
### ALA.R --- Preparing data for ALA package
## Author: Sebastian P. Luque
## Created: Fri Aug 13 22:35:06 2010 (UTC)
## Last-Updated: Tue Aug 24 03:07:14 2010 (UTC)
##           By: Sebastian P. Luque
## copyright (c) 2010 Sebastian P. Luque
### Commentary: 
## Initial code provided by Doug Bates.
## The code below assumes my local convention:
## ALA
##  ALA
##  data
## where the ALA subdirectory holds the package source, and data is a
## subdirectory where we store and pre-process the data sets.
## I used a short Shell script to extract and write the data from the
## source files (, which calls an awk script (read_data.awk),
## since I got a warning to the effect that "^[[:space:]]*$" in Doug's
## script was not correct for my current locale, so felt more confident
## using these scripts.
### -----------------------------------------------------------------------
### Code:


###_ + Download and extract the data

baseURL <- ""

fnms <- c("lead", "tlc", "smoking", "fev1", "headache", "bpd", "tvsfp", "ntp",
          "melanoma", "obesity", "muscatine", "epilepsy", "ecg", "amenorrhea",
          "exercise", "dental", "chd", "leprosy", "cholesterol", "rat", "respir",
          "tumor", "cd4", "toenail", "skin", "fat", "ccs")
## Download to local directory
download <- function(nm) {
    download.file(url=paste(baseURL, nm, ".txt", sep=""),
                  destfile=paste("../../data/", nm, ".txt", sep=""))
for (nm in fnms) download(nm)
## Extract and write the data section of the files
system(paste("./", "../../data/*.txt"))

for (f in fnms) {
    assign(f, read.table(paste("../../data/", f, sep=""), na.strings='.'),


###_ + Prepare data sets

###_  : amenorrhea

names(amenorrhea) <- c("id", "dose", "day", "amenorrhea")
amenorrhea <- within(amenorrhea, {
    id <- factor(id)
    dose <- factor(dose, labels=c("low", "high"))
    day <- seq(90, 360, by=90)
    amenorrhea <- factor(amenorrhea, labels=c("no", "yes"))

nrow(unique(subset(amenorrhea, select=c(id, dose))))

promptData(amenorrhea, "../man/amenorrhea.Rd")
save(amenorrhea, file="../data/amenorrhea.rda")

###_  : bpd

names(bpd) <- c("bpd", "birth.weight", "gestational.age", "toxemia")
bpd <- data.frame(id=factor(seq(nrow(bpd))), bpd)
bpd <- within(bpd, {
    toxemia <- factor(toxemia, labels=c("no", "yes"))


## No need for tests here, since they're all numeric data.
promptData(bpd, "../man/bpd.Rd")
save(bpd, file="../data/bpd.rda")

###_  : ccs

names(ccs) <- c("id", "problems", "parent.status", "parent", "teacher")
ccs <- within(ccs, {
    id <- factor(id)
    problems <- factor(problems, labels=c("good", "bad"))
    parent.status <- factor(parent.status, labels=c("otherwise", "single"))
    parent <- factor(parent, labels=c("no", "yes"))
    teacher <- factor(teacher, labels=c("no", "yes"))
ccs.m <- melt(ccs, measure.vars=4:5, variable_name="respondent")
ccs <- ccs.m
names(ccs)[5] <- "behaviour"

nrow(unique(subset(ccs, select=c(id, problems))))
nrow(unique(subset(ccs, select=c(id, problems, parent.status))))

promptData(ccs, "../man/ccs.Rd")
save(ccs, file="../data/ccs.rda")

###_  : cd4

names(cd4) <- c("id", "treatment", "age", "gender", "week", "logCD4")
cd4 <- within(cd4, {
    id <- factor(id)
    treatment <- factor(treatment,
                        labels=c("zX400d", "zA225z", "zA400d", "zA400dA400n"))
    gender <- factor(gender, labels=c("F", "M"))

nrow(unique(subset(cd4, select=c(id, treatment))))
nrow(unique(subset(cd4, select=c(id, treatment, gender))))

promptData(cd4, "../man/cd4.Rd")
save(cd4, file="../data/cd4.rda")

###_  : chd

## Not sure what "person years follow-up" is
names(chd) <- c("smoking", "blood.pressure", "behaviour", "nCHD",
chd <- within(chd, {
    smoking <- factor(smoking)
    blood.pressure <- factor(blood.pressure,
                             labels=c("< 140", ">= 140"))
    behaviour <- factor(behaviour, labels=c("B", "A"))

nrow(unique(subset(chd, select=c(smoking, blood.pressure))))
nrow(unique(subset(chd, select=c(smoking, blood.pressure, years.followup))))

promptData(chd, "../man/chd.Rd")
save(chd, file="../data/chd.rda")

###_  : cholesterol

## Number variables are "month"
names(cholesterol) <- c("treatment", "id", "0", "6", "12", "20", "24")
cholesterol <- within(cholesterol, {
    treatment <- factor(treatment, labels=c("chenodiol", "placebo"))
    treatment <- relevel(treatment, ref="placebo")
    id <- factor(id)
cholesterol.m <- melt(cholesterol, measure.vars=3:7,
cholesterol <- with(cholesterol.m,
                    data.frame(id, treatment,
                               month=as.numeric(as.character(month)), value))
cholesterol <- with(cholesterol,
                    cholesterol[order(id, treatment, month), ])
names(cholesterol)[4] <- "cholesterol"

nrow(unique(subset(cholesterol, select=c(id))))
nrow(unique(subset(cholesterol, select=c(id, treatment))))

promptData(cholesterol, "../man/cholesterol.Rd")
save(cholesterol, file="../data/cholesterol.rda")

###_  : dental -- SAME AS Orthodont in nlme

## Skip this and make a note in man/ALA-package.Rd
## Variable numbers are age
names(dental) <- c("id", "gender", "8", "10", "12", "14")

###_  : ecg

## Number variables are period containing the ECG response
names(ecg) <- c("sequence", "1", "2", "n")
ecg <- ecg[rep(seq(nrow(ecg)), ecg$n), 1:3]
ecg <- within(ecg, {
    id <- seq(nrow(ecg))
    sequence <- factor(sequence, labels=c("P->A", "A->P"))
ecg.m <- melt(ecg, measure.vars=2:3, variable_name="period")
ecg <- with(ecg.m, data.frame(id, sequence, period, value))
## ecg <- within(ecg, {period <- as.numeric(as.character(period))})
ecg <- with(ecg, ecg[order(id, period, sequence), ])
names(ecg)[4] <- "ecg"
ecg <- within(ecg, {
    id <- factor(id)
    ecg <- factor(ecg, labels=c("normal", "abnormal"))

nrow(unique(subset(ecg, select=c(id))))
nrow(unique(subset(ecg, select=c(id, sequence))))
nrow(unique(subset(ecg, select=c(id, sequence, period))))

promptData(ecg, "../man/ecg.Rd")
save(ecg, file="../data/ecg.rda")

###_  : epilepsy

## Number variables are times (at 2-week intervals)
names(epilepsy) <- c("id", "treatment", "age", "0", "2", "4", "6", "8")
epilepsy <- within(epilepsy, {
    id <- factor(id)
    treatment <- factor(treatment, labels=c("placebo", "progabide"))
epilepsy.m <- melt(epilepsy, measure.vars=4:8, variable_name="week")
epilepsy <- epilepsy.m
epilepsy <- within(epilepsy, {week <- as.numeric(as.character(week))})
epilepsy <- with(epilepsy, epilepsy[order(id, treatment, week), ])
names(epilepsy)[5] <- "nSeizures"

nrow(unique(subset(epilepsy, select=c(id))))
nrow(unique(subset(epilepsy, select=c(id, treatment))))
nrow(unique(subset(epilepsy, select=c(id, treatment, age))))

promptData(epilepsy, "../man/epilepsy.Rd")
save(epilepsy, file="../data/epilepsy.rda")

###_  : exercise

## Number variables represent days
names(exercise) <- c("id", "treatment", "0", "2", "4", "6",
                     "8", "10", "12")
exercise <- within(exercise, {
    id <- factor(id)
    treatment <- factor(treatment, labels=c("repetitions", "weights"))
exercise.m <- melt(exercise, measure.vars=3:9, variable_name="day")
exercise <- exercise.m
exercise <- within(exercise, {day <- as.numeric(as.character(day))})
exercise <- with(exercise, exercise[order(id, treatment, day), ])
names(exercise)[4] <- "strength"

nrow(unique(subset(exercise, select=c(id))))
nrow(unique(subset(exercise, select=c(id, treatment))))

promptData(exercise, "../man/exercise.Rd")
save(exercise, file="../data/exercise.rda")

###_  : fat

names(fat) <- c("id", "age", "age.menarche", "time.menarche", "percent.fat")
fat <- within(fat, {
    id <- factor(id)

nrow(unique(subset(fat, select=c(id))))
nrow(unique(subset(fat, select=c(id, age.menarche))))

promptData(fat, "../man/fat.Rd")
save(fat, file="../data/fat.rda")

###_  : fev1

names(fev1) <- c("id", "height", "age", "height0", "age0", "logFEV1")
fev1 <- within(fev1, {
    id <- factor(id)
## Check whether initial time variables are needed
by(fev1, fev1$id, function(x) {
    c(x[1, "age"] - x[1, "age0"], x[1, "height"] - x[1, "height0"])
})            # no, initial variables not needed, but leave for convenience
fev1 <- with(fev1,
             data.frame(id, age, height, age0, height0, logFEV1))

nrow(unique(subset(fev1, select=c(id))))
nrow(unique(subset(fev1, select=c(id, age0))))

promptData(fev1, "../man/fev1.Rd")
save(fev1, file="../data/fev1.rda")

###_  : headache

## The 3rd column should be removed, since it's a duplicate of the 6th
headache <- subset(headache, select=c(1, 2, 4:7))
names(headache) <- c("id", "center", "treatment.seq", "period", "treatment",
headache <- within(headache, {
    id <- factor(id)
    center <- factor(center, labels=paste("C", unique(center), sep=""))
    treatment.seq <- factor(treatment.seq,
                            labels=c("AB", "BA", "AP", "PA", "BP", "PB"))
    period <- factor(period)
    treatment <- factor(treatment)

nrow(unique(subset(headache, select=c(id))))
nrow(unique(subset(headache, select=c(id, period))))
nrow(unique(subset(headache, select=c(id, period, treatment))))

promptData(headache, "../man/headache.Rd")
save(headache, file="../data/headache.rda")

###_  : lead

## Number variables represent weeks
names(lead) <- c("id", "0", "1", "4", "6")
lead <- within(lead, {
    id <- factor(id)
lead.m <- melt(lead, measure.vars=2:5, variable_name="week")
lead <- lead.m
lead <- within(lead, {week <- as.numeric(as.character(week))})
lead <- with(lead, lead[order(id, week), ])
names(lead)[3] <- "lead"

nrow(unique(subset(lead, select=c(id))))

promptData(lead, "../man/lead.Rd")
save(lead, file="../data/lead.rda")

###_  : leprosy

names(leprosy) <- c("drug", "pre", "post")
## We need to add subject ID
leprosy <- with(leprosy,
                data.frame(id=factor(seq(30)), drug, pre, post))
## Reshape
leprosy.m <- melt(leprosy, measure.vars=3:4, variable_name="period")
leprosy <- leprosy.m
leprosy <- with(leprosy, leprosy[order(id, period), ])
names(leprosy)[4] <- "nBacilli"

nrow(unique(subset(leprosy, select=c(id))))
nrow(unique(subset(leprosy, select=c(id, drug))))
nrow(unique(subset(leprosy, select=c(id, drug, period))))

promptData(leprosy, "../man/leprosy.Rd")
save(leprosy, file="../data/leprosy.rda")

###_  : melanoma -- SAME as Mmmec in mlmRev

## We skip this and add a note in man/ALA-package.Rd
names(melanoma) <- c("region", "county", "observed.deaths", "expected.deaths",

###_  : muscatine

names(muscatine) <- c("id", "gender", "age0", "age", "year", "obesity")
muscatine <- within(muscatine, {
    id <- factor(id)
    gender <- factor(gender, labels=c("M", "F"))
    year <- seq(1977, 1981, 2)[year]
    obesity <- factor(obesity, labels=c("non-obese", "obese"))
## Check whether initial age is needed
by(muscatine, muscatine$id, function(x) {
    x[1, "age"] - x[1, "age0"]
})            # no, initial age not needed, but leave for convenience

nrow(unique(subset(muscatine, select=c(id))))
nrow(unique(subset(muscatine, select=c(id, gender))))

promptData(muscatine, "../man/muscatine.Rd")
save(muscatine, file="../data/muscatine.rda")

###_  : ntp

names(ntp) <- c("id", "dose", "weight", "malformed")
## Not sure whether dose should be a factor
ntp <- within(ntp, {
    id <- factor(id)
    malformed <- factor(malformed, labels=c("no", "yes"))


promptData(ntp, "../man/ntp.Rd")
save(ntp, file="../data/ntp.rda")

###_  : obesity -- Subset of muscatine, so not worth including in ALA

## First 3 number variables represent years, and the rest cohorts
names(obesity) <- c("gender", "1977", "1979", "1981",
                    "1", "2", "3", "4", "5")

###_  : rat

## Number variables represent weeks and contain the weight
names(rat) <- c("id", "treatment", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4")
rat <- within(rat, {
    id <- factor(id)
    treatment <- factor(treatment,
                        labels=c("control", "thiouracil", "thyroxin"))
## Reshape
rat.m <- melt(rat, measure.vars=3:7, variable_name="week")
rat <- rat.m
rat <- within(rat, {week <- as.numeric(as.character(week))})
rat <- with(rat, rat[order(id, treatment, week), ])
names(rat)[4] <- "weight"

nrow(unique(subset(rat, select=c(id))))
nrow(unique(subset(rat, select=c(id, treatment))))

promptData(rat, "../man/rat.Rd")
save(rat, file="../data/rat.rda")

###_  : respir

## Number variables represent visit containing respiratory status
names(respir) <- c("center", "id", "treatment", "gender", "age", "0",
                   "1", "2", "3", "4")
respir <- within(respir, {
    center <- factor(paste("C", center, sep=""))
    id <- factor(id)
    treatment <- factor(treatment, labels=c("active", "placebo"))
    treatment <- relevel(treatment, ref="placebo")
    gender <- factor(gender)
## Reshape
respir.m <- melt(respir, measure.vars=6:10, variable_name="visit")
respir <- respir.m
respir <- within(respir, {visit <- as.numeric(as.character(visit))})
respir <- with(respir, respir[order(id, treatment, center, gender), ])
names(respir)[7] <- "status"
respir <- with(respir,                  # reorder columns
               data.frame(id, gender, center, treatment, age, visit, status))
respir <- within(respir, {
    status <- factor(status, labels=c("poor", "good"))

## The description says there are 111 patients, yet the data show 56
## IDs... something is messed up here
nrow(unique(subset(respir, select=c(id))))
nrow(unique(subset(respir, select=c(id, gender))))
nrow(unique(subset(respir, select=c(id, gender, treatment))))

promptData(respir, "../man/respir.Rd")
save(respir, file="../data/respir.rda")

###_  : skin

names(skin) <- c("id", "center", "age", "skin", "gender", "nExposure",
                 "nCancers", "treatment", "year")
skin <- within(skin, {
    id <- factor(id)
    center <- factor(paste("C", center, sep=""))
    skin <- factor(skin, labels=c("otherwise", "burns"))
    gender <- factor(gender, labels=c("F", "M"))
    treatment <- factor(treatment, labels=c("placebo", "B-carotene"))

nrow(unique(subset(skin, select=c(id))))
nrow(unique(subset(skin, select=c(id, gender))))
nrow(unique(subset(skin, select=c(id, gender, treatment))))
nrow(unique(subset(skin, select=c(id, gender, treatment, center))))

promptData(skin, "../man/skin.Rd")
save(skin, file="../data/skin.rda")

###_  : smoking

names(smoking) <- c("id", "smoker", "year", "FEV1")
smoking <- within(smoking, {
    id <- factor(id)
    smoker <- factor(smoker, labels=c("former", "current"))

nrow(unique(subset(smoking, select=c(id))))
nrow(unique(subset(smoking, select=c(id, smoker))))

promptData(smoking, "../man/smoking.Rd")
save(smoking, file="../data/smoking.rda")

###_  : tlc

## Number variables represent week containing lead level
names(tlc) <- c("id", "treatment", "0", "1", "4", "6")
tlc <- within(tlc, {
    id <- factor(id)
    treatment <- factor(treatment, labels=c("succimer", "placebo"))
    treatment <- relevel(treatment, ref="placebo")
## Reshape
tlc.m <- melt(tlc, measure.vars=3:6, variable_name="week")
tlc <- tlc.m
tlc <- within(tlc, {week <- as.numeric(as.character(week))})
tlc <- with(tlc, tlc[order(id, treatment), ])
names(tlc)[4] <- "lead"

nrow(unique(subset(tlc, select=c(id))))
nrow(unique(subset(tlc, select=c(id, treatment))))

promptData(tlc, "../man/tlc.Rd")
save(tlc, file="../data/tlc.rda")

###_  : toenail

names(toenail) <- c("id", "onycholysis", "treatment", "month", "week")
## We need to have a look
toenail <- within(toenail, {
    id <- factor(id)
    treatment <- factor(treatment, labels=LETTERS[1:2])
    week <- c(0, 4, 8, 12, 24, 36, 48)[week]

nrow(unique(subset(toenail, select=c(id))))
nrow(unique(subset(toenail, select=c(id, treatment))))

promptData(toenail, "../man/toenail.Rd")
save(toenail, file="../data/toenail.rda")

###_  : tumor

names(tumor) <- c("id", "treatment", "recurrence")
tumor <- within(tumor, {
    id <- factor(id)
    treatment <- factor(treatment, labels=c("placebo", "thiotepa"))
    recurrence <- factor(recurrence, labels=c("no", "yes"))

nrow(unique(subset(tumor, select=c(id))))
nrow(unique(subset(tumor, select=c(id, treatment))))

promptData(tumor, "../man/tumor.Rd")
save(tumor, file="../data/tumor.rda")

###_  : tvsfp

## The pre and post variables indicate score period, containing the THKS score
names(tvsfp) <- c("school", "class", "school.based", "tv.based",
                  "pre", "post")
## We need to have a look
## Need to add a student ID column
tvsfp <- within(tvsfp, {
    id <- factor(seq(nrow(tvsfp)))
    school <- factor(school)
    class <- factor(class)
    school.based <- factor(school.based, labels=c("no", "yes"))
    tv.based <- factor(tv.based, labels=c("no", "yes"))
tvsfp <- with(tvsfp,
              data.frame(id, school, class, school.based, tv.based, pre, post))
## Reshape
tvsfp.m <- melt(tvsfp, measure.vars=6:7, variable_name="stage")
tvsfp <- tvsfp.m
tvsfp <- with(tvsfp, tvsfp[order(id, school, class, stage), ])
names(tvsfp)[7] <- "THKS"

## Have I understood the data structure correctly?
nrow(unique(subset(tvsfp, select=c(id))))
nrow(unique(subset(tvsfp, select=c(id, school))))
nrow(unique(subset(tvsfp, select=c(id, school, class))))

promptData(tvsfp, "../man/tvsfp.Rd")
save(tvsfp, file="../data/tvsfp.rda")

###_ + Prepare examples


###_  . Chapter 8

## p. 152

if (require(lme4)) {
    ## Assuming this is the random effect structure in p. 152
    lmer(FEV1 ~ smoker * year + (year | id), data=smoking,

## p. 155
if (require(lattice)) {
    ## Fig. 6.5 (roughly)
    xyplot(lead ~ week, data=tlc, groups=treatment, type=c("p", "a"),
           xlab="Time (weeks)", ylab="Mean blood lead level (mcg/dL)",
           scales=list(rot=c(0, 1), tck=c(0.5, 0)))

if (require(lme4)) {
    tlcNew <- within(tlc, {
        week1 <- ifelse(week > 1, week - 1, 0)
    ## Assuming this is the random effect structure used in p. 155
    lmer(lead ~ week + week1 + week:treatment + week1:treatment +
         (week + week1 | id), data=tlcNew)

## First example
if (require(lattice)) {
    fev1.e <- exp(fev1$logFEV1)
    set.seed(1234); ids <- sample(levels(fev1$id), 50)
    bwplot(~ logFEV1, data=fev1)        # reveals the outlier mentioned in text
    subset(fev1, logFEV1 < -0.5)
    ## Fig. 8.4 (roughly)
    xyplot(log(fev1.e/height) ~ age, data=fev1, groups=id, type="b",
           subset=id %in% ids, cex=0.5, col=1,
           xlab="Age (years)", ylab="Log(FEV1/Height)",
           ylim=c(-0.3, 1.2))

if (require(lme4)) {
    fev1OK <- subset(fev1, logFEV1 > -0.5)
    ## Model in p. 213
    (fm1 <- lmer(logFEV1 ~ age + log(height) + age0 + log(height0) + (age | id),
    ## Table 8.3
    VarCorr(fm1)$id * 100
    cov.ik <- function(obj, i, k) {
        vc <- VarCorr(obj)[[1]]
        g11 <- vc[1, 1]; g12 <- vc[1, 2]; g22 <- vc[2, 2]
        ## ve <- as.numeric(slot(summary(obj), "REmat")[3, 3])
        g11 + ((i + k) * g12) + (i * k * g22)
    ages <- seq(7, 18)

    ## Reconstruct the "marginal" correlation matrix (Table 8.4)
    fm1.fx <- fixef(fm1)                # vector of fixed effects <- model.matrix(fm1) <- %*% fm1.fx         # E(Y_{ij} | X_{ij}\beta)
    xtabs(~ id + round(age), fev1OK)
    ## with(fev1OK, cov(cbind([round(age)==7],[round(age)==8],
    ##              [round(age)==9],[round(age)==10])))

    ## Model in p. 216
    (fm2 <- update(fm1, . ~ . - (age | id) + (log(height) | id)))

    ## Refit to make comparisons and see that we reach the same conclusion
    ## as that reached by simply comparing the log likelihood of the REML
    ## estimates, as done in the book
    fm1ML <- update(fm1, REML=FALSE)
    fm2ML <- update(fm2, REML=FALSE)
    anova(fm1ML, fm2ML)

## Second example
if (require(lattice)) {
    ## Fig. 8.5 (roughly)
    xyplot(percent.fat ~ time.menarche, data=fat, groups=id, type="b",
           cex=0.5, col=1,
           xlab="Time relative to menarche (weeks)",
           ylab="Percent body fat")
    ## Fig. 8.6 (roughly)
    xyplot(percent.fat ~ time.menarche, data=fat,
           cex=0.5, col=1,
           xlab="Time relative to menarche (years)",
           ylab="Percent body fat",
           panel=function(x, y, ...) {
               panel.abline(v=0, lty=2)
               panel.xyplot(x, y, ...)
               panel.loess(x, y, ...)

if (require(lme4)) {
    fatNew <- within(fat, {
        ## Create the stage factor -- this is what is needed to make the
        ## same interpretations as in the book
        stage <- cut(time.menarche,
                     breaks=c(floor(min(time.menarche)), 0,
                     labels=c("pre", "post"))
        ## But this is what is actually used
        stage.tij <- pmax(time.menarche, 0)
    ## Model in p. 218
    (fm1 <- lmer(percent.fat ~ time.menarche + stage.tij +
                 (time.menarche + stage.tij | id), data=fatNew))
    ## which is the same as a model using the interaction with the stage
    ## factor; i.e. no interest in intercept differences between stages,
    ## only in slope differences
    (fm1b <- lmer(percent.fat ~ time.menarche + time.menarche:stage +
                  (time.menarche:stage | id), data=fatNew))
    ## Table 8.7
    ## Fig. 8.7 (roughly)
    set.seed(1234); rndID <- sample(levels(fatNew$id), 2)
    tm <- with(fatNew, seq(floor(min(time.menarche)),
                           ceiling(max(time.menarche)))) <- fitted(fm1)
    avg.modmat <- cbind(1, tm, pmax(tm, 0))
    pred.fixef <- avg.modmat %*% fixef(fm1)
    plot(pred.fixef ~ avg.modmat[, 2], type="l", ylim=c(5, 35), lwd=2,
         xlab="Time relative to menarche (years)",
         ylab="Percent body fat")
    with(fatNew, {
        points(time.menarche[id == rndID[1]], percent.fat[id == rndID[1]])
        lines(time.menarche[id == rndID[1]],[id == rndID[1]])
        points(time.menarche[id == rndID[2]], percent.fat[id == rndID[2]], pch=2)
        lines(time.menarche[id == rndID[2]],[id == rndID[2]], lty=2)

## Third example
if (require(lattice)) {
    ## Create new data with just 2 levels of treatment
    cd4New <- within(cd4, {
        treatment <- factor(ifelse(treatment != levels(treatment)[4], 0, 1),
                            labels=c("double", "triple"))
    ## Fig. 8.9 (roughly)
    xyplot(logCD4 ~ week, data=cd4New, groups=treatment, type="smooth",
           aspect=1.5, cex=0.5, col=1, lty=c(2, 1),
           scales=list(rot=c(0, 1), tck=c(0.5, 0)), ylim=c(2.5, 3.5),
           xlab="Time (weeks)", ylab="Log(CD4 + 1)")

if (require(lme4)) {
    cd4New <- within(cd4New, {
        ## Use a stage factor -- this is what is needed to make the same
        ## interpretations as in the book
        stage <- cut(week, breaks=c(floor(min(week)), 16,
                     labels=c("pre", "post"), include.lowest=TRUE)
        ## But this is what is actually used
        stage.tij <- ifelse(week > 16, week - 16, 0)
    ## Model in p. 227
    (fm1 <- lmer(logCD4 ~ week + stage.tij + week:treatment +
                 stage.tij:treatment + (week + stage.tij | id), data=cd4New))
    ## This should be an equivalent model using the stage factor, but we
    ## don't get the same coefficients
    (fm1b <- lmer(logCD4 ~ week + week:stage + week:treatment +
                  week:stage:treatment + (week + week:stage | id), data=cd4New,
                  control=list(maxIter=2000, maxFN=2000)))
    (fm1b <- lmer(logCD4 ~ week + week:stage + week:treatment +
                  week:stage:treatment + (week:stage | id),
                  data=cd4New, control=list(maxIter=2000, maxFN=2000)))
    ## Table 8.13
    VarCorr(fm1)[[1]] * 1000
    ## Model in p. 229 -- we don't get quite the same coefficients
    (fm2 <- lmer(logCD4 ~ week + stage.tij + treatment:(week - stage) +
                 age + gender + (week + stage.tij | id), data=cd4New))

    ## Fig. 8.7 (roughly)
    rndID <- as.character(with(cd4New,
                               sample(unique(id[treatment == "triple" &
                                                gender == "M"]), 2)))
    wk <- with(cd4New, seq(floor(min(week)), ceiling(max(week))))
    st <- ifelse(wk > 16, wk - 16, 0)
    mm <- model.matrix(logCD4 ~ week + stage + treatment:(week - stage) +
                       age + gender,
                         data.frame(treatment=treatment[treatment == "triple"][1],
                                    age=45, gender=gender[gender == "M"][1],
                                    week=wk, stage=st, logCD4=rnorm(length(wk)))))
    pred.fixef <- mm %*% fixef(fm2)
    fitted.cd4 <- fitted(fm2)
    plot(pred.fixef ~ mm[, 2], type="l", lwd=2, ylim=range(fitted.cd4),
         xlab="Time (weeks)",
         ylab="Log(CD4 + 1)")
    with(cd4New, {
        points(week[id == rndID[1]], logCD4[id == rndID[1]])
        lines(week[id == rndID[1]], fitted.cd4[id == rndID[1]])
        points(week[id == rndID[2]], logCD4[id == rndID[2]], pch=2)
        lines(week[id == rndID[2]], fitted.cd4[id == rndID[2]], lty=2)

## Problems with the exercise data

## 8.1

if (require(lattice)) {
    xyplot(strength ~ day | treatment, data=exercise, groups=id,
           type="l", cex=0.5,# col=1,
           scales=list(alternating=1, rot=c(0, 1), tck=c(0.5, 0)),
           xlab="Time (days)", ylab="Strength",
           panel=function(x, y, ...) {
               panel.superpose(x, y, ...)
               ym <- tapply(y, factor(x), mean, na.rm=TRUE)
               panel.xyplot(unique(x), ym, lwd=3, ...)

if (require(lme4)) {
    ## Problem 8.1.3
    fm1 <- lmer(strength ~ day * treatment + (day | id), data=exercise)
    fm1ML <- update(fm1, REML=FALSE)
    ## Problem 8.1.4
    fm2 <- lmer(strength ~ day * treatment + (1 | id), data=exercise)
    fm2ML <- update(fm2, REML=FALSE)
    anova(fm2ML, fm1ML)
    ## Problem 8.1.5
    fixef(fm1); fixef(fm2)
    ## Problem 8.1.8

###_ + Emacs local variables
## Local variables:
## allout-layout: (0 : + 0)
## End:
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