] <- Specimens[1]
    } else {
      Design$Specimen[toDo] <- Specimens[1]
    Specimens <- Specimens[-1]

#   ggplot(Design, aes(x = Capilar, y = Line, fill = Prob, label = Specimen)) + geom_tile() + geom_text() + scale_fill_gradient(low = "red", high = "green") + facet_wrap(~Plate)

    Current <- table(factor(Design$Specimen))
    Current <- max(Current) - Current
    if(any(Current > 0)){
      newSpecimen <- sample(names(Current), 1, prob = Current)
    } else {
      newSpecimen <- sample(names(Current), 1)
    toDo <- which(is.na(Design$Specimen))
    if(length(toDo) > 1){
      Design$Specimen[sample(toDo, 1)] <- newSpecimen
    } else {
      Design$Specimen[toDo] <- newSpecimen

	Design$Prob <- NULL
	Design <- rbind(Design, QualityControl)
	Design$Lane <- factor(Design$Line)
	Design$Specimen <- factor(Design$Specimen)
	Design$Replicate <- factor(Design$Replicate)
	Design$Plate <- factor(Design$Plate)
	Design <- Design[with(Design, order(Plate, Lane, Capilar)), ]
	if(nrow(QC) > 0){
				Specimens = specList,
				Replicates = Design[, c("Replicate", "Specimen", "Plate", "Capilar", "Lane")],
				QC = list(
					Specimens = data.frame(Specimen = QC$ID, Type = QC$Type),
					Replicates = merge(data.frame(Specimen = QC$ID, Type = QC$Type), Design)[, c("Replicate", "Type")]
	} else {
				Specimens = specList,
				Replicates = Design[, c("Replicate", "Specimen", "Plate", "Capilar", "Lane")]

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AFLP documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:13 p.m.